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The chronotropic response to acid-base alterations was studied in isolated spontaneously beating atria of rat, cat and rabbit. In the three species, atrial rate was found to be dependent on extracellular pH. Both "respiratory" and "metabolic" alterations affected chronotropism to the same extent. Decreasing pH from 7.8 led to a decrease in rate in the three species, although the rabbit kept atrial rate constant when pH changed between 7.65 and 7.18. There was a curvilinear relationship between rate and pH so that decreasing pH from 7.8 to 7.4 had a lesser chronotropic effect than decreasing pH below 7.4. However, when atrial rate was plotted against hydrogen ion concentration, an almost linear relationship was obtained. Species differences were observed when assessing the absolute decrease of atrial rate for a given change in pH. The rat was the most responsive of the species tested, while the rabbit possessed the least ability to change its rate in response to modifications in pH.  相似文献   

In this study, the first performed on two species of callitrichid primates under identical conditions, the responses elicited in newly mated individuals by conspecific intruders were compared in four pairs of Callithrix jacchusand four pairs of Saguinus oedipus.Intruders were systematically varied in terms of sex and the social context in which they were met. Clear sexual dimorphism was observed in the behavior of Saguinus oedipus,but the behavior of males and females was less dimorphic in Callithrix jacchus.Males and females of both species showed an increase in agonistic and display behavior in the presence of same-sex intruders, but the mode of behavior varied both with sex and species. Social facilitation, as indicated by increased frequencies of agonistic and display responses in the presence of a mate, was observed only in males of both species. Neither C. jacchusnor S. oedipusdisplayed clear evidence of a monogamous mating system like that of Callicebusor of a polygynous mating system like that of Saimiri.Observed differences in the responses to conspecifics between these two species in the laboratory may be explained by facultative differences in mating systems resulting from differences in ranging and foraging behavior under freeranging conditions.  相似文献   

Adaptive response (AR) and bystander effect are two important phenomena involved in biological responses to low doses of ionizing radiation (IR). Furthermore, there is a strong interest in better understanding the biological effects of high-LET radiation. We previously demonstrated the ability of low doses of X-rays to induce an AR to challenging heavy-ion radiation [8]. In this study, we assessed in vitro the ability of priming low doses (0.01Gy) of heavy-ion radiation to induce a similar AR to a subsequent challenging dose (1-4Gy) of high-LET IR (carbon-ion: 20 and 40keV/μm, neon-ion: 150keV/μm) in TK6, AHH-1 and NH32 cells. Our results showed that low doses of high-LET radiation can induce an AR characterized by lower mutation frequencies at hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase locus and faster DNA repair kinetics, in cells expressing p53.  相似文献   

The preliminary results of the analysis of leukemia morbidity in the sub-cohort of workers from PA "Mayak" exposed with high (more than 4Gy) doses during relatively short time range (few years) have been obtained in terms of materials from the medical-dosimetry register (SUrIBPh). The earlier dynamics of the leukemia morbidity implementation (2-5 years after the beginning of exposure) was established for this sub-cohort, in contrast to that predicted on the base of examination of the cohort of atomic bombardment victims from Japan cities (LSS). The "'early" leukemia effect is connected with intensive cell death and has a threshold nature. It could be supposed, that intensification of born-marrow hematopoetics restricts a potential of reparation processes and leads to earlier (in contrast with that observed in the LSS cohort) implementation of carcinogenetic effect. Using propositions developed to describe the process of the creation of consecutive specific stable mutation in the target cells, the options is proposed of multistage model, which allows the prediction of post-radiation dynamics of leukemia morbidity intensity. Both data from LSS(DS86) and from the register for workers from PA "Mayak" were used to asses the model parameters. The satisfactory agreement is illustrated between the observed dynamics of leukemia morbidity and the model calculations.  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes can interact with the mechanisms of steroid hormone action to drive interspecific variation in behavioural output, yet the exact nature of these interactions is poorly understood. To investigate this issue, we compare the endocrine machinery underlying the winner effect (an ability to increase winning behaviour in response to past victories) in two closely related species of Peromyscus mice. Typically, after winning a fight, California mice (Peromyscus californicus) experience a testosterone (T) surge that helps enhance their future winning behaviour, whereas white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) experience neither a T surge nor a change in subsequent winning behaviour. However, our results indicate that when the post-victory T response of male white-footed mice is phenotypically engineered to resemble that of California mice, individuals are capable of developing a strong and lasting winner effect. Moreover, this 'induced' winner effect in white-footed mice qualitatively matches the winner effect that develops naturally in California mice. Taken together, these findings suggest that white-footed mice have the physiological machinery necessary to form a robust winner effect comparable to that formed by California mice, but are unable to endogenously activate this machinery after achieving winning experiences. We speculate that evolutionary processes, like selection, operate on the physiological substrates that govern post-victory T release to guide divergence in the winner effect between these two species.  相似文献   

