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A cDNA clone encoding tenascin-W, a novel member of the tenascin family, was isolated from a 20- to 28-h postfertilization (hpf) zebrafish cDNA library on the basis of the conserved epidermal growth factor-like domains represented in all tenascin molecules. An open reading frame of 2796 base pairs encodes a mature protein consisting of heptad repeats, a cysteine-rich amino terminal region, 3.5 epidermal growth factor-like repeats, five fibronectin type III homologous repeats, and a domain homologous to fibrinogen. These domains are the typical modular elements of molecules of the tenascin family. Sequence comparison demonstrated that TN-W shares homologies with the members of the tenascin family but is not a species homolog of any identified tenascin. The expression pattern of tn-w was analyzed by in situ hybridization in 1-day-old embryos, in 3-day-old larvae, and in juvenile zebrafish. At 24–25 hpf, tn-w mRNA was expressed in the lateral plate mesoderm, most conspicuously in the presumptive sclerotome. Migrating cells of sclerotomal and neural crest origins also showed high levels of expression. At 3 days, expression by sclerotomal and neural crest cells continued to be observed while expression in the somitic mesoderm was decreased. In juvenile fish, tn-w was expressed weakly by cells in the myosepta and, more strongly, by presumably nonneuronal cells in the dorsal root ganglia. In these tissues and at the same developmental stages, the expression of tn-w partially overlapped with the distribution of tn-c mRNA. In addition, tn-c was expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) and in the axial mesoderm, neither of which expressed tn-w at any of the age stages examined. The expression pattern of tn-w suggests an involvement in neural crest and sclerotome cell migration and in the formation of the skeleton. Similar and possibly overlapping functions could also be performed by tn-c, which appears to have additional functions during the development of the CNS. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 35: 1–16, 1998  相似文献   

J. Neurochem. (2012) 122, 1010-1022. ABSTRACT: Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. It is axonally transported, endocytosed and sorted to different cellular compartments where amyloid beta (Aβ) is produced. However, the mechanism of APP trafficking remains unclear. We present evidence that huntingtin associated protein 1 (HAP1) may reduce Aβ production by regulating APP trafficking to the non-amyloidogenic pathway. HAP1 and APP are highly colocalized in a number of brain regions, with similar distribution patterns in both mouse and human brains. They are associated with each other, the interacting site is the 371-599 of HAP1. APP is more retained in cis-Golgi, trans-Golgi complex, early endosome and ER-Golgi intermediate compartment in HAP1-/- neurons. HAP1 deletion significantly alters APP endocytosis and reduces the re-insertion of APP into the cytoplasmic membrane. Amyloid precursor protein-YFP(APP-YFP) vesicles in HAP1-/- neurons reveal a decreased trafficking rate and an increased number of motionless vesicles. Knock-down of HAP1 protein in cultured cortical neurons of Alzheimer's disease mouse model increases Aβ levels. Our data suggest that HAP1 regulates APP subcellular trafficking to the non-amyloidogenic pathway and may negatively regulate Aβ production in neurons.  相似文献   

Deposition of beta‐amyloid (Aβ) is considered as an important early event in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease (AD), and reduction of Aβ levels by various therapeutic approaches is actively being pursued. A potentially non‐inflammatory approach to facilitate clearance and reduce toxicity is to hydrolyze Aβ at its α‐secretase site. We have previously identified a light chain fragment, mk18, with α‐secretase‐like catalytic activity, producing the 1–16 and 17–40 amino acid fragments of Aβ40 as primary products, although hydrolysis is also observed following other lysine and arginine residues. To improve the specific activity of the recombinant antibody by affinity maturation, we constructed a single chain variable fragment (scFv) library containing a randomized CDR3 heavy chain region. A biotinylated covalently reactive analog mimicking α‐secretase site cleavage was synthesized, immobilized on streptavidin beads, and used to select yeast surface expressed scFvs with increased specificity for Aβ. After two rounds of selection against the analog, yeast cells were individually screened for proteolytic activity towards an internally quenched fluorogenic substrate that contains the α‐secretase site of Aβ. From 750 clones screened, the two clones with the highest increase in proteolytic activity compared to the parent mk18 were selected for further study. Kinetic analyses using purified soluble scFvs showed a 3‐ and 6‐fold increase in catalytic activity (kcat/KM) toward the synthetic Aβ substrate compared to the original scFv primarily due to an expected decrease in KM rather than an increase in kcat. This affinity maturation strategy can be used to select for scFvs with increased catalytic specificity for Aβ. These proteolytic scFvs have potential therapeutic applications for AD by decreasing soluble Aβ levels in vivo. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

