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The recent reexamination of a tooth‐whorl fossil of Helicoprion containing intact jaws shows that the symphyseal tooth‐whorl occupies the entire length of Meckel's cartilage. Here, we use the morphology of the jaws and tooth‐whorl to reconstruct the jaw musculature and develop a biomechanical model of the feeding mechanism in these early Permian predators. The jaw muscles may have generated large bite‐forces; however, the mechanics of the jaws and whorl suggest that Helicoprion was better equipped for feeding on soft‐bodied prey. Hard shelled prey would tend to slip anteriorly from the closing jaws due to the curvature of the tooth‐whorl, lack of cuspate teeth on the palatoquadrate (PQ), and resistance of the prey. When feeding on soft‐bodied prey, deformation of the prey traps prey tissue between the two halves of the PQ and the whorl. The curvature of the tooth‐whorl and position of the exposed teeth relative to the jaw joint results in multiple tooth functions from anterior to posterior tooth that aid in feeding on soft‐bodied prey. Posterior teeth cut and push prey deeper into the oral cavity, while middle teeth pierce and cut, and anterior teeth hook and drag more of the prey into the mouth. Furthermore, the anterior‐posterior edges of the teeth facilitate prey cutting with jaw closure and jaw depression. The paths traveled by each tooth during jaw depression are reminiscent of curved pathways used with slashing weaponry such as swords and knifes. Thus, the jaws and tooth‐whorl may have formed a multifunctional tool for capturing, processing, and transporting prey by cyclic opening and closing of the lower jaw in a sawing fashion. J. Morphol. 276:47–64, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The teeth of white-spotted bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) are used to clutch soft-bodied prey and crush hard prey; however, the dual function is not evident from tooth morphology alone. Teeth exhibit characteristics that are in agreement with a clutching-type tooth morphology that is well suited for grasping and holding soft-bodied prey, but not for crushing hard prey. The dual role of this single tooth morphology is facilitated by features of the dental ligament and jaw joint. Tooth attachment is flexible and elastic, allowing movement in both sagittal and frontal planes. During prey capture spike-like tooth cusps pierce the flesh of soft prey, thereby preventing escape. When processing prey harder than the teeth can pierce the teeth passively depress, rotating inward towards the oral cavity such that the broader labial faces of the teeth are nearly parallel to the surface of the jaws and form a crushing surface. Movement into the depressed position increases the tooth surface area contacting prey and decreases the total stress applied to the tooth, thereby decreasing the risk of structural failure. This action is aided by a jaw joint that is ventrally offset from the occlusal planes of the jaws. The offset joint position allows many teeth to contact prey simultaneously and orients force vectors at contact points between the jaws and prey in a manner that shears or rolls prey between the jaws during a bite, thus, aiding in processing while reducing forward slip of hard prey from the mouth. Together the teeth, dental ligament, and jaws form an integrated system that may be beneficial to the feeding ecology of C. plagiosum, allowing for a diet that includes prey of varying hardness and elusiveness.  相似文献   

The teeth of captured specimens, of prepared museum specimens, and of high-speed videotape images of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, were compared with respect to (1) deviation of each tooth from the animal's midline and (2) the crown angle of the functional teeth along the jaw margin. Tooth position was measured either directly using a meter stick apparatus or derived from tracings of the video footage. Tooth positions were not statistically unique in any region of the upper or lower jaw but demonstrated less variability in crown angle within 30° of the midline (71.48° ± 10°). Videotape analysis of feeding sharks indicated an 8.7° increase in crown angle of the centermost teeth during bites where the jaws were closed through an angle of 20–35° and a 15.7° reduction in this same parameter during jaw adduction through 35° or more. Such changes in tooth orientation (relative to the rear of the buccal cavity) are ascribed to flexure of the cartilaginous jaws and cranium by the cranial musculature and possibly also to sliding of the tooth bed over the jaw. Outward rotation of the teeth and jaw rami describes a plucking action during feeding or prey sampling, while larger bites rotate the frontmost teeth inward towards the gullet. Functionally, this may make the teeth more effective at grasping small prey items or gouging chunks from larger prey. However, testing of the load required to remove teeth showed no significant increase in tensile resistance with reduced crown angle. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Theropod dinosaurs are well known for having a ziphodont dentition: serrated, blade-shaped teeth that they used for cutting through prey. Serrations along the carinae of theropod teeth are composed of true denticles, a complex arrangement of dentine, enamel, and interdental folds. This structure would have supported individual denticles and dissipated the stresses associated with feeding. These particular serrations were previously thought to be unique to theropod dinosaurs and some other archosaurs. Here, we identify the same denticles and interdental folds forming the cutting edges in the teeth of a Permian gorgonopsian synapsid, extending the temporal and phylogenetic distribution of this dental morphology. This remarkable instance of convergence not only represents the earliest record of this adaptation to hypercarnivory but also demonstrates that the first iteration of this feature appeared in non-mammalian synapsids. Comparisons of tooth serrations in gorgonopsians with those of earlier synapsids and hypercarnivorous mammals reveal some gorgonopsians acquired a complex tissue arrangement that differed from other synapsids.  相似文献   

