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Summary The African grass Hyparrhenia rufa has established itself successfully in South American savannas (Llanos) and displaced dominant native grasses such as Trachypogon plumosus from the wetter and more fertile habitats. Several ecophysiological traits have been related to the higher competitive capacity of H. rufa. To further analyze the behavior of both species, their growth, biomass allocation, physiological and architectural responses to defoliation and water stress were compared under controlled conditions. Although total, aerial and underground biomass decreased under defoliation in both grasses, increases in clipped-leaf biomass and area compensated for defoliation in H. rufa but not in T. plumosus. This difference was due mainly to a higher proportion of assimilates being directed to leaf and tiller production and a higher leaf growth rate in the African grass as compared to T. plumosus, which showed incrased senescence under frequent defoliation. In both species, water stress ameliorated the effects of defoliation. The ability to compensate for defoliated biomass in H. rufa is possibly related to its long coevolution with large herbivores in its original African habitat and is apparently one of the causes of its success in Neotropical savannas.  相似文献   

Zdravko Baruch   《Flora》2005,200(1):49-64
The seasonal savannas dominated by the C4 grasses of the genus Trachypogon, are widespread in northern South America. In Venezuela, they extend from the central lowland Llanos to intermediate elevations in the Coastal and Andean Mountains and to the Guiana Plateau (Gran Sabana) in the south. This study aims to classify these savannas and to understand the environmental factors that determine their composition and structure. Thirty-seven sites were sampled, plant cover and density were measured in 376 one square meter quadrats and the importance value index (IVI) was calculated. Climate data were obtained from climatological stations and soil properties were analyzed. The results were classified by clustering and TWINSPAN. Floristic and environmental data were ordered with the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA).Trachypogon savannas are heterogeneous, both floristically and environmentally. An altitudinal gradient of 2000 m separates the intermediate elevation Coastal Mountains (Type I) and the Guiana savannas (Type II) from the lowland Llanos. In the lowlands, sparsely covered and treeless communities on extremely oligotrophic and sandy soils (Type IV) differ structurally and floristically from woody savannas (Type III). The floristics and structure of the savannas respond directly or indirectly to elevation and water and nutrient availability. These responses were evidenced by: (a) floristic composition, as Neotropical lowland savanna species merged with those of the Andean sub-páramo in Type I savannas or with those from the Guianan flora in Type II savannas. (b) Species richness, which ranged from an average of 13.8 per site in sandy Type IV savannas to 38.9 per site in Type I intermediate elevation savannas. (c) Community physiognomy, which changes from an homogeneous herbaceous matrix with dispersed trees in Type III savannas to a shrubby Type I savannas to “treeless” Types II and IV savannas. (d) Plant cover which varied from 93.8% in the fertile Type I savannas to around 80% in the sandy oligotrophic savannas of Types II and IV. Each savanna type is related to one of the major geomorphological regions of Venezuela.  相似文献   


Fire is a key factor triggering ecological processes in old-growth grasslands and savannas and could have strong implications for reproduction via seeds for the herbaceous layer. In the Neotropical savannas, grasses show strong synchronous post-fire flowering, and their reproduction is often considered fire-dependent, with their massive post-fire seed production being suggested as a source of population maintenance. However, literature lacks studies to provide evidence of fire-dependent flowering and no study has assessed the quality of the post-fire seed production. Therefore, we aimed to describe a phenological pattern across early-flowering Neotropical savanna grasses in both recently burnt and unburnt cerrado communities addressing three questions: (1) Do the early-flowering species rely on fire for reproduction via seeds? (2) If no, what are the effects of fire on their reproductive phenology? (3) Does the massive seed production in post-fire cerrado communities lead to high-quality seeds? We recorded the reproductive phenology of nine early-flowering grasses for 17 weeks in unburnt and recently burnt cerrado communities. We collected the seeds, estimated the production of fertile seeds, and tested germination. No species showed a pattern of fire-dependent reproduction. Fire stimulated earlier flowering while reproduction in the unburnt community was related to continuous rainfall. Seed production following fire was of low quality, and no species produced?>?7% fertile seeds. Seed germination remained below 50% for most species. Post-fire seed production of early-flowering species led to poor seed quality, suggesting a constraint to the recruitment of new individuals of early-flowering Neotropical savanna grasses in recently burnt cerrados.