The ascomcete Ceratocystis fimbriata, the causal agent of “canker stain disease,” secretes a protein of 12.4 kDa that elicits phytoalexin synthesis and plant cell death. This protein, named cerato-platanin (CP), is also located in the cell walls of ascospores, hyphae, and conidia; it contains four cysteines (S-S bridged) and is moderately hydrophobic. The cp gene consists of a single exon and has 42 bp codifying for a signal peptide of 14 residues. The recombinant protein was obtained by cloning the cp gene of the mature protein in Escherichia coli (BL21), and a refolding step was needed to achieve the native active form. In the European Molecular Biology data bank, CP is reported as the first member of the CP family; this is the first example of an set of secreted fungal proteins whose primary structure is very similar. Nonetheless, the data also revealed some structural and functional features that make CP simlar to proteins of the hydrophobin family.  相似文献   

The testicans are a three‐member family of secreted proteoglycans structurally related to the BM‐40/secreted protein acidic and rich in cystein (SPARC) osteonectin family of extracellular calcium‐binding proteins. In vitro studies have indicated that testicans are involved in the regulation of extracellular protease cascades and in neuronal function. Here, we describe the biochemical characterization and tissue distribution of mouse testican‐3 as well as the inactivation of the corresponding gene. The expression of testican‐3 in adult mice is restricted to the brain, where it is located diffusely within the extracellular matrix, as well as associated with cells. Brain‐derived testican‐3 is a heparan sulphate proteoglycan. In cell culture, the core protein is detected in the supernatant and the extracellular matrix, whereas the proteoglycan form is restricted to the supernatant. This indicates possible interactions of the testican‐3 core protein with components of the extracellular matrix which are blocked by addition of the glycosaminoglycan chains. Mice deficient in testican‐3 are viable and fertile and do not show an obvious phenotype. This points to a functional redundancy among the different members of the testican family or between testican‐3 and other brain heparan sulphate proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Although Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by the extracellular deposition of fibrillar aggregates of beta‐amyloid (Aβ), transient oligomeric species of Aβ are increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis of AD. Natively unfolded monomeric Aβ can misfold and progressively assemble into fibrillar aggregates, following a well‐established “on pathway” seeded‐nucleation mechanism. Here, we show that three simple saccharides, mannose, sucrose, and raffinose, alter Aβ aggregation kinetics and morphology. The saccharides inhibit formation of Aβ fibrils but promote formation of various oligomeric aggregate species through different “off pathway” aggregation mechanisms at 37°C but not at 60°C. The various oligomeric Aβ aggregates formed when coincubated with the different saccharides are morphologically distinct but all are toxic toward SH‐SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells, increasing the level of toxicity and greatly prolonging toxicity compared with Aβ alone. As a wide variety of anti‐Aβ aggregation strategies are being actively pursued as potential therapeutics for AD, these studies suggest that care must be taken to ensure that the therapeutic agents also block toxic oligomeric Aβ assembly as well as inhibit fibril formation. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Rho‐associated coiled‐coil kinase 1 (ROCK1) is proposed to be implicated in Aβ suppression; however, the role for ROCK1 in amyloidogenic metabolism of amyloid precursor protein (APP) to produce Aβ was unknown. In the present study, we showed that ROCK1 kinase activity and its APP binding were enhanced in AD brain, resulting in increased β‐secretase cleavage of APP. Furthermore, we firstly confirmed that APP served as a substrate for ROCK1 and its major phosphorylation site was located at Ser655. The increased level of APP Ser655 phosphorylation was observed in the brain of APP/PS1 mice and AD patients compared to controls. Moreover, blockade of APP Ser655 phosphorylation, or inhibition of ROCK1 activity with either shRNA knockdown or Y‐27632, ameliorated amyloid pathology and improved learning and memory in APP/PS1 mice. These findings suggest that activated ROCK1 targets APP Ser655 phosphorylation, which promotes amyloid processing and pathology. Inhibition of ROCK1 could be a potential therapeutic approach for AD.  相似文献   

