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Adenosine is known to influence different kinds of cells, including beta-cells of the pancreas. However, the role of this nucleoside in the regulation of insulin secretion is not fully elucidated. In the present study, the effects of adenosine A(1) receptor antagonism on insulin secretion from isolated rat pancreatic islets were tested using DPCPX, a selective adenosine A(1) receptor antagonist. It was demonstrated that pancreatic islets stimulated with 6.7 and 16.7 mM glucose and exposed to DPCPX released significantly more insulin compared with islets incubated with glucose alone. The insulin-secretory response to glucose and low forskolin appeared to be substantially potentiated by DPCPX, but DPCPX was ineffective in the presence of glucose and high forskolin. Moreover, DPCPX failed to change insulin secretion stimulated by the combination of glucose and dibutyryl-cAMP, a non-hydrolysable cAMP analogue. Studies on pancreatic islets also revealed that the potentiating effect of DPCPX on glucose-induced insulin secretion was attenuated by H-89, a selective inhibitor of protein kinase A. It was also demonstrated that formazan formation, reflecting metabolic activity of cells, was enhanced in islets exposed to DPCPX. Moreover, DPCPX was found to increase islet cAMP content, whereas ATP was not significantly changed. These results indicate that adenosine A(1) receptor blockade in rat pancreatic islets potentiates insulin secretion induced by both physiological and supraphysiological glucose concentrations. This effect is proposed to be due to increased metabolic activity of cells and increased cAMP content.  相似文献   

The receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) Dlar has an ectodomain consisting of three immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains and nine fibronectin type III (FnIII) repeats and a cytoplasmic domain consisting of two PTPase domains, membrane-proximal PTP-D1 and C-terminal PTP-D2. A series of mutant Dlar transgenes were introduced into the Drosophila genome via P-element transformation and were then assayed for their capacity to rescue phenotypes caused by homozygous loss-of-function genotypes. The Ig-like domains, but not the FnIII domains, are essential for survival. Conversely, the FnIII domains, but not the Ig-like domains, are required during oogenesis, suggesting that different domains of the Dlar ectodomain are involved in distinct functions during Drosophila development. All detectable PTPase activity maps to PTP-D1 in vitro. The catalytically inactive mutants of Dlar were able to rescue Dlar(-/-) lethality nearly as efficiently as wild-type Dlar transgenes, while this ability was impaired in the PTP-D2 deletion mutants DlarDeltaPTP-D2 and Dlar(bypass). Dlar-C1929S, in which PTP-D2 has been inactivated, increases the frequency of bypass phenotype observed in Dlar(-/-) genotypes, but only if PTP-D1 is catalytically active in the transgene. These results indicate multiple roles for PTP-D2, perhaps by acting as a docking domain for downstream elements and as a regulator of PTP-D1.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of a glucocorticoid, corticosterone, on calpain activity, connectin content and protein breakdown in rat muscle. The results indicated that calpain activity was increased by corticosterone and thus breakdown of connectin was stimulated followed by increased breakdown of skeletal muscle protein.  相似文献   

We havepreviously demonstrated that the protein level of c-Src, anonreceptor type of protein tyrosine kinase (PTK), was higher in therenal medulla from rats on a K-deficient (KD) diet than that in rats ona high-K (HK) diet (Wang WH, Lerea KM, Chan M, and Giebisch G. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 278: F165-F171, 2000).We have now used the patch-clamp technique to investigate the role ofPTK in regulating the apical K channels in the medullary thickascending limb (mTAL) of the rat kidney. Inhibition of PTK withherbimycin A increased NPo, a product of channelnumber (N) and open probability (Po),of the 70-pS K channel from 0.12 to 0.42 in the mTAL only from rats ona KD diet but had no significant effect in tubules from animals on a HKdiet. In contrast, herbimycin A did not affect the activity of the30-pS K channel in the mTAL from rats on a KD diet. Moreover, additionof N-methylsulfonyl-12,12-dibromododec-11-enamide, an agentthat inhibits the cytochrome P-450-dependent production of20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, further increasedNPo of the 70-pS K channel in the presence ofherbimycin A. Furthermore, Western blot detected the presence ofPTP-1D, a membrane-associated protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP), inthe renal outer medulla. Inhibition of PTP with phenylarsine oxide(PAO) decreased NPo of the 70-pS K channel inthe mTAL from rats on a HK diet. However, PAO did not inhibit theactivity of the 30-pS K channel in the mTAL. The effect of PAO on the70-pS K channel was due to indirectly stimulating PTK becausepretreatment of the mTAL with herbimycin A abolished the inhibitoryeffect of PAO. Finally, addition of exogenous c-Src reversibly blockedthe activity of the 70-pS K channel in inside-out patches. We concludethat PTK and PTP have no effect on the low-conductance K channels inthe mTAL and that PTK-induced tyrosine phosphorylation inhibits,whereas PTP-induced tyrosine dephosphorylation stimulates, the apical70-pS K channel in the mTAL.


The receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are integral membrane proteins composed of extracellular adhesion molecule-like domains, a single transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic domain. The cytoplasmic domain consists of tandem PTP domains, of which the D1 domain is enzymatically active. RPTPkappa is a member of the R2A/IIb subfamily of RPTPs along with RPTPmu, RPTPrho, and RPTPlambda. Here, we have determined the crystal structure of catalytically active, monomeric D1 domain of RPTPkappa at 1.9 A. Structural comparison with other PTP family members indicates an overall classical PTP architecture of twisted mixed beta-sheets flanked by alpha-helices, in which the catalytically important WPD loop is in an unhindered open conformation. Though the residues forming the dimeric interface in the RPTPmu structure are all conserved, they are not involved in the protein-protein interaction in RPTPkappa. The N-terminal beta-strand, formed by betax association with betay, is conserved only in RPTPs but not in cytosolic PTPs, and this feature is conserved in the RPTPkappa structure forming a beta-strand. Analytical ultracentrifugation studies show that the presence of reducing agents and higher ionic strength are necessary to maintain RPTPkappa as a monomer. In this family the crystal structure of catalytically active RPTPmu D1 was solved as a dimer, but the dimerization was proposed to be a consequence of crystallization since the protein was monomeric in solution. In agreement, we show that RPTPkappa is monomeric in solution and crystal structure.  相似文献   

Connexin-43(Cx43)-based gap junctional communication is transiently inhibited by certain G protein-coupled receptor agonists, including lysophosphatidic acid, endothelin and thrombin. Our previous studies have implicated the c-Src protein tyrosine kinase in mediating closure of Cx43 based gap junctions. Pervanadate, an inhibitor of protein tyrosine phosphatases, mimics activated Src in inhibiting Cx43 gap junctional communication, apparently by promoting tyrosine phosphorylation of the Cx43 C-terminal tail. However, the identity of the protein tyrosine phosphatase(s) that may normally prevent Src-induced gap junction closure is unknown. Receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases that mediate homotypic cell-cell interaction are attractive candidates. Here we show that receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase mu (RPTPmu) interacts with Cx43 in diverse cell systems. We find that the first catalytic domain of RPTPmu binds to Cx43. Our results support a model in which RPTPmu, or a closely related protein tyrosine phosphatase, interacts with the regulatory C-terminal tail of Cx43 to prevent Src-mediated closure of Cx43 gap junctional channels.  相似文献   

Type IIB receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are bi-functional cell surface molecules. Their ectodomains mediate stable, homophilic, cell-adhesive interactions, whereas the intracellular catalytic regions can modulate the phosphorylation state of cadherin/catenin complexes. We describe a systematic investigation of the cell-adhesive properties of the extracellular region of RPTPmu, a prototypical type IIB RPTP. The crystal structure of a construct comprising its N-terminal MAM (meprin/A5/mu) and Ig domains was determined at 2.7 A resolution; this assigns the MAM fold to the jelly-roll family and reveals extensive interactions between the two domains, which form a rigid structural unit. Structure-based site-directed mutagenesis, serial domain deletions and cell-adhesion assays allowed us to identify the four N-terminal domains (MAM, Ig, fibronectin type III (FNIII)-1 and FNIII-2) as a minimal functional unit. Biophysical characterization revealed at least two independent types of homophilic interaction which, taken together, suggest that there is the potential for formation of a complex and possibly ordered array of receptor molecules at cell contact sites.  相似文献   

