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Negative regulation of the serine/threonine kinase B-Raf by Akt   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
B-Raf contains multiple Akt consensus sites located within its amino-terminal regulatory domain. One site, Ser(364), is conserved with c-Raf but two additional sites, Ser(428) and Thr(439), are unique to B-Raf. We have investigated the role of both the conserved and unique phosphorylation sites in the regulation of B-Raf activity in vitro and in vivo. We show that phosphorylation of B-Raf by Akt occurs at multiple residues within its amino-terminal regulatory domain, at both the conserved and unique phosphorylation sites. The alteration of the serine residues within the Akt consensus sites to alanines results in a progressive increase in enzymatic activity in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, expression of Akt inhibits epidermal growth factor-induced B-Raf activity and inhibition of Akt with LY294002 up-regulates B-Raf activity, suggesting that Akt negatively regulates B-Raf in vivo. Our results demonstrate that B-Raf activity can be negatively regulated by Akt through phosphorylation in the amino-terminal regulatory domain of B-Raf. This cross-talk between the B-Raf and Akt serine/threonine kinases is likely to play an important role in modulating the signaling specificity of the Ras/Raf pathway and in promoting biological outcome.  相似文献   

To identify proteins which interact with and potentially modulate the function of microtubules during spermatogenesis, we prepared a total testis MAP (microtubule-associated protein) antiserum and used it to isolate cDNA clones from a mouse testis cDNA expression library. Antibodies affinity purified by using one expression clone recognized a 205-kDa protein, termed MAST205, which colocalizes with the spermatid manchette. Sequencing of full-length cDNA clones encoding MAST205 revealed it to be a novel serine/threonine kinase with a catalytic domain related to those of the A and C families. The testis-specific MAST205 RNA increases in abundance during prepuberal testis development, peaking at the spermatid stage. The microtubule-binding region of MAST205 occupies a central region of the molecule including the kinase domain and sequences C terminal to this domain. Binding of MAST205 to microtubules requires interaction with other MAPs, since it does not bind to MAP-free tubulin. A 75-kDa protein associated with immunoprecipitates of MAST205 from extracts of both whole testis and testis microtubules becomes phosphorylated in in vitro kinase assays. This 75-kDa substrate of the MAST205 kinase may form part of the MAST205 protein complex which binds microtubules. The MAST205 protein complex may function to link the signal transduction pathway with the organization of manchette microtubules.  相似文献   

We have surveyed fibroblast lysates for protein kinases that might be involved in mitogenesis. The assay we have used exploits the ability of blotted, sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured proteins to regain enzymatic activity after guanidine treatment. About 20 electrophoretically distinct protein kinases could be detected by this method in lysates from NIH 3T3 cells. One of the kinases, a 42-kilodalton serine(threonine) kinase (PK42), was found to possess two- to fourfold-higher in vitro activity when isolated from serum-stimulated cells than when isolated from serum-starved cells. This kinase comigrated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels with a protein (p42) whose phosphotyrosine content increased in response to serum stimulation. The time courses of p42 tyrosine phosphorylation and PK42 activation were similar, reaching maximal levels within 10 min and returning to basal levels within 5 h. Both p42 tyrosine phosphorylation and PK42 activation were stimulated by low concentrations of phorbol esters, and the responses of p42 and PK42 to TPA were abolished by chronic 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) treatment. Chronic TPA treatment had less effect on serum-induced p42 tyrosine phosphorylation and PK42 activation. PK42 and p42 bound to DEAE-cellulose, and both eluted at a salt concentration of 250 mM. Thus, PK42 and p42 comigrate and cochromatograph, and the kinase activity of PK42 correlates with the tyrosine phosphorylation of p42. These findings suggest that PK42 and p42 are related or identical, that PK42 is activated by tyrosine phosphorylation, and that this tyrosine phosphorylation can be regulated by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Searching the genome sequence of Streptococcus pneumoniae revealed the presence of a single Ser/Thr protein kinase gene stkP linked to protein phosphatase phpP. Biochemical studies performed with recombinant StkP suggest that this protein is a functional eukaryotic-type Ser/Thr protein kinase. In vitro kinase assays and Western blots of S. pneumoniae subcellular fractions revealed that StkP is a membrane protein. PhpP is a soluble protein with manganese-dependent phosphatase activity in vitro against a synthetic substrate RRA(pT)VA. Mutations in the invariant aspartate residues implicated in the metal binding completely abolished PhpP activity. Autophosphorylated form of StkP was shown to be a substrate for PhpP. These results suggest that StkP and PhpP could operate as a functional pair in vivo. Analysis of phosphoproteome maps of both wild-type and stkP null mutant strains labeled in vivo and subsequent phosphoprotein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting revealed two possible substrates for StkP. The evidence is presented that StkP can phosphorylate in vitro phosphoglucosamine mutase GlmM which catalyzes the first step in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the formation of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, an essential common precursor to cell envelope components.  相似文献   

