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A variety of G-proteins and GTPases are known to be involved in nucleolar function. We describe here a new evolutionarily conserved putative human GTPase, guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 3-like (GNL3L). Genes encoding proteins related to GNL3L are present in bacteria and yeast to metazoa and suggests its critical role in development. Conserved domain search analysis revealed that the GNL3L contains a circularly permuted G-motif described by a G5-G4-G1-G2-G3 pattern similar to the HSR1/MMR1 GTP-binding protein subfamily. Highly conserved and critical residues were identified from a three-dimensional structural model obtained for GNL3L using the crystal structure of an Ylqf GTPase from Bacillus subtilis. We demonstrate here that GNL3L is transported into the nucleolus by a novel lysine-rich nucleolar localization signal (NoLS) residing within 1-50 amino acid residues. NoLS identified here is necessary and sufficient to target the heterologous proteins to the nucleolus. We show for the first time that the lysine-rich targeting signal interacts with the nuclear transport receptor, importin-beta and transports GNL3L into the nucleolus. Interestingly, depletion of intracellular GTP blocks GNL3L accumulation into the nucleolar compartment. Furthermore, mutations within the G-domains alter the GTP binding ability of GNL3L and abrogate wild-type nucleolar retention even in the presence of functional NoLS, suggesting that the efficient nucleolar retention of GNL3L involves activities of both basic NoLS and GTP-binding domains. Collectively, these data suggest that GNL3L is composed of distinct modules, each of which plays a specific role in molecular interactions for its nucleolar retention and subsequent function(s) within the nucleolus.  相似文献   

SH3GLB, a new endophilin-related protein family featuring an SH3 domain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new cDNA encoding a protein of 362 amino acids designated SH3GLB1, for SH3 domain GRB2-like endophilin B1, was identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen devoted to the identification of new partners interacting with the apoptosis inducer Bax. SH3GLB1 shows strong similarities to the SH3 domain-containing proteins of the endophilin family and presumably represents the human homologue of the potential Caenorhabditis elegans SH3 containing-protein identified by systematic translation of the C. elegans genome (GenBank Accession No. U46675). Reversing prey to bait in the yeast screen, a second protein, SH3GLB2, of 395 amino acids showing 65% identity to SH3GLB1 was identified as an interacting partner of SH3GLB1. The discovery of SH3GLB1 itself in the screening with SH3GLB1 as a bait and further mapping experiments demonstrated that a core coiled-coil-type region is required for the formation of SH3GLB homo- and/or heterodimers, whereas the SH3 domain is not involved in these interactions. Interestingly, the similarities with the endophilin proteins cover the entire sequence of the SH3GLB family, suggesting a common fold and presumably a common mode of action. Furthermore, SH3GLB members colocalize to the cytoplasmic compartment of the cell together with Bax and are excluded from the nucleus. SH3GLB1 and SH3GLB2 do not significantly influence the onset and time course of Bax-mediated apoptosis in HeLa or 293T cells.  相似文献   

Parallel folding pathways in the SH3 domain protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transition-state ensemble (TSE) is the set of protein conformations with an equal probability to fold or unfold. Its characterization is crucial for an understanding of the folding process. We determined the TSE of the src-SH3 domain protein by using extensive molecular dynamics simulations of the Go model and computing the folding probability of a generated set of TSE candidate conformations. We found that the TSE possesses a well-defined hydrophobic core with variable enveloping structures resulting from the superposition of three parallel folding pathways. The most preferred pathway agrees with the experimentally determined TSE, while the two least preferred pathways differ significantly. The knowledge of the different pathways allows us to design the interactions between amino acids that guide the protein to fold through the least preferred pathway. This particular design is akin to a circular permutation of the protein. The finding motivates the hypothesis that the different experimentally observed TSEs in homologous proteins and circular permutants may represent potentially available pathways to the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Mack AM  Crawford NM 《The Plant cell》2001,13(10):2319-2332
The in vitro DNA binding activity of the Arabidopsis Tag1 transposase (TAG1) was characterized to determine the mechanism of DNA recognition. In addition to terminal inverted repeats, the Tag1 element contains four different subterminal repeats that flank a transcribed region encoding a 729-amino acid protein. A single site-specific DNA binding domain is located near the N terminus of TAG1, between residues 21 and 133. This domain binds specifically to the AAACCC and TGACCC subterminal repeats, found near the 5' and 3' ends of the element, respectively. The ACCC sequence within these repeats is critical for recognition because mutations at positions 3, 5, and 6 abolished binding, yet the first two bases also are important because substitutions at these positions decreased binding by up to 90%. Weak interaction also occurs with the terminal inverted repeats, but no binding was observed to the other two 3' subterminal repeat regions. Sequence analysis of the TAG1 DNA binding domain revealed a C(2)HC zinc finger motif. Tests for metal dependence showed that DNA binding activity was inhibited by divalent metal chelators and greatly enhanced by zinc. Furthermore, mutation of each cysteine residue predicted to be a metal ligand in the C(2)HC motif abolished DNA binding. Together, these data show that the DNA binding domain of TAG1 specifically binds to distinct subterminal repeats and contains a zinc finger.  相似文献   

