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The yeast Spt10p activator is a putative histone acetyltransferase (HAT) possessing a sequence-specific DNA-binding domain (DBD) which binds to the upstream activation sequences (UAS elements) in the histone gene promoters. Spt10p binds to a pair of histone UAS elements with extreme positive cooperativity. The molecular basis of this cooperativity was addressed. Spt10p (640 residues) is an elongated dimer, but the isolated DBD (residues 283–396) is a monomer and binds non-cooperatively to DNA. A Spt10p fragment comprising the N-terminal domain (NTD), HAT domain and DBD (residues 1–396) binds cooperatively and is a dimer, whereas an overlapping Spt10p fragment comprising the DBD and C-terminal domains (residues 283–640) binds non-cooperatively and is a monomer. These observations imply that cooperative binding requires dimerization. The isolated NTD (residues 1–98) is a dimer and is responsible for dimerization. We propose that cooperativity involves a conformational change in the Spt10p dimer which facilitates the simultaneous recognition of two UAS elements. In vivo, deletion of the NTD results in poor growth, but does not prevent the binding at the HTA1 promoter, suggesting that dimerization is biologically important. Residues 1–396 are sufficient for normal growth, indicating that the critical functions of Spt10p reside in the N-terminal domains.  相似文献   

HIV-1 integrase consists of three functional domains, an N-terminal zinc finger domain, a catalytic core domain and a C-terminal DNA binding domain. NMR analysis of an isolated N-terminal domain (IN(1-55)) has shown that IN(1-55) exists in two conformational states [E and D forms; Cai et al. (1997) Nat. Struct. Biol. 4, 567-577]. The two forms differ in the coordination of the zinc ion by two histidine residues. In the present study, structural analysis of a mutant of IN(1-55), Y15A, by NMR spectroscopy indicated that the mutant protein folds correctly but takes only the E form. Since the Y15A mutation abrogates the HIV-1 infectivity, Y15 might have some important role in the full-length integrase activity during the virus infection cycle. Our results suggest a possible role of Y15 in structural transition between the E and D forms of HIV-1 integrase to allow the optimal tetramerization.  相似文献   

AOBP, a DNA-binding protein in pumpkin, contains a Dof domain that is composed of 52 amino acid residues and is highly conserved in several DNA-binding proteins of higher plants. The Dof domain has a significant resemblance to Cys2/Cys2 zinc finger DNA-binding domains of steroid hormone receptors and GATA1, but has a longer putative loop where an extra Cys residue is conserved. We show that the Dof domain in AOBP functions as a zinc finger DNA-binding domain and suggest that the Cys residue uniquely conserved in the putative loop might negatively regulate the binding to DNA.  相似文献   

Solution structure of a zinc finger domain of yeast ADR1   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic and computational methods were employed for the structure determination of an 18-residue peptide with the amino acid sequence of the C-terminal retroviral-type (r.t.) zinc finger domain from the nucleocapsid protein (NCP) of HIV-1 [Zn(HIV1-F2)]. Unlike results obtained for the first retroviral-type zinc finger peptide, Zn(HIV1-F1), [Summers et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 329], broad signals indicative of conformational lability were observed in the 1H NMR spectrum of Zn-(HIV1-F2) at 25 degrees C. The NMR signals narrowed upon cooling to -2 degrees C, enabling complete 1H NMR signal assignment via standard two-dimensional (2D) NMR methods. Distance restraints obtained from qualitative analysis of 2D nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) data were used to generate 30 distance geometry (DG) structures with penalties (penalty = sum of the squared differences between interatomic distances defined in the restraints file and in the DG structures) in the range 0.02-0.03 A2. All structures were qualitatively consistent with the experimental NOESY spectrum based on comparisons with 2D NOESY back-calculated spectra. Superposition of the backbone atoms (C, C alpha, N) for residues C(1)-C(14) gave pairwise RMSD values in the range 0.16-0.75 A. The folding of Zn(HIV1-F2) is very similar to that observed for Zn(HIV1-F1). Small differences observed between the two finger domains are localized to residues between His(9) and Cys(14), with residues M(11)-C(14) forming a 3(10) helical corner.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The HTLV-I integrase N-terminal domain [50-residue peptide (IN50)], and a 35-residue truncated peptide formed by residues 9-43 (IN35) have been synthesized by solid-phase peptide synthesis. Formation of the 50-residue zinc finger type structure through a HHCC motif has been proved by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Its stability was demonstrated by an original method using RP-HPLC. Similar experiments performed on the 35-residue peptide showed that the truncation does not prevent zinc complex formation but rather that it significantly influences its stability. As evidenced by CD spectroscopy, the 50-residue zinc finger is unordered in aqueous solution but adopts a partially helical conformation when trifluoroethanol is added. These results are in agreement with our secondary structure predictions and demonstrate that the HTLV-I integrase N-terminal domain is likely to be composed of an helical region (residues 28-42) and a beta-strand (residues 20-23), associated with a HHCC zinc-binding motif. Size-exclusion chromatography showed that the structured zinc finger dimerizes through the helical region.  相似文献   

