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beta B2- and gamma B-crystallins of vertebrate eye lens are 2-domain proteins in which each domain consists of 2 Greek key motifs connected by a linker peptide. Although the folding topologies of beta B2- and gamma B-domains are very similar, gamma B-crystallin is always monomeric, whereas beta B2-crystallin associates to homodimers. It has been suggested that the linker or the protruding N- and C-terminal arms of beta B2-crystallin (not present in gamma B) are a necessary requirement for this association. In order to investigate the role of these segments for dimerization, we constructed two beta B2 mutants. In the first mutant, the linker peptide was replaced with the one from gamma B (beta B2 gamma L). In the second mutant, the N- and C-terminal arms of 15- and 12-residues length were deleted (beta B2 delta NC). The beta B2 gamma L mutant is monomeric, whereas the beta B2 delta NC mutant forms dimers and tetramers that cannot be interconverted without denaturation. The spectral properties of the beta B2 mutants, as well as their stabilities against denaturants, resemble those of wild-type beta B2-crystallin, thus indicating that the overall peptide fold of the subunits is not changed significantly. We conclude that the peptide linker in beta B2-crystallin is necessary for dimerization, whereas the N- and C-terminal arms appear to be involved in preventing the formation of higher homo-oligomers.  相似文献   

Crystallins are long-lived proteins packed inside eye lens fiber cells that are essential in maintaining the transparency and refractive power of the eye lens. Members of the two-domain betagamma-crystallin family assemble into an array of oligomer sizes, forming intricate higher-order networks in the lens cell. Here we describe the 1.4 angstroms resolution crystal structure of a truncated version of human betaB1 that resembles an in vivo age-related truncation. The structure shows that unlike its close homolog, betaB2-crystallin, the homodimer is not domain swapped, but its domains are paired intramolecularly, as in more distantly related monomeric gamma-crystallins. However, the four-domain dimer resembles one half of the crystallographic bovine betaB2 tetramer and is similar to the engineered circular permuted rat betaB2. The crystal structure shows that the truncated betaB1 dimer is extremely well suited to form higher-order lattice interactions using its hydrophobic surface patches, linker regions, and sequence extensions.  相似文献   

The betagamma-crystallins form a superfamily of eye lens proteins comprised of multiple Greek motifs that are symmetrically organized into domains and higher assemblies. In the betaB2-crystallin dimer each polypeptide folds into two similar domains that are related to monomeric gamma-crystallin by domain swapping. The crystal structure of the circularly permuted two-domain betaB2 polypeptide shows that permutation converts intermolecular domain pairing into intramolecular pairing. However, the dimeric permuted protein is, in fact, half a native tetramer. This result shows how the sequential order of domains in multi-domain proteins can affect quaternary domain assembly.  相似文献   

A 3-dimensional model of the human eye lens protein gamma S-crystallin has been constructed using comparative modeling approaches encoded in the program COMPOSER on the basis of the 3-dimensional structure of gamma-crystallin and beta-crystallin. The model is biased toward the monomeric gamma B-crystallin, which is more similar in sequence. Bovine gamma S-crystallin was shown to be monomeric by analytical ultracentrifugation without any tendency to form assemblies up to concentrations in the millimolar range. The connecting peptide between domains was therefore built assuming an intramolecular association as in the monomeric gamma-crystallins. Because the linker has 1 extra residue compared with gamma B and beta B2, the conformation of the connecting peptide was constructed by using a fragment from a protein database. gamma S-crystallin differs from gamma B-crystallin mainly in the interface region between domains. The charged residues are generally paired, although in a different way from both beta- and gamma-crystallins, and may contribute to the different roles of these proteins in the lens.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is a hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases and also of cataracts. The major proteins in the lens of the eye are crystallins, which accumulate throughout life and are extensively modified. Deamidation is the major modification in the lens during aging and cataracts. Among the crystallins, the betaA3-subunit has been found to have multiple sites of deamidation associated with the insoluble proteins in vivo. Several sites were predicted to be exposed on the surface of betaA3 and were investigated in this study. Deamidation was mimicked by site-directed mutagenesis at Q42 and N54 on the N-terminal domain, N133 and N155 on the C-terminal domain, and N120 in the peptide connecting the domains. Deamidation altered the tertiary structure without disrupting the secondary structure or the dimer formation of betaA3. Deamidations in the C-terminal domain and in the connecting peptide decreased stability to a greater extent than deamidations in the N-terminal domain. Deamidation at N54 and N155 also disrupted the association with the betaB1-subunit. Sedimentation velocity experiments integrated with high-resolution analysis detected soluble aggregates at 15%-20% in all deamidated proteins, but not in wild-type betaA3. These aggregates had elevated frictional ratios, suggesting that they were elongated. The detection of aggregates in vitro strongly suggests that deamidation may contribute to protein aggregation in the lens. A potential mechanism may include decreased stability and/or altered interactions with other beta-subunits. Understanding the role of deamidation in the long-lived crystallins has important implications in other aggregation diseases.  相似文献   

