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Surveys of Anopheles mosquitoes were conducted in urban, rural, and natural areas of Tajikistan to obtain updated information on their distributions, especially in southern districts of the country where malaria is a prevalent disease. Nine species of Anopheles are found in Tajikistan. Anopheles superpictus, An. claviger, An. hyrcanus, and An. pulcherrimus are the most widespread and abundant species. Investigations in northern Tajikistan confirmed the presence of An. artemievi and the absence of An. martinius, both members of the An. maculipennis complex of malaria vectors. Anopheles barianensis, An. lindesayi, and An. marteri sogdianus, species previously recorded in the country, were not encountered during our surveys. The history of Anopheles and malaria research in Tajikistan is reviewed and bionomical and distributional information is provided for each of the nine species.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of the Anopheles gambiae complex of malaria vector mosquitoes were studied in four small hamlets in The Gambia. Bednets were used to reduce man/vector contact in two of the hamlets. High densities of An. gambiae, sensu lato, were present for only 3-8 weeks during the rainy season, depending on the position of the hamlet within the study area. The proportions of blood-fed mosquitoes caught indoors (83.0%) and existing from houses (11.6%) were lower in hamlets where bednets were used than in hamlets without (96.5% and 33.1% respectively). Fewer of the blood-fed mosquitoes had fed on man in houses where people slept under bednets (68.2%) than in those without (81.5%). However, the average number of infective bites received by children was still greater than one a year in hamlets where bednets were used. Consequently bednets are considered unlikely to be an effective malaria control measure so long as they are untreated with insecticide.  相似文献   

Hemocytes are an essential component of the mosquito immune system but current knowledge of the types of hemocytes mosquitoes produce, their relative abundance, and their functions is limited. Addressing these issues requires improved methods for collecting and maintaining mosquito hemocytes in vitro, and comparative data that address whether important vector species produce similar or different hemocyte types. Toward this end, we conducted a comparative study with Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti. Collection method greatly affected the number of hemocytes and contaminants obtained from adult females of each species. Using a collection method called high injection/recovery, we concluded that hemolymph from An. gambiae and Ae. aegypti adult females contains three hemocyte types (granulocytes, oenocytoids and prohemocytes) that were distinguished from one another by a combination of morphological and functional markers. Significantly more hemocytes were recovered from An. gambiae females than Ae. aegypti. However, granulocytes were the most abundant cell type in both species while oenocytoids and prohemocytes comprised less than 10% of the total hemocyte population. The same hemocyte types were collected from larvae, pupae and adult males albeit the absolute number and proportion of each hemocyte type differed from adult females. The number of hemocytes recovered from sugar fed females declined with age but blood feeding transiently increased hemocyte abundance. Two antibodies tested as potential hemocyte markers (anti-PP06 and anti-Dox-A2) also exhibited alterations in staining patterns following immune challenge with the bacterium Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae) is the major Afro‐tropical vector of malaria. Novel strategies proposed for the elimination and eradication of this mosquito vector are based on the use of genetic approaches, such as the sterile insect technique (SIT). These approaches rely on the ability of released males to mate with wild females, and depend on the application of effective protocols to assess the swarming and mating behaviours of laboratory‐reared insects prior to their release. The present study evaluated whether large semi‐field enclosures can be utilized to study the ability of males from a laboratory colony to respond to natural environmental stimuli and initiate normal mating behaviour. Laboratory‐reared males exhibited spatiotemporally consistent swarming behaviour within the study enclosures. Swarm initiation, peak and termination time closely tracked sunset. Comparable insemination rates were observed in females captured in copula in the semi‐field cages relative to females in small laboratory cages. Oviposition rates after blood feeding were also similar to those observed in laboratory settings. The data suggest that outdoor enclosures are suitable for studying swarming and mating in laboratory‐bred males in field‐like settings, providing an important reference for future studies aimed at assessing the comparative mating ability of strains for SIT and other vector control strategies.  相似文献   

