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Until recently little was known about the cell cycle parameters and division mechanisms of archaeal organisms. Although this is still the case for the majority of archaea, significant advances have been made in some model species. The information that has been gleaned thus far points to a remarkable degree of diversity within the archaeal domain of life. More specifically, members of distinct phyla have very different chromosome copy numbers, replication control systems and even employ distinct machineries for cell division.  相似文献   

The ethylene production of the hypocotyls of CCC-treated bean plants was studied, and it was concluded that the treatment induced changes in the quantity of ethylene produced by the apical and basal hypocotyl parts. The ethylene production of the basal hypocotyl parts showed considerable increase on the effect of the treatment, in comparison with the control. The obtained results suggest a possible relationship between the longitudinal-growth inhibiting, stem-thickness inducing, root-formation stimulating effects of CCC and the effect exerted on ethylene production.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of exogenous applications of gibberellins (GAs) or the growth retardant -chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride (CCC) on root nodule formation and activity (C2H2-reduction) in soya was studied. Daily foliar application of GA3 (2.89×10–6 M) delayed the formation of nodule initials and reduced the numbers mass nodule–1 and specific activity of nodules by 43%, 31% and 47% respectively, without affecting plant growth. Similar effects on nodulation were produced by foliar application of GA4 (3.01×10–5 M) or GA7 (3.03×10–5 M), or by the addition of GA3 (2.89×10–6 M) to the rooting medium. GA effectiveness in reducing nodule numbers was decreased by delaying its application until after the initial infection process had occurred, but the nodules formed were smaller and less active than those of the untreated control plants. The GA effect on nodulation and nodule activity was not associated with alterations in root exudate or due to a direct inhibitory effect of the hormone on the nitrogenase system. When the endogenous root content of GA-like substances was reduced (86% decrease) by foliar application of CCC (6.30×10–5 M), nodule numbers were increased by 56%, but nodule size and total nodule activity were similar to those of control plants. The GA and CCC treatments had no effect on rhizobial growth in liquid culture nor on root colonisation by rhizobia.The results suggest that the endogenous content of root GA may have a regulatory role in both the infection process and in subsequent nodule morphogenesis, thus controlling both the number and effectiveness of the root nodules formed.  相似文献   

A model of the cell cycle, incorporating a deterministic cell-size monitor and a probabilistic component, is investigated. Steady-state distributions for cell size and generation time are calculated and shown to be globally asymptotically stable. These distributions are used to calculate various statistical quantities, which are then compared to known experimental data. Finally, the results are compared to distributions calculated from a Monte-Carlo simulation of the model.  相似文献   

Cell cycles in cell hierarchies   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In the replacing tissues of the body, namely the bone marrow, testis, and the surface epithelia with their appendages, cell replacement would appear to be achieved using an hierarchically organized proliferative compartment with relatively few ultimate stem cells producing dividing transit cells which eventually differentiate and mature into the functional cells of the tissue. The cell cycle times of the various constituents of the hierarchy differ, and the stem cells apparently have a longer cell cycle than the transit cells. There may be variations in the cell cycle as cells pass through the transit population in some cases, e.g. in the bone marrow, while in others the cycle time remains fairly constant, e.g. in the testis. The difference in the cell cycle time between stem cells and transit cells is not completely unequivocal, and there is little or no difference in cycle time in the epithelium on the dorsal surface of the tongue while in other cases the experimental evidence for long stem-cell cycles is somewhat imprecise. However, the epithelium in the small intestine and the spermatogonia in the testis have been fairly extensively studied and here the evidence clearly shows a lengthening of the cell cycle as more primitive cells are considered.  相似文献   

It is commonly thought that various types of population growth can be satisfactorily modelled as deviations from an inherently exponential (malthusian) growth law. Consideration of kinetic results from research on the origin of life, laser physics and more-conventional population dynamics makes it clear, however, that in certain cases the simplest and mechanistically most satisfactory assumption is either a basic subexponential or a hyperbolic growth law. Although these simple growth laws cannot be used instead of more-complicated models of density-dependent population growth when exact quantities are important, the insight gained by thinking them over can be substantial. Ideas about species packing, for example, await reconsideration.  相似文献   

Quantitative laws in metabolism and growth   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  

Quantitative empirical relationships between cell composition and growth rate played an important role in the early days of microbiology. Gradually, the focus of the field began to shift from growth physiology to the ever more elaborate molecular mechanisms of regulation employed by the organisms. Advances in systems biology and biotechnology have renewed interest in the physiology of the cell as a whole. Furthermore, gene expression is known to be intimately coupled to the growth state of the cell. Here, we review recent efforts in characterizing such couplings, particularly the quantitative phenomenological approaches exploiting bacterial 'growth laws.' These approaches point toward underlying design principles that can guide the predictive manipulation of cell behavior in the absence of molecular details.  相似文献   

