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Modulation of faecal water loss is the principal mechanism by which larval Lepidoptera maintain water homeostasis in the laboratory. Is this also true of larvae in nature? We observed 12 fifth‐instar larvae of Manduca sexta feeding on Datura wrightii in the Sonoran Desert, U.S.A. The two main sources of water stress were: evaporative water loss across the cuticle, which appeared to be promoted by increasing body temperatures and decreasing relative humidities during daytime observation periods; and attacks by tachinid flies, which prompted caterpillars to defaecate large quantities of water and to regurgitate digestive fluid onto themselves. In both cases, caterpillars responded by producing drier faecal pellets. A subset of caterpillars consumed water‐rich flower buds of D. wrightii, which led to the production of comparatively wet faecal pellets. These data demonstrate that larval water balance in nature is affected by a variety of biotic and abiotic factors and that larvae respond to these perturbations by modulating the loss of water in the faeces.  相似文献   

Abstract.The effects of three plant acids on the gustatory response of Manduca sexta larvae were examined. Two different categories of response were recorded in the styloconic sensilla of different individuals in the presence of salt: the gustatory response to salt was reduced especially at the lower pHs; the deterrent cell fired particularly at the lower pHs. In some individuals neither response was seen except at the lowest pHs. Additional experiments indicated that the effect was due to pH and not to specific effects of any of the acids. Ascorbic acid was tested with the nutrient carbohydrates glucose and inositol, and was found consistently to reduce the gustatory responses to these compounds. The data indicate that plant acids at natural concentrations could influence food acceptability.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein biosynthesis in larvae of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) was investigated. By immunoblotting, it was shown that the apoproteins are present in the fat body, but not in the midgut. Fat body incubated in vitro with [35S]methionine secreted labeled apoproteins. However, when the density of the secreted particle was determined, it was found at 1.24-1.28 g/ml instead of 1.15 g/ml, which is the density of the circulating lipoprotein. Lipid analysis of immunoprecipitated lipoprotein secreted by the fat body showed a phospholipid/diacylglycerol ratio of 8.3 rather than 0.9, the ratio found in the circulating lipoprotein. When labeled oleic acid or triolein was fed to larvae, it was found that greater than 98% of the label in the circulating lipoprotein was in diacylglycerol. In studies using animals raised on a fat-free diet, it was shown that the circulating lipoprotein has properties comparable to those of the material secreted in vitro by the fat body and that this diacylglycerol-poor particle can be converted to the normal lipoprotein by feeding a bolus of triolein. These data support the hypothesis that the fat body makes and secretes a "nascent" lipoprotein which contains apoproteins and phospholipid, but is devoid of diacylglycerol. The diacylglycerol is then picked up from the midgut to complete assembly of the mature circulating lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The influence of starvation on carbohydrate metabolism in fifth instar larvae of Manduca sexta was studied. The percentage of active fat body glycogen phosphorylase increased from 10% to approximately 50% within 3 h of starvation; afterward the enzyme was slowly inactivated. The increase of phosphorylase activity might have been caused by a peptide(s) from the CC. The amount of fat body glycogen in starved animals decreased over 24 h by approximately 20 mg. The released glucose molecules seem to be converted mainly to trehalose because the hemolymph trehalose concentration in starved animals was always slightly higher than in the fed controls, and the glucose concentration decreased even when phosphorylase was activated. The chitosan content in starved larvae increased during the first 9 h of treatment to the same extent as in fed controls. It is suggested that fat body glycogen phosphorylase was activated during starvation to provide substrates for chitin synthesis and energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the effects of prolonged starvation on the development of fifth- (last-) instar larvae of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta. Following ecdysis, larvae were starved for varying lengths of time and subsequently fed normal diet. The percent of starved larvae molting to sixth instars increased, while the percent survival decreased with increasing length of the starvation period. When larvae were provided with agar as a source of water during the starvation period, the percent survival increased, but the percent undergoing supernumerary molting decreased. The optimal condition for maximum survival and supernumerary molting appeared to be 3 days of starvation with 0.5–1.0 g of agar provided on day 0. The endocrine basis for the supernumerary larval molt induced by starvation is briefly discussed.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden Studien durchgeführt über die Effekte längeren Hungerns auf die Entwicklung des fünften (letzten) Larvenstadiums bei Manduca sexta. Nach der Häutung wurden die Larven während unterschiedlicher Zeit ohne Nahrung gelassen und dann mit normalem Futter versehen. Der Prozentsatz Häutungen für ein sechstes Larvenstadium nahm mit der Dauer des Hungerns zu, während die Ueberlebensrate abnahm. Wenn Agar als Quelle für Wasser gereicht wurde, wurden beide Effekte vermindert. Die optimalen Verhältnisse für maximales Überleben und zusätzliches Häuten scheinen bei 3 Tagen Hunger mit 0.5–1.0 Gramm Agar am Tage 0 zu sein. Die endokrinologische Basis für die zusätzliche Larvenhäutung wird kurz diskutiert.

