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Human cloning: category, dignity, and the role of bioethics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shuster E 《Bioethics》2003,17(5-6):517-525
Human cloning has been simultaneously a running joke for massive worldwide publicity of fringe groups like the Raelians, and the core issue of an international movement at the United Nations in support of a treaty to ban the use of cloning techniques to produce a child (so called reproductive cloning). Yet, even though debates on human cloning have greatly increased since the birth of Dolly, the clone sheep, in 1997, we continue to wonder whether cloning is after all any different from other methods of medically assisted reproduction, and what exactly makes cloning an 'affront to the dignity of humans.' Categories we adopt matter mightily as they inform but can also misinform and lead to mistaken and unproductive decisions. And thus bioethicists have a responsibility to ensure that the proper categories are used in the cloning debates and denounce those who try to win the ethical debate through well-crafted labels rather than well-reasoned argumentations. But it is as important for bioethicists to take a position on broad issues such as human cloning and species altering interventions. One 'natural question' would be, for example, should there be an international treaty to ban human reproductive cloning?  相似文献   

Recent progress and problems in animal cloning   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is remarkable that mammalian somatic cell nuclei can form whole individuals if they are transferred to enucleated oocytes. Advancements in nuclear transfer technology can now be applied for genetic improvement and increase of farm animals, rescue of endangered species, and assisted reproduction and tissue engineering in humans. Since July 1998, more than 200 calves have been produced by nuclear transfer of somatic cell nuclei in Japan, but half of them were stillborn or died within several months of parturition. Morphologic abnormalities have also been observed in cloned calves and embryonic stem cell-derived mice. In this review, we discuss the present situation and problems with animal cloning and the possibility for its application to human medicine.  相似文献   

Assisted reproduction is used to resolve infertility problems in human and in breeding programs to generate livestock. Except for gestation length and birth weight, perinatal outcome of children conceived by In Vitro Fertilization is similar to that of spontaneously conceived children. However, large offspring syndrome observed after In Vitro Production in livestock is quite alarming. The distinct parts of assisted reproduction (oocyte maturation, fertilization and culture) have been found to contribute to abnormal fetal growth and development. Genomic imprinting is suggested to be involved in the induction of the aberrant phenotypes observed after assisted reproduction. Furthermore, current knowledge on postnatal health of offspring conceived by assisted reproduction and speculations on potential longterm effects of In Vitro Fertilization will be described.  相似文献   

Cloning is widely considered only to be a biological discourse. Few, however, have paid attention to the cultural contexts that have made cloning conceivable. The relation between the biological and cultural considerations of cloning are revealed by the anxieties conjured up by the prospects of cloning human beings. By cloning we understand the reproduction of sameness which is deeply ingrained in the organization and reproduction of culture. The ease with which cloning has been taken up in contemporary thinking has been made possible by the widespread saturation of the normative assumption of socio-cultural sameness underpinning much of mainstream modern thinking around politics, law, education, management, aesthetics, the military and processes of production. We consider the cultural considerations regarding the reproduction of sameness and the implications of cloning for issues of social injustice.  相似文献   

It is difficult to harmonise faith and the desire to follow religious teachings and obligations on the one hand, and scientific advances and their use for the benefit of suffering humanity on the other. This is an especially delicate matter for patients and health professionals in reproductive medicine. It deals with the conflicting issues of contraception, termination of pregnancy, assisted reproduction, cloning, stem cells and embryo research. Beyond the technical aspects of these matters, the theoretical, legal, philosophical and religious implications must be explored, including the concepts of personality, individuality, human dignity, autonomy, beneficence and justice. Most importantly, an analysis must be made of the beginnings of a human being, the protection it deserves, the concept and time of ensoulment, the need for pragmatism and the right of transgression (hence the title of this article).  相似文献   