Introduced African grasses are invading Neotropical savannas and displacing the native herbaceous community. This work, which is part of a program to understand the success of the African grasses, specifically investigates whether introduced and native grasses differ in their water relations. The water relations of the native Trachypogon plumosus and the successful invader Hyparrhenia rufa were studied in the field during two consecutive years in the seasonal savannas of Venezuela. The two C4 grasses differed clearly in their responses to water stress. H. rufa consistently had higher stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, leaf water and osmotic potential and osmotic adjustment than the native T. plumosus. Also, leaf senescence occurred much earlier during the dry season in H. rufa. Both grasses showed a combination of water stress evasion and tolerance mechanisms such as stomatal sensitivity to atmospheric or soil water stress, decreased transpiring area and osmotic adjustment. Evasion mechanisms are more conspicuous in H. rufa whereas T. plumosus is more drought tolerant and uses water more conservatively. The evasion mechanisms and oportunistic use of water by H. rufa, characteristic of invading species, contribute to, but only partially explain, the success of this grass in the Neotropical savannas where it displaces native plants from sites with better water and nutrient status. Conversely, the higher water stress tolerance of t. plumosus is consistent with its capacity to resist invasion by alien grasses on shallow soils and sites with poorer nutrient and water status.  相似文献   

Baruch Z  Jackson RB 《Oecologia》2005,145(4):522-532
The invasion of African grasses into Neotropical savannas has altered savanna composition, structure and function. The projected increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration has the potential to further alter the competitive relationship between native and invader grasses. The objective of this study was to quantify the responses of two populations of a widespread native C4 grass (Trachypogon plumosus) and two African C4 grass invaders (Hyparrhenia rufa and Melinis minutiflora) to high CO2 concentration interacting with two primary savanna stressors: drought and herbivory. Elevated CO2 increased the competitive potential of invader grasses in several ways. Germination and seedling size was promoted in introduced grasses. Under high CO2, the relative growth rate of young introduced grasses was twice that of native grass (0.58 g g−1 week−1 vs 0.25 g g−1 week−1). This initial growth advantage was maintained throughout the course of the study. Well-watered and unstressed African grasses also responded more to high CO2 than did the native grass (biomass increases of 21–47% compared with decreases of 13–51%). Observed higher water and nitrogen use efficiency of invader grasses may aid their establishment and competitive strength in unfertile sites, specially if the climate becomes drier. In addition, high CO2 promoted lower leaf N content more in the invader grasses. The more intensive land use, predicted to occur in this region, may interact with high CO2 to fincreasesavor the African grasses, as they generally recovered faster after simulated herbivory. The superiority of invader grasses under high CO2 suggests further in their competitive strength and a potential increased rate of displacement of the native savannas in the future by grasslands dominated by introduced African species.  相似文献   

