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As part of a broader investigation into the potential role of black rats (Rattus rattus) as disease vectors into native small mammal populations of northern Australia, blood and faecal samples from wild black rats were screened by molecular methods, for piroplasms (Babesia and Theileria), trypanosomes and the enteric parasite Cryptosporidium. While piroplasms and trypanosomes were not detected in the blood of these animals, the overall prevalence of Cryptosporidium 18S rDNA in faecal samples was 8.2% (7/85). Co-occurrence of multiple genotypes was observed in 57.1% of the infected individuals (4/7); cloning and re-sequencing resulted in 14 sequences which broadly grouped with Cryptosporidium sp. rat-genotypes II and III. A novel rat-derived Cryptosporidium sp. genotype at the actin locus was also obtained from five animals. The relatively low infection rate detected, and the epidemiological data on cryptosporidiosis, do not conclusively support a current threat to native Australian mammals from black rats carrying Cryptosporidium. However, this observation is based on sampling limited isolates, in limited regions. Further studies, also including sampling of native mammals, are required on larger sample sizes and from wider geographic areas, to determine the significance of these findings, including the public health importance of Cryptosporidium spp. from rodents.  相似文献   

Invasive Rattus are arguably the most costly and destructive invasive species on the planet, but little is known concerning their invasion history and population structure in the U.S. We utilized both nuclear microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA sequences (mtDNA) to compare the colonization history, patterns of gene flow, and levels of genetic diversity of Rattus rattus and R. norvegicus in the U.S. Analyses of mtDNA suggest R. rattus is characterized by a single rapid expansion into the U.S. from one or two very closely related mtDNA lineages or geographic sources. For R. norvegicus, mtDNA analyses suggest at least four invasions distinct in space and/or time have occurred to establish its distribution in the U.S. Microsatellite analyses suggest for R. rattus that dispersal is characterized by an isolation-by-distance pattern, suggesting a relatively low frequency of long distance dispersal, and low levels of establishment for novel propagules. In contrast, microsatellite analyses of R. norvegicus suggest high frequencies of long distance dispersal and essentially panmixia among nearly all sampled populations, as well as a high frequency of novel propagules entering at the east and west coasts and assimilating into established populations. We discuss these results in the context of invasive Rattus management in the U.S. and their implications for invasive species in general, as well as the implications for managing the spread of rat-borne pathogens.  相似文献   

The large intestine of a rat has been neglected almost completely as a site of Strongyloides sp. infection. We reported that adult Strongyloides ratti remained in the large intestine for more than 80 days, producing more number of infective larvae than small intestine adults, and therefore hypothesized that parasitism in this site could be a survival strategy. In wild rats, however, no study has focused on large intestine infections of Strongyloides. The present study revealed that 32.4% of 68 wild rats, Rattus norvegicus, had the infection of S. ratti in the large intestine, with an average of 4.7 worms. These worms harbored normal eggs in the uterus. In a laboratory experiment with S. ratti and Wister rats, daily output of infective larvae by 4.7 females in the large intestine was estimated to be 4,638.4, suggesting that a few parasites could play a role in the parasite transmission. Five species of nematode found in the wild rats showed seasonality in infection intensity, with highest intensities in March-May. The number of S. ratti in the large intestine was also highest in these months.  相似文献   

