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Over the last 60 years, the use of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) as a pesticide has resulted in the production of >4 million tons of HCH waste, which has been dumped in open sinks across the globe. Here, the combination of the genomes of two genetic subspecies (Sphingobium japonicum UT26 and Sphingobium indicum B90A; isolated from two discrete geographical locations, Japan and India, respectively) capable of degrading HCH, with metagenomic data from an HCH dumpsite (∼450 mg HCH per g soil), enabled the reconstruction and validation of the last-common ancestor (LCA) genotype. Mapping the LCA genotype (3128 genes) to the subspecies genomes demonstrated that >20% of the genes in each subspecies were absent in the LCA. This includes two enzymes from the ‘upper'' HCH degradation pathway, suggesting that the ancestor was unable to degrade HCH isomers, but descendants acquired lin genes by transposon-mediated lateral gene transfer. In addition, anthranilate and homogentisate degradation traits were found to be strain (selectively retained only by UT26) and environment (absent in the LCA and subspecies, but prevalent in the metagenome) specific, respectively. One draft secondary chromosome, two near complete plasmids and eight complete lin transposons were assembled from the metagenomic DNA. Collectively, these results reinforce the elastic nature of the genus Sphingobium, and describe the evolutionary acquisition mechanism of a xenobiotic degradation phenotype in response to environmental pollution. This also demonstrates for the first time the use of metagenomic data in ancestral genotype reconstruction, highlighting its potential to provide significant insight into the development of such phenotypes.  相似文献   

Although remarkable progress in metagenomic sequencing of various environmental samples has been made, large numbers of fragment sequences have been registered in the international DNA databanks, primarily without information on gene function and phylotype, and thus with limited usefulness. Industrial useful biological activity is often carried out by a set of genes, such as those constituting an operon. In this connection, metagenomic approaches have a weakness because sets of the genes are usually split up, since the sequences obtained by metagenome analyses are fragmented into 1-kb or much shorter segments. Therefore, even when a set of genes responsible for an industrially useful function is found in one metagenome library, it is usually difficult to know whether a single genome harbors the entire gene set or whether different genomes have individual genes. By modifying Self-Organizing Map (SOM), we previously developed BLSOM for oligonucleotide composition, which allowed classification (self-organization) of sequence fragments according to genomes. Because BLSOM could reassociate genomic fragments according to genomes, BLSOM may ameliorate the abovementioned weakness of metagenome analyses. Here, we have developed a strategy for clustering of metagenomic sequences according to phylotypes and genomes, by testing a gene set contributing to environment preservation.  相似文献   

Hua  Kui  Zhang  Xuegong 《BMC genomics》2019,20(2):93-101

Metagenomic sequencing is a powerful technology for studying the mixture of microbes or the microbiomes on human and in the environment. One basic task of analyzing metagenomic data is to identify the component genomes in the community. This task is challenging due to the complexity of microbiome composition, limited availability of known reference genomes, and usually insufficient sequencing coverage.


As an initial step toward understanding the complete composition of a metagenomic sample, we studied the problem of estimating the total length of all distinct component genomes in a metagenomic sample. We showed that this problem can be solved by estimating the total number of distinct k-mers in all the metagenomic sequencing data. We proposed a method for this estimation based on the sequencing coverage distribution of observed k-mers, and introduced a k-mer redundancy index (KRI) to fill in the gap between the count of distinct k-mers and the total genome length. We showed the effectiveness of the proposed method on a set of carefully designed simulation data corresponding to multiple situations of true metagenomic data. Results on real data indicate that the uncaptured genomic information can vary dramatically across metagenomic samples, with the potential to mislead downstream analyses.


We proposed the question of how long the total genome length of all different species in a microbial community is and introduced a method to answer it.


The small parsimony problem is studied for reconstructing recombination networks from sequence data. The small parsimony problem is polynomial-time solvable for phylogenetic trees. However, the problem is proved NP-hard even for galled recombination networks. A dynamic programming algorithm is also developed to solve the small parsimony problem. It takes O(dn2(3h)) time on an input recombination network over length-d sequences in which there are h recombination and n - h tree nodes.  相似文献   



Overlapping genes (OGs) are defined as adjacent genes whose coding sequences overlap partially or entirely. In fact, they are ubiquitous in microbial genomes and more conserved between species than non-overlapping genes. Based on this property, we have previously implemented a web server, named OGtree, that allows the user to reconstruct genome trees of some prokaryotes according to their pairwise OG distances. By analogy to the analyses of gene content and gene order, the OG distance between two genomes we defined was based on a measure of combining OG content (i.e., the normalized number of shared orthologous OG pairs) and OG order (i.e., the normalized OG breakpoint distance) in their whole genomes. A shortcoming of using the concept of breakpoints to define the OG distance is its inability to analyze the OG distance of multi-chromosomal genomes. In addition, the amount of overlapping coding sequences between some distantly related prokaryotic genomes may be limited so that it is hard to find enough OGs to properly evaluate their pairwise OG distances.  相似文献   

