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Correctional and intentional steering manoeuvres in locusts differ in several important respects. The most profound difference between the two is the production of large forewing asymmetries in angle of elevation during the downstroke in intentional steering that are not obvious in correctional steering. We investigated the flight motor patterns during intentional steering responses to a radiant heat source. We found asymmetries in the timing of forewing first basalar (m97) activity on the left and right sides that were strongly and positively correlated with forewing asymmetries. Timing asymmetry in the second basalar (m98) and pleuroalar (m85) muscles was not significantly different from the changes observed in m97. The hindwing first basalar (m127) shifted its asymmetry in the opposite direction. The forewing subalar muscle (m99) did not shift its asymmetry with the same magnitude as m97, but instead was phase-shifted relative to m97 on the left and right sides, suggesting its role as a supinator. We conclude that large asymmetries in the elevation angle of the forewings during the downstroke, as are evident in intentional steering, are generated by bulk shifts in the activation times of forewing depressor muscles to cause a relative shift in the time of stroke reversals of the two forewings. Accepted: 19 June 1998  相似文献   

Desert locusts, tethered on a roll torque meter and flying in a wind tunnel are surrounded by an artificial horizon (Fig. 1). Flight motor activity and movement of forewings are monitored continuously. Movements of the artificial horizon elicit roll manoeuvers of the animal with latencies of several seconds; concomitant changes in flight motor pattern and wing movement can be correlated with the animal's roll angle and roll torque. Flight sequences with constant torque and roll angle (steady state) have been analysed with the following results. Wing Kinematics. A phase difference between the movements of the forewings on either side is correlated with roll angle (Fig. 3). Pronation of a forewing is always greater on the side to which the animal rolls, i.e. on the side that produces less lift (Fig. 5). In some experiments the slope of the wing tip path is also decreased (Fig. 5). In both cases, the aerodynamic angle of attack is decreased and the forewing on this side produces less lift. In most experiments, changes in pronation are less pronounced in the contralateral wing (Fig. 11). All factors contribute to a net roll torque that sustains the animal's roll angle. Other kinematic parameters of forewing movement, e.g. wing stroke amplitude, were not found to be correlated with roll angle and torque (Fig. 4). Motor Pattern. Activity of several flight muscles (depressors M97, M98, M99, and M129; elevators M83, M84, and M90) was investigated for changes in burst length and temporal coordination in response to roll stimuli. Most flight muscles fired only once per wing beat cycle in our preparations. Thus, burst length was not found to be correlated with roll angle. Time intervals of firing between all muscle pairs investigated change in correlation with the torque and roll angle (Fig. 9).All mesothoracic muscles are active earlier-relative to the ipsilateral metathoracic subalar muscle M129-during roll to the ipsilateral side than during roll to the contralateral side. Correlations Between Motor and Movement Pattern. The phase of muscle firing within the wing beat cycle varies with roll angle (roll torque). The first basalar M97 and second tergosternal M84 muscles, when referenced e.g. to the upper (M97) or lower (M84) reversal point of the wing tip trajectory, are active earlier on the side the animal turns to (Fig. 10). The onset of the first basalar M97 relative to the beginning of downstroke is correlated with maximum pronation and roll angle (Fig. 11). Mechanisms of Lift Control. Wing pronation, which is very important for lift production is controlled by the central nervous system by altering the phase of muscle activity within the wing beat cycle.  相似文献   

Summary The functional mechanics of the forewingtwisting ofLocusta migratoria L. is described and demonstrated by means of plastic models. The upstroke-supination (Z-profile) is produced by elastic and aerodynamic forces only. A tonic muscle, the muscle of the axillary 3, acts as upstroke-pronator, flattening the Z-profile. The three direct wing depressor muscles (basalar muscles, subalar muscle) pronate the wing during the downstroke. The basalar muscles initiate the wing-turning at the begin of downstroke by clicking the Z-profile into a reverse clap profile. The muscle of the axillary 3 decreases the downstroke-pronation, acting in this phase as a supinator. This muscle is therefore able to increase the aerodynamical angle of attack in both wingstroke phases. The functional significance of the muscles for the control of flight is discussed.  相似文献   

