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A novel asymmetric oxy-Michael addition reaction was developed. In the presence of a catalytic amount of base, chiral ketones 1 and 2, derived from D-glucose and D-fructose, respectively, reacted with omega-hydroxy enones or enoates 3a-e, 17 and 21 to form the hemiacetal-derived alkoxide which underwent stereoselective intramolecular Michael addition to give cyclic acetals. Although the stereoselectivities in the formation of the five-membered acetal rings were modest, six-membered ring formation proceeded with high stereoselectivity and the utility of the reaction was demonstrated by a simple syntheses of natural products.  相似文献   

When the purified plant glucosidase II was incubated with [3H]Glc2Man9GlcNAc in the presence of glycerol and the products were analyzed by gel filtration, a large peak of radioactivity emerged just before the glucose standard. The formation of this peak was dependent on both the presence of Glc2Man9GlcNAc and the presence of glycerol, and the amount of this product increased with time of incubation and amount of glucosidase II in the incubation. When the incubation was performed with [3H]Glc2Man9GlcNAc plus [14C]glycerol, the product contained both 14C and 3H. Strong acid hydrolysis of the purified product gave rise to [14C]glycerol and [3H]glucose. Various other chemical treatments and chromatographic techniques showed that the product was glucosyl----glycerol. Since the glucose was released by alpha-glucosidase, the product must be glucosyl-alpha-glycerol. This study demonstrates that the processing glucosidase II catalyzes a trans-glycosylation reaction in the presence of acceptors like glycerol. Since this transglycosylation reaction may give rise to unexpected products, investigators should be aware of its possible occurrence.  相似文献   

Carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone and its ring-substituted analogs react with thiols (thioglycolic acid, 2-mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol) and amino-thiols (cysteine, glutathione) to give corresponding N-(substituted phynyl)-N′-(alkythiodicyano)-methylhydrazine derivatives. These addition products decompose to the original components in alkaline solution. On the other hand, in the presence of an excess of thiols in aqueous buffered systems the addition reactions are practically quantitative with respect to phenylhydrazones, follow pseudo-first-order kinetics and can be investigated spectrophotometrically. These reactions are of the bimolecular AdN type where the non-dissociated form of carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazones function as an electrophilic component, while the RS? ion plays the role of nucleophilic component in the case of thiols (the attack of the azomethine group).The reactivity of carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazones with respect to thiols increases in the order carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone < carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone < carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone which corresponds to the order of decreasing values of the pKa constants. On the other hand, the reactivity of thiols increases with their basicity.The reactivity of carbonyl cyanide phynylhydrazone with thiols is comparable with the reactivity of phynyl isothiocyanate and N-ethylmaleimide. It was demostrated that carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone is an efficient inhibitor of rabbit muscle glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC results obtained are discussed in relation to the biological activity of carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazones.  相似文献   

T P Wallace  C Robinson  C J Howe 《FEBS letters》1990,272(1-2):141-144
The thylakoid processing peptidase from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum has been extracted from thylakoid membranes by solubilization with Triton X-100. Its reaction specificity has been compared with the analogous pea peptidase by processing in vitro of radiolabelled wheat and P. laminosum thylakoid lumenal precursor polypeptides. The cyanobacterial polypeptide is processed to the mature size through an intermediate by the P. laminosum peptidase, but to a polypeptide that has a slightly greater apparent molecular weight than the intermediate by the pea peptidase. Both peptidases correctly process the wheat polypeptide. This suggests that the reaction specificities of the two peptidases are similar, but not identical.  相似文献   

The sulfhydryl groups of L-cysteine and reduced glutathione (GSH) react nonenzymatically with formaldehyde (F), acrolein (Al), acetaldehyde (AA), malondialdehyde (DAM), pyruvate (P), oxoglutarate (oxo-G) and glucose (G) to form thiazolidine derivatives. These reactions show different velocities and the adducts formed show different stabilities. The equilibrium constants K, as well as the rate constants kr for the reverse reaction, show considerable variation. The carbonyls reveal higher reactivity with sulfhydryl group of L-Cys than with those of GSH, and the stability of the adducts is higher than that of GSH. Al, F and AA react more rapidly with both thiol compounds than the other carbonyls, but the adducts are less stable. The sulfhydryl groups level of bovine serum albumin as well as those of high- and low-molecular thiols of human plasma is reduced in the presence of Al, F or DAM.  相似文献   