Supported by grants from NSF (PCM 77-25417) and from Organized Research, Texas A & M University.  相似文献   

In several insect species, serum lysozyme and antibacterial peptide concentration increases after injection of bacteria and other foreign substances. The purpose of this study was to characterize the specificity of this induction in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. By 48 h after injection of killed bacteria, lysozyme activity was approximately tenfold greater than in untreated insects. This maximal response was observed after injection of every bacterial species tested and after injection of purified cell walls of Micrococcus luteus. A variety of acellular particles, soluble molecules, and bacterial cell wall components were either poor lysozyme inducers or elicited no change in lysozyme concentration. The polysaccharide zymosan from yeast cell walls was a moderate lysozyme inducer. Peptidoglycan from M. luteus cell walls was found to induce lysozyme to a level as great or greater than whole cell walls. Small fragments of peptidoglycan generated by hen egg white lysozyme digestion were isolated, partially characterized, and shown to be good inducers of lysozyme as well as other antibacterial peptides. It appears that peptidoglycan provides a signal that initiates antibacterial responses in the insect.  相似文献   

Stability in legged locomotion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stability is a key element in a gait synthesis. Static stability margins are widely adopted in crawlers, while no similar approach has been developed for dynamically stable systems. Utilizing an analytical approach, we developed a set of easy-to-calculate stability indices to describe instantaneous static and dynamic (In)stability for a certain group of walking systems. The analysis is based on a thorough analysis of the interaction between ground reaction forces and the walking system. The indices are applicable to walking systems regardless of the number of legs or mechanical/biological design. We show that static and dynamic stability are independent of each other. We suggest a possible categorization of gait modes based on stability. Stability characteristics are analyzed in a healthy and highly pathological human gait. Finally, we discuss the applicability of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Midgut mitochondria from fifth larval instar Manduca sexta exhibited a transhydrogenase that catalyzes the following reversible reaction: NADPH + NAD(+) <--> NADP(+) + NADH. The NADPH-forming transhydrogenation occurred as a nonenergy- and energy-linked activity. Energy for the latter was derived from the electron transport-dependent utilization of NADH or succinate, or from Mg++-dependent ATP hydrolysis by ATPase. The NADH-forming and all of the NADPH-forming reactions appeared optimal at pH 7.5, were stable to prolonged dialysis, and displayed thermal lability. N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibited the NADPH --> NAD(+) and energy-linked NADH --> NADP(+) transhydrogenations, but not the nonenergy-linked NADH --> NADP(+) reaction. Oligomycin only inhibited the ATP-dependent energy-linked activity. The NADH-forming, nonenergy-linked NADPH-forming, and the energy-linked NADPH-forming activities were membrane-associated in M. sexta mitochondria. This is the first demonstration of the reversibility of the M. sexta mitochondrial transhydrogenase and, more importantly, the occurrence of nonenergy-linked and energy-linked NADH --> NADP(+) transhydrogenations. The potential relationship of the transhydrogenase to the mitochondrial, NADPH-utilizing ecdysone-20 monooxygenase of M. sexta is considered.  相似文献   

The Manduca sexta larva-specific immune protein, scolexin, was isolated and (14)CH(3)-labelled by reductive alkylation. The influence of the bacterium Streptococcus faecalis on the hemocoelic distribution of the labelled scolexin was then analyzed. During bacterial challenge, most of the scolexin signal was detected in association with the hemocyte aggregations and nodules which formed; in this respect the protein sometimes appeared to be associated with hemocytes which had phagocytized bacteria, while at other times it was most concentrated in the nodule-associated, and free, coagulum. Areas of high scolexin activity were sometimes detected at various sites on the surface of the fat body. The scolexin did not appear to bind directly to bacterial cells. Up to 24 hr following the injection of S. faecalis, the larvae were still carrying out the formation of nodules; unlike the nodules of the 3 and 6 hr intervals, the nodules observed at 21-24 hr were covered with an apparently humorally derived, coagular capsule.  相似文献   

