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The three major bovine gamma-crystallin fractions (gamma-II, gamma-III and gamma-IV) are known to have closely related (80-90%) amino acid sequences and three-dimensional folding of the polypeptide backbone. Their chiroptical and emission properties, as measured by circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence, are now shown to differ distinctly. The far-ultraviolet CD spectra indicate that all three gamma-crystallins have predominantly beta-sheet conformation (45-60%) with only subtle differences in secondary structure. The fluorescence emission maxima of gamma-II, gamma-III and gamma-IV, due to the four tryptophan residues, appear at 324, 329 and 334 nm, respectively, suggesting that tryptophan residues are buried in environments of decreasing hydrophobicity. Corresponding differences in quantum yield may be due to fluorescence quenching by neighboring sulfur-containing residues. Titratable tyrosines are maximal for gamma-III, as manifested from difference absorption spectra at alkaline pH. The near-ultraviolet CD spectra differ in position, magnitude and sign of tryptophan and tyrosine transitions. In addition, a characteristic CD maximum at 235 nm, presumably due to tyrosine-tyrosine exciton interactions, differs in magnitude for each gamma-crystallin. This study shows that the environment and interactions of the aromatic residues of the individual gamma-crystallin fractions are quite different. These variations in tertiary structure may be significant, in terms of stability of gamma-crystallins towards aggregation and denaturation, for understanding lens transparency and cataract formation in general.  相似文献   

A systematic structural comparison of several carp gamma-crystallins with high methionine contents was made by the secondary-structure prediction together with computer model-building based on the established X-ray structure of calf gamma-II crystallin. The overall surface hydrophilicity profile and the distribution of helices, beta-sheets, and beta-turns along the polypeptide chains are very similar among these carp gamma-crystallins. In addition, their general polypeptide packing is close to the characteristic 2 domain/4 motif Greek key three-dimensional conformation depicted for the calf gamma-II crystallin. Interestingly, most hydrophobic methionine residues are located on the protein surface with only a few buried inside the protein surface or in the interface between two motifs of each domain. The exposed hydrophobic and polarizable methionine cluster on the protein surface may have a bearing on the crystallin stability and dense packing in the piscine species, and probably also provides a malleable nonpolar surface for the interaction with other crystallin components for the maintenance of a clear and transparent lens.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of nine plastocyanins were examined using four published methods for the prediction of secondary structure in proteins. The results of the four methods were combined in such a way as to maximize agreement, and the position of alpha helices, beta sheets, and beta turns in plastocyanin was predicted. From this result and other information, such as the position of conserved residues and the requirements for coordination of copper, a preliminary model for the mainchain folding of the molecule was presented.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of supercoiled DNA was varied by changes in ionic strength. For I = 0.075-0.4 the structure remained in the previously established branched form with only minor alterations in molecular dimensions. In 4M-NaCl, which induces linear DNA to change its secondary structure to the C structure and brings about an increase in the superhelix density of the molecule, no extra branches were observed on the molecules. The limiting factors that dictate supercoil structure seem to be the number and position of potential branch points and the proximity with which the two intertwining DNA strands can approach each other on the arms of the branches. This value is close to 10nm under the conditions described, and is 14-15nm at I = 0.2. It is suggested that such values should be borne in mind when models of chromosome structure are being constructed.  相似文献   

A challenge in computational protein folding is to assemble secondary structure elements-helices and strands-into well-packed tertiary structures. Particularly difficult is the formation of beta-sheets from strands, because they involve large conformational searches at the same time as precise packing and hydrogen bonding. Here we describe a method, called Geocore-2, that (1) grows chains one monomer or secondary structure at a time, then (2) disconnects the loops and performs a fast rigid-body docking step to achieve canonical packings, then (3) in the case of intrasheet strand packing, adjusts the side-chain rotamers; and finally (4) reattaches loops. Computational efficiency is enhanced by using a branch-and-bound search in which pruning rules aim to achieve a hydrophobic core and satisfactory hydrogen bonding patterns. We show that the pruning rules reduce computational time by 10(3)- to 10(5)-fold, and that this strategy is computationally practical at least for molecules up to about 100 amino acids long.  相似文献   

Cotranslational insertion of selenocysteine into selenoenzymes is mediated by a specialized transfer RNA, the tRNA(Sec). We have carried out the determination of the solution structure of the eucaryotic tRNA(Sec). Based on the enzymatic and chemical probing approach, we show that the secondary structure bears a few unprecedented features like a 9 bp aminoacid-, a 4 bp thymine- and a 6 bp dihydrouridine-stems. Surprisingly, the eighth nucleotide, although being a uridine, is base-paired and cannot therefore correspond to the single-stranded invariant U8 found in all tRNAs. Rather, experimental evidence led us to propose that the role of the invariant U8 is actually played by the tenth nucleotide which is an A, numbered A8 to indicate this fact. The experimental data therefore demonstrate that the cloverleaf structure we derived experimentally resembles the hand-folded model proposed by Böck et al (ref. 3). Using the solution data and computer modelling, we derived a three-dimensional structure model which shows some unique aspects. Basically, A8, A14, U21 form a novel type of tertiary interaction in which A8 interacts with the Hoogsteen sites of A14 which itself forms a Watson-Crick pair with U21. No coherent model containing the canonical 15-48 interaction could be derived. Thus, the number of tertiary interactions appear to be limited, leading to an uncoupling of the variable stem from the rest of the molecule.  相似文献   

