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The crystal structure of the tripeptide t-Boc-L-Pro-D-Ala-D-Ala-NHCH3, monohydrate, (C17H30N4O5.H2O, molecular weight = 404.44) has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P2(1), a = 9.2585(4), b = 9.3541(5), c = 12.4529(4)A, beta = 96.449(3) degrees, Z = 2. The peptide units are in the trans and the tBoc-Pro bond in the cis orientation. The first and third peptide units show significant deviations from planarity (delta omega = 5.2 degrees and delta omega = 3.7 degrees, respectively). The backbone torsion angles are: phi 1 = -60 degrees, psi 1 = 143.3 degrees, omega 1 = -174.8 degrees, phi 2 = 148.4 degrees, psi 2 = -143.1 degrees, omega 2 = -179.7 degrees, phi 3 = 151.4 degrees, psi 3 = -151.9 degrees, omega 3 = -176.3 degrees. The pyrrolidine ring of the proline residue adopts the C2-C gamma conformation. The molecular packing gives rise to an antiparallel beta-sheet structure formed of dimeric repeating units of the peptide. The surface of the dimeric beta-sheet is hydrophobic. Water molecules are found systematically at the edges of the sheets interacting with the urethane oxygen and terminal amino groups. Surface catalysis of an L-Ala to D-Ala epimerization process by water molecules adsorbed on to an incipient beta-sheet is suggested as a mechanism whereby crystals of the title peptide were obtained from a solution of tBoc-Pro-D-Ala-Ala-NHCH3.  相似文献   

The conformations of melanostatin have been studied experimentally using CD spectroscopy and via calculations. In aqueous solution and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) there is no evidence that monomers of the tripeptide exist in an ordered (β-bend) structure. In water and TFE solutions (3–6 × 10?4M) the neutral molecules aggregate very slowly, taking about 3 days to attain equilibrium at room temperature. At equivalent concentrations in TFE, although not in water, the cationic molecules also slowly aggregate, although to a lesser extent. Calculations using rotational isomeric state theory give the most probable unperturbed end-to-end distance of the molecule at 9.3 ± 0.1 Å and indicate that a vast majority of the molecules exist in some extended conformation, end-to-end distance ≥6 Å. Only 0.4% of the molecules are calculated to have O…?H separations compatible with a β-bend structure. An intramolecular hydrogen bond must have an energy at least 2 kcal/mol lower than that of an intermolecular hydrogen bond to solvent if a β-bend is to be experimentally observable.  相似文献   

Prediction of beta-turns.   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
An automated computer prediction of the chain reversal regions of globular proteins is described herein using bend frequencies and beta-turn conformational parameters (Pt) determined from 408 beta-turns in 29 proteins calculated from x-ray atomic coordinates. The probability of bend occurrence at residue i is pt = fi X fi+1 X fi+2 X fi+3 with the average bend probability less than Pt greater than = 0.55 X 10(-4). Tetrapeptides with pt greater than 0.75 X 10(-4) ( approximately to 1.5 X less than pt greater than) as well as less than Pt greater than 1.00 and less than Pa greater than less than less than Pt greater than greater than less than P beta greater than are selected by the computer as probable bends. Adjacent probable bends (i.e., 11-14, 12-15, 13-16) are compared pairwise by the computer, and the tetrapeptide with the higher pt value is predicted as a beta-turn. The percentage of bend and nonbend residues predicted correctly for 29 proteins by this computer algorithm is %t+nt = 70%, whereas 78% of the beta-turns were localized correctly within +/- 2 residues. The average beta-turn content in the 29 proteins is 32%, with helical proteins having fewer bends (17%) than beta-sheet proteins (41%). Three proteins having iron-sulfur clusters were found with the highest percentages of beta-turns: Chromatium high potential iron protein (65%), ferredoxin (57%), and rubredoxin (65%). Finally, the bend frequencies at all 12 positions from 457 beta-turns in 29 proteins (Chou and Fasman, 1977) were used to test the effectiveness of predicting bends using 2, 4, 8, and 12 residues as well as different cut-off pt values. The computer analysis showed that 1.25 less than pt greater than to be the best cut-off yielding 70% accuracy in %t+nt for 4 residues and %t+nt = 73% for 12 residues in predicting the bend and nonbend regions of proteins.  相似文献   

