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Variations in diploid chromosome number, due to the presence of B chromosomes, are found within the distribution of P. v. volans. B chromosomes vary in number between one and eight per animal, are mitotically stable in various body tissues and, unlike the Y chromosome in male P. v. volans, are not eliminated from bone marrow cells. Animals possessing B chromosomes have a distinct distribution, and it appears that a stable equilibrium between the forces of B chromosome accumulation or elimination is operating in those populations possessing these chromosomes.  相似文献   

The greater glider, currently but incorrectly known as Schoinobates volans, is widely distributed in forested regions in eastern Australia. All animals studied from six different localities had 20 autosomes but there were four chromosomally distinct populations. At Royal National Park, N.S.W., all female greater gliders studied had 22 chromosomes including two large submetacentric X chromosomes with subterminal secondary constrictions in their longer arms. This form of X chromosome occurred also at Bondo State Forest, Myall Lakes and Coff's Harbour, N.S.W., and at Eidsvold, Qld. At Coomooboolaroo, Qld, the X chromosome was also a large submetacentric but a secondary constriction occurred in the shorter arm. Two chromosomally distinct types apparently occur in Royal National Park, one with XY males as in all other populations, and one with XY1Y2 males. Y or Y1, but not Y2, chromosomes were eliminated from the bone marrow in all populations but were present in spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes and cultured fibroblasts. Animals from Bondo State Forest had three or more acrocentric or metacentric supernumerary chromosomes.  相似文献   

A study spanning two breeding seasons was carried out to examine changes in the size of the dorsal paracloacal glands and testes in the marsupial sugar glider Petaurus breviceps Waterhouse 1839. These changes were related to seasonal increases in the plasma testosterone concentration and to morphological changes in the frontal and gular cutaneous scent glands of males.
Both dorsal paracloacal glands and testes underwent a seasonal cycle of development which reached its maximum during the June-September breeding season. These changes coincided with an increase in the plasma testosterone concentration and with the increase in activity of certain cell types within the frontal and gular glands.
Castration caused a significant decrease in the size of the dorsal paracloacal glands, while androgen replacement was effective in restoring the glands to their pre-castration size thus demonstrating the influence of androgens upon the activity of these glands.
The synchronization which exists between plasma testosterone concentration, cutaneous scent gland morphology and the size of the dorsal paracloacal glands of males, suggests that the dorsal paracloacal glands, or more likely their secretions, are important in social organization in this species.  相似文献   

Observations were made of a wild population of sugar gliders ( Petaurus breviceps ) by live-trapping and on four captive colonies to establish the relationship between blood concentration of testosterone, body weight, social dominance and the timing of births. In both the wild and in captivity one male exhibits a testosterone concentration far higher than his fellows, during the breeding season. This male is also the heaviest. In captivity this male is observed to be socially the most dominant and undertakes almost all of the scent-marking. At least three-quarters of each breeding season's births occur during the first month of the three- to four-month season (July-September/October), a passage of time during which the body weight of the most dominant male falls more than that of the subordinates. It is suggested that this species is highly polygynous, with the ecological and evolutionary benefits of high social status being immense.  相似文献   

The New Guinean endemic dactylopsilines are members of the Petauridae possum family, represented in Australia only by the striped possum Dactylopsila trivirgata. The shy nature and low density of this species have hampered studies of its ecology to date, so we developed nine highly variable polymorphic microsatellite markers to enable molecular genetic analysis of population structure and mating system parameters. This will add substantially to our understanding of the behavioural ecology of this species. The low degree of cross‐amplification of the primers in other petaurid species lends weight to other evidence suggesting that this family underwent a relatively early radiation.  相似文献   

Between 1984 and 1986, reproductive tracts were collected from 17 male Acrobates pygmaeus (Shaw) from south-eastern Australia and the anatomy of these tracts is described. The prostate is heart-shaped and the arrangement of its three segments, anterior, central and posterior, is different to the patterns described for other marsupials. The testes are large in proportion to the body size but their structure and that of the remainder of the tract is typical of other marsupials. The sperm morphology is similar to that of the Phalangeridae and Burramyidae.
Seasonal cycles were found in the sizes of testes and prostates. Increases in testes sizes, starting in April or May, were associated with increases in seminiferous tubule diameter and Leydig cell size. The weight of the prostate increased rapidly to a short peak in June when the testes also reached maximum weight. The first births occurred approximately one month later in this population. Following this peak, both the testes and the prostate decreased in size and had returned to the original weights by January. The beginning of this period when the testes and prostate were small coincided with the cessation of births in the population and was marked by an interruption in spermatogenesis.
Males born early in a breeding season mature before the start of the next breeding season, but males born at the end of a breeding season may not mature until the second season after their birth, at which time they are approximately 18 months of age.  相似文献   

