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This study compares locomotor and postural behavior and substrate use of three species of lemur, the diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema edwardsi), the brown lemur (Eulemur fulvus rufus), and the red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer) at two different localities within Ranomafana National Park. The object of the study is to see if there are quantitative differences in the behavior of the lemurs or their choice of substrates in forests that have different structural attributes. Analysis of the physical characteristics of the habitat demonstrates that compared to the Talatakely area, the forest at Vatoharanana has a higher proportion of larger, taller trees. The behavior of the lemurs also differs in the two areas: all species leap less and climb and move quadrupedally more at Vatoharanana. All species use small size supports less frequently at Vatoharanana, choosing insted medium size supports (all three species) or tiny supports (Propithecus andE. fulvus) found in tree crowns and terminal branches. The lemurs prefer (i.e. use more often than would be expected based on abundance) large trees at both sites. At Vatoharanana however, they are more frequently observed higher in trees and in taller trees with greater trunk breadth. The differences in locomotor behavior are in part due to the fact that at Vatoharanana, more bouts are collected during feeding and foraging than during travel. The relationship between this difference in activity pattern and the structural differerences in the two forests, however, is not clear. This study points out the need for longer term field studies of positional behavior and substrate use that incorporate the variety of forest types the subject species inhabit.  相似文献   

We collected data during a 10-month study carried out on the mongoose lemur, Eulemur mongoz, at Anjamena in northwestern Madagascar, which provide baseline information on seasonal variation in the ecology, home range use and some aspects of the behavior of two neighboring groups. We monitored group size of nine groups in the study area and assessed them for seasonal variation. We present additional information collected during short-term surveys in other areas before and during the study for comparison. The study groups were small family units, and changes in group size were limited to births and emigrations of sexually mature progeny. In spite of clear seasonal changes in climate and vegetation, there is no variation in grouping patterns, so it is not possible to correlate variation in group size with seasonal variation of ecological variables. Comparison with ecological data from other field studies on lemurids reveals differences in food resource distribution in western forests versus other types of Malagasy forest. This distribution of food resources may predict home range size in mixed frugivorous–folivorous lemurs. Small home ranges, mainly in the West, could be correlated with a uniform distribution of food resources. Finally, we suggest that the dry season in the West may not present frugivorous–folivorous lemurs with major problems in finding an adequate food supply. This is supported by the lack of seasonal differences in ranging behavior of mongoose lemurs.  相似文献   

The study of self-medication among animals—zoopharmacognosy—is founded on observations that suggest that wild animals use plants with specific biological properties that may be beneficial to them. To verify whether self-vermifugation occurs among Eulemur fulvus in the wild, we studied their feeding behavior in both the dry and humid forests of Mayotte (Comoros Islands). We used the focal individual sampling method over an annual cycle. We conducted a complementary study during the 2-mo mating season, via the scan sampling method (at 10-min intervals). Among the 29 plant species brown lemurs consumed, we tested 16 in vitro as antiparasitic agents on 3 experimental parasite models (Rhabditis pseudoelongata, Trichomonas vaginalis, Entamoeba invadens). We obtained crude extracts to be tested after 2 successive chemical extractions (ethyl acetate and methanol), and 7 of them, belonging to 4 different plant species, showed an antiparasitic property: lemurs consumed Annona squamosa and Mimusops comorensis in large amounts, but ingested Ixora cremixora and Syzygium jambos sporadically. The 4 plants were active on the flagellate but only one of them (Ixora cremixora) also demonstrated antinematode properties. Humans use 2 of the plants as intestinal antiparasitic agents in traditional medicine and include numerous other plants in the diet. The relative lake of amoebas and flagellates in stools of Eulemur fulvus may be related to the consumption of plants with antiprotozoal properties. Nevertheless, in the absence of specific behavior that could be linked to a voluntary therapeutic action during our study, self-vermifugation in Eulemur fulvus remains elusive.  相似文献   

