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Chemoattractant arachidonate lipoxygenase products have been recovered from the skin lesions of psoriasis, and may play a role in eliciting the intra-epidermal neutrophil infiltrate that characterises this disease. In view of evidence for lipoxygenase activity in psoriasis, the characteristic vasolidation in psoriatic lesions, and the vasodilator properties of leukotriene (LT) C4 and D4 in human skin, the presence of these LTs in psoriatic lesions has been investigated. Skin chamber fluid from abraded psoriatic lesions contained significantly greater amounts of immunoreactive material than that from clinically normal skin, as determined by a double antibody radioimmunoassay (RIA) that uses antiserum cross-reacting with both LTC4 and LTD4. Purification of lesional chamber fluid and scale extracts by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and RIA of fractions showed immunoreactivity which co-eluted with standard LTC4 and LTD4. These findings suggest that LTC4 and LTD4 may play a role in mediating the vasodilation and increased blood flow that characterise psoriatic skin lesions.  相似文献   

Previously, we demonstrated that either putative leukotriene receptor antagonists or a synthesis inhibitor markedly decreased pulmonary vascular resistance in the near-term fetal lamb and concluded that leukotrienes may play a role in maintaining the high pulmonary vascular resistance in the fetus. To further investigate the role of leukotrienes, we measured concentrations of leukotriene (LT) C4, LTD4, and LTE4 in 17 tracheal fluid samples from 8 of 9 near-term (129-139 days, term = 145 days), chronically-catheterized, fetal lambs during normoxia to evaluate their possible role in regulating resting tone and in seven of the nine before and during hypoxia to evaluate their possible role in hypoxic vasoconstriction. The tracheal fluid samples collected by gravity over 1-3 min, on ice, were immediately treated with cold ethanol, centrifuged, and the supernatant covered with N2 and stored in a -70 degrees C freezer for a maximum of 3 weeks. Purification and separation of leukotrienes was done by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography using a gradient elution method, and fractions corresponding to LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4 standards were quantified immediately by radioimmunoassay. During normoxia (descending aortic PaO2 2.9 +/- 0.3 kPa [21.5 +/- 2.5 mmHg]; mean +/- SD), all 3 leukotrienes were detected in 16 of the 17 samples: LTC4 29 +/- 28 pg/ml (range 0-119 pg/ml); LTD4 66 +/- 51 pg/ml (range 9-177 pg/ml); and LTE4 43 +/- 50 pg/ml (range 0-204 pg/ml).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We tested the direct effects of leukotriene (LT) C4 or D4 on the pulmonary vascular fluid filtration coefficient (Kf) by adding these LT's to the cell-depleted perfusate of excised guinea pig lungs. Pulmonary arterial (Ppa) and airway (Paw) pressures were monitored, and left atrial pressure was kept constant during 10 min of constant-flow perfusion. Kf's were then calculated by two methods [Drake and colleagues (KfD), Am. J. Physiol. 234 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 3): H266-H274, 1978; and Goldberg (KfG), Am. J. Physiol. 239 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 8): H189-H198, 1980] from the change in lung weight resulting from a no-flow zone 3 hydrostatic stress applied for 20 min. With no LT's (Tyrode's buffer alone), the mean +/- SE Paw was 9.0 +/- 0.7 cmH2O and the Ppa was 14.2 +/- 1.1 cmH2O throughout the 10-min perfusion. The KfD and KfG were 1.239 +/- 0.169 and 1.586 +/- 0.223 ml X min-1 X mmHg-1 X 100 g lung-1, respectively. The mean +/- SE lung wet-to-dry ratio (W/D) after the 20-min hydrostatic stress was 16.7 +/- 1.6. Within 30-45 s of adding 4 micrograms of LTC4 or LTD4, Paw and Ppa both increased and remained elevated throughout the perfusion period. The KfD and KfG were 1.586 +/- 0.223 and 2.071 +/- 0.234 ml X min-1 X mmHg-1 X 100 g lung-1, respectively, and the W/D was 18.1 +/- 1.7 after LTC4 (all P greater than 0.4 compared with Tyrode's buffer alone) and 1.417 +/- 0.200 and 1.851 +/- 0.244 ml X min-1 X mmHg-1 X 100 g lung-1, respectively, with a W/D of 20.5 +/- 1.3 after LTD4 (all P greater than 0.4 compared with Tyrode's buffer alone).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The IL-1-like neutrophil chemoattractant activity previously reported by us to be present in the stratum corneum of psoriatic skin lesions has now been characterized further. Aqueous extracts of stratum corneum samples from psoriatic lesions and from the heels of normal volunteers were ultrafiltered to yield 10- to 30-kDa fractions. The ultrafiltered psoriatic preparations consistently contained greater neutrophil chemokinetic activity than the normal heel preparations, but in contrast the latter contained markedly greater IL-1 activity than the former. Successive chromatographic purification of psoriatic lesional stratum corneum extracts showed that the neutrophil chemokinetic material previously reported to co-elute with IL-1 activity on reversed phase HPLC, but to be distinct from C5a des arg, could now be separated by anion exchange HPLC into at least four different chemokinetic compounds that were also resolved from the IL-1 activity. The reversed phase HPLC-purified chemokinetic material from psoriatic stratum corneum was also active in a neutrophil chemotaxis assay. These findings show that samples from psoriatic skin lesions contain a group of novel 10- to 30-kDa neutrophil chemoattractant compounds that are distinct from both C5a des arg and IL-1. The contrasting neutrophil chemokinetic and IL-1 activities in psoriatic lesional and normal heel stratum corneum preparations support the finding that the two activities are produced by different compounds. These neutrophil chemoattractant and IL-1-like compounds may be of pathogenic importance in inflammatory skin disease.  相似文献   