Targeting of PKA to glutamate receptors through a MAGUK-AKAP complex   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Compartmentalization of glutamate receptors with the signaling enzymes that regulate their activity supports synaptic transmission. Two classes of binding proteins organize these complexes: the MAGUK proteins that cluster glutamate receptors and AKAPs that anchor kinases and phosphatases. In this report, we demonstrate that glutamate receptors and PKA are recruited into a macromolecular signaling complex through direct interaction between the MAGUK proteins, PSD-95 and SAP97, and AKAP79/150. The SH3 and GK regions of the MAGUKs mediate binding to the AKAP. Cell-based studies indicate that phosphorylation of AMPA receptors is enhanced by a SAP97-AKAP79 complex that directs PKA to GluR1 via a PDZ domain interaction. As AMPA receptor phosphorylation is implicated in regulating synaptic plasticity, these data suggest that a MAGUK-AKAP complex may be centrally involved.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) is an integral component of the Mn(4)O(5)Ca cluster of the oxygen-evolving complex in photosystem II (PS II). Its removal leads to the loss of the water oxidizing functionality. The S(2)' state of the Ca(2+)-depleted cluster from spinach is examined by X- and Q-band EPR and (55)Mn electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy. Spectral simulations demonstrate that upon Ca(2+) removal, its electronic structure remains essentially unaltered, i.e. that of a manganese tetramer. No redistribution of the manganese valence states and only minor perturbation of the exchange interactions between the manganese ions were found. Interestingly, the S(2)' state in spinach PS II is very similar to the native S(2) state of Thermosynechococcus elongatus in terms of spin state energies and insensitivity to methanol addition. These results assign the Ca(2+) a functional as opposed to a structural role in water splitting catalysis, such as (i) being essential for efficient proton-coupled electron transfer between Y(Z) and the manganese cluster and/or (ii) providing an initial binding site for substrate water. Additionally, a novel (55)Mn(2+) signal, detected by Q-band pulse EPR and ENDOR, was observed in Ca(2+)-depleted PS II. Mn(2+) titration, monitored by (55)Mn ENDOR, revealed a specific Mn(2+) binding site with a submicromolar K(D). Ca(2+) titration of Mn(2+)-loaded, Ca(2+)-depleted PS II demonstrated that the site is reversibly made accessible to Mn(2+) by Ca(2+) depletion and reconstitution. Mn(2+) is proposed to bind at one of the extrinsic subunits. This process is possibly relevant for the formation of the Mn(4)O(5)Ca cluster during photoassembly and/or D1 repair.  相似文献   

Azospirillum brasilense glutamate synthase is a complex iron-sulfur flavoprotein that catalyses the NADPH-dependent reductive transfer of glutamine amide group to the C(2) carbon of 2-oxoglutarate to yield L-glutamate. Its catalytically active alphabeta protomer is composed of two dissimilar subunits (alpha subunit, 164.2 kDa; beta subunit, 52.3 kDa) and contains one FAD (at Site 1, the pyridine nucleotide site within the beta subunit), one FMN (at Site 2, the 2-oxoglutarate/L-glutamate site in the alpha subunit) and three different iron-sulfur clusters (one 3Fe-4S center on the alpha subunit and two 4Fe-4S clusters of unknown location). A plasmid harboring the gltD and gltB genes, the genes encoding the glutamate synthase beta and alpha subunits, respectively, each one under the control of the T7/lac promoter of pET11a was found to be suitable for the overproduction of glutamate synthase holoenzyme in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) cells. Recombinant A. brasilense glutamate synthase could be purified to homogeneity from overproducing E. coli cells by ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration and affinity chromatography on a 2',5' ADP-Sepharose 4B column. The purified enzyme was indistinguishable from that prepared from Azospirillum cells with respect to cofactor content, N-terminal sequence of the subunits, aggregation state, kinetic and spectroscopic properties. The study of the recombinant holoenzyme allowed us to establish that the tendency of glutamate synthase to form a stable (alphabeta)4 tetramer at high protein concentrations is a property unique to the holoenzyme, as the isolated beta subunit does not oligomerize, while the isolated glutamate synthase alpha subunit only forms dimers at high protein concentrations. Furthermore, the steady-state kinetic analysis of the glutamate synthase reaction was extended to the study of the effect of adenosine-containing nucleotides. Compounds such as cAMP, AMP, ADP and ATP have no effect on the enzyme activity, while the 2'-phosphorylated analogs of AMP and NADP(H) analogs act as inhibitors of the reaction, competitive with NADPH. Thus, it can be ruled out that glutamate synthase reaction is subjected to allosteric modulation by adenosine containing (di)nucleotides, which may bind to the putative ADP-binding site at the C-terminus of the alpha subunit. At the same time, the strict requirement of a 2'-phosphate group in the pyridine nucleotide for binding to glutamate synthase (GltS) was established. Finally, by comparing the inhibition constants exhibited by a series of NADP+ analogs, the contribution to the binding energy of the various parts of the pyridine nucleotide has been determined along with the effect of substituents on the 3 position of the pyridine ring. With the exception of thio-NADP+, which binds the tightest to GltS, it appears that the size of the substituent is the factor that affects the most the interaction between the NADP(H) analog and the enzyme.  相似文献   

