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D. D. Ackerly 《Oecologia》1992,89(4):596-600
Summary Tropical vines in the Araceae family commonly exhibit alternating periods of upward and downward growth, decoupling the usual relationship between decreasing light environment with increasing age among the leaves on a shoot. In this study I examined patterns of light, leaf specific mass, and leaf nitrogen concentration in relation to leaf position, a measure of developmental age, in field collected shoots of Syngonium podophyllum. These data were analyzed to test the hypothesis that nitrogen allocation parallels within-shoot gradients of light availability, regardless of the relationship between light and leaf age. I found that leaf nitrogen concentration, on a mass basis, was weakly correlated with leaf level light environment. However, leaf specific mass, and consequently nitrogen per unit leaf area, were positively correlated with gradients of light within the shoot, and either increased or decreased with leaf age, providing support for the hypothesis that nitrogen allocation parallels gradients of light availability.  相似文献   

We determined leaf and stem strength for Arundo donax from plants grown in different geographic areas and at different times within their growing cycle. Mean leaf strength for plants collected within California was 1.72 Newtons (N) and ranged from 0.36 to 6.32 N, based on 1170 individual determinations. For leaves collected from 30 plants within four states between July 11 and 20, 2007, mean leaf strength was 1.58 N based on 936 determinations. Values ranged from 0.24 to 4.90 N. Overall, leaf strength showed statistically significant changes depending on the sampling date, sampling location, type of leaf sampled, and position within the leaf where the measurement was taken. In general leaf strength was greater near the base of the leaf and decreased with distance away from the base; leaf strength changed as the growing season progressed; and first year leaves had leaf strength values about 25% greater than leaves produced on stems >1-year old. This represents two of the three age categories of leaves which may be present on giant reed at any one time. Stem strength and stem wall thickness were strongly correlated (Kendall's Tau b = 0.92, P < 0.0001, N = 26). Linear regression indicated that mean stem strength decreased by approximately 6.8% (95% confidence limits 5.8-7.7%) from one node to the successive node progressing from the stem base to the shoot tip. These results imply that the ability of biological control agents to damage A. donax leaves may not be the same across the locations this plant occurs or at all times during the growing season within a given location.  相似文献   

Posidonia oceanica meadows are among the most valuable coastal systems in the Mediterranean basin. They provide nursery and forage areas for many commercially important species, including juvenile mollusc, finfish, and crustaceans. In the Mediterranean Sea, P. oceanica beds have recently suffered from progressive die-offs attributed to lower light availability from elevated water turbidity. In order to understand adaptive low-light responses of this seagrass, we compared the protein expression in plants collected from turbid waters (low-light) with plants collected from pristine-clear waters (high-light). More than 2600 proteins were detected in leaves from both sites. Among them, 26 proteins were differentially expressed in low-light conditions, 12 of which were identified through MASCOT analyses. The remaining 14 proteins, did not receive significant identity scores due to a lack of genomic and proteomic information in available databases. Nevertheless, we observed a 30% down-regulation of RuBisCo large subunit in low-light acclimated leaves. Whereas, enzymes involved in carbohydrate cleavage (1-fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, nucleoside diphosphate kinase, and beta-amylase) were upregulated in low-light conditions. Electron microscopy studies also revealed substantial changes in the stroma lamellae/grana ratios in chloroplasts receiving low-light, possibly as a mechanism for re-establishing optimal PSI/PSII ratios. Furthermore, under low-light conditions, four components of the ubiquitin/mediated proteolysis pathway (26 S proteasome regulatory, proteasome beta type 1, proteasome 7 D beta type, and proteasome alpha 7), and the perchloric acid soluble translation inhibitor protein, were upregulated. This suggests that, in P. oceanica leaves, enhanced protein turnover mediates acclimation to low-light conditions. Also, enzymes involved in defending against cellular stress (superoxide dismutase, pyridoxine, and 2-caffeic-acido-methyl transferase) were differentially expressed in low-light regime. Subsequent aquaria studies involving P. oceanica transplants maintained in low- and high-light conditions, also demonstrate RuBisCo down-regulation and proteasomes upregulation in low-light acclimated plants.  相似文献   