Yeasts from the genus Malassezia are members of the normal biota of human skin, and may play a role in dermatopathology. Our previous study of the fungal microbiota from healthy subjects and from patients with psoriasis using clone library analysis revealed the presence of five Malassezia species and four uncharacterized phylotypes. We now compared the Malassezia microbiota from six healthy body locations and two psoriatic lesions, and evaluated its stability over time using multiplex real-time PCR. Samples from each body location were obtained monthly, for 4 months. Dual-labeled probes were designed to recognize four Malassezia sp. and two uncharacterized groups, and a genus-specific probe was also developed. A good correspondence was obtained between real-time PCR data and clone library analyses. Malassezia restricta was the most abundant species in the majority of samples, and high amounts of Malassezia globosa were also detected. The uncharacterized phylotype 1 was usually detected in lower proportions, nevertheless it was present in most samples. The microbiota was host-specific and relatively stable over time. In accordance with our previous observations, no significant dichotomy between samples from healthy skin and from psoriatic lesions was found; the samples clustered according to the subject, rather than health status.  相似文献   

Keratinocytes contribute to cutaneous immune responses through the expression of cytokines. We investigated whether human keratinocytes can express IL-23, a newly defined IFN-gamma-inducing cytokine composed of a unique p19 subunit and a p40 subunit shared with IL-12. Cultured keratinocytes from normal and lesional psoriatic skin were found to express constitutively mRNA for both subunits of IL-23. Low but significant levels of the heterodimeric IL-23 protein could be detected in cell lysates and supernatants from stimulated keratinocytes by immunoblotting and ELISA. Functional analysis showed that these low levels of keratinocyte-derived IL-23 were sufficient to enhance the IFN-gamma production by memory T cells. Immunostaining of skin sections confirmed expression of both subunits of IL-23 by keratinocytes in situ and also revealed expression of this cytokine in the dermal compartment. IL-23 expression was significantly higher in psoriatic lesional skin, compared with normal and psoriatic nonlesional skin. The immunostained preparations of cultured cells and IL-23 levels in culture supernatants did not show any difference between normal and psoriatic keratinocytes indicating no intrinsic aberration of IL-23 expression in keratinocytes from psoriatic skin. Double staining of cytospin preparations demonstrated that IL-23 p19 is also expressed by epidermal Langerhans cells, dermal dendritic cells, and macrophages. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease mediated by IFN-gamma-expressing type 1 memory T cells. As IL-23 is important to activate memory T cells to produce IFN-gamma, its augmented expression of IL-23 by keratinocytes and cutaneous APC may contribute to the perpetuation of the inflammation process in this disease.  相似文献   

