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1 The production of new insect pheromones for pest monitoring proceeds at a greater rate than their evaluation, with the consequential possibility of premature introduction. Fundamental to their successful deployment is the determination of a consistent relationship between adult male pheromone trap catches and pest damage. In the present study, adult pheromone traps and larval bait traps were used to examine spatial relationships between two species of Agriotes beetle and wireworms at the field scale. 2 The spatial distributions of adult male Agriotes lineatus and Agriotes obscurus in two fields were determined and compared with the distribution of their larvae. Data were assembled as spatially referenced trap counts, and analysed for evidence of aggregation and clustering using Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE) methodology. Spatial stabilities of adult populations between sampling dates were tested using association tests. Spatial and quantitative linkages between adult and larval trap catches were also tested. Moreover, a new way of adapting SADIE methodologies is presented for situations where two datasets within an area do not share the same sampling points. 3 There was no significant difference in variance : mean relationships for the two species but there were differences in their spatial distributions, and this is a definitive example of the general argument stating that it is important to consider spatial as well as count data in ecological studies. The spatial distribution of A. lineatus varied between sampling occasions at both sites whereas A. obscurus had consistently significant SADIE indices over time at one site, and adult catches could also be linked to larval distributions and counts. It is proposed that observed differences between the two species can be explained by interference between traps and dissimilar movement rates. There was some evidence of an edge effect at the field boundaries. 4 The distance between pheromone traps is related to the time that elapses before adjacent traps interfere with trap captures and this limits the detection of statistically significant spatial patterns. It is shown that the current practice of adding trap counts for different Agriotes species and treating them as numerically equivalent is insufficiently robust to be recommended at this stage. 5 The implications for the use of sex pheromone traps in wireworm pest management are considered. It is concluded that pheromone traps, as currently used, will not reliably indicate where wireworms occur in a field, and that the complexity of interpreting adult male trap counts limits quantitative predictions of population size.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of plants to attack by wireworms (Agriotes spp.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In laboratory tests, larvae of Agriotes spp. were presented with a choice between seedlings of test plants, and of wheat, which is known to be susceptible. Some plants, e.g. onion, were as susceptible as wheat to wireworm attack whilst others (mustard, cabbage, French marigold, clover and flax) were less often attacked, partly because they are small and are shallow sown. All pea and bean plants exposed to wireworms were attacked but most tolerated attack and continued to grow.  相似文献   

Wireworms (Agriotes spp.) are sporadic but increasingly important pests of potatoes, sugar beet and cereals. Whilst effective chemical control is possible, the granular organophosphates normally require high rates of application and the seed dressings containing lindane (gamma‐HCH) have been withdrawn from use. The soil fumigant 1,3‐dichloropropene (1,3‐D as Telone II) and the granular nematicide fosthiazate (Nemathorin 10G) are currently used for the control of potato cyst nematodes. We investigated the effects of both of these chemicals on wireworms. Air‐vapour phase toxicities for 1,3‐D against wireworm were LD50 2.74 mg.litre.day and LD99 5.05 mg.litre.day. The in vitro soil phase toxicity was LD99 8.15 mg.litre.day. 1,3‐D soil phase activity against wireworm may be associated more with air‐vapour phase than a soil‐water phase activity. In glasshouse experiments 16.0 mg.litre.day of 1,3‐D gave 75% control. Fosthiazate, which is applied at approximately 2 μg g?1 of soil for potato cyst nematode control, achieved an LC50 at 3.20 μg g?1. In both in vitro and glasshouse studies 1,3‐dichloropropene showed high toxicity to wireworm at dosages below the current commercial application rate for potato cyst nematode control and fosthiazate also showed useful efficacy. These chemicals may therefore prove to be valuable additional tools for limiting initial wireworm plant damage or reducing wireworm populations.  相似文献   

