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An investigation was carried out in which microsamples of isolated rat liver mitochondria and freshly prepared mitoplasts in defined energy states were freeze-cleaved. Parallel microsamples were fixed with osmium tetroxide and with glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide as previously used in this laboratory for the preservation of energy-linked mitochondrial configurations. The details of the orthodox configuration of energized mitochondria and the condensed configuration of de-energized mitochondria, as revealed previously by chemical fixation, are confirmed in this report for nonfixed, freeze-cleaved mitochondria. The precise agreement in preservation of configuration obtained by the physical fixation of rapid freezing and by chemical fixation establishes unequivocally that mitochondria undergo energy-linked ultrastructural transformation between the condensed and the orthodox configurations which are thus natural structural states related to the metabolic activity of the mitochondrion. Configurations observed by freeze-cleaving and by chemical fixation reveal that mitoplasts also undergo a specific and dramatic ultrastructural transformation with the induction of oxidative phosphorylation. The transformation appears to be isovolumetric and therefore is thought to be mediated through energized conformational activity in the surface electron-transport membrane of the mitoplast. Passively swollen, spherical, osmotically active mitoplasts could not be fixed rapidly enough by chemical fixatives as normally used without altering the spherical form. In this special case preservation of configurational form required rapid freezing or chemical fixatives of low osmolar concentration.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from kidneys of lead-intoxicated rats have been shown to have decreased oxidative and phosphorylative abilities. The purpose of this study was to determine whether these abnormal mitochondria would undergo ultrastructural transformation during controlled respiration in the absence of phosphate acceptor (State IV), as previously demonstrated for normal liver mitochondria. It was first shown that normal rat kidney mitochondria transforms from a condensed ultrastructural conformation to an orthodox conformation after 5 min of State IV respiration with pyruvate-malate substrate. Reversal to a condensed conformation follows stimulation of respiration with adenosine diphosphate (ADP). A large portion of kidney mitochondria from lead-poisoned rats do not change from condensed to orthodox conformation during State IV respiration. Other mitochondria do transform to the orthodox form but they rapidly degenerate. State IV respiration decreases as these few orthodox mitochondria disintegrate. The conclusion is that those mitochondria that do not undergo change in ultrastructure have impairment of electron transport, and that those that do become orthodox have increased membrane lability and undergo degeneration.  相似文献   

Abstract— The activity and control of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in isolated rat brain mitochondria has been studied. The activity of this complex in mitochondria as isolated from normal fed rats was 78 ± 10nmol.min−1 mg mitochondrial protein−1 (n = 18) which represented 70% of the total pyruvate dehydrogenase activity. The pyruvate dehydrogenase in isolated brain mitochondria could be inactivated by incubation in the presence of ATP, oligomycin and NaF. The rate of inactivation was dependent upon the added ATP concentration but inactivation below approx 30% of the total pyruvate dehydrogenase activity could not be achieved. The inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase in brain mitochondria was inhibited by pre-incubation with pyruvate. Reactivation of inactivated pyruvate dehydrogenase in rat brain mitochondria was incomplete in the incubation medium unless 10mM-Mg2++ 1 mM-Ca2+ were added; NaF, however, prevented any reactivation (Fig. 4). It is concluded that the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in rat brain mitochondria is controlled in a manner similar to that in other tissues, and that pyruvate protection of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity may be important in maintaining brain energy metabolism.  相似文献   

We have examined the ultrastructure of mitochondria as it relates to energy metabolism in the intact cell. Oxidative phosphorylation was induced in ultrastructurally intact Ehrlich ascites tumor cells by rapidly generating intracellular adenosine diphosphate from endogenous adenosine triphosphate by the addition of 2-deoxyglucose. The occurrence of oxidative phosphorylation was ascertained indirectly by continuous and synchronous monitoring of respiratory rate, fluorescence of pyridine nucleotide, and 90° light-scattering. Oxidative phosphorylation was confirmed by direct enzymatic analysis of intracellular adenine nucleotides and by determination of intracellular inorganic orthophosphate. Microsamples of cells rapidly fixed for electron microscopy revealed that, in addition to oxidative phosphorylation, an orthodox → condensed ultrastructural transformation occurred in the mitochondria of all cells in less than 6 sec after the generation of adenosine diphosphate by 2-deoxyglucose. A 90° light-scattering increase, which also occurs at this time, showed a t ½ of only 25 sec which agreed temporally with a slower orthodox → maximally condensed mitochondrial transformation. Neither oxidative phosphorylation nor ultrastructural transformation could be initiated in mitochondria in intact cells by the intracellular generation of adenosine diphosphate in the presence of uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation. Partial and complete inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by oligomycin resulted in a positive relationship to partial and complete inhibition of 2-deoxyglucose-induced ultrastructural transformation in the mitochondria in these cells. The data presented reveal that an orthodox → condensed ultrastructural transformation is linked to induced oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria in the intact ascites tumor cell.  相似文献   