I have cloned a yeast gene, RGM1, which encodes a proline-rich zinc, finger protein. rgm1 mutants do not show any obvious phenotype but overexpression of RGM1 gene greatly impairs cell growth. The proline-rich region of RGM1 attached to a heterologous DNA binding domain is able to repress the expression of the target gene. RGM1 shares similar zinc finger motifs with the mammalian Egr (early growth response) proteins as well as proline-rich sequences with a high serine and threonine content, suggesting that RGM1 and Egr proteins could have functional similarities.  相似文献   

The specificity and regulation of protein-DNA interactions play a crucial role in all aspects of communication between genotype and phenotype in a cell. The large T antigen of simian virus 40 binds to identical, yet quite differently arranged, pentanucleotide motifs in the simian virus 40 control region, sites I and II. Wild-type T antigen preferentially binds site I. We demonstrate that a bacterial peptide encoding residues 1 to 259 (T260) includes the essential amino acids required for binding to both DNA sites but predominantly binds site II. However, a longer peptide (residues 1 to 369; T370) binds almost exclusively to site I. Thus, the addition of amino acids 260 to 369 to the T260 peptide results in the loss of site II binding. This region includes a single putative metal-binding region, and mutation of T370 at either conserved cysteine of the finger results in equal but inefficient binding to both sites. While no metal binding has been shown to be directly associated with this sequence, these results suggest a novel, perhaps structural, function for such a finger motif, since this domain of T antigen appears to play a crucial role in modulating the DNA-binding behavior of T-antigen peptides.  相似文献   

Clp ATPases are unique chaperones that promote protein unfolding and subsequent degradation by proteases. The mechanism by which this occurs is poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that the N-terminal domain of ClpX is a C4-type zinc binding domain (ZBD) involved in substrate recognition. ZBD forms a very stable dimer that is essential for promoting the degradation of some typical ClpXP substrates such as lambdaO and MuA but not GFP-SsrA. Furthermore, experiments indicate that ZBD contains a primary binding site for the lambdaO substrate and for the cofactor SspB. Removal of ZBD from the ClpX sequence renders the ATPase activity of ClpX largely insensitive to the presence of ClpP, substrates, or the SspB cofactor. All these results indicate that ZBD plays an important role in the ClpX mechanism of function and that ATP binding and/or hydrolysis drives a conformational change in ClpX involving ZBD.  相似文献   

The primary amino acid sequence of the major herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)-infected cell polypeptide 8 (ICP8) deduced from the DNA sequence of the unique long open reading frame 29 (UL29 ORF) contains a potential metal-binding domain of the form Cys-X2-5-Cys-X2-15-A-X2-4-A where A may be either histidine or cysteine and X is any amino acid. The putative metal-binding sequence in ICP8 encompasses residues 499-512 as follows: C-N-L-C-T-F-D-T-R-H-A-C-V-H-. Atomic absorption analysis of several preparations of ICP8 indicates the presence of 1 mol of zinc/mol of protein. The zinc is resistant to removal by dialysis against concentrations of EDTA which deplete zinc from alcohol dehydrogenase. The bound zinc can be removed by reaction with the reversible sulfhydryl reagent p-hydroxymercurimethylsulfonate and the zinc-depleted protein transiently retains DNA binding activity. Digestion of both native and zinc-depleted ICP8 with V8 protease indicates that the bound zinc is required for the structural integrity of the protein.  相似文献   

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