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ABSTRACT  Since the 1970s, "self-determination" has been the dominant trope for expressing national aspirations for Indigenous Australians. Through the principles of self-determination, the liberal multicultural state has attempted to deliver postcolonial justice to its first peoples. In this new century, the sheen of the self-determination era has faded. Once heralded as the antidote to the racist assimilation era, it is now depicted as the cause of social ills. In this article, I draw on an ethnographic study of White antiracists working in Indigenous health in northern Australia to analyze the brand of liberal rationality that dominated the discourse of the self-determination era. By engaging with a "tribe" of White people who identify with the aims of the self-determination era, we can decipher the logic of self-determination as an instrument of the liberal state and better understand the internal contradictions and ambiguities that have led to its recent demise.  相似文献   

Dune communities with dominant Ipomoea pes-caprae (coastal strand vegetation) and communities with dominant Gleicheiniaceae (fern communities of forest borderlines) were distinguished and comparatively studied in Brazil, Malaysia and Singapore, and compared with similar stands around the world. A total of 71 vegetation relevés was collected. In coastal dune vegetation, the new associations Ipomoeo pediscaprae-Sporoboletum virginicae was distinguished for Brazil, and the vicariant Wedelio biflorae-Ipomoeetum pedis-caprae is described from Malaysia and Singapore. The vegetation of forest borderlines is characterized in Brazil by the new association Lycopodio cernuui-Gleicheinietum bifidae, which was subdivided in two subassociations (droseretosum capillaris and typicum). A physiognomically similar community was detected and described in Malaysia and Singapore as the new association Lycopodio cernuui-Dicranopteridetum curranii with two subassociations (typicum and dicranopteridetosum linearis).  相似文献   

The systematics and geographical distribution of Malaysian and Singapore freshwater calanoid copepods are discussed in details. Neodiaptomus handeli Brehm, N. laii Kiefer, N. blachei (Brehm), N. botulifer Kiefer, N. mephistopheles Brehm, Pseudodiaptomus (Schmackeria) dauglishi Sewell, P. (S.) tollingerae Sewell and Tropodiaptomus spp. Kiefer are all present in the northwestern part of the Peninsula. There are only 4 species, namely, N. handeli, N. botulifer, N. meggitti Kiefer and Tropodiaptomus sp. in the southern half of the Peninsula. The whole of the east coast also has 4 species, i.e. N. handeli, N. malaindosinensis (n.n.), P. (S.) tollingerae and one species of Tropodiaptomus. The only species that cut across a wide range of geographical barriers are N. handeli and Tropodiaptomus.  相似文献   

Differences in fertility between the three major ethnic groups (Malays, Chinese and Indians) in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore have existed since before the onset of fertility decline in the late 1950s and remain today, although the relative positions and the actual differences have changed due to the varying rates of decline. By 1987, the Malays experienced the highest fertility and the Chinese the lowest in both countries but in Singapore the Malay fertility was lower than the Chinese fertility in Peninsular Malaysia. The fertility differentials will lead to changes in the ethnic composition in both countries but more so in Peninsular Malaysia.  相似文献   

Damselfishes (Pomacentridae) are among the most common of reef fishes in tropical seas, comprising 320 species in all, with 268 species alone in the Indo-West Pacific regions. 15 genera (Abudefduf, Amblyglyphidodon, Amphiprion, Chelioprion, Chromis, Chrysiptera, Dascyllus, Pristotis, Dischistodus, Hemiglyphidodon, Neoglyphidodon, Neopomacentrus, Plectroglyphidodon, Pomacentrus, Stegastes) and at least 39 species inhabit the waters of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. They are important ecologically because many species are extremely abundant in reefs, and also economically, as several are collected in large numbers for the lucrative aquarium trade. This demand has led to some fishermen using destructive methods in obtaining the fishes, to the point that original standing populations may not be recoverable. This threat poses a need for conservation of the reefs. The present study based primarily on fishes collected from the waters of Singapore and specimens from the Zoological Reference Collection at the National University of Singapore, will serve the dual purpose of establishing a current species list for Malaysia and Singapore, and to update and clarify the local taxonomy of the group. An annotated list (with localities) is provided of the known or reported species to aid studies on reefs.  相似文献   

Eleven new species of Pareromene Osthelder are described. One species from Malaya, D.xanthogramma Meyrick, and one from Indonesia, D.fuscobasella Snellen, are redescribed and transferred from Diptychophora Zeller to Pareromene Osthelder. Four species, the widely distributed P.clytia Bleszynski, and P.lathonia Blesz., and P.ajaxella Blesz., and P.morobella Blesz., both of New Guinea are discussed and redescribed. Notes on the interrelationships of the species are included and the two evolutionary lines, recognised in this region are discussed.  相似文献   

The Rotifera of Malaysia and Singapore with remarks on some species   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
Summary An intensive and extensive sampling of all types of Malaysian and Singaporean freshwaters for zooplankton gave 165 species, sub-species and varieties of Rotifera, mainly belonging to the Monogononta. Bdelloida were rarely identified. The present records bring Malaysia and Singapore in line with other well studied tropical countries as far as Rotifera records are concerned. 7 new genera and over 50 species, subspecies, varieties and forms have been added to the Malaysian and Singaporean Rotifera records and interesting and marked morphological and size variation in species from previous records, have been noted.The richest (in species) fauna of Rotifera occurs in rice fields and ponds which have a seasonal succession of dry to wet conditions and vegetation which shelters the rotifers.The Malaysian and Singaporean Rotifera fauna is typically tropical with a dominance of the genus Brachionus over temperate genera like Keratella. Also very rare or missing are typical temperate genera like Ploesoma, Notholca and Synchaeta. The dominance of Brachionus in Malaysia is less evident than expected because only a very small proportion of samples were taken in limnetic situations where Brachionus clearly dominates in the tropics.  相似文献   