The protein predicted by the sequence of the human pim-1 proto-oncogene shares extensive homology with known serine/threonine protein kinases, and yet the human Pim-1 enzyme has previously been reported to exhibit protein tyrosine kinase activity both in vitro and in vivo. Recently a new class of protein kinases has been identified which exhibits both protein-serine/threonine and protein-tyrosine kinase activities. We therefore investigated the possibility that the human Pim-1 kinase likewise possesses such bifunctional enzymatic phosphorylating activities. A full-length human pim-1 cDNA was subcloned into the bacterial vector pGEX-2T and the Pim-1 protein expressed as a fusion product with bacterial glutathione S-transferase (GST). The hybrid GST-Pim-1 fusion protein was affinity purified on a glutathione-Sepharose column prior to treatment with thrombin for cleavage of the Pim-1 protein from the transferase. Pim-1 was purified and the identity of recombinant protein confirmed by amino-terminal sequence analysis. Pim-1 was tested for kinase activity with a variety of proteins and peptides known to be substrates for either mammalian protein-serine/threonine or protein-tyrosine kinases and was found to phosphorylate serine/threonine residues exclusively in vitro. Both the Pim-1-GST fusion protein and the isolated Pim-1 protein exhibited only serine/threonine phosphorylating activity under all in vitro conditions tested. Pim-1 phosphorylated purified mammalian histone H1 with a Km of approximately 51 microM. Additionally, Pim-1 exhibited low levels of serine/threonine autophosphorylating activity. These observations place the human Pim-1 in a small select group of cytoplasmic transforming oncogenic kinases, including the protein kinase C, the Raf/Mil, and the Mos subfamilies, exhibiting serine/threonine phosphorylating activity.  相似文献   

We report the molecular cloning and initial characterization of a novel fatty acid acylated serine/threonine protein kinase. The putative open reading frame is predicted to encode a 305 amino acid protein possessing a carboxy-terminal protein kinase domain and amino-terminal myristylation and palmitylation sites. The protein kinase has been accordingly denoted as the myristylated and palmitylated serine/threonine protein kinase (MPSK). Human and mouse MPSKs share approximately 93% identity at the amino acid level with complete retention of acylation sites. Radiation hybridization localized the human MPSK gene to chromosome 2q34-37. Northern analysis demonstrated that the human MPSK 1.7 kilobase mRNA is widely distributed. Epitope tagged human MPSK was found to be acylated by myristic acid at glycine residue 2 and by palmitic acid at cysteines 6 and/or 8. Palmitylation of MPSK in these experiments was found to require an intact myristylation site. While epitope tagged MPSK in immune complexes or purified human glutathione S transferase-MPSK was found to autophosphorylate at one or more threonine residues, the enzyme was not found to phosphorylate several other common exogenous substrates. Indeed, only PHAS-I was identified as an exogenous substrate which was found to be phosphorylated on threonine and serine residues.  相似文献   

The gene pkwA coding for a typical WD-repeat protein was found in the chromosome of the bacterium Thermomonospora curvata CCM 3352. Until now WD-repeat proteins were through to be confined to eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Brain protein serine/threonine phosphatases.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
All of the known protein serine/threonine phosphatases are expressed in the brain. These enzymes participate in a variety of signaling pathways that modulate neuronal activity. The multifunctional activity of many serine/threonine phosphatases is achieved through their association with targeting proteins. Identification and analysis of targeting molecules has led to new insights into the functions of protein phosphatases in neuronal signaling. The recent use of transgenic mice has also increased our understanding of the physiological roles of these enzymes in the brain.  相似文献   