To clarify mortality patterns of current-year shoots within the crown of Betula maximowicziana Regel after severe insect herbivory in central Hokkaido, northern Japan, we investigated the degree of defoliation, pattern of shoot development, shoot mortality, and leaf tissue-water relations. One hundred current-year long shoots growing in a B. maximowicziana plantation were observed for defoliation and mortality in June 2002. An outbreak of herbivorous insects (Caligula japonica and Lymantria dispar praeterea) occurred in the stand in mid-to-late June, and the monitored shoots were defoliated to various degrees. Within 1 month of defoliation, some of the severely defoliated shoots had produced new leaves on short shoots that had emerged from axillary buds. Stepwise logistic regression revealed that the probability that current-year long shoots would put out axillary short shoots with leaves is closely related to the degree of defoliation. To evaluate the water relations of the leaves, we determined pressure–volume curves for the leaves that survived the herbivorous insect outbreak and the new leaves that emerged after defoliation. The water potential at turgor loss (Ψl,tlp) and the osmotic potential at full turgidity (Ψπ,sat) were higher for the new leaves than for the surviving leaves, indicating a lower ability to maintain leaf cell turgor against leaf dehydration in the new leaves. Of the 100 shoots, 13 died after the emergence of new leaves. Stepwise logistic regression revealed that the probability that the long shoots would die generally increased with the emergence of new leaves, with increasing shoot height. This result suggests that the combined effect of the vulnerability of newly emerged leaves and low water availability, associated with higher shoot positions within the crown, caused shoot mortality. Based on our results, some possible mechanisms for mortality in severely defoliated B. maximowicziana are discussed.  相似文献   

We used experimental defoliations to examine the effect of leaf age on the timing of leaf shedding in two tropical dry forest trees. Trees of the deciduous Bombacopsis quinata (bombacaceae, a.k.a. Pachira quinata) and the brevi-deciduous Astronium graveolens (anacardiaceae) were manually defoliated for three times during the rainy season. All trees started to produce a new crown of leaves 2 weeks after defoliation, and continued expanding leaves throughout the rainy season. At the transition to the dry season, the experimental groups consisted of trees with known differences in maximum leaf age. Defoliations resulted in declines in stem growth but did not affect the mineral content or water relations of the leaves subsequently produced. There was no effect of leaf age on the timing of leaf abscission in B. quinata. In A. graveolens, the initiation of leaf shedding followed in rank order, the maximum leaf age of the four treatments, but there was substantial coherence among treatments in the major period of leaf abscission such that trees completed leaf shedding at the same time. In the two species, leaf water potential (ΨL) and stomatal conducantce (g S) declined with the onset of the dry season, reaching minimum values of –0.9 MPa in P. quinata and <–2.0 MPa in A. graveolens. Within each species, leaves of different age exhibited similar ΨL and g S at the onset of drought, and then decreased at a similar rate as the dry season progressed. Overall, our study suggests that the environmental factors were more important than leaf age in controlling the timing of leaf shedding.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis was used to determine sources of water used by coexisting trees and grasses in a temperate savanna dominated by Quercus emoryi Torr. We predicted that (1) tree seedlings and bunchgrasses utilize shallow sources of soil water, (2) mature savanna trees use deeper sources of water, and (3) trees switch from shallow to deep water sources within 1 year of germination. We found that Q. emoryi trees, saplings, and seedlings (about 2 months, 1 year, and 2 years old), and the dominant bunchgrass [Trachypogon montufari (H.B.K.) Nees.] utilized seasonally available moisture from different depths within the soil profile depending on size/age relationships. Sapling and mature Q. emoryi acquired water from >50 cm deep, 2-month-old seedlings utilized water from <15 cm, and 1- and 2-year-old seedlings and grasses used water from between 20 cm and 35 cm. This suggests that very young seedlings are decoupled from grasses in this system, which may facilitate germination and early establishment of Q. emoryi within extant stands of native grasses. The potential for subsequent interaction between Q. emoryi and native grasses was evidenced by similar patterns of soil water use by 1- and 2-year-old seedlings and grasses. Q. emoryi seedlings did not switch from shallow to deep sources of soil water within 2 years of germination: water use by these seedlings apparently becomes independent of water use by grasses after 2 years of age. Finally, older trees (saplings, mature trees) use water from deeper soil layers than grasses, which may facilitate the stable coexistence of mature trees and grasses. Potential shifts in the seasonality of precipitation may alter interactions between woody plants and grasses within temperate savannas characterized by bimodal precipitation regimes: reductions in summer precipitation or soil moisture may be particularly detrimental to warm-season grasses and seedlings of Q. emoryi. Received: 21 November 1996 / Accepted: 2 May 1997  相似文献   