The ethics of therapeutic and reproductive human cloning.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Neither therapeutic cloning nor reproductive cloning necessarily pose insurmountable ethical obstacles. Two defences of therapeutic cloning are considered. The first defence, the argument from property, is rejected because it entails morally counter-intuitive consequences. We should prefer a 'balance of reasons' defence which leaves room for the view that human life has intrinsic value. Reproductive cloning is best defended by an appeal to the right to procreative autonomy. The sorts of harms it is feared clones will suffer are also suffered by children conceived through natural means, even when these harms were preventable. The right to reproductive autonomy disallows state control of any form of reproduction for the reasons of child welfare discussed.  相似文献   

Over 12 months prior to the recent United Nations decision to defer a decision about what type of international treaty should be developed in the global stem-cell research and human cloning debate, the Federal Parliament of Australia passed two separate pieces of legislation relating to both these concerns. After a five-year long process of community consultation, media spectacle and parliamentary debate, reproductive cloning has been banned in Australia and only embryos considered to be excess to assisted reproductive technologies in existence on the 5th of April 2002 are currently valid research material. This paper argues that underpinning both pieces of legislation is a profound belief in the disruptive potential of all types of human cloning for the very nature and integrity of human species being. A belief, moreover, that is based on a presumption that it is apparently possible to conceptualise what being human even means for all Australians.  相似文献   

核移植与治疗性克隆   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐小明  雷安民  华进联  窦忠英 《遗传》2005,27(2):289-296
核移植与治疗性克隆在畜牧业生产以及生物医学上具有广阔和诱人的应用前景。文章分析指出卵母细胞质量与供核细胞重新编程是影响体细胞核移植效率及克隆动物异常的主要因素,阐述了治疗性克隆所面临的一些基本问题及出路:治疗性克隆以核移植技术为基础,核移植所面临的一些问题也直接影响着治疗性克隆的临床应用;核移植胚胎干细胞分离培养效率的高低以及向重要功能细胞定向分化是治疗性克隆的前提;成体干细胞可用于一些重大疾病的治疗,但不能完全替代克隆性治疗;伦理问题也阻碍治疗性克隆的发展。核移植及治疗性克隆技术要想尽快更好地应用于临床和造福于人类,需要不断完善各技术环节和加强一些基础理论的研究。Abstract: Nuclear transfer and therapeutic cloning have widespread and attractive prospects in animal agriculture and biomedical applications. We reviewed that the quality of oocytes and nuclear reprogramming of somatic donor cells were the main reasons of the common abnormalities in cloned animals and the low efficiency of cloning and showed the problems and outlets in therapeutic cloning, such as some basic problems in nuclear transfer affected clinical applications of therapeutic cloning. Study on isolation and culture of nuclear transfer embryonic stem (ntES) cells and specific differentiation of ntES cells into important functional cells should be emphasized and could enhance the efficiency. Adult stem cells could help to cure some great diseases, but could not replace therapeutic cloning. Ethics also impeded the development of therapeutic cloning. It is necessary to improve many techniques and reinforce the research of some basic theories, then somatic nuclear transfer and therapeutic cloning may apply to agriculture reproduction and benefit to human life better.  相似文献   

Cloning by nuclear transfer has many potential applications in a dairy cattle breeding program. It can be used to increase the accuracy of selection and therefore the rate of genetic progress, to speed up the dissemination of the genes from animals of exceptionally high genetic merit to the commercial population, and to reproduce transgenic animals. Today, however, the main limitation of the use of cloning besides governmental regulations is its low success rate and consequently the high cost to produce an animal ready for reproduction. As a result cloning is mostly limited to the reproduction of animals of very high genetic merit or that carry genes of specific interest. Examples of this are top-ranked bulls which do not produce enough semen for the demand due to various reasons. A strategy that could be used by artificial insemination (AI) centers would be to create a bank of somatic cells for every bull entering AI facilities long before they are placed on the young sire proving program. The other use of cloning is to assist in the selection and reproduction of bull dams. Marker assisted selection (MAS) can substantially enhance the accuracy of selection for embryos or young animals without comprehensive performance records, and therefore can greatly increase the value of cloning such embryos or young animals.  相似文献   

