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1. The Yangtze floodplain (SE China) is characterized by a number of large shallow lakes, many of which have undergone eutrophication due to the intensification of agriculture and urban growth over recent decades. As monitoring data are limited and in order to determine lake baseline nutrient concentrations, 49 lakes were sampled, covering a total phosphorus (TP) gradient (c. 30–550 μg L−1) to develop a diatom-based inference model. 2. There are three dominant diatom assemblages in these shallow lakes with a marked change in assemblage structure near the boundary between eutrophic and hypereutrophic nutrient levels (as indicated by their TP value). Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that TP was the most important and significant variable in explaining the diatom distributions, independently accounting for 9.5% variance of diatoms. 3. Forty-three lakes were used to generate a transfer function using weighted averaging (WA) with inverse deshrinking. This model had low predictive error (root mean squared error of prediction; RMSEPjack = 0.12) and a high coefficient of prediction (R2jack = 0.82), comparable with regional TP models elsewhere. The good performance of this TP model may reflect the low abundance of benthic diatom species which are commonly regarded as the main error source in European shallow lake WA models. 4. The WA model was used to reconstruct the past-TP concentrations for Taibai Lake, a shallow hypereutrophic lake in Hubei province. The results showed that TP concentration varied slightly (43–62 μg L−1) prior to the 1920s, indicating an eutrophic state since the 1800s. A period of sustained eutrophication occurred after 1950, because of the development of agriculture, reflecting by maximum values of Aulacoseira alpigena and increased abundance of Cyclotella meneghiniana, C. atomus and Cyclostephanos dubius. The steep increase in nutrient concentration after 1970 was related to the overuse of chemical fertilizer and fish farming in the catchment. 5. The shift in fossil diatoms from epiphytic to planktonic forms in the lake sediment core during 1950–70 provides useful information on the transformation from macrophyte-dominated to alga-dominated states. It is plausible that the TP concentration of 80–110 μg L−1 observed in this study is the critical range for switching between the two stable states in the lake. 6. The regional diatom-TP model developed in this study allows, therefore, the possibility of reconstructing historical background nutrient concentrations in lakes. It will provide an indication of the onset and development of eutrophication at any site. This is particularly important for the many lakes in the Yangtze floodplain where information about historical changes in water quality is lacking.  相似文献   

Better understanding of the occurrence of water phosphorus (P) at the water-sediment interface is vital to clarify P sources of origin in freshwater shallow lake ecosystems. This study focused on water-sediment interface systems and explored implicit indications of lake chemistry on water P based on a case study of Baiyangdian Lake, North China. 20 variables from 14 sampling sites collected for six months in two years were investigated, including sequentially extracted P fractions. Exploratory data analysis with multivariate statistical techniques and the index of P maximum solubilization potential were employed to examine interactions of water P and coexisting chemicals, and to accomplish pattern recognition of water-sediment interface systems. Results showed that nine key variables (temperature, conductivity, ammonium nitrogen, total nitrogen, sediment total P, metallic oxide bound P, organic P, aluminum and ferrum) were identified and ranked into four latent parameters (physical factors, nutrients, P species, and metals), accounting for 81% of water P variation. Accordingly, the recognized three patterns of water-sediment interface unraveled spatial partitioning for the domination of external or internal P sources. Four variables (temperature, sediment total P, metallic oxide bound P and organic P) were competent to classify patterns of water-sediment interface with 100% correct assignment of cases. Using two parameters (organic P and metallic oxide bound P), discriminant functions produced 85.7% correct assignations, indicating the importance of the two P species in explaining spatial heterogeneity of water P under oxic and alkaline circumstances. This study provides an operational zoning frame and implications for eutrophication management applicable to freshwater shallow lakes.  相似文献   

The growth of pikeperch Sander lucioperca was studied in 41 lakes in central Finland. The backcalculated average total length of 3 year‐old pikeperch was used as an indicator of growth. The growth correlated positively with total phosphorus and water colour and negatively with lake area and depth. The reason for differences in growth may be differences in the amount of suitable food, foraging success or temperature dynamics in different lakes.  相似文献   