Summary Two perennial tussock grasses of savannas were compared in a glasshouse study to determine why they differed in their ability to withstand frequent, heavy grazing; Cenchrus ciliaris is tolerant and Themeda triandra is intolerant of heavy grazing. Frequent defoliation at weekly intervals for six weeks reduced shoot biomass production over a subsequent 42 day regrowth period compared with previously undefoliated plants (infrequent) in T. triandra, but not in C. ciliaris. Leaf area of T. triandra expanded rapidly following defoliation but high initial relative growth rates of shoots were not sustained after 14 days of regrowth because of reducing light utilising efficiency of leaves. Frequently defoliated plants were slower in rate of leaf area expansion and this was associated with reduced photosynthetic capacity of newly formed leaves, lower allocation of photosynthate to leaves but not lower tiller numbers. T. triandra appears well adapted to a regime where defoliation is sufficiently infrequent to allow carbon to be fixed to replace that used in initial leaf area expansion. In contrast, C. ciliaris is better adapted to frequent defoliation than is T. triandra, because horizontally orientated nodal tillers are produced below the defoliation level. This morphological adaptation resulted in a 10-fold higher leaf area remaining after defoliation compared with similarly defoliated T. triandra, which together with the maintenance of moderate levels of light utilising efficiency, contributed to the higher leaf area and shoot weight throughout the regrowth period.  相似文献   

Abstract Exotic grasses are becoming increasingly abundant in Neotropical savannas, with Melinis minutiflora Beauv. being particularly invasive. To better understand the consequences for the native flora, we performed a field study to test the effect of this species on the establishment, survival and growth of seedlings of seven tree species native to the savannas and forests of the Cerrado region of Brazil. Seeds of the tree species were sown in 40 study plots, of which 20 were sites dominated by M. minutiflora, and 20 were dominated by native grasses. The exotic grass had no discernable effect on initial seedling emergence, as defined by the number of seedlings present at the end of the first growing season. Subsequent seedling survival in plots dominated by M. minutiflora was less than half that of plots dominated by native species. Consequently, at the end of the third growing season, invaded plots had only 44% as many seedlings as plots with native grasses. Above‐ground grass biomass of invaded plots was more than twice that of uninvaded plots, while seedling survival was negatively correlated with grass biomass, suggesting that competition for light may explain the low seedling survival where M. minutiflora is dominant. Soils of invaded plots had higher mean Ca, Mg and Zn, but these variables did not account for the higher grass biomass or the lower seedling survival in invaded plots. The results indicate that this exotic grass is having substantial effects on the dynamics of the tree community, with likely consequences for ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   

Communities subject to stress, including those with low invasibility, may be dominated by exotic generalist species. African grasses are aggressive invasive species in Neotropical savannas, where their response to abiotic stress remains unknown. We assessed the role of waterlogging and canopy closure on the presence, abundance and reproductive tillering of African and native grasses in a Neotropical savanna in southeastern Brazil. We obtained abundance and reproductive tillering data of exotic (Melinis minutiflora, Melinis repens and Urochloa decumbens) and common native grasses in 20 sites. We also determined the groundwater depth, soil surface water potential and canopy cover at these sites. The grass species generally had a low frequency and performed poorly where soil remained waterlogged throughout the year, except for two native species. Most native species were exclusive to either well‐drained savannas or better drained wet grasslands. However, two species (Loudetiopsis chrysothrix and Trachypogon spicatus) occurred in both vegetation types. Two exotic species (M. minutiflora and M. repens) were less common but demonstrated reasonable performance in wet grasslands, possibly due to their root system plasticity. Furthermore, U. decumbens had a lower occurrence, density and reproductive tillering at these sites, but was successful at sites where the groundwater level was slightly deeper. Although the favourable water regime in the savannas increases their invasibility in general, resistance to invasion by African grasses may be greater at microsites with high canopy closure, where these species showed lower performance and did not affect the abundance of co‐occurring native grasses. In summary, the Brazilian savanna becomes more susceptible to the spread of African grasses when disturbances decrease canopy closure or lower rainfall associated with climate change reduces the average groundwater depth and consequently releases invasive species from soil waterlogging in grasslands.  相似文献   