Latent forms of type-1 protein phosphatase in rabbit skeletal muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have examined the characteristics of partially purified forms of rabbit skeletal muscle type-1 protein phosphatase (PP-1). Over 90% of PP-1 in unfractionated extracts and in glycogen particles was inactive, but could be activated by the divalent cations, Mn2+ or Co2+ (Me2+) plus trypsin. Gel filtration of muscle extracts revealed two inactive forms of PP-1; one activated by Me2+ alone or Me2+ plus trypsin, and a second containing inhibitor-2 and activated only by Me2+ plus trypsin. The kinetics of Me2+ plus trypsin activation revealed that after DEAE-chromatography, PP-1 was altered from the forms in crude extracts, gel filtered extracts or glycogen particles. The results indicate that the purified form of PP-1 catalytic subunit has properties which distinguish it from the forms of the enzyme in muscle extracts.  相似文献   

A high molecular weight protein phosphatase (Mr = 260K) has been isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle. The enzyme has a very low activity towards phosphorylase a isolated from the same tissue, but its activity towards this substrate is stimulated several fold after dissociation by 2-mercaptoethanol treatment. The purified phosphatase shows one major protein staining band on non denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and contains four subunits with molecular weights of 95K, 75K, 65K and 38K. The catalytic activity resides in the Mr = 38K subunit and is not sensitive to inhibition by the heat stable protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 or modulator protein. Polyamines stimulate the holoenzyme in a dose dependent, biphasic manner, but inhibit the activity of the dissociated Mr = 38K catalytic subunit.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which antagonist peptides inhibit T cell responses is unknown. Mice deficient in Src homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP-1) have revealed its importance in the negative regulation of lymphocyte signaling. We investigated a possible role for SHP-1 in T cell antagonism and demonstrate, for the first time, a substantial increase in SHP-1 activity during antagonism of CD4(+) T cells. Furthermore, the removal of functional SHP-1 prevents antagonism in these cells. Our data demonstrate that T cell antagonism occurs via a negative intracellular signal that is mediated by SHP-1.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent protein kinase activity has been demonstrated in the soluble fraction of rat skeletal muscle. The reaction was not due to the formation of ATP in the incubation mixture. Cyclic AMP, calcium, ATP and a number of phosphate acceptor proteins did not stimulate the reaction. One 32P-labelled protein (Mr 25000) was observed on SDS gels. The phosphorylated protein contained acid stable phosphoserine as a major phosphorylated amino acid. The phosphorylation reaction in crude extracts was not directly proportional to the amount of protein, but typical of a two-component system; i.e., kinase and substrate. The chromatography of soluble proteins on Ultrogel AcA44 separated the phosphate acceptor protein(s) from the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent protein kinase activity.  相似文献   

The major active protein phosphatase present in a rabbit skeletal muscle extract is associated with the glycogen particle and migrates in sucrose density gradient centrifugation as a Mr = 70,000 protein and contains modulator activity. Addition of extra modulator protein causes a time- and concentration-dependent conversion of the enzyme to an inactive FA-ATP, Mg-dependent form. The intrinsic modulator in the active phosphatase is destroyed by limited proteolysis without an appreciable change in the phosphatase activity. The proteolyzed active enzyme has a lower molecular weight (Mr = 40,000) and it reassociates with the modulator producing a FA-ATP, Mg-dependent enzyme form (Mr = 60,000). The modulator protein is used stoichiometrically in the activation of the ATP, Mg-dependent phosphatase. This is in agreement with the presence of one unit of modulator activity per unit of native spontaneously active phosphatase.  相似文献   

