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Enrichment is an increasingly serious trend in natural ecosystems. A theoretical model of a predator–prey system with a natural assumption of satiation in predation predicts that enrichment causes the populations to fluctuate to stochastic extinction. However, this ''paradox of enrichment'' does not always occur in experimental and natural communities. Here we present a theoretical model that describes a novel mechanism for resolving the paradox in the case of a predator with optimal selective feeding. Specifically, a less profitable but edible (thus `unpalatable'') prey species sharply reduces the amplitude of population oscillations and firmly prevents the minimum abundances of species from falling below certain values. The presence of such an unpalatable prey thus guarantees the robustness of the system against enrichment.  相似文献   

In Rosenzweig-MacArthur models of predator-prey dynamics, Allee effects in prey usually destabilize interior equilibria and can suppress or enhance limit cycles typical of the paradox of enrichment. We re-evaluate these conclusions through a complete classification of a wide range of Allee effects in prey and predator's functional response shapes. We show that abrupt and deterministic system collapses not preceded by fluctuating predator-prey dynamics occur for sufficiently steep type III functional responses and strong Allee effects (with unstable lower equilibrium in prey dynamics). This phenomenon arises as type III functional responses greatly reduce cyclic dynamics and strong Allee effects promote deterministic collapses. These collapses occur with decreasing predator mortality and/or increasing susceptibility of the prey to fall below the threshold Allee density (e.g. due to increased carrying capacity or the Allee threshold itself). On the other hand, weak Allee effects (without unstable equilibrium in prey dynamics) enlarge the range of carrying capacities for which the cycles occur if predators exhibit decelerating functional responses. We discuss the results in the light of conservation strategies, eradication of alien species, and successful introduction of biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Limberger R  Wickham SA 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29071
Linking local communities to a metacommunity can positively affect diversity by enabling immigration of dispersal-limited species and maintenance of sink populations. However, connectivity can also negatively affect diversity by allowing the spread of strong competitors or predators. In a microcosm experiment with five ciliate species as prey and a copepod as an efficient generalist predator, we analysed the effect of connectivity on prey species richness in metacommunities that were either unconnected, connected for the prey, or connected for both prey and predator. Presence and absence of predator dispersal was cross-classified with low and high connectivity. The effect of connectivity on local and regional richness strongly depended on whether corridors were open for the predator. Local richness was initially positively affected by connectivity through rescue of species from stochastic extinctions. With predator dispersal, however, this positive effect soon turned negative as the predator spread over the metacommunity. Regional richness was unaffected by connectivity when local communities were connected only for the prey, while predator dispersal resulted in a pronounced decrease of regional richness. The level of connectivity influenced the speed of richness decline, with regional species extinctions being delayed for one week in weakly connected metacommunities. While connectivity enabled rescue of prey species from stochastic extinctions, deterministic extinctions due to predation were not overcome through reimmigration from predator-free refuges. Prey reimmigrating into these sink habitats appeared to be directly converted into increased predator abundance. Connectivity thus had a positive effect on the predator, even when the predator was not dispersing itself. Our study illustrates that dispersal of a species with strong negative effects on other community members shapes the dispersal-diversity relationship. When connections enable the spread of a generalist predator, positive effects of connectivity on prey species richness are outweighed by regional extinctions through predation.  相似文献   

1. Predation plays an integral role in many community interactions, with the number of predators and the rate at which they consume prey (i.e. their functional response) determining interaction strengths. Owing to the difficulty of directly observing predation events, attempts to determine the functional response of predators in natural systems are limited. Determining the forms that predator functional responses take in complex systems is important in advancing understanding of community interactions. 2. Prey survival has a direct relationship to the functional response of their predators. We employed this relationship to estimate the functional response for bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocepalus predation of Canada goose Branta canadensis nests. We compared models that incorporated eagle abundance, nest abundance and alternative prey presence to determine the form of the functional response that best predicted intra-annual variation in survival of goose nests. 3. Eagle abundance, nest abundance and the availability of alternative prey were all related to predation rates of goose nests by eagles. There was a sigmoidal relationship between predation rate and prey abundance and prey switching occurred when alternative prey was present. In addition, predation by individual eagles increased as eagle abundance increased. 4. A complex set of interactions among the three species examined in this study determined survival rates of goose nests. Results show that eagle predation had both prey- and predator-dependent components with no support for ratio dependence. In addition, indirect interactions resulting from the availability of alternative prey had an important role in mediating the rate at which eagles depredated nests. As a result, much of the within-season variation in nest survival was due to changing availability of alternative prey consumed by eagles. 5. Empirical relationships drawn from ecological theory can be directly integrated into the estimation process to determine the mechanisms responsible for variation in observed survival rates. The relationship between predator functional response and prey survival offers a flexible and robust method to advance our understanding of predator-prey interactions in many complex natural systems where prey populations are marked and regularly visited.  相似文献   