Crystallins from carp eye lenses have been isolated and characterized by gel permeation chromatography, SDS-gel electrophoresis, immunodiffusion and amino acid analysis. gamma-Crystallin is the most abundant class of crystallins and constitutes over 55% of the total lens cytoplasmic proteins. It is immunologically distinct from the alpha- and beta-crystallins isolated from the same lens and its antiserum shows a very weak cross-reaction to total pig lens antigens. Comparison of the amino acid compositions of carp gamma-crystallin with those of bovine gamma-II, haddock gamma- and squid crystallins indicates that gamma-crystallin from the carp is very closely related to that of the haddock, and probably also related to the invertebrate squid crystallin. In vitro translation of total mRNAs isolated from carp lenses confirms the predominant existence of gamma-crystallin. The genomic characterization of carp crystallin genes should provide some insight into the mechanism of crystallin evolution in general.  相似文献   

Secondary structure prediction parameters and optimised decision constants for use with the method of Garnier et al. [(1978) J. Mol. Biol. 120, 97-120] have been derived for two new and distinct substates of beta-structure. These we term internal and external on the basis of their hydrogen bonding patterns. The profiles of the amino acids for several of the parameters are considerably different in the two substates. Predictions using the new parameters attempt to distinguish the strands at the core of the beta-sheet from those at its edges and so restrict the possible topologies in tertiary structure prediction. The potential application of these parameters is illustrated for the class of beta/alpha proteins.  相似文献   

To understand the RNA-folding problem, we must know the extent to which RNA structure formation is hierarchical (tertiary folding of preformed secondary structure). Recently, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to show that Mg2+-dependent tertiary interactions force secondary structure rearrangement in the 56-nt tP5abc RNA, a truncated subdomain of the Tetrahymena group I intron. Here we combine mutagenesis with folding computations, nondenaturing gel electrophoresis, high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, and chemical-modification experiments to probe further the energetic interplay of tertiary and secondary interactions in tP5abc. Point mutations predicted to destabilize the secondary structure of folded tP5abc greatly disrupt its Mg2+-dependent folding, as monitored by nondenaturing gels. Imino proton assignments and sequential NOE walks of the two-dimensional NMR spectrum of one of the tP5abc mutants confirm the predicted secondary structure, which does not change in the presence of Mg2+. In contrast to these data on tP5abc, the same point mutations in the context of the P4-P6 domain (of which P5abc is a subdomain) shift the Mg2+ dependence of P4-P6 folding only moderately, and dimethyl sulfate (DMS) modification experiments demonstrate that Mg2+ does cause secondary structure rearrangement of the P4-P6 mutants' P5abc subdomains. Our data provide experimental support for two simple conclusions: (1) Even single point mutations at bases involved only in secondary structure can be enough to tip the balance between RNA tertiary and secondary interactions. (2) Domain context must be considered in evaluating the relative importance of tertiary and secondary contributions. This tertiary/secondary interplay is likely relevant to the folding of many large RNA and to bimolecular snRNA-snRNA and snRNA-intron RNA interactions.  相似文献   

A 3-dimensional model of the human eye lens protein gamma S-crystallin has been constructed using comparative modeling approaches encoded in the program COMPOSER on the basis of the 3-dimensional structure of gamma-crystallin and beta-crystallin. The model is biased toward the monomeric gamma B-crystallin, which is more similar in sequence. Bovine gamma S-crystallin was shown to be monomeric by analytical ultracentrifugation without any tendency to form assemblies up to concentrations in the millimolar range. The connecting peptide between domains was therefore built assuming an intramolecular association as in the monomeric gamma-crystallins. Because the linker has 1 extra residue compared with gamma B and beta B2, the conformation of the connecting peptide was constructed by using a fragment from a protein database. gamma S-crystallin differs from gamma B-crystallin mainly in the interface region between domains. The charged residues are generally paired, although in a different way from both beta- and gamma-crystallins, and may contribute to the different roles of these proteins in the lens.  相似文献   