Spider monkeys (Ateles) frequently use suspensory locomotion and postures, and their postcranial morphology suggests convergence with extant hominoids in canopy and food utilization. Previous studies of positional behavior in Ateles, have produced variable rates in the use of different positional activities. I investigated the positional behavior of black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus) in a wet rain forest in French Guiana, and assessed differences in the rates of use of positional modes across studies. I also discuss the significance of suspensory activities in forest utilization. In French Guiana, Ateles confined travel and feeding locomotion on small and medium-sized moderately inclined supports in the main canopy. Tail-arm brachiation and clamber were their main traveling modes, while clamber was the dominant feeding locomotor mode. Small horizontal supports were predominant during their feeding. Suspensory postures accounted for more than half of feeding bouts, with tail-hang and tail-hind limb(s) hang being the dominant postures. Feeding occurred largely in tree crown peripheries with the prehensile tail anchored frequently above the monkey. They usually collected food items below or at the same level as the body. There is no difference among the postures they used to acquire and eat young leaves and fruit. My results agree with reports on the positional behavior of different species of spider monkeys at other sites. Despite the use of different methods, the same species exhibited more or less similar profiles in similar forests. Interspecific differences could be associated with morphological differences. Moreover, intraspecific differences could be attributed to forest structure. The findings suggest that the major part of biological information is independent of methods used in the several studies. Suspensory behavior facilitates the exploitation of the forest canopy by shortening traveling pathways between and within trees, by enabling faster travel for the better exploitation of patchy food sources and by providing access to food in the flexible terminal twigs.  相似文献   

Scent-marking and olfactory communication are used extensively by prosimians and can provide spatial and temporal records of group movement and behavior. We compare rates of male scent-marking in relation to reproductive seasons, male dominance rank, and habitat use in two related prosimians: Lemur catta and Eulemur fulvus rufus. We collected scent-marking data on adult male Lemur catta at Beza-Mahafaly Reserve (dry forest), and on Eulemur fulvus rufus at Ranomafana National Park (rainforest), Madagascar. In Lemur, rates of overall scent-marking differed significantly by reproductive season, with higher rates occurring in mating and lactation/migration periods, whereas in Eulemur, reproductive season did not appear to affect scent-marking rates. Dominance rank of male Lemur catta did not affect rates of scent-marking. Among male Eulemur fulvus, dominance relations were not apparent; however, 2 of the 5 focal males scent-marked somewhat more frequently during the mating season and also experienced greater mating success. In Lemur catta, higher rates of scent-marking in the mating season may relate to indirect reproductive competition during a period of high aggression, while such mating competition was not as marked in Eulemur fulvus. Furthermore, higher rates of marking in resident male Lemur catta during male migration may correlate with vigilance toward immigrating males. Greater overall scent-marking rates in ring-tailed lemurs may relate to extensive intergroup home range overlap and no area of exclusive use, whereas the red-fronted lemur groups tended to forage in areas of their home range where little-to-no intergroup overlap occurred.  相似文献   

Field studies on Semnopithecus vetulus have shown high folivory and the ability to feed heavily on mature leaves, which are constantly available. In research spanning 19 mo, I examined the feeding behavior of 2 free-ranging groups of Semnopithecus vetulus nestor in home gardens and rubber monocultures at Panadura (PT1 group) and Piliyandala (R1 group), Sri Lanka. Overall, results showed that >80% of their diet comprised seasonal plant parts, largely fruits. Despite differences in spatial and temporal food availability in their respective habitats, seasonal plant parts dominated the diets of both groups except briefly (2 mo) for R1 when mature leaf petioles were the main plant food. Both groups increased their use of seasonal foods with heightened seasonal food availability, and increased dietary diversity with declining use of their highest-ranked specific item of diet: fruits of Artocarpus heterophyllus (jakfruit, Moraceae). PT1, which was in a species-rich environment, maintained a high intake of seasonal foods year round by exploiting a large number of species, mainly for fruits. In contrast, R1, in a habitat with significantly lower tree species richness, had a less diverse diet but maintained an equally high intake of seasonal foods, primarily fruits and seeds, by exploiting a few species heavily. My study also highlights the dietary flexibility of a single colobine species in space and time. Such information is useful for conservation planning because rapidly occurring changes are taking place in natural colobine habitats.  相似文献   

We present data on aspects of the behavioral ecology of a free- ranging group of Saguinus fuscicollis weddelliat a site in Brazilian Amazonia where a second callitrichid, Callithrix emiliae,is syntopic. Diet, activity patterns, and ranging behavior are broadly similar to those of S. fuscicollisfrom sites in Bolivia, Brazil, and Perú, though significant seasonal changes include an extreme and atypical form of ranging behavior in which they foraged in central-place fashion around a source of exudate—Parkia pendula. S. f. weddelliwas active at relatively low levels in the forest both in absolute terms and relative to C.emiliae, which appears to be an important factor in their niche partitioning. Association between the two species appeared to be less systematic overall than those observed between S. fuscicollisand congeners at other sites, though this may be partly a result of observation conditions. During the period of central-place foraging, the two species exhibited a high degree of association. Other characteristics of the behavior of S. f. weddelliat the study site include the frequent use of tree holes as sleeping sites.  相似文献   