The superfamily of eye lens betagamma-crystallins is highly modularized, with Greek key motifs being used to form symmetric domains. Sequences of monomeric gamma-crystallins and oligomeric beta-crystallins fold into two domains that pair about a further conserved symmetric interface. Conservation of this assembly interface by domain swapping is the device adopted by family member betaB2-crystallin to form a solution dimer. However, the betaB1-crystallin solution dimer is formed from an interface used by the domain-swapped dimer to form a tetramer in the crystal lattice. Comparison of these two structures indicated an intriguing relationship between linker conformation, interface ion pair networks, and higher assembly. Here the X-ray structure of recombinant human betaB2-crystallin showed that domain swapping was determined by the sequence and not assembly conditions. The solution characteristics of mutants that were designed to alter an ion pair network at a higher assembly interface and a mutant that changed a proline showed they remained dimeric. X-ray crystallography showed that the dimeric mutants did not reverse domain swapping. Thus, the sequence of betaB2-crystallin appears well optimized for domain swapping. However, a charge-reversal mutation to the conserved domain-pairing interface showed drastic changes to solution behavior. It appears that the higher assembly of the betagamma-crystallin domains has exploited symmetry to create diversity while avoiding aggregation. These are desirable attributes for proteins that have to exist at very high concentration for a very long time.  相似文献   

Crystallization of a new form of the eye lens protein beta B2-crystallin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new crystal form of the bovine oligomeric lens protein beta B2 has been grown in the presence of calcium acetate. The crystals are orthorhombic, I222 or I2(1)2(1)2(1), with cell dimensions a = 77.8 A, b = 83.6 A, c = 109.2 A. This new crystal form, which diffracts to at least 2.5 A, has a and b cell dimensions that are half those of the original crystal form, although there is no simple relationship between the c cell dimensions. The new crystal form reported here contains only one subunit per asymmetric unit, indicating that the dimer lies on a crystallographic 2-fold axis, and is a suitable candidate for molecular replacement studies.  相似文献   

The protein kinase CK2 (former name: "casein kinase 2") predominantly occurs as a heterotetrameric holoenzyme composed of two catalytic chains (CK2alpha) and two noncatalytic subunits (CK2beta). The CK2beta subunits form a stable dimer to which the CK2alpha monomers are attached independently. In contrast to the cyclins in the case of the cyclin-dependent kinases CK2beta is no on-switch of CK2alpha; rather the formation of the CK2 holoenzyme is accompanied with an overall change of the enzyme's profile including a modulation of the substrate specificity, an increase of the thermostability, and an allocation of docking sites for membranes and other proteins. In this study we used C-terminal deletion variants of human CK2alpha and CK2beta that were enzymologically fully competent and in particular able to form a heterotetrameric holoenzyme. With differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) we confirmed the strong thermostabilization effect of CK2alpha on CK2beta with an upshift of the CK2alpha melting temperature of more than 9 degrees . Using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) we measured a dissociation constant of 12.6 nM. This high affinity between CK2alpha and CK2beta is mainly caused by enthalpic rather than entropic contributions. Finally, we determined a crystal structure of the CK2beta construct to 2.8 A resolution and revealed by structural comparisons with the CK2 holoenzyme structure that the CK2beta conformation is largely conserved upon association with CK2alpha, whereas the latter undergoes significant structural adaptations of its backbone.  相似文献   

