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栗瘿蜂虫瘿形成及发育与发生量关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
板栗瘿蜂是我国板栗主要害虫,虫瘿是该害虫危害产物.在自然状态下,虫瘿的形成和发育性状在个体间差异显著。本文对栗瘿蜂在直观上容易识别和观测的虫瘿的形成及其形态、生物学指标进行检测,并对其与虫室数和虫量的相互关系进行定量分析,结果表明,单瘿质量近似正态分布,变异系数为0.1712,峰度系数1.3853.个体质量最大和最小相差15.5倍,体积相差64倍。虫瘿质量(X1)、体积(X2)与瘿内虫室数和虫数(Y)呈正相关关系,相关系数分别为R1^2=0813,R2^2=0.874,达到显著水平。不同板栗品种对栗瘿蜂的抗性为处暑红>蜜蜂球>二水早。天敌主要是中华长尾小蜂,虫瘿寄生率72.7%,幼虫(虫室)寄生率24.06%。  相似文献   

板栗瘿蜂是我国板栗主要害虫,虫瘿是该害虫危害产物.在自然状态下,虫瘿的形成和发育性状在个体间差异显著.本文对栗瘿蜂在直观上容易识别和观测的虫瘿的形成及其形态、生物学指标进行检测,并对其与虫室数和虫量的相互关系进行定量分析,结果表明,单瘿质量近似正态分布,变异系数为0.1712,峰度系数1.3853,个体质量最大和最小相差15.5倍,体积相差6.4倍.虫瘿质量(X1)、体积(X2)与瘿内虫室数和虫数(Y)呈正相关关系,相关系数分别为R12=0.813,R22=0.874,达到显著水平.不同板栗品种对栗瘿蜂的抗性为处暑红>蜜蜂球>二水早.天敌主要是中华长尾小蜂,虫瘿寄生率72.7%,幼虫(虫室)寄生率24.06%.  相似文献   

抗栗瘿蜂优良锥栗品种的初步选择研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过调查统计建瓯市水源乡,采穗圃中8个锥栗品种的每株虫瘿数和单株产量,以方差分析和多重比较法进行分析,初步筛选了抗栗瘿蜂的锥栗品种,研究结果显示,蔓榛和中榛子是抗栗瘿蜂的优良品种,生产上可作为栗瘿蜂综合治理的推广品种。  相似文献   

栗瘿蜂在贵州的发生及相关生物学习性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙正权  王先华 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1860-1863
本文首次报道栗瘿蜂Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu在贵州铜仁的发生为害情况,详细记述栗瘿蜂的生物学特性,特别是栗瘿蜂在瘿内的生活习性。2009年4月-2010年8月调查,在铜仁市桐木坪乡卜口村栽种的366.67hm2板栗中,株被害率达100%,当年新梢被害率达41%。该虫1年发生1代,3月底至4月初虫瘿出现,5月中旬虫瘿达最大,化蛹高峰期为5月下旬;成虫羽化高峰期为6月中旬,出瘿高峰期为6月15-22日。成虫孤雌生殖,产卵栗芽内,以幼龄幼虫在栗芽内虫室越冬。大龄幼虫有极强的耐饥性和耐旱性。用粘虫胶对成虫进行防治,有较好的防效,也使天敌得到了有效保护。  相似文献   

栗瘿蜂生物学及其防治研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郭树嘉  刘世儒 《昆虫知识》1992,29(5):275-277
栗瘿蜂的蛹可化分为前蛹、白蛹和黑蛹。生殖方式为孤雌生殖,平均单瘿内幼虫数与每米枝条瘿数为正相关关系。自然种群密度呈周期性猖獗发生,其主要原因是寄生天敌的作用,研究中查获我省寄生蜂28种,主要天敌有10种。发生期的预测可根据板粟的物候期进行。发生量的预测可用有效基数预测式的简式“(1-d)(1-M)”,进行种群数量变动趋势的估测。采用早春人工修剪,邻地助迁、枯瘿挂笼等保护利用寄生蜂的方法,并适当辅助以化学防治:涂环内吸防治瘿内幼虫及成虫期喷雾等综合防治措施。使防治区比对照区当年虫口减退率达95%以上。  相似文献   

