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At the end of gastrulation in avians and mammals, the endoderm germ layer is an undetermined sheet of cells. Over the next 24-48 h, endoderm forms a primitive tube and becomes regionally specified along the anterior-posterior axis. Fgf4 is expressed in gastrulation and somite stage embryos in the vicinity of posterior endoderm that gives rise to the posterior gut. Moreover, the posterior endoderm adjacent to Fgf4-expressing mesoderm expresses the FGF-target genes Sprouty1 and 2 suggesting that endoderm respond to an FGF signal in vivo. Here, we report the first evidence suggesting that FGF4-mediated signaling is required for establishing gut tube domains along the A-P axis in vivo. At the gastrula stage, exposing endoderm to recombinant FGF4 protein results in an anterior shift in the Pdx1 and CdxB expression domains. These expression domains remain sensitive to FGF4 levels throughout early somite stages. Additionally, FGF4 represses the anterior endoderm markers Hex1 and Nkx2.1 and disrupts foregut morphogenesis. FGF signaling directly patterns endoderm and not via a secondary induction from another germ layer, as shown by expression of dominant-active FGFR1 specifically in endoderm, which results in ectopic anterior expression of Pdx1. Loss-of-function studies using the FGF receptor antagonist SU5402 demonstrate that FGF signaling is necessary for establishing midgut gene expression and for maintaining gene expression boundaries between the midgut and hindgut from gastrulation through somitogenesis. Moreover, FGF signaling in the primitive streak is necessary to restrict Hex1 expression to anterior endoderm. These data show that FGF signaling is critical for patterning the gut tube by promoting posterior and inhibiting anterior endoderm cell fate.  相似文献   

Chick and mouse embryos with heritable deficiencies of aggrecan exhibit severe dwarfism and premature death, demonstrating the essential involvement of aggrecan in development. The aggrecan-deficient nanomelic (nm) chick mutant E12 fully formed growth plate (GP) is devoid of matrix and exhibits markedly altered cytoarchitecture, proliferative capacity, and degree of cell death. While differentiation of chondroblasts to pre-hypertrophic chondrocytes (IHH expression) is normal up to E6, the extended periosteum expression pattern of PTCH (a downstream effector of IHH) indicates altered propagation of IHH signaling, as well as accelerated down-regulation of FGFR3 expression, decreased BrdU incorporation and higher levels of ERK phosphorylation, all indicating early effects on FGF signaling. By E7 reduced IHH expression and premature expression of COL10A1 foreshadow the acceleration of hypertrophy observed at E12. By E8, exacerbated co-expression of IHH and COL10A1 lead to delayed separation and establishment of the two GPs in each element. By E9, increased numbers of cells express P-SMAD1/5/8, indicating altered BMP signaling. These results indicate that the IHH, FGF and BMP signaling pathways are altered from the very beginning of GP formation in the absence of aggrecan, thereby inducing premature hypertrophic chondrocyte maturation, leading to the nanomelic long bone growth disorder.  相似文献   

The location and movement of mammalian gut tissue progenitors, prior to the expression of tissue-specific genes, has been unknown, but this knowledge is essential to identify transitions that lead to cell type specification. To address this, we used vital dyes to label exposed anterior endoderm cells of early somite stage mouse embryos, cultured the embryos into the tissue bud phase of development, and determined the tissue fate of the dye labeled cells. This approach was performed at three embryonic stages that are prior to, or coincident with, foregut tissue patterning (1-3 somites, 4-6 somites, and 7-10 somites). Short-term labeling experiments tracked the movement of tissue progenitor cells during foregut closure. Surprisingly, we found that two distinct types of endoderm-progenitor cells, lateral and medial, arising from three spatially separated embryonic domains, converge to generate the epithelial cells of the liver bud. Whereas the lateral endoderm-progenitors give rise to descendants that are constrained in tissue fate and position along the anterior-posterior axis of the gut, the medial gut endoderm-progenitors give rise to descendants that stream along the anterior-posterior axis at the ventral midline and contribute to multiple gut tissues. The fate map reveals extensive morphogenetic movement of progenitors prior to tissue specification, it permits a detailed analysis of endoderm tissue patterning, and it illustrates that diverse progenitor domains can give rise to individual tissue cell types.  相似文献   