Bacillus cereus Hemolysin BL enterotoxin, a ternary complex of three proteins, is the causative agent of food poisoning and requires all three components for virulence. The X-ray structure of the binding domain of HBL suggests that it may form a pore similar to other soluble channel forming proteins. A putative pathway of pore formation is discussed.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities of the eye lens family of betagamma-crystallins are important factors in the etiology of senile cataract. They control the chance of proteins unfolding, which can lead to aggregation and loss of transparency. betaB2-Crystallin orthologs are of low stability and comprise two typical betagamma-crystallin domains, although, uniquely, the N-terminal domain has a cysteine in one of the conserved folded beta-hairpins. Using high-temperature (500 K) molecular dynamics simulations with explicit solvent on the N-terminal domain of rodent betaB2-crystallin, we have identified in silico local flexibility in this folded beta-hairpin. We have shown in vitro using two-domain human betaB2-crystallin that replacement of this cysteine with a more usual aromatic residue (phenylalanine) results in a gain in conformational stability and a reduction in the rate of unfolding. We have used principal components analysis to visualize and cluster the coordinates from eight separate simulated unfolding trajectories of both the wild-type and the C50F mutant N-terminal domains. These data, representing fluctuations around the native well, show that although the mutant and wild-type appear to behave similarly over the early time period, the wild type appears to explore a different region of conformational space. It is proposed that the advantage of having this low-stability cysteine may be correlated with a subunit-exchange mechanism that allows betaB2-crystallin to interact with a range of other beta-crystallin subunits.  相似文献   

A previous NMR investigation of model decapeptides with identical beta-strand sequences and different turn sequences demonstrated that, in these peptide systems, the turn residues played a more predominant role in defining the type of beta-hairpin adopted than cross-strand side-chain interactions. This result needed to be tested in longer beta-hairpin forming peptides, containing more potentially stabilizing cross-strand hydrogen bonds and side-chain interactions that might counterbalance the influence of the turn sequence. In that direction, we report here on the design and 1H NMR conformational study of three beta-hairpin forming pentadecapeptides. The design consists of adding two and three residues at the N- and C-termini, respectively, of the previously studied decapeptides. One of the designed pentadecapeptides includes a potentially stabilizing R-E salt bridge to investigate the influence of this interaction on beta-hairpin stability. We suggest that this peptide self-associates by forming intermolecular salt bridges. The other two pentadecapeptides behave as monomers. A conformational analysis of their 1H NMR spectra reveals that they adopt different types of beta-hairpin structure despite having identical strand sequences. Hence, the beta-turn sequence drives beta-hairpin formation in the investigated pentadecapeptides that adopt beta-hairpins that are longer than the average protein beta-hairpins. These results reinforce our previous suggestion concerning the key role played by the turn sequence in directing the kind of beta-hairpin formed by designed peptides.  相似文献   

The oligo(beta-peptide)s, hexa(alpha-isobutyl beta,L-aspartate) (Hex-AIBLA) and octa(alpha-isobutyl beta,L-aspartate) (Oct-AIBLA), were synthesized in solution by using standard coupling methods. Powder x-ray diffraction showed that the octamer crystallized in the two helical crystal forms known to exist in the homologous poly(beta-peptide), whereas the hexamer seemed to adopt an extended conformation. Both CD and 1H-NMR spectra of Oct-AIBLA in MeOH revealed the presence of a regularly folded conformation in this solvent, presumably the 3(14) helix. The helix-to-coil transition of Oct-AIBLA was observed to take place upon heating in both MeOH and CHCl3, in the second case associated with a not-well-defined aggregation-disaggregation process. The spectroscopic evidence obtained on the presence of folded structures in Hex-AIBLA were much weaker than for the octamer.  相似文献   

