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~~Identification and expression profiling of putative odorant-binding proteins in the malaria mosquitoes, Anopheles gambiae and A. arabiensis1. Curtis, C. F., Introduction 1: An overview of mosquito biology, behaviour and importance, in Olfaction in Mosquito-Host Interactions (eds. Bock, G. R.. Cardew, G.), New York: Wiley, 1996, 3-7. 2. Nighom, A., Hildebrand. J. G.. Dissecting the molecular mechanisms of olfaction in a malaria-vector mosquito, PNAS, 2002, 99(3): 1113-…  相似文献   

940979通过组培对Pelargonium X hortorum进行无性繁殖:盐稀度和生长调节剂浓度效应〔英〕/Desil-ets,H…‘了Can。J.Plant Sei一1993,73.(3)一571~575仁译自DB人,1993,12(22),93一12871〕 为了优化天竺葵(pela,夕。:£。、K ho,to-二份。)4种栽培种的芽诱导(23℃、16br光周期)  相似文献   

922275发根土壤杆菌介导的紫首待和驴豆转化仁英〕/Gol-d;一T .J.…了J .ExP.Bot一1991,42(242)扩1147一1157仁译自DBA,1991,10(23),91-13578〕 用发根土壤杆菌(A夕,obaete:£。仍沪h£“o夕“-。es)A4T(质粒pRIA凌b)接种紫首落(Med云-Cago sat‘”a)和驴豆(000b,,ch坛8”云C石£fol云a)。紫首蓓中出现品种依赖性反应,。v.Vertus、Regen一S和Rangolander感染茎外植体产生的转化根分别占94 .25和4%。驴豆ev.HampshireGrant中出现外植体依赖性反应,籽苗子叶和下胚轴外植体的反应分别为了8%和50%。叶片外植体不产生转化根。在无植物…  相似文献   

(续 2 0 0 3年第 38卷第 6期第 5 7页 )实验 动物系统学和形态学Q1.  (5分 )A B C D E F G H I J0 1 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 3Q2  (5分 )A B C D E F G H I J0 1 0 2 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 6 0 3 0 70 80 9Q3  (10分 )A B C D E F G H I JK + + +L +M ++ +N +O +P +R ++S ++T ++ +++ +Q4 A  (4分 )  □ □    □ □Q4 B  (1分 )  □Q5  (5分 )A B C D E F G H I J0 3 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 2Q6  (10分 )   A.Gammaruspulex(钩虾 )  B.Anopheles sp.(疟 蚊 )  C.H irudo …  相似文献   

Anderson. John M. & Anderson, Heidi M., 1989: Palacoflora of Southern Africa: Molteno Formation (Triassic), v. 2 Gymosperms. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkcma.Boucot, A. J., 1990: Evolutionary paleobiology of behavior and convolution. Amsterdam: Elsevier.Allen. Keith & Briggs, Derek (ed.), 1989:Evolution and the fossil record. London: Belhaven Press.  相似文献   

5 species belonging to 2 subgenera i. e. Sinophora s. str. and Sinaphraof the genus Sinophora were described previously (L. Melichar 1902, Z. P.Metcalf and G. Horton 1934, S. Matsumura 1942, G. A. Anufriev 1972), ofwhich 4 were recorded in China. The present paper adds 8 new species fromChina (Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang, Shaanxi, Hubei) to the list of the genus.The main topics discussed in detail in the Chinese text in the present paperare summarized as follows.  相似文献   

__,_(本刊综合)采集时间(年.月旧)采集地点作者l·强壮原背吸虫斤。左yp‘14:,n。;to占u“ ,,:(stos:i:h,1902.)wlt:nberg,l夕23*1974一1977贵州省长顺、兴义、惠水、丹寨等县危粹凡、谭绍才2-3。沼股蛤Ior,。ns)L谬脚忿oP即甩‘Z召‘“了岁尸“197,夭津市张闰生、陈锦田色缈P人oxi。“,。ari,ga公。(G小四川省城口、万源、南江,平武,宣汉、广元等县4·花背蟾蛤B耐o;a召。st:auoh5·北方狭口蛙Kalo司a占or。。1六匕B丹r, bour)‘.山麻晰E,c二la‘石,en动Ic夕iGueother7.无蹼壁虎‘亡友如,。,人on;‘Gueother8.黄脊游蛇Col“占‘r,杯。…  相似文献   

