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Robledo R  Bender P  Leonard J  Zhu B  Osoegawa K  de Jong P  Xu X  Yao Z  Roe B 《Genomics》2004,84(4):678-685
We analyzed genomes of nonhuman primates to determine the ancestral state of a 9.1-kb insertion/deletion polymorphism, located on human chromosome 22. The 9.1-kb+ allele was found in 16 chimpanzees, 3 bonobos, and 2 Bornean orangutans; however, 9 chimpanzees and 6 Sumatran orangutans showed neither the 9.1-kb+ nor the 9.1-kb- allele, but a novel allele, termed 9.1-kbnull. A clone from a chimpanzee BAC library carrying the 9.1-kbnull allele was sequenced: the BAC DNA aligns with the human chromosome 22 reference sequence except for a 75-kb region, suggesting that the 9.1-kbnull allele originated from a deletion. Furthermore, the 9.1-kb+ chromosomes of chimpanzees and bonobos contain a 1030-nucleotide sequence, absent in humans, that may result from a retro-transposition insertion in their common ancestor. Our results provide additional evidence that human chromosome 22 has undergone multiple small-scale and large-scale insertions and deletions since sharing a common ancestor with other primates.  相似文献   

L M Corcoran  J M Adams  A R Dunn  S Cory 《Cell》1984,37(1):113-122
The myc oncogene is implicated here in T lymphocyte neoplasia. Cloning revealed a retroviral insert 0.7-1.3 kb 5' to c-myc in two T lymphomas induced by Soule murine leukemia virus and in a spontaneous T lymphoma ( Tikaut ) of an AKR mouse, a strain in which leukemogenesis involves recombinant retroviruses (MCF viruses). The tumor c-myc mRNAs appear normal but their level is approximately 5-fold higher than in most T lymphomas lacking c-myc rearrangement. Since each insert would be transcribed away from c-myc, its activation cannot involve the promoter of the long terminal repeat (LTR) but could reflect an enhancer, like that demonstrated within the Soule LTR. The Tikaut provirus has an MCF-like recombinant env gene and LTR sequence. MCF-like inserts were found near c-myc in seven of 31 other AKR T lymphomas; two lie 3' to c-myc and the five upstream are oriented away from c-myc. We conclude that a quarter of retrovirus-induced T lymphomas involve activation of c-myc, probably via the LTR enhancer.  相似文献   

We report the presence, in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of all of the sexual species of the salamander family Ambystomatidae, of a shared 240- bp intergenic spacer between tRNAThr and tRNAPro. We place the intergenic spacer in context by presenting the sequence of 1,746 bp of mtDNA from Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum, describe the nucleotide composition of the intergenic spacer in all of the species of Ambystomatidae, and compare it to other coding and noncoding regions of Ambystoma and several other vertebrate mtDNAs. The nucleotide substitution rate of the intergenic spacer is approximately three times faster than the substitution rate of the control region, as shown by comparisons among six Ambystoma macrodactylum sequences and eight members of the Ambystoma tigrinum complex. We also found additional inserts within the intergenic spacers of five species that varied from 87-444 bp in length. The presence of the intergenic spacer in all sexual species of Ambystomatidae suggests that it arose at least 20 MYA and has been a stable component of the ambystomatid mtDNA ever since. As such, it represents one of the few examples of a large and persistent intergenic spacer in the mtDNA of any vertebrate clade.   相似文献   