Beta-lactamases are the major resistance mechanism to beta-lactam antibiotics and pose a growing threat to public health. Recently, bacteria have become resistant to beta-lactamase inhibitors, making this problem pressing. In an effort to overcome this resistance, non-beta-lactam inhibitors of beta-lactamases were investigated for complementarity to the structure of AmpC beta-lactamase from Escherichia coli. This led to the discovery of an inhibitor, benzo(b)thiophene-2-boronic acid (BZBTH2B), which inhibited AmpC with a Ki of 27 nM. This inhibitor is chemically dissimilar to beta-lactams, raising the question of what specific interactions are responsible for its activity. To answer this question, the X-ray crystallographic structure of BZBTH2B in complex with AmpC was determined to 2.25 A resolution. The structure reveals several unexpected interactions. The inhibitor appears to complement the conserved, R1-amide binding region of AmpC, despite lacking an amide group. Interactions between one of the boronic acid oxygen atoms, Tyr150, and an ordered water molecule suggest a mechanism for acid/base catalysis and a direction for hydrolytic attack in the enzyme catalyzed reaction. To investigate how a non-beta-lactam inhibitor would perform against resistant bacteria, BZBTH2B was tested in antimicrobial assays. BZBTH2B significantly potentiated the activity of a third-generation cephalosporin against AmpC-producing resistant bacteria. This inhibitor was unaffected by two common resistance mechanisms that often arise against beta-lactams in conjunction with beta-lactamases. Porin channel mutations did not decrease the efficacy of BZBTH2B against cells expressing AmpC. Also, this inhibitor did not induce expression of AmpC, a problem with many beta-lactams. The structure of the BZBTH2B/AmpC complex provides a starting point for the structure-based elaboration of this class of non-beta-lactam inhibitors.  相似文献   

alpha-Hemolysin from Staphylococcus aureus assembles from a water-soluble, monomeric species to a membrane-bound heptamer on the surface of target cells, creating water-filled channels that lead to cell death and lysis. Staphylococcus aureus also produces the gamma-hemolysin and leukocidin toxins, which function as two component toxins in the disruption and lysis of erythrocytes and leukocytes. Analysis of the aligned sequences of alpha-hemolysin, gamma-hemolysin, and leukocidin in the context of the alpha-hemolysin heptamer structure supports the conclusion that even though the level of sequence identity between alpha-hemolysin and the gamma-hemolysin and leukocidin toxins is in the so-called twilight zone, the three-dimensional structures of the protomers are probably conserved. By analogy with alpha-hemolysin, gamma-hemolysin and leukocidin may also form oligomeric, transmembrane channels in which an antiparallel beta-barrel constitutes the primary membrane-embedded domain.  相似文献   

A series of tryptamine derivatives with modified sulfonamide were designed, synthesized, and evaluated for their ability to stimulate cAMP accumulation in CHO cells expressing the cloned human β3-adrenergic receptor (AR). For this series of compounds, our objective was to symmetrize the -position of the tryptamine moiety maintaining its activity and reducing the cost of production. Compound 11h, having m-aminobenzene, exhibited excellent agonistic activity for β3-AR with excellent subtype selectivity.  相似文献   

Subsites −3 and −7 in the active site of β-cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (β-CGTase) from alkalophilic Bacillus firmus var. alkalophilus were modified through site-directed mutagenesis to obtain novel mutant CGTases. Four mutant CGTases, H59Q, Y96M, 90-PPI-92, and Δ(154–160) were constructed and produced using a recombinant E. coli with a secretive expression system extracellularly. The secreted mutant β-CGTases were purified by one-step affinity adsorption chromatography using a β-cyclodextrin (CD) polymer as an adsorbent to nearly homogeneous purity. The catalytic activities were modified significantly compared to the wild-type. In particular, the Y96M and Δ(154–160) mutants increased cyclization activity around 1.5 times without any significant reduction of coupling and hydrolyzing activities. Meanwhile, the Y96M and Δ(154–160) mutants exhibited a much higher conversion yield into CDs from 28.6 to 39% without any recognizable change in the CD ratio. The conversion yield into linear maltooligosaccharides was also significantly reduced. The catalytic functions of subsites −3 and −7 in the active site of β-CGTase would appear to be related to the overall productivity of CDs rather than the product specificity.  相似文献   

