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Previous work has shown that the gene for the alpha subunit of androgen-binding protein, Abpa, may be involved in premating isolation between different subspecies of the house mouse, Mus musculus. We investigated patterns of DNA sequence variation at Abpa within and between species of mice to test several predictions of a model of neutral molecular evolution. Intraspecific variation among 10 Mus musculus domesticus alleles was compared with divergence between M. m. domesticus and M. caroli for Abpa and two X-linked genes, Glra2 and Amg. No variation was observed at Abpa within M. m. domesticus. The ratio of polymorphism to divergence was significantly lower at Abpa than at Glra2 and Amg, despite the fact that all three genes experience similar rates of recombination. Interspecific comparisons among M. m. domesticus, Mus musculus musculus, Mus musculus castaneus, Mus spretus, Mus spicilegus, and Mus caroli revealed that the ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions to synonymous substitutions on a per-site basis (Ka/Ks) was generally greater than one. The combined observations of no variation at Abpa within M. m: domesticus and uniformly high Ka/Ks values between species suggest that positive directional selection has acted recently at this locus.  相似文献   

Interleukin-13 (IL13) is believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of atopy and allergic asthma. To better understand genetic variation at the IL13 locus, we resequenced a 5.1-kb genomic region spanning the entire locus and identified 26 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 74 individuals from three major populations-Chinese, Caucasian, and African. Our survey suggests exceptionally high and significant geographic structure at the IL13 locus between African and outside Africa populations. This unusual pattern suggests that positive selection that acts in some local populations may have played a role on the IL13 locus. In support of this suggestion, we found a significant excess of high frequency-derived SNPs in the Chinese population and Caucasian population, respectively, as expected after a recent episode of positive selection. Further, the unusual haplotype structure indicates that different scenarios of the action of positive selection on the IL13 locus in different populations may exist. In the Caucasian population, the skewed haplotype distribution dominated by one common haplotype supports the hypothesis of simple directional selection. Whereas, in the Chinese population, the two-round hitchhiking hypothesis may explain the skewed haplotype structure with three dominant ones. These findings may provide insight into the likely relative roles of selection and population history in establishing present-day variation at the IL13 locus, and, motivate further studies of this locus as an important candidate in common diseases association studies.  相似文献   



Natural selection eliminates detrimental and favors advantageous phenotypes. This process leaves characteristic signatures in underlying genomic segments that can be recognized through deviations in allelic or haplotypic frequency spectra. To provide an identifiable signature of recent positive selection that can be detected by comparison with the background distribution, we introduced a new way of looking at genomic polymorphisms: haplotype allelic classes.  相似文献   

Lynn DJ  Freeman AR  Murray C  Bradley DG 《Genetics》2005,170(3):1189-1196
The detection of adaptive evolution at the molecular level is of interest not only as an insight into the process of evolution but also because of its functional implications for genes of interest. Here, we present the first genomics approach to detecting positive selection operating on the Bos taurus lineage, an important domestic species. This analysis led to the identification of the T-cell and natural killer (NK) cell receptor cluster of differentiation 2 (CD2) as having a strong signal of selection. Further detailed investigation of CD2 revealed that this gene was subject to positive selection during the evolution of a number of mammalian lineages. Moreover, we show that selection has operated primarily on the extracellular domain of CD2 and discuss the implications of this for an important regulator of the adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

Lu Y 《Heredity》2006,96(1):22-28
The historical migration rate of a species is often difficult to estimate with neutral markers, because the relationship between the turnover time of the markers and the age of the species commonly remains unknown. Compared with neutral markers, the plant self-incompatibility locus (S) provides a much better source of data for migration-rate estimation due to its high allelic polymorphism and antiquity. Here, the results from extensive surveys of S alleles in two wild solanaceous species, Solanum carolinense and Physalis longifolia, indicate that historical migration rates have differed significantly between the species; the higher migration rate found in S. carolinense appears to have interacted with the balancing selection at the S locus to result in fewer S alleles being maintained in the species. Historical population growth rates estimated via a modified coalescent approach also suggest a faster growing population for S. carolinense than for P. longifolia, which would have further widened their interspecific difference in S-allelle polymorphism. These historical factors may have reduced the probability of new S alleles to prevailing in S. carolinense, leaving old ones segregating at the S locus with little signature of positive selection being currently detectable.  相似文献   