Seven species of snakeheads (Channidae) are known from Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, viz. Channa bankanensis, C. gachua, C. lucius, C. marulioides, C. melasoma, C. micropeltes and C. striata. Up-to-date distribution maps of each species are presented, including new records. Their systematics is reviewed and partially revised. The taxonomic status of C. marulioides and C. melanoptera is clarified. Specimens from Peninsular Malaysia identified as C. melanoptera sensu Weber & de Beaufort, 1922, proved to be the adult form of C. marulioides s.str. The real C. melanoptera appears to be restricted to Borneo and possibly Sumatra. The life history of a blackwater species C. bankanensis is also documented, with regards to the morphological and colour-pattern changes associated with growth. An updated key to the seven species based on morphometric measurements and meristic counts is presented.  相似文献   

A study of freeliving freshwater Cyclopoida of Malaysia and Singapore yielded 15 species. Some remarks are made on the morphology including a species belonging to the schmeili group of Thermocyclops. Shallow and vegetation-bearing habitats had the largest numbers of species. Most of the species are cosmopolitan. The three common species, Mesocyclops leuckarti, Thermocyclops crassus and Microcyclops varicans are eurytopic. M. leuckarti and T. crassus are the only species occurring commonly in limnetic situations in contrast to a much wider limnetic Cyclopoida species spectrum in temperate lakes. There appears to be a reduction in Cyclopoida from temperate to tropical latitudes, but the data on which this are based are at present fragmentary.  相似文献   

A total of 54 bed bug‐infested sites (hotels, public accommodations, and residential premises) in Malaysia and Singapore was surveyed between July, 2005 and December, 2008. Only one species of bed bug was found, the tropical bed bug Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius). Bed bug infestations were common in hotels and public accommodations when compared to residential premises. The three most common locations of infestation within an infested premise were the bedding (31.1%), the headboard (30.3%), and cracks and crevices surrounding the baseboard, wall, or floor (23.5%). We speculate that the route of movement of bed bugs in hotels and public accommodations is more direct than in residential premises.  相似文献   

Batai (Falcataria moluccana) is a valuable tree species for forest plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia. Since 1993, a gall rust disease has caused severe damage to all growth stages, from seedlings in the nursery to mature trees in the field. To identify the fungus causing gall rust disease on F. moluccana in Malaysia and Indonesia, study of the mode of infection and changes in the anatomy of infected cells were carried out in the anatomy laboratory. The disease in Malaysia and Indonesia is caused by Uromycladium tepperianum. The fungus produces three longitudinally ridged teliospores on each head, with spores measuring 13–20 μm wide and 17–28 μm long. The fungus is microcyclic, completing its entire life cycle on F. moluccana. This study confirmed that the teliospores themselves cannot infect the host. Under favorable conditions, about 10 h after inoculation, teliospores germinate to produce basidiospores that form penetration pegs about 6 h later, and it is this peg which penetrates the host cells directly through the epidermis. Pycnia, recognized as small brown pustules, break through the epidermis about 7 days after inoculation.  相似文献   

Four species of otters have been recorded from Malaysia and Singapore in the past: Lutra lutra (Common or Eurasian Otter), Lutra sumatrana (Hairy-nosed Otter), Lutrogale perspicillata (Smooth Otter) and Amblonyx cinereus (Oriental Small-clawed Otter). All four are listed in the Threatened Species Categories of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals: L. lutra is designated Vulnerable and the status of the other three Asian species are Insufficiently Known due to lack of information. From a review of the available literature and collation of museum records from Malaysia and Singapore, the past status of the four species are examined. Presently, only L. perspicillata and A. cinereus are common in Peninsular Malaysia where they are widely distributed, but both are rare in Singapore. L. sumatrana is rare but apparently still found in East Malaysia. It is possible that L. lutra did not range in Malaysia this century. Information about the habitat types, group size, range, diet and behaviour for all the species is poorly known. The available information allows a discussion of the Smooth and Small-clawed Otters only. This dearth of knowledge has hampered maintenance and breeding efforts of zoos and conservation activity.  相似文献   

The raison d'être of the management of the minority ethnic Chinese citizenry in Indonesia and Malaysia is not adequately examined in most studies. In this article, ethnic domination is put forth in explaining the dynamics of ethnic conflict management. New multi-ethnic states often opt for selective nation-building by creating institutionalized ethnic boundaries. Ethnic domination occurs when one ethnic group prevails over another through the systematic marginalization of the dominated group's political influence, cultural reproduction and way of life. Beneath the veneer of assimilation and consociation, the central identity encouraged is that of the indigenous bumi 'imagined community' from which the citizen-Chinese is excluded. Ethnic riots are symptomatic of the failure of incomplete ethnic domination, especially in the economic and cultural realms.  相似文献   

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