We investigated the energy source fuelling the post-feeding metabolic upregulation (specific dynamic action, SDA) in pythons (Python regius). Our goal was to distinguish between two alternatives: (i) snakes fuel SDA by metabolizing energy depots from their tissues; or (ii) snakes fuel SDA by metabolizing their prey. To characterize the postprandial response of pythons we used transcutaneous ultrasonography to measure organ-size changes and respirometry to record oxygen consumption. To discriminate unequivocally between the two hypotheses, we enriched mice (= prey) with the stable isotope of carbon (13C). For two weeks after feeding we quantified the CO2 exhaled by pythons and determined its isotopic 13C/12C signature. Ultrasonography and respirometry showed typical postprandial responses in pythons. After feeding, the isotope ratio of the exhaled breath changed rapidly to values that characterized enriched mouse tissue, followed by a very slow change towards less enriched values over a period of two weeks after feeding. We conclude that pythons metabolize their prey to fuel SDA. The slowly declining delta13C values indicate that less enriched tissues (bone, cartilage and collagen) from the mouse become available after several days of digestion.  相似文献   

Cell membrane permeabilization by electric pulses (electropermeabilization), results in free exchange of ions across the cell membrane. The role of electrotransfer-mediated Ca(2+)-influx on muscle signaling pathways involved in degeneration (β-actin and MurF), inflammation (IL-6 and TNF-α), and regeneration (MyoD1, myogenin, and Myf5) was investigated, using pulse parameters of both electrochemotherapy (8 HV) and DNA delivery (HVLV). Three pulsing conditions were used: 8 high-voltage pulses (8 HV), resulting in large permeabilization and ion flux, and a combination of one high-voltage pulse and one low-voltage pulse (HVLV), either alone or in combination with injection of DNA. Mice and rats were anesthetized before pulsing. At the times given, animals were killed, and intact tibialis cranialis muscles were excised for analysis. Uptake of Ca(2+) was assessed using (45)Ca as a tracer. Using gene expression analyses and histology, we showed a clear association between Ca(2+) influx and muscular response. Moderate Ca(2+) influx induced by HVLV pulses results in activation of pathways involved in immediate repair and hypertrophy. This response could be attenuated by intramuscular injection of EGTA reducing Ca(2+) influx. Larger Ca(2+) influx as induced by 8-HV pulses leads to muscle damage and muscle fiber regeneration through recruitment of satellite cells. The extent of Ca(2+) influx determines the muscular response to electrotransfer and, thus, the success of a given application. In the case of electrochemotherapy, in which the objective is cell death, a large influx of Ca(2+) may be beneficial, whereas for DNA electrotransfer, muscle recovery should occur without myofiber loss to ensure preservation of plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

Profitability, encounter rates, and prey choice of African lions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Scheel  D. 《Behavioral ecology》1993,4(1):90-97
The prey preferences of African lions (Panthera leo) in SerengetiNational Park, Tanzania, were examined in three ways. First,lion encounter rates with prey types were measured and comparedwith a random sample of the prey population. Lions encounteredmore wart hogs (Phacochoerus aethiopicus), Grant's gazelles(Gazella granti), wildebeests (ConnochaeUs taurinus), and zebras(Equus burchelli) than expected. Second, preferred prey typesof lions were identified using conditional logit analysis. Lionspreferred to hunt small prey groups, groups that were closerthan 200 m, and groups that contained wart hogs, wildebeests,or zebras. Third, a risk-minimization optimal foraging modeland a rate-maximization model were used to predict lion preferences.The foraging theory models predict that preferences should changewith season and with lion group size. Qualitative support wasfound for most of these predictions.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the functional response of the predator Toxorhynchites rutilus rutilus (Coquillett) to changes in the density of the larvae of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae). The experiment was replicated for five different ages, and at three different densities of the predator. The data were fitted to Rogers' (1972) random predator equation by non-linear least-squares in order to estimate searching efficiency and handling time for each experimental treatment. The data show that estimated searching efficiencies are highest at intermediate ages of the predator for all predator densities tested. Handling time declines exponentially with increasing predator age. There is a marked interference effect; searching efficiency decreases with increased predator density, and this is most pronounced at intermediate prey ages. Estimated handling times increase with predator density at a rate which declines with increasing predator age.  相似文献   

