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Numerical taxonomy of the wild bananas (Musa)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Solanum section Petota is taxonomically difficult, partly because of interspecific hybridization at both the diploid and polyploid levels. The taxonomy of cultivated potatoes is particularly controversial. Using DNA sequence data of the waxy gene, we here infer relationships among the four species of cultivated potatoes accepted in the latest taxonomic treatment (S. ajanhuiri, S. curtilobum, S. juzepczukii and S. tuberosum, the latter divided into the Andigenum and Chilotanum Cultivar Groups). The data support prior ideas of hybrid origins of S. ajanhuiri from the S. tuberosum Andigenum Group (2x = S. stenotomum) × S. megistacrolobum; S. juzepczukii from the S. tuberosum Andigenum Group (2x = S. stenotomum) × S. acaule; and S. curtilobum from the S. tuberosum Andigenum Group (4x = S. tuberosum subsp. andigenum) × S. juzepczukii. For the tetraploid cultivar-groups of S. tuberosum, hybrid origins are suggested entirely within much more closely related species, except for two of three examined accessions of the S. tuberosum Chilotanum Group that appear to have hybridized with the wild species S. maglia. Hybrid origins of the crop/weed species S. sucrense are more difficult to support and S. vernei is not supported as a wild species progenitor of the S. tuberosum Andigenum Group.  相似文献   

Hundreds of varieties in the five reco?nized species of this ?enus, all native to the Americas, are the sources of the well known pumpkins and squashes, of which about 150,000 tons, fresh wei?ht, in 481/2 million No. 2 cans, is the annual canned pack alone in the United States. The seeds constitute a potential but so far wholly undeveloped source of valuable oil.  相似文献   

Summary A recently developed polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique for tuber proteins is used to help elucidate the evolution and taxonomy of some cultivated potatoes. The results substantiate the theory that Group Tuberosum evolved from Group Andigena, that Group Andigena evolved from a cultivated diploid × wild diploid hybrid, and that Group Phureja evolved from Group Stenotomum. Furthermore, the results suggest these groups are closely enough related to merit classification within a single species.Scientific Journal Series Article 10,172 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

This work was carried out to investigate the relative roles of phosphofructokinase and pyrophosphate-fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase during the increased glycolysis at the climacteric in ripening bananas (Musa cavendishii Lamb ex Paxton). Fruit were ripened in the dark in a continuous stream of air in the absence of ethylene. CO2 production, the contents of glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, phosphoenolpyruvate and PPi; and the maximum catalytic activities of pyrophosphate-fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase, 6-phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase were measured over a 12-day period that included the climacteric. Cytosolic fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase could not be detected in extracts of climacteric fruit. The peak of CO2 production was preceded by a threefold rise in phosphofructokinase, and accompanied by falls in fructose 6-phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate, and a rise in fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. No change in pyrophosphate-fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase or pyrophosphate was found. It is argued that phosphofructokinase is primarily responsible for the increased entry of fructose 6-phosphate into glycolysis at the climacteric.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(21):R1201-R1203

Primates - The origins and taxonomy of the introduced vervet monkey population in Dania Beach, Florida has been unconfirmed due to a lack of documentation and genetic research. Our goal was to...  相似文献   

Soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is one of the major crops in the world and was domesticated from a wild progenitor, Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc., in East Asia. In order to address the questions concerning the evolution and maternal lineage of soybean, we surveyed the variation in chloroplast DNA simple sequence repeats (cpSSR) of 326 wild and cultivated soybean accessions that were collected from various Asian countries. Twenty-three variants were detected at six cpSSRs in the accessions tested. All of the variants were found in wild soybean, whereas only 14 variants existed in the cultigen. Combining the variants at the six cpSSRs gave 52 haplotypes in the former and eight haplotypes in the latter. Both analyses indicated a considerably higher genetic diversity in the wild soybean. Around 75% of the cultivated accessions tested possessed a common haplotype (no. 49), which was detected in only seven wild accessions, six from southern Japan and one from southern China. The predominant haplotype in the cultigen may therefore have originated from a rare haplotype of the wild soybean that is presently distributed in the southern areas of Japan and China. The remaining seven haplotypes in the cultigen were distributed regionally, and except for three rare haplotypes, largely overlapped with the distributions of wild accessions with the same respective haplotypes. Our results strongly suggest that the cultivated soybeans with different cpDNA haplotypes originated independently in different regions from different wild gene pools and/or hybrid swarms between cultivated and wild forms.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of 13 substantially complete mitochondrial DNA genome sequences (14,036 bp) from 10 taxa of gadine codfishes and pollock provides highly corroborated resolution of outstanding questions on their biogeographic evolution. Of 6 resolvable nodes among species, 4 were supported by >95% of bootstrap replications in parsimony, distance, likelihood, and similarly high posterior probabilities in bayesian analyses, one by 85%-95% according to the method of analysis, and one by 99% by one method and a majority of the other two. The endemic Pacific species, walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), is more closely related to the endemic Atlantic species, Atlantic cod (Gadus macrocephalus), than either is to a second Pacific endemic, Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). The walleye pollock should thus be referred to the genus Gadus as originally described (Gadus chalcogrammus Pallas 1811). Arcto-Atlantic Greenland cod, previously regarded as a distinct species (G. ogac), are a genomically distinguishable subspecies within pan-Pacific G. macrocephalus. Of the 2 endemic Arctic Ocean genera, Polar cod (Boreogadus) as the outgroup to Arctic cod (Arctogadus) and Gadus sensu lato is more strongly supported than a pairing of Boreogadus and Arctogadus as sister taxa. Taking into consideration historical patterns of hydrogeography, we outline a hypothesis of the origin of the 2 endemic Pacific species as independent but simultaneous invasions through the Bering Strait from an Arcto-Atlantic ancestral lineage. In contrast to the genome data, the complete proteome sequence (3830 amino acids) resolved only 3 nodes with >95% confidence, and placed Alaska pollock outside the Gadus clade owing to reversal mutations in the ND5 locus that restore ancestral, non-Gadus, amino acid residues in that species.  相似文献   

