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To quantify bioturbation activity in Tikehau lagoon, a tracer made of black basaltic sand was poured over the natural white calcareous sediment surface. Three stations respectively located on the inner flat (-3m), the inner slope (-9m), and the lagoon floor (-19m), were studied for short periods of time (48 hours). Bioturbation by macrofauna was quantified by volume of sediment ejected onto the experimental surface and by volume of tracer incorporated into sediment. The results showed a rapid incorporation of sedimented particles at the interface by way of the funnels and burrows of surface deposit feeders and carnivores. Expelled quantities varied with respect to site location: 213 cm3 · m−2 · 24 h−1 in the inner flat; 98.9 cm3 · m−2 · 24 h−1 in the inner slope; 7.9 m3 · m−2 · 24 h−1 in the lagoon floor. Bioturbation by decapod megafauna appeared to be important in the dynamics of the sediments in the deepest areas of the lagoon. In these areas, with almost no hydrodynamical impacts on sediments, bioturbating events were responsible for sediment mixing (despite lower absolute rates than in shallow area). Hydrodynamics controlled the spatial distribution of macroinvertebrate trophic groups by its effects on sedimentation.  相似文献   

 Nocturnal zooplankton assemblages around Taiaro Atoll were sampled over six nights during February 1994. Replicate zooplankton samples were collected at windward and leeward locations in the enclosed lagoon and adjacent ocean with a metered net (85 cm diameter, 500 μm mesh) towed for 15 min at 5 m depth. The zooplankton community in the lagoon was very different from that in the ocean. Oceanic samples contained 50 mostly holoplanktonic taxa (diversity index, H′=2.62; evenness index, J′=0.67). Lagoonal samples contained 19 mostly meroplanktonic taxa (H′=1.54, J′=0.52) with three taxa (decapod larvae; an ostracod, Cypridina sp.; a copepod, Acartia fossae) contributing >90% of the individuals. Unlike the ocean, zooplankton distributions in the lagoon were not homogenous; instead spatial patterns were apparently formed by the interaction between hydrodynamic processes and species-specific behaviour. Accepted: 28 August 1997  相似文献   

 Taiaro Atoll Lagoon is normally isolated from the ocean, but at least 125 marine fish species of 31 families are present there. We sampled fish larvae in Taiaro Lagoon and the nearby ocean in February 1994 with plankton net, neuston net and light trap to investigate which taxa were completing their life cycles in the lagoon. Concentrations of fish eggs and larvae were very high in the lagoon indicating intense spawning, but larvae of only 18 taxa of 10 families were present. Only six, a callionymid, gobiids, a hemiramphid, a microdesmid, and two pomacentrids, were present across a full range of pelagic sizes, and were clearly completing their pelagic stage in the lagoon. Four other taxa, an apogonid, two labrids and a scarid, were common, but the largest individuals were small (<5 mm) postflexion larvae. These may have been completing their pelagic stage in the lagoon. The remaining lagoonal larvae (eight taxa) were rare and at the preflexion stage, so we could only conclude that they hatched from eggs spawned in the lagoon. Nineteen taxa of 15 families found as adults in the lagoon were present outside the lagoon as larvae, but not inside, suggesting that they may not normally complete their life cycles in the lagoon. Horizontal distributions of larvae in the lagoon are apparently due to the interaction of larval vertical distribution behaviour with a wind-driven countercurrent system. Accepted: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

Various types of sub-aerially exposed microbial mats, including emergent mats, beach sand, beach rock and Kopara mats, are widespread on the 78 km (25 km2) of rim surrounding the Tikehau atoll lagoon. These mats form laminated accretions or diffuse microbial communities growing under high insolation and temperatures, and are therefore subject to desiccation. Both heterocystous and non-heterocystous cyanobacteria occur in these mats. Using acetylene reduction techniques, nitrogenase activity was observed at all sites over a period of 5 years and was 3–17 times higher during daylight than at night in all communities except for beach rock. 15N2 measurements indicated a molar ratio of acetylene reduction to N2 fixed of 1.6 for all exposed communities. Estimated N2 fixation ranged from 1.44 to 8.0 mg N m−2 day−1 in these exposed communities (mean of 4.66 mg N m−2 day−1) with beachrock showing the highest rates. For the whole reef rim, daily N2 fixation amounted to 98.42 kg N day−1 which represents 28% of the rate of fixation in the entire lagoon (area 400 km2).  相似文献   