P K Hammen  E B Waygood  R E Klevit 《Biochemistry》1991,30(51):11842-11850
Analysis of the histidine-containing protein (HPr) from Escherichia coli by two-dimensional homonuclear and heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance techniques has been performed, extending the work originally reported [Klevit, R. E., Drobny, G. D., & Waygood, E. B. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 7760-7769; Klevit, R. E., & Drobny, G. P. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 7770-7773; Klevit, R. E., & Waygood, E. B. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 7774-7781]. Two-dimensional homonuclear total coherence spectroscopy (TOCSY) allowed for more complete assignments of the side-chain spin systems than had been possible in the original studies. As well, two-dimensional 15N-1H heteronuclear spectroscopy was used to resolve a number of ambiguities present in the homonuclear spectra due to resonance redundancies. These analyses led to the correction of a number of resonance assignments that were made with the spectra that could be collected with the technology that existed 6 years ago. In addition, amide exchange rates and 3JNH coupling constants have been measured, extending the original analysis and yielding new structural information. All these data have been used to reexamine the folding topology of E. coli HPr. Structure calculations showed that the topology derived from the earlier NMR data, i.e., a four-stranded beta-sheet with three alpha-helices running along one side of the sheet, was essentially unchanged, although at the present level of analysis, a well-defined "helix B" could not be established with high confidence. In addition, the data reported here revealed the existence of two slowly-exchanging side-chain hydroxyl protons belonging to Ser31 and Thr59. Their behavior strongly suggests that these side chains are involved in hydrogen bonds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have studied methanol-induced conformational changes in rmethuG-CSF at pH 2.5 by means of circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence and infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) binding. Methanol has little effect on the secondary and tertiary structures of rmethuG-CSF when its concentration is in the range of 0 to 20% (v/v). At 30% (v/v) methanol, rmethuG-CSF has ANS binding ability. In the methanol concentration range of 30 to 70% (v/v) the amount of alpha-helix decreases a little, and the tertiary structure decreases significantly. At methanol concentrations above 70% (v/v), a transition to a more helical state occurs, while there is little change in the tertiary structure, and no ANS binding ability. Thermal denaturation studies involving CD have demonstrated that as the methanol concentration increases the melting temperature and the cooperativity of transition decrease, and the transition covers a much wider range of temperature. It seems that the decreased cooperativity means an increase in the concentration of partially folded intermediate states during the unfolding of rmethuG-CSF.  相似文献   

Proteins which have been exposed to the hydroxyl radical (.OH) or to the combination of .OH plus the superoxide anion radical and oxygen (.OH + O2- + O2) exhibit altered primary structure and increased proteolytic susceptibility. The present work reveals that alterations to primary structure result in gross distortions of secondary and tertiary structure. Denaturation/increased hydrophobicity of bovine serum albumin (BSA) by .OH, or by .OH + O2- + O2 was maximal at a radical/BSA molar ratio of 24 (all .OH or 50% .OH + 50% O2-). BSA exposed to .OH also underwent progressive covalent cross-linking to form dimers, trimers, and tetramers, partially due to the formation of intermolecular bityrosine. In contrast, .OH + O2- + O2 caused spontaneous BSA fragmentation. Fragmentation of BSA produced new carbonyl groups with no apparent increase in free amino groups. Fragmentation may involve reaction of (.OH-induced) alpha-carbon radicals with O2 to form peroxyl radicals which decompose to fragment the polypeptide chain at the alpha-carbon, rather than at peptide bonds. BSA fragments induced by .OH + O2- + O2 exhibited molecular weights of 7,000-60,000 following electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, but could be visualized as hydrophobic aggregates in nondenaturing gels (confirmed with [3H]BSA following treatment with urea or acid). Combinations of various chemical radical scavengers (mannitol, urate, t-butyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol) and gases (N2O, O2, N2) revealed that .OH is the primary species responsible for alteration of BSA secondary and tertiary structure. Oxygen, and O2- serve only to modify the outcome of .OH reaction. Furthermore, direct studies of O2- + O2 (in the absence of .OH) revealed no measurable changes in BSA structure. The process of denaturation/increased hydrophobicity was found to precede either covalent cross-linking (by .OH) or fragmentation (by .OH + O2- + O2). Denaturation was half-maximal at a radical/BSA molar ratio of 9.6, whereas half-maximal aggregation or fragmentation occurred at a ratio of 19.4. Denaturation/hydrophobicity may hold important clues for the mechanism(s) by which oxygen radicals can increase proteolytic susceptibility.  相似文献   

We present experimental evidence which confirms recently proposed ring current prediction methods for assigning hydrogen-bond proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra from tRNA (Robillard, G. T., Tarr, C. E., Vosman, F., & Berendsen, H. J. C. (1976) Nature (London) 262, 363-369; Robillard, G. T., Tarr, C. E., Vosman, F., & Sussman, J. L. (1977) Biophys. Chem. 6, 291-298). The evidence is a series of temperature-dependent studies on yeast tRNAPhe monitoring both the high- and low-field NMR spectral regions, which are correlated with independent optical and temperature-jump (temp-jump) studies performed under identical ionic strength conditions. Using assignments derived from the new prediction methods, the melting patterns of the hydrogen-bonded resonances agree with those expected on the basis of optical, temp-jump, and NMR studies on the high-field spectral region. The implication of these results is that previous assignment procedures are at least partially incorrect and, therefore, studies based on those procedures must be reexamined.  相似文献   

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