On the basis of 18 protein sequences totaling 2,413 aligned amino acid sites, it is suggested that the guinea pigs and the myomorphs (rat-like rodents) are not monophyletic. Rather, the evolutionary lineage leading to the guinea pig seems to have branched off prior to the divergence among myomorphs, lagomorphs, primates, chiropterans, artiodactyls, and carnivores. It is suggested therefore that the Caviomorpha (guinea pig-like rodents) and possibly the Hystricomorpha (porcupine-like rodents) should be elevated in taxonomic rank and conferred an ordinal status distinct from the Rodentia. This suggestion calls for a reevaluation of the morphological evolution of guinea pigs and further molecular studies on the possibility of paraphyly of the order Rodentia. If the monophyly of rodents holds, it must be concluded that the pattern of molecular evolution in many guinea pig genes has been extremely unusual and that the causes for this pattern should be sought. It is also suggested that claims of large differences in the rate of molecular evolution between guinea pigs and myomorphs may have been exaggerated in many cases as a result of an erroneous phylogenetic position for the guinea pig. The average rate of amino acid replacement in the guinea pig seems to be comparable to that in the rat and the mouse. However, the data indicate that myomorph and caviomorph genes evolve, on average, about two times faster than their human counterparts. Finally, our analysis provides evidence against the hypothesis that the gundi (an African rodent) represents the most ancient rodent lineage.  相似文献   

The proteolysis of casein by trypsin, chymotrypsin and papain was inhibited by ripened and unripened bontha, poovan, nendran, cavendish and rasthali bananas. The inhibition of trypsin, chymotrypsin and papain by different ripened banana cultivars was much more than that of unripened banana cultivars. The trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity of ripened poovan was heat stable, resistant to pronase and partly stable to trypsin but the trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity of unripened poovan was stable to heat and resistant to pronase only. The partial stability of trypsin inhibitory activity and instability of papain inhibitory activity of ripened poovan to alkaline pH suggests that the inhibitory factors of trypsin and papain were dissimilar. The probable role of unripened banana papain inhibitors in curing stomach ulcers and antinutritional role of ripened banana trypsin inhibitors is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A discussion covering the problems ofFrankia taxonomy was held at the Frankia Workshop in Wageningen, September 4–6, 1983. It was agreed that the genusFrankia can be satisfactorily defined, but that solid criteria for species determination are not now available and that use of specific names should be avoided for the present.  相似文献   

The origins of human ageing are to be found in the origins and evolution of senescence as a general feature in the life histories of higher animals. Ageing is an intriguing problem in evolutionary biology because a trait that limits the duration of life, including the fertile period, has a negative impact on Darwinian fitness. Current theory suggests that senescence occurs because the force of natural selection declines with age and because longevity is only acquired at some metabolic cost. In effect, organisms may trade late survival for enhanced reproductive investments in earlier life. The comparative study of ageing supports the general evolutionary theory and reveals that human senescence, while broadly similar to senescence in other mammalian species, has distinct features, such as menopause, that may derive from the interplay of biological and social evolution.  相似文献   

The web and the structure of taxonomy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An easily accessible taxonomic knowledge base is critically important for all biodiversity-related sciences. At present, taxonomic information is organized and regulated by a system of rules and conventions that date back to the introduction of binomial nomenclature by Linnaeus. The taxonomy of any particular group of organisms comprises the sum information in the taxonomic literature, supported by designated type specimens in major collections. In this article, the way modern means of disseminating information will change the practice of taxonomy, in particular the Internet, is explored. Basic taxonomic information, such as specimen-level data, location of types, and name catalogues are already available, at least for some groups, on the Web. Specialist taxonomic databases, key-construction programs, and other software useful for systematists are also increasingly available. There has also been a move towards Web-publishing of taxonomic hypotheses, though as yet this is not fully permitted by the Codes of Nomenclature. A further and more radical move would be to transfer taxonomy completely to the Web. A possible model of this is discussed, as well as a pilot project, the "CATE" initiative, which seeks to explore the advantages and disadvantages of such a move. It is argued that taxonomy needs to forge better links with its user-communities to maintain its funding base, and that an important part of this is making the products of its research more accessible through the Internet.  相似文献   

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