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A spin-echo pulse sequence was used to obtain 1H nuclear magnetic resonance microimages of soybean nodules, with resolution to 40 mm and 3D presentation. At an acquisition time (TR) of c. 270 ms and a short echo time (TE) of 8.3 ms, a high proton intensity was detected in infected tissue and vascular strands, relative to the cortex. A longer TE of 15.5 ms was associated with a relatively low proton intensity in infected tissue. Thus protons in infected tissue were characterized by a short T2. Following detopping of the plant, or treatment of the root system with Ar:O2, proton intensity (TE 5.9, TR 120 ms) decreased exponentially in a zone corresponding to the inner cortex-outer infected region. This result is interpreted as being caused by a loss of water mobility (i.e. increase in viscosity) or a filling of intercellular air spaces with fluid (i.e. loss of air-water interfaces). The membrane impermeant tracer lucifer yellow was observed to infiltrate from the rhizosphere through the nodule cortex into the infected region in intact nodules of detopped and Ar:O2-treated, but not control, plants. This result is consistent with the filling of air spaces with fluid following the imposed treatments, allowing infiltration of aqueous tracers. Variation in intercellular air space volume within the inner cortex has been suggested as a mechanism to allow a variable rate of diffusion of O2 into soybean nodules.  相似文献   

The aims of this work were to investigate the microlocalisation of cadmium (Cd) in Lupinus albus L. cv. Multolupa nodules, and to determine its effects on carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Nodulated white lupin plants were grown in a growth chamber with or without Cd (150 μM). Energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis showed the walls of the outer nodule cortex cells to be the main area of Cd retention, helping to reduce the harmful effect Cd might have on the amount of N2 fixed by the bacteroids. Sucrose synthase activity declined by 33% in the nodules of the Cd-treated plants, and smaller reductions were recorded in glutamine synthetase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline invertase and NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase activities. The Cd treatment also sharply reduced nodule concentrations of malate, succinate and citrate, while that of starch doubled, but that of sucrose experienced no significant change. In summary, the present results show that white lupins accumulate significant amounts of Cd in their root nodules. However, the activity of some enzymes involved in ammonium assimilation did decline, promoting a reduction in the plant N content. The downregulation of sucrose synthase limits the availability of carbon to the bacteroids, which might interfere with their respiration. Carbon metabolism therefore plays a primary role in the impaired function of the white lupin root nodule caused by Cd, while N metabolism appears to have a more secondary involvement.  相似文献   

An open gas exchange system was used to monitor the nonsteady state and steady state changes in nitrogenase activity (H2 evolution in N2:O2 and Ar:O2) and respiration (CO2 evolution) in attached, excised, and sliced nodules of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) exposed to external pO2 of 5 to 100%. In attached nodules, increases in external pO2 in steps of 10 or 20% resulted in sharp declines in the rates of H2 and CO2 evolution. Recovery of these rates to values equal to or greater than their initial rates occurred within 10 to 60 minutes of exposure to the higher pO2. Recovery was more rapid at higher initial pO2 and in Ar:O2 compared to N2:O2. Sequential 10% increments in pO2 to 100% O2 resulted in rates of H2 evolution which were 1.4 to 1.7 times the steady state rate at 20% O2 in Ar. This was attributed to a relief at high pO2 from the 40% decline in nitrogenase activity that was induced by Ar at a pO2 of 20%. Changes in nodule respiration rate could not account for the nodules' ability to adjust to high external pO2, supporting the hypothesis that soybean nodules have a variable barrier to O2 diffusion which responds slowly (within minutes) to changes in pO2. Nodule excision and slicing resulted in 45 and 78% declines, respectively, in total specific nitrogenase activity at 20% O2. In contrast with the result obtained with intact nodules, subsequent 10% increases in pO2 in Ar:O2 did not result in transient declines in H2 evolution rates, but in the rapid attainment of new steady state rates. Also, distinct optima in nitrogenase activity were observed at about 60% O2. These results were consistent with an increase in the diffusive resistance of the nodule cortex following nodule excision or nodule slicing. This work also shows the importance of using intact plants and continuous measurements of gas exchange in studies of O2 diffusion and nitrogenase activity in legume nodules.  相似文献   