The anatomy of female reproductive tracts collected from 28 Acrobates pygmaeus (Shaw) is described. The tract differs from that of other small possums of the families Burramyidae and Tarsipedidae by having a prominent septum that divides the left and right sides of the vaginal system for most of its length. A median birth canal occurs at parturition but closes within 3–4 days of birth.
In south-eastern Australia, most female A. pygmaeus produce two litters within the breeding season (July to February). A post-partum oestrus follows the birth of the first litter and the resulting embryos undergo a period of embryonic diapause. The embryos grow slowly during diapause, until the unilaminar blastocysts become approximately 2.0 mm in diameter, and contain about 2,000 cells. The factors influencing reactivation after diapause remain unclear, since no embryos past the blastocyst stage were found. Post-partum oestrus may follow the birth of the second litter, but if it occurs, the ova either remain unfertilized or degenerate after fertilization. Females are anoestrus during the non-breeding season.
Corpora lutea in the ovaries seldom outnumber blastocysts in the uteri or teats in the pouch. During diapause they undergo a pattern of growth similar to that of the blastocysts and enter a quiescent phase. Corpora lutea disappear within nine days of birth.
The pattern of female reproduction in this species is similar to that of other small possums of the families Burramyidae and Tarsipedidae, but is distinct from those of other marsupials.  相似文献   

Caroline J.  Jones  Fritz  Geiser 《Journal of Zoology》1992,227(1):101-108
Deep and prolonged torpor in marsupials is only known from the pygmy possums, family Burramyidae. We investigated the pattern of torpor in the feathertail glider Acrobates pygmaeus (Acrobatidae) to determine whether members of other marsupial families also possess the ability of remaining torpid for several days with body temperatures (Tb) approaching 0°C. At high air temperatures (Ta) of 15 and 20°C, A. pygmaeus usually exhibited daily torpor. Torpor bouts at Ta 12°C usually lasted for about 2˙5 days and at Ta 8°C up to 5˙5 days. The metabolic rate during torpor was reduced to about 1% of that in normothermic, resting individuals. The Tb during torpor was regulated at about 2°C when Ta fell below about 0˙8 °C. Arousal from torpor was rapid and the mean fastest rewarming rate was 0˙88°C/min. While A. pygmaeus exhibited deep and prolonged torpor, its pattern differed somewhat from deep hibernation. Acrobates pygmaeus did not show prehibernation fattening and a subsequent prolonged hibernation period and it appears that prolonged torpor is used only in emergency situations.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the development of the marsupial immune system, particularly in the context of lymphoid tissue development and the appearance of lymphocytes, has been examined and limitations identified. While primary lymphoid tissues like the thymus have been extensively studied, secondary lymphoid tissues such as the spleen and lymph nodes have been examined to a lesser extent, partly due to the difficulty of macroscopically identifying these structures, particularly in very small neonates. In addition, little research has been conducted on the mucosal‐associated lymphoid tissues; tissues that directly trap antigens and play an important role in the maturity of adaptive immune responses. Research on the development of the marsupial immune tissues to date serves as a solid foundation for further research, particularly on the mechanisms behind the development of the immune system of marsupials. With the recent sequencing and annotation of whole marsupial genomes, the current wealth of sequence data will be essential in the development of marsupial specific reagents, including antibodies, that are required to widen our specific knowledge of the complex marsupial immune system and its development. J. Morphol. 275:822–839, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary During the first 28–30 weeks after birth, pouch young of the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) normally produce urine less than 500 mOsm/kg and elevate their urine concentration by less than 20% when dehydrated by about 10% of body weight. The adult tammar, in contrast, can produce urine in excess of 3,000 mOsm/kg. The aim of this study was to determine when the various processes involved in urine concentration become mature in the tammar.Vasopressin was detectable in the pituitary of week-old tammars and pituitary vasopressin content decreased significantly after dehydration. Plasma vasopressin did not vary with age and dehydration was associated with an increase in plasma vasopressin levels. By 15 weeks of age at least, tammar kidney slices were able to bind vasopressin as indicated by a rise in tissue cAMP level following hormone treatment.The sodium and urea content of the renal medulla increased with age and significant gradients of these solutes were established by 25 weeks of age. Pouch young older than 25 weeks showed increased medullary sodium and urea levels following dehydration.The inability of pouch young less than 20 weeks of age to produce a highly concentrated urine does not result from any inadequacy in perception of osmotic stimuli or release of vasopressin by the pituitary or of binding of hormone by the kidney. Rather, it appears to be largely attributable to an insufficient medullary hypertonicity, particularly with respect to urea, which is consequent upon structural immaturity of the loop of Henle.Abbreviations cAMP cyclic AMP adenosine 3,5-monophosphate - AVP arginine vasopressin - LVP lysine vasopressin  相似文献   

