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The subgenus Tridentatae of Artemisia (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) is composed of 11 species of various taxonomic and geographic complexities. It is centered on Artemisia tridentata with its three widespread common subspecies and two more geographically confined ones. Meiotic chromosome counts on pollen mother cells and mitotic chromosome counts on root tips were made on 364 populations ( = 3.1 plants per population). These population counts are ~60% of all Tridentatae counts. Some are first records for taxa. The Tridentatae are a polyploid complex (x = 9) with ploidy levels from 2x to 8x, but mostly 2x (48%) and 4x (46%). Polyploidy occurs in nine of the 11 species and in many subspecies as well. Supernumerary or b chromosomes are present only at a low frequency. In the principal species, A. tridentata, 2x plants are larger than 4x ones, which are adapted to drier conditions, probably in consequence of their slower growth rates. Gigas diploidy is a phenomenon shared by some other woody genera, but is in contrast to the gigas polyploid nature of many herbaceous genera. Polyploidy occurs within populations and is essentially autoploid. Hybridization sometimes occurs at taxa interfaces in stable hybrid zones. Stable Tridentatae hybrid zones coupled with the group's inherent propensity for polyploidization has led to the establishment of a geographically and numerically large and successful complex of species.  相似文献   

Flowering and fruiting behaviour of female and hermaphrodite florets is described and assessed in samples from three populations from Denmark, England and Sweden. Between 25 and 50% of the florets in capitula are female, and flowering gender varies little among plants in each population. Fruiting gender of individuals, G (femaleness), varies from 0 to 0.85, because of variation in fruit set and fruit abortion. Variation in fruiting gender was correlated with plant size parameters in two populations, but not in the third. The data suggest that post-anthesis regulation of maternal investment may be operating. Florets of A. vulgaris are either totally specialized for pollen receipt (female florets) or largely specialized for pollen donation (hermaphrodite florets), and show adaptations for avoiding interference with each other in these functions. Movement of capitula from a pendent position at flowering to an erect position at fruiting optimizes positions for dissemination of pollen and of seeds respectively.  相似文献   

Artemisia annua is an important medicinal plant from which Artemisinin was extracted to cure malaria effectively. We developed eight microsatellite markers from the genome of A. annua using the FIASCO protocol. Polymorphism of each locus was assessed in 54 individuals from two Chinese populations. The average allele number of these microsatellites was 3.1 per locus, ranging from 2 to 6. The observed (H O) and expected (H E) heterozygosity were from 0.019 to 0.907 and from 0.055 to 0.793, respectively. These microsatellite markers would provide a useful tool for genetic studies of A. annua. H.-R. Huang and G. Zhou have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Nineteen chromosome counts of 12 Artemisia species are reported from Armenia and Iran. Three of them are new reports, sewn are not consistent with previous counts and the remaining are confirmations of very scarce (one to three) previous data. Two basic chromosome numbers (x = 8 and 9) were found, each with several ploidy levels. Chromosome number reduction arising from fusion homozygosity was noted, confirming earlier studies.  相似文献   

对白沙蒿( Artemisia sphaerocephaha Krasch.)种子萌发不同阶段的种胚提取物中几种可能降解果皮外层粘液物质的多糖内切酶进行了检测.研究结果表明:多聚半乳糖醛酸酶在干燥胚中已存在并具较高的活性,但其活性随着种子吸涨及萌发而降低.此酶并不释放到种胚外.β-甘露聚糖内切酶随着种子的吸涨而增加并被萌发的种胚释放到种子外.纤维素酶在种子萌发的过程中不表现出活性.提取物中的所有多糖内切酶都无法降解果皮外层的粘液物质.  相似文献   

Artemisia monosperma是分布于西奈半岛以及以色列地中海沿岸许多活动沙丘及固定沙丘上的建群种植物,在固定沙丘上,雨后的蓝细菌结皮上能产生径流水,A.monosperma的种子在径流水上漂浮并被传播到低洼处或土壤缝隙中,实验表明,有一半的种子在蒸馏水上漂浮3d,而在各种浓度的盐溶液上则能漂浮更长时间,低浓度的盐溶液对种子的萌发无影响而高浓度的盐分抑制种子的萌发,NO3^-可能是影响种子在沙质蓝细菌结皮上萌发的因素,低浓度的NO2_促进种子萌发而高浓度则抑制。预湿处理的实验表明,在自然生境中,暴露地表或埋在浅表层的种子经受每晚的露水以及小量雨水的反复湿,春萌发力有可能通过强人作用而提高。  相似文献   

