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Acetylcholinesterase, a major component of the central and peripheral nervous systems, is ubiquitous among multicellular animals, where its main function is to terminate synaptic transmission by hydrolyzing the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. However, previous reports describe cholinesterase activities in several plant species and we present data for its presence in tomato plants. Ectopic expression of a recombinant form of the human enzyme and the expression pattern of the transgene and the accumulation of its product in transgenic tomato plants are described. Levels of acetylcholinesterase activity in different tissues are closely effected by and can be separated from -tomatine, an anticholinesterase steroidal glycoalkaloid. The recombinant enzyme can also be separated from the endogenous cholinesterase activity by its subcellular localization and distinct biochemical properties. Our results provide evidence for the co-existence in tomato plants of both acetylcholinesterase activity and a steroidal glycoalkaloid with anticholinesterase activity and suggest spatial mutual exclusivity of these antagonistic activities. Potential functions, including roles in plant-pathogen interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

外来杂草加拿大一枝黄花对入侵地植物的化感效应   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
梅玲笑  陈欣  唐建军 《应用生态学报》2005,16(12):2379-2382
采用人工气候箱培养试验,初步研究了入侵杂草加拿大一枝黄花对本地植物的化感作用.测定了根系和根状茎的不同浓度浸提液对白三叶发芽率和幼苗生长的影响;不同播种密度下根系1:60提取浓度对白三叶种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响;根状茎1:60提取浓度对白三叶、红三叶、天蓝苜蓿、黑麦草、北美车前、鸡眼草、苇状羊茅、胜红蓟、马齿苋、碱蓬和刺苋的种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明,加拿大一枝黄花根系和根状茎的化感抑制作用均随浓度的升高而增强,且根状茎提取物的抑制效应高于根系提取物的效应;在1:60低浓度根系浸提液作用下,不同密度的白三叶幼苗萌发率和幼根、幼芽长度差异不显著;1:60低浓度根状茎提取物对11个物种的种子萌发均有显著抑制作用,但对不同物种的抑制程度有差异,对禾本科植物的抑制作用大于非禾本科和豆科;1:60低浓度根状茎提取物对10个物种的幼根影响与对萌发率的影响相似,但在对幼芽的影响上,仅对鸡眼草、刺苋和苇状羊茅起抑制作用,而对其他植物无显著抑制(黑麦草、北美车前、胜红蓟、马齿苋和刺苋)或起促进作用(白三叶、红三叶、天蓝苜蓿).  相似文献   

菌根真菌共生是植物吸收养分的一个重要策略。外来植物可以干扰本地植物与菌根真菌的共生关系从而抑制本地植物生长, 这是近年来被发现的一种重要入侵机制, 在研究中得到日益广泛的关注。该文从以下几个方面着重综述这种入侵机制: 1)外来植物对本地植物菌根真菌的影响, 包括菌根真菌侵染率、菌根内部结构、根外菌丝的量、菌根真菌的群落组成、非菌根真菌的影响及网络结构; 2)外来植物对本地植物菌根真菌上述影响的机制, 包括资源竞争、化感作用和土壤肥力等生态机制以及相关的分子机制; 3)上述两个方面随入侵时间的变化格局。尽管干扰本地植物菌根真菌是一种重要的入侵机制, 但相对其他的入侵机制(例如天敌逃逸、新武器假说等)来说, 这类机制的研究目前仍很匮乏。鉴于此, 该文提出了未来需要重点关注的几个方面: 1)全球变化背景下, 入侵植物对本地植物菌根真菌的影响如何变化; 2)包括这种菌根机制在内的多种入侵机制之间的关系; 3)深入探究入侵的这种菌根机制在大的时空尺度上的变化规律。  相似文献   