A sequence in yeast MATalpha2/MCM1/DNA complex that folds into alpha-helix or beta-hairpin depending on the surroundings has been known as "chameleon" sequence. We obtained the free-energy landscape of this sequence by using a generalized-ensemble method, multicanonical molecular dynamics simulation, to sample the conformational space. The system was expressed with an all-atom model in explicit water, and the initial conformation for the simulation was a random one. The free-energy landscape demonstrated that this sequence inherently has an ability to form either alpha or beta structure: The conformational distribution in the landscape consisted of two alpha-helical clusters with different packing patterns of hydrophobic residues, and four beta-hairpin clusters with different strand-strand interaction patterns. Narrow pathways connecting the clusters were found, and analysis on the pathways showed that a compact structure formed at the N-terminal root of the chameleon sequence controls the cluster-cluster transitions. The free-energy landscape indicates that a small conditional change induces alpha-beta transitions. Additional unfolding simulations done with replacing amino acids showed that the chameleon sequence has an advantage to form an alpha-helix. Current study may be useful to understand the mechanism of diseases resulting from abnormal chain folding, such as amyloid disease.  相似文献   

A systematic survey of seven parallel alpha/beta barrel protein domains, based on exhaustive structural comparisons, reveals that a sizable proportion of the alpha beta loops in these proteins--20 out of a total of 49--belong to either one of two loop types previously described by Thornton and co-workers. Six loops are of the alpha beta 1 type, with one residue between the alpha-helix and beta-strand, and 13 are of the alpha beta 3 type, with three residues between the helix and the strand. Protein fragments embedding the identified loops, and termed alpha beta connections since they contain parts of the flanking helix and strand, have been analyzed in detail revealing that each type of connection has a distinct set of conserved structural features. The orientation of the beta-strand relative to the helix and loop portions is different owing to a very localized difference in backbone conformation. In alpha beta 1 connections, the chain enters the beta-strand via a residue adopting an extended conformation, while in alpha beta 3 it does so via a residue in a near alpha-helical conformation. Other conserved structural features include distinct patterns of side chain orientation relative to the beta-sheet surface and of main chain H-bonds in the loop and the beta-strand moieties. Significant differences also occur in packing interactions of conserved hydrophobic residues situated in the last turn of the helix. Yet the alpha-helix surface of both types of connections adopts similar orientations relative to the barrel sheet surface. Our results suggest furthermore that conserved hydrophobic residues along the sequence of the connections, may be correlated more with specific patterns of interactions made with neighboring helices and sheet strands than with helix/strand packing within the connection itself. A number of intriguing observations are also made on the distribution of the identified alpha beta 1 and alpha beta 3 loops within the alpha/beta-barrel motifs. They often occur adjacent to each other; alpha beta 3 loops invariably involve even numbered beta-strands, while alpha beta 1 loops involve preferentially odd beta-strands; all the analyzed proteins contain at least one alpha beta 3 loop in the first half of the eightfold alpha/beta barrel. Possible origins of all these observations, and their relevance to the stability and folding of parallel alpha/beta barrel motifs are discussed.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Pan D  Bellis SL  Song Y 《Proteins》2008,73(4):989-1000
Glycosylation plays an important role in the regulation of integrin function. Molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of altered glycosylation on beta1 integrin structure and function are still largely unknown. In this study, we used a molecular modeling approach to study the effects of altered glycosylation, with alpha2-6 sialic acid and without alpha2-6 sialic acid, on the structure of the I-like domain of the beta1 integrin. Our results demonstrated that altered glycosylation affected the interactions between oligosaccharides and the I-like domain, which in turn changed the accessibility of the specificity-determining loop for ligand binding. Altered glycosylation caused significant conformational changes for most of the key functional regions of the I-like domain of beta1 integrin, including the metal ion-dependent adhesion site that contains a DLSYS motif, and other critical residues for ligand binding (Asn-224, Glu-229, Asp-233, Asp-267, and Asp-295). In addition, altered glycosylation caused significant movement of the alpha1 and alpha7 helices, which are important for the activation of beta1 integrin. The results from this study offered molecular mechanisms for the experimental observations that variant glycosylation regulates integrin function.  相似文献   

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