The cycling of surface water, energy, nutrients, and carbon is different between semiarid grassland and shrubland ecosystems. Although differences are evident when grasslands are compared to shrublands, the processes that contribute to this transition are more challenging to document. We evaluate how surface redistribution of precipitation and plant responses to the resulting infiltration patterns could contribute to the changes that occur during the transition from grassland to shrubland. We measured soil water potential under grasses (Bouteloua eriopoda), shrubs (Larrea tridentata) and bare soil and changes in plant water relations and gas exchange following a 15 mm summer storm in the grassland–shrubland ecotone at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico USA. Following the storm, soil water potential (Ψs) increased to 30 cm depth beneath both grass and shrub canopies, with the greatest change observed in the top 15 cm of the soil. The increase in Ψs was greater beneath grass canopies than beneath shrub canopies. Ψs under bare soil increased only to 5 cm depth. The substantial redistribution of rainfall and different rooting depths of the vegetation resulted in high Ψs throughout most of the rooting volume of the grasses whereas soil moisture was unchanged throughout a large portion of the shrub rooting volume. Consistent with this pattern, predawn water potential (ΨPD) of grasses increased more than 5 MPa to greater than −1 MPa whereas ΨPD of shrubs increased to −2.5 MPa, a change of less than 2 MPa. Transpiration increased roughly linearly with ΨPD in both grasses and shrubs. In grasses, assimilation was strongly correlated with ΨPD whereas there was no relationship in shrubs where assimilation showed no significant response to the pulse of soil moisture following the storm. These data show that preferential redistribution of water to grass canopies enhances transpiration and assimilation by grasses following large summer storms. This process may inhibit shrubland expansion at the ecotone during periods without extreme drought.  相似文献   

Dodd  M. B.  Lauenroth  W. K.  Welker  J. M. 《Oecologia》1998,117(4):504-512
We conducted a study to test the predictions of Walter's two-layer model in the shortgrass steppe of northeastern Colorado. The model suggests that grasses and woody plants use water resources from different layers of the soil profile. Four plant removal treatments were applied in the spring of 1996 within a plant community codominated by Atriplex canescens (a C4 shrub) and Bouteloua gracilis (a C4 grass). During the subsequent growing season, soil water content was monitored to a depth of 180 cm. In addition, stem and leaf tissue of Atriplex, Bouteloua and the streamside tree Populus sargentii were collected monthly during the growing seasons of 1995 and 1996 for analysis of the δ18O value of plant stem water (for comparison with potential water sources) and the δ13C value of leaves (as an indicator of plant water status). Selective removal of shrubs did not significantly increase water storage at any depth in the measured soil profile. Selective removal of the herbaceous understory (mainly grasses) increased water storage in the top 60 cm of the soil. Some of this water gradually percolated to lower layers, where it was utilized by the shrubs. Based on stem water δ18O values, grasses were exclusively using spring and summer rain extracted from the uppermost soil layers. In contrast, trees were exclusively using groundwater, and the consistent δ13C values of tree leaves over the course of the summer indicated no seasonal changes in gas exchange and therefore minimal water stress in this life-form. Based on anecdotal rooting-depth information and initial measurements of stem water δ18O, shrubs may have also had access to groundwater. However, their overall δ18O values indicated that they mainly used water from spring and summer precipitation events, extracted from subsurface soil layers. These findings indicate that the diversity of life-forms found in this shortgrass steppe community may be a function of the spatial partitioning of soil water resources, and their differential use by grasses, shrubs, and trees. Consequently, our findings support the two-layer model in a broad sense, but indicate a relatively flexible strategy of water acquisition by shrubs. Received: 23 December 1997 / Accepted: 16 September 1998  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH2) exchangeswere determined in the Trachypogon savannas of the Orinoco Llanosusing the energy balance approach. Total dry mass and separatedry mass values of plant parts were used for a growth analysisof the community and for measurements of nitrogen content. Duringthe growth period, the net assimilation (P40) ranged from 0.102to 0.127 MJ m–2 d–1 (6.6–7.9 g dry mass m–2d–1). These figures were similar to mean crop growth ratemeasured using the mass balance approach (2.8–6.9 g drymass m–2 d–1). Analysis of the daily trend of theCO2 assimilated by the community showed a low total energy conversionof net photosynthesis (x = 0.7) compared with the values reportedfor tropical grasses. During the dry season, the community conserved71% of the maximum N accumulated during the previous wet season.Sixty-eight per cent of the community nitrogen content was lostas volatile NH3 from the community during the reproductive period.Results suggested that the predominant net NH3 efflux from thevegetation was determined by the low concentration of NH3 inthe atmosphere ( 1.8 µg m–2) and the compensationconcentration point. However, N losses were balanced by annualnitrogen input to the community from precipitation and biologicalfixation. Thus, a redistribution rather than a loss of nitrogenseems to be occurring in the ecosystem. Carbon dioxide fluxes, ammonia fluxes, Trachypogon savannas, energy balance, growth analysis  相似文献   