菌根真菌共生是植物吸收养分的一个重要策略。外来植物可以干扰本地植物与菌根真菌的共生关系从而抑制本地植物生长, 这是近年来被发现的一种重要入侵机制, 在研究中得到日益广泛的关注。该文从以下几个方面着重综述这种入侵机制: 1)外来植物对本地植物菌根真菌的影响, 包括菌根真菌侵染率、菌根内部结构、根外菌丝的量、菌根真菌的群落组成、非菌根真菌的影响及网络结构; 2)外来植物对本地植物菌根真菌上述影响的机制, 包括资源竞争、化感作用和土壤肥力等生态机制以及相关的分子机制; 3)上述两个方面随入侵时间的变化格局。尽管干扰本地植物菌根真菌是一种重要的入侵机制, 但相对其他的入侵机制(例如天敌逃逸、新武器假说等)来说, 这类机制的研究目前仍很匮乏。鉴于此, 该文提出了未来需要重点关注的几个方面: 1)全球变化背景下, 入侵植物对本地植物菌根真菌的影响如何变化; 2)包括这种菌根机制在内的多种入侵机制之间的关系; 3)深入探究入侵的这种菌根机制在大的时空尺度上的变化规律。  相似文献   

The health-beneficial effects of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs), derived mainly from fish oil, coupled with the growing requirement for an alternative and sustainable source of these compounds, has led to efforts to engineer oilseed crops for their production. LC-PUFA synthesis has been achieved using combinations of heterologous endomembrane desaturases and elongases expressed in model oilseed plants. Two general approaches have been employed that both use endogenous 18 carbon fatty acids as the starting substrates: the Delta6- and Delta8-pathways, which perform desaturation followed by elongation or elongation followed by desaturation, respectively. However, yields above 20% have not yet been realized owing to bottlenecks that become apparent in the endogenous biosynthetic pathways when heterologous genes are expressed. These bottlenecks might be caused partly by inefficient non-native enzymes in the host system or also by suboptimal acyl-exchange mechanisms between the acyl-CoA and lipid class pools. The fine-tuning of the fatty acid flux between the acyl-CoA, phospholipid, and triacylglycerol pools will be essential to maximise polyunsaturated fatty acid yields in seed oils. In addition, efficient substrate channelling and lipid synthesis could depend on specific endoplasmic reticulum subdomain localisation for key endogenous enzymes, and this organization could be compromised in heterologous systems.  相似文献   

Abstract This study consists of a series of investigations designed to determine the potential of concentrated smoke products to stimulate seed germination and assist in the rehabilitation of degraded landscapes. Aerosol smoke and conventional smoke water products are not practical for use in broad‐scale seed bank regeneration programmes due to infrastructure limitations and the high rate of application required for their use. Concentrated smoke products have been found to be effective in stimulating soil seed banks and are suitable for broad‐scale use due to the lower rate of application required to elicit germination within smoke‐responsive species. The use of concentrated smoke products on undisturbed soil seed banks at 50 and 100 mL m‐2 increased total seedling numbers 10‐fold, while species richness more than doubled over untreated controls. Although aerosol smoke applied directly to soil promoted 10 times more seedlings compared to concentrated smoke products, species richness levels in each treatment were similar. Concentrated smoke products cause leaf scorch when applied directly over plants in active growth, with limited to nil damage when plants are not actively growing. The affected plants generally recovered following application of concentrated smoke products as a foliar spray.  相似文献   

Many studies have linked the spread of exotic, invasive species to high nitrogen supply, but most of this work does not distinguish between various inorganic forms and different concentrations of available nitrogen. Previous research has suggested that exotic, invasive species common in eastern deciduous forests may preferentially utilize nitrate in contrast to native species that preferentially make use of ammonium. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the growth response of two common forest invaders, Berberis thunbergii and Microstegium vimineum, and two co-occurring native species (Vaccinium pallidum and Hamamelis virginiana) to different forms of nitrogen under varying concentrations in a greenhouse experiment. Two forms of nitrogen (nitrate or ammonium) were added at different concentrations (22, 106, and 212 mg N l−1) to all species. Growth response variables included survival, stem length, stem diameter, above and belowground biomass, and estimated seed production (Microstegium only). Unexpectedly the exotic species did not respond preferentially to nitrate addition. Microstegium responded most strongly to both nitrogen forms depending on the response variable. Berberis and Hamamelis surprisingly reacted similarly to nitrogen additions. As expected, Vaccinium fared poorly under most treatment conditions, but did show some growth in NH4 + treatments. Our findings suggest species response to nitrogen addition is complex, and that exotic species do not all respond similarly to nitrogen inputs. In this study, the response of exotic and native species to available nutrients does not provide a general mechanism of invasion success.  相似文献   

