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J D Bahk  H Sakai  T Komano 《Gene》1988,65(1):93-99
Using the plaque assay system for screening the single-strand (ss) initiation determinant (ssi) sequences, we have found that 119-bp region in pACYC184, a derivative of the plasmid P15A of Escherichia coli, can direct such ss DNA initiation. This region is located downstream from the P15A origin of replication and conserves consensus sequences of the ssi signals found in the other plasmids. Signals for ss DNA initiation are defined as nucleotide sequences present on ss DNA templates and required for priming DNA synthesis. The direction of chain elongation in DNA synthesis is opposite to that of the leading strand. In this region, we found a potential stem-and-loop structure. The 119-bp DNA segment of plasmid pACYC184 cloned in f1R199 filamentous phage could direct rifampicin-resistant conversion of the ss DNA to the double-stranded replicative form.  相似文献   

Animesh Ray  Ron Skurray 《Plasmid》1984,11(3):272-275
The leading region of the F plasmid is, by definition, the first part of the plasmid DNA to be transferred to the recipient cell during conjugation. Restriction fragments of the leading region, when cloned into the plasmid vector pACYC184, extended the maintenance of the normally unstable p15A-derived vector replicon in rec+ Escherichia coli K-12 cells. Mutations in the host's general recombination systems were found to influence the maintenance of these hybrid plasmids.  相似文献   

Forty-nine Tn3 and Tn5 transposition insertion mutations were introduced into the virulence region of the pTiA6NC plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Five Tn5 transposition mutations from an earlier study (D. Garfinkel and E. Nester, J. Bacteriol. 144:732-743, 1980) were also mapped more accurately. These mutations defined five separate loci within the virulence region. Two Tn3 insertions into one of these loci, virA, result in a strain which is only weakly virulent; however, a Tn5 insertion into this locus eliminates virulence. One Tn5 insertion into another locus, virC, results in a strain which is weakly virulent. Two additional Tn5 insertions into this locus eliminate virulence. Insertions into the remaining three loci eliminate virulence entirely.  相似文献   

G. Riess  B. Masepohl  A. Puehler 《Plasmid》1983,10(2):111-118
Escherichia coli plasmids like pACYC184 or pBR325 can be mobilized by the P-type plasmid R68.45, which carries a tandem duplication of insertion element IS21, at a frequency of 10?3–10?5 per donor cell. Analysis of exconjugant cells revealed that plasmid mobilization occurs via cointegrate formation involving transposition of IS21. No resolution of cointegrates of pACYC184 and the P-type plasmid could be found in recA recipient cells. In the cointegrate, the E. coli plasmid is flanked by single copies of IS21 in direct orientation. After resolution of the cointegrate in recA+ recipients, the mobilizing plasmid R68.45 lost one copy of IS21 becoming indistinguishable from plasmid R68. It was shown that during mobilization, insertion element IS21 transposes to the mobilized plasmid. Insertion sites and orientations of IS21 in 33 pACYC184::IS21 insertion mutants have been determined: IS21 was found to be integrated in plasmid pACYC184 in different regions but only in one orientation. The IS21 tandem structure of plasmid R68.45 and its role in the mobilization process is discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of pACYC184.   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文

The plasmid pACYC184 is shown to be mobilized for conjugal transfer in Escherichia coli cells by the deleted (Tn7-TcR) derivatives of the hybrid conjugative plasmid pAS8-121 (RP4-Co1E1). Both the mobilized and mobilizing plasmids are autonomously inherited by the recipient cells when the mobilizing plasmid carries single copy of IS8 (the plasmid pAS8-121 delta 16). Cointegrates pAS8-121 delta 16D:: ::pACYC184 are found in the recipient cells with pACYC184 being inserted between two repeats of IS8 if the derivate plasmid pAS8-121 delta 16D having the duplication of IS8 is used to mobilize pACYC184 for conjugal transfer. The insertion of pACYC184 between IS8 repeats in the plasmid pAS8-121 delta 16D eliminates the plasmid ability to be inserted with high frequency into the chromosome of the phototrophic bacterium R. sphaeroides 2R. The cointegrate pAS8-121 delta 16D:: pACYC184 is stable but can be resolved during the transformation deriving the plasmid pACYC184:: IS8. The latter may be used as a probe for isolation and analysis of IS8 DNA sequences and for constructing the vectors on the basis of pACYC184.  相似文献   

We use a mathematical model to analyze the dynamics of loss of nonconjugative pACYC184 from populations of Escherichia coli B in glucose-limited continuous culture. This model incorporates both plasmid segregation and selection against plasmid carriage. It is concluded that there is intense selection against plasmid carriage (s = 0.3 per culture generation), which amplifies the frequency of segregants arising de novo.  相似文献   

