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The incorporation of exogenous fatty acid into lipids of liver and liver nuclei of rats fed diets with or without fat was compared. When [3H]palmitic acid was injected into rats, more radioactivity was incorporated into triacylglycerols and phospholipids of liver and liver nuclei from rats fed the fat-free diet than from those fed the fat diet. The results were supported further by an autoradiographic study. On the other hand, the enzyme induction and quantity of malic enzyme mRNA were decreased by fat feeding. Other lipogenic enzymes were also coordinately decreased. Thus, it may be possible that exogenous fatty acid is involved in nuclear regulation in addition to cytosolic regulation of lipogenic enzyme induction.  相似文献   

Greening cucumber cotyledons accumulate δ-aminolevulinic acid when treated with levulinic acid. A variety of specifically labelled compounds were applied to the tissue and label was measured in the δ-aminolevulinic acid. Glutamate, glutamine and α-ketoglutarate were found to be incorporated into δ-aminolevulinic acid to a much greater extent than were glycine and succinate. A new route of δ-aminolevulinic acid biosynthesis is proposed wherein the carbon skeleton of α-ketoglutarate is incorporated intact.  相似文献   

The Firmicute bacteria readily incorporate exogenous fatty acids into their phospholipids. In some (but not all) family members incorporation of the fatty acids present in human serum precludes the use of fatty acid synthesis inhibitors to treat infections. However, the pathway(s) of exogenous fatty acid incorporation in these bacteria remained unknown, although it was thought to differ from known pathways. Parsons and co‐workers show that in Staphylococcus aureus exogenous fatty acids are activated by phosphoryl transfer from ATP to form acyl‐phosphates, a mixed anhydride suggested as a potential intermediate 70 years ago. This finding has important ramifications for the efficacy of treatment of S. aureus infections using inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Two distinct pathways for the incorporation of exogenous fatty acids into phospholipids were identified in Escherichia coli. The predominant route originates with the activation of fatty acids by acyl-CoA synthetase followed by the distribution of the acyl moieties into all phospholipid classes via the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase reaction. This pathway was blocked in mutants (fadD) lacking acyl-CoA synthetase activity. In fadD strains, exogenous fatty acids were introduced exclusively into the 1-position of phosphatidylethanolamine. This secondary route is related to 1-position fatty acid turnover in phosphatidylethanolamine and proceeds via the acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase/2-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine acyltransferase system. The turnover pathway exhibited a preference for saturated fatty acids, whereas the acyl-CoA synthetase-dependent pathway was less discriminating. Both pathways were inhibited in mutants (fadL) lacking the fatty acid permease, demonstrating that the fadL gene product translocates exogenous fatty acids to an intracellular pool accessible to both synthetases. These data demonstrate that acyl-CoA synthetase is not required for fatty acid transport in E. coli and that the metabolism of exogenous fatty acids is segregated from the metabolism of acyl-acyl carrier proteins derived from fatty acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial isoform of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT), the first step in glycerolipid synthesis, is up-regulated by insulin and by high carbohydrate feeding via SREBP-1c, suggesting that it plays a role in triacylglycerol synthesis. To test this hypothesis, we overexpressed mitochondrial GPAT in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. When GPAT was overexpressed 3.8-fold, triacylglycerol mass was 2.7-fold higher than in control cells. After incubation with trace [(14)C]oleate ( approximately 3 microm), control cells incorporated 4.7-fold more label into phospholipid than triacylglycerol, but GPAT-overexpressing cells incorporated equal amounts of label into phospholipid and triacylglycerol. In GPAT-overexpressing cells, the incorporation of label into phospholipid, particularly phosphatidylcholine, decreased 30%, despite normal growth rate and phospholipid content, suggesting that exogenous oleate was directed primarily toward triacylglycerol synthesis. Transiently transfected HEK293 cells that expressed a 4.4-fold increase in GPAT activity incorporated 9.7-fold more [(14)C]oleate into triacylglycerol compared with control cells, showing that the effect of GPAT overexpression was similar in two different cell types that had been transfected by different methods. When the stable, GPAT-overexpressing CHO cells were incubated with 100 microm oleate to stimulate triacylglycerol synthesis, they incorporated 1.9-fold more fatty acid into triacylglycerol than did the control cells. Confocal microscopy of CHO and HEK293 cells transfected with the GPAT-FLAG construct showed that GPAT was located correctly in mitochondria and was not present elsewhere in the cell. These studies indicate that overexpressed mitochondrial GPAT directs incorporation of exogenous fatty acid into triacylglycerol rather than phospholipid and imply that (a) mitochondrial GPAT and lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase produce a separate pool of lysophosphatidic acid and phosphatidic acid that must be transported to the endoplasmic reticulum where the terminal enzymes of triacylglycerol synthesis are located, and (b) this pool remains relatively separate from the pool of lysophosphatidic acid and phosphatidic acid that contributes to the synthesis of the major phospholipid species.  相似文献   

