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Pinus radiata is one of the most important forestry species in the southern hemisphere. This work describes the regeneration of this plant via somatic embryogenesis from immature zygotic embryos. To improve this process, somatic embryogenic cell suspensions were established in liquid media for the generation of material for embryo maturation. Each developmental stage of these suspensions was characterized by microscopy and their growth phases quantified. An alginate-containing medium was used as an encapsulation method for the somatic embryos that were then germinated as artificial seeds in vitro. The protocols described in this work are both useful and reliable for industrial purposes.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a propagation tool of particular interest for accelerating the deployment of new high-performance planting stock in multivarietal forestry. However, genetic conformity in in vitro propagated plants should be assessed as early as possible, especially in long-living trees such as conifers. The main objective of this work was to study such conformity based on genetic stability at simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci during somatic embryogenesis in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Embryogenic cell lines (ECLs) subjected to tissue proliferation during 6, 14 or 22 months, as well as emblings regenerated from several ECLs, were analyzed. Genetic variation at seven SSR loci was detected in ECLs under proliferation conditions for all time points, and in 5 out of 52 emblings recovered from somatic embryos. Three of these five emblings showed an abnormal phenotype consisting mainly of plagiotropism and loss of apical dominance. Despite the variation found in somatic embryogenesis-derived plant material, no correlation was established between genetic stability at the analyzed loci and abnormal embling phenotype, present in 64% of the emblings. The use of microsatellites in this work was efficient for monitoring mutation events during the somatic embryogenesis in P. pinaster. These molecular markers should be useful in the implementation of new breeding and deployment strategies for improved trees using SE.  相似文献   

A novel type of somatic embryogenesis characterized by an efficient and highly synchronized embryo formation was observed in embryogenic callus of Coffea arabica initiated on Murashige and Skoog medium containing kinetin (4 mg/l) and 2,4-D (1 mg/l). It occurs in suspension and goes along with the suppression of High Frequency Somatic Embryo Induction (HFSE). This is achieved by favoring during cultivation senescence-or necrosis-like processes which apparently do not impair the competence for embryogenesis. Since the resulting embryos germinate at a rate of 94.5 % without the need of a maturation step, we propose the term Self-Controlled Somatic Embryogenesis (SCSE).In addition, HFSE was optimized using half-strength liquid medium with 0.1 mg/l kinetin and 0.25 mg/l 2,4-D for proliferation of embryonic tissue, and 2.6 mg/l ABA for maturation of embryos. Yields as well as germination rates of HFSE embryos were markedly lower as compared to SCSE.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - HFSE high frequency somatic embryo induction - LFSE low frequency somatic embryo induction - SCSE self-controlled somatic embryogenesis  相似文献   

Embryogenic calli were initiated from embryonic explants of Pinus roxburghii using female gametophytes containing immature pre-cotyledonary embryos. Zygotic embryos were collected at different developmental stages and cultured on various media. Initiation of embryogenic calli was achieved in pre-cotyledonary zygotic embryos of a 0.1-mm to 1.2-mm embryonal head on Douglus fir cotyledon revised medium (DCR) medium supplemented with 2,4-D or NAA and BA. Embryogenic callus development was initiated from the suspensor region of immature embryos. The method of immature embryo culture was significant as rapid embryogenic callus development occurred in megagametophytes where the suspensor was stretched onto the medium from the cut micropylar end. Sixty embryogenic lines were established from 2500 explants cultured during one season. A pro-embryo with six to eight meristematic cells and suspensor of six to ten long, vacuolated cells dominated the early phase of the callus development. Cleavage polyembryony occurred in proliferating callus, constituting a method of multiplication of these somatic embryos. Somatic embryos developed to stage-I and stage-II embryos on DCR medium supplemented with 5 μM 2,4-D or 10 μM NAA. Received: 30 June 1999 / Revision received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