 First branch height is an important attribute of sapling architecture, as it defines the height at which prolonged lateral growth is possible. First branch height, measured on saplings of 70 species in tropical rain forests of Australia, Costa Rica, Panama, and Sabah, Malaysia, was highly correlated with leaf blade and petiole length. The observed relationship, first branch height ∝ blade length × (petiole length)0.5, implies that the ratio of first branch height to blade length increases somewhat with increasing leaf size, among species with a given ratio of petiole to blade length. Orthotropic species, with more or less radially symmetric arrangements of leaves on ascending axes, had a mean first branch height of 7x that observed for plagiotropic species, with planar leaf arrangements. The greater first branch height of orthotropic species was associated with their larger leaves and longer petioles. Plagiotropic species had wider crowns than orthotropic species in the sapling stage, as assessed at the Costa Rican site. Thus, leaf dimensions influence the dynamics of crown construction (or visa versa), as well as affecting leaf energy balance and gas exchange. Received: 5 September 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of food and temperature on the nucleic acid content and egg production (and their relationship) of the tropical copepod Acartia sinjiensis. Experiment 1 evaluated the effect of food quality (as different algae species) on the relationship between nucleic acid content and egg production. In Experiment 2, the main and interaction effects of food type, food concentration and temperature on the total, Carbon and Nitrogen specific egg production and nucleic acid indices were evaluated in a factorial experimental design. Food quality, concentration and temperature significantly affected the nucleic acid content, egg production rate and the nucleic acid-egg production relationship of A. sinjiensis. RNA indices were correlated with egg production in females fed Pavlova salina, Tetraselmis chuii and Chaetoceros muelleri, but not in females fed Isochrysis aff. galbana. The slopes of the linear regressions of RNA indices as predictors of egg production were similar in females fed different algae species, suggesting that the slope of these relationships might be independent of food quality. The DNA content of females was significantly affected by food and temperature, suggesting that it is not a good index of cell number in this species. Nevertheless, the RNA:DNA ratio was as good a predictor of egg production as total RNA content. Egg production showed a weakly positive correlation with temperature. On the other hand, total, C- and N-specific nucleic acid indices had a strong negative correlation with temperature. In addition, temperature had a non linear effect on the slopes of the regression lines of RNA content and RNA:DNA ratio as predictors of egg production—slopes were similar at 25 °C and 30 °C, but significantly lower at 20 °C. Furthermore, the predictability of egg production was improved when the interaction term of nucleic acid indices with temperature was used instead of the nucleic acid indices alone in linear regression models. Our results suggest food quality has a limited influence on the nucleic acid-egg production relationship, and that temperature should be accounted for in models using nucleic acid indices as predictors of egg production in A. sinjiensis.  相似文献   

Neotropical savannas (‘cerrados’) of Central Brazil are characterized by the coexistence of a large diversity of tree species with divergent phenological behaviors, which reflect a great diversity in growth strategies. In the present study time behavior and quantitative aspects of shoot growth, shoot mortality, and leaf longevity and production were analyzed in 12 woody species of contrasting leaf phenology, adopting a functional group approach where 12 species were categorized into three functional groups: evergreen, decidous and brevideciduous, according to their leaf phenology. Shoot growth and leaf production were seasonal for the three functional groups, differing in their time of occurrence, but being concentrated during the last months of the dry season. Shoot growth differed between evergreens and deciduous, as well leaf production. Evergreens had higher rates of shoot growth, produced a higher number of leaves and had longer leaf longevity (around 500 days against 300 days in deciduous and brevideciduous). Leaf longevity was associated with patterns of leaf production when accounting for all phenological groups studied. It was possible to identify different patterns of aerial growth in savanna phenological groups, providing evidence of great functional variability amongst the groups studied.  相似文献   

The development of Porocephalus crotali in the rattlesnake definitive host (Crotalus atrox) is described. Infective nymphs excyst, penetrate the body cavity by boring through the stomach mucosa, and, in as little as 12 days, enter the lung where they grow to maturity. Copulation, which was observed at 75 and 86 days post-infection, is followed by prolonged sperm storage in spermathecae. This heralds a long prepatent period. Egg production, commencing 230–250 days after infection, is massive and continuous over a lifetime of several years. Hook data indicates that at least three moults separate the infective nymph and the adult female making a minimum of nine for the complete development from the primary larva. There was little evidence of pathological symptoms.  相似文献   

