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We determined the species-specific habitat associations of coral reef fishes and environmental characteristics in an Okinawan coral reef in Japan. We focused on three families (Pomacentridae, Gobiidae and Labridae) and attempted to determine differences in habitat utilization. We selected six sites along the coast of Amitori Bay, from the entrance to the innermost part, in order to cover a wide range of habitat characteristics (exposed habitat, semi-exposed habitat and sheltered habitat). The species diversity of coral assemblages was greater at the exposed and semi-exposed habitats, whereas branching coral mostly covered the sheltered habitat. The environmental factors that determine the species-specific spatial association in fishes differed among families. Both biological characteristics (coral morphology and coral species diversity) and physical characteristics (water depth and wave exposure) affected the spatial association of pomacentrids and gobiids. In contrast, physical characteristics such as substrate complexity and water depth affected the species-specific spatial association of labrid species. Further study is needed to determine the ecological factors that regulate the species-specific habitat preference in Okinawan coral reefs.  相似文献   

Marine biologists have gone through a paradigm shift, from the assumption that marine populations are largely ‘open’ owing to extensive larval dispersal to the realization that marine dispersal is ‘more restricted than previously thought’. Yet, population genetic studies often reveal low levels of genetic structure across large geographic areas. On the other side, more direct approaches such as mark‐recapture provide evidence of localized dispersal. To what extent can direct and indirect studies of marine dispersal be reconciled? One approach consists in applying genetic methods that have been validated with direct estimates of dispersal. Here, we use such an approach—genetic isolation by distance between individuals in continuous populations—to estimate the spatial scale of dispersal in five species of coral reef fish presenting low levels of genetic structure across the Caribbean. Individuals were sampled continuously along a 220‐km transect following the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, population densities were estimated from surveys covering 17 200 m2 of reef, and samples were genotyped at a total of 58 microsatellite loci. A small but positive isolation‐by‐distance slope was observed in the five species, providing mean parent‐offspring dispersal estimates ranging between 7 and 42 km (CI 1–113 km) and suggesting that there might be a correlation between minimum/maximum pelagic larval duration and dispersal in coral reef fishes. Coalescent‐based simulations indicate that these results are robust to a variety of dispersal distributions and sampling designs. We conclude that low levels of genetic structure across large geographic areas are not necessarily indicative of extensive dispersal at ecological timescales.  相似文献   

Many marine protected areas (MPAs), particularly in developing countries, have failed because of a lack of enforcement and monitoring due to limited public funds for conservation. Private investment and management in MPAs offers a potential solution, and has been applied with initial positive results at the Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area (SIMCA) in Sabah, Malaysia. Conservation fees charged to visitors to Lankayan Island Dive Resort within the SIMCA have generated a sustainable source of financing to meet the majority of management costs for the conservation area, which is separately managed by a private organization called Reef Guardian. The availability of adequate funds has enabled Reef Guardian to invest in personnel training and surveillance technology to enforce the rules and regulations of the conservation area. In collaboration with government enforcement agencies, Reef Guardian has reduced threats such as illegal fishing and turtle egg poaching. As a result, there is a comparatively high abundance of commercially important fish, and turtle nestings at Lankayan Island have increased. Private management can be effective in conserving biodiversity in MPAs, and may well succeed regionally in suitable locations.
Lydia C. L. TehEmail:

Competition between reef-building corals and benthic algae is of key importance for reef dynamics. These interactions occur on many spatial scales, ranging from chemical to regional. Using microprobes, 16S rDNA pyrosequencing and underwater surveys, we examined the interactions between the reef-building coral Montastraea annularis and four types of benthic algae. The macroalgae Dictyota bartayresiana and Halimeda opuntia, as well as a mixed consortium of turf algae, caused hypoxia on the adjacent coral tissue. Turf algae were also associated with major shifts in the bacterial communities at the interaction zones, including more pathogens and virulence genes. In contrast to turf algae, interactions with crustose coralline algae (CCA) and M. annularis did not appear to be antagonistic at any scale. These zones were not hypoxic, the microbes were not pathogen-like and the abundance of coral-CCA interactions was positively correlated with per cent coral cover. We propose a model in which fleshy algae (i.e. some species of turf and fleshy macroalgae) alter benthic competition dynamics by stimulating bacterial respiration and promoting invasion of virulent bacteria on corals. This gives fleshy algae a competitive advantage over corals when human activities, such as overfishing and eutrophication, remove controls on algal abundance. Together, these results demonstrate the intricate connections and mechanisms that structure coral reefs.  相似文献   