Embryogenic tissues (ET) of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia TEN) were initiated from immature precotyledonary zygotic embryos sampled from 15 different plus trees. Seven collections were made weekly from June 10 to July 22, 2003. DCR basal medium supplemented with 13.6 μM 2,4–dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2.2 μM benzylaminopurine (BAP) was used for initiation and maintenance of ET. Overall initiation frequency of ET in the study was 11.6%, initiation rates ranging between 4.7% and 24.1% per tree. Out of 12,940 explants tested, 3.4% were converted into established cell lines (ECL) following five subcultures. Of the maturation treatments tested, 80 μM ABA, sucrose (3%) and maltose (3% and 6%), and 3.75% PEG combined with 1% gellan gum were the most suitable combination for somatic embryo maturation.  相似文献   

Summary The biolistic® particle delivery system was used for the delivery of DNA into embryogenic tissue culture cells of Pinus radiata D. Don. Several experiments with varying parameters were performed to increase the delivery efficiency. Six different controlling elements were cloned upstream of the ß-glucuronidase coding sequence (gusA reporter gene) and transient expression of the gusA reporter gene was compared three days after bombardment. The results clearly indicate a decrease in transient expression as follows: pEmu-derivatives with the ocs-enhancer-element > 2x CaMV 35S (with Kozak consensus-sequence) > 2x CaMV 35S (without Kozak consensus sequence) > CaMV 35S (with Kozak consensus-sequence) > CaMV 35S (without Kozak consensus sequence). Time course experiments monitoring gusA expression showed a significant decrease in the number of blue spots 10–14 days after bombardment. A few blue clumps however, were still detected 35 days after shooting. Embryo initials expressing the gusA gene in all cells were also detected. The results suggest that it will be possible to develop a reliable biolistic protocol for stable integration of genes into Pinus radiata embryogenic cultures which are capable of plant regeneration.Abbreviations ccc covalently closed circular DNA - lin linearised DNA - E restriction enzyme Eco RI - Sph restriction enzyme SpH I - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

Summary The changes between 9 and 40 years of age of the frequency distribution of tree diameters were studied in an experiment in a plantation of Pinus radiata D. Don in South Australia in which the spacing between trees at planting varied. Empirical functions were developed to relate tree diameter to growth rate in diameter, variance of growth rate in diameter and mortality rate. These functions were used in solving a forward diffusion equation to predict future diameter distributions. The contributions from each of the terms in the diffusion equation were examined and it was found that the drift (growth rate in diameter) term made the greatest contribution to the solution, whilst the diffusion (variance in growth rate) term had neglible effect. This implied that competition between individual trees for light was the dominant competitive process operating in this plantation, rather than below ground competition for soil resources. The ramifications of this finding to forest growth modelling are discussed.  相似文献   

In a high-salt soluble fraction of the total protein from single seeds of Pinus radiata, up to 45 polypeptides were resolved on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. At least one-fifth of these polypeptides showed variation between seeds. In the 27,000–29,000 dalton region, two polypeptides were inherited as codominant alleles at a single locus and were shown to assort independently of another seed protein locus and three allozyme loci. A survey of 120 individuals from the five known native populations of P. radiata in California detected only the 27K and 29K alleles at the locus. In all populations, the 29K allele predominated, and the two island populations were monomorphic for the 29K allele. The 27 and 29 kdalton polypeptides were shown to have very similar amino acid sequences, and the allelic difference at this locus is most probably in the gene sequence for the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Summary Leaves from 2-month-old in vitro grown plantlets of a clone ofCichorium placed in agitated liquid induction medium at 35°C in the dark produce embryoids after 5 days of culture, without synchronization. Vascular sheath parenchyma cells react first, but every mesophyll cell is potentially embryogenic. Single cells show an early patchy callosic wall and undergo dedifferentiation. With SEM the cells of those proembryoids just emerging through the epidermis are seen to be linked by a fibrillar network, the nature of which is discussed. Four FITC-labelled lectins were tested; only DBA shows embryogenic specificity.  相似文献   