Model analysis of difference between EGF pathway and FGF pathway   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The difference in time course of Ras and mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade by different growth factors is considered to be the cause of different cellular responses. We have developed the computer simulation of Ras-MAPK signal transduction pathway containing newly identified negative feedback system, Sprouty, and adaptor molecules. Unexpectedly, negative feedback system did not profoundly affect time course of MAPK activation. We propose the key role of fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2 (FRS2) in NGF/FGF pathway for sustained MAPK activation. More Grb2-SOS complexes were recruited to the plasma membrane by binding to membrane-bound FRS2 in FGF pathway than in EGF pathway and caused sustained activation of ERK. The EGF pathway with high concentration of EGF receptor also induced sustained MAPK activation, which is consistent with the results in the PC12 cell overexpressing the EGF receptors. The simulated time courses of FRS2 knock-out cells were consistent with those of the reported experimental results.  相似文献   

Although fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) both inhibit longitudinal bone growth, little is known about the relationship between FGF2 and FGFR3. Accordingly, the current study examined the expression of FGFR3 mRNA after the administration of FGF2 using cultured chondrocytes from day 17 chick embryos to evaluate the relationship between FGF2 and FGFR3. The chondrocytes were isolated from the caudal one-third portion (LS) of sterna, peripheral regions (USP) and central core regions (USC) of the cephalic portion of the sterna, and lower portion of the proximal tibial growth plate (Ti) of day 17 chick embryo. The expression of FGFR1, FGFR3, and type II and X collagen mRNA in the chondrocytes from the LS, USP, USC, and Ti was determined. FGFR1 was not expressed in the LS and USP chondrocytes, yet strongly expressed in the USC and Ti chondrocytes. With a treatment of FGF2, the expression of FGFR1 slightly increased in the USC chondrocytes and was not related with the concentration of FGF2 in the Ti chondrocytes. FGFR3 was expressed in all the chondrocyte types, yet strongly increased in the LS, USC, USP, and Ti in that order according to the concentration of FGF2. For the LS and USP chondrocytes, the expression of FGFR3 with FGF2 increased in a 4-day culture, yet decreased in a 6-day culture, whereas for the USC chondrocytes, the expression of FGFR3 mRNA with FGF2 increased in a 2-day culture, yet decreased in a 4-day culture, suggesting that the hypertrophic chondrocytes were more numerous and sensitive compared to the proliferative chondrocytes. For all the chondrocyte types, FGF2 appeared to be up-regulated to FGFR3, as the expression of FGFR3 mRNA increased with a higher concentration of FGF2 until a peak level. In conclusion, FGF2 was found to up-regulate to FGFR3 until the peak level of FGFR3 mRNA expression, while in hypertrophic chondrocytes, FGFR3 appeared to cause the differentiaton of chondrocytes, resulting in the inhibition of longitudinal bone growth after the peak level of FGFR3 mRNA expression.  相似文献   

Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is a potent and specific mitogen for different types of epithelial cells, and it can protect these cells from various insults. Due to these properties, it is of particular importance for the repair of injured epithelial tissues, and it is currently therapeutically explored for the treatment of radiation- and chemotherapy-induced mucosal epithelial damage in cancer patients. In this review we summarize the current knowledge on the role of KGF in tissue repair and cytoprotection, and we report on its mechanisms of action in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