The helix-coil transition and conformation of d-CCATGG were investigated using 1H-NMR spectroscopy at various frequencies (90, 276, 400 MHz). The changes in the chemical shifts and linewidths of imino protons between 5 degrees and 35 degrees C show that the d-CCATGG fraying process consists of two stages: the external dC.dG base pairs open at first, th internal dC.dG and central dA.dT base pairs then open simultaneously at higher temperatures similar to the case of d-ACATGT. The midpoint temperatures, the helix and coil proportions and the dissociation constant were determined from the sigma = f(t degree) curves of the base and sugar protons. The results indicate that the midpoint temperature increases with the number of the dG.dC base pair in a given size sequence, while the dissociation enthalpy appears to be independent. The difference between the T1 value of a base proton of the external and internal residues of the same nature is found to be a good criterion for base proton assignment. The high predominance of the S conformation for all residues shows that d-CCATGG duplexes adopt the B-helical conformation.  相似文献   

Virtual and solution conformations of oligosaccharides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
D A Cumming  J P Carver 《Biochemistry》1987,26(21):6664-6676
The possibility that observed nuclear Overhauser enhancements and bulk longitudinal relaxation times, parameters measured by 1H NMR and often employed in determining the preferred solution conformation of biologically important molecules, are the result of averaging over many conformational states is quantitatively evaluated. Of particular interest was to ascertain whether certain 1H NMR determined conformations are "virtual" in nature; i.e., the fraction of the population of molecules actually found at any time within the subset of conformational space defined as the "solution conformation" is vanishingly small. A statistical mechanics approach was utilized to calculate an ensemble average relaxation matrix from which (NOE)'s and (T1)'s are calculated. Model glycosidic linkages in four oligosaccharides were studied. The solution conformation at any glycosidic linkage is properly represented by a normalized, Boltzmann distribution of conformers generated from an appropriate potential energy surface. The nature of the resultant population distributions is such that 50% of the molecular population is found within 1% of available microstates, while 99% of the molecular population occupies about 10% of the ensemble microstates, a number roughly equal to that sterically allowed. From this analysis we conclude that in many cases quantitative interpretation of NMR relaxation data, which attempts to define a single set of allowable torsion angle values consistent with the observed data, will lead to solution conformations that are either virtual or reflect torsion angle values possessed by a minority of the molecular population. On the other hand, calculation of ensemble average NMR relaxation data yields values in agreement with experimental results. Observed values of NMR relaxation data are the result of the complex interdependence of the population distribution and NOE (or T1) surfaces in conformational space. In conformational analyses, NMR data can therefore be used to test different population distributions calculated from empirical potential energy functions.  相似文献   

Leuprolide acetate (pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-d-Leu-Leu-Arg-Pro-NHEt), a potent LHRH agonist in wide clinical use, was characterized conformationally by NMR and circular dichroism. It displayed quite different preferred conformations under different solution conditions: two low population beta-turns in water, a nascent helix in TFE/water at low pH, and a high population beta-turn in TFE/water at slightly acidic pH. The pH-related conformational change in TFE/water is attributed to the pK(a) of the acetate counterion, not to ionizable groups on the peptide. None of these conformations are in exact agreement with previous computational predictions.  相似文献   

The solid-state conformational analysis of t-AOC-L-Pro-OH has indicated that the molecules are not folded up to form an oxy-C7 peptide conformation, but rather that they are held together through intermolecular O-H .... 0 = C (urethane) hydrogen bonds. The tertiary amide bond is in the cis configuration. In solvents of high polarity strongly solvated species largely predominate. In cyclohexane solution non-associated and associated (involving the carboxyl C = O as the proton acceptor) species are simultaneously present. Obviously, the extent of association increases with increasing solute concentration. The amount of the oxy-C7 form, if any, should be extremely small. It is also demonstrated that CD measurements alone can lead to an incorrect picture of the conformational preferences of amino acid derivatives and small peptides in solution.  相似文献   

Prethrombin-2 is the immediate zymogen precursor of the clotting enzyme thrombin, which is generated upon cleavage at R15 and separation of the A chain and catalytic B chain. The X-ray structure of prethrombin-2 determined in the free form at 1.9 ? resolution shows the 215-217 segment collapsed into the active site and occluding 49% of the volume available for substrate binding. Remarkably, some of the crystals harvested from the same crystallization well, under identical solution conditions, diffract to 2.2 ? resolution in the same space group but produce a structure in which the 215-217 segment moves >5 ? and occludes 24% of the volume available for substrate binding. The two alternative conformations of prethrombin-2 have the side chain of W215 relocating >9 ? within the active site and are relevant to the allosteric E*-E equilibrium of the mature enzyme. Another unanticipated feature of prethrombin-2 bears on the mechanism of prothrombin activation. R15 is found buried within the protein in ionic interactions with E14e, D14l, and E18, thereby making its exposure to solvent necessary for proteolytic attack and conversion to thrombin. On the basis of this structural observation, we constructed the E14eA/D14lA/E18A triple mutant to reduce the level of electrostatic coupling with R15 and promote zymogen activation. The mutation causes prethrombin-2 to spontaneously convert to thrombin, without the need for the snake venom ecarin or the physiological prothrombinase complex.  相似文献   