CD5 is a lymphocyte surface coreceptor of still incompletely understood function. Currently available information indicates that CD5 participates not only in cell-to-cell immune interactions through still poorly defined endogenous ligands expressed on hemopoietic and nonhemopoietic cells but also in recognition of exogenous and highly conserved microbial structures such as fungal β-glucans. Preceding single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data analysis provided evidence for a recent selective sweep in East Asia and suggested a nonsynonymous substitution at position 471 (A471V; rs2229177) of the cytoplasmatic region of the CD5 receptor as the most plausible target of selection. The present report further investigates the role of natural selection in the CD5 gene by a resequencing approach in 60 individuals representing populations from 3 different continents (20 Africans, 20 Europeans and 20 East Asians) and by functionally assaying the relevance of the A471V replacement on CD5 signaling. The high differentiation pattern found at the nonsynonymous A471V site together with the low diversity, most of the performed neutrality tests (Tajima's D, Fu and Li's F* and D*, and Fu's Fs) and the predominance of a major haplotype in East Asians strongly argue in favor of positive selection for the A471V site. Importantly, anti-CD5 monoclonal antibody cross-linking unveiled significant differences among A471V variants regarding the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade activation on COS7 and on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Similar differences on MAPK activation and IL-8 cytokine release were also observed upon exposure of HEK293 cell transfectants expressing the A471V variants to Zymosan, a β-glucan-rich fungal particle. Taken together, the results provide evidence for the hypothesis of an adaptive role of the A471V substitution to environmental challenges, most likely infectious pathogens, in East Asian populations.  相似文献   

 The regulatory region of the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is highly conserved across species and plays a crucial role in the response of the organism to stress. Release of CRH initiates a cascade of events leading to the release of cortisol and the regulation of inflammatory and immune events. In this report we describe polymorphisms in the 5′ regulatory region of the CRH gene in humans. We studied the distribution of CRH alleles in three different African populations, in white UK Caucasoids, and in a Chinese population. In the African and UK populations we found three new polymorphisms which cosegregated, resulting in two alleles, A1 and A2. Gene frequencies for A1 and A2 were extremely divergent between the African and the UK populations. The African A1 frequency ranged from 0.27–0.3, while the UK Caucasoid frequency was 0.9. Compound alleles could be assigned by taking into account the previously described biallelic polymorphism at position 225 in the CRH promoter. The A2B1 compound allele is the commonest in contemporary African human populations (allele frequency range 0.44–0.61) and was the only allele observed in a population of chimpanzees from Sierra Leone. Wright's FST for the A2B1 allele over the four sampled populations was 0.612, a value exceeded in human populations only by loci which have apparently been subject to natural selection. Taken together, these findings support A2B1 as the ancestral allele and suggest that the CRH genomic region may have been subject to strong disruptive selection throughout human evolution. Received: 29 October 1998 / Revised: 24 March 1999  相似文献   

The cellar population of Drosophila melanogaster at the Chateau Tahbilk Winery (Victoria, Australia) was perturbed for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene frequencies. Phenol oxidase (Phox) frequencies were also perturbed and monitored as a control. Subsequent gene frequency changes, together with information on population structure, indicated that selection acted on the chromosome regions of both loci. Adh gene frequencies returned to preperturbation levels in a predictable manner. A model in which the relative fitness of Adh phenotypes was determined by temperature-dependent specific activities of enzymes of Adh genotypes adequately accounts for the rate of gene frequency change at this locus. Thus temperature behaves as a selective agent in modulating Adh gene frequencies in this cellar environment.  相似文献   

Transferrins are iron-binding proteins that are involved in iron storage and resistance to bacterial disease. Previous work has shown that nonsynonymous-to-synonymous-site substitution ratios (d(n)/d(s) ratios) between transferrin genes from some salmonid species were significantly greater than 1.0, providing evidence for positive selection at the transferrin gene. The purpose of the current study was to put these earlier results in a broader evolutionary context by examining variation among 25 previously published transferrin sequences from fish, amphibians, and mammals. The results of the study show that evidence for positive selection at transferrin is limited to salmonids-d(n)/d(s) ratios estimated for nonsalmonid lineages were generally less than 1.0. Within the salmonids, approximately 13% of the transferrin codon sites are estimated to be subject to positive selection, with an estimated d(n)/d(s) ratio of approximately 7. The three- dimensional locations of some of the selected sites were inferred by comparing these sites to homologous sites in the bovine lactoferrin crystallographic structure. The selected sites generally fall on the outside of the molecule, within and near areas that are bound by transferrin-binding proteins from human pathogenic bacteria. The physical locations of sites estimated to be subject to positive selection support previous speculation that competition for iron from pathogenic bacteria could be the source of positive selection.  相似文献   