The majority of studies on the evolution and function of feeding in sharks have focused primarily on the movement of cranial components and muscle function, with little integration of tooth properties or function. As teeth are subjected to sometimes extreme loads during feeding, they undergo stress, strain, and potential failure. As attributes related to structural strength such as material properties and overall shape may be subjected to natural selection, both prey processing ability and structural parameters must be considered to understand the evolution of shark teeth. In this study, finite element analysis was used to visualize stress distributions of fossil and extant shark teeth during puncture, unidirectional draw (cutting), and holding. Under the loading and boundary conditions here, which are consistent with bite forces of large sharks, shark teeth are structurally strong. Teeth loaded in puncture have localized stress concentrations at the cusp apex that diminish rapidly away from the apex. When loaded in draw and holding, the majority of the teeth show stress concentrations consistent with well designed cantilever beams. Notches result in stress concentration during draw and may serve as a weak point; however they are functionally important for cutting prey during lateral head shaking behavior. As shark teeth are replaced regularly, it is proposed that the frequency of tooth replacement in sharks is driven by tooth wear, not tooth failure. As the tooth tip and cutting edges are worn, the surface areas of these features increase, decreasing the amount of stress produced by the tooth. While this wear will not affect the general structural strength of the tooth, tooth replacement may also serve to keep ahead of damage caused by fatigue that may lead to eventual tooth failure. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The dental anatomy of elasmobranch fishes (sharks, rays and relatives) creates a functional system that is more dynamic than that of mammalian dentition. Continuous dental replacement (where new teeth are moved rostrally to replace older ones) and indirect fibrous attachment of the dentition to the jaw allow teeth to reorient relative to the jaw over both long- and short-term scales, respectively. In this study, we examine the processing behavior and dental anatomy of the lesser electric ray Narcine brasiliensis (Olfers, 1831) to illustrate that the freedom of movement of elasmobranch dentition allows a functional flexibility that can be important for complex prey processing behaviors. From static manipulations of dissected jaws and observations of feeding events in live animals, we show that the teeth rotate during jaw protrusion, resulting in a secondary grasping mechanism that likely serves to hold prey while the buccal cavity is flushed free of sediment. The function of teeth is not always readily apparent from morphology; in addition to short-term reorientation, the long-term dental reorientation during replacement allows a given tooth to serve multiple functions during tooth ontogeny. Unlike teeth inside the mouth, the cusps of external teeth (on the portion of the tooth pad that extends past the occlusal plane) lay flat, such that the labial faces act as a functional battering surface, protecting the jaws during prey excavation.  相似文献   