We simultaneously recorded flight muscle activity and wing kinematics in tethered, flying locusts to determine the relationship between asymmetric depressor muscle activation and the kinematics of the stroke reversal at the onset of wing depression during attempted intentional steering manoeuvres. High-frequency, pulsed sounds produced bilateral asymmetries in forewing direct depressor muscles (M97, 98, 99) that were positively correlated with asymmetric forewing depression and asymmetries in stroke reversal timing. Bilateral asymmetries in hindwing depressor muscles (M127 and M128 but not M129) were positively correlated with asymmetric hindwing depression and asymmetries in the timing of the hindwing stroke reversal; M129 was negatively correlated with these shifts. Hindwing depressor asymmetries and wing kinematic changes were smaller and shifted in opposite direction than corresponding measurements of the forewings. These findings suggest that intentional steering manoeuvres employ bulk shifts in depressor muscle timing that affect the timing of the stroke reversals thereby establishing asymmetric wing depression. Finally, we found indications that locusts may actively control the timing of forewing rotation and speculate this may be a mechanism for generating steering torques. These effects would act in concert with forces generated by asymmetric wing depression and angle of attack to establish rapid changes in direction.Abbreviations ASR acoustic startle response - dB SPL decibel sound pressure level (re: 20 Pa RMS) - EMG electromyogram - FWA forewing asymmetry - HWA hindwing asymmetry  相似文献   

Evasive steering is crucial for flying in a crowded environment such as a locust swarm. We investigated how flying locusts alter wing-flapping symmetry in response to a looming object approaching from the side. Desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) were tethered to a rotatable shaft that allowed them to initiate a banked turn. A visual stimulus of an expending disk on one side of the locust was used to evoke steering while recording the change in wingbeat kinematics and electromyography (EMG) of metathoracic wing depressors. Locusts responded to the looming object by rolling to the contralateral direction. During turning, EMG of hindwing depressors showed an omission of one action potential in the subalar depressor (M129) of the hindwing inside the turn. This omission was associated with increased pronation of the same wing, reducing its angle-of-attack during the downstroke. The link between spike-omission in M129 and wing pronation was verified by stimulating the hindwing depressor muscles with an artificial motor pattern that included the misfire of M129. These results suggest that hindwing pronation is instrumental in rotating the body to the side opposite of the approaching threat. Turning away from the threat would be highly adaptive for collision avoidance when flying in dense swarms.  相似文献   

Summary Temporal patterns of activation of flight muscles were recorded by means of wires placed extracellularly in thoracic muscles. In the five species of hawkmoths studied, wingstrokes of small amplitude were produced during a preflight warm-up by synchronous contractions of certain groups of muscles which are antagonists in flight. The main depressor muscle, the dorsal longitudinal, was excited in synchrony with some or all of the indirect elevator muscles. Three direct muscles, the subalar, basalar and third axillary muscles, were usually excited out of phase with the dorsal longitudinal muscle. However, details of the motor pattern varied from species to species. During fixed flight phase changes comparable in magnitude to those which occur during the transition from warm-up to flight were observed in Manduca sexta and Smerinthus cerisyi. The results (summarized in Table 2) suggest that a variety of warm-up patterns evolved within the Sphingidae as modifications of a common mechanism generating flight motor patterns.I thank Dr. Harry Lange for assistance in the initial collecting of Manduca sexta and for identifying specimens of this species.  相似文献   

Desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria F.), mounted in a wind tunnel on a low-mechanical-impedance torque meter, flew for at least 30 min in the posture typical of long-term flight. As they flew, they were induced to rotate about their long axis (roll) by rotation of an artificial horizon. All maintained departures from the horizontal attitude were brought about actively, by the animal's own efforts. In the roll maneuver, the hindlegs and abdomen were bent toward the side ipsilateral to the direction of rotation. However, these rudderlike movements were not adequate to initiate and maintain a constant roll angle.During a roll, there was a change in the pattern of excitation of all the wing muscles that were monitored: the depressorsM81, 97, 99, 112, 127, and 129, and the elevatorsM83, 84, 89, 113, 118, 119 (numbering according to Snodgrass 1929). Hence all 12 muscles probably not only provide power for the flight but also steer it. Evidently, then, for these muscles a rigid distinction between power and steering muscles is not appropriate.The period of the contraction cycle changed in correlation with the roll angle, but was not a parameter for control of the roll maneuver, because the changes were the same in all muscles (Fig. 2).Even with constant burst length, the phase shifts between the muscles changed. These changes were the main control parameter for rolling (Figs. 3–9).There was a latency coupling between elevators and the following depressors (Fig. 3).The changes in phase shift were tonic or phasic (sometimes phasic-tonic) in different muscle pairs (Fig. 4).When a roll angle of ca. 15° was adopted, the phase shifts between depressor muscles in a given fore- or hindwing (e.g.,M127R vs.M129R) changed by about 5 ms, whereas the elevators changed by less than 1 ms (Fig. 6).The phase shifts between the anterior elevators and depressors of a given wing, as well as the posterior elevators and depressors, changed by ca. 5 ms (in some cases with different time courses) when the animal rolled to an angle of ca. 15° (Fig. 7).The changes in phase shift between muscles of the fore-and hindwing on one side of the body amounted, as a rule, to about 4 ms at ca. 15° roll (Fig. 8).Corresponding muscles on the two sides of the body change in phase with respect to one another by as much as 10 ms (Fig. 9). The phase shifts of all such contralateral muscle pairs except for the posterior basalar muscles,M127, have the same sign, such that the muscle ipsilateral to the direction of rotation becomes active sooner.  相似文献   

Summary The output connections of a bilaterally symmetrical pair of wind-sensitive interneurones (called A4I1) were determined in a non-flying locust (Schistocerca gregaria). Direct inputs from sensory neurones of specific prosternai and head hairs initiate spikes in these interneurones in the prothoracic ganglion.The interneurone with its axon in the right connective makes direct, excitatory connections with the two mesothoracic motor neurones innervating the pleuroaxillary (pleuroalar, M85) muscle of the right forewing, but not with the comparable motor neurones of the left forewing. The connections can evoke motor spikes.The interneurones also exert a powerful, but indirect effect on the homologous metathoracic pleuroaxillary motor neurones (muscle 114), and a weaker, indirect effect on subalar motor neurones of the hindwings. No connections or effects were found with other flight motor neurones, or motor neurones innervating hindleg muscles, including common inhibitor 1 which also innervates the pleuroaxillary muscle.One thoracic interneurone with its cell body in the right half of the mesothoracic ganglion and with its axon projecting ipsilaterally to the metathoracic ganglion receives a direct input from the right A4I1 interneurone.These restricted output connections suggest a role for the A4I1 interneurones in flight steering.Abbreviations DCMD descending contralateral movement detector - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - TCG tritocerebral commissure giant (interneurone)  相似文献   

Summary Tethered migratory locusts were induced to fly in an airstream for hours at a time, carrying on their extremely delicate hindwings miniature induction coils by which the hindwing movements were recorded in three dimensions.The two coils were mounted at right angles to one another on the central field of the hindwing, which is in close aerodynamic contact with the forewing. Each coil emitted three signals to define the components of a 3-dimensional vector. The movements of the central field can be described completely by the rotations of the two vectors. The main component of the hindwing movement thus becomes accessible to detailed kinematic analysis (Figs. 2, 3).The results obtained with this inductive method are consistent with the few published data based on photogrammetric samples of the movement.The various forms of movement can all be observed during the flight experiment. The movement spectrum is very broad even in an undisturbed flying animal (Figs. 4, 5).Various wingbeat parameters were calculated, including oscillation period, the durations of upstroke and downstroke, and their ratio (Fig. 6).Simultaneous measurement of the movements of the fore- and hindwings has provided the first documentation of the varying interactions of the wings on side of the body during a long flight. Even small changes in the relative positions of the two wings are measurable (Fig. 7).  相似文献   

