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Single membrane samples of Nitella axilliformis, in which majorparts of vacuoles were removed, were prepared by centrifugationand ligation with threads. Voltage clamp experiments were madewith the samples, proving that the transient current occursonly after a initial delay as was observed in Chara corallinaby Beilby and Coster [(1979) Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 6 : 337].The membrane potential measured at a corner of the sample exhibitedpractically the same time course as the membrane potential atthe center which changed stepwise, indicating that the delayis not related to the propagation of the potential change. Thedelay did not change sensitively to ionic strength of the externalsolution, suggesting that it is not caused by low electric conductancearound the sample but is related to the gating mechanism ofCl channel. Various models were examined to explain the timecourse of the transient current. The best agreement was obtainedby introducing a delay h in inactivation with the expressionof Ici=cim8h(VM— Vci),where Ici stands for the transient current and VM is the clamppotential, and ci = 15mS.cm–2,Vci = –31.5 mV. The delay h decreases similarly to Tmwith increasing VM, suggesting that inactivation starts afteractivation proceeds. (Received November 4, 1982; Accepted January 8, 1983)  相似文献   

Cells of Nitella axilliformis were made tonoplast-free by intracellularperfusion of media containing ethyleneglycol-bis-(ß-aminoethylether)N,N'-tetraaceticacid (EGTA). When the perfusion medium contained ADP as wellas ATP, the membrane hyperpolarized in darkness in a mannersimilar to light-induced hyperpolarization. This light-independenthyperpolarization seems to be due to activation of the electrogenicion pump in the plasma membrane because the hyperpolarized valueof the membrane potential was more negative than the equilibriumpotential for K$, the most negative ion equilibrium potentialin Nitella. The hyperpolarization was inhibited by the respiratory chaininhibitors NaCN (1 mM), antimycin A (10 µM) and rotenone(10 µM). NaCN slightly decreased the ATP concentrationin the cell perfused with medium containing 1 mM ATP and 1 mMADP; but, even after treatment with NaCN, the cell had about80% of the ATP value for the control. * This study is dedicated to the late Professor J. Ashida. (Received June 24, 1982; Accepted October 15, 1982)  相似文献   

Activation of K+-Channel in Membrane Excitation of Nitella axilliformis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two processes of the K+ channel activation in plasma membraneexcitation are suggested for Nitella axilliformis. One is relatedto the repolarizing process in the action potential and theother to the after-hyperpolarization (AH). Extra- and intracellulartetraethylammonium (TEA+) and extracellular Co2+ prolonged theaction potential, indicating involvement of K+ channel activationin the repolarizing process of the action potential. The following findings showed that AH is caused by K+ channelactivation. First, AH was inhibited by extracellular K+ andRb+ but not by Na+ and Li+. Second, it was not inhibited byintracellular TEA+ but by extracellular TEA+. Third, the membraneconductance increased during AH. Generation of AH was dependenton the level of the resting membrane potential [(Em)rest] whichis affected by the activity of the electrogenic H+ pump. AHwas generated, when (Em)rest was more positive than a criticalvalue, which was supposed to be the equilibrium potential forK+ across the plasma membrane. Since extracellular Ca2+ competed with extracellular TEA+ andCo2+ in prolonging the action potential, and sometimes in inhibitingAH, Ca2+ may be involved in the K+ channel activation. (Received June 11, 1983; Accepted September 21, 1983)  相似文献   

Ion efflux during excitation of Nitella axilliformis was measuredconductometrically. In medium lacking Ca2+ but with 0.1 mM MgCl2,the duration of the action potential and the total efflux weremuch larger than those in APW, while the efflux rate, givenas the total efflux divided by the duration, was about halfof that in APW. (Received September 4, 1986; Accepted November 25, 1986)  相似文献   

Slow damped oscillations (period about 1 hr) of membrane potentialin Nitella can be initiated by a change in light intensity aswell as by an injection of electrical current. This observationsupports a model of the involvement of feed-back controlledtransport in pH-regulation. (Received July 16, 1981; Accepted November 30, 1981)  相似文献   