Although a strong correlation between jaw mechanics and prey selection has been demonstrated in bony fishes (Osteichthyes), how jaw mechanics influence feeding performance in cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes) remains unknown. Hence, tooth shape has been regarded as a primary predictor of feeding behavior in sharks. Here we apply Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to examine form and function in the jaws of two threatened shark species, the great white (Carcharodon carcharias) and the sandtiger (Carcharias taurus). These species possess characteristic tooth shapes believed to reflect dietary preferences. We show that the jaws of sandtigers and great whites are adapted for rapid closure and generation of maximum bite force, respectively, and that these functional differences are consistent with diet and dentition. Our results suggest that in both taxa, insertion of jaw adductor muscles on a central tendon functions to straighten and sustain muscle fibers to nearly orthogonal insertion angles as the mouth opens. We argue that this jaw muscle arrangement allows high bite forces to be maintained across a wider range of gape angles than observed in mammalian models. Finally, our data suggest that the jaws of sub-adult great whites are mechanically vulnerable when handling large prey. In addition to ontogenetic changes in dentition, further mineralization of the jaws may be required to effectively feed on marine mammals. Our study is the first comparative FEA of the jaws for any fish species. Results highlight the potential of FEA for testing previously intractable questions regarding feeding mechanisms in sharks and other vertebrates.  相似文献   

The horn sharks (Heterodontidae: Chondrichthyes) represent one of four independent evolutions of durophagy in the cartilaginous fishes. We used high-resolution computed tomography (CT scanning) to visualize and quantify the mineralized tissue of an ontogenetic series of horn sharks. CT scanning of neonatal through adult California horn sharks (Heterodontus francisci) confirmed that this technique is effective for examining mineralized tissue in even small (<10 mm) specimens. The jaw joint is among the first areas to become mineralized and is the most heavily mineralized area in the cranium of a neonatal horn shark. The hyoid is also well mineralized, although the poorly mineralized molariform teeth indicate that the neonatal animal may be a suction feeder on softer prey. The symphysis of the jaws never mineralizes, in sharp contrast to the condition in the hard prey-crushing stingrays. Digitally reslicing the CT scans along the jaws allowed measurement of the second moment of area (Ina). Assuming that the jaws are made of the same material at all ages, Ina is an indicator of the flexural stiffness of the jaws. In all sizes of shark the lower jaws were stiffer than the upper and the stiffness increased in the area of the molariform teeth. The central region of the jaws, where the rami meet, support cuspidate grasping teeth and has the lowest Ina. The spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari), a hard prey-crushing stingray, shows a different pattern of flexural stiffness, with the peak at the central part of the jaws where the prey is reduced between flattened tooth plates. Although the eagle ray jaws have a higher Ina than the horn shark, they are also far more heavily mineralized. When the relative amounts of mineralization are taken into account, horn sharks do better with what mineral they have than does the eagle ray. With a tight jaw joint and loose mandibular symphysis, as well as nearly opposite patterns of stiffness in the jaws, it is clear that two of the clades of hard prey specialists use very different methods for cracking the hard prey problem.  相似文献   

Deformed teeth are found as rare components of the dentitions of both modern and fossil chondrichthians. Tooth deformities occur as bent or twisted tooth crowns, missing or misshaped cusps, atypical protuberances, perforations, and abnormal root structures. Deformed tooth files consisting of unusually overlapped or small teeth, or teeth misaligned in the jaw also occur in modern forms, but deformed tooth files generally are not recognizable in fossils due to post-mortem dissociation of teeth and jaws. A survey of 200 modern lamniform and carcharhiniform sharks as well as literature sources indicate that such deformities are produced by feeding-related injury to the tooth-forming tissue of the jaws, particularly by impaction of chondrichthian and teleost fin and tail spines. Tooth counts for several late Cretaceous genera, based on material recovered from coastal plain sites from New Jersey to Alabama, suggest that the frequency of occurrence of deformed teeth in a species varies from about 0.015% in Squalicorax kaupi to about 0.36% in Paranomotodon sp. Tooth counts for modern lamniform and carcharhiniform sharks yield a comparable range in frequency of tooth deformities. Variation in frequency of tooth deformity may reflect interspecific differences in feeding behavior and dietary preferences. There is no suggestion in our data of any strong patterns of temporal variation in tooth deformity frequency, or of patterns ­reflecting chondrichthian phylogenetic history and evolution. Skeletal components of the probable prey of the Cretaceous species are preserved in the same horizons as the deformed teeth, and also are found within co-occurring chondrichthian coprolites.  相似文献   