The function of bilateral chemosensory input in food discrimination was examined using larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (Johan.) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), in 2-choice preference tests. Larvae having three different complements of chemosensory organs remaining after microsurgery were tested: unoperated, unilaterally-ablated, and bilaterally-ablated. Discrimination between Solanum pseudocapsicum (L.) and Pelargonium hortorum (Bailey) was reduced after unilateral removal of chemosensory organs. A similar effect was found in tests offering larvae a choice between one plant species or an ethanolic extract of S. pseudocapsicum and wetted filter paper, indicating an impaired food detection. These results demonstrate that both sets of chemosensory organs are required for normal feeding decisions about these plants.Six additional plant species were each tested against wetted filter paper. The function of bilateral chemosensory input in food discrimination varies with the plant species tested. Bilateral chemosensory input is required for discrimination of Vigna sinensis (Savi) and Raphanus sativus (L.), but not for that of Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill.), Datura innoxia (L.), Brassica napus (L.), and Canna generalis (Bailey). Discrimination of V. sinensis, S. pseudocapsicum, and P. hortorum by unoperated larvae is twice as strong as that by unilaterally-ablated larvae, suggesting algebraic addition of unilateral sensory inputs. For R. sativus unilateral input does not mediate discrimination, but bilateral input does, indicating sensory processing which may be more than additive. These results show that information mediated by bilateral chemosensory organs of M. sexta is not redundant in mediating feeding decisions, but provide the necessary sensory input for normal discrimination. This suggests that, for some plant species, feeding decisions are based on both qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemosensory input.No difference in preferences between left-sided and right-sided operated larvae were observed which suggests functional duplication of each set of unilateral chemosensory organs. Possible neural mechanisms underlying feeding decisions mediated by bilateral versus unilateral chemosensory inputs are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fifth stadium larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.), ate larger meals than usual when they had been deprived of food for periods of time longer than the usual intermeal interval (c. 45 min). Meal size increased with time since the last meal until 180 min, when it was about 3 times normal. There was no evidence of a role for volumetric feedback from the gut in controlling meal size. Injections of a paraffin oil/wax mixture, or of petroleum jelly (Vaseline) into the foregut, midgut or rectum failed to decrease meal size. Cutting the recurrent nerve failed to alter meal size compared to sham-operated controls (although both groups took smaller meals than unoperated controls). By contrast, injections of an extract of soluble nutrients from the diet into the midgut inhibited feeding in some insects and reduced subsequent meal size in others. Appropriate controls showed that these effects were not due to the volumetric or osmotic effects of the injections. These results imply that nutrient feedback plays an important role in controlling meal size in Manduca caterpillars, while volumetric feedback is probably unimportant.  相似文献   

The host range of Manduca sexta L. (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) is restricted in nature to plants in the family Solanaceae. However, naive hatchling larvae often accept and continue their development on foliage from a wide spectrum of unrelated plants. In contrast, solanaceous-experienced larvae refuse to feed on other plants. Experiments were designed to explore the role of constituents of various plants in this behavioral phenomenon. Fourth instar larvae reared on solanaceous hosts: tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), or tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), and the leguminous non-host cowpea (Vigna sinensis Savi), or on artificial diet based on wheat germ were tested for their acceptance or preference when offered a new diet in both choice and no-choice situations. Under no-choice conditions, acceptability of cowpea foliage was strongly affected by the larval dietary experience. Most larvae reared on solanaceous foliage did not feed, whereas those larvae reared on non-solanaceous food readily accepted cowpea. Moreover, solanaceous foliage, leaf discs and extracts were readily accepted by larvae regardless of their dietary experience. Larvae reared on any of the solanaceous plants strongly preferred cowpea discs that were treated with solanaceous extract, while larvae reared on non-solanaceous diets did not discriminate between treated and control discs. Assays of cowpea extracts as well as acceptance of cowpea discs treated with solanaceous extract indicated a lack of detectable deterrent in cowpea. Our results suggest that the mechanism for induced host specificity in M. sexta larvae involves development of a dependence on solanaceous chemical constituents. We argue that this dependence on host plant chemistry has adaptive significance.  相似文献   