Bid, a pro-apoptosis "BH3-only" member of the Bcl-2 family, can be cleaved by caspase-8 after Fas/TNF-R1 engagement. The p15 form of truncated Bid (tBid) translocates to mitochondria and induces cytochrome c release, leading to the activation of downstream caspases and apoptosis. In the current study, we investigated the mechanism by which tBid regulated cytochrome c release in terms of its relationship to mitochondrial permeability transition and Bax, another Bcl-2 family protein. We employed an in vitro reconstitution system as well as cell cultures and an animal model to reflect the physiological environment where Bid could be functional. We found that induction of cytochrome c release by tBid was not accompanied by a permeability transition even at high doses. Indeed, inhibition of permeability transition did not suppress the activity of tBid in vitro nor could they block Fas activation-induced, Bid-dependent hepatocyte apoptosis in cultures. Furthermore, Mg(2+), although inhibiting permeability transition, actually enhanced the ability of tBid to induce cytochrome c release. We also found that tBid did not require Bax to induce cytochrome c release in vitro. In addition, mice deficient in bax were still highly susceptible to anti-Fas-induced hepatocyte apoptosis, in which cytochrome c release was unaffected. Moreover, although Bax-induced cytochrome c release was not dependent on tBid, the two proteins could function synergistically. We conclude that Bid possesses the biochemical activity to induce cytochrome c release through a mechanism independent of mitochondrial permeability transition pore and Bax.  相似文献   

Two patients with direct tandem duplications of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and mitochondrial myopathy are described. The breakpoint regions between duplicated segments were amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cloned and sequenced. The distribution of normal and abnormal genomes in different tissues was investigated using Southern hybridisation, and in different cells within the same tissue using PCR. In each case the gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit I (MTCOX1) was interrupted, creating reading frames which if transcribed and translated would result in truncated versions of this peptide. Heteroplasmy and mosaicism for the abnormal mtDNA population was apparent.  相似文献   

The central part of the mitochondrial coxII gene was amplified from 38 different dicots and two monocots using polymerase chain reaction. In 30 of the 40 plants studied, the amplified coxll gene-fragment contains an intron, ranging from 930 bp in Capsicum (pepper) in Solanaceae to 1,635 bp in Ampelamus albidans (climbing milkweed) in Asclepiadaceae. The composition of this intron varies as revealed by Southern hybridizations using oligonucleotide probes specific to the coxII intron-regions in maize, wheat, and rice. In the Apocynaceae, Calharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle) and Vinca minor (common periwinkle) lack the coxII intron, while other members of the same family (various Mandevilla species, Nerium oleander and Apocynum cannabinum) and members of the closely related Asclepiadaceae (Asclepias incarnata, Ampelamus albidans and Asclepias tuberosa) retain the intron. Analysis of these data suggest a selective loss of the coxII intron from a plant, ancestral to both Catharanthus and Vinca, after the divergence of the Asclepiadaceae and Apocynaceae. The remaining eight plants from the Brassicaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, and Onagraceae lacking the intron fall into a single group or clade using the phylogenetic tree proposed by Chase et al. (Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden: 80: 528–580, 1993) based on sequence of the chloroplast rbcL gene.  相似文献   