Abstract— Partly purified chromaffin granules were incubated in vitro with Ca2+ (with trace amounts of 45Ca2+) in concentrations ranging from 4 μm to 1 mm. After incubation the granules were washed with media containing EDTA and then subjected to density gradient centrifugation (1.3 to 2.0 m-sucrose solutions) in order to characterize the particles which had taken up 45Ca2+. By using marker enzymes and various inhibitors of Ca2+ uptake into such cell particles as mitochondria it was established that under the conditions of the experiments chromaffin granules took up Ca2+ from the incubation medium. To characterize this uptake a simplified density gradient procedure was tested and found to be suitable. The uptake of Ca2+ into chromaffin granules was strongly dependent on temperature. It was not activated by ATP. The uptake was linear up to 10 min. At high calcium concentrations (above 200 μm) the rate of uptake levelled off. The uptake at 37°C was 1 nmol Ca2+/mg protein/min at a Ca2+ concentration of 500 μm. Mg2+ had no influence on Ca2+ uptake, whereas Sr2+ (1 mm) inhibited it. The methods established in this study should prove useful for a further characterization of this Ca2+ uptake into chromaffin granules which is likely to represent a useful model for the Ca2+ uptake occurring in the intact gland.  相似文献   

The maturation of cerebellar Purkinje cells of normal and nervous (nr/nr) mutant mice has been studied by light and electron microscopy. In the mutant, 90% of Purkinje cells selectively degenerate between postnatal days 23 and 50. Losses are greater in lateral than medial regions. Other cerebellar neurons appear normal. The first morphological abnormality recognized is the presence of rounded mitochondria in perikarya of some Purkinje cells of the mutant at 9 days after birth. By 15 days, all nr/nr Purkinje cells contain spherical mitochondria and begin to deviate from the normal maturational sequence. Elaboration of the extensive dendritic tree halts midway and newly formed axon collateral fibers degenerate. In the perikaryon, the basal polysomal accumulation and climbing fiber-somatic spine synapses are sometimes abnormally retained. Cisternae of the Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum cease to form aligned stacks, and decrease in number, while polysomes dissociate into free ribosomes. These changes are progressive, culminating in cell death. Although every nr/nr Purkinje cell demonstrates spherical mitochondria, some cells survive the critical period, retain a near-normal complement of organelles, and reacquire normal-appearing mitochondria. The disorder appears intrinsic to Purkinje cells since all major classes of synapses were identified before cell death.  相似文献   

电镜观察到雌性银鲫肝脏中正在形成的卵黄物质具有晶形主体结构,银鲫卵的卵黄粒内无晶形主体,第一次卵裂前的受精卵卵黄粒内有两种形式的空泡。一种是一些中空的小空泡;另一种是一个大的空泡,泡内含有线粒体和颗粒状的核糖体,泡的边缘有片层状的类脂物。受精卵中的线粒体内部结构多样,有些含有颗粒状物,有些含有片层状的类脂物。    相似文献   

Two types of swelling-shrinkage change manifested by isolated mammalian heart mitochondria have been studied. One type, designated as phase I or "low amplitude" swelling-shrinkage, is estimated to lead to changes in mitochondrial volume of 20 to 40 per cent, to changes in light scattering of about 30 per cent, and to changes in viscosity. These physical changes in mitochondria are brought about rapidly and reversibly by normal reactants of the respiratory chain. Their speed, specificity, and reversibility indicate that they are closely geared to the normal function of the respiratory chain and are a true reflection of a mechanochemical coupling process characteristic of the physiology of mitochondria. A second type of swelling-shrinkage mechanism, designated as phase II or "high amplitude," leads to changes in light scattering, viscosity, and mitochondrial volume which, frequently but not always, are of higher magnitude than the phase I type. Phase II swelling-shrinkage seems to be only partly under the control of the respiratory chain. Prior to the completion of phase II swelling, a stepwise loss of mitochondrial function can be identified, such as changes in the rate of substrate utilization and loss of respiratory control. Reversal of this type of swelling cannot be effected if the swelling change reaches a steady state. This type of swelling may provide cells with a mechanism for destroying mitochondrial substance.  相似文献   