 The 9 km2 uplifted lagoon of Taiaro Atoll (15°45′S, 144°38′W) is hypersaline due to its isolation from the ocean, yet it contains a high diversity of fish. The question unifying our expedition was to discover whether these assemblages could be self-sustaining despite very limited contact with the ocean. Although we were constrained by time, collections of fish larvae showed that some species can complete their life-cycle within the lagoon, while others differed genetically between the lagoon and the ocean, consistent with restricted gene flow. The lagoon contained few oceanic species of zooplankton, confirming its general isolation, but nevertheless some fish species may depend upon infrequent colonisation from the ocean (when large waves drive water over the normally dry reef crest). Isotopic signatures in fish otoliths suggest the basis for a more definitive and inclusive test of the sources of the lagoonal assemblage. Accepted: 28 August 1997  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the invasion by Turbinaria ornata (a brown algae) in the Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia [(5–35°S)/(200–230°E)]. Prior to 1980, this alga existed only in the Society and Austral archipelagoes. Between 1985 and 1990, it began to appear in the southern and northern parts of the Tuamotu archipelago. Genetic analyses have been shown not to be appropriate in determining the origin of this algae population. This study investigated the possible ocean drift of floating aggregates of algae. Ocean currents were calculated from satellite data from 1993 to 2001. Their spatial variations as well as their seasonal and interannual variations are described along with calculated drift trajectories. While it was found that mean currents cannot directly transport algae from the Society and Austral archipelagoes to the Tuamotu, the large interannual changes during the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon produce current reversals that are strong enough to create a transport pathway in a short enough time to allow their survival.  相似文献   

 The fully enclosed Taiaro lagoon is hypersaline (42.5 psu) and non-tidal; constant salinity and water level result from strong evaporation balanced by low percolation through the lagoon floor. Seawater can flow over the atoll rim during exceptionally high seas and may then replenish lagoonal communities with propagules of oceanic origin. The distinctive water chemistry of the lagoon suggests a possible way of identifying these immigrants. We established this potential by analysing stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen in the recent growth layers of otoliths of two adult reef fishes, Chaetodon ulietensis and Acanthurus triostegus, collected from both sides of the atoll rim. Fish from the two locations were discriminated by their isotopic signatures, suggesting that analysis of the microchemical signatures deposited during the larval development could be used in future work to determine which individuals and species complete their life-cycles in this unusual lagoon. Accepted: 28 August 1997  相似文献   

A detailed survey of the carcinological cryptofauna in Tikehau atoll in the Tuamotus, was made: (1) to determine whether Tikehau atoll has a diverse fauna; (2) to compare it with a high island Polynesian reef; (3) to identify the distribution pattern of crabs in relation to depth and to different structures of the atoll; and (4) to compare these results with those obtained in Madagascar, La Réunion and Mauritius. Sixty five species were collected at 13 sites. Cluster analysis based on Sanders' index of affinity revealed one main group of species occurring on outer slopes and another occurring on all reef-flat and lagoonal sites. The crustacean cryptofauna occurring in the atoll appears to be impoverished in comparison to that found on Polynesian high island reefs and on Malagasian reefs. However, all outer reef slope sites at the 3 localities studied share some species in common.  相似文献   

The pathology associated with an intracellular ciliate infection in the digestive gland of pearl oysters Pinctada maxima (Jameson, 1901) is described. Histopathological and transmission electron microscopic examination were used to characterise the organism and its location within host cells. The parasite is tear-drop shaped measuring 5.53 μm (range of 2.73-7.47 μm, n = 9) in width and 11.15 μm (range of 9.02-16.2 μm) in length with a centrally located lobulated nucleus and a large nucleus:cytoplasmic ratio. The ciliate has nine evenly spaced rows of cilia running obliquely along the length of cell, converging on the pointed end. Infected digestive glands typically had a moderate to severe infiltration with mononuclear hemocyte. A strong correlation existed between the burden of ciliates and the host response; (p < 0.001, C = 0.315 Pearson Correlation). The use of a single tissue section upon microscopic examination was found to detect only 38-50% of the infections. However, examination of serial haematoxylin and eosin stained sections improved the reliability of detecting infection.  相似文献   

Little information is available on reproductive processes among corals in isolated central Pacific reef regions, including French Polynesia. This study examined the timing and mode of sexual reproduction for Acropora reef corals at Moorea. Spawning was observed and/or inferred in 110 Acropora colonies, representing 12 species, following full moon periods in September through November 2002. Gamete release was observed and inferred in four species of Acropora between 9 and 13 nights after the full moon (nAFM) in September 2002. Twelve Acropora spp. spawned gametes between 5 and 10 nAFM in October 2002, with six species spawning 7 nAFM and four species spawning 9 nAFM. In November 2002, spawning of egg and sperm bundles was observed and inferred in 27 colonies of Acropora austera, 6 nAFM. These are the first detailed records of spawning by Acropora corals in French Polynesia.  相似文献   