Amphibian species capable of optimizing trait response to environmental stressors may develop complex strategies for defending against rapid environmental change. Trait responses may differ between populations, particularly if stressor strength varies across spatial or temporal gradients. Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation is one such stressor that poses a significant threat to amphibian species. We examined the ability of long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum) at high- and low-elevation breeding sites to cooperatively employ behavioral and physiological trait responses to mediate UV-B damage. We performed a microhabitat survey to examine differences in oviposition behavior and UV-B conditions among breeding populations at high- (n = 3; >1,500 m) and low-elevation (n = 3; <100 m) sites. We found significant differences in oviposition behavior across populations, with females at high-elevation sites selecting oviposition substrates in UV-B protected microhabitats. We also collected eggs (n = 633) from each of the breeding sites for analysis of photolyase activity, a photoreactivating enzyme that repairs UV-B damage to the DNA, using a photoproduct immunoassay. Our results revealed no significant differences in photolyase activity between long-toed salamander populations at high and low elevations. For high-elevation salamander populations, relatively low physiological repair capabilities in embryos appear to be buffered by extensive behavioral modifications to reduce UV-B exposure and standardize developmental temperatures. This study provides valuable insight into environmental stress responses via the assessment of multiple traits in allowing sensitive species to persist in rapidly changing landscapes.  相似文献   

The survival of spermatogonial stem cells in CBA and C3H mice after single and split-dose (24-hr interval) irradiation with fission neutrons and gamma rays was compared. The first doses of the fractionated regimes were either 150 rad (neutrons) or 600 rad (gamma). For both strains the neutron survival curves were exponential. The D0 value of stem cells in CBA decreased from 83 to 25 rad upon fractionation; that of C3H stem cells decreased only from 54 to 36 rad. The survival curves for gamma irradiation, which all showed shoulders, indicated that C3H stem cells had larger repair capacities than CBA stem cells. However, the most striking difference between the two strains in response to gamma radiation was in the slopes of the second-dose curves. Whereas C3H stem cells showed a small increase of the D0 upon fractionation (from 196 to 218 rad), CBA stem cells showed a marked decrease (from 243 to 148 rad). The decreases in D0 upon fractionation, observed in both strains with neutron irradiation and also with gamma irradiation in CBA, are most likely the result of recruitment or progression of radioresistant survivors to a more sensitive state of proliferation or cell cycle phase. It may be that the surviving stem cells in C3H mice are recruited less rapidly and synchronously into active cycle than in CBA mice. Thus, it appears that the strain differences may be quantitative, rather than qualitative.  相似文献   

The radioactive ligands, [3H]dihydroalprenolol and [3H]muscimol, were used to estimate the condition of beta-adrenoreceptors of the brain cortex and GABA-receptors of the cerebellum during transient neurologic disorders caused by irradiation of rats with high-energy (20 MeV) electrons of 200 Gy. No significant changes were observed in the GABA-ergic brain system while the changes in beta-adrenoreceptors of the brain were pronounced and manifested by the loss by the receptors of their ability to bind the specific ligand, dihydroalprenolol. The changes observed were reversible and correlated with the development of neurologic disorders.  相似文献   

When human lymphocytes and other cells are pre-exposed to very low doses of ionizing radiation and subsequently exposed to a high dose, less genetic damage, i.e., fewer chromosome aberrations, is found than is observed in cells that had not been pre-exposed. This has been termed the adaptive response and has been attributed to the induction of a repair mechanism by the low dose exposure. Several experiments have now been carried out on this adaptive response to better characterize the phenomenon. (A) Experiments with differential display of mRNAs indicate that human lymphocytes exposed to 2 cGy of X-rays have somewhat different mRNAs expressed than do unexposed cells. This is providing access to DNA that might be involved in adaptation. (B) Other experiments with embryonic cells from transgenic mice that are deficient in superoxide dismutase (SOD) have shown that the adaptive response is unrelated to the amount of SOD in the cells, and thus is independent of superoxide radicals. (C) Experiments in which very low doses of various restriction enzymes were electroporated into human lymphocytes have shown that low levels of double-strand DNA breaks alone are able to induce the adaptive response. (D) Experiments in which human male lymphocytes (XY chromosome constitution) and human female lymphocytes (XX chromosome constitution) were cocultivated have shown that adaptation is not caused by a change in the rate of cell progression to mitosis after a challenge dose, and is a further indication that cell stage sensitivity is not a factor in the adaptive response.  相似文献   

