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Microsatellite DNA variation was used to assess the outcome of stocking Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and migratory trout Salmo trutta in River Sävarå, N Sweden. No information on pre‐stocking genetic composition of S. salar and S. trutta in River Sävarå was available. In 2 year‐classes of S. salar smolt, microsatellite data indicated that post‐stocking genetic composition differed markedly (FST= 0·048) from the main donor strain, Byskeälven S. salar, and from other Gulf of Bothnia S. salar stocks (FST 0·047 and 0·132). The STRUCTURE programme failed to detect any substructuring within Sävarå salmon. It was concluded that only minor introgression estimated to a proportion of 0·11 (95% CI 0·07–0·16) has occurred in S. salar. Salmo trutta showed overall low differentiation among populations with maximum FST of 0·03 making analysis more cumbersome than in S. salar. Still, the SävaråS. trutta deviated significantly from potential donor populations, and STRUCTURE software supported that majority of trout in Sävarå formed a distinct genetic population. Admixture was more extensive in S. trutta and estimated to 0·17 (95% CI 0·10–0·25).  相似文献   

We examined the long-term temporal (1910s to 1990s) genetic variation at eight microsatellite DNA loci in brown trout (Salmo trutta L) collected from five anadromous populations in Denmark to assess the long-term stability of genetic composition and to estimate effective population sizes (Ne). Contemporary and historical samples consisted of tissue and archived scales, respectively. Pairwise thetaST estimates, a hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (amova) and multidimensional scaling analysis of pairwise genetic distances between samples revealed much closer genetic relationships among temporal samples from the same populations than among samples from different populations. Estimates of Ne, using a likelihood-based implementation of the temporal method, revealed Ne >or= 500 in two of three populations for which we have historical data. A third population in a small (3 km) river showed Ne >or= 300. Assuming a stepping-stone model of gene flow we considered the relative roles of gene flow, random genetic drift and selection to assess the possibilities for local adaptation. The requirements for local adaptation were fulfilled, but only adaptations resulting from strong selection were expected to occur at the level of individual populations. Adaptations resulting from weak selection were more likely to occur on a regional basis, i.e. encompassing several populations. Ne appears to have declined recently in at least one of the studied populations, and the documented recent declines of many other anadromous brown trout populations may affect the persistence of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Hansen MM 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(6):1003-1015
Indigenous salmonid fish gene pools are affected by domesticated conspecifics, derived from aquaculture escapes and deliberate releases. Variability was examined at nine microsatellite loci in order to assess the long-term impact of stocking domesticated trout in two brown trout populations. The study was based on analysis of two historical samples (1945-56), represented by old scale collections, and seven contemporary samples (1986-2000). In one population historical and contemporary samples were remarkably genetically similar despite more than a decade of intense stocking. Estimation of admixture proportions showed a small genetic contribution from domesticated trout (approximately 6%), and individual admixture analysis demonstrated a majority of nonadmixed individuals. The expected genetic contribution by domesticated trout was 64%, assessed from the number of stocked trout and assuming equal survival and reproductive performance of wild and domesticated trout. This demonstrates poor performance and low fitness of domesticated trout in the wild. In another population there was a strong genetic contribution from domesticated trout (between 57% and 88% in different samples), both in samples from a broodstock thought to represent the indigenous population and in a sample of wild spawners. Survival of domesticated trout and admixture with indigenous fish in the broodstock and subsequent stocking into the river, combined with a low population size of native trout relative to the number of stocked trout, could explain the observed introgression. Few nonadmixed individuals remained in the introgressed population, and I discuss how individual admixture analysis can be used to identify and conserve nonintrogressed remains of the population.  相似文献   

We studied reproductive traits in nine anadromous brown trout, Salmo trutta L., populations in seven Norwegian rivers. Within populations we found a positive significant correlation between fish length and fecundity in all populations, and between fish length and egg diameter in five populations. There were significant differences in these relationships between populations from different rivers, and between populations from different locations within rivers. When adjusted for variation in fish length, mean fecundity and mean egg diameter showed a negative significant correlation among populations. The ratio of gonadal weight to somatic weight (gonadosomatic index) varied significantly among populations but was not associated with variation in fish length. Comparatively few large eggs were found in brown trout populations co-existing with several other fish species.  相似文献   