The densities of recruits on caged and uncaged areas were compared in an experiment done to show the extent of predation on recently metamorphosed coral reef fishes. The design was unlike typical caging experiments, however, in that areas were caged only for short periods of 20–30 days and several independent trials, testing the same null hypothesis, were run. This was done to avoid confounding the effects of excluding herbivorous fishes with the effects of excluding piscivorous fishes. A third treatment, partially-meshed cages, revealed that the experiment was complicated by several other factors. Some prey species were attracted to the high relief offered by the experimental structures. Others responded to the differences in shelter from predators by redispersing themselves among the treatments shortly after settlement. There was also at least one significant edge effect caused by fishes preferring to settle near the boundaries of all treatments. In spite of these difficulties, observations on known individuals revealed that rates of mortality were age-dependent and decreased rapidly after metamorphosis. More than 25% of such fishes disappeared during their first five days in the benthic habitat compared with >10% of fishes aged 6–10 days and no losses of fishes aged 11–15 days. These early losses are the greatest instantaneous rates of mortality yet documented for recruited reef fishes. The experiment also suggested different rates of early mortality for various groupings of species: individuals of solitary, sedentary species disappeared approximately half as fast as individuals of the more mobile, and the more gregarious, species. This is probably a true reflection of the different vulnerability of these groups to predation and it may be caused by the different ways in which these fishes use the coral substratum. Our experience suggests that caging artifacts can have major impacts on the results obtained from this type of experiment and they must be controlled for adequately. We conclude that studies of predation on reef fishes may be done more easily using other methods.  相似文献   

An Early Jurassic (Sinemurian) reef in the Telkawa Range, British Columbia Canada, yields coral species previously known from Morocco, Great Britain, Italy, Peru, and Chile. The principal constructional coral, Phacelostylophyllum rugosum (Laube), known from the Upper Triassic Dolomite Alps in northern Italy, is a holdover species. This coral survived the mass extinctions of the end-Triassic without leaving any other Jurassic records outside Canada. Other corals from the Telkwa reef include Stylophyllopsis victoriae (Duncan) and Actinastraea minima Beauvais known from Jurassic rocks of the Tethys. Closely related corals, Phacelostylophyllum chocolatensis (Wells) and Actinastraea plana (Duncan), are from southern Peru. The paleogeographic Occurrence of the Canadian reef in the volcanic terrane of Stikinia supports the contention that volcanic islands in distant outposts of the ancient Pacific served as refugia. In the aftermath of the end-Triassic reef decimation affecting the Tethys, corals and reef-building activities continued on ancient islands of the ancestral Pacific. The Hispanic Corridor, connecting the western Tethys with the western Pacific, may have played an important role during Sinemurian time. ***Reef; corals, Triassic, Jurassic, extinctions, paleobiogeography.  相似文献   