体细胞克隆技术是将已分化的体细胞移到去核的成熟卵母细胞中,通过体外激活和培养,再移植入受体母畜子宫内,繁殖出具有相同基因型后代的一种技术。该技术可以大幅提升繁殖效率,并提供高质、充足和营养丰富的动物食品。近年来,美国、日本和欧洲等国家相继宣布体细胞克隆动物食品可以上市。然而,目前体细胞克隆效率相当低下,即使是出生的克隆动物也往往伴随发育畸形或高死亡率等现象,在对克隆动物发育异常知之甚少的情况下,宣布克隆动物产品上市是否为时过早?以下综述了克隆牛肉、奶及其产品安全。  相似文献   

Currently, more than 16,000 plant and animal species are imminently threatened by extinction, often as a direct consequence of anthropogenic influences. One of the measures to halt that process is genetic resource banking. This short review focuses on mammal sperm cryopreservation in combination with assisted reproduction techniques. It summarizes general problems, recent developments, and currently applied protocols and gives an overview of hitherto existing successes of assisted reproduction measures in wild animals in the light of conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The President's Council on Bioethics, headed by Leon Kass, was created by President George W. Bush to advise the President on issues of ethical import raised by advances in biomedical science. Between 2002 and 2004, members of the Council from diverse disciplines addressed topics such as human cloning, stem cell research, assisted reproduction, and medical interventions intended to enhance human capability or appearance. This article provides background on the Council and reviews its published reports. It also considers key definitions and distinctions, specific recommendations of the Council, and positions articulated by members who contributed to the development of its reports.  相似文献   


Over 12 months prior to the recent United Nations decision to defer a decision about what type of international treaty should be developed in the global stem-cell research and human cloning debate, the Federal Parliament of Australia passed two separate pieces of legislation relating to both these concerns. After a five-year long process of community consultation, media spectacle and parliamentary debate, reproductive cloning has been banned in Australia and only embryos considered to be excess to assisted reproductive technologies in existence on the 5th of April 2002 are currently valid research material. This paper argues that underpinning both pieces of legislation is a profound belief in the disruptive potential of all types of human cloning for the very nature and integrity of human species being. A belief, moreover, that is based on a presumption that it is apparently possible to conceptualise what being human even means for all Australians.  相似文献   

This article discusses and essential aspect of the link between ethics and life, as expressed in the concept of bioethics. It discusses the various issues related to human reproduction from “the philosopher’s point of view”. This discussion is limited to the principles of this field. The author starts by justifying a philosophical approach to ethical problems in the context of medicine in general and reproduction in particular, a field which specialists, theoreticians or practitioners of medicine and legal medicine in particular, appear to have ignored. This leads to a discussion of the human aspects of reproduction, from questions concerning the nature of living beings (individuals and species) to the relationship between nature and culture (symbol and freedom). Although man “reproduces” and “procreates”, he is also technically able to “produce himself”. This shift from biological reproduction to procreation must take into account problems related to technological science in medicine (technical control of living material and so-called “neutrality” of the technique). The main bioethical issues involving an ethics of decision-making in the field of human reproduction (contraception, abortion, status of the embryo, medically-assisted procreation, desire to master the “form” of the “reproduced” human, or even the “product”, cloning) are then discussed. Finally, the author proposes elements of a “philosophy of point of view”, requiring responsibility for each decision in the context of an “ethics of discussion”.  相似文献   