Reinvasion of pest animals after incomplete control is a major challenge for invasive species management, yet little is known about the behavioural and demographic categories of reinvaders or the mechanisms that drive population‐level responses to control. To understand the fine‐scale mechanisms of reinvasion, we examined changes in demography, movements and activity patterns of reinvading alien black rats Rattus rattus in the short (4 weeks) and longer term (3 months) following localised experimental pest removal. Using recovery and invasion theory, we tested three hypothesised mechanisms of reinvasion: the ‘in situ effect’, the ‘trickle effect’ and the ‘vacuum effect’. We created space for reinvasion by removing black rats from the core of replicate 1‐ha plots (short‐term experiment) and later by removing animals from the entire plot (longer‐term experiment). Reinvaders were characterised as dispersing juveniles, floaters or neighbours. Radio‐tracking quantified home range changes for adjacent resident animals (short‐term experiment only). In the short term, there was no net influx of rats after targeted removal. Radio‐tracked residents’ movements were highly variable and displayed no directional changes after nearby conspecifics were removed. However, in the longer term, removal led to slow population recovery through a mix of reinvading floaters, dispersing juveniles and shifting residents. These responses best support a hypothesis of reinvasion through a trickle effect, with rats being extremely mobile and having a high degree of population turnover, even in untreated sites. Our findings provide the first test of reinvasion theory at a small scale, demonstrating the importance of understanding the differing categories of reinvaders and mechanisms of reinvasion after population control. These mechanisms drive the rate of population recovery and, in turn, should help determine which strategy of pest control should be used, and the frequency with which they are implemented, in order to slow the recovery of pest populations.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis cymruensis was initially identified in skeletal muscles of 22 (11.6%) of 189 wild rats (Rattus spp.) captured in 2008 in Anning and Kunming, Peoples Republic of China. Sarcocyst walls were thin (<1 μm) and smooth. Ultrastructurally, the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane had small, osmiophilic knob-like invaginations covered with numerous vesicle-like invaginations toward the interior of the cyst. Domestic cats (Felis catus) fed sarcocysts shed sporocysts measuring 10.3 (9.8-11.0) × 7.6 (7.2-9.5) μm with a prepatent period of 6 to 8 days. Sarcocysts were infective orally to Norway rats, and oocysts and sporocysts developed in the lamina propria of the small intestine of rats fed sarcocysts. Thus, rats were both intermediate and definitive hosts for S. cymruensis.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium was isolated from the intestinal contents of Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus house rats captured at two buildings, designated buildings J and YS, in Yokohama City, Japan. From October 1997 to September 1998, 52 of 339 (15.3%) house rats were found to carry Salmonella serovar Typhimurium definitive phage type 104 (DT104). In building J, 26 of 161 (16.1%) house rats carried DT104 over the 1-year study period, compared to 26 of 178 (14.6%) rats in building YS. The isolation rates of DT104 from R. rattus and R. norvegicus were similar in the two buildings. Most DT104 strains from building J (24 of 26) showed resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfisoxazole, and tetracycline and contained both the 1.0- and 1.2-kbp integrons, carrying genes pse1, pasppflo-like, aadA2, sulI, and tet(G). All DT104 strains from building YS were resistant to ampicillin and sulfisoxazole, and had the 1.2-kbp integron carrying pse1 and sulI. Cluster analysis of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns of BlnI-digested DT104 DNAs showed that 22 of 26 DT104 strains from building J and 24 of 26 strains from building YS could be grouped into separate clusters each specific for the building origin. These results indicated that DT104 strains were prevalent in house rat colonies in each building and suggest that house rats may play an important role in the epidemiology of DT104.  相似文献   

Increase of lactate dehydrogenase (EC and creatine kinase (EC in serum and plasma level during blood clotting was compared in R. rattus flavitectus (black rat) and R. norvegicus (albino rat). Both the enzyme level increased by the release from platelets in process of clotting in rat as previously described (Emori T., Takahashi M. and Nagase S. (1978) Exp. Animals, 27, 167), but the change in black rat was very slight. Owing to search for the reason to prove the difference in this phenomenon, physiological and chemical properties of blood from both the animals were compared, and it was demonstrated that the content of plasma fibrinogen in black rat is higher than that in albino rat, while the platelet number contained in each ml of blood and the enzyme activities in each platelet are not different between them. The analysis of the membrane proteins from platelets of both the animals by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the fractional value of glycoproteins was found to be different between them.  相似文献   

The choice of "black rats", Rattus rattus L ., for common sugars - sucrose, jaggery, glucose, fructose and lactose are described. In laboratory colonies, the sugars were preferred in the order glucose > sucrose > jaggery > fructose > lactose; but in another sequence - sucrose > jaggery > glucose > fructose > lactose, in the free living colonies. The discrepancy is accounted for by the characteristics of sugars which influence consummatory behaviour in the two situations.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is an important cause of enteric infections in humans. Recently, concerns have been raised regarding whether animals could be a source of C. difficile spores. Although colonization has been identified in a number of domestic species, the ability of commensal pests to serve as a reservoir for C. difficile has not been well investigated. The objective of this study was to determine whether urban rats (Rattus spp.) from Vancouver, Canada, carry C. difficile. Clostridium difficile was isolated from the colon contents of trapped rats and was characterized using ribotyping, toxinotyping, and toxin gene identification. Generalized linear mixed models and spatial analysis were used to characterize the ecology of C. difficile in rats. Clostridium difficile was isolated from 95 of 724 (13.1%) rats, although prevalence differed from 0% to 46.7% among city blocks. The odds of being C. difficile positive decreased with increasing weight (odds ratio [OR], 0.67; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.53 to 0.87), suggesting that carriage is more common in younger animals. The strains isolated included 9 ribotypes that matched recognized international designations, 5 identified by our laboratory in previous studies, and 21 “novel” ribotypes. Some strains were clustered geographically; however, the majority were dispersed throughout the study area, supporting environmental sources of exposure and widespread environmental contamination with a variety of C. difficile strains. Given that urban rats are the source of a number of other pathogens responsible for human morbidity and mortality, the potential for rats to be a source of C. difficile for humans deserves further consideration.  相似文献   