The addition of phorbol esters to U937 leukemic cells stimulates the phosphorylation of c-Jun on serines 63 and 73. To isolate the protein kinase which stimulates this phosphorylation, we have used heparin-Sepharose chromatography followed by affinity chromatography over glutathione-Sepharose beads bound with a fusion protein of glutathione S-transferase and amino acids 5-89 of c-Jun (GST-c-Jun). Using this procedure we purify a 67-kDa protein which is capable of phosphorylating GST-c-Jun as well as the complete c-Jun protein. By making mutations in serines 63 and 73 and then creating a fusion protein with GST (GST-c-Jun mut), we demonstrate that this protein kinase specifically phosphorylates these sites in the c-Jun amino terminus. Treatment of purified c-Jun amino-terminal protein kinase (cJAT-PK) with phosphatase 2A inhibits its ability to phosphorylate GST-c-Jun. This inactivated enzyme can be reactivated by phosphorylation with protein kinase C (PKC), although PKC is not capable of phosphorylating the GST-c-Jun substrate. Because v-Jun cannot be phosphorylated in vivo, we compared the ability of cJAT-PK to bind to GST-v-Jun or GST-c-Jun mut. The cJAT-PK bound 50-fold better to GST-c-Jun mut than GST-v-Jun suggesting that the delta domain which is missing in v-Jun plays a role in binding the cJAT-PK. These results suggest that there is a protein kinase cascade mediated by protein phosphatases and PKC which regulates c-Jun phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We identified and characterized the gene encoding a new eukaryotic-type protein kinase from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) M145. PkaD, consisting of 598 amino acid residues, contained the catalytic domain of eukaryotic protein kinases in the N-terminal region. A hydrophobicity plot indicated the presence of a putative transmembrane spanning sequence downstream of the catalytic domain, suggesting that PkaD is a transmembrane protein kinase. The recombinant PkaD was found to be phosphorylated at the threonine and tyrosine residues. In S. coelicolor A3(2), pkaD was transcribed as a monocistronic mRNA, and it was expressed constitutively throughout the life cycle. Disruption of chromosomal pkaD resulted in a significant loss of actinorhodin production. This result implies the involvement of pkaD in the regulation of secondary metabolism.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation in plants could be performed only by dual-specificity kinases. Arabidopsis thaliana dual-specificity protein kinase (AtSTYPK) exhibited strong preference for manganese over magnesium for its kinase activity. The kinase autophosphorylated on serine, threonine and tyrosine residues and phosphorylated myelin basic protein on threonine and tyrosine residues. The AtSTYPK harbors manganese dependent serine/threonine kinase domain, COG3642. His248 and Ser265 on COG3642 are conserved in AtSTYPK and the site-directed mutant, H248A showed loss of serine/threonine kinase activity. The protein kinase activity was abolished when Thr208 in the TEY motif and Thr293 of the activation loop were converted to alanine. The conversion of Thr284 in the activation loop to alanine resulted in an increased phosphorylation. This study reports the first identification of a manganese dependent dual-specificity kinase and the importance of Thr208, Thr284, and Thr293 residues in the regulation of kinase activity.  相似文献   

The MET proto-oncogene encodes a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor for HGF (p190MET). In this work, p190MET was immunoprecipitated, allowed to phosphorylate in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP, and digested with trypsin. A major phosphopeptide was purified by reverse phase chromatography. The phosphorylated tyrosine was identified as residue 1235 (Tyr1235) by Edman covalent radiosequencing. A synthetic peptide derived from the corresponding MET sequence was phosphorylated by p190MET in an in vitro assay and coeluted in reverse phase chromatography. Tyr1235 lies within the tyrosine kinase domain of p190MET, within a canonical tyrosine autophosphorylation site that shares homology with the corresponding region of the insulin, CSF-1 and platelet-derived growth factor receptors, and of p60src and p130gag-fps. The p190MET kinase is constitutively phosphorylated on tryosine in a gastric carcinoma cell line (GTL16), due to the amplification and overexpression of the MET gene. Metabolic labeling of GTL-16 cells with [32P]orthophosphate followed by immunoprecipitation and tryptic phosphopeptide mapping of p190MET showed that Tyr1235 is a major site of tyrosine phosphorylation in vivo as well. Since phosphorylation activates p190MET kinase, we propose a regulatory role for Tyr1235.  相似文献   