Embryogenic callus was obtained from bulb segments of Iris pseudacorus on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) alone or in combination with kinetin. When early globular somatic embryos were subcultured onto MS medium with 4.52 μM 2,4-D, high frequency of somatic embryogenesis was obtained. Deprivation of 2,4-D was required for maturation. Mature somatic embryos had an elongated scutellum with a notch on the base of scutellum. Separation of embryos from embryo clusters was necessary to enhance the frequency of germination. Germination was stimulated by separation of embryos from embryo clusters and transfer onto fresh half-strength MS medium with 3% sucrose. After acclimation in artificial soil in greenhouse for 2 months, 96.4% of plantlets survived.  相似文献   

J. Jasik  T. Salajova  J. Salaj 《Protoplasma》1995,185(3-4):205-211
Summary Embryogenic callus cultures of European black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) were established on megagametophytes containing zygotic embryos in early developmental stage. In addition to many elongated cells and disorganized growing clumps they contained early somatic embryos at various stages of development. At all stages of embryogenesis the embryos were organized as bipolar structures. Cell pairs composed of one isodiametric cell with dense cytoplasm and a second large vacuolated cell were the simplest bipolar system. The vacuolated cell underwent senescence. The cytoplasm-rich cell and its derivates divided transversally, resulting in several cytoplasmic cells arranged in row. An early embryonal cylindrical mass was formed by longitudinal division of the cells in a filament. Proximally localized cells in the early embryonal mass became vacuolized and elongated gradually giving rise to the secondary suspensor. Distal cells remained cytoplasmic in character and formed an embryonal mass along the axis of long early somatic embryos. Differences in the proportion of organelles and heterochromatin clumps, thickness of cell walls and number of plasmodesmata between cells at various stages of early somatic embryogenesis were described.  相似文献   

A biolistic transformation procedure was used to transform embryogenic Pinus radiata tissue with constructs containing the Zea mays UBI1 (ubiquitin)-promoter followed by the P. radiata CAD (cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase) cDNA in sense or anti-sense orientation or in the form of an inverted-repeat. The effect of the different constructs on silencing the endogenous CAD gene was monitored in embryogenic tissue and somatic seedlings of 28 P. radiata transclones. Quantitative CAD measurements demonstrated that the construct containing an inverted-repeat of the CAD cDNA was most efficient in triggering gene silencing in P. radiata. Northern hybridization experiments with silenced transclones revealed that reduced CAD activities were the result of reduced steady state levels of the targeted CAD mRNA. Monitoring of the activity of the UBI1-promoter in the P. radiata transclones and heat-shock experiments with transgenic somatic P. radiata seedlings indicated that gene silencing is positively correlated with the expression level of the transgene. The obtained data are also consistent with a role for the expression level of the endogenous CAD gene in gene silencing.  相似文献   

Efficient plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis was achieved in Polyscias filicifolia. Embryogenic calluses were induced on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 1.0 mg l−1 benzylaminopurine (BAP; type I callus) and on MS medium with 2.0 mg l−1 2,4-D and 0.01 mg l−1 kinetin (type II callus) from leaf explants of a 2-yr-old plant. Primary somatic embryos (PSEs) developed after four passages of suspension culture established from embryogenic callus when cultured in liquid half-strength MS medium (1/2 MS) without growth regulators. PSEs in the cotyledonary stage were multiplied by adventitious embryogenesis. Single secondary somatic embryos (SSEs) or their clusters developed at the base of PSE hypocotyls and regenerated into plantlets in a one-step process on plant growth regulator-free 1/2 MS medium. Low sucrose concentration of 15 g l−1 promoted development of normal SSEs. All SSEs regenerated into single, well-rooted plantlets on a Nitsch and Nitsch medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l−1 kinetin, 0.1 mg l−1 indole-3-butyric acid, and 10 mg l−1 adenine sulfate. Subsequent two subculture cycles on the same medium were necessary to obtain plantlets sufficiency developed to allow successful transfer to the soil. Rooted plantlets were established in a peat mixture with 90% survival, with the plants showing normal morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