份Abies,···……‘””’‘.‘”名A。eallosa Lindl. var。ae屯zrni了lataC。……2 32F。工A .y tlanbaosha,le,1515A .21了火、nensis···…………,·.·.,··…38......·.·.··……35 页一33,160,1 60ang 2 32var.diseo!。rAea打thol主mon alatavieu皿B。:ge工挤.IJiallg54。2 33var,la亡丫:匕atum Peng………291Var。phjP_夕jo少doa。F。L;a月g…2召3互J只︺门口勺dAcallth。。auax…CA .evodiaefolius Yar.graeilisVar.formosana Fin.ct Ga盛n.Aeal飞thus ilieifolius Linxl.Acer…97…352 32232A。b icolor.··…  相似文献   

920202连续昆虫细胞生物反应器生产杆状病毒或盆组衍生物〔会,英〕/van Lier,F.L.J.一2 Ann.N .Y.Acad.Sci一2992,613一253~100〔译自DBA,1991,10(9),91一05063」 叙述了杆状病毒的分子生物学,以及如何生产用于昆虫生防的重组杆状病毒。此为连续操作系统,其中两个相连反应器的第一个用于培养昆虫细胞,在第二个反应器中,非封闭形首蓓银纹夜蛾(A“to夕ra夕无acal‘for。£ca.)核多角体病毒 (AoNPV)侵染昆虫细胞。细胞裂解前完成侵染周期。在剪切力最小的饱罩塔中反应,此模型用于气提式生物反应器。4周后,在上述二步反应器中,草地夜蛾(…  相似文献   

~~Screening and identification of Shigella flexneri 2a virulence-related genes induced after invasion of epithelial cells1. Jin, Q., Yuan, Z., Xu, J., Wang, Y., Shen, Y., Lu, W., Wang, J., Liu, H., Yang, J., Yang, P., Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Yang, G, Wu, H., Qu, D., Dong, J., Sun, L., Xue, Y, Zhao, A., Gao, Y., Zhu, J., Kan, B., Ding, K.. Chen, S., Cheng, H., Yao, Z., He, B., Chen, R., Ma, D., Qiang, B., Wen, Y, Hou, Y., Yu, J., Genome sequence of Shigella flexneri 2…  相似文献   

P&#  terS&#  LYMOS 《生物安全学报》2016,25(3):233-234
正Hector A.The New Statistics with R:An Introduction for Biologists,Oxford University Press,Oxford UK,2015,199 pp.$49.95(paperback)ISBN 978-0-19-872906-8I started reading"The New Statistics with R"from Andy Hector with mixed expectations.The title suggested something new and exciting,whereas the table of contents revealed that the‘newest’thing it covers are the generalized linear mixed-effects models  相似文献   

920e97用于体外生产杆状病毒的低成本无血清培养基〔会,英〕/Vaughn,J.L.…了In Vitro一1091,2了 (3),Pt,2一37A泣译自DBA,1991,20(15),91一08669) 开发了一种低成本无血清培养基,用于在草地夜蛾(习尸odo尹te,a fru夕£尸erda)昆虫细胞培养物中培养杆状病毒。IPL一41可用作初始培养基,提高葡萄糖浓度可替换其糖成分,TC一 Yeas柏-late和次黄普可替代维生素B混合物。测定了作为氨基酸替代物的水解蛋白,单一的水解产物不能代替氨基酸混合物。加入氯化胆碱和2%G工Bo Li-pid作为脂源,将PluronieF一65加入培养基用于悬浮细胞培养物。此配…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.营养生理 1.光合作用 Arnon, Daniel I.,M.B.Allen与F.R.Whatley(美国加里佛尼亚大学):光合磷酸化作用,叶绿素将光转变为磷酸键能的作用。(英文) Wassink,E.C.舆C.J.P.Spruit.(荷兰Wageningen农业大学):舆光合作用有关诸现象(萤光,氧化还原电位,磷酸交换,气体交换等)的比较,并着重探讨小绿藻的诱导现象。(英文) Wintermans,J.F.G.M.(荷兰Wageningen农业大学):对Chlorella的磷酸代谢与光合作用间的关系的一些观察。(英文) Kok,B.(荷兰Wageningen农业大学):用极端敏感的日记容积计对光合作用所做的动力学研究。(英文) Gibbs,M.与B.L.Horecker(美国):豌豆叶与豌豆权的制剂将戊糖磷酸酯转变为已糖—磷酸酯的  相似文献   