We determined that spinosad interacts synergistically with the biocontrol agent Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch) Sorokin to increase the mortality of two wild-collected wireworm species, Agriotes lineatus (L.), and Agriotes obscurus (L.). Bioassays were performed using a M. anisopliae isolate originally acquired from a local wireworm cadaver. M. anisopliae was applied as a soil drench at 3.3 x 10(2) and 10(4) conidia per gram sand, respectively. Soil drenches also were prepared using a commercial formulation of the actinomycete toxins spinosyn-A and spinosyn-D (common name spinosad) at sublethal doses of 1.5, 3, and 6 ppm active ingredient per gram sand. Combined treatments of spinosad and M. anisopliae were synergistic in causing mortality for all spinosad concentrations. Wireworm feeding activity was reduced after exposure to both spinosad and M. anisopliae and was found to be concentration dependent. The high mortality and reduced rate of wireworm feeding suggest that spinosad and M. anisopliae treatment combinations should be tested in the field.  相似文献   

Of sixteen compounds applied to soil in laboratory tests, azinphos-ethyl, P2188 (O,O-diethyl S-chloromethyl phosphorothiolothionate), ‘Dursban’ (O,O-diethyl O-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate), P1973 (S-(N-methoxycarbonyl-N-methylcarbamoylmethyl) dimethyl phosphorothiolothionate), B77488 (O,O-diethylphosphorothioate O-esterwith phenylglyoxylonitrile oxime) and R42211 (O,O-diethyl O-(2-diethylamino-6-methyl-pyrimidin-4-yl) phosphorothioate) killed wireworms when first tested, but in second tests with the same soils only ‘Dursban’, P2188 and B77488 did so. Treating seeds with ‘Dyfonate’ (O-ethyl S-phenyl ethyl phosphonodithioate) or with ethion/γ-BHC mixtures killed few wireworms. Three field trials compared the organophosphorus insecticides ‘Dursban’, ‘Dyfonate’ and phorate with organochlorine standards. In trials with barley and potatoes the standard was 3 lb a.i./acre (3·36 kg/ha) of aldrin. The organophosphorus compounds increased plant stands of barley almost as much as aldrin, although they killed fewer wireworms; and they protected fewer potato tubers from wireworm damage. The third trial compared the organophosphorus compounds with 0·5 lb a.i./acre (0·56 kg/ha) γ-BHC sprayed on a site drilled with sugar beet seed dressed with dieldrin. The γ-BHC increased plant stands almost as much as did 3 lb a.i./acre of the organophosphorus insecticides, and killed as many wireworms.  相似文献   

The organophosphorus insecticides Bayer 38156 (O-ethyl S-p-tolyl ethyl phosphonodithioate), trichloronate, Stauffer N 2790 (O-ethyl S-phenyl ethyl phosphonodithioate), thionazin and fenitrothion were compared with aldrin, dieldrin and γ-BHC for their effects on soil fauna, particularly wire-worms, and on crop yields in 1964 and 1965. At 1·5 lb active ingredient/acre, none of the organophosphates had as great an effect on wireworms as an aldrin spray at 2·25 lb a.i./acre or a dieldrin seed dressing at 2·25 lb a.i./acre. Some treatments significantly increased and some significantly decreased numbers of mites and Collembola. Except for Allolobophora chlorotica in plots treated with Bayer 38156, earthworm numbers were greater in plots sprayed with Bayer 38156 or aldrin, or sown with dieldrin-dressed seeds, than in untreated plots. In May 1964, one month after sowing, untreated plots had significantly fewer plants than plots sprayed with aldrin, trichloronate or Bayer 38156, or sown with γ-BHC or dieldrin-dressed seeds, but yields from untreated plots at harvest were high for such a large wireworm population and did not differ significantly from yields of treated plots in either year. The persistence of thionazin and Bayer 38156 in treated plots was measured by a bioassay using Collembola. Bayer 38156 was detected in plots 1 month after spraying but not after 6 months. Thionazin left detectable residues 1 month after spraying in the two acid plots but not in the two alkaline plots. More frequent samples taken from thionazin-treated plots in 1965 showed a similar pattern of persistence, and laboratory tests, using soil mixed with various amounts of powdered calcium carbonate, confirmed that thionazin persisted longer in more acid soils.  相似文献   