The conformations of every C alpha H-C beta H2 moiety of the peptide gramicidin S are reported. Internal rotation occurs, but distinct preferences for one side chain rotamer, greater than 80%, are found for the D-phenylalanine and ornithine residues. Leucine and valine exhibit more extensive averaging while proline is shown to be at least 90% in the Ramachandran B conformation. The data are consistent with the coexistence of many tertiary conformations of gramicidin S; the statistical weights of the twelve major tertiary conformations consistent with the rotamer populations are reported. The relative statistical weights of the tertiary conformers depend upon temperature and solvent. A comparison of the conclusions from this publication and conformations derived by energy minimization procedures is made. Partial agreement was found, but the calculations have not yet predicted the wealth of coexisting tertiary conformations nor accounted for the subtle effects of solvent. It is proposed that a more complete picture of the conformational dynamics of gramicidin S and other peptides will result from calculations which use as a basis the extensive data reported here.  相似文献   

Anthopleurin-A (AP-A) is a member of a family of sea anemone-derived polypeptides that interact with sodium channels in a voltage-dependent manner, producing a positive inotropic effect on the mammalian heart. There has been considerable interest in this molecule as a lead compound for the development of novel therapeutic agents. Earlier attempts to define the 3-dimensional structure of AP-A were complicated by the fact that it was found to exist in 2 conformations in solution. Using 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, we have now shown that this conformational heterogeneity arises from cis-trans isomerization about the Gly 40-Pro 41 peptide bond and that in the major form of the protein this peptide bond adopts a cis conformation. Furthermore, the increased sensitivity afforded by higher-field NMR has allowed identification of additional minor conformations of AP-A, the origin of which is presently unknown. We believe there will be many more examples of the detection by high-field NMR of previously unobserved minor conformations of proteins in solution.  相似文献   

The structure of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) from the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus has been determined by x-ray crystallography to a 2.5-A resolution. The overall structure resembles a "right hand," as seen before in other polymerases, including the RdRPs of polio virus and hepatitis C virus. Two copies of the polymerase are present in the asymmetric unit of the crystal, revealing active and inactive conformations within the same crystal form. The fingers and palm domains form a relatively rigid unit, but the thumb domain can adopt either "closed" or "open" conformations differing by a rigid body rotation of approximately 8 degrees. Metal ions bind at different positions in the two conformations and suggest how structural changes may be important to enzymatic function in RdRPs. Comparisons between the structures of the alternate conformational states of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus RdRP and the structures of RdRPs from hepatitis C virus and polio virus suggest novel structure-function relationships in this medically important class of enzymes.  相似文献   

The conformational states in dioxane and ethanol of gramicidin A and of analogs varying in chain length and amino acid sequence have been studied. Infrared, CD, and polarization of fluorescence spectra of the peptides were measured, from which dimerization constants were determined and spectral characteristics of the monomeric and dimeric states obtained. Resonance splitting of the amide I ir band has been calculated for all gramicidin A models proposed earlier. Detailed comparison of the experimental and computed spectra showed that the four dimeric gramicidin species present in solution are predominantly antiparallel double ?ππld helices in equilibrium with smaller amounts of head-to-head associated πLD helices. The gramicidin A monomer was found to be a πLD4.4 helix in dioxane. For each conformational form the number of residues per turn and the helical sense were determined. The relationship between the amino acid sequence and the structure and stability of the dimer in the series of gramicidin A and its analogs is discussed. The above findings are rationalized in terms of the membrane channel properties of gramicidin A, in particular the conformational rearrangements occurring during the passage of metal ions through the channel and also the differences in conformation of the antibiotic in nonpolar solutions and in the membrane.  相似文献   