D Cussac  M Frech    P Chardin 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(17):4011-4021
Phosphotyrosine peptide binding to Grb2 induces tryptophan fluorescence changes in the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain. Affinities are in the nanomolar range, the Shc peptide having the highest affinity, followed by peptides mimicking Grb2 binding sites on EGF and HGF receptors, the putative sites on insulin and IGF-1 receptors having much lower affinities. Proline-rich peptide binding to the SH3 domains induces fluorescence changes mainly in the C-terminal SH3. Affinities are in the micromolar range, the highest affinity peptides mimicking the first proline-rich motif of the Sos C-terminus. Additional residues before this PVPPPVPP motif provide a minor contribution to the binding, but the two residues after this motif are important and may contribute to specificity. The affinity of each SH3 for each proline-rich motif is too low to account for the high stability of the Grb2-Sos complex, suggesting that Grb2 recognizes other structural features in the Sos C-terminus. Binding of a phosphotyrosine peptide to the SH2 has no effect on the SH3s. Thus the binding of Grb2 to a receptor or to an associated protein phosphorylated on tyrosines is unlikely to activate the exchange factor activity of Sos through a conformational change transmitted from the SH2 to the SH3 domains.  相似文献   

Kim MJ  Chang JS  Park SK  Hwang JI  Ryu SH  Suh PG 《Biochemistry》2000,39(29):8674-8682
A recent report that microinjection of the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 could induce DNA synthesis raised the functional importance of the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 in mitogenic signaling. In this report, we provide evidence that SOS1, a p21Ras-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, directly binds to the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1, and that the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 is involved in SOS1-mediated p21Ras activation. SOS1 was coprecipitated with the GST-fused SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 in vitro. The interaction between SOS1 and the PLC-gamma1 SH3 domain is mediated by direct physical interaction. The carboxyl-terminal proline-rich domain of SOS1 is involved in the interaction with the PLC-gamma1 SH3 domain. Moreover, PLC-gamma1 could be co-immunoprecipitated with SOS1 antibody in cell lysates. From transient expression studies, we could demonstrate that the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 is necessary for the association with SOS1 in vivo. Intriguingly, overexpression of the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1, lipase-inactive PLC-gamma1, or wild-type PLC-gamma1 elevated p21Ras activity and ERK activity when compared with vector transfected cells. The PLC-gamma1 mutant lacking the SH3 domain could not activate p21Ras. p21Ras activities in cell lines overexpressing either PLC-gamma1 or the SH2-SH2-SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 were elevated about 2-fold compared to vector transfected cells. This study is the first to demonstrate that the PLC-gamma1 SH3 domain enhances p21Ras activity, and that the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 may be involved in the SOS1-mediated signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Bin1/M-amphiphysin-II is an amphiphysin-II isoform highly expressed in transverse tubules of adult striated muscle and is implicated in their biogenesis. Bin1 contains a basic unique amino-acid sequence, Exon10, which interacts with certain phosphoinositides such as phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P(2)), to localize to membranes. Here we found that Exon10 also binds to the src homology 3 (SH3) domain of Bin1 itself, and hence blocks the binding of the SH3 domain to its canonical PxxP ligands, including dynamin. This blockage was released by addition of PI(4,5)P(2) in vitro or in cells overexpressing phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase. The Exon10-binding interface of the Bin1 SH3 domain largely overlapped with its PxxP-binding interface. We also show that the PLCdelta pleckstrin homology domain, another PI(4,5)P(2)-binding module, cannot substitute for Exon10 in Bin1 function in transverse tubule formation, and suggest the importance of the dual biochemical properties of Exon10 in myogenesis. Our results exemplify a novel mechanism of SH3 domain regulation, and suggest that the SH3-mediated protein-protein interactions of Bin1 are regulated by Exon10 so that it may only occur when Bin1 localizes to certain submembrane areas.  相似文献   