In this study, individual growth of juvenile offspring of anadromous and freshwater resident brown trout Salmo trutta and crosses between the two from the River Imsa, Norway, was estimated. The juveniles were incubated until hatching at two temperatures (±S.D. ), either 4.4 ± 1.5°C or 7.1 ± 0.6°C. Growth rate was estimated for 22 days in August–September when the fish on average were c. 8 g in wet mass, and the estimates were standardized to 1 g fish dry mass. Offspring of anadromous S. trutta grew better at both 15 and 18°C than offspring of freshwater resident S. trutta or offspring of crosses between the two S. trutta types. This difference appears not to result from a maternal effect because anadromous S. trutta grew better than the hybrids with anadromous mothers. Instead, this appears to be an inherited difference between the anadromous and the freshwater resident fish lending support to the hypothesis that anadromous and freshwater resident S. trutta in this river differ in genetic expression. Egg incubation temperature of S. trutta appeared not to influence the later growth as reported earlier from the studies of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar.  相似文献   

The effects of stocking hatchery trout into wild populations were studied in a Danish river, using microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. Baseline samples were taken from hatchery trout and wild trout assumed to be unaffected by previous stocking. Also, samples were taken from resident and sea trout from a stocked section of the river. Genetic differentiation between the hatchery strain and the local wild population was modest (microsatellite FST = 0.06). Using assignment tests, more than 90% of individuals from the baseline samples were classified correctly. Assignment tests involving samples from the stocked river section suggested that the contribution by hatchery trout was low among sea trout (< 7%), but high (46%) among resident trout. Hybrid index analysis and a high percentage of mtDNA haplotypes specific to indigenous trout observed among resident trout that were assigned to the hatchery strain suggested that interbreeding took place between hatchery and wild trout. The latter result also indicated that male hatchery trout contributed more to interbreeding than females. We suggest that stronger selection acts against stocked hatchery trout that become anadromous compared to hatchery trout that become resident. As most resident trout are males this could also explain why gene flow from hatchery to wild trout appeared to be male biased. The results show that even despite modest differentiation at neutral loci domesticated trout may still perform worse than local populations and it is important to be aware of differential survival and reproductive success both between life-history types and between sexes.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations inhabiting rivers on the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea was studied on a spatial and temporal scale. Low water levels in the rivers during the summer period are assumed to have a significant impact on the persistence of local populations, possibly resulting in a metapopulation structure. Extinctions may, however, also be buffered by a remnant strategy, whereby juveniles escape to river outlets during periods of drought. We compared polymorphism at seven microsatellite DNA loci in contemporary and past samples collected from 1944 to 1997. A principal component analysis, a hierarchical gene diversity analysis and assignment tests showed that the genetic composition of populations was not temporally stable, and that temporal genetic differentiation was much stronger than spatial differentiation. Genetic variability was high and stable over time. Effective population sizes (Ne) and migration rate (m) were estimated using a maximum-likelihood-based implementation of the temporal method. Ne estimates were low (ranging from 8.3 to 22.9) and estimates of m were high (between 0.23 and 0.99), in contrast to other Danish trout populations inhabiting larger and more environmentally stable rivers (Ne between 39.2 and 289.9 and m between 0.01 and 0.09). Thus, the observed spatio-temporal patterns of genetic differentiation can be explained by drift in small persisting populations, where levels of genetic variation are maintained by strong gene flow. However, observations of rivers devoid of trout suggested that population turnover also takes place. We suggest that Bornholm trout represent a metapopulation where the genetic structure primarily reflects strong drift and gene flow, combined with occasional extinction-recolonization events.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper was to study sea migration, growth and survival of brown trout Salmo trutta of the River Imsa, 1976–2005. The migratory S. trutta were individually tagged and fish leaving or entering the river were monitored daily in traps located near the river mouth. The mean annual duration of the sea sojourn was 6–9 months for first-time migrants moving to sea between January and June. It was 8–18 months for those migrating to sea between July and December. Veteran migrants stayed 12 months or less at sea and most returned to the river in August. Early ascending fish stayed the longest in fresh water because most returned to sea in April to May. The day number of 50% cumulative smolt descent correlated negatively with mean water temperature in February to March and the February North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAOI). Mean annual sea growth during the first 2 years after smolting was higher for S. trutta spending the winter at sea than those wintering in the River Imsa. First year's sea growth was lower for S. trutta descending in spring than autumn. For first-time migrants, it correlated negatively with the February NAOI of the smolt year. Sea survival was higher for spring than autumn descending first-time migratory S. trutta with a maximum in May (14·9%). Number of anadromous S. trutta returning to the river increased linearly with the size of the cohort moving to sea, with no evidence of density-dependent sea mortality. Sea survival of S. trutta smolts moving to sea between January and June correlated positively both with the annual number of Atlantic Salmo salar smolts, the specific growth rate at sea, and time of seaward migration in spring. This is the first study indicating how environmental factors at the time of seaward migration influence the sea survival of S. trutta .  相似文献   