The severely degraded condition of many coral reefs worldwide calls for active interventions to rehabilitate their physical and biological structure and function, in addition to effective management of fisheries and no‐take reserves. Rehabilitation efforts to stabilize reef substratum sufficiently to support coral growth have been limited in size. We documented a large coral reef rehabilitation in Indonesia aiming to restore ecosystem functions by increasing live coral cover on a reef severely damaged by blast fishing and coral mining. The project deployed small, modular, open structures to stabilize rubble and to support transplanted coral fragments. Between 2013 to 2015, approximately 11,000 structures covering 7,000 m2 were deployed over 2 ha of a reef at a cost of US$174,000. Live coral cover on the structures increased from less than 10% initially to greater than 60% depending on depth, deployment date and location, and disturbances. The mean live coral cover in the rehabilitation area in October 2017 was higher than reported for reefs in many other areas in the Coral Triangle, including marine protected areas, but lower than in the no‐take reference reef. At least 42 coral species were observed growing on the structures. Surprisingly, during the massive coral bleaching in other regions during the 2014–2016 El Niño–Southern Oscillation event, bleaching in the rehabilitation area was less than 5% cover despite warm water (≥30°C). This project demonstrates that coral rehabilitation is achievable over large scales where coral reefs have been severely damaged and are under continuous anthropogenic disturbances in warming waters.  相似文献   

Synopsis High-speed cinematography and video using modified Schlieren optics and laser illumination helped elicit details of prey capture mechanisms used by Chromis viridis while feeding on calanoid copepods and Artemia. Chromis viridis is capable of a ram-jaw, low-suction feeding, as well as a typical suction feeding behavior described for other species of planktivores. By adjusting the degree of jaw protrusion and amount of suction used during a feeding strike, this fish can modulate its feeding strikes according to the prey type being encountered. The ram-jaw feeding mode enables C. viridis to capture highly evasive calanoid copepods within 6 to 10 msec. The use of specialized feeding behavior for evasive prey and the ability to vary feeding behavior are adaptations for feeding on evasive prey.  相似文献   

Local community dynamics are determined by the interaction of environmental variation and the biotic properties of communities. This interaction occurs on many spatial and temporal scales, hence the expectation is that community dynamics will be complex. Previous theoretical approaches to communities have assumed linear, near equilibrium dynamics. An alternative approach suggests that community dynamics are the result of the balance between energy use by the community and its tendency to move towards thermodynamic equilibrium, in this case extinction of all species in the community. Because this balance will be imprecise, community dynamics should be oscillatory. Furthermore, because energy use by a community can be broken down into a hierarchical set of processes occurring on different time scales, community dynamics should reflect multiple periodicities. The above theoretical treatment suggests that since community dynamics are scaled, a hierarchical observational approach should help resolve important aspects of community structure. This approach of scaling community observations provides a technique for evaluation of community responses to environmental change, including human induced perturbations. A thermodynamic approach to community dynamics can also provide the basis for new theoretical and empricial discoveries about biological communities.  相似文献   

Accelerating coral reef restoration is a global challenge that has been attempted around the world. Previous attempts show varying levels of success at localized scales, but comparisons of cost and benefits to evaluate large‐scale reef restoration approaches are lacking. Here, we compare two large‐scale restoration approaches: the harvesting, development, and release of wild coral spawn slicks onto a target reef, with the transplantation of gravid coral colonies to provide a seed population and local source of larvae. Comparisons incorporate the best available information on demographic rates to estimate population growth, beginning at embryo production to colony maturity 4 years following deployment. Cost‐effectiveness is considered in a coarse manner. The harvesting, development, and controlled release of coral spawn slicks is anticipated to achieve large‐scale restoration of coral communities with low‐impact technology at low cost per colony. Harvesting wild spawn slicks has the potential to (1) transport billions of larvae up to thousands of kilometers that (2) are relevant to coral restoration efforts at vast geographical scales while (3) benefitting from the use of technology with extremely low impact on wild populations and (4) retaining natural genetic and species diversity needed to enhance the resilience of restored communities. Transplanting colonies is most useful from reefs designated to be impacted by infrastructural development by providing an opportunity for transfer to high value zones, from dedicated nurseries, and for brooding species. Our contribution provides insights into critical elements of both concepts, and we highlight information gaps in parameter uncertainties.  相似文献   