The effects of different NaCl concentrations on the growth andnitrogen fixation activity of white lupin (Lupinus albus [L.])was studied over a 6 d period. Plant growth parameters, photosynthesisand shoot respiration were unaffected by NaCl concentrationsup to 150 mol m–3. However, nitrogenase activity decreasedwith increased NaCl concentration up to 100 mol m–3, whilstthe O2 diffusion resistance increased with 100 mol m–3NaCl, but showed no further change when 150 mol m–3 NaClwas applied for 6 d. Increases in NaCl concentration decreasednodular starch content while increasing sucrose content, suggestingan osmotic regulation. These changes were associated with a77% decrease in sucrose synthase activity. The effect on theO2 diffusion resistance was paralleled by changes in glycoproteincontent of the nodules, as determined by immunogold localizationand ELISA. X-ray microanalysis studies of nodules showed that,following a 6 d exposure to 150 mol m–3 NaCl, Na+ ionswere largely excluded from the infected zone, whilst only lowlevels of Cl- ions penetrated into this region. Na+ entry intoroots and leaves was also at a low level. Leghaemoglobin contentdecreased with saline stress, as did superoxide dismutase; whichdecreased by 36% following exposure to 100 mol m–3 saltfor 6 d. These results are discussed in relation to the relativesalt tolerance of the Multolupa/ISLU-16 symbiosis. Key words: Salt stress, nodules, nitrogen fixation, oxygen diffusion, carbohydrates, Lupinus albus  相似文献   

Summary A Rhizobium specific anthocyanin-like pigment has been isolated from nodules ofLupinus arboreus. The pigment is located in the nodule cortex. Comparison of normal nodules and nodules containing this red pigment showed that the latter had a lower proportion of bacteroid tissue and a lower nitrogenase activity.Anisolate of this type is designated PDD4142 and is lodged with Plant Diseases Division, DSIR, P.B., Auckland, New Zealand.  相似文献   

The O2 permeability of legume root nodules is under physiological control; decreases in permeability are triggered by various forms of stress. Two linked mathematical models were used to explore several hypotheses concerning the physical nature of the variable diffusion barrier in nodules. Respiration and diffusion of dissolved O2 and oxygenated leghemoglobin were simulated for the nodule cortex and the nodule interior. Measured nodule permeabilities were shown to be inconsistent with the hypothesis that large numbers of air-filled pores penetrate the diffusion barrier. Changes in the affinity of leghemoglobin for O2 or in the rate of cytoplasmic streaming in diffusion barrier cells did not result in the large changes in O2 permeability reported for real nodules. The presence or absence, but not the thickness, of aqueous plugs in radial pores through the cortex was found to have a large effect on permeability. Flooding of intercellular spaces, either between layers of cells in the cortex or in the nodule interior, also caused large changes in simulated permeability. The unsteady-state O2 method for determining nodule permeability was tested using data generated by the model. The accuracy of the method was confirmed, provided that certain assumptions (full oxygenation of leghemoglobin under pure O2 and uniform conditions in the nodule interior) are met.  相似文献   



Obesity is known to increase the risk of colorectal cancer. However, mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of obesity-induced colorectal cancer are not completely understood. The purposes of this study were to identify differentially expressed genes in the colon of mice with diet-induced obesity and to select candidate genes as early markers of obesity-associated abnormal cell growth in the colon.


C57BL/6N mice were fed normal diet (11% fat energy) or high-fat diet (40% fat energy) and were euthanized at different time points. Genome-wide expression profiles of the colon were determined at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Cluster analysis was performed using expression data of genes showing log2 fold change of ≥1 or ≤?1 (twofold change), based on time-dependent expression patterns, followed by virtual network analysis.


High-fat diet-fed mice showed significant increase in body weight and total visceral fat weight over 12 weeks. Time-course microarray analysis showed that 50, 47, 36, and 411 genes were differentially expressed at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks, respectively. Ten cluster profiles representing distinguishable patterns of genes differentially expressed over time were determined. Cluster 4, which consisted of genes showing the most significant alterations in expression in response to high-fat diet over 12 weeks, included Apoa4 (apolipoprotein A-IV), Ppap2b (phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2B), Cel (carboxyl ester lipase), and Clps (colipase, pancreatic), which interacted strongly with surrounding genes associated with colorectal cancer or obesity.


Our data indicate that Apoa4, Ppap2b, Cel, and Clps are candidate early marker genes associated with obesity-related pathological changes in the colon. Genome-wide analyses performed in the present study provide new insights on selecting novel genes that may be associated with the development of diseases of the colon.