In our study at the Endangered Primate Rescue Center of Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam, we aimed first to assemble a positional behavioral profile of captive gray-shanked (Pygathrix cinerea) and red-shanked (P. nemaeus) doucs that relates to the use of forelimb suspensory postures and arm-swinging locomotion. The profile is of interest because researchers have documented that red-shanked doucs more frequently use suspensory postures and locomotions than other colobines do. We confirmed that red-shanked doucs commonly use suspensory positional behaviors and also that gray-shanked doucs use suspensory behaviors at similar or even higher frequencies than those of red-shanked doucs. Our second goal was to assemble a preliminary kinematic profile of suspensory locomotion in Pygathrix within the context of the arm-swinging locomotion exhibited by northern white-cheeked gibbons, Nomascus leucogenys. Mean forelimb angles at initial contact and release of arm-swinging behaviors were remarkably consistent among gibbons and doucs despite the fact that gibbons typically used more continuous brachiation. Doucs also exhibit a greater range of forelimb angles than gibbons do. In addition, trunk orientation tends to be less vertical at initial contact for doucs than for gibbons, perhaps owing to the frequent use of quadrupedal sequences directly before or after forelimb suspension. Our behavioral and kinematic analyses add to the emerging realization that Pygathrix is capable of, and frequently expresses, a range of suspensory positional behaviors, including brachiation.  相似文献   

Tamarins of the genusSaguinus are small-bodied New World monkeys that exhibit clawlike or modified nails. Patterns of positional behavior and habitat utilization are presented for three species,Saguinus fuscicollis, S. geoffroy, andS. mystax. These data were collected on free-ranging tamarin populations in Panama and Peru. Despite considerable differences in body weight, all three species exhibited very similar patterns of positional behavior, with quadrupedal bounding and running accounting for 43 – 52% of travel time. Leaping was the second most common locomotor activity and accounted for 31 – 41% of travel. Although each species leaped principally on small supports in the perimeter of the tree crown, approximately 20% of all leaps inS. fuscicollis involved moderate to large sized vertical trunks located in the undercanopy. Leaping between trunks was rare in the two larger tamarin species. Measurements taken on live wild-trapped adults reveal that compared toSaguinus geoffroyi andS. mystax, S. fuscicollis is characterized by a long legspan and an especially long armspan. It is proposed that inS. fuscicollis, elongated forelimbs play an important role in maneuvering and rotating the body during the in-air phase of trunk-to-trunk leaping, and increase the breaking distance needed to decelerate the body upon impact. Additional relationships between body size, substrate preference, and positional behavior in callitrichines are discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the infestation and dispersion patterns of egg predatory nemerteans on their crab hosts were analyzed. Marked differences in the seasonal patterns of infestation were noted between worm species, yet, common patterns in the aggregation of the worms were found. Worm aggregation increased at the onset of the reproductive seasons of the hosts, and at the nadirs of the reproductive seasons for those hosts with year round breeding. The aggregation patterns of two worm species fluctuated with the physical environment of their estuarine hosts. Salinity changes as a result of seasonal rains may have caused changes in the underlying dispersion patterns of Carcinonemertes epialti on Hemiarapsus oregonensis, and C. mitsukurii on Portunus pelagicus. Lastly, the embryogenic cycle of the host species was significant in shaping the infestation and aggregation patterns of C. epialti on Cancer anthonyi and C. regicides on Paralithodes camtschaticus. Worm immigration and emigration were linked to crab embryogenesis and directly influenced the dispersion patterns of the worms.  相似文献   

I studied the positional behavior and habitat use of Cercopithecus petaurista, the lesser spot-nosed monkey, in the Ivory Coast's Taï Forest for 15 months. I compare these data with similar information collected on sympatric groups of Cercopithecus diana and C. campbelli in order to examine further the relationships between locomotion, posture, support use, stratal use, body size, diet, activity patterns and foraging behavior. Spot-nosed monkeys are predominantly quadrupedal primates that frequent the top layer of the understory during all maintenance activities. Locomotion is characteristically slow and cautious; travel takes place on branches and boughs while foraging occurs on twigs and branches. Postural behavior of Cercopithecus petaurista reflects their reliance on more ubiquitously distributed, less mobile food items. The relationship between body size, climbing, leaping and support use among Taï guenons is weak; interspecific differences are more likely functions of strata use and overall behavioral characteristics, e.g. crypticity. I also compare the locomotion and support use of Cercopithecus petaurista with that of C. ascanius from Uganda's Kibale Forest (Gebo and Chapman, 1995a) in order to assess the behavioral similarity of members of the same superspecies. Although overall support use is quite similar, the monkeys differ significantly in frequencies of quadrupedism, leaping and climbing. I present possible reasons for and implications of these differences.  相似文献   