Sharks as a group have a long history as highly successful predatory fishes. Although, the number of recent studies on their diet, feeding behavior, feeding mechanism, and mechanics have increased, many areas still require additional investigation. Dietary studies of sharks are generally more abundant than those on feeding activity patterns, and most of the studies are confined to relatively few species, many being carcharhiniform sharks. These studies reveal that sharks are generally asynchronous opportunistic feeders on the most abundant prey item, which are primarily other fishes. Studies of natural feeding behavior are few and many observations of feeding behavior are based on anecdotal reports. To capture their prey sharks either ram, suction, bite, filter, or use a combination of these behaviors. Foraging may be solitary or aggregate, and while cooperative foraging has been hypothesized it has not been conclusively demonstrated. Studies on the anatomy of the feeding mechanism are abundant and thorough, and far exceed the number of functional studies. Many of these studies have investigated the functional role of morphological features such as the protrusible upper jaw, but only recently have we begun to interpret the mechanics of the feeding apparatus and how it affects feeding behavior. Teeth are represented in the fossil record and are readily available in extant sharks. Therefore much is known about their morphology but again functional studies are primarily theoretical and await experimental analysis. Recent mechanistic approaches to the study of prey capture have revealed that kinematic and motor patterns are conserved in many species and that the ability to modulate feeding behavior varies greatly among taxa. In addition, the relationship of jaw suspension to feeding behavior is not as clear as was once believed, and contrary to previous interpretations upper jaw protrusibility appears to be related to the morphology of the upper jaw-chondrocranial articulation rather than the type of jaw suspension. Finally, we propose a set of specific hypotheses including: (1) The functional specialization for suction feeding hypothesis that morphological and functional specialization for suction feeding has repeatedly arisen in numerous elasmobranch lineages, (2) The aquatic suction feeding functional convergence hypothesis that similar hydrodynamic constraints in bony fishes and sharks result in convergent morphological and functional specializations for suction feeding in both groups, (3) The feeding modulation hypothesis that suction capture events in sharks are more stereotyped and therefore less modulated compared to ram and bite capture events, and (4) The independence of jaw suspension and feeding behavior hypothesis whereby the traditional categorization of jaw suspension types in sharks is not a good predictor of jaw mobility and prey capture behavior. Together with a set of questions these hypotheses help to guide future research on the feeding biology of sharks.  相似文献   

The great barracuda, Sphyraena barracuda, is a voracious marine predator that captures fish with a swift ram feeding strike. While aspects of its ram feeding kinematics have been examined, an unexamined aspect of their feeding strategy is the bite mechanism used to process prey. Barracuda can attack fish larger than the gape of their jaws, and in order to swallow large prey, can sever their prey into pieces with powerful jaws replete with sharp cutting teeth. Our study examines the functional morphology and biomechanics of 'ram-biting' behavior in great barracuda where the posterior portions of the oral jaws are used to slice through prey. Using fresh fish and preserved museum specimens, we examined the jaw mechanism of an ontogenetic series of barracuda ranging from 20 g to 8.2 kg. Jaw functional morphology was described from dissections of fresh specimens and bite mechanics were determined from jaw morphometrics using the software MandibLever (v3.2). High-speed video of barracuda biting (1500 framess(-1)) revealed that prey are impacted at the corner of the mouth during capture in an orthogonal position where rapid repeated bites and short lateral headshakes result in cutting the prey in two. Predicted dynamic force output of the lower jaw nearly doubles from the tip to the corner of the mouth reaching as high as 58 N in large individuals. A robust palatine bone embedded with large dagger-like teeth opposes the mandible at the rear of the jaws providing for a scissor-like bite capable of shearing through the flesh and bone of its prey.  相似文献   