1. The present study was designed to characterize the genetic structure of brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) populations from the southern Balkans and to assess the spread of non-native strains and their introgression into native trout gene pools. We analysed polymorphism at nine microsatellite loci in seven supposedly non-admixed and three stocked brown trout populations.
2. The analyses confirmed the absence of immigration and extraordinarily strong genetic differentiation among the seven non-introgressed populations in parallel with low levels of intrapopulation genetic variability. In contrast, analyses of the stocked populations revealed that the genetic integrity of the local populations had been substantially changed, and the populations must be characterized as hybrid swarms. The pattern of population differentiation observed at microsatellites contrasted to that depicted previously by mtDNA variation. However, the close relationships between populations from the Danube and Axios river systems proposed solely by microsatellites could be explained by palaeogeographic events.
3. Our research showed that most of the populations examined represent unique gene pools, whose existence is critically compromised. Therefore, appropriate management and conservation strategies should be developed urgently in order to protect the subspecific biodiversity and to reverse currently negative trends.  相似文献   

Initial feeding of brown trout was investigated under laboratory conditions. Fifty per cent feeding occurred when yolk constituted approximately 31% of total alevin dry weight, and feeding rate was positively correlated to developmental stage. The possible ecological implications of initial feeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Declines in the number of anadromous brown trout in the Karup River in Denmark, due to environmental degradation, led to the stocking of large numbers of hatchery trout during the 1980s. This practice was gradually replaced by stocking with the offspring of electrofished local trout The genetic contribution of the hatchery fish to the current population of anadromous trout in the river was estimated by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA, using seven restriction endonucleases. Fish from the hatchery strain as well as from five locations in the river system, and from a further unstocked river were screened. Eight haplotypes were observed. The distribution and frequencies of the observed haplotypes revealed little genetic differentiation among stocked populations. The hatchery strain differed significantly from the stocked populations. One haplotype which was found at a high frequency in the hatchery strain was almost absent from the stocked populations. This suggests that the genetic contribution of the hatchery trout to the current population is much less than would be expected from the number of stocked fish. The possible reasons for the failure of the hatchery trout to contribute to the gene pool, and also the implications for conservation biology, are discussed.  相似文献   

Populations of brown trout Salmo trutta were monitored at a number of sites within a single stream, using an individual marking technique and recapturing uniquely marked fish repeatedly over a period of 12 months. Individual 1 + and 2 + resident brown trout in the Glenfinish River were found to consist of stationary and mobile component populations. The latter population consisted of a number of individuals observed moving mostly in an upstream direction, within a range of 0.03–2.24 km. On a large spatial scale, individuals in the stationary component population exhibited some degree of home site fidelity within the stream, over a period of 3–4 months, after which the fish tended to move from the site. Within sites, fidelity to either riffle or pool habitats, mostly the latter, was apparent in a proportion of the population. On a smaller scale, fidelity to the exact position with respect to boulders in the stream was also evident in a number of individuals. Home range size was calculated amongst these individuals, with ranges of up to 20 m recorded.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of two Turkish brown trout populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I. Togan    A. Z. Fidan    E. Yain    A. Ergüven    Y. Emre 《Journal of fish biology》1995,47(SA):164-169
The genetic structure of two brown trout Salmo trutta populations living in Lake Abant in Bolu and Üzüm River in Antalya was determined by examining 15 enzyme coding loci ( AAT, ADH, LDH, MDH, MEP, GPI, PGM and SOD ) using starch gel electrophoresis. Population specific mobilities were observed for the fixed alleles of LDH-B2, mMEP-2 and SOD-1 loci. Polymorphisms in sAA T-4, GPI-B2 loci were observed within the populations. Average heterozygosity of Abant and Antalya populations was 0.0358 and 0.0224 respectively. For LDH-C which is the post glaciation marker locus, the ancestral allele * 105 was found to be fixed in both of the populations. Nei's genetic distance between the two populations was 0.2507 which is the level of genetic distance often found between different species. This difference seems to be due to the presence of unique alleles in the LDH-B2, mMEP-2 and SOD-1 loci of the Abant population, indicating that the conservation of the Abant population and its heterozygosity is of prime importance.  相似文献   

Post-smolt anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta , sea trout, from two Scottish west coast rivers, the Balgy and Shieldaig, flowing into adjacent sea lochs were tracked simultaneously using arrays of moored acoustic receivers to determine dispersal patterns and loss rates. Fish tended to stay close to their natal rivers for the first 14 day after entering the sea, during which time about half the fish were lost to the study. Although initially the overall pattern of dispersal was similar for individual fish from both rivers, towards the end of the study the groups had converged into one of the loch basins. There were also pronounced individual differences in habitat use with all those fish detected for >42 days exhibiting different patterns of habitat use. Loss rates were similar between the two rivers despite differences in the range of air-breathing predators to which the fish were initially exposed. These findings suggest that any management of predators or other mortality agents should be targeted towards mouths of rivers during and immediately following smolt emigration.  相似文献   