In this paper, I provide data on the possible effects of group size and seasonal changes in food availability on the activity and habitat use patterns of two species of prosimian primate: the rufous lemur (Eulemur fulvus rufus) and the red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer). General and subtle seasonal differences were observed between lemur species in (1) group size and composition, (2) activity profiles, and (3) habitat use. Rufous lemur groups were larger (mean = 8 individuals) and contained more adults than red-bellied lemur groups (mean = 3 individuals). The overall degree and distribution of diurnal activity differed between lemur species and varied within species with seasonal changes in food availability. In general, rufous lemurs traveled more often than red-bellied lemurs. During food scarcity, both species increased the amount of time spent feeding, although peak feeding and traveling times differed. Both species also preferred horizontal substrates; however, during food scarcity, red-bellied lemurs used terminal branches more often while feeding than rufous lemurs. In addition, red-bellied lemurs used the lower middle story forest and rested in taller, upper canopy trees more often than rufous lemurs. Differences in activity and habitat use patterns between lemur species were more related to seasonal changes in food availability than overall differences in group size. These behavioral patterns may represent different strategies used by each lemur species to avoid directly competing for similar resources during times of food scarcity. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The diversity and distribution of fungal endophytes in the leaves of four podocarps (Dacrydium cupressinum, Prumnopitys ferruginea, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, and Podocarpus totara, all Podocarpaceae) and an angiosperm (Kunzea ericoides, Myrtaceae) occurring in close stands were studied. The effects of host species, locality, and season on endophyte assemblages were investigated. Host species was the major factor shaping endophyte assemblages. The spatial separation of sites and seasonal differences played significant but lesser roles. The mycobiota of each host species included both generalist and largely host-specialised fungi. The host-specialists were often observed at low frequencies on some of the other hosts. There was no clear evidence for family-level specialisation across the Podocarpaceae. Of the 17 species found at similar frequencies on several of the podocarp species, 15 were found also on Kunzea. Many of the endophytes isolated appear to represent species of fungi not previously recognised from New Zealand.  相似文献   

The resistance to experimental, highly frequent disturbance has been analysed in three congeneric, strong-resprouter species (Erica australis, E. scoparia and E. arborea) that co-occur in heath-dominated communities of the northern side of the Strait of Gibraltar, southern Spain. To do so, mature individuals of the three species from a long undisturbed location were clipped at the ground level every sixth month during two years. The relationship between the resprouted biomass dry weight (as indicative of the resprouting vigour) and the upper surface area of the lignotuber along the experiment was established separately for each species at each clipping event by means of linear regressions analysis. The resprouting vigour of the three species was compared by means of independent one-way ANOVAs within each clipping event. Resprouting vigour decreased after recurrent clippings in the three species. Nevertheless, significant differences between species in this loss of resprouting vigour were detected, being E. scoparia the most resistant to the experimental, highly frequent clipping. It is concluded that experimental levels of recurrent disturbance may help to find out differences in resilience within similar (taxonomically, morfologically and/or ecologically), strong-resprouter plant species. Considering the history of forestry management in the nothern side of the Strait of Gibraltar, differences in this regard between the three Erica species may contribute to explain their somewhat segregated ecological distribution in this region.  相似文献   

This study provides preliminary data on the positional behavior and habitat use of the Philippine tarsier,Tarsius syrichta, which was studied in its natural habitat on the island of Leyte. The locomotor behavior ofT. syrichta is quite comparable to the other species of tarsiers but frequency of use of different postures and support types does seem to distinguish this species from the others.Tarsius bancanus appears to be the most specialized, using vertical clinging postures the most frequently and sitting the least;Tarsius dianae uses vertical clinging the least frequently and sitting the most, andT. syrichta is intermediate. The Philippine tarsier has a small home range similar to that ofT. spectrum. On the other hand, this species likely does not have the small family groups typical of Sulawesi tarsiers but instead uses a noyau system likeT. bancanus. This data supports some apsects ofNiemitz’s (1977) model of anatomical and behavioral specialization among tarsier species.  相似文献   