Dopamine receptors previously identified in corpora allata (CA) of Manduca sexta last instars on the basis of dopamine effects on JH (juvenile hormone)/JH acid biosynthesis and cyclic AMP (cAMP) accumulation, were characterized pharmacologically. For this study, a broad spectrum of agonists or antagonists of D1, D2, D3 or D4 dopamine receptors, together with the dopamine metabolite N-acetyl-dopamine, other neurotransmitters and their agonists/antagonists, were tested for their effects on gland activity and cAMP production. The lack of effect of other neurotransmitters supports the specificity of the effect of dopamine and the dopamine specificity of the receptors. Only the D2 receptor antagonist spiperone had a potent effect on JH biosynthesis and cAMP formation by CA taken on day 0 of the last stadium, when dopamine stimulates both activities and thus appears to be acting via a D1-like receptor. Several other D2 receptor antagonists, and D1, D2/D1 and D4,3/D2 receptor antagonists were less effective. Thus, the D1-like receptor of the Manduca CA appears to be distinct pharmacologically from vertebrate D1 receptors. By contrast, a number of D2 agonists/antagonists had a significant effect on JH acid biosynthesis and cAMP production by the CA from day 6 of the last stadium, when dopamine inhibits both activities and thus appears to be acting via a D2-like receptor. Certain D1-specific agonists/antagonists were equally effective. The Manduca D2-like receptor therefore bears some pharmacological resemblance to vertebrate D2 receptors. N-acetyl dopamine acted as a dopamine agonist with day 6 CA, the first identified function for an N-acetylated biogenic amine in insects. Dopamine was found to have the same differential affect on the formation of cAMP in homogenates of day 0 and day 6 brains as it did with CA, and in the same concentration range. Dopamine receptor agonists/antagonists affecting cAMP formation by day 0 and day 6 CA homogenates had similar effects with brain homogenates. By contrast, dopamine only stimulated cAMP formation by homogenates of day 0 and day 6 abdominal or ventral nerve cord. These results suggest that D1- and D2-like dopamine receptors of Manduca are regionally as well as temporally localized.  相似文献   

Using in vitro methods, we investigated the transfer of cholesterol from larval Manduca sexta midgut to the hemolymph lipoprotein, lipophorin, and the transfer of cholesterol from lipophorin to larval fat body. In the midgut, transfer of free cholesterol shows saturation kinetics, but the apparent Km is higher than the measured Kd for the midgut lipophorin-receptor complex. In addition, the transfer is unaffected by suramin, which binds to the receptor and inhibits lipophorin binding, and by antibodies to the lipid transfer particle, which is required for export of diacylglycerol from the midgut to lipophorin. In the fat body, transfer of free cholesterol also shows saturation kinetics, and the apparent Km is higher than the measured Kd for the fat body lipophorin-receptor complex. Suramin and anti-lipid transfer particle antibodies exert only a small (20%) inhibitory effect. In both tissues it seems that the most likely mode of cholesterol transfer is via aqueous diffusion, which is also an important mechanism in vertebrate cells. Based on these results, we propose that cholesterol homeostasis in larval M. sexta is maintained by a mass action mechanism in which cholesterol is freely transferred between lipophorin and tissues depending on the needs of the tissues. This simple mechanism is ideally suited to insects, which can neither make cholesterol nor internalize lipophorin, the two mechanisms that vertebrate cells use to control their cholesterol content.  相似文献   

In 12-h-starved larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, fat body glycogen phosphorylase was quickly inactivated when insects were refed with normal diet and agar which contained 3% sucrose. Only the first 2 min of refeeding were necessary to induce enzyme inactivation. During this short period, larvae did not ingest enough sucrose to increase the hemolymph glucose concentration. This may indicate that the gut released a hormone(s) which directly or indirectly led to the inactivation of fat body glycogen phosphorylase. Inactivation of the enzyme could also be induced by injection of glucose (30 mg) into the hemolymph of starving M. sexta larvae suggesting that there may be separate control from a neuroendocrine site such as the brain or the corpora cardiaca. Trehalose was less effective. Bovine insulin (2 and 4 μg/starved larva) did not induce phosphorylase inactivation over 20 min or decrease hemolymph carbohydrate or lipid concentrations within 60 min. It is, therefore, necessary to screen insect tissues for substances which could bring about inactivation of fat body glycogen phosphorylase. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We tested the deterrent effects of non-host plant secondary compounds on Manduca sexta Johan. larvae, in choice tests. Treatment chemicals were applied, at approximately natural concentrations to either glass fiber or tobacco leaf disks. Of 30 compounds tested on glass fiber disks, with artificial diet reared larvae, 6 were deterrent. When the 6 deterrent chemicals were tested on tobacco leaf disks only one was still deterrent. No deterrent effects were observed when tobacco reared larvae were tested with chemicals applied to tobacco leaf disks. The results suggest that maintenance of restricted host range in M. sexta larvae relies not on avoidance of non-hosts due to deterrence but on attraction and stimulation to feed on hosts.
Résumé Nous avons examiné au moyen des expériences de choix, les effects dissuasifs des composés secondaires de plantes non-hôtes des chenilles de M. sexta Johan. Des disques de fibres de verre ou des rondelles de feuilles de tabac ont été traités chimiquement, aux concentrations à peu près naturelles. Sur les 30 substances examinées sur les disques de fibres de verre, 6 ont été répulsives pour des chenilles élvées sur aliment artificiel. Quand l'examen est effectué avec des rondelles de feuilles de tabac, seul un produit est encore répulsif. Aucun effet répulsif n'est observé quand des chenilles élevées sur tabac sont mises en présence de substances associées à des rondelles de feuille de tabac. Ces résultats suggèrent que le maintien d'un spectre d'hôtes limité chez les chenilles de M. sexta ne repose pas sur l'évitement des plantes non-hôtes par suite de leurs substantes dissuasives, mais sur l'attraction et la stimulation provoquées par les hôtes.