ROBERT SPARROW 《Bioethics》2006,20(6):308-318
In this paper I examine what I take to be the best case for reproductive human cloning, as a medical procedure designed to overcome infertility, and argue that it founders on an irresolvable tension in the attitude towards the importance of being ‘genetically related’ to our children implied in the desire to clone. Except in the case where couples are cloning a child they have previously conceived naturally, cloning is unable to establish the right sort of genetic relation to make couples the parents of their cloned child. If anybody is the genetic parent of a cloned child it is the natural parent(s) of the DNA donor. Paradoxically, in order to resist the claims of the parents of the donor to the cloned child, the argument for human reproductive cloning must place more weight on the intention to parent a child, than we do in cases of ordinary reproduction. It must insist that the parental relation is established by the intentions of the couple who bring a clone into the world and not by their genetic relation to the child. The emphasis placed on intention as establishing the parental relationship works to undermine the justification for cloning in the first place. For cloning to play a useful role as a reproductive technology, it must allow couples to become parents who could do so no other way. However, to the extent that intention is sufficient to establish parenthood, adoption or surrogacy, which are existing alternatives to cloning, will serve equally well to allow couples to become parents.  相似文献   

Wheeler MB  Walters EM  Beebe DJ 《Theriogenology》2007,68(Z1):S178-S189
During the last few decades in vitro production of mammalian embryos and assisted reproductive technologies such as embryo transfer, cryopreservation, and cloning have been used to produce and propagate genetically superior livestock. However, efficiencies of these technologies remain low. For these technologies to become more commercially viable, the efficiencies must improve. Despite this importance of reproduction for the livestock industry, little progress in decreasing embryonic mortality has been made. The livestock industry has succeeded in achieving large increases in average milk production of dairy cattle, growth rate in beef cattle and leanness in swine but reproductive efficiency has actually decreased. For example, research has provided little progress toward developing an objective method to examine viability of a single living embryo. At the same time, the growth of miniaturization technologies beyond integrated circuits and toward small mechanical systems has created opportunities for fresh examination of a wide range of existing problems. While the investigation and application of miniaturization technologies to medicine and biology is progressing rapidly, there has been limited exploration of microfabricated systems in the area of embryo production. Microfluidics is an emerging technology that allows a fresh examination of the way assisted reproduction is performed. Here we review the progress in demonstrating microfluidic systems for in vitro embryo production (IVP) and embryo manipulation. Microfluidic technology could have a dramatic impact on the development of new techniques as well as on our basic understanding of gamete and embryo physiology.  相似文献   


????? 人类辅助生殖技术的飞速发展,给众多不孕不育家庭带来希望和幸福的同时,也不可避免地对人类原有的社会伦理观念产生了巨大的冲击。文章分析了在临床工作中如何处理辅助生殖技术与伦理道德的矛盾关系问题,提出了辅助生殖技术伦理问题的应对策略。


Microfluidic technology for assisted reproduction.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The physical tools used in assisted reproduction have changed little over several decades. Microfluidics is an emerging technology that allows a fresh examination of the way assisted reproduction is performed. Here we review our work to develop microfluidic devices to perform the functions required in assisted reproduction. These functions include loading/unloading, culture, chemical manipulation, and mechanical manipulation of embryos and oocytes. Basic microfluidic theory and microfluidic device design and operation are discussed. Results are presented for mechanical removal of cumulus cells and for embryo culture. Results suggest that microfluidic systems will lead to improved efficiencies in assisted reproduction.  相似文献   

Teaching students about human reproduction is becoming increasingly daunting as assisted reproduction technologies challenge scientific, social and legal perceptions of parenthood. Mitochondrial replacement in particular forces us to re-examine established paradigms not only in the context of human reproduction but also with regard to the way in which we teach students about genetic modification, the nature of the eukaryotic cell, and eukaryote evolution.  相似文献   

In assisted human reproduction, the cytoplasm of oocytes recovered from follicles is often abnormal. Its lower quality, especially in older patients, may be responsible for certain chromosomal abnormalities or developmental arrest. Thus, the deficiency of some vital molecules, which are necessary for oocyte maturation, can be the cause of infertility in women. Moreover, mutated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that is located in the oocyte cytoplasm might be transmitted to offspring. With the advance of new micromanipulation techniques like the oocyte nucleus replacement or cytoplasmic transfer, some of these abnormalities could be theoretically eliminated. In this review, we briefly discuss some of these approaches and their potential use in assisted human reproduction.  相似文献   

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