Tooth morphology is often used to inform the feeding ecology of an organism as these structures are important to procure and process dietary resources. In sharks, differences in morphology may facilitate the capture and handling of prey with different physical properties. However, few studies have investigated differences in tooth morphology over ontogeny, throughout the jaws of a single species, or among species at multiple tooth positions. Bull (Carcharhinus leucas), blacktip (Carcharhinus limbatus), and bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo) are coastal predators that exhibit ontogenetic dietary shifts, but differ in their feeding ecologies. This study measured tooth morphology at six positions along the upper and lower jaws of each species using elliptic Fourier analysis to make comparisons within and among species over their ontogeny. Significant ontogenetic differences were detected at four of the six tooth positions in bull sharks, but only the posterior position on the lower jaw appeared to exhibit a functionally relevant shift in morphology. No ontogenetic changes in morphology were detected in blacktip or bonnethead sharks. Intraspecific comparisons found that most tooth positions significantly differed from one another across all species, but heterodonty was greatest in bull sharks. Additionally, interspecific comparisons found differences among all species at each tooth position except between bull and blacktip sharks at two positions. These morphological patterns within and among species may have implications for prey handling efficiency, as well as in providing insight for paleoichthyology studies and reevaluating heterodonty in sharks.  相似文献   

Prosauropods were not scavenger-predators, rather they were the dominant large terrestrial herbivores during the late Triassic and early Jurassic. The herbivorous adaptations of anchisaurids include spatulate teeth with anteroposteriorly expanded crowns (maximum width apical to base of crown) which are obliquely inclined with respect to the jaws so each slightly overlaps the tooth behind it, and which have coarse marginal serrations at 45° to the cutting edges. Most of the teeth of yunnanosaurids lack serrations and resemble those of sauropod dinosaurs in form and in having self-sharpening surfaces, formed by tooth-to-tooth wear, which increased the efficiency of dealing with more resistant plant material. Anchisaurids and yunnanosaurids had a ventrally set jaw articulation; the teeth and skull of melanorosaurids are unknown. All prosauropods were high browsers that extended the feeding range with a long neck and tripodal feeding (long hindlimbs and stout tail for support). They used herding and the enormous claw on the pollex for defense, and probably had a muscular gastric mill with stones that was used for grinding the food. They account for at least 95% of the biomass in their respective faunas.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviours of two Tanganyikan scale-eating cichlids, Perissodus straeleni and Perissodus microlepis , were observed in laboratory. Video analyses of their feeding behaviours showed the distinct differences in scale-eating action between the two species. Perissodus straeleni presses and shifts its mouth laterally along the body of the prey as the prey attempts to break free. In contrast, P. microlepis quickly rotates its body, with both jaws pressed tightly against the flank of the prey. Scanning electron microscopy of tooth shapes confirmed that dental morphology clearly differs between the two species: the teeth of P. straeleni are laminar and leaf-shaped with sharp edges along the lateral sides, whereas P. microlepis has thick, broad-based teeth with spine-like points in the upper corners. In addition, inspection of tooth condition in wild-caught fishes showed that the ratio of wearing teeth was significantly higher in P. straeleni than in P. microlepis . These results indicate that the functional morphology of the teeth plays an important role in their scale-eating actions; in P. straeleni , the sharp edges of the teeth appear to function as blades for scraping while shifting the mouth laterally along the body of the prey, whereas the spine-like projections on the teeth of P. microlepis appear to effectively catch scales while pressing and rotating the mouth, simultaneously wrenching off scales. These results clearly demonstrate that the different scale-eating behaviours of the two species are closely associated with the functional diversification of their jaw teeth.  相似文献   

The extent to which elements of functional systems can change independently (modularity) likely influences the diversification of lineages. Major innovations in organismal design, like the pharyngeal jaw in cichlid fishes, may be key to a group's success when they relax constraints on diversification by increasing phenotypic modularity. In cichlid fishes, pharyngeal jaw modifications that enhanced the ability to breakdown prey may have freed their oral jaws from serving their ancestral dual role as a site of both prey capture and prey processing. This functional decoupling that allowed the oral jaws to become devoted solely to prey capture has been hypothesized to have permitted the two sets of cichlid jaws to evolve independently. We tested the hypothesis that oral and pharyngeal jaw mechanics are evolutionarily decoupled both within and among Neotropical Heroine cichlids. In the trophically polymorphic species Herichthys minckleyi, molariforms that exhibit enlarged molarlike pharyngeal jaw teeth were found to have approximately 400% greater lower jaw mass compared to H. minckleyi with the alternative papilliform pharyngeal morphology. However, oral jaw gape, lower jaw velocity ratios, anterior jaw linkage mechanics, and jaw protrusion did not differ between the morphotypes. In 40 other Heroine species, there was a weak correlation between oral jaw mechanics and pharyngeal jaw mass when phylogenetic history was ignored. Yet, after expansion of the cytochrome b phylogeny for Heroines, change in oral jaw mechanics was found to be independent of evolutionary change in pharyngeal jaw mass based on independent contrasts. Evolutionary decoupling of oral and pharyngeal jaw mechanics has likely played a critical role in the unparalleled trophic diversification of cichlid fishes.  相似文献   