W. F. DeBusk 《Hydrobiologia》1988,159(2):159-167
A field study was conducted (May 1981 to June 1982) to develop a data-base on seasonal changes of water and sediment chemistry of Lake Monroe (4 000 ha surface and ca. 2 m deep) located in central Florida, USA. This shallow eutrophic lake is a part of the St. Johns River. Quantitative samples of lake water and sediments were collected on a monthly basis from 16 stations and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters. Relatively high levels of dissolved solids (mean electrical conductivity (EC) = 1832 µS cm1) prevailed in the lake water, and seasonal changes in EC were probably associated with hydrologic flushing from external sources, such as incoming water from upstream as well as precipitation. Average monthly levels of total N and P during the study period were 1.82 and 0.21 mg l–1, respectively. Nutrient concentrations in the water did not show any strong seasonal trends. Organic matter content of lake sediments ranged from 1 to 182 g C kg–1 of dry sediment, reflecting considerable spatial variability. All nutrient elements in the sediments showed highly significant (P < 0.01) correlations with sediment organic C, though little or no significant relationship appeared at any sampling period between water and sediment chemistry of the lake. Temporal trends in water and sediment chemical parameters may have been concealed by periodic hydrologic flushing of the St. Johns River into Lake Monroe.Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 7836.  相似文献   

Interpreting sedimentary phosphorus profiles in terms of changes in the historical P load is difficult due to variable retention and post-depositional diagenesis. An alternative approach is to use diatom assemblages in surface sediments and derive a transfer function for epilimnetic SRP and total P concentrations using weighted average regression and calibration. The obtained relationship can then be applied to down-core changes in sedimentary diatom assemblages and diatom-inferred P (DI-P) used to assess historical changes in epilimnetic P-concentrations. A diatom-phosphorus calibration data set for 43 eutrophic lakes in Northern Ireland has been constructed and applied to two small eutrophic lakes (Lough Mann, White Lough). DI-total P (i.e. predicted) is highly correlated with observed TP (r 2 = 0.75) for the surface-sediment training data-set. The resultant changes in DI-P derived from application of the transfer function to down-core changes in diatom assemblages are compared to sedimentary P concentrations. The latter are highly variable, presumably due to redox-derived effects, while DI-P profiles are more readily interpretable, and agree with other stratigraphic records of lake eutrophication. The method offers a good possibility of defining pre-disturbance (i.e. natural) phosphorus concentrations in lakes with associated implications for lake-restoration programmes.  相似文献   

The contribution of sediment release to the phosphorus budget of hypereutrophic Onondaga Lake was determined through laboratory measurements made on intact cores. Rates ranged from 9–21 mg P m–2 d–1 with a mean of 13 mg P m–2 d–1, values similar to those observed in other lakes of comparable trophic state. There was no statistically significant trend in rates in time (July versus September) or in space (location along the major N/S axis of the lake). Rates of sediment phosphorus release measured in the laboratory compared favorably with the observed rate of soluble reactive phosphorus accumulation in the lake's hypolimnion. The sediments are the second largest source of phosphorus for Onondaga Lake, contributing 24% of the overall phosphorus load to the system.  相似文献   


Material cycling

Seasonal variations in the loosely sorbed phosphorus fraction of the sediment of a shallow and hypereutrophic lake  相似文献   

Hansen  Jonas  Reitzel  Kasper  Jensen  Henning S.  Andersen  Frede Ø. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):139-149
The effects of oxygen, aluminum, iron and nitrate additions on phosphate release from the sediment were evaluated in the softwater Lake Vedsted, Denmark, by a 34-day experiment with undisturbed sediment cores. Six treatments were applied: (1) Control - O2 (0–20% saturation), (2) O2 (100% saturation) (3) Al3+ – O2, (4) Fe3+ + O2, (5) Fe3+ – O2, and (6) NO3 – O2. Al2(SO4)3*18 H2O and FeCl3*4H2O were added in amounts that theoretically should immobilize the exchangeable P-pool in the top 5 cm of the sediment, while sodium nitrate concentrations were increased to 5 mg N l–1. The four treatments with metals or NO3 reduced the P efflux from the sediment significantly as compared to the suboxic control treatment. Mean accumulated P-release rates for suboxic treatments with Al3+, Fe3+, and NO3 were: –0.27 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.02 mmol m–2, N = 5), 0.58 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.30 mmol m–2, N = 5) and 1.40 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.14 mmol m–2, N = 5), respectively. The oxic treatment with Fe3+ had a P efflux of 0.36 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.08 mmol m–2, N = 5). The two highest P-release rates were observed in the control treatment and the treatment with O2 (14.50 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 3.90 mmol m–2, N = 5) and 2.31 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.80 mmol m–2, N = 5), respectively). In order to identify changes in the P and Fe binding sites in the sediment as caused by the treatments, a sequential P extraction procedure was applied on the sediment before and after the efflux experiment. Addition of O2, Fe3+ and NO3 to the sediment increased the amounts of oxidized Fe3+ and PBD. Al3+ addition resulted in a lower fraction of PBD but a correspondingly higher fraction of Al-bound P. Addition of Al3+ decreased the Fe-efflux from the suboxic sediment as well as the amount of oxidized Fe3+ in the sediment. This questions the use of Al compounds that contain sulfate because of the possible formation of FeS, which will restrict upward migration of Fe2+ and the formation of new Fe-oxides in the surface sediment. Instead, we suggest the use of AlCl3 for lake restoration purposes.  相似文献   