Westermann  Martin  Hoischen  Christian  Wöhlbrand  Lars  Rabus  Ralf  Rhiel  Erhard 《Protoplasma》2023,260(2):529-544
Protoplasma - Antisera were raised against the C-terminal amino acid sequences of the two rhodopsins ADY17806 and AEA49880 of Oxyrrhis marina. The antisera and affinity-purified antibodies thereof...  相似文献   

Landscape geometry determines community response to disturbance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecological communities are impacted by anthropogenic changes in both habitat geometry (i.e. amount, shape, fragmentation and connectivity of habitat) and disturbance regime. Although the effect of each of these drivers on diversity is well-documented, few studies have considered how habitat geometry and disturbance interact to affect diversity. We used a miniature landscape of moss patches to experimentally manipulate both habitat geometry and disturbance frequency on microarthropod communities. Species richness and abundance in local patches declined linearly with disturbance rate in all experimental landscapes, but the speed of this decline (a measure of ecological resilience) depended on the size and connectivity of the surrounding region. Reductions in region size had little effect on community resilience to disturbance until habitat loss resulted in complete loss of connectivity between patches, suggesting a threshold in community response to habitat loss. Beyond this threshold, repeated disturbance resulted in rapid declines in patch species richness and abundance and substantial changes in community composition. These effects of habitat geometry and disturbance on diversity were scale-dependent. Gamma (regional-scale) diversity was unaffected by habitat geometry, suggesting experimental reductions in alpha (local-scale) diversity were offset by increases in beta diversity. There was no effect of body size, abundance, or trophic position in determining species response to disturbance. Taxonomic grouping had a weak effect, with oribatids less affected by drought. We conclude that, in this system, dispersal from the surrounding metacommunity is vital in allowing recovery of local communities from disturbance. When habitat loss and fragmentation disrupt this process, extinctions result. Studies that examine separately the effects of habitat alterations and disturbance on diversity may therefore underestimate their combined effects.  相似文献   

As climate regimes shift in many ecosystems worldwide, evolution may be a critical process allowing persistence in rapidly changing environments. Organisms regularly interact with other species, yet whether climate-mediated evolution can occur in the context of species interactions is not well understood. We tested whether a species interaction could modify evolutionary responses to temperature. We demonstrate that predation pressure by Dipteran larvae (Chaoborus americanus) modified the evolutionary response of a freshwater crustacean (Daphnia pulex) to its thermal environment over approximately seven generations in laboratory conditions. Daphnia kept at 21°C evolved higher population growth rates than those kept at 18°C, but only in those populations that were also reared with predators. Furthermore, predator-mediated selection resulted in the evolution of elevated Daphnia thermal plasticity. This laboratory natural selection experiment demonstrates that biotic interactions can modify evolutionary adaptation to temperature. Understanding the interplay between multiple selective forces can improve predictions of ecological and evolutionary responses of organisms to rapid environmental change.  相似文献   

Plant and animal population sizes inevitably change following habitat loss, but the mechanisms underlying these changes are poorly understood. We experimentally altered habitat volume and eliminated top trophic levels of the food web of invertebrates that inhabit rain-filled leaves of the carnivorous pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea. Path models that incorporated food-web structure better predicted population sizes of food-web constituents than did simple keystone species models, models that included only autecological responses to habitat volume, or models including both food-web structure and habitat volume. These results provide the first experimental confirmation that trophic structure can determine species abundances in the face of habitat loss.  相似文献   

