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Asynchronous cell division is examined generally for features which have mathematical analogs in the field of statistical physics. A simple linear model for the controlling chemical kinetics is proposed, which yields the essential features of the experimental division time distribution. These results suggest an experiment by which the concept of talandic temperature (Goodwin, 1963) might be studied quantitatively.  相似文献   

Levels of guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) were determined by radioimmunoassay in adherence-purified, oil-induced guinea pig peritoneal exudate macrophages, after extraction of the cells with perchloric acid, purification on Dowex AG1-X8, and acetylation. We found that: (i) Basal cGMP levels were strictly dependent on the concentration of extracellular Ca2+ (0.33 ± 0.03 pmol/mg macrophage protein in Ca2+-free medium and 2.49 ± 0.42 pmol/mg in 1.8 mM Ca2+). (ii) The stimulatory effect of Ca2+ on cGMP levels was prevented by tetracaine. (iii) The cGMP content of macrophages was not elevated by incubation with the ionophore A23187 at extracellular Ca2+ concentrations varying between 0 and 1.8 mM. (iv) Macrophage cGMP levels were increased markedly (up to 40-fold) by incubation of the cells with the nitric oxide (NO)-generating agents, sodium azide, hydroxylamine, sodium nitrite, and sodium nitroprusside. (v) Stimulation of cGMP accumulation by NO-generating agents occurred within 30 sec, was Ca2+-independent, and developed in the presence and absence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, isobutyl-methylxanthine. (vi) A minimal elevation in the macrophage cGMP level (less than 2-fold) was induced by ascorbic acid but no significant increases were induced by the following agents, found effective in other cells: serotonin, acetylcholine, carbamylcholine, phorbol myristate acetate, arachidonic acid, Superoxide dismutase, and nitrate reductase.  相似文献   

The interaction of phospholipids with pure, catalytically inactive rat liver 3-d-(—)-CoA hydroxybutyrate apodehydrogenase (apoHBD) was examined, (a) A relationship could be established between density of packing of phospholipid molecules at the interface and apoHBD activation, namely, the larger the area per polar head, the higher the lipid molar efficiency. In this context, codispersion of lecithins with phospholipids that were inactive or scarcely active per se, such as phosphatidylethanolamine and lysophosphatidylcholine (miristoyl; Iysod14) increased the activating efficiency of lecithins, (b) ApoHBD formed tightly bound, catalytically active complexes with lecithin liposomes and micelles (diC10 + lysoC14; cetylphosphorylcholine), but a phospholipid-water interface was not essential for HBD activity since a molecular dispersion of diheptanoyl lecithin (diC7) activated apoHBD to a limited extent. ApoHBD formed loosely bound, catalytically inactive complexes with multilayer vesicles, but HBD activity could be restored by sonication or by adding liposome to those complexes. Unlike liposomes and micelles, apoHBD interaction with multilayer vesicles did not involve a hydrophobic contribution, which was apparently necessary for apoHBD activation, (c) LysoC14, did10 + lysoC14, and cetylphosphorylcholine micelles activated apoHBD but diC7 micelles inhibited the HBD activity of the apoHBD-diC7 (monomer) complex. The inhibition decreased when the medium ionic strength was increased. Liposomes and diCi10 + lysoC14 micelles activated and stabilized apoHBD much more efficiently than pure lysoC14 or cetylphosphorylcholine micelles, (d) The mode of aggregation of the activating phospholipid strongly affected the kinetics of the HBD reaction. With liposomes the reaction showed an initial lag (or induction) period whose duration varied over a range of 3 to 15 min, depending on the activating phospholipid; with diC7 monomers and micelles the kinetics was linear throughout, while with multilayer vesicles the lag was virtually infinite since HBD activity was insignificant, (e) Energies of activation for apoHBD-diC14 complexes, either below or above the lecithin gel-to-liquid crystalline transition temperature were not significantly different, in accordance with apoHBD interaction with the proximal end of the hydrocarbon chains, that is, the less subject to phase transitions. With a diC14-substituted mitochondrial preparation, however, no HBD activity was detected below 24 °C (near the gel-to-liquid crystalline transition temperature of diC14), thus indicating that, in the inner membrane, apoHBD interacts with the whole length of the fatty acyl chain and, consequently, is sensitive to phase transition.  相似文献   

