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ObjectiveThe present study aimed to screen and find alkyl hydroperoxide reductase (AhpC) B cell dominant epitope of Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni).Materials and methodsBio-informatic algorithms were used to predict B cell epitopes of AhpC. The AhpC protein and chemically synthesized antigenic epitopes of C. jejuni were considered as antigens, and the AhpC antibody was used as the primary antibody, ELISA and dot blot were used to analyze and screen the dominant epitope. The specific IgG of mice serum and IL-4 in splenocyte culture supernatant were detected by ELISA. The protective efficacy was evaluated by animal disease index and tissue histopathological staining of the jejunum.ResultsSeven epitopes of AhpC were predicted, one epitope (AhpC4–16) was found to recognize the antibodies of AhpC and had strong antigenicity by ELISA and dot blot analysis. In epitope AhpC4–16 immunized mice, specific IgG of serum and IL-4 in splenocyte culture supernatant were significantly higher. The illness index decreased significantly, the protective rate was 66.67%. Histopathology displayed that the jejunum morphology was better than the control group.ConclusionsThese findings suggested that epitope AhpC4–16 showed effective protective role against C. jejuni and is a candidate epitope of vaccine against this pathogen.  相似文献   

Amelogenin is an extracellular protein first identified as a matrix component important for formation of dental enamel during tooth development. Lately, amelogenin has also been found to have positive effects on clinical important areas, such as treatment of periodontal defects, wound healing, and bone regeneration. Here we present a simple method for purification of recombinant human amelogenin expressed in Escherichia coli, based on the solubility properties of amelogenin. The method combines cell lysis with recovery/purification of the protein and generates a >95% pure amelogenin in one step using intact harvested cells as starting material. By using amelogenin as a fusion partner we could further demonstrate that the same method also be can explored to purify other target proteins/peptides in an effective manner. For instance, a fusion between the clinically used protein PTH (parathyroid hormone) and amelogenin was successfully expressed and purified, and the amelogenin part could be removed from PTH by using a site-specific protease.  相似文献   

A systematic approach for the determination of epitope specificities of monoclonal antibodies to a complex antigen system is described. After initial screening to identify antigen-binding monoclonal antibodies, one or more of the clones are isolated by limiting dilution cloning, grown in ascites, and the resulting antibodies secreted into the ascitic fluid are affinity purified on Sepharose-bound protein A, radiolabeled, and cross-compared with antibodies from other clones by a solid-phase competitive immunoassay. In this work, BALB/c mice were immunized with either purified carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) or the CEA-producing cell line HC 84S. Spleen cells were fused with the mouse myeloma cell line Sp2/0-Ag14. The supernatants from 25 hybrids showed a significant binding of 125I-CEA (greater than or equal to 15%). Nine hybrids were cloned, resulting in 33 different clones. The antibodies produced by the different cloned hybrids and the remaining uncloned hybrids recognized a total of five different epitopes on CEA. All of the epitopes reside on the protein moiety of the molecule as determined by antibody binding to deglycosylated CEA. The monoclonal antibodies with five different epitope specificities were reacted with tissue sections of normal and cancerous tissues and with peripheral blood smears. Each of the five monoclonal antibodies reacted with tissue sections from colonic, gastric, lung, and mammary carcinomas, as well as from a benign colonic polyp and a resection margin from a colonic carcinoma. Four monoclonals reacted with normal liver tissue. Granulocytes in peripheral blood smears bound three antibodies strongly and one antibody weakly, and one antibody was not bound. One monoclonal antibody that reacted with normal liver tissue was not bound by granulocytes. The ability of these five monoclonal antibodies to differentially detect three different CEA-related antigens in normal and malignant tissues may have clinical utility.  相似文献   