Classical water relations theory predicts that predawn plant water potential should be in equilibrium with soil water potential (soil Ψw) around roots, and many interpretations of plant water status in natural populations are based on this expectation. We examined this expectation for two salt-tolerant, cold-desert shrub species in glasshouse experiments where frequent watering assured homogeneity in soil Ψw and soil-root hydraulic continuity and where NaCl controlled soil Ψw. Plant water potentials were measured with a pressure chamber (xylem Ψp) and thermocouple psychrometers (leaf Ψw). Soil Ψw was measured with in situ thermocouple psychrometers. Predawn leaf Ψw and xylem Ψp were significantly more negative than soil Ψw, for many treatments, indicating large predawn soil-plant Ψw disequilibria: up to 1.2 MPa for Chrysothamnus nauseosus (0 and 100 mm NaCl) and 1.8 MPa for Sarcobatus vermiculatus (0, 100, 300, and 600 mm NaCl). Significant nighttime canopy water loss was one mechanism contributing to predawn disequilibrium, assessed by comparison of xylem Ψp for bagged (to minimize transpiration) and unbagged canopies, and by gas exchange measurements. However, nighttime transpiration accounted for only part of the predawn disequilibrium. Other mechanisms that could act with nighttime transpiration to generate large predawn disequilibria are described and include a model of how leaf apoplastic solutes could contribute to the phenomenon. This study is among the first to conclusively document such large departures from the expectation of predawn soil-plant equilibrium for C3 shrubs, and provides a general framework for considering relative contributions of nighttime transpiration and other plant-related mechanisms to predawn disequilibrium. Received: 12 November 1998 / Accepted: 5 May 1999  相似文献   