Choline sulfokinase (3′-phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS):choline sulfotransferase, EC was purified approximately 30-fold from the mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum. The Km for PAPS is 12 μm. The enzyme is remarkably specific for the adenosine 3′,5′ (or 2′-5′)-diphosphate moiety. 3′,5′-ADP (PAP) has a Ki of 2.5 to 14 μm (depending on the choline concentration) whereas the Ki values of 3′-AMP, 5′-AMP, and 5′-ADP are at least 300-fold higher. The enzyme is also highly specific for choline (Km = 17 μM). Of a number of other amino alcohols tested, none were potent inhibitors and only dimethylaminoethanol served as a reasonably good substrate (Km = 800 μmV = 35% of V with choline). Triethylaminoethanol was a significantly poorer substrate (Km = 2800 μM; V = 2% of V with choline). The purified enzyme is relatively stable when stored frozen in the presence of 25% sucrose. In the absence of sucrose, the maximum activity decreases and the Km for choline increases. (The Km for PAPS remains constant.) The age-inactivated enzyme can be restored to full activity (original V and Km for choline) by a 10-min preincubation with 50 mm mercaptoethanol. However, prolonged incubation (24 h) with 50 mm mercaptoethanol results in irreversible denaturation. Initial velocity studies established that the enzyme follows a sequential kinetic mechanism. Product inhibition studies suggest a rapid equilibrium random binding sequence. Choline-O-phosphate (a dead-end inhibitor) is linearly competitive with choline and a linear mixed type inhibitor with respect to PAPS. Choline analogs lacking the alcohol (or ester) group (e.g., trimethylammonium, neurine, chlorocholine) are competitive dead-end inhibitors with respect to choline but are uncompetitive with respect to PAPS. Thiocholine is a linear mixed type inhibitor with respect to PAPS, but the reciprocal plots are almost parallel. These results suggest that the analogs lacking an oxygen atom have a negligible affinity for the free enzyme and bind predominantly to the enzyme-PAPS complex.  相似文献   

Liver and heart represent two organs with markedly different needs for heme as related to their metabolic roles. To examine these diferences chick embryo heart and liver cells were compared with respect to transport of δ-aminolevulinic acid and activity of δ-aminolevulinic acid synthetase, porphyrin synthesis and heme oxygenase. Heart cells were found to have a low rate of δ-aminolevulinic acid uptake, a high resting level of δ-aminolevulinic acid synthetase activity and a lower level of heme oxygenase activity as compared with liver cells. The hepatic cell uptake of δ-aminolevulinic acid was 6–25-times that of heart cells. The embryonal heart cell appears to be a balanced autonomous system for the synthesis and degradation of heme. The embryonal liver cell represents a cell system permeable to exogenous δ-aminolevulinic acid, which is also responsive to and inducible by external stimuli.  相似文献   

Syntheses of the C8 and C10 olefinic units cis- and trans-5-ethyl-1-iodo-hex-4-enes and cis- and trans-7-ethyl-3-iodo-oct-6-enes are described. The Wittig coupling of such units with derivatives of α- and β-thujaketonic acids to give analogs of insect juvenile hormones is discussed.  相似文献   

The minimal requirements and characteristics of epididymal sperm binding to the zona pellucida of the mouse egg were investigated using a new stop-fix centrifugation technique. This assay provided a precise physical definition of the association between the spermatozoon and the zona and permitted quantitation of the binding reaction at short time intervals. The results demonstrated that Ca2+ is an essential physiological component required for binding to occur. Sperm preincubated for 60 min in a simplified medium lacking Ca2+ did not acquire the ability to bind to eggs. In contrast, if sperm preincubation occurred in this medium supplemented with 1.7 mM Ca2+, binding was identical to that observed following sperm preincubation in the complete culture medium which supports both capacitation and fertilization in vitro. The Ca2+-dependent binding reaction was rapid, reversed by EGTA, specific for Ca2+, and did not require the transport of Ca2+ into the cell. Sperm bound to the zona surface following preincubation with Ca2+ were capable of fertilization in vitro when the eggs were subsequently transferred to the culture medium. It is proposed that this binding reaction represents a part of capacitation and not the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The crystal and molecular structure of l-pyroglutamyl-β-(2-thienyl)-l-alanyl-l-prolinamide, < Glu-Thi-Pro-NH2(Thi2-TRH), C17H22N4O4S, has been determined from X-ray diffraction data. Thi2-TRH is a highly active analogue of thyroliberin, a thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), in which the imidazole ring of the central histidine moiety in the natural hormone has been replaced by a 2-thienyl group. Thi2-TRH crystallizes from water in the monoclinic space group P21, a = 9.340(1) A?, b = 21.961(3) A?, c = 9.449(1) A? and β = 109.58(1) °, with two molecules per asymmetric unit. These independent molecules, A and B, have the same general backbone conformation with the φ2, ψ2 and ψ3 torsional angles close to ?90 °, +120 ° and +150 °, respectively, but they show different magnitudes of rotational disorder in the thiophene ring as well as a certain disorder in the pyrrolidine ring. A and B are cross-linked by four interchain hydrogen bonds, forming a two-stranded antiparallel β-pleated sheet structure. The molecules in these dimer fragments are further hydrogen-bonded to successive translated molecules along the a and c axes, forming a pronounced two-dimensional predominantly hydrophobic layer structure. These layers, in which the atoms are almost equally arranged on both sides, are separated by ordinary van der Waals' distances. A close correlation between the molecular conformation in the solid state and the preferential conformation in solution is found. It is concluded that the crystalline structure of Thi2-TRH possesses structural features which may be of relevance in the hormone-receptor interaction process.  相似文献   