The effects of red/far red (R/FR) ratios on leaf ascorbate (AA) and glutathione (GSH) accumulation were examined in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Growth under low R/FR ratios resulted in a “shade” phenotype and much lower leaf AA and GSH contents than high (R/FR) ratios. Photosynthesis rates were unaffected by changes in the R/FR ratio but leaf respiration rates, pyridine nucleotide pools and antioxidant enzyme activities were decreased under the low R/FR regime. The GSH pool changed slowly in response to altered R/FR ratios but leaf ascorbate acclimated over a single photoperiod. We conclude that light quality signals, particularly R/FR ratios, are important regulators of antioxidant synthesis and accumulation. These acclimatory changes are an early response to changing light environment.  相似文献   

Immune defense imposes fitness costs as well as benefits, so organisms should optimize, not maximize, their immune function through their life cycle. We investigated this issue in the red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), which is a pine-killing invasive beetle in China, though it is usually considered as a secondary pest in its native range of North America. We hypothesized that pathogen pressure may affect these beetles differently throughout their life history. We measured the insect's immunocompetence throughout life, determining encapsulation ability and phenoloxidase activity in larval stages, pupae and adults. Pupae had the highest encapsulation ability, but encapsulation was not different between final instar larvae and adults. Phenoloxidase (PO) activity was highest in final instar larvae and pupae, followed by the second instar larvae and adults. Total phenoloxidase activity increased significantly from the second instar larval stage to pupae, and then decreased in adults. Although the second instar larvae had the lowest phenoloxidase activity, more than 90% of total PO existed in the hemolymph in the form of the active enzyme, as compared with pupae, in which over 60% of PO occurred as a proenzyme. Both active PO and total PO were much higher in females than in males, though no significant differences were detected between the encapsulation ability of male and female adults. This result suggests the existence of a sexual dimorphism of immunocompetence in D. valens adults. Variations in immunocompetence across developmental stages suggest that D. valens adopts diverse investment strategies in immunocompetence during different stages. Potential reasons for variation in immunocompetence among developmental stages and between the sexes of D. valens are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the growth, secondary production and gonad development of two co-existing amphioxus species Branchiostoma belcheri and B. malayanum in subtropical Hong Kong from June 2005 to June 2006. Based on the modal progression analysis, amphioxus populations were decomposed into separate cohorts. The von Bertalanffy growth models were also estimated according to the size incremental data. From the growth models, the size ranges of one, two and three-year-old B. belcheri were estimated to be 5-28 mm, 28-38 mm and 38-45 mm BL, respectively; while the one and two-year-old B. malayanum were estimated to be 7-30 mm and 30-35 mm BL, respectively. The secondary production was calculated at 1.15 g m− 2 yr− 1 DW or 0.63 g m− 2 yr− 1 AFDW for B. belcheri with density 424 ind m− 2, and 0.51 g m− 2 yr− 1 DW or 0.40 g m− 2 yr− 1 AFDW for B. malayanum with density 121 ind m− 2. The production to biomass ratio (P/B) was 1.13 for B. belcheri and 0.98 for B. malayanum. Changes in the gonad length index indicated that B. belcheri spawned mainly in June and July, while B. malayanum mainly in April and August. As compared with B. belcheri, B. malayanum was characterized by rapid growth, shorter life span, early maturity and lower population density. Such differences in population dynamics may allow both species to share a similar habitat and co-exist in subtropical waters of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Batches of Bulinus (Physopsis) globosus and Biomphalaria pfeifferi were exposed to Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni respectively each month for a 12-month period. The snails were kept out of doors in Salisbury (highveld) and indoors at Chiredzi (lowveld S. haematobium only) and examined weekly to determine the duration of prepatency, and the number of cercariae produced per infected snail. There was a strong seasonal influence in the highveld experiments which showed sporocyst dormancy in winter and the almost simultaneous maturation of infection in nine batches during early summer. In the lowveld the release of cercariae by infected B. globosus continued throughout the year although numbers fell off in winter. The prepatent period was prolonged in winter, but there was no evidence of sporocyst dormancy.  相似文献   