Jia P  Xuan L  Liu L  Wei C 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e25353
Metagenomic sequence classification is a procedure to assign sequences to their source genomes. It is one of the important steps for metagenomic sequence data analysis. Although many methods exist, classification of high-throughput metagenomic sequence data in a limited time is still a challenge. We present here an ultra-fast metagenomic sequence classification system (MetaBinG) using graphic processing units (GPUs). The accuracy of MetaBinG is comparable to the best existing systems and it can classify a million of 454 reads within five minutes, which is more than 2 orders of magnitude faster than existing systems. MetaBinG is publicly available at http://cbb.sjtu.edu.cn/~ccwei/pub/software/MetaBinG/MetaBinG.php.  相似文献   

Kraken is an ultrafast and highly accurate program for assigning taxonomic labels to metagenomic DNA sequences. Previous programs designed for this task have been relatively slow and computationally expensive, forcing researchers to use faster abundance estimation programs, which only classify small subsets of metagenomic data. Using exact alignment of k-mers, Kraken achieves classification accuracy comparable to the fastest BLAST program. In its fastest mode, Kraken classifies 100 base pair reads at a rate of over 4.1 million reads per minute, 909 times faster than Megablast and 11 times faster than the abundance estimation program MetaPhlAn. Kraken is available at http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/kraken/.  相似文献   

Assembling individual genomes from complex community metagenomic data remains a challenging issue for environmental studies. We evaluated the quality of genome assemblies from community short read data (Illumina 100 bp pair-ended sequences) using datasets recovered from freshwater and soil microbial communities as well as in silico simulations. Our analyses revealed that the genome of a single genotype (or species) can be accurately assembled from a complex metagenome when it shows at least about 20 × coverage. At lower coverage, however, the derived assemblies contained a substantial fraction of non-target sequences (chimeras), which explains, at least in part, the higher number of hypothetical genes recovered in metagenomic relative to genomic projects. We also provide examples of how to detect intrapopulation structure in metagenomic datasets and estimate the type and frequency of errors in assembled genes and contigs from datasets of varied species complexity.  相似文献   

The prospect of understanding the relationship between the genome and the physiology of an organism is an important incentive to reconstruct metabolic networks. The first steps in the process can be automated and it does not take much effort to obtain an initial metabolic reconstruction from a genome sequence. However, such a reconstruction is certainly not flawless and correction of the many imperfections is laborious. It requires the combined analysis of the available information on protein sequence, phylogeny, gene-context and co-occurrence but is also aided by high-throughput experimental data. Simultaneously, the reconstructed network provides the opportunity to visualize the "omics" data within a relevant biological functional context and thus aids the interpretation of those data.  相似文献   

Extraction of genome sequences from metagenomic data is crucial for reconstructing the metabolism of microbial communities that cannot be mimicked in the laboratory. A complete Methanococcus maripaludis genome was generated from metagenomic data derived from a thermophilic subsurface oil reservoir. M. maripaludis is a hydrogenotrophic methanogenic species that is common in mesophilic saline environments. Comparison of the genome from the thermophilic, subsurface environment with the genome of the type species will provide insight into the adaptation of a methanogenic genome to an oil reservoir environment.  相似文献   

Fan L  McElroy K  Thomas T 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39948
Direct sequencing of environmental DNA (metagenomics) has a great potential for describing the 16S rRNA gene diversity of microbial communities. However current approaches using this 16S rRNA gene information to describe community diversity suffer from low taxonomic resolution or chimera problems. Here we describe a new strategy that involves stringent assembly and data filtering to reconstruct full-length 16S rRNA genes from metagenomicpyrosequencing data. Simulations showed that reconstructed 16S rRNA genes provided a true picture of the community diversity, had minimal rates of chimera formation and gave taxonomic resolution down to genus level. The strategy was furthermore compared to PCR-based methods to determine the microbial diversity in two marine sponges. This showed that about 30% of the abundant phylotypes reconstructed from metagenomic data failed to be amplified by PCR. Our approach is readily applicable to existing metagenomic datasets and is expected to lead to the discovery of new microbial phylotypes.  相似文献   



The microbial communities populating human and natural environments have been extensively characterized with shotgun metagenomics, which provides an in-depth representation of the microbial diversity within a sample. Microbes thriving in urban environments may be crucially important for human health, but have received less attention than those of other environments. Ongoing efforts started to target urban microbiomes at a large scale, but the most recent computational methods to profile these metagenomes have never been applied in this context. It is thus currently unclear whether such methods, that have proven successful at distinguishing even closely related strains in human microbiomes, are also effective in urban settings for tasks such as cultivation-free pathogen detection and microbial surveillance. Here, we aimed at a) testing the currently available metagenomic profiling tools on urban metagenomics; b) characterizing the organisms in urban environment at the resolution of single strain and c) discussing the biological insights that can be inferred from such methods.


