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In the present study, the tongue dorsal surface of the white sea bream Diplodus sargus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758) (teleosts, Sparidae) was studied, to give a support to the knowledge of the anatomical characteristics of the oral cavity of a species with a future potential use in aquaculture. The feeding habits in captivity are one of the critical steps in the species of commercial interest, strictly related to the morphological characteristics of the oropharyngeal cavity. This study was undertaken, using light and scanning electron microscopy, to analyse the morphology of the dorsal tongue surface to show whether relationships are present between the anatomy and the nutritional habits and choices of this farmed species. Three zones, an apex, a body and a root, can be clearly distinguished, with a pouch partially covering the apex. In the pouch, cylindroid and mucosal ridges were observed. Along the whole tongue surface, from the apex to the root, on the medial and lateral parts, many papillae are present, with a fungiform, cylindroid and cone‐like aspect. Taste buds are showed on the dorsal surface of some papillae.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro regeneration of plants from root culture of Melia azedarach seedlings was obtained. The origin and mode of development of the regenerated shoot buds were studied by means of histological analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Maximum shoot bud regeneration was achieved when root segments were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium at quarter strength with 3% sucrose and 0.44 μM benzyladenine (BA) and kept under light (116 μmol m−2 s−1). Shoot bud elongation was achieved on MS with 0.44 μM BA, 0.46 μM kinetin (KIN), and 3.26 μM adenine sulphate (AD). Regenerated shoots were rooted on MS with 12.26 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for 4 d and subsequently in MS lacking plant growth regulators for 26 d. Plants were established in a potting substrate. Histological analysis of roots from intact seedlings (without treatment) demonstrated that during the early life of the roots, M. azedarach lacks preformed buds. In contrast, when the roots were excised and cultured in vitro, the histology and SEM observations revealed that buds originated from meristematic groups of cells, which had been formed from the pericycle and several layers beneath. These meristematic groups of cells grew towards the periphery of the cortex by crushing the outer layer of cortical cells. Further develoment led to the differentiation of leaf primordia and a shoot apical meristem.  相似文献   

Ultrasurface structure of the oromandibular area of a hillstream catfish Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth 1860, an inhabitant of the sub‐Himalayan streams of India is described. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) study of these areas revealed a series of punctuation elevation from the general surface epithelium. Two types (types I and II) of taste buds (TB) could be identified where one type is with microvillar projections and others without any projection. Another type of cell, the basal cells, without any apical microvilli was also recorded. TBs were more concentrated on the ventral surface of the barbels. In most of the TBs, the pore is located at the centre of the elevation and surrounded by a circular area. Jaw sheath bears a single type of teeth, the papilliform teeth.  相似文献   

In the lactating breast, the development of secretory alveoli consisting of differentiated cells arranged around a central lumen is dependent on signals from the extracellular environment of the cells. There are few cell lines that model this process. We previously showed that the human breast carcinoma line PMC42-LA can be induced to form organoids, reminiscent of secretory alveoli found in the lactating human breast. In this report, we used high-resolution scanning electron microscopy to show that the formation of organoids is accompanied by development of cell surface microvilli. Extracellular matrix-induced formation of microvilli occurred on the internal and external surfaces of cells in the organoids and not on surfaces in contact with the extracellular matrix. Organoid formation of PMC42-LA cells induced a rearrangement of the extracellular matrix, seen in the form of radiating fibers from the organoids. In summary, there is an interaction between PMC42-LA cells and the underlying extracellular matrix, which leads to the formation of polarized cells with well-developed microvilli. This is accompanied by organization of the extracellular matrix. PMC42-LA is a relevant model of the human breast for investigations into cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions.  相似文献   

In the present study, the morphology and behaviour of giant trahira Hoplias lacerdae larvae were investigated, from hatching to complete absorption of the yolk sac, under laboratory conditions. In the first day post‐hatching (dph), the larvae presented a big ovoid‐shaped yolk sac that underwent regression during larval ontogeny. The mouth opened 3 dph, when the pectoral fins were evident. From this day, the larvae were able to perform sudden bursts of activity and appear to be able to swim a few centimetres before sinking again. The branchial apparatus was defined at 5 dph, and by 6 dph the operculum was formed. The internal organs such as intestine, liver, kidney and external sensorial structures were present at 7 dph. The yolk sac remained until 7 dph.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The distal part of the ovipositor of Dasineura brassicae Winn. (Diptera; Cecidomyiidae) possesses forty to forty-five sensilla of three morphological types. Most are provided with a cuticular bristle, which projects from the surface of the ovipositor; fifteen have a taste/tactile function based on fine structural characteristics; about twenty-five are innervated by a single sensory cell, specialized for mechanoreception. Scolopidial sensory receptors are anchored to the cuticle inside the distal part of the ovipositor, they probably respond to changes in length of the ovipositor. Different sensory systems are involved in the choice of oviposition site; compound eyes and antennae are probably active in the earlier stages, whereas the receptors of the ovipositor appear well suited to govern the last steps in this behaviour.  相似文献   