There is now little doubt of the existence of radioprotective mechanisms, or stress responses, that are upregulated in response to exposure to small doses of ionizing radiation and other DNA-damaging agents. Phenomenologically, there are two ways in which these induced mechanisms operate. First, a small conditioning dose (generally below 30 cGy) may protect against a subsequent, separate, exposure to radiation that may be substantially larger than the initial dose. This has been termed the adaptive response. Second, the response to single doses may itself be dose-dependent so that small acute radiation exposures, or exposures at very low dose rates, are more effective per unit dose than larger exposures above the threshold where the induced radioprotection is triggered. This combination has been termed low-dose hypersensitivity (HRS) and induced radioresistance (IRR) as the dose increases. Both the adaptive response and HRS/IRR have been well documented in studies with yeast, bacteria, protozoa, algae, higher plant cells, insect cells, mammalian and human cells in vitro, and in studies on animal models in vivo. There is indirect evidence that the HRS/IRR phenomenon in response to single doses is a manifestation of the same underlying mechanism that determines the adaptive response in the two-dose case and that it can be triggered by high and low LET radiations as well as a variety of other stress-inducing agents such as hydrogen peroxide and chemotherapeutic agents although exact homology remains to be tested. Little is currently known about the precise nature of this underlying mechanism, but there is evidence that it operates by increasing the amount and rate of DNA repair, rather than by indirect mechanisms such as modulation of cell-cycle progression or apoptosis. Changed expression of some genes, only in response to low and not high doses, may occur within a few hours of irradiation and this would be rapid enough to explain the phenomenon of induced radioresistance although its specific molecular components have yet to be identified.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of liver microsomes to lipid peroxidation was evaluated in seven species: rat, rabbit, trout, mouse, pig, cow, and horse. Lipid peroxidation was measured as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances formed in the presence of either FeCl3-ADP/ascorbate or FeCl2/H2O2 initiating systems. For rat, rabbit, and trout microsomes, the order of susceptibility to peroxidation was rat > rabbit >> trout. The lack of peroxidation in trout microsomes could be explained by high microsomal vitamin E levels. Membrane fatty acid levels differed between species. Docosahexaenoic acid predominated in the trout, arachidonic acid in the rat, and linoleic acid in the rabbit. The contribution of individual fatty acids to lipid peroxidation reflected the degree of unsaturation with docosahexaenoic > arachidonic >>> linoleic. For all species except trout, the predicted susceptibility to peroxidation, based on the response of individual fatty acids, agreed well with directly measured microsomal peroxidation. With the exception of the trout, vitamin E content ranged from 0.083–0.311 nmol/mg microsomal protein between species, and low levels did not influence susceptibility to peroxidation. Trout microsomes peroxidized only after vitamin E depletion by prolonged incubation. The data indicate that below a vitamin E threshold, species differences in membrane susceptibility to peroxidation can be reasonably predicted based only on content of individual peroxidizable fatty acids.  相似文献   

Despite advances in chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted drug development, cancer remains a disease of high morbidity and mortality. The treatment of human cancer patients with chemotherapy has become commonplace and accepted over the past 100 years. In recent years, and with a similar incidence of cancer to people, the use of cancer chemotherapy drugs in veterinary patients such as the dog has also become accepted clinical practice. The poor predictability of tumour responses to cancer chemotherapy drugs in rodent models means that the standard drug development pathway is costly, both in terms of money and time, leading to many drugs failing in Phase I and II clinical trials. This has led to the suggestion that naturally occurring cancers in pet dogs may offer an alternative model system to inform rational drug development in human oncology. In this review, we will explore the species variation in tumour responses to conventional chemotherapy and highlight our understanding of the differences in pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenomics between humans and dogs. Finally, we explore the potential hurdles that need to be overcome to gain the greatest value from comparative oncology studies.  相似文献   

Species differences in insulin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

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