We have discovered a new type of haemocyte in the larval stage of the tobacco hornworm moth Manduca sexta that has extreme phagocytic ability; each cell can engulf up to 500 bacteria. This level of phagocytosis may be unprecedented among animal cells. Although these hyperphagocytic cells (HP) only represent about 1% of the circulating haemocytes, they are responsible for sequestering the majority of the bacteria by circulating haemocytes when non-pathogenic, heat-killed Escherichia coli are injected into the haemolymph. Extreme phagocytosis by HP is not limited to Gram-negative bacteria since heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus as well as positively and negatively charged microspheres are also highly phagocytosed. Evidence is presented to show that phagocytosis by HP is involved in the early stages of nodule formation in infected insects. In addition, HP are also present in non-infected insects, characterised by their distinctive spreading morphology, which becomes impaired following hyperphagocytosis of bacteria. This is the first time that a dedicated "professional" phagocytic class of haemocyte has been reported for an invertebrate. The importance of these specialised cell types in the M. sexta immune response and their role in nodule formation is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of c-fos, a marker for cell activation, was investigated in cerebral neurons actively expressing ecdysteroid receptors during larval-pupal development in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Colocalization was accomplished by ecdysteroid autoradiography using the tritiated high affinity 20-hydroxyecdysone agonist ponasterone A and immunocytochemistry with an antibody to a peptide sequence which is highly conserved in both human and murine c-fos. Immunoreactivity to a c-fos-like protein(s) was present in nuclei of many neurons of all the developmental stages examined. However, with the exception of the optic lobe, cells expressing nuclear ecdysteroid receptors were more immunoreactive than non-ecdysteroid-binding neurons. These data suggest that ecdysteroid-induced gene activation and translation may involve c-fos expression. Offprint requests to: H.-J. Bidmon  相似文献   

A technique for the collection of stable hemolymph from larvae of Manduca sexta has been developed. The method avoids the cell clumping and melanization reactions commonly encountered with insect hemolymph by minimizing contact between hemocytes and surfaces which provoke defensive or repair responses. The circulating hemocyte population of second-day, fifth-instar larvae (2dL5) of M. sexta consisted of 4.5 ± 2.5 × 106 cells/ml (n = 15, range 2–7 × 106 cells/ml) and contained five cell types: prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, spherulocytes, and oenocytoids. Two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa which differ in pathogenicity (P11-1 and 9027) and Escherichia coli D31 grew well at 26°C in cell-free hemolymph prepared from naive (nonimmunized) 2dL5 M. sexta. When viable cells of any of the three bacteria were injected into M. sexta larvae, changes in both the total hemocyte count (THC) and differential hemocyte count were observed. Viable bacteria were not required to produce these changes since formalin-killed cells of P. aeruginosa 9027 produced a qualitatively and quantitatively similar response. Following injection of bacteria, the THC increased, reaching a maximal level at 1 hr postinjection, and remained elevated for at least 4 hr after injection. While prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, and spherulocytes all increased in number, 80% of the increased cell population at 1 hr postinjection of bacteria were the latter two cell types. Granulocytes and spherulocytes are cells with recognized defensive capabilities. The increased numbers of these cells in circulation soon after injection of bacteria may confer an advantage on M. sexta larvae in dealing with bacterial infections. This could explain in part the unusual resistance of M. sexta to certain bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

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