The response of Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes to men sleeping under insecticide-impregnated or untreated bednets in six verandah trap huts was studied during the dry season in The Gambia. With this type of hut it was possible to collect live and dead indoor-resting mosquitoes and estimate the number of wild mosquitoes which entered, bloodfed on man, and exited each night. Bednets were treated with emulsions targetted to leave deposits of 25 mg/m2 lambda-cyhalothrin, or 5, 50 or 500 mg/m2 permethrin, diluted from emulsifiable concentrates (EC), or a blank formulation similar to the EC except that the permethrin was omitted; the sixth net was left untreated. Nets and sleepers were rotated between huts on different nights, the design being based on a series of Latin squares and conducted double-blind. Permethrin-impregnated bednets deterred mosquitoes from entering the huts. The degree of deterrency was proportional to the dosage of permethrin. This effect was also caused by the blank formulation and therefore attributed to other components of the formulation, rather than to the permethrin itself. The net impregnated with 500 mg permethrin per square metre gave the best individual protection, reducing mosquito bloodfeeding by 91% compared with untreated nets. However, lambda-cyhalothrin was proportionately more insecticidal than permethrin at doses of equivalent deterrency. At this stage of research, it remains conjectural whether chemical deterrency or killing of malaria vectors is better for community protection.  相似文献   

Malaria remains the most serious vector-borne disease, affecting some 300-500 million people annually, transmitted by many species of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Monoclonal antibodies developed against specific circumsporozoite (CS) proteins of the main malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax have been used previously for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), widely employed for detection of malaria sporozoites in vector Anopheles for local risk assessment, epidemiological studies and targeting vector control. However, ELISA procedures are relatively slow and impractical for field use. To circumvent this, we developed rapid wicking assays that identify the presence or absence of specific peptide epitopes of CS protein of the most important P. falciparum and two strains (variants 210 and 247) of the more widespread P. vivax. The resulting assay is a rapid, one-step procedure using a 'dipstick' wicking test strip. In laboratory assessment, dipsticks identified 1 ng/ mL of any of these three CS protein antigens, with sensitivity nearly equal to the CS standard ELISA. We have developed and are evaluating a combined panel assay that will be both qualitative and quantitative. This quick and easy dipstick test (VecTest Malaria) offers practical advantages for field workers needing to make rapid surveys of malaria vectors.  相似文献   

ovement of mosquitoes belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex (mixed wild populations of An.arabiensis, An.gambiae and An.melas ) between three neighbouring rural villages in The Gambia was investigated by mark-release-recapture. A total of 12,872 mosquitoes were collected in bednets, marked with a magenta fluorescent powder and released over a 15-day period in one of the villages. A further 15,507 mosquitoes were collected in exit traps, marked with a yellow powder and released over the same period. Mosquitoes were captured daily in all three villages using pyrethrum spray catches, as well as bednet and exit trap catches. The catching period extended for 6 days after the last day of release.
Of the mosquitoes released, 372 (1.3%) were recaptured 2–21 days later. Of these recaptures, 272 were caught in the release village, and 98 were caught in other villages situated 1–1.4 km away. The 'movement index' between villages was calculated as 17.2% (12.2–22.4% confidence limits) for mosquitoes released after feeding and 20.1% (14.7–25.3%) for those released unfed.
These results suggest that movement of mosquitoes between neighbouring villages in The Gambia seriously affects the entomological evaluation of pyrethroid-impregnated bednet programmes in areas where treated and untreated villages are interspersed.  相似文献   