The COOH-terminal cyanogen bromide fragment 206-316 of thermolysin has been shown to possess protein domain characteristics that are able to refold into a stable native-like structure (Fontana et al., 1982). We now report the results of limited proteolysis of this fragment with the aim of identifying the minimum size of a COOH-terminal fragment of thermolysin that is able to fold by itself. Proteolysis with subtilisin, chymotrypsin, thermolysin and trypsin allowed us to isolate to homogeneity eight different subfragments, which can be grouped in two sets of peptides, i.e. (218-222)-316 and (252-255)-316. These subfragments are able to acquire a stable conformation of native-like characteristics, as judged by quantitative analysis of secondary structure from far-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra and immunochemical properties using rabbit anti-thermolysin antibodies. In addition, even the smallest fragment isolated (sequence 255-316) shows co-operative and reversible unfolding transitions mediated by heat (tm 65 degrees C) and guanidine hydrochloride (midpoint transition at 2.5 M denaturant), as often observed with globular proteins. From the kinetics of the proteolytic digestion and analysis of the isolated subfragments, it is concluded that proteases lead to a stepwise degradation of fragment 206-316 from its NH2-terminal region, leading to the highly helical fragment (252-255)-316, quite resistant to further proteolytic digestion. The results of this study provide evidence that it is possible to isolate stable supersecondary structures of globular proteins and correlate well with predictions of subdomains of the COOH-terminal structural domain of thermolysin.  相似文献   

Two proteins (A and B) from Escherichia, coli are required for in, vitro synthesis of the NAD+ precursor, quinolinate, from L-aspartate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. The requirement for B protein and L-aspartate in this system can be replaced by millimolar concentrations of oxaloacetate and ammonia if they are added together. This finding supports the concept that the B protein (L-aspartate oxidase) functions to form iminoaspartate which is condensed with dihydroxyacetone phosphate by the A protein to form quinolinate.  相似文献   

The relative quantities of 26 known transfer RNAs of Escherichia coli have been measured previously (Ikemura, 1981). Based on this relative abundance, the usage of cognate codons in E. coli genes as well as in transposon and coliphage genes was examined. A strong positive correlation between tRNA content and the occurrence of respective codons was found for most E. coli genes that had been sequenced, although the correlation was less significant for transposon and phage genes. The dependence of the usage of isoaccepting tRNA, in E. coli genes encoding abundant proteins, on tRNA content was especially noticeable and was greater than that expected from the proportional relationship between the two variables, i.e. these genes selectively use codons corresponding to major tRNAs but almost completely avoid using codons of minor tRNAs. Therefore, codon choice in E. coli genes was considered to be largely constrained by tRNA availability and possibly by translational efficiency. Based on the content of isoaccepting tRNA and the nature of codon-anticodon interaction, it was then possible to predict for most amino acids the order of preference among synonymous codons. The synonymous codon predicted in this way to be the most preferred codon was thought to be optimized for the E. coli translational system and designated as the “Optimal codon”. E. coli genes encoding abundant protein species use the optimal codons selectively, and other E. coli genes, such as amino acid synthesizing genes, use optimal and “non-optimal” codons to a roughly equal degree. The finding that the frequency of usage of optimal codons is closely correlated with the production levels of individual genes was discussed from an evolutionary viewpoint.  相似文献   

cyt18-1 (299-9) is a nuclear mutant of Neurospora crassa that has been shown to have a temperature-sensitive defect in splicing the mitochondrial large rRNA intron. In the present work, we investigate the effect of the cyt18-1 mutation on splicing of mitochondrial mRNA introns. Two genes were studied in detail; the cytochrome b (cob) gene, which contains two introns, and a "long form" of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (coI) gene, which contains four introns. We found that splicing of both cob introns and splicing of at least two of the coI introns are strongly inhibited in the mutant, whereas splicing of coI intron 1, which is excised as a 2.6 X 10(3) base circle, is relatively unaffected. The rRNA intron and both cob introns are group I introns, whereas the circular coI intron may belong to another structural class. Control experiments showed that the degree of inhibition of splicing is greater in the mutant than can be accounted for by severe inhibition of mitochondrial protein synthesis. Finally, experiments in which mutant cells were shifted from 25 degrees C to 37 degrees C showed that splicing of the large rRNA precursor and splicing of the coI mRNA precursor are inhibited with similar kinetics. Considered together, our results suggest that the cyt18 gene encodes a trans-acting component that is required for the splicing of group I mitochondrial DNA introns or some subclass thereof. Since Neurospora cob intron 1 has been shown to be self-splicing in vitro, defective splicing of this intron in cyt18-1 indicates that an essentially RNA-catalyzed splicing reaction must be facilitated by a trans-acting factor, presumably a protein, in vivo.  相似文献   

