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UCN-01 is a naturally derived anticancer agent isolated in the culture broth of actinomyces streptomyces. We have developed a sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of UCN-01 in human plasma. UCN-01 was isolated from human plasma after intravenous administration, by using 100% ice-cold acetonitrile liquid–liquid phase extraction. Liquid chromatographic separation was achieved by isocratic elution on a phenyl analytical column. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile–0.5 M ammonium acetate (45:55) with 0.2% triethylamine added as a modifier. The UCN-01 peak was identified from other peaks using fluorescence excitation energy and emission energy wavelengths of 310 and 410 nm, respectively. Retention time for UCN-01 was 4.2±0.5 min. The UCN-01 peak was baseline resolved, with nearest peak at 2.6 min distance. No interfering peaks were observed at the retention time of UCN-01. Peak area amounts from extracted samples were proportional over the dynamic concentration range used: 0.2 to 30 μg/ml. Mean recoveries of UCN-01 at concentrations of 0.5 and 25 μg/ml were 89 and 90.2%, respectively. Relative standard deviations for UCN-01 calibration standards ranged from 1.89 to 2.31%, with relative errors ranging from 0.3 to 11.6%. Assay precision for UCN-01 based on quality control samples of 0.50 μg/ml was ±4.86% with an accuracy of ±5.7%. For drug extracted from plasma the lowest limit of detection was 0.1 μg/ml, with the lowest limit of quantitation being 0.2 μg/ml. This method is suitable for routine analysis of UCN-01 in human plasma at concentration from 0.2 to 30 μg/ml.  相似文献   

We have established a highly sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of an anticancer drug, UCN-01, in human plasma or urine. Using a fluorescence detector set at an excitation wavelength of 310 nm and emission monitored at 410 nm, there was a good linearity for UCN-01 in human plasma (r=0.999) or urine (r=0.999) at concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 100 ng/ml or 1 to 400 ng/ml, respectively. For intra-day assay, in plasma samples, the precision and accuracy were 1.8% to 5.6% and −10.0% to 5.2%, respectively. For inter-day assay, the precision and accuracy were 2.0% to 18.2% and 2.4% to 10.0%, respectively. In urine samples, the intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy were within 3.9% and ±2.7%, respectively. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was set at 0.2 ng/ml in plasma and 1 ng/ml in urine. UCN-01 in plasma samples was stable up to two weeks at −80°C and also up to four weeks in urine samples. This method could be very useful for studying the human pharmacokinetics of UCN-01.  相似文献   

A selective HPLC assay is described for the determination of free and total (free plus polymer-bound) camptothecin (CPT) in human plasma after administration of the anti-tumor drug MAG-CPT (polymer bound camptothecin). Total CPT levels were determined after hydrolysis and free CPT was extracted from acidified plasma using Oasis solid-phase extraction material. Extracts were analyzed on a Zorbax SB-C8 analytical column, using a mixture of acetonitrile–25 mM phosphate buffer (pH 4.0) as the eluent. Detection was performed fluorimetrically. Concentrations of polymer-bound CPT were calculated by subtraction of free from total CPT. The lower limits of quantitation of the methods were 100 ng/ml for total and 1.0 ng/ml for free CPT using 50 μl and 250 μl plasma, respectively. Special attention was paid to the stability of the analytes. The presented method was successfully applied in a clinical pharmacokinetic study in our institute.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatographic methods that use direct injection of plasma include column-switching procedures, modified mobile phases and small-pore modified stationary phases. By using a large-pore (300 Å) Selectosil C18 column, developed for the analysis of macromolecules, we have shown that quinidine in plasma and protein solutions can be assayed accurately and rapidly by directly injecting 2 μl plasma or protein solution onto the column. Column life is not reduced, and the limit of quantitation is 0.01 μM.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay suitable for the analysis of the enantiomers of ketoprofen (KT), a 2-arylpropionic acid (2-APA) non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID), in plasma and urine was developed. Following the addition of racemic fenoprofen as internal standard (I.S.), plasma containing the KT enantiomers and I.S. was extracted by liquid-liquid extraction at an acidic pH. After evaporation of the organic layer, the drug and I.S. were reconstituted in mobile phase and injeted into the HPLC system. The enantiomers were separated at ambient temperature on a commercially available 250 × 4.3 mm amylose carbamate-packed chiral column (Chiralpak AD) column with hexane-isopropyl alcohol-trifluoroacetic acid (80:19.9:0.1, v/v/v) as the mobile phase pumped at 1.0 ml/min. The enantiomers of KT were quantified by ultraviolet detection with the wavelength set at 254 nm. The assay described allows for the direct quantification of KT enantiomers without pre-column derivatization, and is suitable for clinical studies of KT enantiomers in human plasma and urine after administration of therapeutic doses.  相似文献   