Pteridine fluorescence for age determination of Anopheles mosquitoes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The age structure of mosquito populations is of great relevance to understanding the dynamics of disease transmission and in monitoring the success of control operations. Unfortunately, the ovarian dissection methods currently available for determining the age of adult mosquitoes are technically difficult, slow and may be of limited value, because the proportion of diagnostic ovarioles in the ovary declines with age. By means of reversed-phase HPLC this study investigated the malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae and An. stephensi to see if changes in fluorescent pteridine pigments, which have been used in other insects to determine the age of field-caught individuals, may be useful for age determination in mosquitoes. Whole body fluorescence was inversely proportional to age (P < 0.001, r2 > 91%) up to 30 days postemergence, with the regression values: y = 40580-706x for An. gambiae, and y = 52896-681x for An. stephensi. In both species the main pteridines were 6-biopterin, pterin-6-carboxylic acid and an unidentified fluorescent compound. An. gambiae had only 50-70% as much fluorescence as An. stephensi, and fluorescent compounds were relatively more concentrated in the head than in the thorax (ratios 1:0.8 An. gambiae; 1:0.5 An. stephensi). The results of this laboratory study are encouraging. It seems feasible that this simpler and faster technique of fluorescence quantification could yield results of equivalent accuracy to the interpretation of ovarian dissection. A double-blind field trial comparing the accuracy of this technique to marked, released and recaptured mosquitoes is required to test the usefulness of the pteridine method in the field.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins expressed on the surface of midgut (MG) epithelium and the peritrophic matrix (PM) of vector mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are candidate molecules for interacting with pathogens. Antisera produced against Anopheles tessellatus Theobald female MG lectin-binding proteins (concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin) were used in Western blots to investigate MG/PM antigenic relationships between adult and larval An. tessellatus and with the MG glycoproteins of other vector mosquitoes: Anopheles culicifacies Giles, An. subpictus Grassi, An. varuna Iyengar, Aedes aegypti (L.) and Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Within An. tessellatus, strong antigenic cross-reactions were observed between adult and larval MG proteins, and between adult MG and PM proteins. Anopheles tessellatus adult MG antisera reacted with MG antigens from adult females of the other five mosquito species, with interspecific contrasts of relative molecular mass (Mr) of nearly all reacting antigens, except the strong 36 kDa band shared by An. tessellatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus. Cross-reactivity within female An. tessellatus may be due to the MG containing precursors to the PM glycoproteins and/or some common fully processed proteins, or perhaps carbohydrate epitopes that are shared between related or unrelated MG and PM glycoproteins. Cross-reactions between adult MG proteins from different mosquito species, mostly with differential Mr, reflect the presence of homologous proteins that may be relevant to specific vector competence.  相似文献   

High molecular weight DNA was extracted from the primary Neotropical malaria vector, Anopheles darlingi from Capanema, Pará, Brazil, to create a small insert genomic library, and then a phagemid library. Enriched sublibraries were constructed from the phagemid library using a microsatellite oligo primed second strand synthesis protocol. The resulting 242 760 individual clones were screened. The mean clone size of the positive clones was 302 bp. Flanking primers were designed for each suitable microsatellite sequence. Eight polymorphic loci were optimized and characterized. The allele size ranges are based on 253 samples of A. darlingi from eastern Amazonian and central Brazil.  相似文献   

Biopterin, isoxanthopterin and 6-pterincarboxylic acid were identified in the head of the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles albimanus Weidemann (Diptera: Culicidae) by HPLC. Total pteridine concentrations (TPC) were estimated in heads, body parts (BP: abdomen, legs and wings) and whole bodies of insectary-reared and field-collected females, by spectrofluorometry, to investigate whether they could be used for age determination. Pteridine concentrations diminished with age in both mosquito groups. TPC correlated with chronological age in insectary-reared sugar-fed females (heads: r2 = 0.35, BP: r2 = 0.34, P < 0.001), but lower correlation occurred in blood-fed females (heads: r2 = 0.22, BP: r2 = 0.27). TPC differed among females of the same age fed with blood at different times (P < 0.05), indicating that bloodmeals modify the diminution rate of pteridines with age. Nevertheless, a polynomial significant correlation was documented for TPC and the number of ovipositions (heads: r2 = 0.24, BP: r2 = 0.27, whole body: r2 = 0.52, P < 0.001) in insectary-reared mosquitoes. This correlation was lower in field-collected mosquitoes (heads: r2 = 0.14, BP: r2 = 0.10, P < 0.05), which showed a remarkable pteridine increase in one-parous females. The correlation of TPC in whole body with physiological age was much less (r2 = 0.03). These observations indicate that TPC determination by spectrofluorometry is not a reliable method to estimate the age of An. albimanus females from the feral population.  相似文献   