The v-Src SH3 domain binds phosphatidylinositol 3''-kinase.   总被引:27,自引:9,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Fibroblasts transformed by v-src or by related oncogenes encoding activated tyrosine kinases contain elevated levels of polyphosphoinositides with phosphate at the D-3 position of the inositol ring, as a result of the activation of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3'-kinase. v-src-transformed cells also contain increased levels of PI 3'-kinase activity immunoprecipitable with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies; furthermore, PI 3'-kinase can be detected in association with the v-Src tyrosine kinase. To identify regions of v-Src that can interact with PI 3'-kinase, the v-Src SH2 and SH3 domains were expressed in bacteria and incubated with lysates of normal chicken embryo fibroblasts. In vitro, the v-Src SH3 domain, but not the SH2 domain, bound PI 3'-kinase in lysates of uninfected chicken embryo fibroblasts. Substitutions of two highly conserved SH3 residues implicated in ligand binding abolished the ability of the v-Src SH3 domain to associate with PI 3'-kinase. Furthermore, the v-Src SH3 domain bound in vitro to the amino-terminal region of the p85 alpha subunit of PI 3'-kinase. These results suggest that the v-Src SH3 domain may mediate an interaction between the v-Src tyrosine kinase and PI 3'-kinase, by direct binding to p85.  相似文献   

Adhesion and degranulation-promoting adapter protein (ADAP) is critically involved in downstream signalling events triggered by the activation of the T cell receptor. Cytokine production, proliferation and integrin clustering of T cells are dependent on ADAP function, but the molecular basis for these processes is poorly understood. We now show the hSH3 domain of ADAP to be a lipid-interaction module that binds to acidic lipids, including phosphatidylinositides. Positively charged surface patches of the domain preferentially bind to polyvalent acidic lipids such as PIP2 or PIP3 over the monovalent PS phospholipid and this interaction is dependent on the N-terminal helix of the hSH3 domain fold. Basic amino acid side-chains from the SH3 scaffold also contribute to lipid binding. In the context of T cell signalling, our findings suggest that ADAP, upon recruitment to the cell-cell junction as part of a multiprotein complex, directly interacts with phosphoinositide-enriched regions of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, the ADAP lipid interaction defines the helically extended SH3 scaffold as a novel member of membrane interaction domains.  相似文献   

The first SH3 domain (SH3.1) of Nckalpha specifically recognizes the proline-rich region of CD3varepsilon, a subunit of the T cell receptor complex. We have solved the NMR structure of Nckalpha SH3.1 that shows the characteristic SH3 fold consisting of two antiparallel beta-sheets tightly packed against each other. According to chemical shift mapping analysis, a peptide encompassing residues 150-166 of CD3varepsilon binds at the canonical SH3 binding site. An exhaustive comparison with the structures of other SH3 domains able and unable to bind CD3varepsilon reveals that Nckalpha SH3.1 recognises a non-canonical PxxPxxDY motif that orientates at the binding site as a class II ligand. A positively charged residue (K/R) at position -2 relative to the WW sequence at the beginning of strand beta3 is crucial for PxxDY recognition. A 14-mer optimised Nckalpha SH3.1 ligand was found using a multi-substitution approach. Based on NMR data, this improved ligand binds Nckalpha SH3.1 through a PxxPxRDY motif that combines specific stabilising interactions corresponding to both canonical class II, PxxPx(K/R), and non-canonical PxxPxxDY motifs. This explains its higher capacity for Nckalpha SH3.1 binding relative to the wild type sequence.  相似文献   

The members of the p130Cas (Cas) family are important scaffolding proteins that orchestrate cell adhesion, migration and invasiveness downstream of integrin adhesion receptors and receptor tyrosine kinases by recruiting enzymes and structural molecules. Shep1, BCAR3/AND-34 and NSP1 define a recently identified family of SH2 domain-containing proteins that constitutively bind Cas proteins through a Cdc25-type nucleotide exchange factor-like domain. To gain insight into the functional interplay between Shep1 and Cas in vivo, we have inactivated the Shep1 gene in the mouse through Cre-mediated deletion of the exon encoding the SH2 domain. Analysis of Cas tyrosine phosphorylation in the brains of newborn mice, where Shep1 is highly expressed, revealed a strong decrease in Cas substrate domain phosphorylation in knockout compared to wild-type brains. Src family kinases bind to Cas via their SH3 and SH2 domains, which contributes to their activation, and phosphorylate multiple tyrosines in the Cas substrate domain. These tyrosine-phosphorylated motifs represent docking sites for the Crk adaptor, linking Cas to the downstream Rac1 and Rap1 GTPases to regulate cell adhesion and actin cytoskeleton organization. Accordingly, we detected lower Cas–Crk association and lower phosphorylation of the Src activation loop in Shep1 knockout brains compared to wild-type. Conversely, Shep1 transfection in COS cells increases Cas tyrosine phosphorylation. The SH2 domain is likely critical for the effects of Shep1 on Cas and Src signaling because the knockout mice express Shep1 fragments that lack the amino-terminal region including the SH2 domain, presumably due to aberrant translation from internal ATG codons. These fragments retain the ability to increase Cas levels in transfected cells, similar to full-length Shep1. However, they do not affect Cas phosphorylation on their own or in the presence of co-transfected full-length Shep1. They also do not show dominant negative effects on the activity of full-length Shep1 in vivo because the heterozygous mice, which express the fragments, have a normal life span. This is in contrast to the homozygous knockout mice, most of which die soon after birth. These data demonstrate that Shep1 plays a critical role in the in vivo regulation of Src activity and Cas downstream signaling through Crk, and suggest that the SH2 domain of Shep1 is critical for these effects.  相似文献   