When proper statistical procedures were employed, the empiricalCell Quota model of Droop (J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK, 48, 689–733,1968; J. Phycol., 9, 264–272, 1973) proved a better fitto 20 out of 21 data sets (of conserved nutrients) than didthe power law-based Chemical Reaction model of Baird (J. PlanktonRes., 21, 85–126, 1999).  相似文献   

Phytoplankton populations have been shown to be entrained byalternating periods of light and darkness in natural watersas well as in laboratory cultures. A simple model for the growthof such populations, as reflected by cell division, is presentedhere. The model takes as its structural unit the single cell,using Spudich and Sager's transition point hypothesis for thecoupling between received light and cell cycle progression.A stochastic component is also included to account for cell-to-cellvariability. The model predicts that the characteristics ofcell division patterns in populations entrained by photocyclesdepends mainly on the position of the transition point withinthe cell cycle, rather than on the characteristics of the photocyclicregime. The model simulates successfully the major featuresof observed division patterns of several phytoplankton species.In addition, the model can be used to predict division patternsin high frequency photocycles and during transients inducedby shifts in light regime. Under these conditions, the simulatedpatterns are also consistent with the hypothesis of a circadianclock controlled cell cycle, except in the case of free runningtransients. 1Present address: Station Biologique Roscoff, CNRS, Roscoff29211, France  相似文献   

H. M. Dekhuijzen 《Planta》1973,111(2):149-156
Summary The inhibition of the growth of wheat seedlings by 2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride (CCC) was strongly reduced by root application of acetylcholine (Ach). Ach was applied after uptake of CCC by the roots or by the leaves. Ach also stimulated growth of non-CCC-treated seedlings up to 30% when applied to the roots. Growth stimulation appeared to be dependent on pH of the medium and most effective at pH 4.5 and 6. At pH 7.5 Ach did not promote growth of wheat seedlings.Organization for Applied Scientific Research.—Author's business address: Stichting, Centrum voor Plantenfysiologisch Onderzoek, C.P.O., Postbus 52, Wageningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Template-directed replication is known to obey a parabolic growth law due to product inhibition (Sievers & Von Kiedrowski 1994 Nature 369, 221; Lee et al. 1996 Nature 382, 525; Varga & Szathmáry 1997 Bull. Math. Biol. 59, 1145). We investigate a template-directed replication with a coupled template catalysed lipid aggregate production as a model of a minimal protocell and show analytically that the autocatalytic template-container feedback ensures balanced exponential replication kinetics; both the genes and the container grow exponentially with the same exponent. The parabolic gene replication does not limit the protocellular growth, and a detailed stoichiometric control of the individual protocell components is not necessary to ensure a balanced gene-container growth as conjectured by various authors (Gánti 2004 Chemoton theory). Our analysis also suggests that the exponential growth of most modern biological systems emerges from the inherent spatial quality of the container replication process as we show analytically how the internal gene and metabolic kinetics determine the cell population's generation time and not the growth law (Burdett & Kirkwood 1983 J. Theor. Biol. 103, 11-20; Novak et al. 1998 Biophys. Chem. 72, 185-200; Tyson et al. 2003 Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 15, 221-231). Previous extensive replication reaction kinetic studies have mainly focused on template replication and have not included a coupling to metabolic container dynamics (Stadler et al. 2000 Bull. Math. Biol. 62, 1061-1086; Stadler & Stadler 2003 Adv. Comp. Syst. 6, 47). The reported results extend these investigations. Finally, the coordinated exponential gene-container growth law stemming from catalysis is an encouraging circumstance for the many experimental groups currently engaged in assembling self-replicating minimal artificial cells (Szostak 2001 et al. Nature 409, 387-390; Pohorille & Deamer 2002 Trends Biotech. 20 123-128; Rasmussen et al. 2004 Science 303, 963-965; Szathma ry 2005 Nature 433, 469-470; Luisi et al. 2006 Naturwissenschaften 93, 1-13).  相似文献   

Iona Snir  Bezalel Kessler 《Planta》1975,125(1):73-75
Summary The gibberellin content of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) roots and green organs from (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC)-treated seeds was equal to or even higher than in the water controls. The main difference between control and growth retardant-treated seedlings was expressed in the differential distribution of the endogenous gibberellin between its free and bound forms.Publication of the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel, Series 1975, No. 151-E.  相似文献   

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