Summary Soil characteristics in the crop root zone are critical to soil water and nutrient availability to rainfed crops and determine crop production in coarse textured soils. A four-year field study was conducted in the foot-hills of North Himalayas near Chandigarh (India) on a coarse textured soil (Gravelly udic ustocrepts) to evaluate the effect of varying soil profile gravel concentration on the yield of rainfed crops of Taramira (Eruca sativa Mill.) in winter followed by maize (Zea mays L.), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) and sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.) in summer. Taramira gave a mean grain yield of 683, 410 and 275 kg ha–1 at gravel concentration (GC) of 18, 28 and 40 percent by volume in the surface one metre soil depth. The grain and forage yield of summer crops decreased with the increasing GC. The gross monetary returns decreased in the order: Sorghum fodder, cowpea, sesamum and maize. The dilution of soil mass with increasing GC and corresponding decrease in nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil appears to have depressed the crop yields. The results indicated that the legume which can also conserve rainwater with dense canopy like cowpea or crops having vigorous fibrous root system and are relatively drought tolerant like sorghum may provide better economic returns in light textured soil containing gravel upto 40 percent.  相似文献   

1 This paper reviews and interprets relevant work on the biology and management of wireworms (Agriotes spp.) within the context of potato production in Europe, with particular reference to the U.K. Although the review concentrates on Agriotes spp., the extensive world literature on other Elateridae of economic importance is also drawn upon. 2 Possible reasons for the apparent increase in the importance of wireworms on the potato crop are discussed, followed by a review of wireworm biology, risk assessment techniques (soil sampling, bait trapping and adult pheromone trapping), crop damage, and cultural, biological and chemical control methods. 3 It is clear that the process of site risk assessment followed by appropriate control measures (usually insecticide use) will remain the mainstay of wireworm management programmes. However, there is considerable scope for adopting new risk assessment techniques, such as pheromone trapping of adult beetles. 4 These control measures will need to be underpinned by a greater understanding of wireworm biology, particularly adult dispersal. Factors affecting the initiation and maintenance of wireworm populations in individual fields also require further study. The current use of insecticides could also be optimized by a better appreciation of the interactions between insecticide use, potato variety choice and harvest dates.  相似文献   

Crop simulation models can be used to estimate impact of current and future climates on crop yields and food security, but require long‐term historical daily weather data to obtain robust simulations. In many regions where crops are grown, daily weather data are not available. Alternatively, gridded weather databases (GWD) with complete terrestrial coverage are available, typically derived from: (i) global circulation computer models; (ii) interpolated weather station data; or (iii) remotely sensed surface data from satellites. The present study's objective is to evaluate capacity of GWDs to simulate crop yield potential (Yp) or water‐limited yield potential (Yw), which can serve as benchmarks to assess impact of climate change scenarios on crop productivity and land use change. Three GWDs (CRU, NCEP/DOE, and NASA POWER data) were evaluated for their ability to simulate Yp and Yw of rice in China, USA maize, and wheat in Germany. Simulations of Yp and Yw based on recorded daily data from well‐maintained weather stations were taken as the control weather data (CWD). Agreement between simulations of Yp or Yw based on CWD and those based on GWD was poor with the latter having strong bias and large root mean square errors (RMSEs) that were 26–72% of absolute mean yield across locations and years. In contrast, simulated Yp or Yw using observed daily weather data from stations in the NOAA database combined with solar radiation from the NASA‐POWER database were in much better agreement with Yp and Yw simulated with CWD (i.e. little bias and an RMSE of 12–19% of the absolute mean). We conclude that results from studies that rely on GWD to simulate agricultural productivity in current and future climates are highly uncertain. An alternative approach would impose a climate scenario on location‐specific observed daily weather databases combined with an appropriate upscaling method.  相似文献   

