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A crude enzyme preparation hydrolyzing konjac mannan was extracted from germinating konjac tubers, and purified by chromatography with DEAE-cellulose and alkali-swollen cellulose, and by gel-filtration on Sephadex G-100. The purified enzyme preparation showed optimal activity at pH 4.7, optimum temperature at 40°C. It was considerably stable at pH’s between 4.0 and 8.0, but inactivated rapidly by temperaters above 50°C. Hydrolysis of the mannan by this enzyme proceeded by typical random mechanism, and the rate was in agreement with an empirical equation, p=0.43 E0.77 to0.5. As the Km and Vmax values for mannan, 7.14×10-2(%)and 23.8×10-3 (ΔOD500nm) were obtained, respectively.  相似文献   

鹅观草属的地理分布   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
鹅观草属是禾本科小麦族中的最大的属,现知全世界有4组,20系,126种,分布于北半球的温带和寒带,中国有4组,18系,79种,主要分布于西北,西南,华北和东北,是鹅观草属植物种类最为集中的区域,尤其高原东北部的唐古特地区又是我国鹅观草属分布相对密集之地,有3组,12系,30种,而且其间不同等级,不同演化水平的类群均有分布,该地可能就是该属的现代分布中心,同时,唐古特地区多汇聚有鹅观草属不同等级的原始类群和与原始类群有很缘的短柄草属植物,其中最原始的大柄鹅观草特产于该区,而该区缺乏的是高级的大颖组类群,故推测唐古特地区可能又是该属的起源地,起源时间大约在青藏高原明显增高,气候转凉的晚第三纪初的中新世,鹅观草属起源后,在中国境内地质活动比较剧烈的地区得到了进一步的发展和分化,但只有少数适应性较强的类群大概以3条路径扩展到国外,并向东到在北美的巴芬岛,向西延伸到大西洋滨岸,向北进入寒冻的北极地区。  相似文献   

温室希蛛的生物学特性观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温室希蛛Achaearanea tepidariorum在鲁东南沿海地区1年发生2代,但第2代不完整.越冬蜘蛛4月下旬出蜇,5月上旬开始产卵.卵期10 d,幼蛛期320 d,成蛛期76 d,越冬代成蛛寿命更长,雌雄性比为3∶1.成蛛日均食麦蛾4.9 头,是多种害虫的重要天敌.  相似文献   

Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) from Connecticut were submerged at 3 degrees C in normoxic and anoxic water to simulate potential respiratory environments within their hibernacula. Those in normoxic water could survive submergence for at least 150 d, while those in anoxic water could survive for a maximum of about 125 d. Turtles in normoxic water developed a slight metabolic acidosis as plasma lactate accumulated to about 50 mM in 150 d, while anoxic turtles developed a severe lactic acidosis as plasma lactate reached about 200 mM in 125 d; there was no respiratory acidosis in either group. Plasma [Na+] changed little in either group, [Cl-] fell by about one-third in both, and [K+] increased by about fourfold in anoxic turtles but only slightly in those in normoxic water. Total plasma magnesium and calcium increased profoundly in anoxic turtles but moderately in those in normoxic water. Consideration of charge balance indicates that all major ions were measured in both groups. Plasma glucose remained unchanged in anoxic turtles until after about 75 d of submergence, when it increased and continued to increase with the duration of anoxia, with much variation among individuals; glucose remained unchanged throughout in turtles in normoxic water. Hematocrit doubled in 150 d in turtles in normoxic water; in anoxic turtles, an initial increase was no longer significant by day 100. Plasma osmolality increased markedly in anoxic turtles, largely because of accumulation of lactate, but anoxic turtles only gained about half the mass of turtles in normoxic water, who showed no increase in osmolality. The higher weight gain in the latter group is attributed to selective perfusion and ventilation of extrapulmonary gas exchange surfaces, resulting in a greater osmotic influx of water. The physiologic responses to simulated hibernation of C. picta picta are intermediate between those of Chrysemys picta bellii and Chrysemys picta dorsalis, which correlates with the severity of the winter each subspecies would be expected to encounter.  相似文献   

The nucleotides and the activities of both sucrose synthetase and granular starch synthetase in the konjak corm (Amorphophallus konjac C. Koch) have been investigated as a preliminary experiment on konjak mannan biosynthesis. On chromatographic separation on anion exchange resin and paper of compounds present in the acid ethanol extract from the corms, ascorbic acid, AMP, ADP, ATP, ADP-glucose, UTP, UDP-glucose, GTP, and GDP-mannose were isolated and tentatively identified. An unidentified nucleotide was also isolated.

Of the three nucleotide sugars, UDP-glucose was the most plentiful, while ADP-glucose was the least. The sucrose synthetase in konjak corms was as active as that in other plants. These observations suggest that the mechanism involved in sucrose cleavage in konjak corms is the same as that in other plants, such as sweet potato roots. Starch synthetase bound to starch granules in konjak corms was also found to be active when ADP-glucose was used as glucose donor. But UDP-glucose could not be substituted for ADP-glucose.