During recent decades, there have been numerous attempts to identify the key determinants of parasite communities and several influential variables have been clarified at either infra-, component or compound community scales. However, in view of the possible complexity of interactions among determinants, the commonly-used exploratory and statistical modelling techniques have often failed to find meaningful ecological patterns from such data. Moreover, quantitative assessments of factors structuring species richness, abundance, community structure and species associations in parasite communities remain elusive. Recently, because they are ideally suited for the analysis of complex and highly interactive data, there has been increasing interest in the use of classification and regression tree analyses in several ecological fields. To date, such approaches have never been used by parasitologists for field data. This study aims to both introduce and illustrate the use of multivariate regression trees in order to investigate the determinants of parasite abundance in a multi-scale quantitative context. To do this, we used new field epidemiological data from 1489 coral reef fishes collected around two islands in French Polynesia. We evaluated the relative effect and interactions of several host traits and environmental factors on the abundance of metazoan parasite assemblage at several scales and assessed the impact of major factors on each parasite taxon. Our results suggest that the islands sampled, the host species and host size are equal predictors of parasite abundance at a global scale, whereas other factors proved to be significant predictors of a local pattern, depending on host family. We also discuss the potential use of regression trees for parasitologists as both an explorative and a promising predictive tool.  相似文献   

Changes in the cover of the dominant hard coral taxa were studied on seven Kenyan back reefs over 20 yr. All factors of time, taxa, site, and their interactions were statistically significant and the 1998 temperature anomaly caused the greatest community changes. The 1998 disturbance changes reflected a classic coral succession, which included partial or little mortality and persistence of stress tolerant (massive and submassive growth forms) and early colonization by weedy taxa (pocilloporids). Nevertheless, competitive taxa had high and full mortality and the expected dominance of acroporids was inhibited even ~13 yr after the disturbance. So, while total hard coral cover displayed the expected logistic recovery where maximum cover was reached <10 yr after the disturbance, the poor recovery of competitive dominants resulted in less than expected coral cover. A number of stress-resistant and weedy taxa (poritids, agaricidae, faviids, and pocilloporids) are expected to dominate the composition of these reefs in the future. Nevertheless, three submassive faviids and branching Porites began to decline toward the end of the time series, indicating further stress after 1998. Increased algal cover and other unstudied factors, including milder warming, may explain these changes. The patterns of change on this continental fringing reef differ from recovery of more remote, offshore islands. This probably reflects low acroporid dominance and recruitment limitations associated with greater anthropogenic influences of high sea urchin grazing and terrestrial runoff.  相似文献   

Pittman SJ  Brown KA 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20583
Two of the major limitations to effective management of coral reef ecosystems are a lack of information on the spatial distribution of marine species and a paucity of data on the interacting environmental variables that drive distributional patterns. Advances in marine remote sensing, together with the novel integration of landscape ecology and advanced niche modelling techniques provide an unprecedented opportunity to reliably model and map marine species distributions across many kilometres of coral reef ecosystems. We developed a multi-scale approach using three-dimensional seafloor morphology and across-shelf location to predict spatial distributions for five common Caribbean fish species. Seascape topography was quantified from high resolution bathymetry at five spatial scales (5–300 m radii) surrounding fish survey sites. Model performance and map accuracy was assessed for two high performing machine-learning algorithms: Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) and Maximum Entropy Species Distribution Modelling (MaxEnt). The three most important predictors were geographical location across the shelf, followed by a measure of topographic complexity. Predictor contribution differed among species, yet rarely changed across spatial scales. BRT provided ‘outstanding’ model predictions (AUC = >0.9) for three of five fish species. MaxEnt provided ‘outstanding’ model predictions for two of five species, with the remaining three models considered ‘excellent’ (AUC = 0.8–0.9). In contrast, MaxEnt spatial predictions were markedly more accurate (92% map accuracy) than BRT (68% map accuracy). We demonstrate that reliable spatial predictions for a range of key fish species can be achieved by modelling the interaction between the geographical location across the shelf and the topographic heterogeneity of seafloor structure. This multi-scale, analytic approach is an important new cost-effective tool to accurately delineate essential fish habitat and support conservation prioritization in marine protected area design, zoning in marine spatial planning, and ecosystem-based fisheries management.  相似文献   