Seventeen chromosome counts of 14 Artemisia and one Mausolea species are reported from Uzbekistan. Five of them are new reports, two are not consistent with previous counts and the remaining are confirmations of very scarce (one to four) previous data. Two basic chromosome numbers (x = 8 and x = 9) and two ploidy levels (2x and 4x) were found. Some correlations between ploidy level, morphological characters and distribution are noted.  相似文献   

Waltari E  Cook JA 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(10):3005-3016
Phylogeographical investigations of arctic organisms provide spatial and temporal frameworks for interpreting the role of climate change on biotic diversity in high-latitude ecosystems. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted on 473 base pairs of the mitochondrial control region in 192 arctic hares (Lepus arcticus, Lepus othus, Lepus timidus) and two individual Lepus townsendii. The three arctic hare species are closely related. All L. othus individuals form one well-supported clade, L. arcticus individuals form two well-supported clades, and L. timidus individuals are scattered throughout the phylogeny. Arctic hare distribution was altered dramatically following post-Pleistocene recession of continental ice sheets. We tested for genetic signatures of population expansion for hare populations now found in deglaciated areas. Historical demographic estimates for 12 arctic hare populations from throughout their range indicate that L. arcticus and L. othus persisted in two separate North American arctic refugia (Beringia and High Canadian Arctic) during glacial advances of the Pleistocene, while the high genetic diversity in L. timidus likely reflects multiple Eurasian refugia.  相似文献   

Abstract: Using optical and scanning electron microscopy, we carried out a palynological study of some plant species with a systematic position that has been controversial. One of the taxa belongs to the genus Artemisia (Asteraceae, Anthemideae), but has been described in another genus (Artemisia incana/Tanacetum incanum). The remaining taxa have been named or combined in Artemisia but are now considered members of small genera mostly segregated from Artemisia (Ajania, Hippolytia, Kaschgaria, Lepidolopsis, Mausolea, Turaniphytum), or belong to very close genera (Brachanthemum, Sphaeromeria). We confirm the existence of two pollen morphological patterns - concerning ornamentation - in the tribe Anthemideae: one with long spines ( Anthemis type) and the other with short spinules ( Artemisia type). Artemisia and its related genera can also be divided into two groups according to this feature, which is a good taxonomic marker, well correlated with other morphological and molecular characters.  相似文献   

While the biophysics of anemophilous pollen dispersal is understood in principle, empirical studies for testing such principles are rare, particularly in native ecosystems. This paper describes mechanisms underlying the dispersal of Artemisia pollen in a Wyoming sagebrush steppe. The relationships between meteorological variables and pollen flux were defined during the 1999 Artemisia flowering season, and detailed processes at the individual plant level were experimentally tested in the field in 2000. Results indicated that Artemisia pollen presentation is continuous but with early morning maxima. Atmospheric pollen concentrations and potential dispersal rates are controlled at diurnal time scales by individual flower development together with characteristic changes in temperature/humidity and wind speeds, at multi-day scales by frontal weather patterns, and at week-long scales by flowering phenology.  相似文献   

Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) is one of the most important pests of agriculture worldwide. To control the pest population, research on the use of the environmental and plant-based compounds has increased in recent decades. So, in this study, effect of fumigant toxicity of Artemisia dracunculus L. essential oil on adults of the mentioned pest was studied. The essential oil of this plant was subjected to hydro-distillation using a Clevenger apparatus. All bioassay examinations were conducted at 27?±?2 and 65?±?5?°C relative humidity and a photoperiod of 16:8?h (light:dark). This research was performed in a completely random design with six treatments in different concentrations and times to evaluate the level of LC50 and LT50. Each treatment was evaluated in three replicates for different concentrations and times with each replicate consisting of 20 same-age adult pests. The results showed that the use of the essential oil of A. dracunculus L. shows significant mortality of pest 24?h after treatment. LC50 value of this essential oil on adults of A. gossypii was 18.63?μL/L of air and LT50 value of the essential oil on the mentioned pest resulted to be 10.74?h with a concentration of 18.63?μL/L of air. The results showed that by increasing the concentration and duration of essence treatment, the mortality rate also increased. Experiment results showed that A. dracunculus L. oil has strong effect on the above-mentioned pest and it will be suggested for using in the mentioned integrated pest management programmes in greenhouses for its high potential in fumigant toxicity.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Seed longevity and persistence in soil seed banks may be especially important for population persistence in ecosystems where opportunities for seedling establishment and disturbance are unpredictable. The fire regime, an important driver of population dynamics in sagebrush steppe ecosystems, has been altered by exotic annual grass invasion. Soil seed banks may play an active role in postfire recovery of the foundation shrub Artemisia tridentata, yet conditions under which seeds persist are largely unknown. ? Methods: We investigated seed longevity of two Artemisia tridentata subspecies in situ by retrieving seed bags that were placed at varying depths over a 2 yr period. We also sampled naturally dispersed seeds in litter and soil immediately after seed dispersal and before flowering in subsequent seasons to estimate seed persistence. ? Key results: After 24 mo, seeds buried at least 3 cm below the soil surface retained 30-40% viability whereas viability of seeds on the surface and under litter declined to 0 and < 11%, respectively. The density of naturally dispersed seeds in the seed bank was highly heterogeneous both spatially and temporally, and attrition varied significantly by region. ? Conclusions: Our study suggests that Artemisia tridentata has the potential to form a short-term soil seed bank that persists longer than has been commonly assumed, and that burial is necessary for seed longevity. Use of seeding techniques that promote burial of some seeds to aid in formation of a soil seed bank may increase restoration potential.  相似文献   

Twenty-two chromosome counts of 19 taxa in the tribe Anthemideae of the family Asteraceae are reported from north-east Anatolia, Turkey. The taxa belong to the subtribes Achilleinae (four Achillea taxa), Anthemidinae (five Anthemis taxa), Artemisiinae (two Artemisia species), Leucantheminae (one Lecanthemum species), Matricariinae (two Tripleurospermum species) and Tanacetinae (five Tanacetum taxa). Six counts are new reports, seven are not consistent with previous counts, and the remainder are confirmations of very limited previous data. Most of the populations of Anthemideae studied have the basic number x  = 9, with ploidy levels ranging from 2 x to 7 to 8 x , but dysploidy is also present, with one diploid species, Artemisia austriaca , having x  = 8.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 203–211.  相似文献   

Grindelia is a genus with a complex evolutionary history with reticulate evolution. We studied the karyotype, fluorescent banding, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using 18–5.8–26 S and 5 S ribosomal DNA probes to survey karyotypic diversity of South American Grindelia species. Chromosome basic numbers were x = 6 (with several ploidy levels: 2x, 4x, and 6x). All the Grindelia studied conserved the patterns of CG-rich heterochromatin and 18-5.8-26 S rDNA. The third m sat-chromosome pair was homeologous in Grindelia. Chromosome variation, although not always large, accompanied the evolutionary divergence of the taxa studied. The Grindelia studied formed two species groups: (1) G. globularifolia and G. pulchella var. pulchella, (2) G. buphthalmoides, G. cabrerae var. alatocarpa and var. cabrerae, G. chiloensis, G. orientalis, and G. prostrata. These groups do not show any morphological affinities and their phylogenetic relationships are not clearly resolved, suggesting that these groups have recently diverged.  相似文献   

M Torrell  J Vallès 《Génome》2001,44(2):231-238
Genome size was estimated by flow cytometry in 24 populations belonging to 22 Artemisia taxa (21 species, 1 with two subspecies), which represent the distinct subgenera, life forms, basic chromosome numbers, and ploidy levels in the genus. 2C nuclear DNA content values range from 3.5 to 25.65 pg, which represents a more than sevenfold variation. DNA content per haploid genome ranges from 1.75 to 5.76 pg. DNA amount is very well correlated with karyotype length and ploidy level. Some variations in genome size have systematic and evolutionary implications, whereas others are linked to ecological selection pressures.  相似文献   