The mechanistic relationship between amyloid β1‐42 (Aβ1‐42) and the alteration of Tau protein are debated. We investigated the effect of Aβ1‐42 monomers and oligomers on Tau, using mice expressing wild‐type human Tau that do not spontaneously develop Tau pathology. After intraventricular injection of Aβ1‐42, mice were sacrificed after 3 h or 4 days. The short‐lasting treatment with Aβ monomers, but not oligomers, showed a conformational PHF‐like change of Tau, together with hyperphosphorylation. The same treatment induced increase in concentration of GSK3 and MAP kinases. The inhibition of the kinases rescued the Tau changes. Aβ monomers increased the levels of total Tau, through the inhibition of proteasomal degradation. Aβ oligomers reproduced all the aforementioned alterations only after 4 days of treatment. It is known that Aβ1‐42 monomers foster synaptic activity. Our results suggest that Aβ monomers physiologically favor Tau activity and dendritic sprouting, whereas their excess causes Tau pathology. Moreover, our study indicates that anti‐Aβ therapies should be targeted to Aβ1‐42 monomers too.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are considered as novel nanomaterials because of their nanoscale width, a regular constituting structure of cross β‐sheet conformation, and considerable mechanical strength. By using an amyloidogenic protein of β2‐microglobulin (β2M) related to dialysis‐related amyloidosis, nanoporous protein matrix has been prepared. The β2M granules made of around 15 monomers showed an average size of 23.1 nm. They formed worm‐like fibrils at pH 7.4 in 20 mM sodium phosphate containing 0.15 M NaCl following vigorous nondirectional shaking incubation, in which they became laterally associated and interwound to generate the porous amyloid fibrillar matrix with an average pore size of 30–50 nm. This nanoporous protein matrix was demonstrated to be selectively disintegrated by reducing agents, such as tris‐(2‐carboxyethyl) phosphine. High surface area with nanopores on the surface has been suggested to make the matrix of β2M amyloid fibrils particularly suitable for applications in the area of nanobiotechnology including drug delivery and tissue engineering. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

The deposition of amyloid‐β (Aβ) peptide, which is generated from amyloid precursor protein (APP), is the pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Three APP familial AD mutations (D678H, D678N, and H677R) located at the sixth and seventh amino acid of Aβ have distinct effect on Aβ aggregation, but their influence on the physiological and pathological roles of APP remain unclear. We found that the D678H mutation strongly enhances amyloidogenic cleavage of APP, thus increasing the production of Aβ. This enhancement of amyloidogenic cleavage is likely because of the acceleration of APPD678H sorting into the endosomal‐lysosomal pathway. In contrast, the APPD678N and APPH677R mutants do not cause the same effects. Therefore, this study indicates a regulatory role of D678H in APP sorting and processing, and provides genetic evidence for the importance of APP sorting in AD pathogenesis.