As was shown in experiments with a Hansenula polymorpha culture, a temporary drop in the pH of the medium in response to a pulse addition of a limiting substrate (organic or mineral) is not related to NH4+ uptake from the medium. The response is similar in media with NH4+ and in distilled water without NH4+. The pH drop caused by a pulse addition of certain substrates appears to result from the extrusion of H+ ions in the process of antiport: K+/H+ and Mg2+/H+. It is likely that the response to a substrate pulse is the extrusion of H+ ions for maintaining the membrane potential decreased owing to the uniport of either NH4+ or K+. Protons may be extruded in response to a substrate pulse during glycolysis of respiration. It is possible that an addition of organic substrates activates the metabolism; inorganic ions may also have a stimulating action. The lag time from the moment of substrate addition to the beginning of a decrease in the pH of the medium seems to include transport to the cytoplasmic membrane, transport into the cell and, possibly, the first steps of metabolism of the added substrate.  相似文献   

Carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone and its ring-substituted analogs react with thiols (thioglycolic acid, 2-mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol) and aminothiols (cysteine, glutathione) to give corresponding N-(substituted phenyl)-N'-(alkylthiodicyano)-methylhydrazine derivatives. These addition products decompose to the original components in alkaline solution. On the other hand, in the presence of an excess of thiols in aqueous buffered systems the addition reactions are practically quantitative with respect to phenylhydrazones, follow pseudo-first-order kinetics and can be investigated spectrophotometrically. These reactions are of the bimolecular AdN type where the non-dissociated form of carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazones function as an electrophilic component, while the RS- ion plays the role of nucleophilic component in the case of thiols (the attack of the azomethine group). The reactivitiy of carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazones with respect to thiols increases in the order carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone less than carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhyrazone less than carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone which corresponds to the order of decreasing values of the pKa constants. On the other hand, the reactivity of thiols increases with their basicity. The reactivity of carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone with thiols is comparable with the reactivity of phenyl isothiocyanate and N-ethylmaleimide. It was demonstrated that carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone is an efficient inhibitor of rabbit muscle glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC The results obtained are discussed in relation to the biological activity of carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazones.  相似文献   