Domesticated brown trout Salmo trutta parr were subjected to increased, variable flow under controlled experimental conditions. Using geometric morphometric analyses, (a mass–length index) and caudal fin area–body length ratio, this study assessed morphological responses in lateral body depth, growth and robustness and propulsive potential, respectively, of parr over the course of 32 weeks. Geometric morphometric analyses did not reveal an effect of exercise on either lateral body depth or caudal fin area. However, improved overall robustness and growth trajectories in exercised parr showed a positive adaptive response to the enriched habitat. Exercise and habitat heterogeneity thus have the potential to improve survivability of domesticated salmonids in the wild.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in five meristic and 21 morphometric characters was examined in the brown trout, Salmo trutta L., from seven distinct streams and rivers from N and NW Greece. Variation within each sample, estimated as the multivariate generalization of the coefficient of variation, did not vary substantially among the populations. The phenetic relationships of these populations were examined using the stepwise discriminant analysis. The taxonomic implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic relationships and geographical structure among brown trout S. trutta L. populations from the South Adriatic-Ionian and Aegean sea basins, mitochondrial DNA nucleotide sequence comparisons were used. A 310-base-pair (bp) segment of the control region (D-loop), and an additional 280-bp segment of the cytochrome b gene were sequenced from representatives of 13 brown trout populations. Phylogenetic analyses, conducted after combining the data presented with published data from other Eurasian brown trout, revealed four major phylogenetic groups, three of which were found widely distributed within the southern Balkan region. The phylogeographical patterns revealed by mtDNA represent one of the few cases where phylogenetic discontinuity in a gene tree exists without obvious geographical localization within a species' range and has most likely resulted from the differentiation of the major mtDNA clades during Messinian or early Pleistocene times. Finally, the genetic relationships among the populations suggested by mtDNA were generally not in accordance with either allozyme or morphological data.  相似文献   

1.  The brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) represents one of the main freshwater resources in Spain, but habitat alterations and overharvesting have contributed to the decline or disappearance of numerous natural populations. In addition, reinforcement programs of wild populations based on releases of hatchery reared fish of exogenous origin compromise the conservation of remnant native trout resources.
2.  We present allozymic data from Central Spain trout populations including stocked and unstocked populations. Although the levels of genetic variation observed were low and affected by hatchery releases (p = 18.23%, Ho= 3.39%), they were within the range observed in other European areas.
3.  The effective introduction of hatchery reared fish is genetically homogenising the populations in the studied area and disturbing the ancestral pattern of genetic variation that distinguishes the Tajo and Duero basins. Within the eight natural populations analysed, seven had alleles assigned to the foreign trout. The introgression in these populations, following the LDH-5 * 90 allele frequency, ranged between 2% and 29.4%, but those values are not in concordance with the respective stocking effort undertaken in each population. Moreover, the release of hatchery-reared fish does not solve the problems related to the reduced size of wild populations and their recruitment instability.  相似文献   

This study focuses on genetic variation of brown trout Salmo trutta populations of the Adriatic and Danubian drainages in Switzerland. The allozyme and other protein loci data show a major replacement of native stocks from the Adriatic drainages by introduced hatchery trout of Atlantic basin origin. In most samples, diagnostic alleles for the Adriatic form of Salmo trutta f. fario and for the marbled trout Salmo trutta marmoratus are found at very low frequencies (f<0.15). Taking into account previous genetic studies on brown trout of this basin, the Danubian samples are not heavily contaminated with foreign alleles. The results are consistent with records of local stocking activities which account in part for the high introgression rates of Atlantic alleles into local populations of the Adriatic drainages. In addition, introgression is enhanced by a decrease of natural reproduction which is caused by a deterioration of trout habitats through human activities. Furthermore, a third mechanism is proposed that may contribute to the high introgression rates observed: if Atlantic trout are introduced, the reproductive barriers between the two native forms, marbled trout and Adriatic fario respectively, break down. Atlantic trout apparently hybridize with both native forms and generate gene flow between them. In some parts of Adriatic drainages in Switzerland, the patterns of introgression and hybridization are further complicated by introduction of trout from the Danubian system. Alleles of the marbled trout are also found in the samples of the Danubian drainage system. These are due to stocking activities across the watershed.  相似文献   

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