The structure of the tongue in the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is observed macroscopically and under light and scanning electron microscopy. Our observations of the tongue reveal a rare terminal reduction of the size of the tongue and microstructures of the lingual mucosa among the investigations of birds published so far. The short, triangular tongue with a pointed tip is approximately 2.5 cm long in the adult and is situated in the caudal part of the oral cavity close to the laryngeal prominence. On the dorsal surface of the tongue, no typical mucosa microstructures like lingual papillae, median groove or lingual prominence are observed. The main structure of the tongue is composed of rostral part of hyoid apparatus, that is, entoglossal cartilage connects with basihyoid. Very thin mucosa is composed of fibrous connective tissue covered with orthokeratinized epithelium. No lingual glands and muscles are observed in the lamina propria of mucosa. Even though the triangular shape of the tongue in the white stork is typical for birds, the inner structure of the reduced organ is composed only of flat cartilagineous entoglossum of hyoid apparatus. During feeding behaviour of the white stork, the food transportation in oral cavity called cranio‐inertial transport is undoubtedly affected by structural reduction of the tongue.  相似文献   

PANIGRAHI, S. G., 1986. Seed morphology of Rotala L., Ammannia L., Nesaea Kunth and Hionanthera Fernandes & Diniz (Lythraceae) . Seed-surface characteristics of Ammonia lalifolia L., Rotala verticillaris L., Nesaea triflora Comm. ex Kunth and Hionanthera garciae Fernandes & Dinz were studied using the SEM. Seeds from herbarium specimens moistened in water produce cracks along the intercellular walls and distinctive types of invaginating 'hairs'. These 'hairs' are mucilaginous in nature and diagnostic at the species level. They are released in profusion from the upper convex surface of the testa. Viable seeds of Ammonia baccifera L., similarly treated, exude, in addition to the 'hairs', mucilaginous globules from the lower concave surface during germination. The invaginating 'hairs' arise diagonally from the roof of the epidermal cells of the testa and protrude to the lumen of the epidermal cells. A sac of mucilage is observed swelling out on the inner flat surface of the developing seeds. The biological functions of these 'hairs' and mucilage globules in germinating seeds in relation to seed dispersal and regulation of germination in appropriate habitats is discussed.  相似文献   


Surface architecture and selected ultrastructural features of normal embryos of the marine gastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta have been investigated using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. A re-examination of the classic account of Anthony Clement on temporal and division patterns in normal and lobeless embryos confirms most of his observations; a few differences, involving the size and positioning of micromere 4d and its derivatives, are noted. Several hypotheses are presented to account for zonular distribution of longer microvilli on some blastomere surfaces and progressive diminution of microvilli on micromere surfaces, especially the leading edge micromeres (LEMs), during postulated epibolic spreading movements. Microfilaments, discovered in the cortical regions of the LEMs, are described, and a role for these structures in gastrulation is proposed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the trichome characteristics in representative species of Salvia and Pleudia in order to evaluate this source of morphological evidence for addressing problems regarding generic delimitation and subgeneric classification. Trichomes of 46 Salvia spp., representing three subgenera in Iran, were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. General trichome characteristics were constant among different populations of a certain species, but showed a degree of variability useful in the delimitation of taxa, specifically at lower taxonomic levels. Trichome characters of taxonomic interest are as follows: types of glandular hair; number of composing cells (uni‐, bi‐ or multicellular); size and thickness; branching pattern; and presence of papillae on the surface. Non‐glandular trichomes can be simple and branched. Glandular trichomes can be stalked, subsessile or sessile. Our investigation reveals the usefulness of such characters in providing fundamental taxonomic criteria for taxon delimitation in these genera at various levels, especially at the specific rank. Furthermore, the data presented here indicate the potential applicability of such characters in the determination of evolutionary trends in Salvia and allies. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 241–257.  相似文献   