1.  Locusts (Locusta migratoria) flying under open-loop conditions respond to simulated course deviations (movements of an artificial horizon around the roll axis) with compensatory head movements and with steering reactions of wing muscles (Figs. 3, 4). Steering was quantified as shifts of the relative latency between spikes in the left and right M97 (first basalar muscle). For practical reasons these shifts are a more useful measure than corrective torque itself, to which they are linearly proportional over much of the range (Fig. 2).
2.  Steering in M97 is elicited visually (horizon movement) and by proprioceptive input reporting head movements (neck reflexes). Compensatory head movements reduce the strength of steering because the reduction in visual information signalling deviations is only partially balanced by proprioceptive input from the neck (Fig. 4C).
3.  Under closed-loop conditions, flying locusts stabilize the position of an artificial horizon against a constant bias (Figs. 5–7), the horizon oscillating slightly along the normal orientation. Head movements do not follow the horizon movements as closely as under open-loop conditions, but on average head movements are compensatory, i.e. the mean mismatch between head and horizon is less than the mean mismatch between body and horizon.
4.  The horizon position is stabilized when the head is free to move, but also when the head is immobilized. In the latter case the oscillations along the straight flight path are more pronounced (Fig. 7), indicating that the reduction of steering by compensatory head movements (as seen under open-loop conditions, Fig. 4C) reduces overshoot.
5.  The control and the significance of (compensatory) head movements for course control are discussed.

Summary Two metathoracic flight motoneurons of the locustChortoicetes terminifera have been stained by injection of cobalt. The motoneurons innervate the tergosternal (hindwing elevator) muscle 113 and the first basalar (hindwing depressor) muscle 127. The somata of both are on the ventral surface of the ganglion (Fig. 1), and their axons in the ipsilateral nerve 3A. The main neuropilar segment and large medial dendrites of each follow parallel courses through the ganglion even though the two motoneurons subserve antagonistic functions (Fig. 3). Differences in the smaller dendrites add characteristic detail to each. The dendritic trees are complex and cover virtually all of the ipsilateral dorsal neuropile. No branches cross the mid-line so that electrotonic coupling is eliminated as a possible means of co-ordination of motoneurons of the two sides (Fig. 4). The general shape of the motoneurons is similar in different animals but there is variation in the number and extent of the small dendrites (Fig. 6).Beit Memorial Research Fellow.  相似文献   

The development of the flight motor pattern was studied by recording acutely with fine wire electrodes inserted in the thoracic muscles of pharate moths of known age and by recording chronically for up to 8 days with implanted electrodes. Externally visible morphological characteristics by which the age of a pharateManduca sexta can be established were identified (Table 1). Bouts of activity lasting approximately 30 min to 2 h and alternating with inactive periods of similar duration were recorded as early as the ninth day after pupation and on all successive days until early on the day of eclosion, typically 19 days after pupation (Figs. 1,5). During the 3 days preceding the day of eclosion a rhythmic flight motor pattern was produced (Fig. 2). The rhythmic activity ceased 51/2–101/2 h before eclosion and only an occasional, large potential change was recorded from the thoracic muscles during this time (Fig. 3). During the 3 days of rhythmic activity the percent-age of time that the animal was active did not change (Fig. 4). The flight motor pattern matured, in that the cycle-time decreased and became less variable (Fig. 6). The approximate flight phase relationship between an elevator muscle and the dorsal longitudinal depressor muscle did not become less variable as the cycle-time improved. The flight motor pattern produced by pharate moths caused neither movement of the scutum nor an increase in thoracic temperature in marked contrast to the consequences of adult motor activity (Fig. 7). Intracellular recording from the dorsal longitudinal muscle of pharate moths 20–30 h before eclosion showed that, after repeated stimulation of the motor nerve at 2/s, only small junctional potentials were elicited (Fig. 8). A burst of 6 stimuli at 50/s elicited 2–5 active membrane responses and a contraction. These observations explain the absence of thoracic movement in immature animals producing the flight motor pattern and the presence of movement in immature animals stimulated to eclose. They also show that the neuromuscular junction matures rapidly during the day before eclosion.  相似文献   

John  Brackenbury 《Journal of Zoology》1991,223(2):341-356
High-speed flash photography was used to analyse wing movements of Mantis religiosa and Iris oratoria at the moment of take-off during natural leaping. Wing kinematics are compared with those of the similarly designed locust wing. Iris oratoria showed strong coupling between leg extensor and wing depressor muscle activity immediately prior to take-off, with a possible enhancement of jump momentum. A 'clap and peel' was observed in the hind wings of both species during the first downstroke. Supination in the mantid forewing is accomplished by a backward rotation of the whole of the main wing plate about the claval furrow. Both fore- and hind wings show pronounced ventral flexure at the lower point of stroke reversal. Camber was developed in the hind wing during the upstroke as well as the downstroke. Possible roles of the claval furrow and transverse flexion in protecting the forewing base against torsional forces generated at stroke reversal are discussed.  相似文献   