Twenty-two chromosome counts of 19 taxa (21 populations) in the tribe Anthemideae and one member (one population) of the tribe Inuleae of the family Asteraceae are reported. The Anthemideae studied belong to the subtribes Artemisiinae (14 Artemisia taxa, and one species each of the genera Dendranthema , Filifolium and Neopallasia ) and Tanacetinae (one species each of the genera Lepidolopha and Tanacetopsis ). From the Inuleae, we studied one Inula species. Five counts are new reports (including two at generic level), six are not consistent with previous counts and the remainder are confirmations of very limited (one to four records) previous data. Most of populations of Anthemideae studied have the basic chromosome number x  = 9, with ploidy levels ranging from 2 x to 10 x . Dysploidy is also present, with two x  = 8 diploid taxa. The species of Inuleae studied is a diploid with x  = 10, also indicating dysploidy, other members of the same genus Inula having basic numbers of x  = 9 or 8.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 77–85.  相似文献   

This study encompasses 25 chromosome counts of 18 species in the subtribe Artemisiinae (tribe Anthemideae) of the family Asteraceae, from Mongolia. Most (15 species) belong to Artemisia , the largest genus of the subtribe, whereas the others come from two genera very closely related to it: Ajania (two species) and Neopallasia (one species). Eleven counts are new reports, three are not consistent with previous reports and the remainder confirm scanty earlier information. The majority of the species have x  = 9 as their basic chromosome number, but there are some taxa with x  = 8. Ploidy levels range from 2 x to 6 x . The presence of B-chromosomes was detected in Ajania fruticulosa .  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 203–210.  相似文献   

流动沙丘先锋灌木差巴嘎蒿的种子散布格局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对科尔沁沙地流动沙丘上先锋植物差巴嘎蒿的种子散布格局及机理的实验研究,主要得出以下结论:差巴嘎蒿母株向不同方向散布的种子,其数量与距离存在明显的差异.母株向西南方向散布的种子数量最多,种子累积数量高达4 590±1 260,比其它各方向多29%至12倍.向北方向散布的种子数量最少,距离最短,种子累积数量为344±44,距离仅在100 cm的范围内.不同方向差巴嘎蒿种子散布的密度均随着散布距离的增加而呈对数关系减小,表现出显著的相关性.不同方向差巴嘎蒿远离母株的种子散布密度与累积面积之间存在显著的相关性,其间关系可用对数曲线来描述.结果显示,差巴嘎蒿向不同方向散布的种子密度均随着累积面积的增加而增加.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is a key factor in the evolution of higher plants and plays an important role in the variation of plant genomes, leading to speciation in some cases. During polyploidisation, different balancing processes take place at the genomic level that can promote variation in nuclear DNA content. We estimated genome size using flow cytometry in 84 populations of 67 Artemisia species and one population of Crossostephium chinense. A total of 73 sequences of nrDNA ITS and 3′‐ETS were newly generated and analysed, together with previously published sequences, to address the evolution of genome size in a phylogenetic framework. Differences in 2C values were detected among some lineages, as well as an increase of genome size heterogeneity in subgenera whose phylogenetic relationships are still unclear. We confirmed that the increase in 2C values in Artemisia polyploids was not proportional to ploidy level, but 1Cx genome size tended to decrease significantly when high ploidy levels were reached. The results lead us to hypothesise that genome size in polyploids tends to a maximum as it follows saturation behaviour, in agreement with the Michaelis–Menten model. We tested different arithmetic functions with our dataset that corroborated a non‐linear relationship of genome size increase in polyploids, allowing us to suggest a theoretical upper limit for the DNA content of this genus.  相似文献   

以茎段浸泡法和培养基培养法诱导新疆一枝蒿多倍体的结果表明,茎段浸泡法的诱导效果比较好,其中以0.2%秋水仙素浸泡茎段1d的处理效果最好,多倍体诱导率达27.3%。  相似文献   

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