Hell K  Neupert W  Stuart RA 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(6):1281-1288
Oxa1p is a member of the conserved Oxa1/YidC/Alb3 protein family involved in the membrane insertion of proteins. Oxa1p has been shown previously to directly facilitate the export of the N-terminal domains of membrane proteins across the inner membrane to the intermembrane space of mitochondria. Here we report on a general role of Oxa1p in the membrane insertion of proteins. (i) The function of Oxa1p is not limited to the insertion of membrane proteins that undergo N-terminal tail export; rather, it also extends to the insertion of other polytopic proteins such as the mitochondrially encoded Cox1p and Cox3p proteins. These are proteins whose N-termini are retained in the mitochondrial matrix. (ii) Oxa1p interacts directly with these substrates prior to completion of their synthesis. (iii) The interaction of Oxa1p with its substrates is particularly strong when nascent polypeptide chains are inserted into the inner membrane, suggesting a direct function of Oxa1p in co-translational insertion from the matrix. Taken together, we conclude that the Oxa1 complex represents a general membrane protein insertion machinery in the inner membrane of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Efficient plastid transformation has been achieved in Nicotiana tabacum using cloned plastid DNA of Solanum nigrum carrying mutations conferring spectinomycin and streptomycin resistance. The use of the incompletely homologous (homeologous) Solanum plastid DNA as donor resulted in a Nicotiana plastid transformation frequency comparable with that of other experiments where completely homologous plastid DNA was introduced. Physical mapping and nucleotide sequence analysis of the targeted plastid DNA region in the transformants demonstrated efficient site-specific integration of the 7.8-kb Solanum plastid DNA and the exclusion of the vector DNA. The integration of the cloned Solanum plastid DNA into the Nicotiana plastid genome involved multiple recombination events as revealed by the presence of discontinuous tracts of Solanum-specific sequences that were interspersed between Nicotiana-specific markers. Marked position effects resulted in very frequent cointegration of the nonselected peripheral donor markers located adjacent to the vector DNA. Data presented here on the efficiency and features of homeologous plastid DNA recombination are consistent with the existence of an active RecA-mediated, but a diminished mismatch, recombination/repair system in higher-plant plastids.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether the absence or modification of paternal mitochondrial DNA or methylation of the oocyte mitochondrial DNA could be the molecular basis for maternal inheritance of mitochondria in mammals, the mitochondrial genome has been analyzed in four meiotic and postmeiotic testicular cell types, and in oocytes from the mouse. All four testicular cell types including spermatozoa contain mitochondrial DNA. Between meiosis and the end of spermatogenesis the number of mitochondrial genomes per haploid genome decreases 8- to 10-fold with spermatozoa containing approximately one copy of the mitochondrial genome per mitochondrion. Restriction enzyme digestions with six different enzymes indicate no gross differences in DNA sequence in the testicular mitochondrial DNA from meiotic cells, early haploid cells, late haploid cells, and spermatozoa. By the criterion of differential digestion with the isoschizomers, MspI and HpaII, the mitochondrial DNA is not differentially methylated during spermatogenesis. No methylation differences were detected in mitochondrial DNA from sperm and oocytes following digestion with seven methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain DC5-E2 that lacks mtDNA (leu2 rhoo) can be cotransformed with a mixture of mtDNA and the plasmid YEp13 (LEU2/2μ/pBR322) to produce Leu+ transormants which, on being mated to mit? tester strains, generate respiratory competent diploids (such events are denoted marker rescue). In this work strain DC5-E2 was transformed with recombinant molecules consisting of a mtDNA segment including the oli2 gene inserted into YEp13. The Leu+ transformants made with the recombinant plasmids were unable to rescue mit? testers carrying mutations in the oli2 region, in contrast to Leu+ cotransformants made with mixtures of YEp13 and oli2 mtDNA. We conclude that marker rescue events occur as a result of interactions between the mtDNA of the mit? tester and the mtDNA sequences introduced by transformation. Such interactions cannot occur when the latter mtDNA is forced to replicate in covalent association with YEp13, probably in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Mizi A  Zouros E  Rodakis GC 《Genetics》2006,172(4):2695-2698
In a sperm-transmitted mtDNA of Mytilus galloprovincialis we found an insertion that is not present in the typical genome and whose origin can be explained by a sequence of three events: a tandem duplication, a nonhomologous recombination, and a deletion. Unless such events are extremely rare in this species, the identical gene arrangement of the two gender-specific genomes should imply strong selection for same gene order and size.  相似文献   

Burzyński A 《Genetics》2007,175(2):959-962
Frequent nonhomologous recombination has been previously postulated to explain the 1045-bp insertion in one mitochondrial sperm-transmitted haplotype of Mytilus galloprovincialis. Such recombination would lead to the disruption of gene order and so the existence of a specific mechanism for maintaining the same gene order in both mitochondrial genomes of Mytilus has been proposed. Here the simpler explanation of the observed structure, involving a tandem duplication and a deletion, is presented. Their occasional occurrence in Mytilus mtDNA proves the similarity, not the difference, between animals with and without DUI.  相似文献   

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