A critical assessment of the effects of Bt transgenic plants on parasitoids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ecological safety of transgenic insecticidal plants expressing crystal proteins (Cry toxins) from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) continues to be debated. Much of the debate has focused on nontarget organisms, especially predators and parasitoids that help control populations of pest insects in many crops. Although many studies have been conducted on predators, few reports have examined parasitoids but some of them have reported negative impacts. None of the previous reports were able to clearly characterize the cause of the negative impact. In order to provide a critical assessment, we used a novel paradigm consisting of a strain of the insect pest, Plutella xylostella (herbivore), resistant to Cry1C and allowed it to feed on Bt plants and then become parasitized by Diadegma insulare, an important endoparasitoid of P. xylostella. Our results indicated that the parasitoid was exposed to a biologically active form of the Cy1C protein while in the host but was not harmed by such exposure. Parallel studies conducted with several commonly used insecticides indicated they significantly reduced parasitism rates on strains of P. xylostella resistant to these insecticides. These results provide the first clear evidence of the lack of hazard to a parasitoid by a Bt plant, compared to traditional insecticides, and describe a test to rigorously evaluate the risks Bt plants pose to predators and parasitoids.  相似文献   

We have recently reported the construction of an nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabonomics study platform, Automics.To examine the application of Automics in transgenic plants, we performed metabolic fingerprinting analysis, i.e., 1H NMR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis, on wild-type and transgenic Arabidopsis. We found that it was possible to distinguish wild-type from four transgenic plants by PLS-DA following application of orthogonal signal correction (OSC). Scores plot following OSC clearly demonstrates significant variation between the transgenic and non-transgenic groups, suggesting that the metabolic changes among wild-type and transgenic lines are possibly associated with transgenic event. We also found that the major contributing metabolites were some specific amino acids (i.e., threonine and alanine), which could correspond to the insertion of the selective marker BAR gene in the transgenic plants. Our data suggests that NMR-based metabonomics is an efficient method to distinguish fingerprinting difference between wild-type and transgenic plants, and can potentially be applied in the bio-safety assessment of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Engineering genes encoding insecticidal proteins into crop plants offers numerous benefits to agriculture. However, like many conventional insecticides, this new technology has the potential to disrupt natural biological control through both direct and indirect side effects of the plants on the fitness or behaviour of arthropod predators and parasitoids. Interactions between transgenic plants and these beneficial insects are being assessed to avoid incompatibility.  相似文献   

We have recently reported the construction of an nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabonomics study platform, Automics. To examine the application of Automics in transgenic plants, we performed metabolic fingerprinting analysis, i.e., 1H NMR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis, on wild-type and transgenic Arabidopsis. We found that it was possible to distinguish wild-type from four transgenic plants by PLS-DA following application of orthogonal signal correction (OSC). Scores plot following OSC clearly demonstrates significant variation between the transgenic and non-transgenic groups, suggesting that the metabolic changes among wild-type and transgenic lines are possibly associated with transgenic event, We also found that the major contributing metabolites were some specific amino acids (i.e., threonine and alanine), which could correspond to the insertion of the selective marker BAR gene in the transgenic plants. Our data suggests that NMR-based metabonomics is an efficient method to distinguish fingerprinting difference between wild-type and transgenic plants, and can potentially be applied in the bio-safety assessment of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