《Biological Wastes》1989,27(1):15-27
The effects of chopped (6–9 cm) and unchopped (long) crop residues of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) in corn (Zea mays L.)— wheat and rice-wheat rotations on grain yield and soil properties were investigated in 27 field experiments during 9 years. Experiments on chopped wheat residue involved the treatments of two main plots with residue incorporation at 0 and 4 t/ha before sowing of corn and wheat and having subplots with 0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N/ha. The results obtained for 4 years showed that the incorporation of wheat residue not only improved the soil physicochemical properties but also increased the grain and stover yields of corn significantly. The yield obtained with 80 kg N in conjunction with 4 t/ha chopped wheat residue was identical to that with 120 kg N/ha alone. But the wheat yield was depressed significantly upon the incorporation of wheat residue before the sowing of wheat in all the years of investigation.The experiments on the management of unchopped wheat residue in corn-wheat rotation and of unchopped wheat (6 t/ha) and rice (12 t/ha) residues in rice-wheat rotation, involved three main treatments: physical removal, in-situ incorporation and in-situ burning of residues. Main treatments were tested at 60, 120 and 180 kg N/ha level over 5 years. Irrespective of N application, the residue management treatments had non-significant effects on the succeeding crop yield in all the years. Burning of residue improved the yield by about 0·2 t/ha, whereas residue incorporation did not affect the yield either of corn or rice. On the other hand, the wheat yield was depressed by 0·1–0·2 t/ha in both the rotations.The effect of applied N irrespective of residue management was significant in some years up to the level of 120 kg and in others, 180 kg N/ha.  相似文献   

Global dimming, a decadal decrease in incident global radiation, is often accompanied with an increase in the diffuse radiation fraction, and, therefore, the impact of global dimming on crop production is hard to predict. A popular approach to quantify this impact is the statistical analysis of historical climate and crop data, or use of dynamic crop simulation modelling approach. Here, we show that statistical analysis of historical data did not provide plausible values for the effect of diffuse radiation versus direct radiation on rice or wheat yield. In contrast, our field experimental study of 3 years demonstrated a fertilization effect of increased diffuse radiation fraction, which partly offset yield losses caused by decreased global radiation, in both crops. The fertilization effect was not attributed to any improved canopy light interception but mainly to the increased radiation use efficiency (RUE). The increased RUE was explained not only by the saturating shape of photosynthetic light response curves but also by plant acclimation to dimming that gradually increased leaf nitrogen concentration. Crop harvest index slightly decreased under dimming, thereby discounting the fertilization effect on crop yields. These results challenge existing modelling paradigms, which assume that the fertilization effect on crop yields is mainly attributed to an improved light interception. Further studies on the physiological mechanism of plant acclimation are required to better quantify the global dimming impact on agroecosystem productivity under future climate change.  相似文献   

The climatic sensitivity of four important agriculture crops (wheat, barley, oats, potatoes) in a northern temperate bioclimatic region is investigated using national-level yield data for 1963–2005. The climate variables include monthly and annual meteorological data, derived bioclimatic metrics, and the North Atlantic Oscillation index. Statistical analysis shows that significant relationships between yield and climate vary depending on the crop type and month but highlight the influence of precipitation (negative correlation) and sunshine duration (positive correlation) rather than temperature. Soil moisture deficit is shown to be a particular useful indicator of yield with drier summers providing the best yields for Scotland as a whole. It is also tentatively inferred that the sensitivity of these crops, particularly wheat and barley, to soil moisture deficits has increased in recent years. This suggests that improved crop yields are optimised for dry sunny years despite the continued prevalence of considerable inter-annual variability in seasonal weather.  相似文献   

  • 1 The range of attraction of YATLOR pheromone traps was studied to gain information on the number of traps needed for mass trapping of males of two Agriotes species.
  • 2 Male click beetles of the species Agriotes lineatus (L.) and Agriotes obscurus (L.) (25–30 individuals per release point) were marked and released at a distance of 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 60 m from a pheromone trap both along and opposite to the known prevailing wind direction. Traps were regularly inspected over approximately 1 month. The percentage of recaptured beetles was calculated and analyzed using analysis of variance. Maximum sampling ranges and effective sampling areas were calculated.
  • 3 Averaged over all five trials and distances, approximately 40% of the released beetles (A. lineatus and A. obscurus) were recaptured. The percentage recapture of male adults was significantly affected by release distance, whereas no differences were found for species and release direction.
  • 4 Males were recaptured from all release points and the percentage recapture decreased (in part significantly) with increasing distance from 76% (2 m) to 35% (15 m) and 9% (60 m), respectively. Most of the beetles were recaptured within the first 3 days after release, independent of the distance, except 60 m. The effective sampling area for A. lineatus was 1089 m2 after 12 days and increased to 1735 m2 after 30 days. Corresponding values for A. obscurus were considerably higher: 1518 m2 for 12 days and 2633 m2 for 30 days.
  • 5 We conclude that the range of attraction of the pheromone traps for A. lineatus and A. obscurus is comparatively low, providing high percentage recapture only for release distances up to 10 m. Accordingly, any approach targeted on preventing mating by male mass trapping would require a dense network of pheromone traps.