细胞生物学B1.B2.B3.B4.1.A,B,C2.A,D,GB5.B6.5'UACGCCGAC-3'B7.B8.B9.B10.植物解剖和生理学B11.B12.与内质网结合的核糖体1),2),3),6),7),9)细胞质核糖体4),5),8),10),11),12)线粒体酶染色体谷胱甘肽还原酶11苹果酸脱氢酶15半乳糖激酶7ABC -D-E F pH净电荷迁移方向1 1A50C9-1B12-2BABCDEF711391.42.12G1H5.10I1.6J9K8.11种系基因型缺少乳糖有乳糖1I-OCZ Y-誘誘2I OCZ-/I O Z 誘3I-P OCZ Y /I P-O Z Y-誘誘4ISP O Z Y-/I-P OCZ-Y 12345678910B E K D F I J A C G12345678910- - --- B13.B14.B15.…  相似文献   

D82001 oligonucleotide一directed mutagenesis of gene IX of bacterioPhage M13. Simons,G.F.M.,Veeneman,G.H.s Konings,R.N.H.,Van Boofn一J.H. Nucleic Acids Res.1682,10(3),821一832。D82002 Construction of a functional human suPPressor tRNA gene:an aPProac砚 to senetheraPy for日一thalassaelnia.Temple,G.F.,Dozv,A。M.,Roy,K.L。, Kan,Y.W.Nature 1982,296,537一540.D82003 Gap Inisrepairm球agenesis:efficient site一directed induction of transition, transve sion,and frameshift mutations in …  相似文献   

高翼之 《遗传》2006,28(7):767-768
1. Hsu T C. How I became a geneticist. Am J Med Genet, 1995, 59:304~325. 2. Hsu T C. Human and Mammalian Cytogenetics: A Historical Perspective. New York:Springer-Verlag, 1979. 3. Hsu T C. Tongue upfolding: A newly reported heritable character in man. J Hered, 1948, 39:186~188. 4. Liu T T, Hsu T C. Tongue-folding and tongue-rolling in a sample of the Chinese population. J Hered, 1949, 40:19~20.  相似文献   

库恩菇属一新组合种(国内新记录)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王金宝  陈智博 《植物研究》1993,13(4):342-343
本文报导了A.H.Smith和L.R.Hesler1968年命名的Pholiota conica A.H.Smith et L.R.Hesler在我国的新记录, 并根据R.Singer1975年的分类系统进行了新组合Kuehneromyces conicus(A.H.Smith et L.R.Hesler)J.B.Wang et Z.B.Chen comb.nov.  相似文献   


例1:吴征镒,王荷生,1983.中国自然地理(上册).北京:科学出版社,32例2:吴征镒,1979.论中国植物分区问题.云南植物研究,1(1):1—22例3:额尔特曼著,王伏雄和钱南芬译,1962.花粉形态与植物分类.北京:科学出版社,50—76例4:Abell B C, Tagg R C, Push M, 1954. Enzyme catalyzed cellular transamination. In: Round A F ed. Advances in Enzymology. Vol 2. 3rd ed. New York: Academic Press, 125—147例5:Grant V. 1963. Origin of Adaptation. New York: Columbia University Press, 1—5例6:Abell B C, 1945. The examination of cell nuclei. Biochem J, 35: 123—126  相似文献   

Application and functional study of dwarf and semi-dwarf genes are of great importance to both crop breeding and molecular biology. A new semi-dwarf gene, sd-t(t), non-allelic to sd-1, had been identified in an indica rice variety, Aitaiyin 2. In this study the gene was genetically mapped by using an F2 population, which consisted of 474 individuals developed from a cross between Aitaiyin 2 and B30. The sd-t(t) gene was located between the RFLP markers R514 and R1408B with a distance of 1.1 cM to R514, and 4.5 cM to R1408B on chromosome 4. A physical contig covering the sd-t(t) mapping region was further constructed by screening a BAG library with R514 and R1408B as probes, and the physical distance between R514 and R1408B was estimated at approximately 147 kb. This result will facilitate map-based cloning of the sd-t(t) gene.  相似文献   

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