bFGF、NGF、EGF及其受体在人胚神经管早期发育中的表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究bFGF、NGF、EGF及其受体在人胚神经管早期发育中的表达。方法 应用免疫组织化学方法和图像分析。结果显示bFGF和NGF的表达时序不同,bFGF阳性细胞出现较早,在所检测在各个发育阶段均呈阳性表达,而NGF出现较晚,随着胚龄增加,免疫阳性着色逐渐增强,bFGF分布较NGF广泛,而EGF在所检测的各个发育阶段均呈阴性。flg、TrkA、EGFR表达时序和分布相似,三者在所检测的各个发育阶段均阳性。结果表明NGF和bFGF均通过其特异性受体介导,在胚胎神经管形成和分化的不同阶段发挥着重作用,EGF及其受体的作用有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Sprouty genes encode cytoplasmic membrane-associated proteins that inhibit receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. Four orthologs of Drosophila Sprouty (dSpry) (Sprouty1-4) have been identified in mammals. Physiological function of Sprouty1 and Sprouty2 has been investigated using gene targeting approaches, however to date detailed examination of Sprouty4 knockout (KO) mice has not been reported. In this study, Sprouty4 KO mice were generated and characterized. Although a significant fraction of Sprouty4 KO mice died shortly after birth due to mandible defects, the remainder were viable and fertile. Growth retardation was observed for most Sprouty4-deficient mice, with nearly all Sprouty4 KO mice having polysyndactyly. ERK activation was sustained in Sprouty4 KO mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) in response to FGF, but not to EGF. Sprouty2 and Sprouty4 double KO (DKO) mice were embryonic lethal and showed severe defects in craniofacial, limb, and lung morphogenesis. These findings suggest both redundant and non-redundant functions for Sprouty2 and Sprouty4 on embryonic development and FGF signaling.  相似文献   

The disaccharide beta-D-GlcA-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GlcNAc-1-->OMe and other small nonsulfated oligosaccharides related to heparin/heparan sulfate have been shown to bind to FGF and activated the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling pathway in (F32) cells expressing the FGF receptor. Synthetic routes to beta-D-GlcA-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GlcNAc-1-->OMe and a glucose analogue beta-D-Glc-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GlcNAc-1-->OMe are described. The effects of these disaccharides on endothelial cell growth, which is relevant to angiogenesis, were evaluated and it was found they did not mimic the inhibitory effects that were observed for heparin albumin (HA) and that have also been observed by monosaccharide conjugates. They did not alter bovine aortic endothelial cell (BAEC) proliferation, in the presence of FGF-2 in serum free medium or in absence of FGF-2 in serum free and complete medium. Disaccharides (10 microg/mL) reduced by 25-31% the inhibition caused by HA (10 microg/mL) on BAEC growth in serum-free medium but had no effect in complete medium. There was no evidence obtained for the binding of these oligosaccharides to FGF-2 in competition with HA by ELISA.  相似文献   

董淑凤  史久慧  王屹博  丁超  杜杰 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7021-7024
目的:骨组织的形成是一个复杂的过程,受多种因素的影响,糖尿病所导致的持续高血糖对于成骨分化的影响机制尚不明确,以及在此分化过程中的各种细胞因子的作用机理仍不明了,现拟通过体外成骨诱导环境,观察高糖和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblastgrowthfactorbFGF)对人骨髓间充质干细胞(humanmesenchymalstemcellshMSCs)成骨分化的影响。方法:hMSC在5.5mmol/L和25mmol/L葡萄糖浓度下培养6天,使用cck一8法测定各组细胞增殖情况;hMSC在两种糖浓度下成骨诱导28天,通过碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性检测、茜素红染色、钙结节半定量检测,对比各组成骨分化活性;在两种糖浓度成骨诱导液中加入10ng/mlbFGF,使用RT—PCR技术检测各组细胞OCN、OPNmRNA表达差异。结果:高糖较正常糖浓度细胞增殖率下降,ALP活性降低,茜素红染色钙结节量减少,RT—PCR检测结果显示25mmol/L组OCN、OPNmRNA表达量低于5.5mmol/L组,加入bFGF后,25mmol/L组仍低于5.5mmol/L组,与未添加bFGF同葡萄糖组比较表达增加。结论:高糖使hMSC增殖能力下降,在成骨分化的过程中ALP活性降低,成骨相关基因OCN、OPN表达量下降,证明了高糖对hMSC成骨分化具有抑制作用,当加入bFGF后,改善了高糖对hMSC的抑制作用,提示糖尿病条件下高糖的存在是导致hMSC成骨分化能力下降的不利因素,同时初步证明了bFGF参与了成骨分化的过程,从而为在分子水平探讨糖尿病患者种植义齿骨结合形成相关机制奠定初步的基础..  相似文献   