Based on these observations the mechanism of konjak mannan biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The spermatophores of Amblypygi and Uropygi are complicated structurs and vary in different species. In Mastigoproctus, the size and shape of the spermatophores prevent bastardation between M. giganteus and M. brasilianus. Taxonomic and phylogenetical implications are discussed.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Murata  Takao 《Plant & cell physiology》1976,17(6):1099-1109
Phosphomannomutase [Glazer et al.: Biochim. Biophys. Acta 33:522–625 (1959)] was purified 1700-fold in a 39% yieldfrom cell-free extract of konjak (Amorphophallus konjac C. Koch)corms. The molecular weight of the enzyme as determined by gelfiltration was about 62,000. The enzyme required both Mg2+ and-D-glucose-l,6-bisphosphate for activity, although Mg2+ waspartially replaceable by either Co2+ or Ni2+. An apparent equilibriumconstant, Keq=(mannose-6-phosphate) (mannose-1-phosphate), wasdetermined to be 8.5. Activity was maximal at pH 6.5 to 7.0.Activation energy was 11.1 kcal/mole. The enzyme was the moststable at pH 7.5. The addition of substrate or cofactor markedlyincreased enzyme stability toward heat denaturation. The enzymewas more labile to heat than phosphoglucomutase from konjakcorms. Treatment with various metal ions in Tris buffer inhibited theenzyme. Cu2+ and Zn2+ were the most potent inhibitors amongthe metal ions tested, while Co2+ and Ni2+ were weak. When theenzyme was treated with metal ions in the presence of histidinebuffer, Cu2+ and Zn2+ showed no inhibitory effect on the enzyme,whereas Be2+ inhibited it to an extent similar to that in Trisbuffer. Plots of 1/v versus l/(mannose-l-phosphate) at different fixedconcentrations of glucose-1,6-bisphosphate and 1/v versus 1/(glucose-1,6-bisphosphate)at different fixed concentrations of mannose-1-phosphate wereseries of converging lines. Mannose-1-phosphate at high concentrationswas found to inhibit the enzyme competitively with respect toglucose-l,6-bisphosphate. Apparent Km and K1 values for mannose-1-phosphatewere calculated to be 0.2 mM and 1.2 mM, respectively. The Kmvalue for glucose-1,6-bisphosphate was 1.8 µM. 1This paper constitutes part 5 of a series of studies on konjakmannan biosynthesis. (Received May 24, 1976; )  相似文献   

The midgut of unfed larvae and adult mites of Platytrombidium fasciatum (C.L. Koch, 1836) and Camerotrombidium pexatum (C.L. Koch, 1937) (Acariformes: Microtrombidiidae) was investigated by electron microscopy. The sac-like midgut occupies the entire body volume, ends blindly and is not divided into functionally differentiated diverticula or caeca. The midgut walls are composed of one type of digestive cell that greatly varies in shape and size. In larvae, the lumen of the midgut is poorly recognizable and its epithelium is loosely organized, although yolk granules are already utilized. In adults, the midgut forms compartments as a result of deep folds of the midgut walls, and the lumen is well distinguished. The epithelium is composed of flat, prismatic or club-like cells, which may contain nutritional vacuoles and residual bodies in various proportions that depend on digestive stages. In both larvae and adult mites, parts of cells may detach from the epithelium and float within the lumen. The cells contain a system of tubules and vesicles of a trans-Golgi network, whereas the apical surface forms microvilli as well as pinocytotic pits and vesicles. Lysosome-like bodies, lipid inclusions and some amount of glycogen particles are also present in the digestive cells. Spherites (concretions) are not found to be a constant component of the digestive cells and in adult mites occur for the most parts in the midgut lumen.  相似文献   

Summary Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch emend. Bacht. varieties have been both intercrossed and crossed with two cultivated barley varieties ofH. vulgare (L.) emend Vav. et Bacht. with a view of eliciting the nature of inheriting the spikelet-pedicel of the lateral spikelets and the shape of their apex in the said wildgrowing barley. The investigations of F1 and F2 showed the inheritance of the spikelet-pedicel to have a dominating nature and to segregate in F2 in conformity with the Mendelian monohybrid type. In the second case the forms with shorter awn-like formations, or their rudiments, were dominating.As a result ofH. spontaneum x H. vulgare hybridization along with already known forms, new formations were received, they have been conditionally named by the author:sessiliproskowetzii, proskowfertillum, ischnofertillum, and pallipodum.
Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen größerer Untersuchungen über die Abstammung und Phylogenie der Gerste wurden mehrere Varietäten vonHordeum spontaneum C. Koch emend. Bacht. sowohl untereinander als auch mit zwei Varietäten der Kulturgerste,H. vulgare (L.) emend. Vav. et Bacht., gekreuzt. Es sollte geklärt werden, wie bei den genannten Wildgersten das Stielchen (pedicel) der Seitenährchen sowie die Ausbildung des Apex der Seitenährchen (d. h. ihre Begrannung) vererbt werden. Die Untersuchung der F1 und F2 zeigte, daß das Stielchen (gegenüber ungestielten Seitenährchen) dominant und gemäß einer monohybriden Mendelspaltung vererbt wird. Bezüglich der Ausbildung des Apex der Seitenährchen ergab sich im allgemeinen Dominanz der kürzeren oder rudimentären Grannen gegenüber längeren Grannen.Im Ergebnis der Hybridisation zwischenH. spontaneum undH. vulgare wurden, neben bereits bekannten, verschiedene neue Formen gefunden, die vom Autor vorläufig wie folgt benannt werden:sessiliproskowetzii, proskowfertillum, ischnofertillum, pallipodum.Die Ergebnisse werden im Zusammenhang mit Fragen der Abstammung der Kulturgerste diskutiert.

With 4 figures  相似文献   

鹅观草属五个类群的核型与进化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蔡联炳  冯海生   《广西植物》1998,18(1):35-40
报道了鹅观草属5个类群的核型,即长芒鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=22m+6sm(2SAT);短颖鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=20m(2SAT)+8sm(2SAT);短柄鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=22m(2SAT)+6sm;纤毛鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=20m+8sm(4SAT);毛盘鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=18m+6sm(4SAT)+4st。同时,通过核型重要性状的递变分析,揭示了鹅观草属5个类群的相对进化程度以及宏观分类中4个组的系统发育关系,表明鹅观草属的半颖组在系统发育中可能既派生了颖体短小的小颖组,又派生了颖体长大的大颖组和长颖组。  相似文献   

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