It was found that monomers of the pACYC184 plasmid undergo superoligomerization in a recB mutant of Escherichia coli K12 which is deficient in ATP-dependent RecBC nuclease and carries the drug resistance plasmid R1drd-19. The observed effect is specifically related to the ability of R1drd-19 to determine an ATP-dependent exonucleolytic activity which is functionally similar but not identical to the RecBC nuclease. The oligomerization of pACYC184 is accompanied by the formation of high-order circular structures, and this leads to elimination of the plasmid from cells growing under non-selective conditions.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii is an intracellular bacterial pathogen which causes Q fever in humans and other animals. Most of the isolates found carry plasmids which share considerable homology. Unfortunately all of these plasmids remain cryptic. Initial attempts to look for secreted or membrane proteins encoded by these plasmids using TnphoA mutagenesis revealed an open reading frame on the EcoRI-fragment C of the plasmid QpH1. Upstream DNA sequencing of the TnphoA insertions revealed a deduced peptide sequence with homology to the SopA protein which is encoded by the F plasmid in Escherichia coli. Maxi-cell analysis showed that fragment C encoded two proteins: one was 43.5 kDa in size and designated QsopA, and a second was 38 kDa in size. These proteins are similar in molecular weight to the SopA and SopB proteins, which are essential components of the partition mechanism of the F plasmid. The region appears to be conserved in plasmids QpRS, QpDV, and QpDG, but is absent in a plasmidless isolate in which plasmid sequences have integrated into the chromosomal DNA. Complementation studies demonstrated that fragment C has a plasmid partitioning function and can restore maintenance stability of the partition-defective mini-F plasmid. These data suggest that fragment C carries the plasmid partition region of the plasmid QpH1.  相似文献   

A single-strand initiation (ssi) signal was detected on the Lactococcus lactis plasmid pGKV21 containing the replicon of pWV01 by its ability to complement the poor growth of an M13 phage derivative (M13 delta lac182) lacking the complementary-strand origin in Escherichia coli. This ssi signal was situated at the 229-nucleotide (nt) DdeI-DraI fragment and located within the 109 nt upstream of the nick site of the putative plus origin. SSI activity is orientation specific with respect to the direction of replication. We constructed an ssi signal-deleted plasmid and then examined the effects of the ssi signal on the conversion of the single-stranded replication intermediate to double-stranded plasmid DNA in E. coli. The plasmid lacking an ssi signal accumulated much more plasmid single-stranded DNA than the wild-type plasmid did. Moreover, deletion of this region caused a great reduction in plasmid copy number or plasmid maintenance. These results suggest that in E. coli, this ssi signal directs its lagging-strand synthesis as a minus origin of plasmid pGKV21. Primer RNA synthesis in vitro suggests that E. coli RNA polymerase directly recognizes the 229-nt ssi signal and synthesizes primer RNA dependent on the presence of E. coli single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein. This region contains two stem-loop structures, stem-loop I and stem-loop II. Deletion of stem-loop I portion results in loss of priming activity by E. coli RNA polymerase, suggesting that stem-loop I portion is essential for priming by E. coli RNA polymerase on the SSB-coated single-stranded DNA template.  相似文献   

Plasmid stability was studied in antibiotic-free chemo-stat cultures . Disruption, either by deletion or insertion, of the tetracycline resistance gene in the EcoRl/EcoRV region of the cloning vector pBR322 or in the HindIII]BamHl region of pACYCI84 yields plasmids markedly more stable than the parent plasmids. Thus, at least for these two instances, cloning of a partitioning (par) locus is not prerequisite for plasmid maintenance.Issued as NRCC publication No. 23992.  相似文献   

Mutational and physical analysis of F plasmid traY protein binding to oriT   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
F plasmid traY protein binding to wild-type or deleted regions containing the TraY-binding site, sbyA, was studied in vitro. The principal DNA-protein complex was formed with DNA segments including the sbyA site defined by footprinting and (with lesser affinity) with truncated segments that retained the leftward two-thirds of sbyA. This located the major sequence determinants for TraY binding between bp 204 and 227 on the oriT map. For all sequences tested, bound TraY induced bending of approximateiy 50 to 55°, and centred between bp 214 and 221. Thermodynamic and mobility analyses indicated that two TraY protomers bind to sbyA. At higher TraY concentrations, additional TraY bound to the left of the sbyA in a region previously shown to bind IHF (site IHF A). TraY binding to this additional site (sbyC) was inhibited by IHF. Sequence similarities shared by sbyA, sbyB, and SbyC may include the critical base pairs for TraY binding.  相似文献   