Angiogenesis initiation is crucially dependent on endothelial proliferation and can be stimulated by the fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2). The DNA dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), long known for its importance in repairing DNA double strand breaks, belongs to the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3-K) super family and has recently been identified as one of the enzymes phosphorylating and activating Akt. Due to its similarity with PI3-K, we hypothesized that DNA-PK may have similar effects on endothelial angiogenic processes and signalling. We used primary endothelial cells (HUVEC and PAEC) and human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC) to study the role of DNA-PK in endothelial proliferation and signalling. DNA-PKcs suppression with the compound NU7026 or with siRNA induced basal endothelial cell proliferation as well as enhanced FGF-2 dependent proliferation. This was associated with an increase in phosphorylated Akt. Tube formation was not affected by DNA-PKcs clearly showing that the role of DNA-PK in endothelial processes differs from that of PI3-K. Our findings indicate DNA-PK as an important enzyme maintaining the quiescent endothelial phenotype by actively inhibiting Akt thus restraining endothelial cell proliferation preventing excessive growth.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 23 produced by the bone is the principal hormone to regulate serum phosphate level. Serum FGF23 needs to be tightly regulated to maintain serum phosphate in a narrow range. Thus, we hypothesized that the bone has some phosphate-sensing mechanism to regulate the production of FGF23. Previously we showed that extracellular phosphate induces the phosphorylation of FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) and FGFR1 signaling regulates the expression of Galnt3, whose product works to increase FGF23 production in vitro. In this study, we show the significance of FGFR1 in the regulated FGF23 production and serum phosphate level in vivo. We generated late-osteoblast/osteocyte-specific Fgfr1-knockout mice (Fgfr1fl/fl; OcnCre/+) by crossing the Ocn-Cre and the floxed Fgfr1 mouse lines. We evaluated serum phosphate and FGF23 levels, the expression of Galnt3 in the bone, the body weight and life span. A selective ablation of Fgfr1 aborted the increase of serum active full-length FGF23 and the enhanced expression of Galnt3 in the bone by a high phosphate diet. These mice showed more pronounced hyperphosphatemia compared with control mice. In addition, these mice fed with a control diet showed body weight loss after 23 weeks of age and shorter life span. These results reveal a novel significance of FGFR1 signaling in the phosphate metabolism and normal life span.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in hematopoiesis and tumorigenesis. However, little is known about the contribution of the FGFs identified within the past 10 years to leukemogenesis. To elucidate whether these FGFs (FGF-8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -16, -17, -18, -19, -20, and -21) are expressed in leukemic cells, we performed RT-PCR analyses using 28 cell lines. The members of a fetal-oncogenic subfamily, FGF-8/-17/-18, were often expressed (53.5%, 25.0%, and 32.1%) with the co-expression of their receptors. Realtime quantitative-PCR analysis showed that FGF-8/-17 were aberrantly expressed in patients with acute leukemia. Moreover, cell proliferation assays revealed the proliferation activity of FGF-17 on leukemic cells expressing its receptors. These results demonstrated that certain recently identified FGFs play an important role in the growth of leukemic cells, possibly with an autocrine mode of action, and that these FGFs will become novel biomarkers for hematopoietic tumors.  相似文献   



Signals from the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have typically been considered to provide catabolic activities in articular cartilage, and accordingly have been suggested to have a causal role in osteoarthritis progression. The aim of this study was to determine in vivo roles for endogenous EGFR signal activation in articular cartilage.