Summary The surface of ependymal cells bordering the brain ventricles, and that of the epithelial cells of choroid plexuses of the cat have been investigated by means of the scanning electron microscope. The ventricle walls are entirely covered with very long and numerous cilia and no regional differences have been observed regarding their number and disposition. Among the ciliated cells dome-shaped structures are present, possibly containing nervous elements. The ependymal cells of the third ventricle floor are mainly non ciliated but the surface thereof shows numerous small microvilli. Numerous round formations are present among these cells, their nature being difficult to interpret. Also present on the floor are small cells of triangular shape with long and tortuous protrusions, tentatively identified as small neurons. The choroid plexuses have a typical sinuous structure of long tortuous villi rich in cavities and convolutions. Details of the epithelial cells covering the plexus and their surface organization are also reported.Part of these results were presented to the Septième Congrès International de Microscopie Electronique, Grenoble 1970.  相似文献   

The morphology of the spermatheca and eggs of Odontotarsus purpureolineatus were studied by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The spherical eggs were about 1.35 mm long and 1.09 mm wide. The egg batches generally consist of 13–14 eggs. The egg surface is covered by polygonal (hexagonal and pentagonal shapes prevail) ridges and tiny chorionic tubercles. There were 8–10 aero-micropylar processes between the polygons. The spermatheca of O. purpureolineatus is characterized by a spherical spermathecal bulb, a pumping region, a flange of pump and dilation of spermathecal duct. Spermathecal processes and a median spermathecal dilation with sclerotized rod are missing. The spermathecal bulb and the pumping region possess many pores.  相似文献   

Live‐cell correlative light‐electron microscopy (live‐cell‐CLEM) integrates live movies with the corresponding electron microscopy (EM) image, but a major challenge is to relate the dynamic characteristics of single organelles to their 3‐dimensional (3D) ultrastructure. Here, we introduce focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB‐SEM) in a modular live‐cell‐CLEM pipeline for a single organelle CLEM. We transfected cells with lysosomal‐associated membrane protein 1‐green fluorescent protein (LAMP‐1‐GFP), analyzed the dynamics of individual GFP‐positive spots, and correlated these to their corresponding fine‐architecture and immediate cellular environment. By FIB‐SEM we quantitatively assessed morphological characteristics, like number of intraluminal vesicles and contact sites with endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Hence, we present a novel way to integrate multiple parameters of subcellular dynamics and architecture onto a single organelle, which is relevant to address biological questions related to membrane trafficking, organelle biogenesis and positioning. Furthermore, by using CLEM to select regions of interest, our method allows for targeted FIB‐SEM, which significantly reduces time required for image acquisition and data processing.   相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the surface of the adult tapeworm and the freshly evaginated scolex from the cysticercus indicated that in Taenia hydatigena there was a variety of microthrix form. This variety was found between different areas on the same specimen and between the adult and freshly evaginated scolex. In the latter there was a noticeable absence of pointed spikes from most areas. Artifacts attributable to techniques of preparation are also discussed.  相似文献   

Catla catla, Labeo rohita, and Cirrhinus mrigala represent important alimentary fish in India. Their reproduction/breeding depends on seasons. Fish perceive external factors-stimuli and chemical signals through the olfactory system that plays the key role in central regulation of reproduction. However, no electron microscopy data are available on organization of olfactory components of these fish. We studied organization of the olfactory organ in male L. rohita using scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This organ consists of olfactory epithelium, a short nerve, and olfactory bulb. The olfactory organ is ovoid in shape and consists of about 47–52 lamellae in adults and about 14–20 lamellae in fingerlings. These lamellae originate from the midline raphe. By SEM, microvillar sensory and ciliated non-sensory cells were observed in the lamellae. TEM revealed microvillar receptor cell with rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus towards apical end. Basal cells were present at the base of receptor cell, supporting cells were located adjacent to the olfactory receptor neurons, while epithelial cells—in the nonsensory part of olfactory epithelium. Mast, blastema, and macrophage cells were also found at the basement membrane. This work is the first publication on ultrastructural organization of the olfactory system of the Indian major carp, which provides information about morphological and ultrastructural organization of the olfactory system and opens new avenues for further investigation of chemical neuroanatomy, sensory signal processing, and neural regulation of reproduction in the Indian major carp.  相似文献   