GLAST is the predominant glutamate transporter in the cerebellum and contributes substantially to glutamate transport in forebrain. This astroglial glutamate transporter quickly binds and clears synaptically released glutamate and is principally responsible for ensuring that synaptic glutamate concentrations remain low. This process is associated with a significant energetic cost. Compartmentalization of GLAST with mitochondria and proteins involved in energy metabolism could provide energetic support for glutamate transport. Therefore, we performed immunoprecipitation and co-localization experiments to determine if GLAST might co-compartmentalize with proteins involved in energy metabolism. GLAST was immunoprecipitated from rat cerebellum and subunits of the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase, glycolytic enzymes, and mitochondrial proteins were detected. GLAST co-localized with mitochondria in cerebellar tissue. GLAST also co-localized with mitochondria in fine processes of astrocytes in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. From these data, we hypothesized that mitochondria participate in a macromolecular complex with GLAST to support oxidative metabolism of transported glutamate. To determine the functional metabolic role of this complex, we measured CO(2) production from radiolabeled glutamate in cultured astrocytes and compared it to overall glutamate uptake. Within 15min, 9% of transported glutamate was converted to CO(2). This CO(2) production was blocked by inhibitors of glutamate transport and glutamate dehydrogenase, but not by an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase. Our data support a model in which GLAST exists in a macromolecular complex that allows transported glutamate to be metabolized in mitochondria to support energy production.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-sensitive mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae showing a Pet- phenotype (cls7-cls11) have lesions in a system for maintaining intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis (Ohya, Y., Ohsumi, Y., and Anraku, Y. (1986) J. Gen. Microbiol. 132, 979-988). Genetic and biochemical studies have demonstrated that these Pet- cls mutants are related to defects in vacuolar membrane H(+)-ATPase. CLS7 and CLS8 were found to be identical with the structural genes encoding subunit c (VMA3) and subunit a (VMA1), respectively, of the enzyme. In addition, these five mutants all had vma defects; no vacuolar membrane ATPase activity was detected in the cls cells, and the cls mutants showed a loss of ability to acidify the vacuole in vivo. Measurements of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration [( Ca2+]i) in individual cells showed that the average [Ca2+]i in wild-type cells was 150 +/- 80 nM, whereas that in five Pet- cls cells was 900 +/- 100 nM. These data are consistent with the observation that vacuolar membrane vesicles prepared from the Pet- cls cells have lost ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake activities. The cls defects of vacuolar membrane H(+)-ATPase resulted in pleiotropic effects on several cellular activities, including Ca2+ homeostasis, glycerol metabolism, and phospholipid metabolism. The mutants showed an inositol-dependent phenotype, possibly due to alteration in regulation of phospholipid biosynthesis; the phosphatidylserine decarboxylase activities of the mutants were 15-50% of that of the wild-type cells and were not repressed by the addition of inositol. In contrast to the majority of previously isolated pet mutants (Tzagoloff, A., and Dieckmann, C. L. (1990) Microbiol. Rev. 54, 211-225), the Pet- cls mutants showed no detectable mitochondrial defects. Taking all these findings into account, we suggest that at least six genes, VMA1 (CLS8, subunit a), VMA2 (subunit b), VMA3 (CLS7, subunit c), VMA11 (CLS9), VMA12 (CLS10), and VMA13 (CLS11), are required for expression of the vacuolar membrane H(+)-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The data concerning the chemical and kinetic mechanisms of the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction have been reviewed. Based on the differences between two catalytically active glutamate dehydrogenase conformations induced by the substrates as well as on some other evidence, it has been proposed that the amino groups of lysine residues 27 and 126 in the beef liver enzyme are interchangeable depending on the direction of the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction.  相似文献   

The 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) (AAPH)-induced inactivation and oxidative modification of lysozyme, as determined by the loss of tryptophan-associated fluorescence (TAF) and the increase in dinitrophenylhydrazine-reactive carbonyl groups (CO), were studied in the absence and in the presence of antioxidants. AAPH induced a progressive inactivation of the enzyme and a parallel decrease of its TAF. Both changes were closely correlated (R2 = 0.97); however, the inactivation was only partially associated with an increase in CO. The latter reached maximal values at times half those needed to attain maximal losses in both lysozyme activity and TAF. A stoichiometric comparison reveals that whereas over 74% of the enzyme molecules had lost their activity, only 5% exhibited an increment in CO. CO formation was affected differentially by boldine and trolox. Both antioxidants fully protected against the early inactivation and loss of TAF; however, the increase in CO was completely unaffected by trolox. Exposure of lysozyme to Fe3+/ascorbate induced no loss of activity or TAF, but it led to an accumulation of CO similar to that induced by AAPH. Results indicate that CO formation and lysozyme inactivation are two mechanistically dissociable events and that changes in the former parameter can perfectly occur in the absence of changes in the latter.  相似文献   

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