Carbon standing stocks and fluxes were studied in the lagoon of Tikehau atoll (Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia), from 1983 to 1988.The average POC concentration (0.7–2000 µm) was 203 mg C m–3. The suspended living carbon (31.6 mg C m–3) was made up of bacteria (53%), phytoplankton < 5 µm (14.2%), phytoplankton > 5 µm (14.2%), nanozooplankton 5–35 µm (5.7%), microzooplankton 35–200 µm (4.7%) and mesozooplankton 200–2000 µm (7.9%). The microphytobenthos biomass was 480 mg C m–2.Suspended detritus (84.4% of the total POC) did not originate from the reef flat but from lagoonal primary productions. Their sedimentation exceeded phytobenthos production.It was estimated that 50% of bacterial biomass was adsorbed on particles. the bacterial biomass dominance was explained by the utilisation of 1) DOC excreted by phytoplankton (44–175 mg C m–2 day –1) and zooplankton (50 mg Cm–2 day–1)2) organic compounds produced by solar-induced photochemical reactions 3) coral mucus.50% of the phytoplankton biomass belongs to the < 5 µm fraction. This production (440 mg C m–2 day–1) exceeded phytobenthos production (250 mg C m–2 day–1) when the whole lagoon was considered.The zooplankton > 35 µm ingested 315 mg C m–2 day–1, made up of phytoplankton, nanozooplankton and detritus. Its production was 132 mg C m–2 day–1.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using hydrodynamic renewal time as the basis for a classification of atoll lagoons is tested for atolls of the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia. Renewal time depends on the inflow of oceanic water through the rim of the atoll, on a daily time scale, due to wave forcing. Renewal time is computed for a large set of morphologically diverse atolls, according to significant wave height (satellite altimetry data), morphometric indicators (high-resolution satellite images), and in-situ flow measurements. Renewal times with respect to wave height are presented for a variety of atolls. Renewal times range from less than 1 day for very open and shallow atolls, to several tens of days for semi-open moderately deep atolls, and to several years for closed or very large and deep atolls. Comparisons between phytoplanktonic biomass (in the range 0.1 to 1 µg l-1 for total chlorophyll) and renewal time (0.1 to 130 days) leads to the identification of two groups of atolls. We obtain a significant relationship between biomass and renewal time, but only for atolls with lagoon surface areas greater than 25 km2.  相似文献   

Both leucomorph and anamorph developmental stages of Anamixis bananaramasp. n., are illustrated and described from shallow back reef environments of Moorea, French Polynesia. Distinguished by vestigial first gnathopods that persist in post-transformational adult males, this is the second species in the genus to exhibit this unusual character. In other features such as coxae and second gnathopods Anamixis bananaramasp. n. resembles other Pacific Plate endemics of Anamixis known from the region. Specific host association is not documented but suspected to be small calcareous asconoid sponges associated with coral rubble.  相似文献   

Since the building of coral reefs results from the association of corals and zooxanthellae, their intracellular algal symbionts, genetic markers for both organisms are essential for studying the contribution of their respective dispersal to the resilience of endangered reef ecosystems. Very few microsatellites have been obtained in corals thus far. Here we report the successful cloning of six polymorphic microsatellites (allele number: 5–15) from Pocillopora verrucosa, P. meandrina and P. damicornis. Four of them amplified coral, and two amplified zooxanthella DNA.  相似文献   

Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) is a non-bacterial seafood poisoning well characterized in the remote archipelagos of French Polynesia, yet poorly documented in the Society archipelago, most notably on Moorea, the second most populated island in French Polynesia, which counts a high proportion of fishermen fishing on a regular basis. To address this knowledge gap, a holistic study of the ciguatera issue was conducted on Moorea. First, ciguatera risk was analysed in terms of incidence rate, fish species most commonly involved and risk stratification in Moorea lagoon based on 2007–2013 epidemiological data. A mean incidence rate of 8 cases per 10,000 inhabitants for the study period and an average under-reporting rate of 54% were found. Taking into account hospitalization and medication fees, and loss of productive days, the health-related costs due to CFP were estimated to be USD $1613 and $749 for each reported and unreported case, respectively, with an overall cost of USD $241,847 for the study period. Comparison of the present status of CFP on Moorea with a risk map established in the late 1970’s showed that the spatial distribution of the risk has stayed relatively stable in time, with the north shore of the island remaining the most prone to ciguatera. Evaluation of the current knowledge on CFP among different populations groups, i.e. fishermen, residents and visitors, was also conducted through direct and indirect interviews. About half of the fishermen interviewed were actually able to identify risky fishing areas. While, overall, the CFP risk perception in the fishing community of Moorea seemed accurate, although not scientifically complete, it was sufficient for the safe practice of their fishing activities. This may be due in part to adaptive responses adopted by 36% of the fishermen interviewed, such as the avoidance of either high-risk fishing sites or toxic species. At the residents and visitors’ level, the study points out a striking lack of awareness of the CFP issue among visitors, as compared to local residents. Indeed, less than 25% of Moorea visitors vs. an average of 98% in residents were aware of CFP or of its presence on the island. Interestingly, evaluation of the fish consumption preferences showed that 70% of visitors do not consume lagoon fish during their stay, not for fear of CFP, but mainly due to the lack of availability of these species in recreational facilities or because they have nutritional preference for pelagic fish. This lack of awareness, along with the report by several CFP patients of the consumption of fish species yet banned for sale, stress the need for improved communication efforts on this critical issue among both residents and visitors on Moorea. The implementation of a public outreach strategy is proposed, based on both existing information networks and low-cost communication actions through information displays at various strategic locations, e.g. Tahiti-Faa’a international airport, the ferry boat station, recreational facilities, as well as the major trading points on Moorea Island.  相似文献   