The characterization and analysis of genetic variation at the HLA loci provides important insight for population geneticists trying to understand the evolutionary forces that have shaped human populations. This study describes the HLA-A and HLA-B loci serotyping and statistical analysis on an isolated Native American population, the Havasupai of Arizona. Four alleles at the HLA-A locus were identified, while eight alleles were found at the HLA-B locus. These variants were present as 20 of 32 potential two-locus haplotypes, with five of the six most common haplotypes exhibiting high positive linkage disequilibrium. Significant homozygote deficiency (heterozygosity excess) was detected both at HLA-A and at HLA-B. This deviation from Hardy-Weinberg proportions was not attributable to nonselective causes such as different allele frequencies in males and females or avoidance of consanguineous matings. In addition, the distribution of alleles at both HLA-A and HLA-B was more even than expected from neutrality theory; that is, the observed Hardy-Weinberg homozygosity was only 62.4% of that expected under neutrality. These observations suggest that balancing selection is of major importance in maintaining genetic variation at HLA-A and HLA-B.  相似文献   

The Duffy blood group locus, which encodes a chemokine receptor, is characterized by three alleles-FY*A, FY*B, and FY*O. The frequency of the FY*O allele, which corresponds to the absence of Fy antigen on red blood cells, is at or near fixation in most sub-Saharan African populations but is very rare outside Africa. The FST value for the FY*O allele is the highest observed for any allele in humans, providing strong evidence for the action of natural selection at this locus. Homozygosity for the FY*O allele confers complete resistance to vivax malaria, suggesting that this allele has been the target of selection by Plasmodium vivax or some other infectious agent. To characterize the signature of directional selection at this locus, we surveyed DNA sequence variation, both in a 1.9-kb region centered on the FY*O mutation site and in a 1-kb region 5-6 kb away from it, in 17 Italians and in a total of 24 individuals from five sub-Saharan African populations. The level of variation across both regions is two- to threefold lower in the Africans than in the Italians. As a result, the pooled African sample shows a significant departure from the neutral expectation for the number of segregating sites, whereas the Italian sample does not. The FY*O allele occurs on two major haplotypes in three of the five African populations. This finding could be due to recombination, recurrent mutation, population structure, and/or mutation accumulation and drift. Although we are unable to distinguish among these alternative hypotheses, it is likely that the two major haplotypes originated prior to selection on the FY*O mutation.  相似文献   

Genotypes of B-locus of blood groups in cattle have been studied for peculiarities of their formation. Studies of different populations have shown that some parental alleles have an advantage during formation of the descendant genotype for the above mentioned locus.  相似文献   

Murine CD4+ T cells can be separated into two distinct populations on the basis of their levels of expression of the CD45RB antigen (CD45Rhi and CD45Rlo). Murine CD45Rlo cells arise from CD45Rhi cells after antigenic exposure and provide antigen-specific help to B cells in a secondary immune response. In the present study, the ability of CD45Rhi and CD45Rlo cells to proliferate in response to either soluble antigen or allogeneic cells was examined by limiting dilution analysis. CD45Rhi cells were the major responding cells in unprimed animals; priming caused a large increase in the frequencies of responding CD45Rlo cells and this increase was evident 11 months later. These results further support the notion that CD4+ CD45Rlo cells are long-term memory cells.  相似文献   

Positive signaling is now thought to be important for B cell maturation, although the nature of such signals has not yet been defined. We are studying the regulatory role of B cell Ag receptor (BCR) signaling in mediating positive selection of immature B cells. To do so, we use Ig transgenic mice (3-83Tg) that are deficient in CD19, thus generating a monoclonal immature B cell population expressing signaling-incompetent BCR. Immature 3-83Tg CD19(-/-) B cells undergo developmental arrest in the bone marrow, allowing maturation only to cells that effectively compensate for the compromised receptor by elevated levels of BCR. We find that developmentally arrested 3-83Tg CD19(-/-) B cells fail to impose L chain allelic exclusion and undergo intensive V(D)J recombination to edit their BCR. Furthermore, immature 3-83Tg CD19(-/-) B cells, which were grown in vitro, failed to undergo positive selection and to survive when adoptively transferred into normal recipients. However, elevation of BCR expression levels, obtained by transgene homozygosity, effectively compensated for the compromised BCR and completely restored BCR-mediated Ca(2+) influx, allelic exclusion, and positive selection. Our results suggest that the BCR signaling threshold mediates positive selection of developing B cells, and that a receptor-editing mechanism has an important role in rescuing cells that fail positive selection because of incompetent receptors.  相似文献   

The CD45 (leucocyte common) antigen is a haemopoietic cell specific tyrosine phosphatase essential for antigen receptor signalling in lymphocytes, and expression of different CD45 isoforms is associated with distinct functions. Here we describe a novel polymorphism in exon 4 (A54G) of the gene encoding CD45 (PTPRC) that results in an amino acid substitution of Thr-19 to Ala in exon 4. The 54G allele was identified in African Ugandan populations and was found with a suggestive but not statistically significant increase in frequency amongst HIV-seropositive Ugandans. This suggests that the 54G variant and CD45 splicing abnormalities might be associated with HIV infection.  相似文献   