Cells of Nitella flexilis were made inexcitable by treatmentwith 10 mM KCl for more than 24 h. A Ca2+-sensitive photoproteinaequorin was injected into the cytoplasm of such cells. Forvacuolar per fusion, the central part of an aequorin-loadedcell was immersed in silicone oil, and both cell ends bathedin the perfusion medium were cut off. A large light emissionfrom aequorin was observed when the vacuole was perfused witha hypotonic medium whose osmotic pressure was adjusted to halfof the osmotic pressure of the cell sap. This shows that hydrationof the cytoplasm triggers release of Ca2+ from internal stores,since influx of Ca2+ from silicone oil is excluded. Hydration of cells was induced in another way. Cells were firstdehydrated by transferring them from 10 mM KCl solution to thatwith 250 mM sorbitol added. This procedure did not affect thecytoplasmic streaming. When cells were rehydrated by transferringthem to 10 mM KCl solution, cytoplasmic streaming was eitherstopped or slowed down in a few seconds. A quick light emissionfrom aequorin was observed in the rehydration, evidence thatcytoplasmic streaming was inhibited by an increase in the cytoplasmicCa2+ concentration. Both streaming cessation and aequorin lightemission were observed even in KCl-treated cells which werefurther treated with 5 mM EGTA. Thus, the increase in Ca2+ isconcluded to be caused by the release of Ca2+ from internalstores. These results support our previous hypothesis [Tazawa et al.(1994) Plant Cell Physiol. 35:63] that, in Nitella flexilis,the increase in the concentration of Ca2+ in the cytoplasm whichoccurs on the endoosmotic side of the cell during transcellularosmosis is caused by hydration of the cytoplasm. (Received June 6, 1994; Accepted December 26, 1994)  相似文献   

The ionic currents that traverse the internodal cells of thegreen alga Nitella flexilis L. have been measured with an extracellularvibrating probe. In adult interriodes illuminated with whitelight a pattern of self-generated currents exists along thecell, featuring alternating zones of inward and outward current.At inward current zones current densities of up to 25 µAcm–2 were measured, at outward current zones the maximaldensity recorded was 7.5 µA cm–2. The zones withinward current had an average length of 1.0 mm, and those withoutward current averaged 1.5 mm. When the light was turned offthe overall current density decreased drastically and the patternchanged. Currents first appear in growing internodal cells thatare about 1.0 mm long. With increasing length a current patterndevelops, with the zones of inward and outward current at firstshifting laterally along the surface. Only in adult cells dothe zones become stationary and form a typical current pattern.In addition to the current pattern different chloroplast volumescan be observed along the internode. In outward current zonesthe volumes of chloroplasts are 3.2 times those of inward currentzones. The natural current pattern observed in Nitella internodescauses loops of electric current that extend outward from thecell surface into the bathing medium. We speculate that thesecurrent loops might provide a mechanism of electrophoretic iontransport through the medium. Such a mechanism could increasethe supply of for the internodal cells in their natural stagnant water habitat. Key words: Nitella flexilis, Internode growth, Current pattern, Vibrating probe  相似文献   

After removal of the fast N-type inactivation gate, voltage-sensitive Shaker (Shaker IR) K channels are still able to inactivate, albeit slowly, upon sustained depolarization. The classical mechanism proposed for the slow inactivation observed in cell-free membrane patches—the so called C inactivation—is a constriction of the external mouth of the channel pore that prevents K+ ion conduction. This constriction is antagonized by the external application of the pore blocker tetraethylammonium (TEA). In contrast to C inactivation, here we show that, when recorded in whole Xenopus oocytes, slow inactivation kinetics in Shaker IR K channels is poorly dependent on external TEA but severely delayed by internal TEA. Based on the antagonism with internally or externally added TEA, we used a two-pulse protocol to show that half of the channels inactivate by way of a gate sensitive to internal TEA. Such gate had a recovery time course in the tens of milliseconds range when the interpulse voltage was −90 mV, whereas C-inactivated channels took several seconds to recover. Internal TEA also reduced gating charge conversion associated to slow inactivation, suggesting that the closing of the internal TEA-sensitive inactivation gate could be associated with a significant amount of charge exchange of this type. We interpreted our data assuming that binding of internal TEA antagonized with U-type inactivation (Klemic, K.G., G.E. Kirsch, and S.W. Jones. 2001. Biophys. J. 81:814–826). Our results are consistent with a direct steric interference of internal TEA with an internally located slow inactivation gate as a “foot in the door” mechanism, implying a significant functional overlap between the gate of the internal TEA-sensitive slow inactivation and the primary activation gate. But, because U-type inactivation is reduced by channel opening, trapping the channel in the open conformation by TEA would also yield to an allosteric delay of slow inactivation. These results provide a framework to explain why constitutively C-inactivated channels exhibit gating charge conversion, and why mutations at the internal exit of the pore, such as those associated to episodic ataxia type I in hKv1.1, cause severe changes in inactivation kinetics.  相似文献   