Dissolved, particulate and sedimentary lipid compounds were analyzed in samples collected in May 1988 at three sites in the lagoon of the closed atoll of Takapoto (Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia). The study provides background information dealing with water quality and the nature and concentration of lipids. Non-aromatic hydrocarbons and fatty acids were isolated from lipids and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Non-aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations did not exceed 1000 ng l-1 in water, and 2300 ng g-1 in surface sediments and are among the lowest encountered in pristine marine environments. No noticeable petroleum pollution was evidenced in the lagoon. Nevertheless, traces of petroleum-derived compounds were detected at the central site for both surface and deep water. Total fatty acid concentrations varied in the range 6.3–14.4 g l-1 for the particulate phase and in the range 0.5–3.2 g l-1 for the dissolved phase. The molecular fingerprints of fatty acids and hydrocarbons evidenced a predominant algal, and to a lesser extent microbial, origin of the organic matter present in water and sediments. Mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential components for animal metabolism, were identified in noticeable amounts in suspended matter (1.8–4.6 g l-1), and at highly variable levels in the dissolved phase (0.08–1.21 g l-1).  相似文献   

 Taiaro Lagoon has no permanent or regular connection with the ocean (ingress is restricted to episodes of high sea-level and/or strong wave action) raising the question of how fish populations with normally dispersive larvae are maintained inside this lagoon. We compared the genetic population structures of two coral reef fishes, Acanthurus triostegus and Chaetodon ulietensis, present on both sides of the atoll rim to determine whether there is evidence of reproductive isolation. Genetic surveys showed that the lagoonal and oceanic populations were statistically different at five loci (AAT * -3, GDA *, HPD *, MDH * and SDH *) in A. triostegus and three loci (PGI-2*, IDH * and PGD *) in C. ulietensis, producing high F st values of 0.055 and 0.021, respectively. Our genetic and demographic data on these species suggest that both may be completing their life-cycles inside the lagoon, which leads us to question the common assumption that coral reef fishes require oceanic conditions for larval development. Accepted: 28 August 1997  相似文献   

The export of carbon and carbonate from coral reefs was investigated through a multidisciplinary investigation of the hydrological, geochemical, sedimentological and biological features of Tiahura reef on the northwestern coast of Moorea Island (French Polynesia). The hydrology of the fore-reef is characterised by prevailing longshore western currents and a strong thermocline. As revealed by turbidity structures (benthic and intermediate nepheloid layers) and by the amount of particles collected by near-bottom sediment traps, horizontal and downslope advections of particles dominate over offshore vertical transport. The exported material is rich in carbonate (ca. 80%) and poor in organic matter (ca. 4%). Sedimentation rates at 430 m depth, i.e. definitive export, reached 209.6 mg m-2 d-1 (dry weight). Estimates of carbon and carbonates export for Tiahura reef also reported here represent respectively 47% and 21% of the organic and inorganic carbon produced within the reef.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal assemblages were studied in ten atoll lagoons in the central Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia, in order to determine which environmental factors influence their distribution. Among geomorphological conditions, the degree of aperture has a major influence on lagoonal communities. Cluster and factor analyses reveal a clear contrast between the foraminiferal associations located in the peripheral and central areas of the lagoons, showing the effect of the vicinity of coral reef, and a limited post-mortem transport of species from the periphery toward the center of the lagoons. The rarity of planktonic species indicates limited penetration of the lagoon by planktonic forms, including planktonic stages of benthic colonizers. Colonization of these remote lagoons, even those with a high degree of aperture, may thus require long periods. Therefore, the Holocene transgression that flooded the deeper lagoons before the shallower ones, allowing a longer colonization period, may have contributed to the higher species richness of foraminifera within them.  相似文献   

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