The contribution of head movement to the control of roll responses in flying locusts (Locusta migratoria) has been examined (i) on a flight balance, recording the angles through which the locust turns when following an artificial horizon; (ii) by recording activity in a pair of flight muscles in restrained conditions; and (iii) by observations on free flying locusts. Responses were compared when the head was free to turn about the thorax, as normal, and when the head was waxed to the thorax, blocking any relative motion between the two (head-fixed). These experiments suggest that the major signal generating corrective roll manoeuvres is the visual error between the angle of the head and the horizon, rather than a signal that includes a measure of the head-thorax angle.
1.  On the flight balance in the head-free condition the roll angle of the thorax was consistently less than in the head-fixed state, and followed the stimulus with longer response lags. Furthermore, the difference between the angle of the thorax assumed during head-free and head-fixed rolls was close to the angle of the head relative to the thorax during head-free responses.
2.  Records of activity of the forewing first basalar muscles (M97) were made during rotation of the horizon about immobilized animals. When the head could follow the horizon, the relative latency between activity in the left and right basalar muscles decreased as the head position turned to approach the displaced horizon. When head-fixed, the relative latency was directly proportional to horizon angle.
3.  The relative latency between left and right M97 flight muscles correlates better with the visual error signal than with the horizon position signal, lagging by approximately 40 ms.
4.  In the open air, head-fixed locusts appear able to fly as well as head-free locusts.
These data suggest that the reduction in visual inputs caused by compensatory motion of the head during roll manoeuvres is not functionally replaced by inputs from cervical proprioceptors. Some reasons why the locust may nevertheless allow head movement relative to the thorax during flight are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular recordings have been made from the somata of two metathoracic flight motoneurons, one innervating an elevator muscle of the hindwing, the tergosternal muscle 113 and the other a depressor, the first basalar muscle 127. The locust,Ghortoicetes terminifera was mounted ventral side uppermost with the thorax restrained and opened for access to the thoracic ganglia. Patterns of electrical activity recorded from the thoracic muscles were similar to those shown by a locust during flight when tethered in a more normal posture. In flight the left and right 113 motoneurons each receive a single impulse together at every stroke of the wing, with the 127 muscles active in approximate antiphase. A spike in a 113 motoneuron causes a delayed wave of excitation simultaneously upon itself and its contralateral partner (Fig. 2). The epsp's which form these waves summate and may cause a spike which follows the original one with a delay equal to the wingbeat period. The delayed excitation of the contralateral motoneuron is of larger amplitude than the ipsilateral one so that spikes in either motoneuron must activate separate but symmetrical pathways. A single spike may cause multiple waves in either motoneuron, each separated by intervals equal to the wingbeat period (Fig. 3). In the pathway must be neurons capable of reverberation.A spike in a 113 motoneuron causes a delayed excitation of the ipsilateral 127 motoneuron so that its membrane potential is lowered antiphasically to that of 113 (Fig. 17). A spike in a 127 motoneuron has no effect on the 113 motoneurons. In flight these pathways causing delayed excitation may co-ordinate the motoneurons.The left and right 113 motoneurons receive common synaptic inputs from at least two sources (Fig. 8). These occur as bursts of epsp's at intervals approximately equal to or multiples of the wingbeat period and in the absence of flight. Epsp's of sufficient amplitude cause a spike in the motoneuron which is in the correct phase in the flight pattern relative to any other active motoneurons (Fig. 9). During sustained flight epsp's contribute to the wave of depolarization that the motoneuron undergoes at each wingbeat (Fig. 11). In the absence of the epsp's the motoneuron does not oscillate on its own. At the end of flight bursts of epsp's may continue at the flight frequency long after all activity in the muscles has ceased.Beit Memorial Research Fellow.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular recordings were made in the medullae of intact, restrained females ofCalliphora vicina that faced a hemispherical, minimum-distortion surface upon which moving patterns and spots were projected from the rear (Fig. 2). In the distal medulla, noisy hyperpolarizations to light, most likely recorded in terminals of laminar (L) cells, had flicker-like oscillations to moving gratings of 15° spatial wavelength but not of 2.5° spatial wavelength (Fig. 3). Medullary (M) cells penetrated distally responded to grating movements with similar but depolarizing oscillations, in one cell 180° out of phase with a nearby laminar response (Figs. 4–6).A characteristic movement response recorded from most medullary cells consisted of abrupt, maintained nondirectional depolarizations in response to movements of gratings, often with directional ripple or spikes superimposed. When directions of movement reversed, there were brief repolarizations, but when movements stopped, depolarizations decayed away more slowly (Figs. 7 and 8). Magnitude of responses increased with increasing speeds of both 15° and 2.5° gratings (Figs. 9–11). In some cells, there were delayed decays of responses after stopping (Fig. 12). Still other cells seemed to receive inhibition from other, characteristically responding cells (Fig. 13).Receptive fields tested were simple and usually large, with only a suggestion of surround inhibition (Fig. 14). In general, intensity and position were interchangeable over a cell's receptive field (Figs. 15 and 16). Moving edges and dark spots elicited responses primarily within receptive field centers (Figs. 18–20).It is argued that waveforms of characteristic movement responses can be explained by multiplicative inputs from L- and M-cells to movement detectors (Figs. 21–26).Abbreviations L cells laminar (monopolar) cells - M cells medullary cells  相似文献   