An investigation of the HPLC analytical conditions for simple isoflavones, prenylated isoflavones and some of their glucosyl derivatives resulted in reasonable separation and total elution in 35 min when using a reversed-phase C18 Lichrospher column and a gradient elution system of MeCN-THF-H2O. This method was successfully applied to quantify the changes in isoflavonoid constituents in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) tissues: (a) young legumes (pods and seeds) during maturation, and (b) soaked, germinating seeds. In developing legumes, genistein and 2'-hydroxygenistein, as well as their prenylated derivatives, were present in the pods as the major components, together with minor amounts of glucosides, whereas only minute amounts of isoflavonoids were detectable in the ripening seeds. When soaked with water, mature lupin seeds which normally contain trace amounts of isoflavonoids, started rapidly to biosynthesize simple isoflavones and accumulate large amounts of genistein 7-O-glucoside and its 6"-O-malonyl derivative. These dynamic changes are discussed in relation to the role of isoflavonoids in the lupin defense system.  相似文献   

Characterization of the peribacteroid membrane ATPase of lupin root nodules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Peribacteroid membranes can be isolated in essentially pure form from 20-day lupin root nodules by osmotic shock of the purified membrane enclosed bacteroids. The ATPase (EC associated with this membrane has an acid pH optimum (5.25) and is specific for ATP (Mg-ATP Km = 0.16 mM). The enzyme activity requires magnesium or manganese ions, is slightly stimulated by the cations potassium and rubidium, and is inhibited by vanadate, diethylstilbestrol, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, fluoride, molybdate, and calcium. Molybdate and fluoride sensitivity do not in this case indicate the presence of significant nonspecific phosphatase activity. The ATPase is not inhibited by oligomycin, azide, or the soluble carbodiimide 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide. In some respects the lupin peribacteroid membrane ATPase appears to differ from the plasma membrane ATPase of other plants.  相似文献   

The effects of short-term NaCl-salinity on nodules of soybean ( Glycine max L. cv. Kingsoy) were studied on hydroponically-grown plants. Both acetylene reducing activity (ARA) and nodule respiration (O2 uptake and CO2 evolution) were immediately inhibited, and the stimulation of them by rising the external partial pressure of O2 (pO2) was diminished by the application of 0.1 M NaCl in the nutrient solution. The permeability of the nodule to O2 diffusion, estimated by O2 consumption or CO2 evolution, was significantly lower in the stressed nodules than in the cootrol ones. The respiratory quotient of intact nodules and the ethanol production of excised nodules were increased by low pO2 and by salt stress. These data confirm that in salt-stressed soybean nodules, O2 availability is reduced and fermentative pathways are stimulated.  相似文献   

Here, nodulated lupins (Lupinus angustifolius (cv Wonga)) were hydroponically grown at low phosphate (LP) or adequate phosphate (HP). Routes of pyruvate synthesis were assessed in phosphorus (P)-starved roots and nodules, because P-starvation can enhance metabolism of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) via the nonadenylate-requiring PEP carboxylase (PEPc) route. Since nodules and roots may not experience the same degree of P stress, it was postulated that decreases in metabolic inorganic phosphorus (Pi) of either organ, should favour more pyruvate being synthesized from PEPc-derived malate. Compared with HP roots, the LP roots had a 50% decline in Pi concentrations and 55% higher ADP : ATP ratios. However, LP nodules maintained constant Pi levels and unchanged ADP : ATP ratios, relative to HP nodules. The LP roots had greater PEP metabolism via PEPc and synthesized more pyruvate from PEPc-derived malate. In nodules, P supply did not influence PEPc activities or levels of malate-derived pyruvate. These results indicate that nodules were more efficient than roots in maintaining optimal metabolic Pi and adenylate levels during LP supply. This caused an increase in PEPc-derived pyruvate synthesis in LP roots, but not in LP nodules.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase activity in phosphorus-deficient white lupin roots   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
White lupin ( Lupinus albus L.) develops proteoid roots when grown in phosphorus (P)-deficient conditions. These short, lateral, densely clustered roots are adapted to increase P availability. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown proteoid roots have higher rates of non-photosynthetic carbon fixation than normal roots and altered metabolism to support organic acid exudation, which serves to solubilize P in the rhizosphere. The present work indicates that proteoid roots possess additional adaptations for increasing P availability and possibly for conserving P in the plant. Roots from P-deficient (–P) plants had significantly greater acid phosphatase activity in both root extracts and root exudates than comparable samples from P-sufficient (+P) plants beginning 10 d after emergence. The increase in activity in –P plants was most pronounced in the proteoid regions. In contrast, no induction of phytase activity was found in –P plants compared to +P plants. The number of proteoid roots present was not affected by the source of phosphorus supplied, whether organic or inorganic forms. Adding molybdate to the roots increased the number of proteoid roots in plants supplied with organic P, but not inorganic P. Increased acid phosphatase activity was detected in root exudates in the presence of organic P sources. Native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that under P-deficient conditions, a unique isoform of acid phosphatase was induced between 10 and 12 d after emergence. This isoform was found not only within the root, but it comprised the major form exuded from proteoid roots of –P plants. The fact that exudation of proteoid-root-specific acid phosphatase coincides with proteoid root development and increased exudation of organic acids indicates that white lupin has several coordinated adaptive strategies to P-deficient conditions.  相似文献   