1. Total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a (Chl a) chironomid inference models ( Brodersen & Lindegaard, 1999 ; Brooks, Bennion & Birks, 2001 ) were used in an attempt to reconstruct changes in nutrients from three very different lake types. Both training sets were expanded, particularly at the low end of the nutrient gradient, using contemporary chironomid assemblages and environmental parameters from 12 British lakes, although this had little improvement on the model performances. 2. Dissimilarity analyses showed that the historic chironomid assemblages did not have good analogues in the original calibration or extended datasets. However, since the transfer functions are based on weighted averages of the trophic optima for the taxa present and not on community similarities, reasonable downcore inferences were produced. Ordination analyses also showed that the lakes retain their ‘identity’ over time, as the sample dissimilarities within lakes were less than the dissimilarities between lakes. 3. Analysis of the three historic lake profiles showed a range of chironomid community responses to lake development. Chironomids from a shallow lake, Slapton Ley, responded indirectly to nutrient enrichment (TP), probably through altered substrate, macrophyte and fish conditions, rather than directly to primary productivity (Chl a). A stratified lake, Old Mill Reservoir, showed a loss of the profundal chironomid fauna due to increasing primary productivity (Chl a) coupled with increasing hypoxia. A response to nutrients (TP or total nitrogen (TN)) at this site is also indirect, and the TP reconstruction therefore cannot be reliably interpreted. The third lake, March Ghyll Reservoir has little change in historic chironomid communities, suggesting that this well mixed, relatively unproductive lake has changed less than the other lakes. 4. Using chironomids to reconstruct nutrient histories does not follow a simple scheme. The response to changes in nutrients may be direct, but mediated through other ecosystem components. As alternative stable states are possible at a given level of TP it is also likely that alternative chironomid communities exist under similar nutrient conditions. Changes in biological communities can thus occur over thresholds, and it is only biological proxies that can reflect such ecosystem switches within palaeoenvironmental investigations.  相似文献   

The geochemical response of sediments to increased nutrient input to an Alaskan, arctic lake was examined using direct measurements of sediment-water chemical fluxes. An unexpected increase in Fe flux occurred when sediments were exposed to high incident radiation and nutrient concentrations. Correlation between light and acid-soluble Fe concentrations suggests that photoreduction of Fe(III) oxides may occur, but nutrient addition enhanced the effect indicating that primary productivity was also important. The processes controlling the flux of Fe from sediments in this lake were complex and included the redox potential (dissolved oxygen concentration) of the water, quality of organic matter present in the sediment, light, and nutrients supplied from the sediments and/or water column. These four factors together with the possibility of direct uptake of Fe by phytoplankton and the possible release of algal reductants may contribute to Fe cycling in this lake.  相似文献   

In 1984 a frequent monitoring programme was started in the hypertrophic S.W. Frisian lake district, with emphasis on total phosphorus (TP) and chloride (Cl). The main objectives of the project were: to quantify the phosphorus flows, to gain insight in the process of eutrophication, and to simulate management scenarios. The seasonal variability in the lakes is due mainly to the man-made hydrology: reception of humic-rich polder water in wet periods (winter) and inlet of chloride-rich Usselmeer water in dry periods (summer). The yearly means of TP concentrations in the lakes (Tjeukemeer, Groote Brekken and Slotermeer) ranged from 0.23 to 0.29 mg l–1. However, much higher concentrations (0.9 mg l–1) were found in periods with high inflow of polder water.The simulations with a mass balance showed an acceptable similarity between measured and simulated concentrations of TP as well as of Cl. Chloride was modelled to verify the accuracy of a hydrodynamic model. A sensitivity analysis of the apparent settling rate in the P model showed that sensitivity was lowest in simulations of Groote Brekken and highest in simulations of Slotermeer, the difference being attributable to the influence of the water residence time. The model was found to be appropriate for simulating management scenarios.  相似文献   