Learning followed by a period of sleep, even as little as a nap, promotes memory consolidation. It is now generally recognized that sleep facilitates the stabilization of information acquired prior to sleep. However, the temporal nature of the effect of sleep on retention of declarative memory is yet to be understood. We examined the impact of a delayed nap onset on the recognition of neutral pictorial stimuli with an added spatial component.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Participants completed an initial study session involving 150 neutral pictures of people, places, and objects. Immediately following the picture presentation, participants were asked to make recognition judgments on a subset of “old”, previously seen, pictures versus intermixed “new” pictures. Participants were then divided into one of four groups who either took a 90-minute nap immediately, 2 hours, or 4 hours after learning, or remained awake for the duration of the experiment. 6 hours after initial learning, participants were again tested on the remaining “old” pictures, with “new” pictures intermixed.


Interestingly, we found a stabilizing benefit of sleep on the memory trace reflected as a significant negative correlation between the average time elapsed before napping and decline in performance from test to retest (p = .001). We found a significant interaction between the groups and their performance from test to retest (p = .010), with the 4-hour delay group performing significantly better than both those who slept immediately and those who remained awake (p = .044, p = .010, respectively). Analysis of sleep data revealed a significant positive correlation between amount of slow wave sleep (SWS) achieved and length of the delay before sleep onset (p = .048). The findings add to the understanding of memory processing in humans, suggesting that factors such as waking processing and homeostatic increases in need for sleep over time modulate the importance of sleep to consolidation of neutral declarative memories.  相似文献   

Seawater used in mariculture has been suspected of being a potential source of infection. In this study, the lethal effects of low-amperage electric treatment on microorganisms were examined in natural seawater and in seawater inoculated with Vibrio parahaemolyticus. In both cases, bacteria including V. parahaemolyticus in seawater were completely eliminated in 100 ms by a 0.5-A, 12-V direct current. Electron microscopic investigation of the electrically treated bacteria revealed substantial structural damage at the cellular level. In conclusion, our results indicate that low-amperage electric treatment is effective for rapid inactivation of microorganisms in seawater.  相似文献   

Unaccustomed strenuous exercise that includes lengthening contraction (LC) often causes tenderness and movement related pain after some delay (delayed-onset muscle soreness, DOMS). We previously demonstrated that nerve growth factor (NGF) and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) are up-regulated in exercised muscle through up-regulation of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, and they sensitized nociceptors resulting in mechanical hyperalgesia. There is also a study showing that transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels are involved in DOMS. Here we examined whether and how TRPV1 and/or TRPV4 are involved in DOMS. We firstly evaluated a method to measure the mechanical withdrawal threshold of the deep tissues in wild-type (WT) mice with a modified Randall-Selitto apparatus. WT, TRPV1−/− and TRPV4−/− mice were then subjected to LC. Another group of mice received injection of murine NGF-2.5S or GDNF to the lateral gastrocnemius (LGC) muscle. Before and after these treatments the mechanical withdrawal threshold of LGC was evaluated. The change in expression of NGF, GDNF and COX-2 mRNA in the muscle was examined using real-time RT-PCR. In WT mice, mechanical hyperalgesia was observed 6–24 h after LC and 1–24 h after NGF and GDNF injection. LC induced mechanical hyperalgesia neither in TRPV1−/− nor in TRPV4−/− mice. NGF injection induced mechanical hyperalgesia in WT and TRPV4−/− mice but not in TRPV1−/− mice. GDNF injection induced mechanical hyperalgesia in WT but neither in TRPV1−/− nor in TRPV4−/− mice. Expression of NGF and COX-2 mRNA was significantly increased 3 h after LC in all genotypes. However, GDNF mRNA did not increase in TRPV4−/− mice. These results suggest that TRPV1 contributes to DOMS downstream (possibly at nociceptors) of NGF and GDNF, while TRPV4 is located downstream of GDNF and possibly also in the process of GDNF up-regulation.  相似文献   