An isocratic HPLC method was developed and validated for the quantitation of methocarbamol in human plasma. Methocarbamol and internal standard in 200 μl of human plasma were extracted with ethyl acetate, evaporated to dryness and reconstituted in water. Separation was achieved on a reversed-phase C18 column with a mobile phase of methanol—0.1 M potassium phosphate monobasic—water (35:10:55, v/v/v). The detection was by ultraviolet at 272 nm. Linearity was established at 1–100 μg/ml (r > 0.999). The limit of quantitation was designed as 1 μg/ml to suit pharmacokinetic studies. Inter-day precision and accuracy of the calibration standards were 1.0 to 3.6% coefficients of variance (C.V.) and −2.0 to +1.6% relative error (R.E.). Quality controls of 3, 20 and 70 μg/ml showed inter-day precision and accuracy of 2.5 to 3.6% C.V. and −0.9 to −0.4% R.E. Recovery of methocarbamol was 91.4–100.3% in five different lots of plasma. The method was shown to be applicable on different brands of C18 columns.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed to measure megazol in human plasma. The method was optimized and validated according to the Washington Concensus Conference on the Validation of Analytical Methods (V.P. Shah et al., Eur. J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., 15 (1991) 249). The criteria of complete validation were specificity, linearity, precision, analytical recovery, dilution and stability. It involved extraction of the plasma with dichloromethane, followed by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using a KromasilR C8 column and UV detection at 360 nm. The retention times of the internal standard (tinidazol) and megazol were 6.10 and 9.60 min, respevtively. The standard curve was linear from 2 ng ml−1 (limit of quantification) to 2000 ng ml−1. The coefficients of variation for all the criteria of validation were less than 6%; 85 to 92% extraction efficiencies were obtained. Megazol was stable during the storage period (one month at −20°C) in plasma and for two months at 25°C in standard solution. The method was tested by measuring the plasma concentration following oral administration to rat and was shown to be suitable for pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of the novel ergoline derivatives sergolexole (compound I), its acid metabolite (compound II) and cis-n-(2-hydroxycyclopentyl)-6-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl) ergoline-8-carboxamide (LY215840, compound III) in human plasma is reported. The compounds were extracted from plasma by automated solid-phase extraction and analysed on a reversed-phase C8 column with fluorescence detection. The limit of quantification for all compounds was 10 ng/ml and the response was linear over the range 10–1000 ng/ml. Validation studies showed the method to be both repeatable and reproducible with no interference from human plasma. The method has been used to support pharmacokinetic studies and has proved to be robust and effective.  相似文献   

A rapid, specific, sensitive and economical method has been developed and validated for the determination of grepafloxacin in human plasma and urine. The assay consisted of reversed-phase HPLC with UV detection. Plasma proteins were removed by a fast and efficient procedure that has eliminated the need for costly extraction and evaporation. For the urine samples, the only required sample preparation was dilution. Separation was achieved on a reversed-phase TSK gel column with an isocratic mobile system. The method had a quantification limit of 0.05 μg/ml in plasma and 0.5 μg/ml in urine. The coefficients of variation (C.V.) were less than 4% for within- and between-day analyses. The method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic study, and was proved to be simple, fast and reproducible.  相似文献   

A rapid, selective and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with ultraviolet detection was developed for the determination of the anti-cancer agent Taxotere in biological fluids. The method involves a solid-phase extraction step (C2 ethyl microcolumns) using a Varian Advanced Automated Sample Processor (AASP) followed by reversed-phase HPLC. The validated quantitation range of the method is 10–2500 ng/ml in plasma with coefficients of variation ≤ 11%. The method is also suitable for the determination of Taxotere in urine samples under the same conditions. The method was applied in a phase I tolerance study of Taxotere in cancer patients, allowing the pharmacokinetic profile of Taxotere to be established.  相似文献   

A simple high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed for the determination of losartan and its E-3174 metabolite in human plasma, urine and dialysate. For plasma, a gradient mobile phase consisting of 25 mM potassium phosphate and acetonitrile pH 2.2 was used with a phenyl analytical column and fluorescence detection. For urine and dialysate, an isocratic mobile phase consisting of 25 mM potassium phosphate and acetonitrile (60:40, v/v) pH 2.2 was used. The method demonstrated linearity from 10 to 1000 ng/ml with a detection limit of 1 ng/ml for losartan and E-3174 using 10 μl of prepared plasma, urine or dialysate. The method was utilized in a study evaluating the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of losartan in patients with kidney failure undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).  相似文献   

A new sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with fluorescence detection was developed for the determination of 2-phenylethylamine (PEA) in human urine. The analytical procedure involved a simple extraction of the analyte from urine, followed by precolumn derivatisation of the sample with o-phthalaldehyde. The HPLC separation was performed under isocratic conditions using an Erbasil S C18 (250 × 4.0 mm I.D., particle size 3 μm) reversed-phase column. The limit of quantification was 0.5 ng of PEA/ml of urine. The method showed good linearity, accuracy and precision data in the concentration range 0.5–200 ng/ml of urine. The method was successfully applied to the determination of PEA urinary excretion in Parkinsonian patients after oral administration of the monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitor, selegiline.  相似文献   