Addition of crystalline cellulose to semi-desert soil shifts the microbial population; this was assessed by following the 16S rRNA gene, glycosyl hydrolase, and measuring its functional diversity in the bacterial population. Quantification of the glycosyl hydrolase gene showed an increase from 1 × 104 g−1 of unamended soil to 3 × 104 g−1 of crystalline-cellulose-amended soil by the 15th day of crystalline cellulose utilization. The indigenous glycosyl hydrolase community in unamended soil was dominated by the clone families that were closely related to the glycosyl hydrolases from Betaproteobacteria and Firmicutes. The addition of crystalline cellulose induced a shift in the glycosyl hydrolase population toward an increase in the relative abundance of the glycosyl hydrolase that was consistent with those of Bacteroidetes and Flavobacteria. The population shift of glycosyl hydrolase was also supported by the comparison of the 16S rRNA gene families in unamended and crystalline-cellulose-amended soil libraries. The most abundant 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieved in the unamended soil were identical to Pseudomonas, Massilia, Paenibacillus, and Bacillus spp., while Cytophaga and Flavobacterium spp. dominated in crystalline-cellulose-amended soil.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification (OA), caused by the dissolution of increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in seawater, is projected to cause significant changes to marine ecology and biogeochemistry. Potential impacts on the microbially driven cycling of nitrogen are of particular concern. Specifically, under seawater pH levels approximating future OA scenarios, rates of ammonia oxidation (the rate-limiting first step of the nitrification pathway) have been shown to dramatically decrease in seawater, but not in underlying sediments. However, no prior study has considered the interactive effects of microbial ammonia oxidation and macrofaunal bioturbation activity, which can enhance nitrogen transformation rates. Using experimental mesocosms, we investigated the responses to OA of ammonia oxidizing microorganisms inhabiting surface sediments and sediments within burrow walls of the mud shrimp Upogebia deltaura. Seawater was acidified to one of four target pH values (pHT 7.90, 7.70, 7.35 and 6.80) in comparison with a control (pHT 8.10). At pHT 8.10, ammonia oxidation rates in burrow wall sediments were, on average, fivefold greater than in surface sediments. However, at all acidified pH values (pH ≤ 7.90), ammonia oxidation rates in burrow sediments were significantly inhibited (by 79–97%; p < 0.01), whereas rates in surface sediments were unaffected. Both bacterial and archaeal abundances increased significantly as pHT declined; by contrast, relative abundances of bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidation (amoA) genes did not vary. This research suggests that OA could cause substantial reductions in total benthic ammonia oxidation rates in coastal bioturbated sediments, leading to corresponding changes in coupled nitrogen cycling between the benthic and pelagic realms.  相似文献   

Much of the plasticity that prey exhibit in response to predators is linked to the prey''s immediate background level of risk. However, we know almost nothing of how background risk influences how prey learn to categorize predators and non-predators. Learning non-predators probably represents one of the most underappreciated aspects of anti-predator decision-making. Here, we provide larval damselfish (Pomacentrus chrysurus) with a high or low background risk and then try to teach them to recognize a cue as non-threatening through the process of latent inhibition. Prey from the low-risk background that were pre-exposed to the novel odour cues in the absence of negative reinforcement for 3 days, and then provided the opportunity to learn to recognize the odour as threatening, failed to subsequently respond to the odour as a threat. Fish from the high-risk background showed a much different response. These fish did not learn the odour as non-threatening, probably because the cost of falsely learning an odour as non-threatening is higher when the background level of risk is higher. Our work highlights that background level of risk appears to drive plasticity in cognition of prey animals learning to discriminate threats in their environment.  相似文献   

Food availability and pond desiccation are two of the most studied factors that condition amphibian metamorphosis. It is well known that, when food is abundant, organisms undergo metamorphosis early and when they are relatively large. The capability of anurans to accelerate their developmental rate in response to desiccation is also common knowledge. These two variables must act together in nature, since we know that, as a pond dries, the per capita resources decrease. We conduct an experiment to evaluate the effects of desiccation and food availability separately and in combination in tadpoles of the painted frog (Discoglossus pictus). We demonstrate that food deprivation leads to slow growth rates, which delay metamorphosis and produce smaller size and weight. The capability to accelerate metamorphosis when facing a drying pond is also confirmed, but, nevertheless, with factor interaction (when the pool is drying and resources are scarce) the capacity to respond to desiccation is lost. In addition, slow drying rates are shown to be stressful situations, but not enough to provoke a shortening of the larval period; in fact, the larval period becomes longer. We also demonstrate that the interaction of these factors changes the allometric relationship of different parts of the hind limb, which has implications for the biomechanics of jumping. Due to low mortality rates and an adequate response to both environmental factors, we expect D. pictus to have a great invasive potential in its new Mediterranean distribution area, where lots of temporary and ephemeral ponds are present.  相似文献   

Although ligation of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) is central to the responsiveness and antigen specificity of T-cells, it is insufficient to elicit a response. To determine whether the need for costimulation reflects inadequate strength of signal transduction through the TCR or an absolute block of signaling in the absence of a coligand, we studied T-cell activation under serum-free conditions eliminating costimulation by various extracellular matrix proteins which otherwise have an omnipresent and frequently overlooked effect. Engagement of the TCR leads to induction of Fas, but not to measurable IL-2 secretion or apoptosis. Those activation parameters are induced by costimulation through integrin alphaVbeta3. Furthermore, T-cell survival or elimination is determined by the type of ligand binding to this coreceptor with vitronectin, fibronectin, and fibrinogen efficiently inducing apoptosis and IL-2 production while osteopontin and entactin mediate IL-2 secretion comparably without causing programmed cell death. Consistent with the cytokine properties of these ligands, differential costimulation depends on their presentation in soluble rather than immobilized form. The determination of elimination versus survival of activated T-cells by coligation of beta3-integrins may have bearing on the fundamental postthymic mechanisms that shape the T-cell repertoire.  相似文献   

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