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also known as exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD), is commonly experienced in individuals who have been physically inactive for prolonged periods of time, and begin with an unexpected bout of exercise1-4, but can also occur in athletes who exercise beyond their normal limits of training5. The symptoms associated with this painful phenomenon can range from slight muscle tenderness, to severe debilitating pain1,3,5. The intensity of these symptoms and the related discomfort increases within the first 24 hours following the termination of the exercise, and peaks between 24 to 72 hours post exercise1,3. For this reason, DOMS is one of the most common recurrent forms of sports injury that can affect an individual’s performance, and become intimidating for many1,4.For the last 3 decades, the DOMS phenomenon has gained a considerable amount of interest amongst researchers and specialists in exercise physiology, sports, and rehabilitation fields6. There has been a variety of published studies investigating this painful occurrence in regards to its underlying mechanisms, treatment interventions, and preventive strategies1-5,7-12. However, it is evident from the literature that DOMS is not an easy pathology to quantify, as there is a wide amount of variability between the measurement tools and methods used to quantify this condition6. It is obvious that no agreement has been made on one best evaluation measure for DOMS, which makes it difficult to verify whether a specific intervention really helps in decreasing the symptoms associated with this type of soreness or not. Thus, DOMS can be seen as somewhat ambiguous, because many studies depend on measuring soreness using a visual analog scale (VAS)10,13-15, which is a subjective rather than an objective measure. Even though needle biopsies of the muscle, and blood levels of myofibre proteins might be considered a gold standard to some6, large variations in some of these blood proteins have been documented 6,16, in addition to the high risks sometimes associated with invasive techniques. Therefore, in the current investigation, we tested a thermal infra-red (IR) imaging technique of the skin above the exercised muscle to detect the associated muscle soreness. Infra-red thermography has been used, and found to be successful in detecting different types of diseases and infections since the 1950’s17. But surprisingly, near to nothing has been done on DOMS and changes in skin temperature. The main purpose of this investigation was to examine changes in DOMS using this safe and non-invasive technique.  相似文献   

Isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) is one of the major volatile hydrocarbons emitted by plants, but its biosynthetic pathway and role in plant metabolism are unknown. Mucuna sp. (velvet bean) is an isoprene emitter, and leaf isoprene emission rate increased as much as 125-fold as leaves developed, and declined in older leaves. Net CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance, under different growth and environmental conditions, increased 3 to 5 days prior to an increase in isoprene emission rate, indicating that photosynthetic competence develops before significant isoprene emission occurs.  相似文献   

Multinet Growth in the Cell Wall of Nitella   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

瞬间外向钾电流(IA)具有快速激活和失活等特征,是动作电位复极化早期外向钾离子电流的主要成分,广泛分布在海马神经元,树突处尤为突出.该电流通过减慢去极化速度和延缓动作电位的产生等作用,调节突触的输入和动作电位的反向传播,从而在信号整合及突触可塑性等过程中扮演重要角色.很多人类疾病,如癫痫性疾病等,和海马神经元的IA电流有关.  相似文献   

Intercellular Transport of Macromolecules in Nitella   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We injected three different fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeledproteins, two different FITC-labeled dextrans and the photoproteinaequorin (the molecular weight of each being more than 20 kDa)into internodal cells of Nitella. All macromolecules with molecularweights equal to or less than 45 kDa moved from the injectedcell to the neighboring nodal and internodal cells within 24h after injection. The injected aequorin emitted light in theadjacent internodal cell upon a transient increase in the cytoplasmicconcentration of Ca2+, an indication that the aequorin retainedits function after transport between cells. (Received November 2, 1991; Accepted March 7, 1992)  相似文献   

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