为验证营养假说,本研究首次利用分光光度计测定了栗瘿蜂(Dryocosmus kuriphilus)幼虫期虫瘿及其着生枝条的部分营养和防御物质的含量或活性。研究结果表明:虫瘿中单宁和类黄酮的含量及苯丙氨酸解氨酶和多酚氧化酶的活性显著低于枝条的含量或活性,符合营养假说;虫瘿蛋白质和还原糖含量显著低于枝条的含量,淀粉的含量与枝条的含量差异不显著,不符合营养假说。  相似文献   

本文报道了我国光翅瘿蜂科的种类共4种2亚种,记述了异节光翅瘿蜂属的1个新种。新种为蛀干害虫的天敌。  相似文献   

记述中国瘿蜂科犁瘿蜂属Diplolepis Geoffroy 5种,其中包括3新种,即黄腹犁瘿蜂Diplolepis flaviabdomenis sp.nov.,湖南犁瘿蜂Diplolepis hunanensis sp.nov.和小腹犁瘿蜂Diplolepis mnoriabdomenis sp.nov..详细描述新种并附图,编制了中国犁瘿蜂属分种检索表.模式标本保存于浙江农林大学和美国东伊利诺伊大学生物系寄生蜂标本室.  相似文献   

  • 1 Preliminary investigations were carried out on Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu on Castanea sativa Miller in Tuscany to assess variations in gall characteristics in coppice and high forest at two crown heights (height < 2 or 2–6 m), influence of bud size and bud position on oviposition rates and susceptibility of three cultivars.
  • 2 Gall size may depend on various factors, including wasp population density. In the present study area, small galls (with one or two cells) were the most numerous in 2008, whereas larger galls (with more than three cells) prevailed in 2009.
  • 3 Dryocosmus kuriphilus oviposition occurrence was influenced by both bud size and bud position. Buds with eggs tended to be larger in size compared with bud without eggs, suggesting that D. kuriphilus females prefer to lay eggs in larger buds (approximately 6 mm3) compared with smaller buds (approximately 3 mm3). The mean number of eggs per bud tended to decrease from the apical bud toward the basal bud.
  • 4 Three C. sativa cultivars, Carpinese, Fusca and Cesurone, were examined. Fusca grafts had significantly more galls compared with Carpinese and Cesurone, whereas Cesurone grafts had more larvae per bud compared with Carpinese and Fusca. Overall, the Carpinese cultivar may be less susceptible to D. kuriphilus galling compared with the Fusca and Cesurone cultivars.

The value of electrophoretic analysis of enzymes as an aid in connecting a morphologically deviating form to one of several possible species is dependent on the proportion of shared enzyme loci between the forms. In order to determine this proportion for the different instars of the parthenogenetic gall wasp Diplolepis rosae, 16 different enzyme systems were analysed. Out of the 37 loci detected, 25 (68%) were active in all instars. The larvae, pupae, and imagines had two, one and five unique loci, respectively. Larvae and pupae shared four loci not expressed in the imagines. In the ten enzymes analysed for comparison of males and females a total of 22 loci were detected, 21 found in both sexes and one unique to the females. The difference in isozyme pattern was found to be much more pronounced between pupa and imago than between larva and pupa. The chance to find a locus in an instar when already detected in another was calculated to 87%. If this estimate is valid for other forms within species, differential activity should not present a problem when electrophoretic analysis is used in order to connect such forms.  相似文献   

刺桐姬小蜂发生习性及其虫瘿形成分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
刺桐姬小蜂Quadrastichus erythrinaeKim是新发现的重要入侵害虫,在广东省深圳地区普遍发生且危害严重,受害植株超过10000株。寄主按受害程度依次为:杂色刺桐Erythrina variegata、金脉刺桐E.variegatevar.orientialis、鸡冠刺桐E.cristagalli和龙牙花E.corallodendron。移栽2年内的刺桐树受害严重。根据虫瘿形状,将其分为球形虫瘿、卷叶形虫瘿、肥厚叶虫瘿、分散虫瘿、粗柄形虫瘿、嫩枝肿大虫瘿、花蕾肿大虫瘿并对其形成过程进行分析。首次报道了刺桐姬小蜂为害鸡冠刺桐花蕾。刺桐姬小蜂在深圳无休眠和滞育现象,常年发生。  相似文献   