l-threonine is an essential amino acid for mammals and as such has a wide and expanding application in industry with a fast growing market demand. The major method of production of l-threonine is microbial fermentation. To optimize l-threonine production the fundamental solution is to develop robust microbial strains with high productivity and stability. Metabolic engineering provides an effective alternative to the random mutation for strain development. In this review, the updated information on genetics and molecular mechanisms for regulation of l-threonine pathways in Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium glutamicum are summarized, including l-threonine biosynthesis, intracellular consumption and trans-membrane export. Upon such knowledge, genetically defined l-threonine producing strains have been successfully constructed, some of which have already achieved the productivity of industrial producing strains. Furthermore, strategies for strain construction are proposed and potential problems are identified and discussed. Finally, the outlook for future strategies to construct industrially advantageous strains with respect to recent advances in biology has been considered.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that leaf epidermal pigments screen light of particular wavelengths from reaching the photosynthetic machinery, reducing dependence on the xanthophyll-cycle as an energy dissipation process. Under field conditions, photosynthesis and water relations were studied in two morphs of Agave striata that differ in leaf coloration (green vs. reddish-purple). Titratable acidity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and internal and surface leaf temperatures were measured under low irradiance by shading (30%) and full sunlight (100%) for six days. We also measured the reflectance ratio (RRED: RGREEN), an index of anthocyanin content and the change in photochemical reflectance index (ΔPRI), an index of xanthophyll-cycle de-epoxidation state (xanthophyll conversion). Our results showed that both morphs expressed typical CAM-activity with no significant differences under sun vs. shade. However, shading did reduce titratable acids in both morphs. Both morphs were well hydrated, with the relative water content (RWC) being greater than 93%. Leaf surface temperature was found to be significantly higher during the day in the green morph compared to the red morph under sun and shade. Dark level fluorescence (Fo), photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm), and the quantum yield of PSII electron transport (ΦPSII) were higher in the red morph under sun compared to the green morph. The value of qN (non-photochemical quenching) was significantly higher during the day for the green morph compared to the red morph and this higher qN value was associated with a greater xanthophyll conversion and surface leaf temperature. However, sunlight did not predispose either of the morphs to photoinhibition. It is clear that the sub-epidermal anthocyanins serve as a photoprotective mechanism in the red morph, screening light energy from reaching the photosynthetic machinery and reducing dependence on the xanthophyll-cycle. We concluded that under natural light conditions the leaves of two morphs tested utilized differential photoprotective mechanisms.  相似文献   

The physiological responses to hypoxic stress were studied in the common reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel. Growth, leaf gas exchange, water (and ion) relations and osmotic adjustment were determined in hydroponically grown plants exposed to 10, 20 and 30 days of oxygen deficiency. The highest growth of reed seedlings was found in normoxic (aerobic) conditions. Treatment effects on biomass production were relatively consistent within each harvest. Leaf water potential and osmotic potential declined significantly as hypoxia periods increased. However, leaf turgor pressure showed a consistent pattern of increase, suggesting that reed plants adjusted their water status by osmotic adjustment in response to root hypoxia. After 20 and 30 days in the low oxygen treatment, net CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance were positively associated and the former variable also had a strong positive relationship with transpiration. Short-term hypoxic stress had a slight effect on the ionic status (K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) of reed plants. In contrast, soluble sugar concentrations increased more under hypoxic conditions as compared to normoxia. These findings indicate that hypoxia slightly affected the physiological behavior of reed plants.  相似文献   