Territorial damselfish are important herbivores on coral reefs because they can occupy a large proportion of the substratum and modify the benthic community to promote the cover of food algae. However, on coastal coral reefs damselfish occupy habitats that are often dominated by unpalatable macroalgae. The aim of this study was to examine whether damselfish can maintain distinctive algal assemblages on a coastal reef that is seasonally dominated by Sargassum (Magnetic Island, Great Barrier Reef). Here, three abundant species (Pomacentrus tripunctatus, P. wardi and Stegastes apicalis) occupied up to 60% of the reef substrata. All three species promoted the abundance of food algae in their territories. The magnitudes of the effects varied among reef zones, but patterns were relatively stable over time. Damselfish appear to readily co-exist with large unpalatable macroalgae as they can use it as a substratum for promoting the growth of palatable epiphytes. Damselfish territories represent patches of increased epiphyte load on macroalgae, decreased sediment cover, and enhanced cover of palatable algal turf.  相似文献   

As the majority of coral reef fishes, the Convict Surgeonfish Acanthurus triostegus (Acanthuridae) has a complex life cycle that involves an ontogenetic change in morphology, physiology and behaviour as its pelagic larval stage colonizes the benthic habitat. Few studies are devoted to the changes in skeleton during the settlement phase of coral reef fishes. In the present study, we highlighted an unexpected scales development in A. trisostegus just after the reef settlement. At settlement (t0), A. triostegus showed calcified and very thin vertical plates, lying in the dermis on the whole body. During the first 9 days after settlement, thin vertical plates regressed and adult scales began to appear simultaneously. At 12 days post‐settlement, the whole body was covered with small scales. Overall, such a rapid skeletal transformation is an example of morphological changes dealing with ‘metamorphosis’ of coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Bioturbation of reef sediments aerates the upper sediment layers and releases organic material to benthic communities. Despite being the larger and more conspicuous bioturbators on...  相似文献   

The diets of four common mesopredator fishes were examined in the back‐reef habitat of a subtropical fringing reef system during the summer months. Quantitative gut content analyses revealed that crustaceans, represented >60% of ingested prey (% mass) by the latticed sand‐perch Parapercis clathrata, brown dottyback Pseudochromis fuscus and half‐moon grouper Epinephelus rivulatus. Dietary analyses also provided insights into ontogenetic shifts. Juvenile P. fuscus ingested large numbers of crustaceans (amphipods and isopods); these small prey were rarely found in larger individuals (<1% of ingested mass). Fishes also made an important contribution to the diets of all three species representing 10–30% of ingested mass. Conversely, the sand lizardfish Synodus dermatogenys fed exclusively on fishes including clupeids, gobies and labrids. Differences in the gut contents of the four species recorded were not apparent using stable isotope analysis of muscle tissues. The similarity of δ13C values in muscle tissues suggested that carbon within prey was derived from primary producers, with comparable carbon isotope signatures to corals and macroalgae, whilst similarities in δ15N values indicated that all four species belonged to the same trophic level. Thus, interspecific differences between mesopredator diets were undetectable when using stable isotope analysis which suggests that detailed elucidation of trophic pathways requires gut content analyses.  相似文献   

Marine Protected Areas are usually static, permanently closed areas. There are, however, both social and ecological reasons to adopt dynamic closures, where reserves move through time. Using a general theoretical framework, we investigate whether dynamic closures can improve the mean biomass of herbivorous fishes on reef systems, thereby enhancing resilience to undesirable phase-shifts. At current levels of reservation (10–30%), moving protection between all reefs in a system is unlikely to improve herbivore biomass, but can lead to a more even distribution of biomass. However, if protected areas are rotated among an appropriate subset of the entire reef system (e.g. rotating 10 protected areas between only 20 reefs in a 100 reef system), dynamic closures always lead to increased mean herbivore biomass. The management strategy that will achieve the highest mean herbivore biomass depends on both the trajectories and rates of population recovery and decline. Given the current large-scale threats to coral reefs, the ability of dynamic marine protected areas to achieve conservation goals deserves more attention.  相似文献   

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