Cotyledons from immature embryos of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cv. Osceola were exposed to 2,4-D or NAA to induce somatic embryogenesis. NAA at 10 or 20 mg 1–1 was very inefficient at stimulating embryogenesis, while concentrations of 30 or 40 mg 1–1 resulted in death of the explant tissue. Continuous exposure of cotyledons to 40 mg 1–1 2,4-D resulted in somatic embryos which were arrested at the globular stage, or which underwent cycles of secondary embryogenesis, never proceeding beyond the globular stage. A 10 day exposure time to 2,4-D at the same concentration led to formation of somatic embryos, most of which had poorly developed cotyledons. Almost 10% of the somatic embryos converted into plants following transfer to medium devoid of growth regulators. Attempts to improve morphology of somatic embryos by using shorter exposure times to 2,4-D at 40 mg 1–1, or by maintaining the 10 day exposure time while varying the concentration of 2,4-D, were not successful. Plants were obtained from all parents evaluated, although at different frequencies.  相似文献   

Daucus carota L. cell lines secrete a characteristic set of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) into the medium. The composition of this set of AGPs changes with the age of the culture, as can be determined by crossed electrophoresis with the specific AGP-binding agent, β-glucosyl Yariv reagent. Addition of AGPs isolated from the medium of a non-embryogenic cell line to an expiant culture initiated the development of the culture to a non-embryogenic cell line. Without addition of AGPs or with addition of carrot-seed AGPs an embryogenic cell line was established. Three-month-old embryogenic cell lines usually contain less than 30% of dense, highly cytoplasmic cells, i.e. the embryogenic cells, but when carrot-seed AGPs were added this percentage increased to 80%. Addition of carrot-seed AGPs to a two-year-old, non-embryogenic cell line resulted in the re-induction of embryogenic potential. These results show that specific AGPs are essential in somatic embryogenesis and are able to direct development of cells.  相似文献   

Summary Despite the fact that forest trees are in early stages of domestication there has been little direct evaluation of either the origin of, or genetic diversity within the breeding material in tree improvement programs. Allozyme variation was used to compare the total genetic diversity in the breeding programs of P. radiata within Australia and the five wild populations in North America. The current breeding populations were very similar genetically and were essentially homogenous with only 1.8% of the variation among programs. The total genetic diversity in the species was 0.12, which is a low estimate compared to most conifers. Overall in the Australian material the genetic diversity was somewhat less. The comparison of allelic frequencies in the five native populations with the Australian material indicates that the Monterey and Año Nuevo populations were probably the major source of the original introductions and that a substantial portion of the genetic diversity in the two populations has been captured in current breeding programs. The three southern populations do not appear to be currently represented in the breeding programs. The implications for future breeding strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (ZUM 15 and ZUM 18) directed against carrot (Daucus carota L.) seed arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) were used to isolate specific AGP fractions. For both carrot and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seed AGPs analyzed by crossedelectrophoresis, the ZUM 15 and ZUM 18 AGP fractions showed one identical peak. However, the Rf values for the two species were different: 0.82 for carrot seed AGPs and 0.52 for tomato seed AGPs. When the fractionated AGPs (carrot or tomato) were added to carrot cell lines they had a dramatic effect on the culture. One AGP fraction (ZUM 15 AGPs) was able to induce vacuolation of embryogenic cells. Those cells failed to produce embryos. The other AGP fraction (ZUM 18 AGPs) increased the percentage of embryognic cells from about 40% up to 80% within one week and this subsequently resulted in the formation of more embryos on hormone-free medium. This activity was higher than that of unfractionated carrot seed AGPs, while the optimum concentration was 50-fold lower. Since both ZUM 18 AGPs (carrot or tomato) yielded identical responses it can be concluded that neither the Rf value nor the source are essential for biological activity. The dose-response curve of ZUM 18 AGPs showed a sharp optimum. When the AGPs that also bound to the antibody ZUM 15 were removed, the dose-response curve of the remaining AGPs (containing only the ZUM 18 epitope, not the ZUM 15 epitope) resembled a saturation curve. Regardless of its concentration, the fraction in which AGP molecules contained both epitopes showed no appreciable embryogenesis-promoting activity. The biological activity of AGPs was therefore determined by the presence of embryogenesis-enhancing and-inhibiting epitopes. The inhibiting and enhancing epitopes can be located on separate molecules or one single AGP molecule.  相似文献   

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