The jaw lever system in ungulates: a new model   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In ungulates the distance from the jaw joint to the last molar is approximately the same as that of the grinding tooth row length. An hypothesis is presented that attempts to explain why ungulate grinding teeth are positioned where they are along the jaw. If the jaw joint on the balancing side serves as the fulcrum in anisognathus animals, a region along the jaw is defined, corresponding to where teeth are actually found, where rather simple muscle action can apply equal forces at any point. The ability to produce the same force at any point in this region, as such, may not be the critical feature since anterior or posterior to this region, tooth placement produces either a relatively inefficient or an unstable condition.  相似文献   

The performance of an organism's feeding apparatus has obvious implications for its fitness and survival. However, the majority of studies that focus on chondrichthyan feeding have largely ignored the role of teeth. Studying the functional morphology of shark teeth not only elucidates the biological role that teeth play in feeding, but also provides insight specifically into the evolution of shark feeding because teeth are often the only structures available in the fossil record. In the present study, we investigate the puncture and draw performance of three general categories of extant teeth, tearing‐type, cutting‐type, and cutting–clutching type, as well as three fossil morphologies, utilizing a universal testing system. Differences in puncturing performance occurred among different prey items, indicating that not all ‘soft’ prey items are alike. The majority of teeth were able to puncture different prey items, and differences in puncture performance also occurred among tooth types; however, few patterns emerged. In some cases, broader triangular teeth were less effective at puncturing than narrow‐cusped teeth. There were no differences between the maximum draw forces and maximum puncture forces. Many of the shark teeth in the present study were not only able to perform draw and puncture equally well, but also many tooth morphologies were functionally equivalent to each other. The findings obtained in the present study lend little support to the belief that shark tooth morphology is a good predictor of biological role. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 271–286.  相似文献   

Sharks at the cladodont and hybodont level (Paleozoic and Mesozoic) have blunt fangs and crushing teeth. These are covered by a thin sculptured uniform "enamel" cap, with a high compressive strength. The radiation of the modern sharks in the middle Mesozoic leads primarily to a broad spectrum of different sharks with a fang, or cutting tooth dentition. This radiation is accompanied by modifications of anatomical characters of the shark's body but also by the development of three new "enamel" types, which give the teeth bending and compressive strength.  相似文献   

Rockycampacanthus milesi n.gen., n.sp. is described from a single jaw from the Rocky Camp member of Lower Devonian Buchan Group, E Victoria. Rockycampacanthus differs from other ischnacanthiforms in having large multicuspidate teeth with dual rows of secondary cusps forming a posteromesial flange, a mesial tooth row beginning opposite the fourth cusp of the main tooth row, and in the gnathal bone being deepest in the anterior half. Taemasacanthus erroli n. gen., n. sp. is described from several jaw bones from the Lower Devonian Murrumbidgee Group, New South Wales. Taemasacanthus has a well developed posterolabial flange with secondary cusps developed, vertical rows of denticles on the cusps of the main tooth row and a well developed mesial tooth row separated from the main row by a prominent ridge. The labial face of the jaw has a circular ridge which may have supported labial cartilages. The complex mandibular joint in climatiforms, acanthodiiforms and some primitive sharks differs from the simple jaw articulation of ischnacanthids. It is suggested that ischnacanthids are the plesiomorphic sister group to climatiforms plus acanthodiiforms. The interrelationships of ischnacanthids, climatiforms and acanthodiforms are discussed.  相似文献   

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