DNA vaccines can activate immunity against tumor Ags expressed as MHC class I-associated peptides. However, priming of CD8(+) CTL against weak tumor Ags may require adjuvant molecules. We have used a pathogen-derived sequence from tetanus toxin (fragment C (FrC)) fused to tumor Ag sequences to promote Ab and CD4(+) T cell responses. For induction of CD8(+) T cell responses, the FrC sequence has been engineered to remove potentially competitive MHC class I-binding epitopes and to improve presentation of tumor epitopes. The colon carcinoma CT26 expresses an endogenous retroviral gene product, gp70, containing a known H2-L(d)-restricted epitope (AH1). A DNA vaccine encoding gp70 alone was a poor inducer of CTL, and performance was not significantly improved by fusion of full-length FrC. However, use of a minimized domain of FrC, with the AH1 sequence fused to the 3' position, led to rapid induction of high levels of CTL. IFN-gamma-producing epitope-specific CTL were detectable ex vivo and these killed CT26 targets in vitro. The single epitope vaccine was more effective than GM-CSF-transfected CT26 tumor cells in inducing an AH1-specific CTL response and equally effective in providing protection against tumor challenge. Levels of AH1-specific CTL in vivo were increased following injection of tumor cells, and CTL expanded in vitro were able to kill CT26 cells in tumor bearers. Pre-existing immunity to tetanus toxoid had no effect on the induction of AH1-specific CTL. These data demonstrate the power of epitope-specific CTL against tumor cells and illustrate a strategy for priming immunity via a dual component DNA vaccine.  相似文献   

Five antibodies against vascular endothelial growth factor 165 (VEGF165) were obtained. These antibodies, Ab-2, Ab-20, Ab-153, Ab-309, Ab-342, were able to recognize not only native VEGF165, but also reducing VEGF165. Three of the antibodies, Ab-153, Ab-309, Ab-342, were identified as VEGF165 neutralizing antibody on the basis of its ability to inhibit the proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) induced by VEGF165 and the binding of [125I]-VEGF165 to receptors on HUVEC. The fragments of E1 (VEGF120-135) and E2 (VEGF46-60) recognized by neutralizing antibodies may be related the receptor binding domain of VEGF.  相似文献   

Although multiple different procedures to characterize the epitopes recognized by antibodies have been developed, site-directed mutagenesis remains the method of choice to define the energetic contribution of antigen residues to binding. These studies are useful to identify critical residues and to delineate functional maps of the epitopes. However, they tend to underestimate the roles of residues that are not critical for binding on their own, but contribute to the formation of the target epitope in an additive, or even cooperative, way. Mapping antigenic determinants with a diffuse energetic landscape, which establish multiple individually weak interactions with the antibody paratope, resulting in high affinity and specificity recognition of the epitope as a whole, is thus technically challenging. The current work was aimed at developing a combinatorial strategy to overcome the limitations of site-directed mutagenesis, relying on comprehensive randomization of discrete antigenic regions within phage-displayed antigen libraries. Two model antibodies recognizing epidermal growth factor were used to validate the mapping platform. Abrogation of antibody recognition due to the introduction of simultaneous replacements was able to show the involvement of particular amino acid clusters in epitope formation. The abundance of some of the original residues (or functionally equivalent amino acids sharing their physicochemical properties) among the set of mutated antigen variants selected on a given antibody highlighted their contributions and allowed delineation of a detailed functional map of the corresponding epitope. The use of the combinatorial approach could be expanded to map the interactions between other antigens/antibodies.  相似文献   

The 6-His tagged firefly luciferase was highly expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography and gel filtration. After immunizing Balb/c mice with the antigen, 6 hybridomas clones were found to secrete monoelonal antibodies (mAbs) and the mAbs were also purified separately. The competitive binding experiments show that 2 mAbs can bind heat-denatured antigen or its proteolytic fragments but not the native lueiferase, suggesting that their epitopes might be accommodated in the internal segments of the protein. On the other hand, the other 4 mAbs are capable of binding both native and denatured antigens. It infers that their epitopes locate in the segments on the protein surface. The results also suggest that the six mAbs are all sequence-specific.  相似文献   