Transgenic mice with conditional, limb-targeted deletion of the endogenous intracellular EGFR inhibitor Mig-6 were generated using CreLoxP (Mig-6-flox; Prx1Cre) recombination. Histology, histochemical staining and immunohistochemistry were used to confirm activation of EGFR signaling in the articular cartilage and joints, and to analyze phenotypic consequences of Mig-6 loss on articular cartilage morphology, proliferation, expression of progenitor cell markers, presence of chondrocyte hypertrophy and degradation of articular cartilage matrix.


The articular cartilage of Mig-6-conditional knockout (Mig-6-cko) mice was dramatically and significantly thicker than normal articular cartilage at 6 and 12 weeks of age. Mig-6-cko articular cartilage contained a population of chondrocytes in which EGFR signaling was activated, and which were three to four times more proliferative than normal Mig-6-flox articular chondrocytes. These cells expressed high levels of the master chondrogenic regulatory factor Sox9, as well as high levels of putative progenitor cell markers including superficial zone protein (SZP), growth and differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) and Notch1. Expression levels were also high for activated β-catenin and the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) mediators phospho-Smad2/3 (pSmad2/3). Anabolic effects of EGFR activation in articular cartilage were followed by catabolic events, including matrix degradation, as determined by accumulation of aggrecan cleavage fragments, and onset of hypertrophy as determined by type × collagen expression. By 16 weeks of age, the articular cartilage of Mig-6-cko knees was no longer thickened and was degenerating.


These results demonstrate unexpected anabolic effects of EGFR signal activation in articular cartilage, and suggest the hypothesis that these effects may promote the expansion and/or activity of an endogenous EGFR-responsive cell population within the articular cartilage.  相似文献   

成纤维细胞生长因子6(fibroblast growth factor 6,FGF6)是成纤维细胞生长因子家族(FGFs)的成员之一,主要通过与酪氨酸激酶受体(fibroblast growth factor receptor,FGFR)1和4结合发挥其生物学活性。研究发现,人FGF6几乎都积聚在肌源性细胞系中,参与肌源性细胞系的增殖及分化,在肌肉修复和再生过程中起重要作用,同时它还是一个重要的调节骨生成和骨重建的因子;FGF6在心脏中也有表达,进一步试验结果表明其具有促进心肌细胞增殖及保护心肌细胞凋亡的作用;在成体睾丸和乳腺癌中也检测到有FGF6的转录物,表明其在肿瘤发生发展中的作用。目前,FGF6在多种疾病中的功能和相关机制仍有待进一步研究和确认,但其所具备的生物学活性尤其是在肌肉再生方面具有重要的意义和巨大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that epithelial-vascular interactions are essential for tissue patterning. Here we identified components of the molecular cross talk between respiratory epithelial cells and pulmonary capillaries necessary for the formation of the gas exchange surface of the lung. Selective inactivation of the Vegf-A gene in respiratory epithelium results in an almost complete absence of pulmonary capillaries, demonstrating the dependence of pulmonary capillary development on epithelium-derived Vegf-A. Deficient capillary formation in Vegf-A deficient lungs is associated with a defect in primary septae formation, a morphogenetic process critical for distal lung morphogenesis, coupled with suppression of epithelial cell proliferation and decreased hepatocyte growth factor (Hgf) expression. Lung endothelial cells express Hgf, and selective deletion of the Hgf receptor gene in respiratory epithelium phenocopies the malformation of septae, confirming the requirement for epithelial Hgf signaling in normal septae formation and suggesting that Hgf serves as an endothelium-derived factor that signals to the epithelium. Our findings support a mechanism for primary septae formation dependent on reciprocal interactions between respiratory epithelium and the underlying vasculature, establishing the dependence of pulmonary capillary development on epithelium-derived Vegf-A, and identify Hgf as a putative endothelium-derived factor that mediates the reciprocal signaling from the vasculature to the respiratory epithelium.  相似文献   

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