The Pr60gag protein of the murine AIDS (MAIDS) defective virus promotes the proliferation of the infected target B cells and is responsible for inducing a severe immunodeficiency disease. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we identified the SH3 domain of c-Abl as interacting with the proline-rich p12 domain of Pr60gag. The two proteins were shown to associate in vitro and in vivo in MAIDS virus-infected B cells. Overexpression of Pr60(gag) in these cells led to a detectable increase of the levels of c-Abl protein and to its translocation at the membrane. These results suggest that this viral protein serves as a docking site for signaling molecules and that c-Abl may be involved in the proliferation of infected B cells.  相似文献   

Adaptor proteins load transmembrane protein cargo into transport vesicles and serve as nexuses for the formation of large multiprotein complexes on the nascent vesicles. The gamma-adaptin ear (GAE) domains of the AP-1 adaptor protein complex and the GGA adaptor proteins recruit accessory proteins to these multiprotein complexes by binding to a hydrophobic motif. We determined the structure of the GAE domain of human GGA3 in complex with a peptide based on the DFGPLV sequence of the accessory protein Rabaptin-5 and refined it at a resolution of 2.2 A. The leucine and valine residues of the peptide are partly buried in two contiguous shallow, hydrophobic depressions. The anchoring phenylalanine is buried in a deep pocket formed by the aliphatic portions of two conserved arginine residues, along with an alanine and a proline, illustrating the unusual function of a cluster of basic residues in binding a hydrophobic motif.  相似文献   

SH3 domains are a conserved feature of many nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases, such as Hck, and often function in substrate recruitment and regulation of kinase activity. SH3 domains modulate kinase activity by binding to polyproline helices (PPII helix) either intramolecularly or in target proteins. The preponderance of bimolecular and distal interactions between SH3 domains and PPII helices led us to investigate whether proximal placement of a PPII helix relative to an SH3 domain would result in tight, intramolecular binding. We have fused the PPII helix region of human GAP to the C-terminus of Hck SH3 and expressed the recombinant fusion protein in Eschericheria coli. The fusion protein, SH3Hck: PPIIhGAP, folded spontaneously into a structure in which the PPII helix was bound intramolecularly to the hydrophobic crevice of the SH3 domain. The SH3Hck: PPIIhGAP fusion protein is useful for investigating SH3: PPII helix interactions, for studying concepts in protein folding and design, and may represent a protein structural motif that is widely distributed in nature.  相似文献   

The CIN85/CMS (human homologs of mouse SH3KBP1/CD2AP) family of endocytic adaptor proteins has the ability to engage multiple effectors and couple cargo trafficking with the cytoskeleton. CIN85 and CMS (Cas ligand with multiple Src homology 3 (SH3) domains) facilitate the formation of large multiprotein complexes required for an efficient internalization of cell surface receptors. It has recently been shown that c-Cbl/Cbl-b could mediate the formation of a ternary complex between one c-Cbl/Cbl-b molecule and two SH3 domains of CIN85, important for the ability of Cbl to promote epidermal growth factor receptor down-regulation. To further investigate whether multimerization is conserved within the family of adaptor proteins, we have solved the crystal structures of the CMS N-terminal SH3 domain-forming complexes with Cbl-b- and CD2-derived peptides. Together with biochemical evidence, the structures support the notion that, despite clear differences in the interaction surface, both Cbl-b and CD2 can mediate multimerization of N-terminal CMS SH3 domains. Detailed analyses on the interacting surfaces also provide the basis for a differential Cbl-b molecular recognition of CMS and CIN85.  相似文献   

The simplified SH3 domain sequence, FP1, obtained in phage display selection experiments has an amino acid composition that is 95% Ile, Lys, Glu, Ala, Gly. Here we use NMR to investigate the tertiary structure of FP1. We find that the overall topology of FP1 resembles that of the src SH3 domain, the hydrogen-deuterium exchange and chemical shift perturbation profiles are similar to those of naturally occurring SH3 domains, and the (15)N relaxation rates are in the range of naturally occurring small proteins. Guided by the structure, we further simplify the FP1 sequence and compare the effects on folding kinetics of point mutations in FP1 and the wild-type src SH3 domain. The results suggest that the folding transition state of FP1 is similar to but somewhat less polarized than that of the wild-type src SH3 domain.  相似文献   

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