1.  The swimmerets ofJasus lalandii, in contrast to those well known in the nephropid lobsters (e.g.Homarus) and astacurans (crayfish), do not display spontaneous antero-posterior beating, but are either apposed actively to the ventral surface of the abdomen, or rotated outward (Fig. 2). These movements are imposed by the geometrical arrangement of the bicondylar joints at the base of the swimmeret (Fig. 3), and involve contraction of either the remotor muscle, or the promotor-rotator muscles (Figs. 2, 3). Each swimmeret includes a short, thick blade-like exopodite that contains two antagonistic muscles, a large curler and a small adductor muscle (Fig. 3). Each swimmeret is innervated by 80 motor neurons (MNs) which are disposed in two clusters in the ganglion.
2.  The modulation of the tonic discharge of the muscles which maintain the swimmeret position at rest (remotor and curler) has been studied in two situations: body rolling (Fig. 4) and walking activity (Fig. 5). In the female, in which the most anterior pair of swimmerets are biramous, both endopodite and exopodite curler muscles display the same responses to body rolling (Fig. 4). In all these situations no overt swimmeret movement occurs.
3.  Nevertheless, rhythmicity exists inJasus, but it is limited to the gravid female when the swimmerets bear the eggs (Fig. 6). In contrast to other decapod Crustacea, this swimmeret beating is not metachronous (Fig. 6).
4.  Movement monitoring (Fig. 7) and EMG recordings (Figs. 9, 10) have demonstrated the involvement of the swimmerets in the three phases of the tail flick response (preparation, flexion, extension). During the preparatory phase, in response to mechanical stimulation of the legs, the swimmerets open on the stimulated side (on both sides in the case of a symmetrical stimulation) (Fig. 7). During the rapid abdominal flexion of the tail flick all swimmerets open fully regardless of the stimulus (Figs. 7, 8). Two different units in the rotator muscle EMG are responsible for swimmeret opening during the preparatory and the flexion phases of the tail flick (Figs. 9, 10).
5.  The curler muscle of the endopodite in the female displays antagonistic activities to that of the exopodite during tail flicks (Fig. 10).
6.  Selective swimmeret blockage demonstrates that they contribute to the thrust efficacy in tail flicks. In particular they are responsible for the variation of the maximal force produced at its onset. This effect could be interpreted as a consequence of force redistribution by the swimmerets acting on water flow (produced by the tail fan). This mechanism implies a functional role for the swimmerets in righting and steering responses (Fig. 11).