刺桐姬小蜂生物学特性研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刺桐姬小蜂Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim是新近发现的重要检疫性有害生物,在新加坡、毛里求斯、留尼汪、中国台湾、美国夏威夷和中国大陆深圳对刺桐属植物造成严重危害。本文结合田间观察和室内实验对刺桐姬小蜂生物学特性进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明: 刺桐姬小蜂成虫活动与温度、光照密切相关。补充营养能显著延长雌成虫寿命,但对雄成虫寿命无影响。成虫性比随环境温度变化而变化。该虫的平均怀卵量为275.8粒,30℃时成虫的产卵量和产卵率最高,分别为203.63粒和73.83%。发育起点温度和世代有效积温分别为13.37℃和458.27日·度。温度与发育历期呈显著的负相关(r**=-0.9161)。  相似文献   

Insect parasitoids are important components of many terrestrial ecosystems. However, relatively little is known about the mechanisms responsible for structuring their populations. Here we investigate the ability of Megastigmus stigmatizans, an oak gall wasp parasitoid, to track its host Andricus kollari over two different timescales, and examine its current population structure across a divide in host population structure. The divide represents a transition in gall wasp host-plant species and offers the opportunity to examine whether the split, which divides gall wasp populations, manifests itself in the next trophic level. Analysis of mitochondrial haplotype data for parasitoid and host reveals: (i) A similar phylogeographic population structure for both, with Iberian populations more derived with respect to more eastern populations. (ii) It is likely that the host colonized the Iberian refuge earlier than the parasitoid, probably by at least one glacial cycle. (iii) Recent range expansion of central European host populations northwards has resulted in pursuit by parasitoids from the same geographic origin. (iv) In addition, Iberian parasitoid populations have crossed a major divide in host population structure to invade northern Europe. Such human-facilitated escape from natural refugial distributions may have important implications for the composition and structure of northern European gall wasp communities.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The gall wasp Biorhiza pallida (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) reproduces by cyclical parthenogenesis. The adults of the sexual generation develop within galls (oak apples) that contain many larval cells.
2. Folliot [(1964) Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: Zoologie, 12, 407–564] found asexual generation females to be of three reproductive types. Androphores produce only sons, gynophores produce only daughters, and gynandrophores produce both sons and daughters. In nature, most oak apples give rise to either only males or only females but a proportion produces both sexes. These mixed‐sex galls could result either from eggs laid by one or more gynandrophores or from eggs laid by androphores and gynophores developing within a single gall (multiple founding).
3. Here the frequency of mixed‐ and single‐sex galls was quantified, and morphological and genetic analyses were carried out on the adults emerging from 10 galls to determine the frequency of multiple founding in B. pallida .
4. Seventy-five per cent of 627 galls yielded only one sex. The majority of the remaining 25% had a highly skewed sex ratio. Low genetic variation in B. pallida limited the application of allozyme-based genetic techniques, however seven of the 10 galls analysed in detail, including mixed-sex galls, appeared to have been multiply founded. Contributions by the different foundresses in multiply founded galls were highly skewed.
5. The significance of multiple founding is discussed in the light of possible adaptive scenarios (reduction of parasitoid-induced mortality, avoidance of local stochastic extinction and inbreeding) and possible competition for oviposition sites.  相似文献   

  • 1 The natural history of a gall wasp including interactions with inquilines, parasites, and a mutualistic ant are examined. The stability of the system is described from the perspective of influences on gall wasp life history characteristics.
  • 2 An exclusion experiment demonstrated that the nectar-secreting gall of Disholcaspis perniciosa mediates a mutualism with the tending ant, Formica obscuripes. Survivorship increased from 0% in the absence of ants to 25.3% in their presence, largely due to the exclusion of inquilines.
  • 3 Specialized parasites, Eudecatoma spp., attacked before the ant-gall interaction began, when the developing gall was still beneath the host plant (Quercus gambellii) epidermis and ants were not in attendance. They may select for later developing gall wasps, which benefit by having fewer individuals parasitized. However, counter-selection for earlier development may result from decreased gall wasp size, decreased fecundity, and an increase in gall failures resulting from late development.
  • 4 Local persistence of the gall wasp population despite increased pressure from inquilines and parasites was attributed to gall wasp escape in time due to polymorphic emergence resulting from diapause. Most individuals emerge at the end of the summer, but approximately 15% remain in the galls as prepupae for 1–5 years.

Torymus koreanus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) was reared from galls of Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) for the first time in Japan. We here report morphological features and partial mtDNA sequencing data of T. koreanus. Torymus koreanus has several common characteristics with species of the cyaneus group defined by Zavada (2003 ). According to the key to species groups defined by Graham and Gijswijt (1998 ), it does not belong to any species group because of the entire posterior margin of metasomal tergum five.  相似文献   

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