Mechanical loading of the spine is a major causative factor of degenerative changes and causes molecular and structural changes in the intervertebral disc (IVD) and the vertebrae end plate (EP). Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a growth factor with a putative role in bone remodeling through its receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase beta/zeta (RPTPβ/ζ). The present study investigates the effects of strain on PTN and RPTPβ/ζ protein expression in vivo. Tails of eight weeks old Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to mechanical loading using a mini Ilizarov external apparatus. Rat tails untreated (control) or after 0 degrees of compression and 10°, 30° and 50° of angulation (groups 0, I, II and III respectively) were studied. PTN and RPTPβ/ζ expression were evaluated using immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. In the control group, PTN was mostly expressed by the EP hypertrophic chondrocytes. In groups 0 to II, PTN expression was increased in the chondrocytes of hypertrophic and proliferating zones, as well as in osteocytes and osteoblast-like cells of the ossification zone. In group III, only limited PTN expression was observed in osteocytes. RPTPβ/ζ expression was increased mainly in group 0, but also in group I, in all types of cells. Low intensity RPTPβ/ζ immunostaining was observed in groups II and III. Collectively, PTN and RPTPβ/ζ are expressed in spinal deformities caused by mechanical loading, and their expression depends on the type and severity of the applied strain.  相似文献   

The development of neurons and glia is governed by a multitude of extracellular signals that control protein tyrosine phosphorylation, a process regulated by the action of protein tyrosine kinases and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). Receptor PTPbeta (RPTPbeta; also known as PTPzeta) is expressed predominantly in the nervous system and exhibits structural features common to cell adhesion proteins, suggesting that this phosphatase participates in cell-cell communication. It has been proposed that the three isoforms of RPTPbeta play a role in regulation of neuronal migration, neurite outgrowth, and gliogenesis. To investigate the biological functions of this PTP, we have generated mice deficient in RPTPbeta. RPTPbeta-deficient mice are viable, are fertile, and showed no gross anatomical alterations in the nervous system or other organs. In contrast to results of in vitro experiments, our study demonstrates that RPTPbeta is not essential for neurite outgrowth and node formation in mice. The ultrastructure of nerves of the central nervous system in RPTPbeta-deficient mice suggests a fragility of myelin. However, conduction velocity was not altered in RPTPbeta-deficient mice. The normal development of neurons and glia in RPTPbeta-deficient mice demonstrates that RPTPbeta function is not necessary for these processes in vivo or that loss of RPTPbeta can be compensated for by other PTPs expressed in the nervous system.  相似文献   

The effect of the herbicide paraquat (N,N'-dimethyl 4,4'-bipyridium), known to damage the lipid cellular membrane by peroxidation with superoxide radicals and a singlet oxygen, was investigated on skeletal muscle mitochondria. Minced rat gastrocnemius muscles were incubated in 8 mM paraquat solution. Mitochondrial fractions prepared from the incubated muscles were examined with respect to respiratory function and the enzyme activity of cytochrome c oxidase and succinate-cytochrome c reductase in the electron transport chain. The ADP/O ratio, RCR, and state 3 rates (= oxygen consumption in state 3) decreased gradually. State 4 rates (= oxygen consumption in state 4) increased in the initial stages and decreased after longer incubations. Enzyme activities gradually increased. These results suggested that paraquat damaged the mitochondrial membrane and disrupted oxidative phosphorylation in the early stage of incubation. Also, the electron transport chain was accelerated in the earlier stage and broken following a longer incubation. The inhibitory modality of paraquat on mitochondrial respiration was shown to be different from that of other known inhibitors.  相似文献   

In rabbit skeletal muscle the polycation-stimulated (PCS) protein phosphatases [Merlevede (1985) Adv. Protein Phosphatases 1, 1-18] are the only phosphatases displaying significant activity toward the deinhibitor protein. Among them, the PCSH protein phosphatase represents more than 80% of the measurable deinhibitor phosphatase activity associated with the PCS phosphatases. The deinhibitor phosphatase activity co-purifies with the PCSH phosphatase to apparent homogeneity. In the last purification step two forms of PCSH phosphatase were separated (PCSH1, containing 62, 55 and 34 kDa subunits, and PCSH2, containing 62 and 35 kDa subunits), both showing the same deinhibitor/phosphorylase phosphatase activity ratio. The activity of the PCSH phosphatase toward the deinhibitor is not stimulated by polycations such as protamine, histone H1 or polylysine, unlike the stimulation observed with phosphorylase as the substrate. The phosphorylase phosphatase activity of PCSH phosphatase is inhibited by ATP, PPi and Pi, whereas the deinhibitor phosphatase activity of the enzyme is much less sensitive to these agents.  相似文献   

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