The existence of two molecular switches regulating plant chimeric Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CCaMK), namely the C-terminal visinin-like domain acting as Ca(2+)-sensitive molecular switch and calmodulin binding domain acting as Ca(2+)-stimulated autophosphorylation-sensitive molecular switch, has been described (Sathyanarayanan, P. V., Cremo, C. R., and Poovaiah, B. W. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 30417-30422). Here we report the identification of Ca(2+)-stimulated autophosphorylation site of CCaMK by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight-mass spectrometry. Thr(267) was confirmed as the Ca(2+)-stimulated autophosphorylation site by post-source decay experiments and by site-directed mutagenesis. The purified T267A mutant form of CCaMK did not show Ca(2+)-stimulated autophosphorylation, autophosphorylation-dependent variable calmodulin affinity, or Ca(2+)/calmodulin stimulation of kinase activity. Sequence comparison of CCaMK from monocotyledonous plant (lily) and dicotyledonous plant (tobacco) suggests that the autophosphorylation site is conserved. This is the first identification of a phosphorylation site specifically responding to activation by second messenger system (Ca(2+) messenger system) in plants. Homology modeling of the kinase and calmodulin binding domain of CCaMK with the crystal structure of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 1 suggests that the Ca(2+)-stimulated autophosphorylation site is located on the surface of the kinase and far from the catalytic site. Analysis of Ca(2+)-stimulated autophosphorylation with increasing concentration of CCaMK indicates the possibility that the Ca(2+)-stimulated phosphorylation occurs by an intermolecular mechanism.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors can induce cellular proliferation by stimulating the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade. Heterotrimeric G proteins are composed of both alpha and betagamma subunits that can signal independently to diverse intracellular signaling pathways including those that activate MAP kinases. In this study, we examined the ability of isoproterenol, an agonist of the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)AR), to stimulate extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs). Using HEK293 cells, which express endogenous beta(2)AR, we show that isoproterenol stimulates ERKs via beta(2)AR. This action of isoproterenol requires cAMP-dependent protein kinase and is insensitive to pertussis toxin, suggesting that Galpha(s) activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase is required. Interestingly, beta(2)AR activates both the small G proteins Rap1 and Ras, but only Rap1 is capable of coupling to Raf isoforms. beta(2)AR inhibits the Ras-dependent activation of both Raf isoforms Raf-1 and B-Raf, whereas Rap1 activation by isoproterenol recruits and activates B-Raf. beta(2)AR activation of ERKs is not blocked by expression of RasN17, an interfering mutant of Ras, but is blocked by expression of either RapN17 or Rap1GAP1, both of which interfere with Rap1 signaling. We propose that isoproterenol can activate ERKs via Rap1 and B-Raf in these cells.  相似文献   

Xenopus MAP kinase activator, a 45 kDa protein, has been shown to function as a direct upstream factor sufficient for full activation and both tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphorylation of inactive MAP kinase. We have now shown by using an anti-MAP kinase activator antiserum that MAP kinase activator is ubiquitous in tissues and is regulated post-translationally. Activation of MAP kinase activator is correlated precisely with its threonine phosphorylation during the oocyte maturation process. It is a key question whether MAP kinase activator is a kinase or not. We have shown that Xenopus MAP kinase activator purified from mature oocytes is capable of undergoing autophosphorylation on serine, threonine and tyrosine residues. Dephosphorylation of purified activator by protein phosphatase 2A treatment inactivates its autophosphorylation activity as well as its activator activity. Thus, Xenopus MAP kinase activator is a protein kinase with specificity for both serine/threonine and tyrosine. Partial protein sequencing of purified activator indicates that it contains a sequence homologous to kinase subdomains VI and VII of two yeast protein kinases, STE7 and byrl.  相似文献   