The 6-His tagged firefly luciferase was highly expressed inE. coli and purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography and gel filtration. After immunizing Balb/c mice with the antigen, 6 hybridomas clones were found to secrete monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and the mAbs were also purified separately. The competitive binding experiments show that 2 mAbs can bind heat-denatured antigen or its proteolytic fragments but not the native luciferase, suggesting that their epitopes might be accommodated in the internal segments of the protein. On the other hand, the other 4 mAbs are capable of binding both native and denatured antigens. It infers that their epitopes locate in the segments on the protein surface. The results also suggest that the six mAbs are all sequence-specific.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Self-assembling peptides that form nanostructured hydrogels are important biomaterials for tissue engineering scaffolds. The P11-family of peptides includes, P11-4 (QQRFEWEFEQQ) and the complementary peptides P11-13 (EQEFEWEFEQE) and P11-14 (QQOrnFOrnWOrnFOrnQQ). These form self-supporting hydrogels under physiological conditions (pH 7.4, 140 mM NaCl) either alone (P11-4) or when mixed (P11-13 and P11-14). We report a SUMO-peptide expression strategy suitable for allowing release of native sequence peptide by SUMO protease cleavage. RESULTS: We have expressed SUMO-peptide fusion proteins from pET vectors by using autoinduction methods. Immobilised metal affinity chromatography was used to purify the fusion protein, followed by SUMO protease cleavage in water to release the peptides, which were recovered by reverse phase HPLC. The peptide samples were analysed by electrospray mass spectrometry and self-assembly was followed by circular dichroism and transmission electron microscopy. CONCLUSIONS: The fusion proteins were produced in high yields and the beta-structured peptides were efficiently released by SUMO protease resulting in peptides with no additional amino acid residues and with recoveries of 46% to 99%. The peptides behaved essentially the same as chemically synthesised and previously characterised recombinant peptides in self-assembly and biophysical assays.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy against the amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptide is a valuable potential treatment for Alzheimer disease (AD). An ideal antigen should be soluble and nontoxic, avoid the C-terminally located T-cell epitope of Abeta, and yet be capable of eliciting antibodies that recognize Abeta fibrils and neurotoxic Abeta oligomers but not the physiological monomeric species of Abeta. We have described here the construction and immunological characterization of a recombinant antigen with these features obtained by tandem multimerization of the immunodominant B-cell epitope peptide Abeta1-15 (Abeta15) within the active site loop of bacterial thioredoxin (Trx). Chimeric Trx(Abeta15)n polypeptides bearing one, four, or eight copies of Abeta15 were constructed and injected into mice in combination with alum, an adjuvant approved for human use. All three polypeptides were found to be immunogenic, yet eliciting antibodies with distinct recognition specificities. The anti-Trx(Abeta15)4 antibody, in particular, recognized Abeta42 fibrils and oligomers but not monomers and exhibited the same kind of conformational selectivity against transthyretin, an amyloidogenic protein unrelated in sequence to Abeta. We have also demonstrated that anti-Trx(Abeta15)4, which binds to human AD plaques, markedly reduces Abeta pathology in transgenic AD mice. The data indicate that a conformational epitope shared by oligomers and fibrils can be mimicked by a thioredoxin-constrained Abeta fragment repeat and identify Trx(Abeta15)4 as a promising new tool for AD immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The aim of obtaining novel vaccine candidates against malaria and other transmissible diseases can be partly based on selecting non-polymorphic peptides from relevant antigens of pathogens, which have to be then precisely modified for inducing a protective immunity against the disease. Bearing in mind the high degree of the MSA-221–40 peptide primary structure’s genetic conservation among malaria species, and its crucial role in the high RBC binding ability of Plasmodium falciparum (the main agent causing malaria), structurally defined probes based on non-natural peptide-bond isosteres were thus designed. Thus, two peptide mimetics were obtained (so-called reduced amide pseudopeptides), in which naturally made amide bonds of the 30FIN32-binding motif of MSA-2 were replaced with ψ–[CH2–NH] methylene amide isostere bonds, one between the F–I and the second between I–N amino acid pairs, respectively, coded as ψ-128 ψ-130. These peptide mimetics were used to produce poly- and monoclonal antibodies in Aotus monkeys and BALB/c mice. Parent reactive mice-derived IgM isotype cell clones were induced to Ig isotype switching to IgG sub-classes by controlled in vitro immunization experiments. These mature isotype immunoglobulins revealed a novel epitope in the MSA-225–32 antigen and two polypeptides of rodent malaria species. Also, these antibodies’ functional activity against malaria was tested by in vitro assays, demonstrating high efficacy in controlling infection and evidencing neutralizing capacity for the rodent in vivo malaria infection. The neutralizing effect of antibodies induced by site-directed designed peptide mimetics on Plasmodium’s biological development make these pseudopeptides a valuable tool for future development of immunoprophylactic strategies for controlling malarial infection.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MoAB) ICO-45 discovered the antigen with 45 kD molecular mass, expressed on the surface of 77% thymocytes, 68% monocytes, 95% granulocytes, 46% T-lymphocytes, 59% non-T-lymphocytes. MoAB ICO-45 blocked T-lymphocyte blast transformation and inhibited the respiratory burst of monocytes and granulocytes of the peripheral blood.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised against eight synthetic peptides matching preselected portions of the amino acid sequence of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) from Torpedo marmorata. To increase the probability of obtaining antibodies specific for the exact sequence of the immunizing peptide, peptides of only five to seven amino acids in length were employed. Even under these limiting conditions some of the polyclonal rabbit immune sera showed cross-reactivity with other peptides and/or other sequence regions of the receptor. Further studies with polyclonal and monoclonal sera suggested that conformation and charge pattern rather than linear sequence are the essential determinants of antibody epitopes. Application of antibodies for topological studies therefore requires that the antibody specificity for a particular region of the antigen has been firmly established. Epitope mapping with the eight anti-peptide immune sera provides information on the accessibility to antibody of matching sequences within the receptor molecule. We find the sequence portions alpha 81-85, alpha 127-132, and alpha 190-195 to be freely accessible both at membrane-bound and at purified receptor. Binding of anti-alpha 387-392 serum does not prove accessibility of this region as the serum cross-reacts strongly with peptide fragments corresponding to the regions alpha 165-200 and beta 190-200 of nAChR from Torpedo californica. To permit binding of anti-alpha 137-142 immune serum, treatment of the receptor with endoglycosidase is required, showing that Asn-141 indeed is glycosylated in native nAChR. The homologous sequence of the other subunits differing only in one sequence position from alpha 137-142 is not accessible in native nAChR to antibody, indicating clear differences in folding of the receptor polypeptides. Sequence portions alpha 395-401 and alpha 161-166 must first be exposed by appropriate treatment to permit binding of respective serum. These results and previous epitope mapping studies by other laboratories are discussed with respect to the limited sequence specificity of antibodies.  相似文献   