Lipidation catalyzed by protein prenyltransferases is essential for the biological function of a number of eukaryotic proteins, many of which are involved in signal transduction and vesicular traffic regulation. Sequence similarity searches reveal that the alpha-subunit of protein prenyltransferases (PTalpha) is a member of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) superfamily. This finding makes the three-dimensional structure of the rat protein farnesyltransferase the first structural model of a TPR protein interacting with its protein partner. Structural comparison of the two TPR domains in protein farnesyltransferase and protein phosphatase 5 indicates that variation in TPR consensus residues may affect protein binding specificity through altering the overall shape of the TPR superhelix. A general approach to evolutionary analysis of proteins with repetitive sequence motifs has been developed and applied to the protein prenyltransferases and other TPR proteins. The results suggest that all members in PTalpha family originated from a common multirepeat ancestor, while the common ancestor of PTalpha and other members of TPR superfamily is likely to be a single repeat protein.  相似文献   

The misfolding of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) is regarded as one of the causative factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Salvia miltiorrhiza (Danshen), one of the most commonly used of traditional Chinese medicines, is often used in Compound Recipes for treating diabetes, however with unclear mechanisms. Since salvianolic acid B (SalB) is the most abundant bioactive ingredient of salvia miltiorrhiza water‐extract. In this study, we tested whether SalB has any effect on the amyloidogenicity of hIAPP. Our results clearly suggest that SalB can significantly inhibit the formation of hIAPP amyloid and disaggregate hIAPP fibrils. Furthermore, photo‐crosslinking based oligomerization studies suggest SalB significantly suppresses the toxic oligomerization of hIAPP monomers. Cytotoxicity protection effects on pancreatic INS‐1 cells by SalB were also observed using MTT‐based assays, potentially due to the inhibition on the membrane disruption effects and attenuated mitochondria impairment induced by hIAPP. These results provide evidence that SalB may further be studied on the possible pharmacological treatment for T2DM. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

MafT, a new member of the small Maf protein family in zebrafish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Small Maf proteins play critical roles on morphogenesis and homeostasis through associating with CNC proteins. To date, three small Maf proteins, MafF, MafG, and MafK, have been reported in vertebrates, which share redundant functions. In this study, we tried to identify and characterize small Maf proteins in zebrafish to elucidate their conservation and diversity in the fish kingdom. We identified homolog genes of MafG and MafK but not MafF in zebrafish, indicating the former two are conserved among vertebrates. In addition, a novel type of small Maf protein MafT was identified. MafT protein bound MARE sequence as a homodimer or heterodimers with zebrafish Nrf2 or p45 Nfe2. Co-overexpression of MafT and Nrf2 synergistically activated MARE-mediated gene expression in zebrafish embryos. These results indicated that MafT is a new member of small Maf proteins and involved in the Nrf2-dependent gene regulation in cellular defense system.  相似文献   

The beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) is central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, but its normal functions in the brain are poorly understood. A number of APP-interacting proteins have been identified: intracellularly, APP interacts with adaptor proteins through its conserved NPXY domain; extracellularly, APP interacts with a component of the extracellular matrix, F-spondin. Interestingly, many of these APP-interacting proteins also interact with the family of receptors for apolipoprotein E (apoE), the Alzheimer's disease risk factor. apoE receptors also share with APP the fact that they are cleaved by the same secretase activities. apoE receptors are shed from the cell surface, a cleavage that is regulated by receptor-ligand interactions, and C-terminal fragments of apoE receptors are cleaved by gamma-secretase. Functionally, both APP and apoE receptors affect neuronal migration and synapse formation in the brain. This review summarizes these numerous interactions between APP and apoE receptors, which provide clues about the normal functions of APP.  相似文献   

人类糖脂转运结构域2蛋白(Glycolipid transfer protein domain containing 2,GLTPD2)是糖脂转运蛋白(Glycolipid trans-fer protein,GLTP)家族的一个新成员,其功能目前尚不清楚.研究的目的在于通过生物信息学分析,预测人类GLTPD2的结构、...  相似文献   

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