1. The connexions between stretch receptors of the wings and motoneurones innervating flight muscles have been studied anatomically and physiologically. 2. Filling with cobaltous chloride shows that the single neurone of a forewing stretch receptor has a complex pattern of branches within the mesothoracic ganglion and branches which extend into the pro- and meta-thoracic ganglia. The single neurone of a hindwing stretch receptor has extensive branches in the metathoracic ganglion and branches in themesothoracic ganglion. The branches of both receptors are confined to the ipsilateral halves of the ganglia. 3. A stretch receptor gives information about the velocity and extent of elevation of a wing. 4. Each spike of a forewing stretch receptor casuses an EPSP in ipsilateral mesothoracic depressor motoneurones and an IPSP in elevators. The connexions are thought to be monosynaptic for the following reasons. The EPSPs in the first basalar (depressor) motoneurone follow each spike of the stretch receptor at a frequency of 125 Hz and with a constant latency of about 1 msec. In a Ringer solution containing 20 mM-Mg2+ the amplitude EPSP declines gradually. The IPSP'S upon elevators have similar properties but occur with a latency of 4-6 msec. 5. The connexions therefore comprise a monosynaptic negative feed-back loop; elevation of the wing excites the stretch receptor which then inhibits the elevator motoneurones and excites the depressors. 6. A hindwing stretch receptor synapses upon metathoracic flight motoneurones in the same way, causing EPSPs in depressor and IPSPs in elevator motoneurones. 7. No connexions of either fore- or hindwing stretch receptors have been found with contralateral flight motoneurones. 8. Interganglionic connexions are made by both receptors. For example, both fore- and hindwing stretch receptors cause EPSPs upon the meso- and metathoracic first basalar motoneurones. 9. Stimulation of the axon of a stretch receptor with groups of three stimuli repeated every 50-100 msec thus simulating the pattern which it shows during flight, causes subthreshold waves of depolarization in depressor motoneurones. When summed with an unpatterned input, the stretch receptor is able to influence the production of spikes in motoneurones on each cycle. During flight, it is expected that the stretch receptor will influence the time at which a motoneurone will spike and hence have an effect on the amplitude of the upstroke and upon the phase relationship between spikes of motoneurones.  相似文献   

The thoracic morphology of a flightless grasshopper, Barytettix psolus, is described and compared to that of locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, to evaluate modifications to skeleton, muscles, and the nervous system which have accompanied secondary loss of flight. Barytettix lacks hindwings, has immobile vestiges of forewings and is devoid of skeletal specializations for wing movement and flight. Its pterothoracic musculature resembles that of Schistocerca except for the absence of those muscles which, in locusts, have the primary function of moving the wings, the dorsal longitudinal, tergosternal, first basalar, pleuroalar, and dorsal accessory muscles. Pterothoracic ganglia of Barytettix resemble those of Schistocerca in their gross features, number, and primary branching pattern of nerves, with differences in detail relating to reduction of the flight muscles. The combination of features exhibited in Barytettix represents an extreme reduction in the specialization for wing movements and flight displayed by most acridids, at a level which exceeds that of many brachypterous and some apterous species. While skeletal fusion and loss of muscles indicate loss of flight, the accompanying thoracic stiffening and increase in overall body density may promote more efficient jumping as a means of locomotion.  相似文献   

Summary Motor neurons innervating the dorsal longitudinal muscles of a noctuid moth receive synaptic input activated by auditory stimuli. Each ear of a noctuid moth contains two auditory neurons that are sensitive to ultrasound (Fig. 1). The ears function as bat detectors. Five pairs of large motor neurons and three pairs of small motor neurons found in the pterothoracic ganglia innervate the dorsal longitudinal (depressor) muscles of the mesothorax (Figs. 2 to 5). In non-flying preparations the motor neurons receive no oscillatory synaptic input. Synaptic input to a cell resulting from ultrasonic stimulation is consistent and can be either depolarizing or hyperpolarizing (Figs. 6 to 9). Quiescent neurons only rarely fire a spike in response to auditory inputs. Motor neurons in flying preparations receive oscillatory synaptic drive from the flight pattern generator and usually fire a spike for each wingbeat cycle (Figs. 10 to 12). Ultrasonic stimulation can provide augmented synaptic drive causing a neuron to fire two spikes per wingbeat cycle thus increasing flight vigor (Fig. 11). The same stimulus presented on another occasion can also inhibit spiking in the same motor neuron, but the rhythmic drive remains (Fig. 12). Thus, when the flight oscillator is running auditory stimuli can modulate neuronal responses in different ways depending on some unknown state of the nervous system. Sound intensity is the only stimulus parameter essential for activating the auditory pathway to these motor neurons. The intensity must be sufficient to excite two or three auditory neurons. The significance of these responses in relation to avoidance behavior to bats is discussed.  相似文献   

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