We measured in laboratory experiments the ingestion, egg production and egg hatching rates of female Temora longicornis as a function of diet. The diets consisted of a diatom (Thalassiosira weissflogii), an autotrophic dinoflagellate (Heterocapsa triquetra), and a bacterivorous ciliate (Uronema sp.) given as sole foods, or combinations of these single-food items: diatom+dinoflagellate, diatom+ciliate, dinoflagellate+ciliate, and diatom+ciliate+dinoflagellate. For the three single-item diets, the functional response was similar; i.e., ingestion rate increased linearly with food concentration (food range: ∼25 to ∼600 μg C l−1). When all diets were considered, maximum daily carbon ration (∼70% of body weight) was independent of food type. However, the maximum daily egg production rate (12% of body carbon) was obtained with the diatom diet. For all diets, both ingestion and egg production rates increased with food concentration. Ingestion and egg production rates were affected differently by the interaction of food concentration and food type: at low food concentrations, ingestion rates were highest on diets containing the diatom. At high food concentrations, egg production rates were highest on the two phytoplankter diets and their combination. The presence of the ciliate in the diet did not enhance ingestion rate or egg production. Mixed-food diets did not enhance egg production relative to single-food diets. Hence, dietary diversity did not appear to be particularly advantageous for reproduction. Carbon-specific egg production efficiency (EPE; egg production/ingestion) was independent of food concentration and type, and equaled 9%. Egg hatching success was low (mean<30%) and independent of food concentration and type, and egg production rates. Our results are consistent with previous observations that egg production in T. longicornis is enhanced during diatom blooms. However, the relatively low EPE and egg hatching success suggest that reproduction and recruitment in this study were severely constrained by the biochemical composition of the diet, or the physiological condition of the females towards the end of their season of growth in Long Island Sound.  相似文献   

Developmental control of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades was investigated. First, the expression was characterized of a marker gene encoding β-glucuronidase in strain #1-35-38, a transgenic strain of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh, derived by the use of a previously described transposon-tagging system. In strain #1-35-38, expression of the marker gene was tissue-specific, being restricted to stipules and the toothed margins of laminae. Using this transgenic marker gene, we examined the development of leaf blade margins in Arabidopsis. We compared the pattern of expression of the marker gene in the leaves of the wild-type plant with that in plants carrying the asymmetric leaves1 (as1) mutation, which causes dramatic changes in leaf-blade morphology in Arabidopsis. The as1 mutant showed normal morphology of early leaf primordia. The mutation affected the development of leaf segmentation in Arabidopsis without any change in the number or morphology of cells in laminae. The as1 mutation affected leaf morphology independently of mutations in other genes known to affect leaf morphogenesis, such as the acaulis1 mutation and the angustifolia mutation. Based upon these results, the development of the morphology of leaf margins in Arabidopsis is discussed. Received: 9 January 1997 / Accepted: 24 June 1997  相似文献   

占峰  杨冬梅 《生态学报》2012,32(3):984-992
根据衰老理论的代谢率假说,生物寿命与其代谢率有关,个体大小相同的生物体,在质量较好的微生境中通常比较差生境中具有更高的代谢速率。因此,生物体在资源供给较差的生境中通常比资源供给较充足的生境中具有更长的寿命。枝条是木本植物植冠构建的基本单元之一,如果枝条遵循代谢率假说,则可推测在光照较好环境下的植物枝条或小枝将比其在遮荫环境下具有更短的寿命,即枝条寿命与光照条件成反比。以常绿物种桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)和落叶物种水杉(Metasequoiaglyptostroboides)为研究对象,通过测量不同光照环境下,植株大小(株高和胸径)、冠层深度、冠层轮廓(冠层深度/冠层宽度)、相对冠层宽度(冠层宽度/植株高度)以及植株凋落枝条寿命等性状,探讨了光照条件对成年植株冠层形态结构和植株枝条寿命的影响。调查发现:1)枝条的寿命在遮荫条件下显著高于全光照条件下,与理论预测吻合;2)随遮荫程度增加,植株冠层深度和冠层轮廓增加,相对冠层宽度减小;3)枝条的平均寿命与植株冠层深度和冠层轮廓成正比,与植株相对冠层宽度成反比。这表明光照条件可能通过改变植株冠层结构来影响枝条寿命。未来需要进一步研究枝条生物量分配、叶片光合能力和呼吸速率在不同生活型物种之间的差异,以便更全面的理解枝条寿命与生境质量之间的关系。  相似文献   

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