Variation in susceptibility of the vector Anopheles stephensi Liston to the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Welch) was demonstrated using twelve strains of mosquitoes and one strain of parasites cultured in vitro. The Beech strain of An. stephensi exhibited greatest natural refractoriness, but with high intrapopulation variability. By selection for the required characteristic, two refractory lines of the Punjab strain and one highly susceptible line of the Sind strain were obtained. The median number of oocysts in the two refractory lines was less than 4% of that in the unselected line, whilst the highly susceptible line yielded about twice as many oocysts as the unselected line. Selection progressed more by keeping the descendants of individual females separate and selecting between them (individual selection) rather than pooling the progeny of all selected mosquitoes (mass selection). Using the former procedure many lines were lost due to inbreeding depression, but the outcome was more successful.  相似文献   

Genetic structure and species relationships were studied in three closely related mosquito species, Anopheles dirus A, C and D in Thailand using 11 microsatellite loci and compared with previous mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data on the same populations. All three species were well differentiated from each other at the microsatellite loci. Given the almost complete absence of mtDNA differentiation between An. dirus A and D, this endorses the previous suggestion of mtDNA introgression between these species. The high degree of differentiation between the northern and southern population of An. dirus C (RST = 0.401), in agreement with mtDNA data, is suggestive of incipient species. The lack of genetic structure indicated by microsatellites in four populations of An. dirus A across northern Thailand also concurs with mtDNA data. However, in An. dirus D a limited but significant level of structure was detected by microsatellites over ~400 km in northern Thailand, whereas the mtDNA detected no population differentiation over a much larger area (>1200 km). There is prior evidence for population expansion in the mtDNA. If this is due to a selective sweep originating in An. dirus D, the microsatellite data may indicate greater barriers to gene flow within An. dirus D than in species A. Alternatively, there may have been historical introgression of mtDNA and subsequent demographic expansion which occurred first in An. dirus D so enabling it to accumulate some population differentiation. In the latter case the lack of migration-drift equilibrium precludes the inference of absolute or relative values of gene flow in An. dirus A and D.  相似文献   

In insects and other arthropods the formation of eumelanin (melanization) is a broad spectrum and potent immune response that is used to encapsulate and kill invading pathogens. This immune response is regulated by the activation of prophenoxidase (proPO), which is controlled by proteinase cascades and its serpin inhibitors, together forming the proPO activation system. While the molecular composition of these protease cascades are well understood in insect model systems, major knowledge gaps remain in mosquitoes. Recently, a regulatory unit of melanization in Anopheles gambiae was documented, comprised of the inhibitory serpin-clip-serine proteinase, CLIPB9 and its inhibitor serpin-2 (SRPN2). Partial reversion of SRPN2 phenotypes in melanotic tumor formation and adult survival by SRPN2/CLIPB9 double knockdown suggested other target proteinases of SRPN2 in regulating melanization. Here we report that CLIPB8 supplements the SRPN2/CLIPB9 regulatory unit in controlling melanization in An. gambiae. As with CLIPB9, knockdown of CLIPB8 partially reversed the pleiotropic phenotype induced by SRPN2 silencing with regards to adult survival and melanotic tumor formation. Recombinant SRPN2 protein formed an SDS-stable protein complex with activated recombinant CLIPB8, however did not efficiently inhibit CLIPB8 activity in vitro. CLIPB8 did not directly activate proPO in vitro nor was it able to cleave and activate proCLIPB9. Nevertheless, epistasis analysis using RNAi placed CLIPB8 and CLIPB9 in the same pathway leading to melanization, suggesting that CLIPB8 either acts further upstream of CLIPB9 or is required for activation of a yet to be identified serine proteinase homolog. Taken together, this study identifies CLIPB8 as an additional player in proPO activation cascade and highlights the complexity of the proteinase network that regulates melanization in An. gambiae.  相似文献   

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