Because the ability of cells to replace oxidized fatty acids in membrane phospholipids via deacylation and reacylation in situ may be an important determinant of the ability of cells to tolerate oxidative stress, incorporation of exogenous fatty acid into phospholipid by human erythrocytes has been examined following exposure of the cells to t-butyl hydroperoxide. Exposure of human erythrocytes to t-butyl hydroperoxide (0.5-1.0 mM) results in oxidation of glutathione, formation of malonyldialdehyde, and oxidation of hemoglobin to methemoglobin. Under these conditions, incorporation of exogenous [9,10-3H]oleic acid into phosphatidylethanolamine is enhanced while incorporation of [9,10-3H]oleic acid into phosphatidylcholine is decreased. These effects of t-butyl hydroperoxide on [9,10-3H]oleic acid incorporation are not affected by dissipating transmembrane gradients for calcium and potassium. When malonyldialdehyde production is inhibited by addition of ascorbic acid, t-butyl hydroperoxide still decreases [9,10-3H]oleic acid incorporation into phosphatidylcholine but no stimulation of [9,10-3H]oleic acid incorporation into phosphatidylethanolamine occurs. In cells pre-treated with NaNO2 to convert hemoglobin to methemoglobin, t-butyl hydroperoxide reduces [9,10-3H]oleic acid incorporation into phosphatidylcholine by erythrocytes but does not stimulate [9,10-3H]oleic acid incorporation into phosphatidylethanolamine. Under these conditions oxidation of erythrocyte glutathione and formation of malonyldialdehyde still occur. These results indicate that membrane phospholipid fatty acid turnover is altered under conditions where peroxidation of membrane phospholipid fatty acids occurs and suggest that the oxidation state of hemoglobin influences this response.  相似文献   

Ca2+ -independent phospholipase A2 (iPLA2) is involved in the incorporation of arachidonic acid (AA) into resting macrophages by the generation of the lysophospholipid acceptor. The role of iPLA2 in AA remodeling in different cells was evaluated by studying the Ca2+ dependency of AA uptake from the medium, the incorporation into cellular phospholipids, and the effect of the iPLA2 inhibitor bromoenol lactone on these events. Uptake and esterification of AA into phospholipids were not affected by Ca2+ depletion in human polymorphonuclear neutrophils and rat fibroblasts. The uptake was Ca2+ independent in chick embryo glial cells, but the incorporation into phospholipids was partially dependent on extracellular Ca2+. Both events were fully dependent on extra and intracellular Ca2+ in human platelets. In human polymorphonuclear neutrophils, the kinetics of incorporation in several isospecies of phospholipids was not affected by the absence of Ca2+ at short times (<30 min). The involvement of iPLA2 in the incorporation of AA from the medium was confirmed by the selective inhibition of this enzyme with bromoenol lactone, which reduced < or =50% of the incorporation of AA into phospholipids of human neutrophils. These data provide evidence that suggests iPLA2 plays a major role in regulating AA turnover in different cell types.  相似文献   

2-Methyl-2-[p-(1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-naphthyl)phenoxy]propionic acid (TPIA), an acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase inhibitor, blocks the aldosterone-induced increase in transepithelial sodium transport. To examine the requirement for ongoing fatty acid synthesis and/or elongation in the aldosterone-induced alteration of cellular protein metabolism in the toad's urinary bladder, the effect of TPIA has been examined in double-labeled amino acid incorporation experiments. TPIA itself has no effect on the pattern of protein labeling in either the "soluble" or a plasma membrane-enriched fraction. However, inhibition of fatty acid synthesis selectively inhibits the aldosterone-induced incorporation of membrane proteins without altering the labeling of soluble cell protein. These results indicate that ongoing fatty acid synthesis is required for the hormone-induced changes in plasma membrane protein metabolism.  相似文献   