With a view to introducing white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) for cultivation in Tunisian calcareous soils, compatible indigenous rhizobia for nitrogen-fixing symbiosis were investigated and characterized. Two L. albus varieties, Mekna and Lumen, were used to trap rhizobia in soil samples collected from 56 sites with high active lime contents (0–49%). Nodulation occurred in only 15 soils. The local variety, Mekna, developed significantly more root nodules and had a trapping capacity in more soils than the imported variety Lumen. A phylogenetic analysis based on the partial 16S-23S ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and multi-locus sequence analysis (MLSA) of three chromosomal housekeeping genes, recA, atpD and dnaK, showed that strains were affiliated to Agrobacterium, Rhizobium, and Neorhizobium, with large internal diversity, including separate lineages. Infectivity tests highlighted some nodulation specificity at the plant variety level, since the strains originating from Mekna could only nodulate this variety, while strains trapped in Lumen could nodulate both varieties. When inoculated, almost all strains resulted in a significant increase in plant shoot dry weight on L. albus. Although Agrobacterium sp. strains isolated from L. albus could nodulate and had a plant growth promoting effect, no nodA and nodC genes could be amplified. This is discussed together with the absence of bradyrhizobia and the general infrequency of L. albus–nodulating rhizobia in Tunisian soils. The adapted and efficient rhizobial strains reported here were promising candidates for inoculant development and represent a contribution towards successful cultivation of L. albus in Tunisia, especially the most promising Mekna variety.  相似文献   

Monospecific antisera against three glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) subunits of lupin root nodules were obtained. The use of sensitive mixed rocket immunoelectrophoresis enabled detection of seven GDH forms at the early stage of nodule development, thus providing evidence for the earlier hypothesized (L. Ratajczak et al., 1986, Physiol. Plant., 67, 685-689) random association of subunits 2g and 2a to form the remaining five GDH forms. All seven forms were localized in mitochondria. Immunological similarity was found between form 1 and plastid GDH.  相似文献   

The reaction of glutamate dehydrogenase (l-glutamate: NAD+ oxidoreductase (deaminating) EC from lupin nodules has been investigated in the direction of deamination by means of steady state velocity studies in the absence of products and inhibition studies with products and substrate analogs. The results are qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with a fully ordered reaction mechanism in which NAD+ binds to the enzyme first followed by l-glutamate. The order of product release is proposed to be NH4+ followed by 2-oxoglutarate and then NADH. In addition, product inhibition data indicate the formation of an enzyme-NAD-oxoglutarate dead-end complex.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase, GDH (l-glutamate: NAD+ oxidoreductase (deaminating) EC was purified from the plant fraction of lupin nodules and the purity of the preparation established by gel electrophoresis and electrofocusing. The purified enzyme existed as 4 charge isozymes with a MW of 270000. The subunit MW, as determined by dodecyl sulphate electrophoresis, was 45 000. On the basis of the results of the MW determinations a hexameric structure is proposed for lupin-nodule GDH. The pH optima for the enzyme were pH 8.2 for the amination reaction and pH 8.8 for the deamination reaction. GDH from lupin nodules showed a marked preference for NADH over NADPH in the amination reaction and used only NAD+ for the deamination reaction. Pyridoxal-5′-P and EDTA inhibited activity. The enzyme displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with respect to all substrates except NAD+. When NAD+ was the varied substrate, there was a deviation from Michaelis-Menten behaviour towards higher activity at high concentrations of NAD+.  相似文献   

Aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) activity has been detected in the plant and bacteroid fractions of lupin nodules, and in free-living Rhizobium lupini. Two electrophoretically distinct forms of AAT were detected in the plant fraction of the nodule and a third form in the bacteroid fraction. AAT activity increased in the plant fraction during nodule development and this increase may be due to an increase in the activity of one of the AAT forms in this fraction. The single form of AAT detected in the bacteroid fraction had the same electrophoretic mobility as that detected in free-living R. lupini. The nodulated roots of lupins, grown in a media supplemented with nitrate and ammonium, had a 3- and 4-fold lower activity of AAT and nitrogenase activity respectively, compared to the nodulated roots of plants grown in the absence of added nitrogen. A role for the plant AAT in ammonium assimilation in lupin nodules is proposed.  相似文献   

Copper nutrition inhibited lipid peroxidation in root nodules of yellow lupin plants at the early growth stages by about 50 %. The antioxidative activity of copper in the process of lipid peroxidation could be associated with Cu taking part in oxidative reaction of nodule catechol-like siderophores and its effect on iron accumulation and reactivity. The obtained results, for the first time, suggest that the ability of copper to inhibit lipid peroxidation in nodules could be considered as a major function for Cu requirements by symbiotic N2 fixation in grain legume nodules.  相似文献   

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