大豆磷脂脂质体对再灌注心肌线粒体的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Langendorff离体心脏灌流装置,研究在缺血-再灌注时补充大豆磷脂脂质体对心肌线粒体膜脂质特性和超微结构的影响。结果:在缺血-再灌注时补充大豆磷脂脂质体可提高线粒体膜磷脂含量,抑制胆固醇-磷脂摩尔比和膜脂质微粘度的增加,改善线粒体的超微结构。结果表明,补充大豆磷脂脂质体对再灌注心肌线粒体的脂质特性和超微结构的损伤性变化具有保护作用。  相似文献   

Liver mitochondria isolated in 0.44 M sucrose from rats deficient in essential fatty acids (EFA) oxidized citrate, succinate, α-ketoglutarate, glutamate, and pyruvate at a faster rate than did mitochondria isolated from normal rats; however, the oxidation of malate, caprylate, and β-hydroxybutyrate was not significantly increased. The mitochondria from deficient rats exhibited an increased ATPase activity and extensive structural damage as revealed by electron microscope examination of thin sections. An increase in citrate oxidation and ATPase activity, together with some structural damage, could be demonstrated as early as the 4th week in rats on a fat-free diet. Saturated fat in the diet did not prevent the change in mitochondrial structure but accelerated its appearance. Both the biochemical and structural defects could be reversed within three weeks after feeding deficient rats a source of EFA. In the presence of a phosphate acceptor the effect of EFA deficiency on substrate oxidation was largely eliminated. A trend toward a reduced efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation was noted in mitochondria from EFA-deficient rats, but significant uncoupling was found only in the case of citrate, β-hydroxybutyrate, and glutamate in the presence of malonate. Together with the increased ATPase activity, the uncoupling of phosphorylation could account for the poor respiratory control found with the deficient preparation. However, EFA deficiency was without effect on the respiration of liver slices, which supports the belief that the observed changes in oxidation and phosphorylation are an artifact resulting from damage sustained by the deficient mitochondria during their isolation.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the nature of the physical change in mitochondrial membrane fragments associated with the action of the respiratory enzymes is likely one of shape or symmetry rather than size. The findings suggest that in the state of decreased scattering the macromolecules may be present in an extended physical state. Conditions favorable for phosphorylation may give rise to a folding or contraction of the molecular complex to a more symmetrical structure. Since earlier studies have shown that there is a compulsory relationship between the integrity of systems operative in oxidative phosphorylation and scattering changes, experiments of this type may lead to values for the minimal size of a phosphorylating unit, which at present is estimated to be 2.1 x 106 from light-scattering studies.  相似文献   

Isolated mitochondria are capable of undergoing dramatic reversible ultrastructural transformations between a condensed and an orthodox conformation. These two conformations are the extremes in ultrastructural organization between which structually and functionally intact mitochondria transform during reversible respiratory cycles. It has been found that electron transport is required for the condensed-to-orthodox ultrastructural transformation which occurs in mitochondria under State IV conditions, i.e., under conditions in which exogenous substrate is present and ADP is deficient. Inhibition of State IV electron transport at the cyanide-, antimycin A-, or Amytal-sensitive sites in the respiratory chain results in inhibition of this transformation. Resumption of electron transport in initially inhibited mitochondrial systems, initiated by channeling electrons through pathways which bypass the inhibited sites, results in resumption of the ultrastructural transformation. The condensed-to-orthodox transformation is DNP insensitive and, therefore, does not require participation of the coupling enzymes of the energy-transfer pathway. It is concluded that this ultrastructural transformation is manifest by the conversion of the chemical energy of electron transport directly into mechanical work. The reversed ultrastructural transformation, i.e., orthodox-to-condensed, which occurs during ADP-activated State III electron transport, is inhibited by DNP and parallels suppression of acceptor control and oxidative phosphorylation. Mechanochemical ultrastructural transformation as a basis for energy transfer in mitochondria is considered with respect to the results presented.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from rat liver and suspended in 0.44 M sucrose were disrupted by treatment with 0.3 per cent Na deoxycholate. The treated suspension was fractionated by differential centrifugation into a number of fractions and the respective pellets were examined in sections in the electron microscope. One of these fractions was found to consist of apparently membrane-bound (vesicular) elements. The difference between interfaces and membranes was discussed and the material of this fraction was found to meet stated requirements identifying it as membranous. A detailed study of the disruption process undergone by mitochondria in the presence of Na deoxycholate showed that the elements of this fraction were derived from structural elements assumed to be mitochondrial membranes. The findings thus demonstrate that mitochondria do possess membranes as defined and that these membranes can be isolated in a relatively pure form.  相似文献   