J Cano  A Pretel 《Cytobios》1985,44(176):89-93
A high frequency of satellite association phenomena in a number of specimens of Rattus rattus and R. norvegicus, captured on the coastal fringe of Málaga province (Southern Spain), was found. Only Ag-NOR bearing chromosomes participated in associations in both species. R. rattus is characterized by 14/18 heterologous and R. norvegicus by 5/5 and 13/13 homologous association types.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The ad libitum water requirement of Rattus villosissimus in the laboratory is significantly less than that of R. rattus. There are corresponding differences in the quantities of water eliminated via the urine, skin and lungs, although faecal water losses are similar.
  • 2.2. R. rattus and R. villosissimus reduce body weight, urinary and faecal water loss, and probably food intake, when deprived of drinking water.
  • 3.3. R. rattus is unable to limit body weight loss to the same degree as R. villosissimus when deprived of drinking water. This is partly due to inferior renal performance, although other factors such as higher evaporative water loss and lower food intake are probably involved.
  • 4.4. The current distributions of R. rattus and R. villosissimus on the Australian mainland can be correlated with the known water metabolism of the two species.

The two alleles of the rat T-cell differentiation alloantigen RT6 are highly divergent and their expression is distinctively regulated. While the majority of T cells of RT6a/RT6b heterozygous laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus) expresses both alleles, a subpopulation expresses only RT6b. To identify cis-regulatory elements that potentially control monoallelic expression, we compared the sequences of both alleles. A striking difference is the presence or absence of a rodent identifier (ID) sequence in intron 7. All investigated inbred RT6a rat strains (n=7) had this integration, while it was absent in all investigated RT6b rats (n=9). An ID element was also identified at precisely the same integration site in one RT6 allele of the closely related species Rattus rattus. The ID elements of both species showed nucleotide substitutions characteristic of different subfamilies, and their flanking repeats differed in length, indicating that two independent integration events had occurred into the same site adjacent to a mammalianwide interspersed repeat. Analysis of the surrounding sequences did not disclose any motifs to explain preferential integration into one allele. Our data indicate that the RT6 alleles diverged about 1 myr ago and that the ID element integrated into the RT6a locus soon after this. We have previously shown that DNA methylation plays an important role in regulating monoallelic RT6 expression. The possibility that the ID element in the RT6a allele interferes with the required demethylation process and thus accounts for monoallelic expression is discussed.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium was isolated from the intestinal contents of Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus house rats captured at two buildings, designated buildings J and YS, in Yokohama City, Japan. From October 1997 to September 1998, 52 of 339 (15.3%) house rats were found to carry Salmonella serovar Typhimurium definitive phage type 104 (DT104). In building J, 26 of 161 (16.1%) house rats carried DT104 over the 1-year study period, compared to 26 of 178 (14.6%) rats in building YS. The isolation rates of DT104 from R. rattus and R. norvegicus were similar in the two buildings. Most DT104 strains from building J (24 of 26) showed resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfisoxazole, and tetracycline and contained both the 1.0- and 1.2-kbp integrons, carrying genes pse1, pasppflo-like, aadA2, sulI, and tet(G). All DT104 strains from building YS were resistant to ampicillin and sulfisoxazole, and had the 1.2-kbp integron carrying pse1 and sulI. Cluster analysis of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns of BlnI-digested DT104 DNAs showed that 22 of 26 DT104 strains from building J and 24 of 26 strains from building YS could be grouped into separate clusters each specific for the building origin. These results indicated that DT104 strains were prevalent in house rat colonies in each building and suggest that house rats may play an important role in the epidemiology of DT104.  相似文献   

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