The study presents a data set of above-ground biomass (AGB), structure, spacing and fire regime, for 24 stands of pristine Siberian Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests with lichens (n = 20) or Vaccinium/mosses (n = 4) as ground cover, along four chronosequences. The stands of the “lichen” site type (LT) were stratified into three chronosequences according to stand density and fire history. Allometric equations were established from 90 sample trees for stem, coarse branch, fine branch, twig and needle biomass. The LT stands exhibited a low but sustained biomass accumulation until a stand age of 383 years. AGB reached only 6–10 kgdw m−2 after 200 years depending on stand density and fire history compared to 20 kgdw m−2 in the “Vaccinium” type (VT) stands. Leaf area index (LAI) in the LT stands remained at 0.5–1.5 and crown cover was 30–60%, whereas LAI reached 2.5 and crown cover was >100% in the VT stands. Although nearest-neighbour analyses suggested the existence of density-dependent mortality, fire impact turned out to have a much stronger effect on density dynamics. Fire scar dating and calculation of mean and initial fire return intervals revealed that within the LT stands differences in structure and biomass were related to the severity of fire regimes, which in turn was related to the degree of landscape fragmentation by wetlands. Self-thinning analysis was used to define the local carrying capacity for biomass. A series of undisturbed LT stands was used to characterise the upper self-thinning boundary. Stands that had experienced a moderate fire regime were positioned well below the self-thinning boundary in a distinct fire-thinning band of reduced major axis regression slope −0.26. We discuss how this downward shift resulted from alternating phases of density reduction by fire and subsequent regrowth. We conclude that biomass in Siberian Scots pine forests is strongly influenced by fire and that climate change will affect ecosystem functions predominantly via changes in fire regimes. Received: 2 July 1998 / Accepted: 10 June 1999  相似文献   

The eastern Colorado shortgrass steppe is dominated by the C4 grass, Bouteloua gracilis, but contains a mixture of C3 grasses as well, including Pascopyrum smithii. Although the ecology of this region has been extensively studied, there is little information on how increasing atmospheric CO2 will affect it. This growth chamber study investigated gas exchange, water relations, growth, and biomass and carbohydrate partitioning in B. gracilis and P. smithii grown under present ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations of 350 μl l−1and 700 μl l−1, respectively, and two deficit irrigation regimes. The experiment was conducted in soil-packed columns planted to either species over a 2-month period under summer-like conditions and with no fertilizer additions. Our objective was to better understand how these species and the functional groups they represent will respond in future CO2-enriched environments. Leaf CO2 assimilation (A n), transpiration use efficiency (TUE, or A n/transpiration), plant growth, and whole-plant water use efficiency (WUE, or plant biomass production/water evapotranspired) of both species were greater at elevated CO2, although responses were more pronounced for P. smithii. Elevated CO2 enhanced photosynthesis, TUE, and growth in both species through higher soil water content (SWC) and leaf water potentials (Ψ) and stimulation of photosynthesis. Consumptive water use was greater and TUE less for P. smithii than B. gracilis during early growth when soil water was more available. Declining SWC with time was associated with a steadily increased sequestering of total non-structural carbohydrates (TNCs), storage carbohydrates (primarily fructans for P. smithii) and biomass in belowground organs of P. smithii, but not B. gracilis. The root:shoot ratio of P. smithii also increased at elevated CO2, while the root:shoot ratio of B. gracilis was unresponsive to CO2. These partitioning responses may be the consequence of different ontogenetic strategies of a cool-season and warm-season grass entering a warm, dry summer period; the cool-season P. smithii responds by sequestering TNCs belowground in preparation for summer dormancy, while resource partitioning of the warm-season B. gracilis remains unaltered. One consequence of greater partitioning of resources into P. smithii belowground organs in the present study was maintenance of higher Ψ and A n rates. This, along with differences in photosynthetic pathway, may have accounted for the greater responsiveness of P. smithii to CO2 enrichment compared to B. gracilis. Received: 21 July 1997 / Accepted: 16 December 1997  相似文献   