A simple high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for the determination of ranitidine in human plasma. Prior to analysis, ranitidine and the internal standard (metoprolol) were extracted from alkalinized plasma samples using dichloromethane. The mobile phase was 0.05 M potassium dihydrogenphosphate–acetonitrile (88:12, v/v) adjusted to pH 6.5. Analysis was run at a flow-rate of 1.3 ml/min and at a detection wavelength of 229 nm. The method is sensitive with a detection limit of 1 ng/ml at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3:1, while the quantification limit was set at 15 ng/ml. The calibration curve was linear over a concentration range of 15–2000 ng/ml. Mean recovery value of the extraction procedure was about 90%, while the within-day and between-day coefficients of variation and percent error values of the assay method were all less than 15%.  相似文献   

A simple high-performance liquid chromatographic method using ultraviolet detection was developed for the determination of metformin in human plasma. The method entailed direct injection of the plasma sample after deproteination using perchloric acid. The mobile phase comprised 0.01 M potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (pH 3.5) and acetonitrile (60:40, v/v). Analyses were run at a flow-rate of 1.0 ml/min with the detector operating at a detection wavelength of 234 nm. The method is specific and sensitive, with a quantification limit of approximately 60 ng/ml and a detection limit of 15 ng/ml at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3:1. The mean absolute recovery value was about 97%, while the within-day and between-day coefficient of variation and percent error values of the assay method were all less than 8%. The calibration curve was linear over a concentration range of 62.5–4000 ng/ml.  相似文献   

A simple high-performance liquid chromatographic method using fluorescence detection was developed for the determination of vitamin E especially δ-, γ- and α-tocotrienols in human plasma. The method entailed direct injection of plasma sample after deproteinization using a 3:2 mixture of acetonitrile–tetrahydrofuran. The mobile phase comprised 0.5% (v/v) of distilled water in methanol. Analyses were run at a flow-rate of 1.5 ml/min with the detector operating at an excitation wavelength of 296 nm and emission wavelength of 330 nm. This method is specific and sensitive, with a quantification limit of approximately 40, 34 and 16 ng/ml for α-, γ- and δ-tocotrienol, respectively. The mean absolute recovery values were about 98% while the within-day and between-day relative standard deviation and percent error values of the assay method were all less than 12.0% for α-, γ- and δ-tocotrienol. The calibration curve was linear over a concentration range of 40–2500, 30–4000 and 16–1000 ng/ml for α-, γ- and δ-tocotrienol, respectively. Application of the method in a bioavailability study for determination of the above compounds was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) procedure for lamotrigine was developed and validated. Lamotrigine (LTG) and an internal standard were extracted from plasma using liquid–liquid extraction under alkaline conditions into an organic solvent. The method was linear in the range 0.78–46.95 μmol/l, with a mean coefficient of correlation (r)≥0.99923. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.19 and 0.58 μmol/l, respectively. Within- and between-run precision studies demonstrated C.V.<3% at all tested concentrations. LTG median recovery was 86.14%. Antiepileptic drugs tested did not interfere with the assay. The method showed to be appropriate for monitoring LTG in plasma samples.  相似文献   

A simple high-performance liquid chromatographic method using fluorescence detection was developed for the determination of ketoconazole in human plasma. The method entailed direct injection of the plasma sample after deproteinization using acetonitrile. The mobile phase comprised 0.05 M disodium hydrogen orthophosphate and acetonitrile (50:50, v/v) adjusted to pH 6. Analysis was run at a flow-rate of 1.5 ml/min with the detector operating at an excitation wavelength of 260 nm and an emission wavelength of 375 nm. The method is specific and sensitive with a quantification limit of approximately 60 ng/ml and a detection limit of 40 ng/ml at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3:1. Mean absolute recovery value was about 105%, while the within-day and between-day coefficient of variation and percent error values of the assay method were all less than 14%. The calibration curve was linear over a concentration range of 62.5–8000 ng/ml.  相似文献   

A sensitive quantitation of the lactone form and the lactone plus hydroxy-acid forms of DX-8951, a camptothecin derivative, in human plasma has been investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This assay method consisted of two analytical procedures. In Procedure I, the lactone form was collected by the stepwise separation on a C18 cartridge. In Procedure II, the lactone plus hydroxy-acid forms were collected using another batch of the plasma sample by co-elution of the two forms from a C18 cartridge with acidic solution. The hydroxy-acid form of DX-8951 was quantitated from the difference of the lactone plus hydroxy-acid forms and the lactone form. Thereafter, these pre-treated samples were assayed by HPLC under the same HPLC conditions with a spectrofluorometer and a reverse-phase ODS column. The mobile phase was acetonitrile/0.05 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate (pH 3) (18:82, v/v) at a flow-rate of 1.0 ml/min. For the assay of the lactone form and the lactone plus hydroxy-acid forms of DX-8951 in plasma, analytical method were validated over the range 0.2–50 ng/ml.  相似文献   

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