The glider genus Petaurus comprises a group of arboreal and nocturnal marsupial species from New Guinea and Australia. Molecular data were generated in order to examine phylogenetic relationships among species within the genus and explore the time-scale of diversification and biogeographic history of the genus in Australia and New Guinea. All known species and subspecies of Petaurus (with the exception of P. biacensis) were sequenced for two mitochondrial genes (ND2 and ND4) and one nuclear marker (omega-globin gene). Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the monophyly of the genus relative to other petaurids and showed a sister relationship of P. australis to the rest of Petaurus. The analyses revealed that currently recognised species of Petaurus formed distinct mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) clades. Considerable mtDNA diversity and seven distinct clades were identified within the species P. breviceps, with the distribution of each clade showing no correspondence with the distributional limits of known subspecies. Molecular dating analyses using BEAST suggested an early to mid-Miocene origin (18–24 mya) for the genus. Ancestral area reconstructions, using BayesTraits, did not resolve the location for the centre of origin of Petaurus, but provided evidence for at least one dispersal event from New Guinea to Australia that led to the evolution of extant Australian populations of P. breviceps, P. norfolcensis and P. gracilis. The timing of this dispersal event appears to pre-date the Pleistocene, adding to the growing number of studies that suggest faunal connections occurred between Australia and New Guinea in the Late Miocene to Pliocene period.  相似文献   

Mainly due to their utilisation of relatively low-fiber diets compared to herbivorous mammals, omnivores are expected to have correspondingly low maintenance nitrogen requirements (MNRs). The limited studies examining nitrogen requirements of omnivorous mammals to date have shown this to be the case. In this article, we determine the dietary MNR of greater bilbies (Macrotis lagotis), arid-zone omnivorous marsupials, by feeding them varying proportions of mixed seeds and dried currants (sun-dried grapes). We also examine the possibility that bilbies conserve nitrogen by recycling endogenous urea to their gastrointestinal tract. The dietary MNR of 127 mg N kg(-0.75) d(-1) calculated for the bilby falls within the range calculated for other marsupial omnivores and is lower than that of any of the herbivores. This low requirement for nitrogen was correlated with significant recycling of endogenous urea to the gut; bilbies recycled between 44% and 80% of urea synthesised in the liver, but the proportion recycled was independent of dietary nitrogen intake. The relatively low MNR of the bilby is consistent with its low rates of basal metabolism and the recycling of endogenous urea to the gut, both of which reduce urinary nitrogen losses, and a low-fiber diet that minimises metabolic fecal nitrogen loss. Because the bilby inhabits an environment where its food supply is unpredictable and of seasonally low nitrogen content, this species is likely to benefit from its low requirement for nitrogen.  相似文献   

To determine accurately the rates of late Pleistocene megafaunal loss, it is fundamentally important to have accurate taxonomic information for every species. In Australia, accurate taxonomic information is lacking for several Pleistocene groups, including the largest marsupial ever to live, Diprotodon Owen, 1838. Diprotodon taxonomy has been complicated by early nomenclatural problems and by the occurrence of two distinct size classes of individuals that do not reflect an ontogenetic series. Traditionally, the two size classes have been regarded as separate species. However, a taxonomic investigation of large samples (> 1000 teeth) of Diprotodon material from several different fossil localities in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria suggests that there is little evidence for the discrimination of more than one morphospecies. Thus, Diprotodon is here considered a monotypic genus and the single morphospecies, D. optatum Owen, 1838 is considered to have been highly sexually dimorphic. By drawing analogy with extant sexually dimorphic megaherbivores and marsupials, the large form was probably male, and the small form was probably female. Diprotodon optatum probably moved in small, gender-segregated herds, and exhibited a polygynous breeding strategy. As a single morphospecies, D. optatum had a near-continental geographical distribution, similar to that of extant megaherbivores, possibly indicating its niche as a habitat generalist.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 153 , 389–417.  相似文献   

R. D. Wooller    M. B. Renfree    E. M. Russell    A. Dunning    S. W. Green    P. Duncan 《Journal of Zoology》1981,195(2):267-279
During 1978 and 1979 over 900 individuals of the mouse-sized marsupial nectarivore Tarsipes spencerae were pitfall trapped in Banksia thickets on the south coast of Western Australia. In both years numbers were highest in spring, when nectar was most abundant and lowest during summer months when it was scarce. The larger number of males caught probably reflects their greater activity rather than their greater abundance.  相似文献   

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