Self tolerance to MHC class I-restricted nonmutated self Ags is a significant hurdle to effective cancer immunotherapy. Compelling evidence is emerging that altered peptide ligands can be far more immunogenic than their corresponding native epitopes; however, there is no way to reliably predict which modifications will lead to enhanced native epitope-specific immune responses. We reasoned that this limitation could be overcome by devising an empirical screen in which the nearly complete combinatorial spectrum of peptides of optimal length can be rapidly assayed for reactivity with a MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T cell clone. This method, solid-phase epitope recovery, quantitatively ranks all reactive peptides in the library and allows selection of altered peptide ligands having desirable immunogenic properties of interest. In contrast to rationally designed MHC anchor-modified peptides, peptides identified by the present method are highly substituted in predicted TCR contact residues and can reliably activate and expand effector cell populations in vitro which lyse target cells presenting the wild-type epitope. We demonstrate that solid-phase epitope recovery peptides corresponding to a poorly immunogenic epitope of the melanoma Ag, gp100, can reliably induce wild-type peptide-specific CTL using normal donor T cells in vitro. Furthermore, these peptides can complement one another to induce these responses in an overwhelming majority of normal individuals in vitro. These data provide a rationale for the design of superior vaccines comprising a mixture of structurally diverse yet functionally convergent peptides.  相似文献   