The two common genetic variants (A and B) of bovine kappa-casein originate from two point mutations in the codons for the aminoacids in position 136 and 148. These mutations give rise to polymorphic sites for the restriction endonucleases Hin dIII, AluI, HinfI, Mbo II and TaqI. We have examined DNAs of several Italian Friesian cows and bulls of known and unknown genotype by Southern analyses using kappa-casein cDNA probes. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) specific for the A and B alleles were identified for each of the above enzymes, except for AluI, which has a non-polymorphic site 12bp away from the polymorphic one. We have also found two new polymorphic sites for MboII and TaqI in the non-coding regions. These sites differentiate the A allele into two new variants, named A1 and A2. The RFLP analysis permits the characterization of kappa-casein alleles even in the absence of their expression. This should facilitate selective breeding programmes aimed at increasing the frequency of the kappa-casein B allele whose product improves the cheesemaking properties of milk.  相似文献   

CD45, encoded by PTPRC in humans, is the most abundantly expressed protein on the surface of many lymphocytes. We investigated whether the extracellular region of CD45 was under positive selection in Old World primates, and whether there was differential selection across this region, particularly on exons that were involved in alternative splicing and those that were not alternatively spliced. The results show extraordinarily strong and consistent positive Darwinian selection on the extracellular part of CD45 throughout the evolution of Old World monkeys, apes and humans. Positive selection is concentrated in exons 9 and 14, which code for the previously neglected linker and fibronectin III domains. These exons have a high rate of evolution at nonsynonymous sites that is roughly twice as high as that of the intronic rate in this gene. In contrast, alternatively spliced exons 4-6, which code for the variable domains, are under weaker positive selection and are evolving more slowly than the intronic rate. These data provide a striking example of positive selection in a well-known gene that should provide an impetus for further functional studies to elucidate its species-specific function.  相似文献   

Sperm are among the most variable cells in nature. Some of this variation results from nonadaptive errors in spermatogenesis, but many species consistently produce multiple sperm morphs, the adaptive significance of which remains unknown. Here, we investigate the evolution of dimorphic sperm in Lepidoptera, the butterflies and moths. Males of this order produce both fertilizing sperm and a secondary, nonfertilizing type that lacks DNA. Previous organismal studies suggested a role for nonfertilizing sperm in sperm competition, but this hypothesis has never been evaluated from a molecular framework. We combined published data sets with new sequencing in two species, the monandrous Carolina sphinx moth and the highly polyandrous monarch butterfly. Based on population genetic analyses, we see evidence for increased adaptive evolution in fertilizing sperm, but only in the polyandrous species. This signal comes primarily from a decrease in nonsynonymous polymorphism in sperm proteins compared to the rest of the genome, suggesting stronger purifying selection, consistent with selection via sperm competition. Nonfertilizing sperm proteins, in contrast, do not show an effect of mating system and do not appear to evolve differently from the background genome in either species, arguing against the involvement of nonfertilizing sperm in direct sperm competition. Based on our results and previous work, we suggest that nonfertilizing sperm may be used to delay female remating in these insects and decrease the risk of sperm competition rather than directly affect its outcome.  相似文献   

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by mucocutaneous pigmentation and hamartomatous polyps. There is an increased risk of benign and malignant tumors in the gastrointestinal tract and in extraintestinal tissues. One PJS locus has been mapped to chromosome 19p13.3; a second locus is suspected on chromosome 19q13.4 in a minority of families. The PJS gene on 19p13.3 has recently been cloned, and it encodes the serine/threonine kinase LKB1. The gene, which is ubiquitously expressed, is composed of 10 exons spanning 23 kb. Several LKB1 mutations have been reported in heterozygosity in PJS patients. In this study, we screened for LKB1 mutations in nine PJS families of American, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Turkish, and Indian origin and detected seven novel mutations. These included two frameshift mutations, one four-amino-acid deletion, two amino-acid substitutions, and two splicing errors. Expression of mutant LKB1 proteins (K78I, D176N, W308C, and L67P) and assessment of their autophosphorylation activity revealed a loss of the kinase activity in all of these mutants. These results provide direct evidence that the elimination of the kinase activity of LKB1 is probably responsible for the development of the PJS phenotypes. In two Indian families, we failed to detect any LKB1 mutation; in one of these families, we previously had detected linkage to markers on 19q13.3-4, which suggests locus heterogeneity of PJS. The elucidation of the molecular etiology of PJS and the positional cloning of the second potential PJS gene will further elucidate the involvement of kinases/phosphatases in the development of cancer-predisposing syndromes.  相似文献   

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