Details are presented relating to chimpanzees' choices between two sympatric species of termites,Macrotermes lillijeborgi andM. vitrialatus, as food in the Campo Animal Reserve, southwest Cameroon, West Africa. An attempt was made to determine the various factors that affected such choices. The two species of termites seemed to have almost the same value in terms of ecological factors. However, chimpanzees fed almost exclusivelyonM. lillijeborgi, using digging sticks and fisching probes, during the study period which extended from the end of August to the middle of January, with their feeding activity showing peak at the beginning of the rainy season. By contrast,M. vitrialatus was rarely eaten in spite of the ease with which such prey could be obtained, namely, by desctruction of termite mounds by hand, without the need for tools. The reason that the chimpanzees discriminated between the two species of termite cannot be explained in terms of ecological factors such as size of prey, seasonal differences in termite activity, etc. Sticks used as tools were fairly uniform in size and character, mainly because of physical constraints related to the structure of termite mounds, and the brush-like ends of sticks seemed to be incidentaly byproducts of the chimpanzee's choice of plant species. Ecological factors could provide chimpanzees with a basis for the use of some kind of tool and help them modify it, while other factors, for example, something akin to leisure or the chimpanzee's interest in use of a tool, could provide an opportunity for inventing some tool-using behavior or for maintaining such behavior. These different factors, not being exclusive of one another, might affect the invention and maintenance of tool using-behavior at different phases. It is possible that chimpanzee's choice of prey may not always be the most efficient or appropriate in a given ecological situation.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior and diet of two species of bushbaby, Galago senegalensisand Galago crassicaudatus,in South Africa were examined in relation to seasonal changes in climate. The populations studied were allopatric, but both fed predominantly on Acaciagum and invertebrates. Data on their diet were collected by direct observation of a radiocollared female of each species and by analysis of fecal samples. Differences in diet were found between the species within seasons and within species between the seasons. Both spent more time gum-feeding in winter than in summer. Prey size and type differed between the species in summer but converged in winter. The quantity of insects taken was fairly similar between seasons for G. senegalensisbut dropped considerably for G. crassicaudatusin winter. These observations are interpreted in terms of interspecific differences in feeding strategies, which are considered to be a function of the difference in body size of the two galago species.  相似文献   

Hybridization of highly repeated DNA sequences ofEulemur fulvus mayottensis, Lemur catta, andVarecia has been performed on blots of different species of Lemuridae (L. catta, Hapalemur griseus, Varecia variegata variegata, V. v. rubra, E. macaco macaco, E. coronatus, E. mongoz, andE. rubriventer). The probe ofE. fulvus only hybridized with the differentEulemur species, whereas that ofVarecia hybridized with the two subspecies ofVarecia and that ofL. catta with bothL. catta andHapalemur. These results were used to confirm the classification ofVarecia in a separate genus and to review the separation of theL. catta/Hapalemur group from the other species ofEulemur. Comparison of the migration patterns from DNA fragments of these different species has been used to propose a cladogram of the differentEulemur species.  相似文献   

The food niches of four species of triclads and three species of non-parasitic leeches living in the littoral zone of British lakes of different trophic status were investigated, over one year, using a serological technique. Antisera against ten potential prey groups were employed. The basic data were adjusted to compensate for differences in predator size and seasonal changes in field temperatures. Data on two of the leech species have been presented elsewhere, but comparisons of the diet of all seven predator species are made in this paper. Much overlap in diet between the various predator species occurs, but, with one exception, each of the genera has a major food resource. The Polycelis spp. feed extensively on oligochaetes, Dugesia polychroa on molluscs, Dendrocoelum lacteum on Asellus, Erpobdella octoculata on chironomids and Glossiphonia complanata on molluscs. Helobdella stagnalis is a generalist feeder. Problems of coexistence of the leech species, and of the leech and triclad species are discussed.  相似文献   

Although behaviors may remain highly conserved through evolutionary time, the ecological functions they serve can undergo surprising transformations. We used phylogenetic, correlational, and experimental evidence to show how a >150-million year-old behavior, which originally evolved to facilitate migration, has been co-opted for flash flood escape in two distantly related giant water bug species (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae). Using behavioral experiments with simulated rainfall, we showed that species from flash-flooding as well as non-flash-flooding environments are capable of rainfall response behavior (RRB), the ability to use rainfall as a cue to abandon an aquatic habitat. The results suggest that, in addition to allowing individuals to escape flash floods, RRB is the proximate mechanism generating a well-established ecological pattern: The correlation between rainfall and migration to seasonal breeding habitats that has been documented in 13 species throughout the family. Placing RRB in phylogenetic context reveals that for several taxa the behavior is an exaptation (a trait evolved for one function but later co-opted for another) for escaping flash floods. For Lethocerus medius, rainfall response behavior is an addition exaptation because the behavior is used to initiate migration to seasonal rain pools (ancestral function) as well as for flash flood escape (co-opted function). In the distantly related Abedus herberti, rainfall response behavior is a transfer exaptation because it has been co-opted exclusively for flash flood escape and the ancestral function has been lost. These findings emphasize that a phylogenetic framework is needed to fully understand the origins and ecological significance of behaviors.  相似文献   

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