The results of numerical modeling of mutual synchronization of self-oscillations of epidermal hyperproliferation in psoriatic foci are presented. It is shown that this phenomenon enables one to explain some specific features of the disease such as: (i) figured arrangement of pathological elements; (ii) sudden exacerbation of the process soon after treatment; (iii) persistence of lesions in a limited region of the skin or, vice versa, their rapid spread over the body surface.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes in health and disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The leukotrienes (LTs) are 5-lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid. The synthesis and release of LTs have been demonstrated in many cells and organs, and LTs are considered to be normal products of continuous metabolism of arachidonic acid. However, although evidence in favor of a critical role for LTs in regulation of physiological functions is still scarce, a growing body of evidence suggests a role for LTs in mediation of several pathophysiological processes such as generalized or local immune reactions, inflammation, asthma, shock, and trauma. LTs have been shown to have potent actions on many essential organs and systems, including the cardiovascular system (heart, blood vessels, microcirculation), the pulmonary system (lung, airways), the central nervous system (neural, glial, and vascular elements), the gastrointestinal tract, and the immune system. In these organs the effects of LTs are mediated by specific LT receptors. Identification of LTs and characterization of their regional and systemic pathological effects, together with characterization of their receptors and elucidation of their structure-activity relationships, are fundamental to developing LT antagonists or synthesis inhibitors that might prevent or reverse LT-dependent reactions. Preliminary reports have already shown that such pharmacological agents ameliorate some aspects of disease processes in experimental animals as well as in humans. In this brief review we intend to highlight the evidence that implicates LTs in normal physiological functions as well as in disease processes.  相似文献   

Psoriasis is characterized by excessive proliferation of keratinocytes accompanying acanthosis and incomplete differentiation. Prohibitin was investigated by examining its function of HaCaT as well as psoriasis. Psoriatic involved skin revealed high level of prohibitin in the basal layer. Prohibitin was analyzed by applying RNAi (PHBi) with HaCaT, which demonstrated increased S-phase. PHBi showed enhanced sensitivity to anthralin-mediated cell death due to enhanced loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, suggesting a protective role of prohibitin against apoptosis. Collectively, prohibitin plays a role both in cell cycle regulation and in maintaining mitochondrial integrity, implying its association with pathogenesis of psoriasis.  相似文献   

Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory and proliferative skin disease characterised by epidermal neutrophil infiltration which may be induced by chemotactic substances in the involved epidermis. Superficial psoriatic scale was shown to contain biologically active amounts of leukotriene B4 and monohydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid (HETE)- like material as determined by assay for chemokinetic activity in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fractions of scale extracts. Extracts of scale and chamber fluid from abraded lesional and uninvolved psoriatic skin were purified by HPLC and appropriate fractions were analysed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The following monohydroxy metabolites of arachidonic, linoleic and 11,14-eicosadienoic acids were identified : 15-HETE, 12-HETE, 11-HETE, 9-HETE, 8-HETE, 5-HETE, 13-hydroxy-octadecadienoic acid (13-HODD), 9-HODD and 15-hydroxy-eicosadienoic acid (15-HEDE). The results suggested that 12-HETE, 13-HODD and 9-HODD are the most abundant monohydroxy fatty acids in the psoriatic skin extracts described above. Assays of 13-HODD, 9-HODD and 15-HEDE for chemokinetic activity were negative with concentrations up to 10?4M. The biological significance of these three compounds in not known, but some of the hydroxylated metabolites of arachidonic acid may, by virtue of their chemotactic properties, be relevant to the pathogenesis of the psoriatic neutrophil infiltrate.  相似文献   

Leukotriene C4 and D4 formation by particulate enzymes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The homogenate of rat basophilic leukemia cells, when incubated with arachidonic acid, glutathione, and calcium, formed 3 isomers of 5,12-dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and 2 isomers of 5,6-dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, as well as leukotriene (LT) C4 and D4. The products were identified by high pressure liquid chromatography, ultraviolet spectral analysis, co-migration with standards, bioassay, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The enzymes responsible for the formation of LTC4 and LTD4 from LTA4 were found in the 10,000 x g pellet and, therefore, appear to be particulate. The possibility that these enzymes are bound to the cell membrane suggest that the formation of these leukotrienes might be important in the basophil and mast cells release reaction.  相似文献   