We applied three complementary methods on the 1614 metagenomes of the CAMDA 2017 challenge. With MetaMLST we identified 121 known sequence-types from 15 species of clinical relevance. For instance, we identified several Acinetobacter strains that were close to the nosocomial opportunistic pathogen A. nosocomialis. With StrainPhlAn, a generalized version of the MetaMLST approach, we inferred the phylogenetic structure of Pseudomonas stutzeri strains and suggested that the strain-level heterogeneity in environmental samples is higher than in the human microbiome. Finally, we also probed the functional potential of the different strains with PanPhlAn. We further showed that SNV-based and pangenome-based profiling provide complementary information that can be combined to investigate the evolutionary trajectories of microbes and to identify specific genetic determinants of virulence and antibiotic resistances within closely related strains.


We show that strain-level methods developed primarily for the analysis of human microbiomes can be effective for city-associated microbiomes. In fact, (opportunistic) pathogens can be tracked and monitored across many hundreds of urban metagenomes. However, while more effort is needed to profile strains of currently uncharacterized species, this work poses the basis for high-resolution analyses of microbiomes sampled in city and mass transportation environments.


This article was reviewed by Alexandra Bettina Graf, Daniel Huson and Trevor Cickovski.

Due to the complexity of the protocols and a limited knowledge of the nature of microbial communities, simulating metagenomic sequences plays an important role in testing the performance of existing tools and data analysis methods with metagenomic data. We developed metagenomic read simulators with platform-specific (Sanger, pyrosequencing, Illumina) base-error models, and simulated metagenomes of differing community complexities. We first evaluated the effect of rigorous quality control on Illumina data. Although quality filtering removed a large proportion of the data, it greatly improved the accuracy and contig lengths of resulting assemblies. We then compared the quality-trimmed Illumina assemblies to those from Sanger and pyrosequencing. For the simple community (10 genomes) all sequencing technologies assembled a similar amount and accurately represented the expected functional composition. For the more complex community (100 genomes) Illumina produced the best assemblies and more correctly resembled the expected functional composition. For the most complex community (400 genomes) there was very little assembly of reads from any sequencing technology. However, due to the longer read length the Sanger reads still represented the overall functional composition reasonably well. We further examined the effect of scaffolding of contigs using paired-end Illumina reads. It dramatically increased contig lengths of the simple community and yielded minor improvements to the more complex communities. Although the increase in contig length was accompanied by increased chimericity, it resulted in more complete genes and a better characterization of the functional repertoire. The metagenomic simulators developed for this research are freely available.  相似文献   



The identification and study of proteins from metagenomic datasets can shed light on the roles and interactions of the source organisms in their communities. However, metagenomic datasets are characterized by the presence of organisms with varying GC composition, codon usage biases etc., and consequently gene identification is challenging. The vast amount of sequence data also requires faster protein family classification tools.  相似文献   

Whole‐genome‐shotgun (WGS) sequencing of total genomic DNA was used to recover ~1 Mbp of novel mitochondrial (mtDNA) sequence from Pinus sylvestris (L.) and three members of the closely related Pinus mugo species complex. DNA was extracted from megagametophyte tissue from six mother trees from locations across Europe, and 100‐bp paired‐end sequencing was performed on the Illumina HiSeq platform. Candidate mtDNA sequences were identified by their size and coverage characteristics, and by comparison with published plant mitochondrial genomes. Novel variants were identified, and primers targeting these loci were trialled on a set of 28 individuals from across Europe. In total, 31 SNP loci were successfully resequenced, characterizing 15 unique haplotypes. This approach offers a cost‐effective means of developing marker resources for mitochondrial genomes in other plant species where reference sequences are unavailable.  相似文献   

T Jombart  R M Eggo  P J Dodd  F Balloux 《Heredity》2011,106(2):383-390
Epidemiology and public health planning will increasingly rely on the analysis of genetic sequence data. In particular, genetic data coupled with dates and locations of sampled isolates can be used to reconstruct the spatiotemporal dynamics of pathogens during outbreaks. Thus far, phylogenetic methods have been used to tackle this issue. Although these approaches have proved useful for informing on the spread of pathogens, they do not aim at directly reconstructing the underlying transmission tree. Instead, phylogenetic models infer most recent common ancestors between pairs of isolates, which can be inadequate for densely sampled recent outbreaks, where the sample includes ancestral and descendent isolates. In this paper, we introduce a novel method based on a graph approach to reconstruct transmission trees directly from genetic data. Using simulated data, we show that our approach can efficiently reconstruct genealogies of isolates in situations where classical phylogenetic approaches fail to do so. We then illustrate our method by analyzing data from the early stages of the swine-origin A/H1N1 influenza pandemic. Using 433 isolates sequenced at both the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes, we reconstruct the likely history of the worldwide spread of this new influenza strain. The presented methodology opens new perspectives for the analysis of genetic data in the context of disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

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