转转基因植物对根际土壤生态系统的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着全世界转基因植物种植的普及,转基因植物对生态环境的影响也受到人们的广泛关注。本文针对转基因植物对土壤生态系统带来的潜在风险做了较全面的探讨,概述了转基因植物在土壤中的残留、外源基因的水平转移及其表达产物对土壤生物、土壤理化性质的影响,为今后更安全利用转基因植物提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Neutrophils are the typical effector cells of the innate immune response because they are the first leukocytes to be recruited to an inflammatory site where they engulf invading microorganisms and destroy them by multiple oxidative and non-oxidative mechanisms. The destructive potential of neutrophils requires the tight control of their recruitment into tissue compartments and the production of inflammatory mediators such as reactive oxygen species. These oxidants can be highly toxic not only for infectious agents but also for neighbouring host tissues resulting in various autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Thus, a significant attention in medicine is paid to approaches designed to modulate the metabolic activity of neutrophils. Synthetic steroid and non-steroid compounds with adverse side effects are commonly used for this purpose. The effects of natural substances which can modulate the metabolic activity of neutrophils and which simultaneously would not exert any significant unfavourable side effects have recently been investigated. Suitable candidates for this purpose might be compounds contained in herbs. These include especially polysaccharides and polyphenols, but also terpenes. The aim of the present paper is to summarize contemporary knowledge on the effects of compounds from herbs on the metabolic activity of mammalian neutrophils.  相似文献   

目前双基因和多基因转基因植物已经商品化,并展现了广泛的应用前景。但在转基因植物研究中,使多个基因同时在植物体中表达调控依然很难实现,是植物基因工程和生物技术发展中的难点。融合基因表达载体作为一种新型的方法,弥补了获得双价或多价转基因植物传统方法的缺点,具有更高的应用价值。本文对目前构建融合基因的方法作了评述,并对比较新颖的连接肽2A和LP4做了详细介绍。  相似文献   

Biotechnologies have been utilized "ante litteram" for thousands of years to produce food and drink and genetic engineering techniques have been widely applied to produce many compounds for human use, from insulin to other medicines. The debate on genetically modified (GM) organisms broke out all over the world only when GM crops were released into the field. Plant ecologists, microbiologists and population geneticists carried out experiments aimed at evaluating the environmental impact of GM crops. The most significant findings concern: the spread of transgenes through GM pollen diffusion and its environmental impact after hybridisation with closely related wild species or subspecies; horizontal gene transfer from transgenic plants to soil microbes; the impact of insecticide proteins released into the soil by transformed plants on non-target microbial soil communities. Recent developments in genetic engineering produced a technology, dubbed "Terminator", which protects patented genes introduced in transgenic plants by killing the seeds in the second generation. This genetic construct, which interferes so heavily with fundamental life processes, is considered dangerous and should be ex-ante evaluated taking into account the data on "unexpected events", as here discussed, instead of relying on the "safe until proven otherwise" claim. Awareness that scientists, biotechnologists and genetic engineers cannot answer the fundamental question "how likely is that transgenes will be transferred from cultivated plants into the natural environment?" should foster long-term studies on the ecological risks and benefits of transgenic crops.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected from 324 goats belonging to the native Apulian breeds Garganica and Jonica; 60 Alpine goats were also sampled to serve as a comparison. Hemoglobin phenotypes were analyzed with isoelectric focusing in a pH range of 6.7-7.7. Heterogeneity of globin chains was evidenced both by AUT-PAGE and RP-HPLC. The primary structure of four alpha globins was analyzed by combined mass spectrometry approaches. Two of these globins had never been sequenced before. One was a new alpha variant, an allele of the HBA1A gene from which it differed for the mutation A26T and has been registered with a low frequency only in Apulian breeds; the other was a globin encoded by the HBA2 locus, whose primary structure was previously derived from the corresponding gene. The two alleles recorded at the HBA2 locus presented a different frequency in the three breeds but may be considered to be generally rather common. Notwithstanding the sample size no goat was found to exhibit HbA1B. The authors discuss their findings in the light of the results reported by other researchers and argue that, in spite of what had been inferred in pioneer works on goat hemoglobins, HBA1B is not a common allele.  相似文献   

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