A method is described for the synthesis of the naturally occurring tetrapeptide tuftsin (Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg). This stimulates phagocytosis of granulocytes and macrophages. Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid is used to cleave the tetrapeptide from its supporting resin in solid-phase synthesis. This reagent also causes deprotection of several protecting groups in bifunctional residues. The most significant is the complete removal of the tosyl group from NG-tosyl-arginine-resin ester.  相似文献   

1. The type 2 copper in Rhus vernicifera laccase was completely removed without loss of other types of copper. The properties of this protein derivative and the role of type 2 copper in the catalytic action of laccase was investigated. 2. The molar extinction coefficient at 614 nm of the blue chromophore decreases from 5700 to 4700 cm-1 on removal of type 2 copper. There are no apparent absorption changes at other wavelengths in the visible or near ultraviolet region when this copper is taken away. The electron-paramagnetic-resonance (epr) parameter A parallel and the linewidth of type 1 Cu2+ decreases on removal of type 2 copper. 3. The rate of reduction of type 1 Cu2+ is not affected by removal of type 2 copper but the reduction of the two-electron acceptor is greatly impaired. These results strongly support the idea that type 1 Cu2+ is the primary site for electron transfer between substrate and enzyme and that the two-electron acceptor in the native enzyme is reduced by simultaneous electron transfer from reduced types 1 and 2 copper. 4. Reoxidation of types 1 and 3 copper and the formation of the oxygen intermediate are the same processes in native and type-2-depleted enzyme. These observations suggests that type 2 copper is not involved in the formation and rapid decay of the oxygen intermediate and that it is not necessary for the stabilization of this intermediate. 5. Two new epr signals are observed on reoxidation of reduced type-2-depleted laccase. One is temporarily formed on re-reduction of reoxidized enzyme and it is suggested that it might arise from copper, possibly type 3 copper. The other one is stable for hours and it is proposed that it might come from a modified oxygen intermediate.  相似文献   

The domainal substructure and molecular conformation of human fibrinogen have been investigated by evaluating scanning transmission electron microscopic images of freeze-dried or negatively contrasted native fibrinogen (fractions I-4 and I-9), glutaraldehyde-treated fibrinogen, or plasmic core fragments D1 and E2. Although some unstained freeze-dried native or glutaraldehyde-treated fibrinogen molecules were relatively compact and even occasionally spheroidal, typical images were elongated symmetrical tridomainal structures 460 Å ± 20 Å in length; frequently they were bent into a variety of elongated though non-linear arrangements. Their identification as monomolecular forms of fibrinogen by scanning transmission electron microscopic mass measurements resolved uncertainties relating to the identity of such objects as single molecules. The central domains of fraction I-4 molecules had a greater mass than those of fraction I-9 (1.01 × 105Mrversus 7.5 × 10 Mr, respectively). This difference accounted for the observed mass difference between fraction I-4 and fraction I-9 molecules (i.e. 3.27 × 105Mrversus 2.97 × 105Mr, respectively) and suggested that the COOH-terminal region of the Aα chain (major portions of which are always absent from fraction I-9 molecules) is situated within the mass integration radius for the central domain. When the COOH-terminal region of the Aα chain was present it appeared in negative stain as a thread-like structure originating between the middle and outer domains and extending toward the central domain, sometimes appearing to wind around the long axis.The outer domains of negatively stained molecules resembled negatively stained images of fragment D1 and could frequently be resolved into at least two discrete subdomains, forming an oblong structure usually canted at an angle of ~120 ° to 150 ° relative to the long axis. Our findings are consistent with prevailing tridomainal structural models of fibrinogen and suggest that these molecules are flexible and may exist in unfolded configurations, or as relatively compact, partially or completely folded forms.  相似文献   

A map of the positions of 12 of the 21 proteins of the 30 S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli (S1, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12 and S15), based on neutron scattering, is presented and discussed. Estimates for the radii of gyration of these proteins in situ are also obtained. It appears that many ribosomal proteins have compact configurations in the particle.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from healthy donors and from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) were stimulated to divide with sodium periodate. The time of maximal response of normal lymphocytes to sodium periodate (NaIO4) was earlier than that observed to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), but the magnitude was lower. In comparison, CLL lymphocytes responded to NaIO4 more extensively and earlier than to PHA.  相似文献   

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