Soil acidity and calcium (Ca) availability in the surface soil differ substantially beneath sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) trees in a mixed forest in northwestern Connecticut. We determined the effect of pumping of Ca from deep soil (rooting zone below 20-cm mineral soil) to explain the higher available Ca content in the surface soil beneath sugar maple. We measured the atmospheric input of Ca with bulk deposition collectors and estimated Ca weathering and Ca mineralization in the surface soil (rooting zone above 20-cm mineral soil) from strontium isotope measurements and observed changes in exchangeable Ca in soils during field incubation. Calcium leaching at 20 cm was calculated by combining modeled hydrology with measured Ca soil solution concentrations at 20-cm depth. We measured root length distribution with depth beneath both tree species. Calcium leaching from the surface soil was much higher beneath sugar maple than hemlock and was positively related with the amount of Ca available in the surface soil. Calcium leaching from the surface soil beneath sugar maple was higher than the combined Ca input from atmospheric deposition and soil weathering. Without Ca uptake in the deep soil, surface soils are being depleted in Ca, especially beneath sugar maple. More organically bound Ca was mineralized beneath sugar maple than beneath hemlock. A relatively small part of this Ca release was leached below the surface soil, suggesting that, beneath both tree species, most of the Ca cycling is occurring in the surface soil. Sugar maple had more fine roots in the deep soil than hemlock and a greater potential to absorb Ca in the deep soil. With a simple model, we showed that a relatively small amount of Ca uptake in the deep soil beneath sugar maple is able to sustain high amounts of available Ca in the surface soil. Received 20 June 2001; accepted 6 December 2001.  相似文献   

Time-lapse cinephotomicrography of mouse embryonic fibroblasts before and shortly after perfusion of tissue cultures reveals that the elongation of mitochondria caused by coenzyme A results from the terminal association of many shorter rods into a smaller number of long filaments. These are not permanent associations, but they reflect an exaggeration of the cohesive tendency of mitochondria, which in untreated cells is counterbalanced by frequent disjoinings and breakings of the anastomotic network. Our own observations and a survey of the literature suggest that elongate mitochondria with rapid movement and high metabolic activity tend to accompany proliferation in tissue cultures, and that mitotic inhibition of cultured cells may go together with short, slow mitochondria of low metabolic activity. The movement of mitochondria may be both active, reflecting metabolic exchanges with the cytoplasm, and passive, the result of hyaloplasmic currents.  相似文献   

By means of a new "quick-sampling" method, micropellets of mouse liver mitochondria were rapidly prepared for electron microscopy during the recording of steady state metabolism. Reversible ultrastructural changes were found to accompany change in metabolic steady states. The most dramatic reversible ultrastructural change occurs when ADP is added to systems in which only phosphate acceptor is deficient, i.e., during the State IV to State III transition as defined by Chance and Williams. After 15 min in State IV, mitochondria display an "orthodox" ultrastructural appearance as is usually observed after fixation within intact tissue. On transition to State III, a dramatic change in the manner of folding of the inner membrane takes place. In addition, the electron opacity of the matrix increases as the volume of the matrix decreases, but total mitochondrial volume does not appear to change during this transition. This conformation is called "condensed." Isolated mitochondria were found to oscillate between the orthodox and condensed conformations during reversible transitions between State III and State IV. Various significant ultrastructural changes in mitochondria also occur during transitions in other functional states, e.g., when substrate or substrate and acceptor is made limiting. Internal structural flexibility is discussed with respect to structural and functional integrity of isolated mitochondria. Reversible changes in the manner of folding of the inner membrane and in the manner of packing of small granules in the matrix as respiration is activated by ADP represent an ultrastructural basis for metabolically linked mechanical activity in tightly coupled mitochondria.  相似文献   

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