H Park  M Inouye 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(13):4382-4390
EnvZ, a transmembrane signal transducer, is composed of a periplasmic sensor domain, transmembrane domains, and a cytoplasmic signaling domain. Between the second transmembrane domain and the cytoplasmic signaling domain there is a linker domain consisting of approximately 50 residues. In this study, we investigated the functional role of the EnvZ linker domain with respect to signal transduction. Amino acid sequence alignment of linker regions among various bacterial signal transducer proteins does not show a high sequence identity but suggests a common helix 1-loop-helix 2 structure. Among several mutations introduced in the EnvZ linker region, it was found that hydrophobic-to-charged amino acid substitutions in helix 1 and helix 2 and deletions in helix 1, loop, and helix 2 (delta14, delta8, and delta7) resulted in constitutive OmpC expression. In the linker mutant EnvZ x delta7, both kinase and phosphatase activities were significantly reduced but the ratio of kinase to phosphatase activity increased, consistent with the constitutive OmpC expression. In contrast, the purified cytoplasmic fragment of EnvZ x delta7 possessed both kinase and phosphatase activities at levels similar to those of the cytoplasmic fragment of wild-type EnvZ. In addition, the linker mutations had no direct effect on EnvZ C-terminal dimerization. These results together with previous data suggest that the linker region is not directly involved in EnvZ enzymatic activities and that it may have a crucial role in propagating a conformational change to ensure correct positioning of two EnvZ molecules within a dimer during the transmembrane signaling.  相似文献   

The tra gene of Streptomyces lividans plasmid pIJ101 encodes a 621-amino-acid protein that can mediate both plasmid transfer and the interbacterial transfer of chromosomal genes (i.e., chromosome-mobilizing ability [Cma]) during mating. Here we report the results of in-frame insertional mutagenesis studies aimed at defining regions of Tra required for these functions. While hexameric linker insertions throughout the tra gene affected plasmid and chromosomal gene transfer, insertions in a 200-amino-acid region of the Tra protein that contains presumed nucleotide-binding motifs and that is widely conserved among a functionally diverse family of bacterial and plasmid proteins (K. J. Begg, S. J. Dewar, and W. D. Donachie, J. Bacteriol. 177:6211-6222, 1995) had especially prominent effects on both functions. Insertions near the N terminus of Tra reduced Cma for either circular or linear host chromosomes to a much greater extent than pIJ101 plasmid transfer. Our results suggest that Cma involves Tra functions incremental to those needed for plasmid DNA transfer.  相似文献   

Summary The maintenance of multicopy plasmids pBR322 and pACYC184 was studied in chemostat cultures subjected to limitation by glucose, ribitol or xylitol at D of 0.1 per h. While carbon source-dependent segregational stability of pBR322 was observed, no dependence and greater instability of pACYC184 was found. Plasmid-free and plasmid-bearing strains overproducing chromosomally coded ribitol dehydrogenase were found in pentitol-limited chemostat cultures.  相似文献   

The first 4 residues of parathyroid hormone (PTH) are highly conserved in evolution and are important for biological activity. We randomly mutated codons 1-4 of human PTH (hPTH) with degenerate oligonucleotides and, after expression in COS cells, screened the mutants for receptor binding and cAMP-stimulating activity using ROS 17/2.8 cells. This survey identified Glu4 and Val2 as important determinants of receptor binding and activation, respectively. Positions 1 and 3 were more tolerant of substitutions indicating that these sites are less vital to hormone function. Activities of synthetic hPTH(1-34) analogs further demonstrated the importance of positions 2 and 4. The binding affinity of [Ala4,Tyr34] hPTH(1-34)NH2 was 100-fold reduced relative to [Tyr34]hPTH(1-34)NH2 (Kd values = 653 +/- 270 and 4 +/- 1 nM, respectively), and [Arg2, Tyr34]hPTH(1-34)NH2 was a weak partial agonist which bound well to the ROS cell receptor (Kd = 31 +/- 10 nM). The Arg2 analog was nearly as potent as PTH(3-34) as an in vitro PTH antagonist in osteoblast derived cells. However, unlike PTH(3-34), [Arg2]PTH was a full agonist in opossum kidney (OK) cells. These observations suggest that the activation domains of the OK and ROS cell PTH receptors are different. Thus, amino-terminal PTH analogs may be useful as probes for distinguishing properties of PTH receptors.  相似文献   

A study was made of the functional role of the ArdA antirestriction motif (130-LLADVPETVALYFD-143) conserved among all known Ard (alleviation of restriction of DNA) proteins, which are encoded by self-transmissible plasmids and specifically inhibit type I restriction-modification systems. Conserved residues of the motif were individually changed, and the resulting mutants tested for in vivo activity. Hydrophobic L130, L131, and V138 were substituted with negatively charged E; negatively charged D133, E136, and D143 substituted with hydrophobic V; and D127, D150, and D154 neighboring the antirestriction motif substituted with V. Four substitutions (L130E, L131E, V138E, and D143V) substantially (25-1000 times) reduced the ArdA activity. The other substitutions within or beyond the motif had no appreciable effect. Substitutions L130A and L131A each reduced the ArdA activity 10- to 20-fold, indicating that high hydrophobicity of L130 and L131 is important for the ArdA function. Thus, the antirestriction role of ArdA is indeed due to its conserved motif.  相似文献   

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