DNA extraction is often considered as the limiting step of most molecular approaches in ecology and environmental microbiology. Ten existing DNA extraction protocols were compared for recovery of DNA from sludge and a modified version of the protocol described by Porteous et al. (Mol Ecol 6:787–791, 1997) was determined to be the best method for recovery of DNA suitable for PCR. In this respect, it appeared that the commonly used guanidine isothiocyanate could impair the quality of the extracted DNA unless its concentration is lowered. Second, conditioning the samples as liquors as opposed to pellets critically impacts the outcome of the extraction. The suitability of the modified Porteous protocol for quantitative PCR applications is demonstrated in a series of experiments showing the absence of interfering coextracted inhibitors and the linear correspondence between the concentrations of input target DNA and PCR product. Interestingly, it is also shown that the nature of the environmental matrices affects the recovery yield of both circular plasmids and chromosomal DNA, resulting in an apparent fluctuation of the plasmid copy number per cell. This means that quantitative data obtained by PCR remain comparable as long as they apply to an identical target sequence extracted from a similar environment and amplified under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Capsule: Trophic status of a deep-water lake was the main driver of changes in breeding population size of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus while reproductive success was also strongly affected by weather parameters.

Aims: To determine the effects of changes in nutrient status of a formerly highly-eutrophicated deep-water lake and other environmental parameters on a Great Crested Grebe population during a phase of re-oligotrophication.

Methods: Annual surveys were carried out on a natural lake in Switzerland over a period of 25 years to determine breeding population size and reproductive success. The effects of phosphorus content, other limnological parameters and weather variables were analysed with quasi-Poisson models.

Results: The breeding population increased from 80 pairs in 1992 to 417 pairs in 2001, after which numbers showed strong fluctuations. Total phosphorus content in the lake had a strong negative effect on breeding population size. A significant positive correlation was found with the national population index. Reproductive success fluctuated strongly but showed an overall decline. The model indicated positive effects on reproductive success of phosphorus and negative effects of the number of days with strong wind. Rapid water-level increases in early summer and water transparency in June led to higher proportions of late broods.

Conclusion: Phosphorus concentration was identified as the main driver affecting the breeding population of Great Crested Grebes during the phase of recovery of the lake from a highly-eutrophic state. Results indicate that mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions enabled a large population and high breeding success. Reproductive output was further negatively affected by strong wind during a critical breeding phase.  相似文献   

1. The influence of humic substances on the association of free inorganic iron and phosphate with material of larger molecular weight was investigated in epilimnetic samples from two humus‐rich lakes of contrasting ionic strength. After modification of the molecular weight distribution of the humic substances in the samples using dialysis and ultrafiltration, the molecular weight distribution of added radioisotopes ( Fe3+ and PO43?) was assessed using gel filtration chromatography.
2. The association of Fe3+ and PO43? with larger molecular weight fractions (>50 000 and 10 000–50 000 Da) was not in general related to the quantity of humic substances of the same molecular weight in the samples. However, the proportions of Fe3+ and PO43? observed in higher molecular weight peaks were strongly correlated to the quantity of humic substances of the same molecular weight in (a) the 10 000–50 000 Da peak in the sample of low ionic strength at pH 5.5 and pH 7.0, and (b) the> 50 000 Da peak in the sample of higher ionic strength at pH 4.0.
3. It was concluded that humic substances promote the association of Fe3+ and PO43? with higher molecular weight fractions primarily by acting as peptizing agents for inorganic colloids containing Fe and P. Association of Fe3+ and PO43? with material of higher molecular weight via the formation of humic substance‐Fe3+–PO43? complexes was identified but only at specific pH and within specific molecular weight ranges for each of the epilimnetic lake water samples studied.  相似文献   

The relationship between total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentration was determined for Skinner Lake, Indiana over an annual cycle in 1978–79. Total nitrogen:total phosphorus ratios in the epilimnion ranged from 19 to 220 suggesting a phosphorus-dependent algal yield in the epilimnion. Approximately 90% of annual TP loading reached the lake via streamflow, and 93% of this entered during snowmelt and spring-overturn periods. At that time incoming water flushed the lake 2.4 times. Atmospheric loading accounted for 1.4% of annual TP load. Internal hypolimnetic TP loading occurred during summer stratification. Mean [chl a] for the ice-free period was 15.15 mg m–3, within the range expected for eutrophic lakes.The 1978–79 data were used in conjuction with the Vollenweider & Kerekes (1980) model to produce a model specific for the Skinner Lake system. The model predicted mean epilimnetic total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations from mean total phosphorus concentration in inlet streams and from lake water residence time during the period of spring overturn and summer stratification. The Skinner-specific model was tested in 1982 and it closely predicted observed mean epilimnetic [TP] and [chl a] during the ice-free period. This study shows that variability in lake models which average data over an annual period can be reduced by considering lake-specific seasonal variation in hydrology and external TP loading.  相似文献   

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