The effects of leukotriene C4 (LTC4) and D4 (LTD4) on the iridial smooth muscles, intraocular pressure, blood-aqueous barrier and regional blood flow in the eye have been studied in cats. The test compounds were injected into the anterior chamber. Both LTC4 and LTD4 caused a dose-dependent constriction of the pupil, the agents being about equipotent. The effect on the iridial sphincter muscle was not dependent on nerve conduction, cyclo-oxygenase products or muscarinic receptors. Maximal constriction was achieved with 0.1-1 microgram of the test compounds. The smallest dose to induce a decrease in pupil diameter was 0.01 microgram. After intracameral injection of 4 micrograms the miotic response was markedly delayed. This indicates that in high concentrations LTC4 and LTD4 probably also stimulate the iridial dilator muscle. The blood flow in the anterior uvea decreased after intracameral injection of 4 micrograms LTC4/LTD4. Smaller doses had no clear effect. There was no effect on the blood-aqueous barrier as judged from the aqueous humor protein concentration. The intraocular pressure decreased slightly after injection of the test compounds.  相似文献   

Gao Z  Tseng CH  Strober BE  Pei Z  Blaser MJ 《PloS one》2008,3(7):e2719
For psoriasis, an idiopathic inflammatory disorder of the skin, the microbial biota has not been defined using cultivation-independent methods. We used broad-range 16S rDNA PCR for archaea and bacteria to examine the microbiota of normal and psoriatic skin. From 6 patients, 19 cutaneous samples (13 from diseased skin and 6 from normal skin) were obtained. Extracted DNA was subjected to the broad range PCR, and 1,925 cloned products were compared with 2,038 products previously reported from healthy persons. Using 98% sequence identity as a species boundary, 1,841 (95.6%) clones were similar to known bacterial 16S rDNA, representing 6 phyla, 86 genera, or 189 species-level operational taxonomic unit (SLOTU); 84 (4.4%) clones with <98% identity probably represented novel species. The most abundant and diverse phylum populating the psoriatic lesions was Firmicutes (46.2%), significantly (P<0.001) overrepresented, compared to the samples from uninvolved skin of the patients (39.0%) and healthy persons (24.4%). In contrast, Actinobacteria, the most prevalent and diverse phylum in normal skin samples from both healthy persons (47.6%) and the patients (47.8%), was significantly (P<0.01) underrepresented in the psoriatic lesion samples (37.3%). Representation of Propionibacterium species were lower in the psoriatic lesions (2.9+/-5.5%) than from normal persons (21.1+/-18.2%; P<0.001), whereas normal skin from the psoriatic patients showed intermediate levels (12.3+/-21.6%). We conclude that psoriasis is associated with substantial alteration in the composition and representation of the cutaneous bacterial biota.  相似文献   

Either aphidicolin- or thymidine-synchronized human HL-60 cells were used to study the replication pattern of a family of human repetitive DNA sequences, the Eco RI 340 bp family (alpha RI-DNA), and of the ladders of fragments generated in total human DNA after digestion with XbaI and HaeIII (alpha satellite sequences). DNAs replicated in early, middle-early, middle-late and late S periods were labelled with BUdR or with [3H]thymidine. The efficiency of the cell synchronization procedure was confirmed by the transition from a high-GC to a high-AT average base composition of the DNA synthesized going from early to late S periods. By hybridizing EcoRI 340 bp repetitive fragments to BUdR-DNAs it was found that this family of sequences is replicated throughout the entire S period. Comparing fluorograph densitometric scans of [3H]DNAs to the scans of ethidium bromide patterns of total HL-60 DNA digested with XbaI and HaeIII, it was observed that DNA synthesized in different S periods is characterized by approximately the same ladder of fragments, while the intensity of each band may vary through the S phase; in particular, the XbaI 2.4 kb fragment becomes undetectable in late S.  相似文献   

白三烯与胃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大鼠及人的胃粘膜可释放白三烯(LT)。LT可引起胃蛋白酶分泌增多,胃粘膜血流量减少,影响胃的运动及降低跨胃电位差。乙醇引起的胃粘膜损伤与LT释放量增加呈平行关系。脂氧酶抑制剂等保护胃粘膜的作用与抑制LT释放有密切关系。脂氧酶抑制剂有可能成为一类有效的胃溃疡治疗药物。  相似文献   

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