Lymphosarcoma cells isolated from the spleens of tumor-bearing mice were used to study the effect of a low dose of X-rays (5 Gy) on the incorporation of [3H]palmitate and [14C]arachidonate into the lipids of the tumor cells. Palmitate and arachidonate were rapidly incorporated especially into the phospholipids of the cells. Between one and three hours after the start of the incubation with radiactive palmitate 80–90% of the label of the total lipids was found in the phospholipid fraction. Already after a few minutes of incubation with radioactive arachidonate, about 95% of the label was incorporated in the phospholipids. Irradiation caused a small but significant increase in the rate of fatty acid incorporation for both fatty acids. Concomitantly, a significantly increased amount of fatty acid was removed from the medium by the cells as a result of the irradiation, and the specific radioactivity of the free fatty acids in the cells was found to be enhanced. The radiation effect on the tumor cells could be mimicked by a hypotonic treatment. The magnitude of the radiation-induced stimulation of the fatty acid incorporation was similar to that of the hypotonically induced effect. Cells which had received a hypotonic treatment before the irradiation, did not show an additional radiation-induced enhancement of fatty acid incorporation into the cellular lipids. When the cells were incubated with serum albumin loaded with a relatively large (non-physiological) amount of complexed fatty acids (fatty acid: albumin molar ratio, ν = 3.7), no radiation effect on the fatty acid incorporation could be detected. It is concluded that hypotonic treatment, irradiation, and increased supply of exogenous fatty acids all lead to an enhanced flux of fatty acids into the cells. These results confirm our previous suggestion that the uptake of fatty acids through the plasma membrane is the rate-limiting step in the fatty acid incorporation into the phospholipids and that ionizing radiation is one of the means to enhance fatty acid uptake through the plasma membrane leading to an increased incorporation into the phospholipids.  相似文献   

Phytanic acid (3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecanoic acid), an unusual branched chain fatty acid thought to disrupt the hydrophobic regions of membranes, can be incorporated into the lipids of growing Neurospora cultures. The phytanic acid must be supplied in a water soluble form, esterified to a Tween detergent (Tween-Phytanic). This fatty acid and its oxidation product, pristanic acid, were found in both the phospholipid and neutral lipid fractions of Neurospora. In phospholipids of the wild-type strain, phytanic acid was present to the extent of 4 to 5 moles percent of the fatty acids and pristanic acid, about 41 moles percent. The neutral lipids contained 42 and 4 moles percent of phytanic and pristanic acids respectively. By employing a fatty acid-requiring mutant strain (cel?), the phytanic acid level was raised to a maximum of 16 moles percent in the phospholipids and to 63 moles percent in the neutral lipids. Under this condition, the level of pristanic acid was reduced to about 6 moles percent in phospholipids and 1 mole percent in the neutral lipids. The phytanic acid levels could not be further elevated by increased supplementation with phytanic acid or by a change in the growth temperature. In strains with a high phytanic acid content, the complete fatty acid distribution of the phospholipids and neutral lipids was determined. In the neutral lipids, phytanic acid appeared to replace the 18 carbon fatty acids, particularly linoleic acid. The presence of phytanic acid in the phospholipids was confirmed by mass spectrometry, and by the isolation of a phospholipid fraction containing this fatty acid via silicic acid column chromatography. Most of the phytanic acid in phospholipids appeared to be in phosphatidylethanolamine, and 2 lines of evidence suggest that it was esterified to both positions of this molecule. In the fatty acid-requiring mutant strain (cel?), the replacement by phytanic acid of 10 to 15% of the fatty acids in the phospholipid produced an aberrant morphological change in the growth pattern of Neurospora and caused this organism to be osmotically more fragile than the wild-type strain. The lack of noticeable effect of the high levels of pristanic acid in the phospholipids suggests that it is not just the presence of the methyl groups in a branched chain fatty acid which leads to the altered membrane function in this organism.  相似文献   

Cells of an Escherichia coli acpS mutant were prepared with decreased intracellular concentrations (to 10% of the normal level) of the holo form of acyl carrier protein. These cells incorporated exogenous oleic acid into phospholipid at a normal rate.  相似文献   

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