Adenovirus E1A is associated with a serine/threonine protein kinase.   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
C H Herrmann  L K Su    E Harlow 《Journal of virology》1991,65(11):5848-5859
The adenovirus E1A proteins form stable protein complexes with a number of cellular proteins, including cyclin A and the product of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene. We have been interested in learning about the function of proteins associated with E1A and therefore looked for an enzymatic activity present in E1A complexes. We found a serine/threonine kinase activity that phosphorylates two proteins bound to E1A, the 107- and 130-kDa (107K and 130K) proteins. The kinase also phosphorylates histone H1 added as an exogenous substrate. The kinase activity is cell cycle regulated, being most active in S and G2/M-phase cells. The timing of phosphorylation of the 107K protein in vitro correlates with the phosphorylation pattern of the 107K protein in vivo. A variety of genetic and immunochemical approaches indicate that the activity is probably not due to the E1A-associated 300K, 130K, 107K, or pRB protein. Although we have not established the identity of the kinase, we present evidence that the kinase activity is consistent with phosphorylation by p34cdc2 or a related kinase.  相似文献   

We identified a serine/threonine protein kinase that is associated with and phosphorylates phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PtdIns 3-kinase). The serine kinase phosphorylates both the 85- and 110-kDa subunits of PtdIns 3-kinase and purifies with it from rat liver and immunoprecipitates with antibodies raised to the 85-kDa subunit. Tryptic phosphopeptide maps indicate that p85 from polyomavirus middle T-transformed cells is phosphorylated in vivo at three sites phosphorylated in vitro by the associated serine kinase. The 85-kDa subunit of PtdIns 3-kinase is phosphorylated in vitro on serine at a stoichiometry of approximately 1 mol of phosphate per mol of p85. This phosphorylation results in a three- to sevenfold decrease in PtdIns 3-kinase activity. Dephosphorylation with protein phosphatase 2A reverses the inhibition. This suggests that the association of protein phosphatase 2A with middle T antigen may function to activate PtdIns 3-kinase.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that the Escherichia coli protein kinase/phosphatase nitrogen regulator II (NRII also known as NtrB) becomes autophosphorylated on a histidine residue when incubated with ATP. We show that the major site at which NRII was autophosphorylated was contained within a peptide consisting of amino acid residues 136-142 of NRII, and thus probably corresponds to His-139. A minor site of phosphorylation, accounting for about 2% of the phosphate in NRII-P, was found in a peptide that corresponds to residues 158-169.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (p42mapk) becomes transiently activated after treatment of serum-starved murine Swiss 3T3 cells or EL4 thymocytes with a diversity of mitogens. Similarly, a meiosis-activated protein kinase (p44mpk) becomes stimulated during maturation of sea star oocytes induced by 1-methyladenine. Both p42mapk and p44mpk have been identified as protein-serine/threonine kinases that are activated as a consequence of their phosphorylation. Because homologous protein kinases may play essential roles in both mitogenesis and oogenesis, we have compared in detail the biochemical properties of these two kinases. We find that these kinases are highly related based on their in vitro substrate specificities, sensitivity to inhibitors, and immunological cross-reactivity. However, they differ in apparent molecular weight and can be separated chromatographically, indicating that the two enzymes are distinct. Furthermore, in the course of this investigation, we have identified a 44-kDa protein kinase in mitogen-stimulated Swiss mouse 3T3 cells and EL4 thymocytes that co-purifies with p44mpk and thus appears to be a closer homolog of the sea star enzyme. Analysis of these protein kinases clarifies the relationships between a set of tyrosine-phosphorylated 41-45-kDa proteins present in mitogen-stimulated cells (Martinez, R., Nakamura., K. D., and Weber, M. J. (1982) Mol. Cell. Biol. 2, 653-655; Cooper, J. A., and Hunter, T. (1984) Mol. Cell. Biol. 4, 30-37), two myelin basic protein kinases identified in epidermal growth factor-treated Swiss mouse 3T3 cells (Ahn, N. G., Weiel, J. E., Chan, C. P., and Krebs, E. G. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 11487-11494), and p42mapk. Our work points to the existence of a group of related serine/threonine protein kinases, regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation and functioning at different stages of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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