Thirty six cloned hybridomas have been isolated which produce monoclonal antibodies directed against simian virus 40 (SV40) large T tumour antigen. They have been shown to recognize at least six different epitopes along the T antigen polypeptide according to their reaction with the various truncated forms of T antigen expressed by adenovirus-SV 40 hybrid viruses. Sixteen antibodies cross-react with cells infected by the closely related human BK virus. Only two antibodies, PAb1604 and PAb1614, directed against different epitopes of the SV40 T antigen, cross-react with polyoma large T tumour antigen which has a more limited amino acid sequence homology. This cross-reaction is rarely seen with polyclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibody PAb1620 gave nuclear immunofluorescence only with murine cells transformed by SV40 and was found to react with a complex of T-antigen and 53 000-dalton host-coded protein. All the monoclonal antibodies react with nuclear T antigen and all but four antibodies stained the surface of SV40-transformed cells. These were four of the five antibodies directed against the central third of the T antigen. Thus the monoclonal antibodies show that cell surface T antigen differs from nuclear T antigen, either in accessibility or structure.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsids of hepatitis B virus (HBV) are made of 180 or 240 subunits of core proteins or known as core antigens (HBcAg). A fusion bacteriophage bearing the WSFFSNI sequence that interacts tightly to HBcAg was employed as a diagnostic reagent for the detection of the antigen using the phage-enzyme-linked immunosorbent (phage-ELISA), dot blot and immunoprecipitation assays. The results from phage-ELISA and dot blot assay showed that as low as 10 ng of HBcAg can be detected optimally by 1.0x10(12) pfu/ml fusion M13 bacteriophage. The sensitivity of the dot blot assay corresponds with that of the phage-ELISA. HBcAg in HBV positive serum samples can also be detected using the fusion phage via the phage-ELISA and phage-dot blot assay. The phage cross-linked to cyanogen bromide (CNBr) activated agarose can also be used to precipitate HBcAg in bacterial lysate. The optimum amount of phage needed for cross-linking to 1 g of agarose is about 7.0x10(6) pfu/ml which could also precipitate purified and unpurified HBcAg in bacterial lysate. This study demonstrates the potential of fusion bacteriophage bearing the sequence WSFFSNI as a diagnostic reagent and a ligand for the detection and purification of HBcAg respectively.  相似文献   

Eight stable murine monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were raised against human high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Three different antibody reactivities were demonstrated by immunoblotting. A group of five antibodies were specific for apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and bound to similar or overlapping epitopes. The second type of reactivity, shown by mab-32, was specific for apoA-II. In the third group, two antibodies showed high reactivity with apoA-II and slight cross-reactivity with apoA-I. The properties of two antibodies, mab M-30 specific for apoA-I and mab M-32 specific for apoAII, were characterized in detail as probes of HDL structure. The association of 125I-labeled HDL or synthetic complexes of apoA-I and phosphatidylcholine with mab M-30 was lipid dependent. Mab M-32 binding to apoA-II was independent of lipid. The lipid-dependent epitope bound by mab M-30 has been localized to an 18 amino acid synthetic apoA-I peptide. Moreover, studies with HDL2, HDL3, and immunoadsorbed HDL subfractions indicate that binding of mab M-30 to HDL is influenced by some component within the microenvironment individual HDL particles. These lines of evidence suggest that the molar ratio of apoA-I to apoA-II is the critical determinant. Binding of mab M-32 to HDL increased the reactivity of HDL to mab M-30 in a dose-dependent manner, indicating an unusual form of cooperativity between two mabs that recognize different proteins in HDL. These monoclonal antibodies will be valuable in studies of the metabolic significance of protein-protein and lipid-protein interactions in HDL.  相似文献   

Heat-treated cells of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii strain 162X95 were used to produce monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). The fusion produced three cross-reactive MAbs and eight MAbs specific for the immunizing strain and a group of five other R. trifolii strains from the same geographic region where 162X95 was isolated (California). Seven MAbs were analyzed by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine the number of different epitopes detectable on strain 162X95. The results indicated that six MAbs reacted with the same or overlapping epitopes, and the seventh MAb gave inconclusive results.  相似文献   

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