Rye (Secale cereale L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) are commonly double cropped with soybean (Glycine max L.). Recent greenhouse studies have shown variability in plant-parasitic nematode response to cool season grass species and cultivars. However, subsequent soybean performance was not affected by previous annual ryegrass cultivar in the green-house. The objective of this research was to determine whether winter cover crop species or cultivars affected nematode populations and subsequent performance of soybean in teh field. Four cultivars of annual ryegrass, wheat, and rye, and a fallow control were seeded on a Suffolk sandy loam (fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Hapuldult) soil in each of three years. Nematode-susceptible soybeans were seeded following forage removal. Soil samples for nematode counts were taken immediately before soybean harvest each year. In another experiment, one cultivar each of annual ryegrass, wheat, and rye, and a fallow control were followed by three soybean cultivars selected for differing nematode susceptibility. Grass cultivars did not affect nematode populations under succedding soybean. The only nematodes affected by grass species in either experiment were Pratylenchus spp., Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, and Tylenchorhynchus claytoni (Kofoid and White) Chitwood. Nematode population means were usually low following ryegrass and high following the fallow control. High soybean yields followed the fallow control, and low soybean yields followed annual ryegrass.  相似文献   

Note on the Takahashi effect   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Lepidopteran pest populations and crop yields in row intercropped broccoli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 To determine how the presence of non‐host plants impact populations of lepidopteran pests and yield of broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. italica L., broccoli was intercropped with tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Miller, or yellow sweetclover (YSC), Melilotus officinalis L., and compared with broccoli monoculture grown at two densities (high and low).
  • 2 During a 1997 study, numbers of early instar imported cabbageworm, Artogeia rapae L., were greater in broccoli monoculture compared with intercropped plantings. In contrast, late instar A. rapae numbers were significantly higher in intercropped broccoli during most of the season, indicating greater survival of early instar stages in intercropped habitats.
  • 3 Cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni Hübner, eggs and larvae were more abundant in broccoli monoculture than intercropped broccoli in 1997. In addition, T. ni populations were found at significantly lower levels in broccoli‐YSC compared with broccoli‐tomato habitat throughout the season.
  • 4 During a 1998 study, numbers of early and late A. rapae instars were greater in intercropped broccoli on most sampling dates.
  • 5 The mean percentages of harvested broccoli heads infested with insects and associated frass were higher in monocultures than intercropped treatments in 1997. Additionally, a significantly lower number of contaminants were found in the crowns of broccoli harvested from broccoli‐YSC (YSC) compared with broccoli‐tomato (tomato) habitat. However, broccoli heads were significantly smaller in intercropped habitats.
  • 6 Variations in insect responses and challenges to using crop diversification as a management tool are discussed.

Sixty-two grass fields were sampled in England and Wales over a three year period to assess the level of wireworm population present. Data on site-specific variables including soil physical characteristics, grass duration, grass genera diversity and other abiotic factors such as field aspect, altitude, and meteorological parameters were abiotic factors such as field aspect, altitude, and meteorological parameters were collected at each site. Only grass duration and soil bulk density showed any association with wireworm infestation stauts when considered as single variates. Data from a sub-set of 41 fields were used to develop a series of multi-variate discriminant rules to predit wireworm presence/absece in individual fields. These were vaildated using data from the remaining 21 fields. In general, the rules tended to over-estimate the number of wireworm-infested fields by misclassifying uninfested fields as infestes. Multivariate models to predict wireworm populaiton levels in infested fields were also developed using multiple and generalised linear regression. The predictive accuracy of these was poor. Neither the population prediciton models nor the presence/absence rulses accounted fully for the large inte-field variation in wireworm infestation status.  相似文献   

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