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Summary Monoclonal antibodies directed against specific carbohydrate epitopes on chondroitin 4-/dermatan sulfate, chondroitin 6-sulfate, keratan sulfate, and a monoclonal antibody directed against the hyaluronate binding region were used to characterize proteoglycans extracted from embryonic chick bone marrow. About half of the proteoglycans separate into the high density fraction on a CsCl gradient. Glycosaminoglycan-specific antibodies recognize proteoglycans from all fractions; this includes an antibody directed against keratan sulfate. Some proteoglycans, principally in the high buoyant density fraction, contain sites recognized by the antibody specific for the hyaluronate binding region. Within limits of detection, all core proteins belong to the high-molecular-weight category, with weights in excess of 212 kD. Antibodies directed against chondroitin 4-/dermatan sulfate and against keratan sulfate primarily bind to extracellular matrix material located in the extracellular spaces and to matrix elements in the pericellular regions of fibroblastic stromal cells. The antibody that recognizes chondroitin 6-sulfate binds to sites on surfaces of fibroblastic stromal cells and also to extracellular matrix material. Little or no antibody binding is detected on surfaces of granulocytic cells. These studies indicate that chondroitin sulfate and keratan sulfate chains are both present in the proteoglycan extract.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfates and their related proteoglycans are components of extracellular matrix that act as key determinants of growth and differentiation characteristics of developing lungs. Changes in their immunohistochemical distribution during progressive organ maturation were examined with monospecific antibodies to chondroitin sulfate, a nonbasement membrane chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, and the specific chondroitin sulfate-containing proteoglycan decorin in whole fetuses and lungs from newborn and adult rats. Alveolar and airway extracellular matrix immunostained heavily in the prenatal rat for both chondroitin sulfate and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, whereas decorin was confined to developing airways and vessels. These sites retained their respective levels of reactivity with all antibodies through 1-10 days postnatal but thereafter became progressively more diminished and focal in alveolar regions. The heavy staining seen early in development was interpreted to reflect a significant and wide distribution of chondroitin sulfates, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, and decorin in rapidly growing tissues, whereas the reduced and more focal reactivity observed at later time points coincided with known focal patterns of localization of fibrillar elements of the extracellular matrix and a more differentiated state.  相似文献   

The synthesis of sulfated glycosaminoglycans has been studied in a wide variety of embryonic chick tissues. All tissues studied have the capability to manufacture, but not necessarily accumulate, the chondroitin sulfates as well as other glycosaminoglycans. The relative distribution of glycosaminoglycans differs between tissues and changes with age.  相似文献   

A previously developed method for the structural fingerprinting of keratan sulfates (Brown et al., Glycobiology, 5, 311-317, 1995) has been adapted for use with oligosaccharides fluorescently labeled with 2-aminobenzoic acid following keratanase II digestion. The oligosaccharides are separated by high-pH anion-exchange chromatography on a Dionex AS4A-SC column. This methodology permits quantitative analysis of labeled oligosaccharides which can be detected at the sub-nanogram ( approximately 100 fmol) level. Satisfactory calibration of this method can be achieved using commercial keratan sulfate standards. Keratan sulfates from porcine brain phosphocan and human ovarian tumors have been examined using this methodology, and their structural features are discussed.  相似文献   

The relative contents of chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfates in cartilages of different human bones are reported. Articular and vertebral body cartilages contain almost exclusively chondroitin 6-sulfate, whereas growth and subarticular cartilages contain nearly equal amounts of chondroitin 4-sulfate and chondroitin 6-sulfate. Adult cartilages, where the calcification process is complete, contain only chondroitin 6-sulfate. These results suggest that chondroitin 4-sulfate may be an important component for the calcification process, whereas chondroitin 6-sulfate seems to be related to the integrity of the articular surfaces. A chemical defect of chondroitin 6-sulfate in a new mucopolysaccharidosis, characterized by platyspondyly and irregularities of articular surfaces, is in agreement with these results.  相似文献   