Earth’s tropical savannas typically support high biomass of diverse grazing herbivores that depend on a highly fluctuating resource: high-quality forage. An annual wet–dry cycle, fire and herbivory combine to influence forage quality and availability throughout the year. In the savannas of northern Australia, a depauperate suite of large native (marsupial) herbivores (wallaroos [Osphranter spp.] and the agile wallaby [Notamacropus agilis]) compete for resources with non-native large herbivores introduced in the late nineteenth century, particularly bovines (feral and managed cattle [Bos spp.] and feral water buffalo [Bubalus bubalis]) that now dominate the landscape. Anecdotal reports of recent population declines of large macropods and negative impacts of bovines highlight the need to better understand the complex relationship between forage, fire and abundance of native and introduced large herbivores. The pyric herbivory conceptual model, which posits complex feedbacks between fire and herbivory and was developed outside Australia, predicts that native and introduced large herbivores will both respond positively to post-fire forage production in Australian savannas where they co-occur. We used grazing exclosures, forage biomass and nutrient analyses and motion-sensor camera-trapping to evaluate the overall robustness of the pyric herbivory model in the Australian context, specifically whether forage quantity and quality are impacted by herbivory, season and fire activity, and which forage attributes most influence large grazing herbivore abundance. Forage quantity, as measured by live, dead and total herbaceous biomass and proportion of biomass alive, was higher inside herbivore exclosures, even at relatively low densities of herbivores. Forage quality, as measured by fibre content, was not affected by herbivory, however, crude protein content of live herbaceous biomass was greater outside herbivore exclosures. Recent fire was an important predictor of all measures of forage quantity and quality. Recent fire occurrence decreased overall quantity (biomass) but increased quality (decreased fibre content and increased crude protein content); late dry season fires resulted in forage with the highest crude protein content. The predictions of the pyric herbivory conceptual model are consistent with observations of the feeding behaviour of introduced bovines and some large macropods in northern Australian savannas, lending support to the global generality of pyric herbivory in fire-prone grassy biomes.


The study of carbohydrate metabolism in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. Bravo) during the first 48 h of regrowth showed that fructans from elongating leaf bases were hydrolysed first whereas fructans in mature leaf sheaths were degraded only after a lag of 1.5 h. In elongating leaf bases, the decline in fructan content occurred not only in the differentiation zone (30–60 mm from the leaf base), but also in the growth zone. Unlike other soluble carbohydrates, the net deposition rate of fructose remained positive and even rose during the first day following defoliation. The activity of fructan exohydrolase (FEH; EC was maximal in the differentiation zone before defoliation and increased in all segments, but peaked in the growth zone after defoliation. These data strongly indicate that fructans stored in the leaf growth zone were hydrolysed and recycled in that zone to sustain the refoliation immediately after defoliation. Despite the depletion of carbohydrates, leaves of defoliated plants elongated at a significantly higher rate than those of undefoliated plants, during the first 10 h of regrowth. This can be partly attributed to the transient increase in water and nitrate deposition rate. The results are discussed in relation to defoliation tolerance. Received: 16 June 2000 / Accepted: 17 October 2000  相似文献   

This study investigated the growth responses to defoliation, fire-exposure and climate factors of a widespread Africana savanna tree, Bauhinia thonningii Schumacher, at a site in central Zambia. Experimental trees (n = 47) were either exposed to fire (n = 12) in the first half of the dry season or protected from fire (n = 35). Some of the fire-protected trees (n = 12) were subjected to artificial defoliation in two consecutive years. Phenological responses (bud break, leaf flush and leaf production) to fire-exposure and defoliation were monitored on permanently marked sample shoots over a 2-year period. Radial tree growth (diameter at 1.3 m above ground) was measured annually over a 7-year period from 1998 to 2005. During the first two years, defoliation and fire-exposure advanced the onset of bud break and leaf flush but fire-exposed trees produced significantly less leaves than did trees protected from fire, probably because scorching caused more severe shoot die-back than is normal. Leaf production was also significantly affected by experimental treatments and their interaction with year. Although treatments had significant short-term effects on radial growth, previous-year growth significantly influenced current-year growth, thereby confirming the existence of autocorrelation in the time-series growth data of B. thonningii. The interaction between previous-year growth and climate factors explained a significant proportion (25–40%, P < 0.001) of the variance in annual tree growth. Variogram models predicted that a 2-year manual defoliation treatment would shorten the longer-term growth cycle while continuous fire-exposure extended the cycle by one year. The results are useful for the management of savanna trees.  相似文献   

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