The genus Nagelus (Thorne and Malek, 1968) Siddiqi, 1979 is modified and a new species from Alaska is described. The combination of scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy permits the characterization of Nagelus spp. as having a broadly oval face pattern, no longitudinal striations on the lip region, deirids surrounded by six incisures, and an irregularly tapering tail with a large hyaline region. Nagelus leptus (Allen, 1955) Siddiqi, 1979, N. alpensis Doucet and Luc, 1981, N. camelliae (Kheiri, 1972) Siddiqi, 1979, N. jamelensis (Nesterov, 1973) Siddiqi, 1979, and N. obscurus (Allen, 1955) n. comb. are retained on this basis. Nagelus borealis n. sp. is characterized by a styler length of 30 μm or more, an irregularly scalloped perioral disc, and a proportionately larger basal bulb. Nagelus abalosi (Doucet, 1978) Doucet. 1980 and N. virginalis (Doucet, 1978) Doucet, 1980 are synonymized with N. leptus. Nine other species from Nagelus are transferred to Merlinius Siddiqi, 1970.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been widely used to describe interspecific differences in egg quality of teleost freshwater fish, but potential intraspecific differences are poorly studied. Eggs of many rheophilic cyprinids are covered with adhesive structures such as attaching villi facilitating egg attachment at substrates of spawning grounds with high currents. Recent findings indicate that the egg quality of the rheophilic cyprinid common nase (Chondrostoma nasus L.), a target species of conservation, differs in the adhesiveness between spawning populations, potentially explaining differences in recruitment success. In this study, a SEM image-based standardized protocol was established to assess egg surface quality of Chondrostoma nasus eggs. Multivariate statistics detected significant differences of egg surface properties among individual females and among three different populations. These differences were mainly attributed to length variability and merging of adhesive villi as well as to coating and filament-like connections of these structures. The findings of this study highlight the need for further investigations to better understand the relationship of egg surface properties, egg stickiness and hatching success to understand the recruitment ecology and performance of early life stages in freshwater fish.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the antibiofilm effect of cinnamaldehyde on methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and analyse the effect of subminimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of cinnamaldehyde on the expression of the biofilm‐related gene sarA. Methods and Results: The MICs and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) were determined using a microtitre broth dilution method. Biofilm susceptibility was determined using 3‐(4,5‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl)‐2,5‐diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) staining and colony forming unit (CFU) counting assays. Antibiofilm effects were studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). SarA expression was assessed by real‐time PCR. MICs and MBCs were in the range 0·0625–0·5% (v/v). The killing effects were concentration dependent. At a concentration of 5× MIC, all strains in biofilm were decreased to lower than 20% of the control groups. SEM and CLSM images indicated that a 5× MIC concentration of cinnamaldehyde was able to detach and kill existing biofilms. Apart from strain JB‐06, real‐time PCR showed that the expression of sarA of all other strains was decreased upon exposure to sub‐MICs of cinnamaldehyde. Conclusions: These data showed the strong killing effect of cinnamaldehyde against MRSA within biofilms. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study indicated the potential of cinnamaldehyde as an inhibitory agent for use in MRSA biofilm‐related infections.  相似文献   

To achieve high‐efficiency polycrystalline CdTe‐based thin‐film solar cells, the CdTe absorbers must go through a post‐deposition CdCl2 heat treatment followed by a Cu diffusion step. To better understand the roles of each treatment with regard to improving grains, grain boundaries, and interfaces, CdTe solar cells with and without Cu diffusion and CdCl2 heat treatments are investigated using cross‐sectional electron beam induced current, electron backscatter diffraction, and scanning transmission electron microscope techniques. The evolution of the cross‐sectional carrier collection profile due to these treatments that cause an increase in short‐circuit current and higher open‐circuit voltage are identified. Additionally, an increased carrier collection in grain boundaries after either/both of these treatments is revealed. The increased current at the grain boundaries is shown to be due to the presence of a space charge region with an intrinsic carrier collection profile width of ≈350 nm. Scanning transmission electron microscope electron‐energy loss spectroscopy shows a decreased Te and increased Cl concentration in grain boundaries after treatment, which causes the inversion. Each treatment improves the overall carrier collection efficiency of the cell separately, and, therefore, the benefits realized by each treatment are shown to be independent of each other.  相似文献   

宋晓霞  王琦  李玉 《菌物学报》2014,33(3):652-658
利用扫描电子显微镜和能量色散X射线分析技术对细钙丝菌Badhamia gracilis子实体发育过程中原生质团和子实体一些结构的外表面亚显微形态特征与化学元素变化过程进行了研究。结果显示:原生质团表面为膜质、具有乳突的结构;囊被表面经乳突状结构发育为光滑且波浪状的膜质结构,表面分布着带弯型膜质通道的石灰质颗粒分泌口(0.6–0.8μm);柄表面经乳突状结构发育为膜质、具有纵褶的结构,内部包含石灰质颗粒;孢丝表面为粗糙的膜质,内部包含石灰质颗粒;孢子为表面具有不规则疣和脊的膜质结构。各发育阶段原生质团、囊被、柄、孢丝及孢子表面具有特定的化学元素种类,亚显微形态特征相同的结构表面部分化学元素相对含量更为相近。  相似文献   

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