Sulfated glycoconjugates were ultrastructurally localized within embryonic chick marrow by using the high iron diamine-silver proteinate stain. Stain was concentrated in the extravascular, granulopoietic compartment, indicating that granulopoiesis, but not erythropoiesis, proceeded in a highly sulfated environment. It was likely that most of the stainable material represented sulfated proteoglycans since staining was abrogated by predigesting tissue with enzymes and other treatments known to degrade specific glycosaminoglycan chains. Chondroitinase/hyaluronidase digestion resulted in the removal of most of the stainable material associated with the extracellular matrix and a portion of the stainable material associated with fibroblastic cell surfaces. Unaffected material lay in close proximity to fibroblastic cell membranes. Heparitinase/heparinase digestion had essentially the opposite effect. Sulfated material associated with matrix components was largely unaffected, but the fibroblastic plasmalemmal material was now absent. These results suggest that there are at least two categories of sulfated proteoglycans in the granulopoietic compartment, each differentially distributed. The plasmalemmal material likely represented heparan sulfate which in this tissue appeared to be associated in a uniform layer with fibroblastic stromal cell membranes and not with blood or endothelial cell membranes. Material identified as chondroitin sulfates was found within patches of amorphous matrix that was located on fibroblastic stromal cell surfaces and that was interspersed with fibrils in the extracellular matrix. Chondroitin sulfates were sparsely distributed on granulocytic cell surfaces.  相似文献   

 Keratan sulphate proteoglycans are potentially important during development and are possible binding molecules for the lectin, peanut agglutinin, a marker for areas that are inhibitory for axonal growth in early embryos. The present study describes the spatiotemporal distributions of keratan sulphate epitopes and peanut agglutinin binding sites during organogenesis in the developing chick from E5 to hatching. The widespread distributions of these molecules did not often overlap but clearly delimited different carbohydrate compartments demonstrating that peanut agglutinin does not necessarily bind to keratan sulphate proteoglycans. These markers were mostly extracellular but keratan sulphate, in particular, was found within certain specific cells in cartilage, gonad, heart and pancreas, at certain ages. The presence of keratan sulphate in putative germ cells during their migrations and in the gonads may be of particular importance. Their distributions generally evoke modulation of adhesion allowing cell migrations or morphogenetic movements related to epitheliomesenchymal interactions, but may also suggest an involvement in axonal guidance in skin, cartilage, gut and possibly heart. Furthermore, in the kidney, peanut agglutinin binding sites seem to be related to the functional differentiation of the nephrons. Accepted: 23 February 1998  相似文献   

Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are known to be involved in the morphogenesis of diarthrodial joints. The use of specific antibodies to collagens I and II and keratan-sulphate-containing proteoglycans (KSPG) has enabled the distributions of these macromolecules to be followed during the development of the third metatarsophalangeal joint in the chicken embryo. Our study shows that cartilage differentiation occurs as a continuous rod, which is then subsequently divided into separate elements. Further development also reveals that, unlike the matrix of the cartilaginous elements, there is a differential distribution of collagen (type II) and KSPG in the presumptive joint region. It is proposed that a decrease in KSPG in the presumptive joint region at stages 28/30 may be involved in the mechanism for the flattening of cells in formation of the interzone. Whereas, a decrease in collagen across the joint interzone region may provide an area of weakness, which might allow forces produced by the developing musculature to cause cavitation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize the GAGs from the wild type nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in preparation for the characterization of the transgenic form constructed by Link [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995) 9368] which expresses various forms of beta-peptide (or A4 peptide). This peptide forms deposits very similar to the ones found in the neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer disease (AD). Characterization has been accomplished by degradation with specific enzymes and analysis of the products by TLC and HPLC. The results were compared with earlier works and shown to differ in disaccharide content.  相似文献   

Twenty-six monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) developed against rabbit corneal proteokeratan sulfate (PKS), were used to evaluate immunohistochemically the ocular distribution of PKS during prenatal and early postnatal development in rabbits. These MAbs were directed against epitopes located in the keratan sulfate (KS) chains of the proteoglycan (SundarRaj et al., 1985). Staining of cryostat sections of the eyes was carried out using an indirect peroxidase-conjugated technique. Only one of the MAbs reacted with the presumptive corneal region at day 13 or 16 of fetal development. By day 20, more MAbs reacted with the corneal stroma. There were distinct differences, however, in the distribution of the epitopes recognized by the various MAbs. A few of them stained only the posterior region of the cornea, whereas others showed a decreasing staining gradient from the posterior to the anterior region. By day 24, all of the MAbs reacted with the corneal stroma, but some reacted also with the limbal region and with the conjunctival stromal matrix. One MAb also reacted with the conjunctival epithelial layer, but only at this stage of development. Conjunctival staining was more intense at day 28 of fetal development and at day 2 postnatally. KS was not detectable in the conjunctiva of adult rabbits with any of the MABs. These results suggest that although KS synthesis starts at very early stages of fetal development, there are progressive changes in its antigenic structure in specific regions of the cornea and conjunctiva during corneal development.  相似文献   

The chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan of rat brain was digested with Pronase, and after removal of glycosaminoglycans, the resulting glycopeptides were treated with alkaline borohydride to release O-glycosidically linked oligosaccharides. These were fractionated by ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and preparative thin layer chromatography, and their structural properties were studied by specific enzymatic degradations, methylation analysis, and gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry of disaccharides as their trimethylsilylated and permethylated derivatives. In addition to the previously characterized N-acetyl-galactosamine-linked oligosaccharides and neutral mannitol-containing oligosaccharides [GlcNAc(beta 1-3) Manol and Gal(beta 1-4)[Fuc(alpha 1-3)]GlcNAc(beta 1-3)Manol] (where Fuc is fucose), we have now identified the sialylated tetrasaccharide NeuAc(alpha 2-3)Gal(beta 1-4)GlcNAc (beta 1-3)Manol, which accounts for approximately 20% of the mannitol-containing oligosaccharides. The proteoglycan also contains mannose-linked keratan sulfate chains (with a molecular size of 3,000 to 10,000 Da) composed of disaccharide repeating units consisting of Gal(beta 1-4)GlcNAc-6-O-SO4(beta 1-3), with a small proportion of branch points at C-6 of galactose residues. There is approximately one keratan sulfate chain per four chondroitin sulfate chains of 18,000-19,000 Da. After alkaline borohydride treatment of the neutral and monosialyl glycopeptide fractions, the combined decrease in mannose and N-acetylgalactosamine was very close to the observed destruction of serine + threonine and was accompanied by an equimolar increase in alanine and alpha-aminobutyric acid. One half of the mannose was destroyed by alkaline borohydride treatment of the glycopeptides and stoichiometrically converted to mannitol, while there were only small changes in the relative amounts of the other sugars and amino acids. The data demonstrate that over half of the carbohydrate-peptide linkages in the proteoglycan are of the mannosyl-O-serine/threonine type.  相似文献   

In bird skin, nerve fibres develop in the dermis but do not enter the epidermis. In co-cultures of 7-day-old chick embryo dorsal root ganglia and epidermis, the neurites also avoid the epidermis. Previous studies have shown that chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans may be involved. Chondroitin sulphate has therefore been visualized by immunocytochemistry, using themonoclonal antibody CS-56, both in vivo and in vitro using light and electron microscopy. Its distribution was compared to those of 2 other chondroitin sulphate epitopes and to that of the growing nerve fibres. In cultures of epidermis from 7-day-old embryonic chicks, immunoreactivity is found uniformly around the epidermal cells while at 7.5 days the distribution in dermis is heterogeneous, and particularly marked in feather buds. In vivo, chondroitin sulphate immunoreactivity is detected in the epidermis, on the basal lamina, on the surfaces of fibroblasts and along collagen fibrils. This localization is complementary to the distribution of cutaneous nerves. Chondroitin sulphate in the basal lamina could prevent innervation of the epidermis and the dermal heterogeneities could partly explain the nerve fibres surrounding the base of the feathers. Chondroitin sulphate could therefore be important for neural guidance in developing chick skin.  相似文献   

The studies reported here show that NAD+ levels are low in chick limbs which have not yet attained the stage of cellular commitment, that these low levels persist during a time period when major chondrogenic commitment and expression occur, that beyond this stage the NAD+ levels in chick limbs rise dramatically and continuously, corresponding to the period of major myogenic development, and that developing cultures of stage 24 mesodermal cells seem to mimic these in vivo events in that myogenic cells are observed when NAD+ levels are high and chondrogenic cells are observed when NAD+ levels are low. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that pyridine nucleotides may play some role in the control of muscle and cartilage development in embryonic chick limbs.  相似文献   

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