Important aspects in detailed nmr analyses of the conformations of linear peptides are discussed using enkephalin and the α-mating factor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as examples. The cationic, dipolar, and anionic forms in dimethyl sulfoxide solution may be identified by ir analyses. Because of the electrostatic interaction between the N- and C-terminal groups, the dipolar form of enkephalin takes the folded conformation, as well as extended conformation(s), in dimethyl sulfoxide solution. Such conformational equilibrium is responsible for anomalous temperature dependences and solvent-composition dependences of the amide and Cα proton chemical shifts. Active analogs, enkephalinamide and enkephalinol, take extended conformation(s) in solution. These opioid peptides probably take a specific active conformation upon binding with a receptor. For the α-mating factor and active peptide analogs in aqueous solution, a folded conformation with two βturn structures is responsible for the biological activity.  相似文献   

Y Zheng  B Shopes  D Holowka  B Baird 《Biochemistry》1992,31(33):7446-7456
Dynamic conformations of two distinct immunoglobulin (Ig) isotypes, murine IgE and human IgG1, were examined with fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements. The IgE mutant epsilon/C gamma 3* and the IgG1 mutant gamma/C gamma 3* each bind [5-(dimethylamino)naphthalen-1-yl]sulfonyl (DNS) in two identical antigen binding sites at the amino (N)-terminal ends of the Ig in the Fab segments. Eosin-DNS bound in these Fab sites served as the acceptor probe in these studies. Both Ig have a carboxy (C)-terminal domain (C gamma 3*) which contains genetically introduced cysteine residues. Modification of these cysteine sulfhydryls with fluorescein maleimide provided donor probes near the C-terminal ends of the Ig in the Fc segment. Energy transfer between the C-terminal and N-terminal ends was compared for these two Ig in solution and when they were found to their respective high-affinity receptors on plasma membranes: IgE-Fc epsilon RI on RBL cell membranes and IgG1-Fc gamma RI on U937 cell membranes. Previous energy-transfer measurements with these probes yielded an average end-to-end distance of 71 A for IgE in solution and 69 A for IgE bound to Fc epsilon RI, indicating that in both situations IgE is bent such that the axes of the Fab segments and the axis of the Fc segment do not form a planar Y-shape [Zheng, Shopes, Holowka, & Baird (1991) Biochemistry 30, 9125]. In the current study we found the average end-to-end distance for IgG1 in solution is 75 A and greater than or equal to 85 A for IgG1 bound to Fc gamma RI, suggesting an average bend conformation for IgG1 as well. The contributions of segmental flexibility to the average distances were assessed directly by measuring the efficiency of energy transfer as a function of variations in donor quantum yield caused by a collisional quencher and using these data to extract a Gaussian distribution of end-to-end distances. The distribution average (rho) and half-width (hw) were determined to be as follows: rho = 75 A, hw = 24 A for IgE in solution; rho = 71 A, hw = 12 A for IgE bound to Fc epsilon RI; and rho = 100 A, hw = 88 A for IgG in solution.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cyclic pentapeptides are excellent models for reverse turns and have been used extensively in our laboratory to explore the influence of different amino acid sequences on turn preference. This paper is divided into two parts: In the first, we review our previous studies of cyclic pentapeptides. We summarize work that demonstrates the range of conformations possible within the cyclic pentapeptide backbone, the importance of sequence chirality in determining the backbone fold, and the utility of these cyclic pentapeptides as models for various turns. In the second, we present new results on two cyclic pentapeptides that contain beta-turns with Pro-Ala or Pro-Asn sequences in the i + 1 and i + 2 positions. By stereochemical criteria, a type I beta-turn is expected to be preferred by such L-L sequences. On the other hand, in proteins Asn occurs frequently in the i + 2 position of type II turns. We asked whether the same propensity would be manifest in an isolated model peptide, and if so, what the interactions were that influenced the relative stability of the type I and type II turns. To address these questions we have compared the conformational behavior of two peptides: cyclo(Gly-Pro-Ala-D-Phe-Pro) and cyclo(D-Ala-Pro-Asn-Gly-Pro). From previous studies, we anticipated that both peptides would contain an inverse gamma-turn and a beta-turn which consisted of either Gly-Pro-Ala-D-Phe or D-Ala-Pro-Asn-Gly in positions i to i + 3, respectively. Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis confirms this overall backbone conformation. Furthermore, quantitative nuclear Overhauser effect measurements in combination with molecular dynamics simulations and torsionally-forced energy minimizations have enabled us to determine that both type I and type II beta-turns are present in equilibrium in these peptides. The introduction of Asn in position i + 2 shifts this equilibrium significantly towards type II. We have done preliminary assessment of the possible side-chain/backbone conformations that contribute to the shift in populations.  相似文献   

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